(rfc jwe) - Json Web Encryption

Library (rfc jwe)

This library provides Json Web Encryption (JWE) APIs. JWE is defined in RFC 7516.

The following example shows how to exchange secret key.

(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwe)
        (rfc jwk))

(define jwk-bob

(define jwe-header
   (alg 'ECDH-ES+A128KW)
   (enc 'A128GCM)
   (apu "QWxpY2U")
   (apv "Qm9i")))

;; Alice wants to encrypt with Bob's public key
(define alice-encryptor (make-ecdh-jwe-encryptor (jwk->public-key jwk-bob)))

;; Bob needs to decrypt Alice's message with his private key
(define bob-decryptor (make-ecdh-jwe-decryptor jwk-bob))

(define secret-key (string->utf8 "down the rabbit hole"))

(let ((jwe-object (jwe:encrypt alice-encryptor jwe-header secret-key)))
  (jwe:serialize jwe-object) ;; -> compact JWE string
  (let ((secret-key (jwe:decrypt bob-decryptor jwe-object)))
    (utf8->string secret-key))) ;; -> "down the rabbit hole"

The above is just a taste of how to share a secret key without shared secret. In the real world application, you should implement your application more carefully.

JWE Object

Record Type <jwe-object>

The record type of JWE objects. JWS object has 5 fields, header, encrypted-key, iv, cipher-text and authentication-tag.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWE object otherwise #f.

Construct a newly allocated JWE object.

This constructor doesn't validate if the cipher-text can be decrypted by the encrypted-key as that's not possible.

NOTE: This constructor is not meant be used by users.

Returns the value of header field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of encrypted-key field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of iv field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of cipher-text field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of authentication-tag field of given jwe-object

JWE Header

Record Type <jwe-header>

The record type of JWE header.

This record type has the below fields:

The above fields have accessors prefixed jwe-header-. For example, to read typ field, you can use jwe-header-typ procedure.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWE header, otherwise #f.

A builder macro of JWE header. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

Serialize the given json-header to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jwe-header is used, then it writes the serialized JWE header to current output port.

Construct JWE header from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jwe-header is used, then it reads from current input port.

JWE Operations

Parse the given compact JWE of string and return JWE object.

If the format of the given string is invalid, then an error is signaled.

Serialize the given jwe-object to compact JWE form.

Returns a JWE object whose cipher-text is the encrypted payload.

The jwe-encryptor must be one of the JWE encryptors described below section.

The jwe-header must be a JWE header object.

The plain-text must be a bytevector.

Returns decrypted cipher-text as a bytevector.

The jwe-decryptor must be one of the JWE decryptors described below section.

The jwe-object must be a JWE object.

If the second form is used, then the crit paramteters of the header will be checked.

JWE Encryptors

JWE encryptor is a procedure takes two arguments, JWE header and plain text.

key must be a EC JWK, OKP JWK, EcDSA public key, X25519 public key or X448 public key.

Creates a ECDH JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A198KW, and ECDH-ES+A256KW algorithms.

key must be a RSA JWK or RSA public key.

Creates a RSA JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-256 algorithms.

key must be a OCT JWK or AES secret key.

Creates a AESKW JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, and A256GCMKW, algorithms.

password must be a string or a bytevector.

Creates a PBES2 JWE encryptor.

key must be an AES secret key.

Creates a direct JWE encryptor.

This encryptor uses given key as CEK.

JWE Decryptors

JWE decryptor is a procedure takes 5 arguments, JWE header, encrypted key, IV, cipher text and authentication tag.

key must be a EC JWK, OKP JWK, EcDSA private key, X25519 private key or X448 private key.

Creates a ECDH JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A198KW, and ECDH-ES+A256KW algorithms.

key must be a RSA JWK or RSA private key.

Creates a RSA JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-256 algorithms.

key must be a OCT JWK or AES secret key.

Creates a AESKW JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, and A256GCMKW, algorithms.

password must be a string or a bytevector.

Creates a PBES2 JWE decryptor.

key must be an AES secret key.

Creates a direct JWE decryptor.

This decryptor uses given key as CEK.