(math) - Mathematics library

Deprecated library

This library is deprecated, please consider to use Cryptographic libraries instead.

This section describes matheatics operations which are used by (crypto)library.

This library also uses libtomcrypt as its implemention except prime number operations.

Library (math)

The top most level library of mathematics. It exports all of procedures from (math random), (math hash), (math prime) and (math helper)

Random number operations

This library exports procedures for random numbers.

type must be a string.

Creates a pseudo random object (prng). If keyword argument reader is given it creates a custom prng. The reader must be a procedure which accepts two argument, a bytevector and integer. It must fill the given bytevector with random numbers.

type is used to specify the builtin pseudo random algorithm. The possible algorithms are below:

Constant Yarrow
Constant Fortuna
Constant RC4
Constant SOBER-128

The following is also a psuedo random but this may or may not be cryptographic random generator.

Constant System

System prng uses platform random generator. For example, on Unix like environment, this uses /dev/urandom or /dev/random if the first option is not available.

seed is entropy of the pseudo random.

Note: each time if you create pseudo random, it returns exactly the same value. For example:

(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (r '() (cons (random (pseudo-random RC4) 10) r)))
    ((= i 10) r))
'(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

So if you need different number as I believe, you need to reuse the prng object like this

(let ((rc (pseudo-random RC4)))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (r '() (cons (random rc 10) r)))
      ((= i 10) r)))
'(3 4 0 6 7 4 3 4 2 0)

If you don't want to care this behaviour, use secure-random below.

type must be one of the pseudo random algorithms.

Creates secure random object.

bit is initial entropy of the pseudo random. It must be in between 64 to 1028.

Function prng? obj

Returns #t if obj is prng object, builtin pseudo random objcet, custom random object or secure random object respectively.

seed must be a bytevector or integer.

Add entropy to given prng.

Returns random number according to given prng algorithm. The result number will be less than size.

Keyword argument read-size will be passed to read-random-bytes.

size must a positive fixnum.

Reads size bytes of random byte from prng.

Returns given prng's state if the pseudo random implementation allows.

For default built in pseudo randoms return #f.

NOTE: if <secure-random> is implemented, then the pseudo random implementation should not return the state.

Reads random bytes from given prng.

The first form creates fresh bytevector with size size.

The second form reads random bytes from prng and sets the result into the given bv destructively.

If the second form is used, bv must have the length at least size.

Returns given the (+ (* bits 8) (if (zero? (mod bits 8)) 1 0)) bits of random bytevector.

bv must be a bytevector.
start must be an exact non negative integer.
len must be an exact non negative integer.

Reads random bytes from a system random generator and store it into bv.
If the second form is used, then it stores from the start position.
If the third form is used, then it stores the len bytes from the start.

Custom pseudo random operations

Since version 0.3.2, pseudo random also has custom operations. Similar with cipher spi or hash algorithm.

The following example describes how to make it.

;; the code snipet is from math/mt-random
(define-class <mersenne-twister> (<user-prng>)
  (;; The array for the state vector
   ;; using bytevector, it needs to be 64 bit aligned.
   (state :init-keyword :state :init-form (make-bytevector (* NN 8)))
   ;; mti==NN+1 means MT[NN] is not initialized
   (mti   :init-keyword :mti   :init-form (+ NN 1))))
(define-method initialize ((o <mersenne-twister>) initargs)
  (let ((seed (get-keyword :seed initargs #f)))
    (slot-set! o 'set-seed! mt-set-seed)
    (slot-set! o 'read-random! mt-read-random!)
    (when seed
      (mt-set-seed o seed))))

User just need to set the slots set-seed! and read-random!. Then other process is done by lower layer.

Following describes the meaning of these slots.

The slot set-seed! requires a procedure which accepts 2 arguments, target pseudo random and seed. seed must be bytevector.

The slot read-random! requires a pseudo which accepts 3 arguments, target pseudo random buffer and bytes. buffer must be a bytevector and have bigger size than given bytes. bytes must be a non negative fixnum.

NOTE: The custom pseudo random interface has been changed since version 0.3.6. Make sure which version of Sagittarius your application using.

Hash operations

This library exports procedures for hash (digest) operations.

name must be a string.

Creates a hash-algorithm object. name specifies its algorithm. The predefined algorithms are blow:

Constant SHA-512
Constant SHA-384
Constant SHA-256
Constant SHA-224
Constant SHA-512/256
Constant SHA-512/224
Constant Tiger-192
Constant SHA-1
Constant RIPEMD-320
Constant RIPEMD-256
Constant RIPEMD-160
Constant RIPEMD-128
Constant MD5
Constant MD4
Constant MD2
Constant SHA-3-224
Constant SHA-3-256
Constant SHA-3-384
Constant SHA-3-512
Constant BLAKE2s-128
Constant BLAKE2s-160
Constant BLAKE2s-224
Constant BLAKE2s-256
Constant BLAKE2b-160
Constant BLAKE2b-256
Constant BLAKE2b-384
Constant BLAKE2b-512

If you want to use other hash algorithm, you can also create a new hash algorithm. It is described the section Custom hash algorithm.

Return #t if obj is hash-algorithm object otherwise #f.

Return OID of given hash-algorithm if it has otherwise #f.

User level APIs of hash operations

type must be a string which specifies hash algorithms or hash-algorithm object.

The hash procedure generates digest from given bytevector _bv_according to the given algorithm. The result digest will be a bytevector.

If type is not a hash algorithm object nor predefined hash algorithm, then options will be passed to the custom hash algorithm creation.

Returns hash size of given hash-algorithm.

Returns hash block size of given hash-algorithm.

Low level APIs of hash operations

Most of the time User level APIs are sufficient enough, however for some cases, for example multiple input datas, you might need to use these low leve APIs.

Initialise given hash-algorithm.

bv must be a bytevector.

Process hash process with input data bv. The result will be stored in the hash-algorithm.

Optional arguments start and end limits the input bv.

out must be a bytevector and must have hash size which the hash-size procedure returns.

Flushes stored hash result in hash-algorithm into out.

Once this procedure is called hash-algorithm's state will be changed. If you want to reuse it, you need to call hash-init!.

Optional arguments start and end specifies the offset of output bytevector.

Custom hash algorithm

Since version 0.3.1, user can create a custom hash algorithm. Similar with cipher spi described section Creating own cipher.

The following example describes how to make it.

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius) (math) (clos user))
;; hash operations
(define (foo-init hash) #t)
(define (foo-process hash bv)
  (let ((len (bytevector-length bv)))
    (bytevector-copy! bv 0 (slot-ref hash 'buffer) 0 (min len 16))))
(define (foo-done hash out)
  (let ((v (integer->bytevector (equal-hash (slot-ref hash 'buffer)))))
    (bytevector-copy! v 0 out 0 (min 8 (bytevector-length v)))))

(define-class <foo-hash> (<user-hash-algorithm>)
  ((buffer :init-form (make-bytevector 16))))
(define-method initialize ((o <foo-hash>) initargs)
  (slot-set! o 'init foo-init)
  (slot-set! o 'process foo-process)
  (slot-set! o 'done foo-done)
  (slot-set! o 'block-size 16)
  (slot-set! o 'hash-size 8)
  (slot-set! o 'oid #f)
  (slot-set! o 'state #f))
;; marker
(define-class <foo-marker> () ())
(define FOO (make <foo-marker>))
(register-hash FOO <foo-hash>)

;; use with APIs
(hash FOO (string->utf8 "hash")) ;; -> #vu8(245 221 54 232 0 0 0 0)

The slots init, process and done must be set with a procedure which will be called by hash-init!, hash-process! and hash-done! respectively.

The procedure set to process and done must accept 2 or 4 arguments. If it can accept 4 arguments, then optional argumens _start_and end are passed. Implementation can use these information to ptimise memory allocation. If it can accept 2 argumens, then framework handles the range. In this case, uneccesarry allocation may happen.

The slots block-size and hash-size must be non negative exact integer and will be returned by hash-block-size and hash-sizeprocedures respectively.

The slot oid must be set #f or string which represent OID of the custom hash algorithm. If you don't have it, it's better to set #f.

The slot state can be anything, this slot is for storing the hash state if you need.

Prime number operations

This library exports procedures for prime number operations.

Tests if given q is a prime number or not.

This procedure uses Miller Rabin primality test. So there is slight possibility to pass non prim number.

The optional argument k is the test times. The default 50 makes failure ratio very low. And rand specifies whith pseudo random algorithm uses in the test.

The latter form is for backward compatibility.

Find a prime number from size bytes. So the minimum range will be 1 <= p <= 251.

Keyword argument prng specifies which pseudo random uses to find a prime number.

Misc arithmetic operations

This library exports procedures for misc arithmetic operations.

Re exporting mod-inverse defined in (sagittarius) library.

Re exporting mod-expt defined in (sagittarius) library.