(clos core) - CLOS core library

Library (clos core)

Low level CLOS API collection library.

Generic add-method generic method

Generic must be generic function. method must be method object.

Adds method to generic.

Generic compute-getter-and-setter class slot

Returns a list of getter, setter and bound check for the given class's slot slot.

The returning list must have 3 elements, getter, setter and bound? respectively. Each element must be either #f or procedure. If #f is used then the default procedure will be used.

For the example code, see Sagittarius MOP.

Generic compute-getters-and-setters class slots

Returns all getters and setters for the given class's slots.

The upper layer of compute-getter-and-setter. This method should only be used if users absolutely need to use accessor to access the target slots.

Function slot-definition-name slot

Returns slot name of given slot.

Function slot-definition-options slot

Returns slot options of given slot.

Function slot-definition-option slot keyword . default

Returns slot option's value of given slot if it has the keyword.

If default is given, then it will be the fallback value when _keyword_is not found. Otherwise this procedure raises an error.