This library provides Json Web Key (JWK) APIs. JWS is defined in RFC 7517.
This library also supports OKP defined in RFC 8037.
This library also supports curve secp256k1
RFC 8812,
as well as the P-256K
which is defined in the draft 00 of the RFC.
The following examples show how to interact with keys from
(sagittarius crypto keys)
;; (sagittarius crypto keys) keys to JWK/JWKS
(import (rnrs)
(sagittarius crypto keys)
(rfc jwk))
(define keypair (generate-key-pair *key:ed25519*))
(define private-key (key-pair-private keypair))
(define jwk-config (jwk-config-builder (kid "my key id")))
(let ((jwks (make-jwk-set (list (key->jwk private-key jwk-config)))))
(jwk-set->json-string jwks) ;; -> {"keys":[{"kid":"my key id",...}]}
(jwk-set:find-key jwks (jwk-matcher:kid "my key id")) ;; -> #<jwk>
(jwk-set->public-jwk-set jwks)) ;; -> #<jwk-set> contains only public key
;; JWK/JWKS to (sagittarius crypto keys) key
(import (rnrs)
(sagittarius crypto keys)
(rfc jwk))
;; JWKS with EC private key
(define jwks-json
#(("kty" . "EC")
("crv" . "P-256")
("x" . "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4")
("y" . "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM")
("d" . "870MB6gfuTJ4HtUnUvYMyJpr5eUZNP4Bk43bVdj3eAE")
("use" . "enc")
("kid" . "1")))))
(define jwks (json->jwk-set jwks-json))
(define kid-matcher (jwk-matcher:kid "1"))
(define jwk (jwk-set:find-key jwks kid-matcher))
(jwk->public-key jwk) ;; -> ECDSA public key
(jwk->private-key jwk) ;; -> ECDSA private key
JWK Set (JWKS) is an object represents a set of JWKs.
Returns #t if the given obj is a JWKS object otherwise #f.
Construct a newly allocated JWKS object whose keys are keys.
keys must be a list of JWK objects.
Retrieves a list of JWKs from the given jwk-set.
Construct JWKS from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.
If the first form of read-jwk-set
is used, then it reads from
current input port.
Serialize the given jwk-set to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.
If first form of write-jwk-set
is used, then it writes the
serialized JWK set to current output port.
Finds a key which matches to jwk-matcher from given jwk-set.
A JWK matcher is a procedure takes one argument, jwk, and returns the given jwk if it matches the condition otherwise returns #f.
The matchers provided by this library complies to the above so that users can compose matchers like this:
(import (rnrs)
(rfc jwk)
(sagittarius combinators))
(define kid/alg-matcher
(compose (jwk-matcher:kid "kid") (jwk-matcher:alg 'EdDSA)))
Creates a JWK matcher which checks kty
, use
, alg
, x5t
, x5t-s256
or crv
field of the
target JWK is equal to obj, respectively.
Creates a JWK matcher which checks key-ops
field of the
target JWK contains given obj.
Convenient JWK matchers which check kty
to be RSA
, oct
or OKP
, respectively.
JWK is an object which contains key information. The object contains the following fields:
: key type, symbol
: key usage, symbol, must be either sig
or enc
: key operation, a list of symbols
: key algorithm, symbol
: key ID
: URL of certificate
: Certificate chain, list of x509 certificate
: SHA-1 certificate finger print, bytevector
: SHA-256 certificate finger print, bytevector
Returns #t if the given obj is a JWK object otherwise #f.
Retrieves the field value of jwk.
Construct JWK from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.
If the first form of read-jwk
is used, then it reads from
current input port.
Serialize the given jwk to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.
If first form of write-jwk
is used, then it writes the
serialized JWK to current output port.
The below conversion procedures raise an error if the conversion is
not possible. For example, key type oct
can't be public key.
Convert given jwk to (sagittarius crypto keys)
public key and private key,
Convert given jwk to octet key bytevector.
Convert given jwk to JWK which only contains public key information.
Returns #t if the given obj is a JWK config object otherwise #f.
JWK may contain meta data, such as kid
, to provide the information,
users can use JWK config object. The object has the below fields:
: key usage, symbol, must be either sig
or enc
: key ID
: key operation, a list of symbols
: key algorithm, symbol
: URL of certificate
: Certificate chain, list of x509 certificate
: RSA public key exponent
is provided due to the historical reason of not to have public
exponent in non CRT RSA private key. By default, the value is 65537.
A builder macro of JWK config. The macro is generated by
(record builder)
. see (record builder)for more details.
Construct JWK config from given jwk.
Converts given key to JWK object.
If the second form is used, then the returning JWK contains the configured information.
The key must be one of public key, private key, or secret key of
(sagittarius crypto keys)