Sagittarius MOP

MOP is "meta object protocol". As far as I know, there is no standard specification even the name is really famous and most of CLOS is implemented on MOP.

Then we decided to take the APIs and its behaviour from Tiny CLOS. The following libraries are implemented with the APIs and can be examples for Sagittarius' MOP.

(sagittarius mop allocation)

Supporting :allocation option for define-class.

Meta class and mixin class to support :allocation option for class slot definition, respectively.

The meta class must be used with :metaclass option of define-class.

The mixin class must be a parent class.

Currently, we only support :instance and :class keywords.

The following code is the whole definition of this classes.

(define-class <allocation-meta> (<class>) ())
(define-method compute-getter-and-setter ((class <allocation-meta>) slot)
  (cond ((slot-definition-option slot :allocation :instance)
         => (lambda (type)
              (case type
                ((:instance) '())
                 (let* ((init-value (slot-definition-option
                                     slot :init-value #f))
                        (init-thunk (slot-definition-option 
                                     slot :init-thunk #f))
                        (def (if init-thunk (init-thunk) init-value)))
                    (lambda (o) def)
                    (lambda (o v) (set! def v)))))
                 (assertion-violation '<allocation-meta>
                                      "unknown :allocation type"
        (else (call-next-method))))

(define-class <allocation-mixin> () () :metaclass <allocation-meta>)

(sagittarius mop validator)

Supporting :validator and observer options for define-class.

Make user be able to add own validation mechanism to slots.

:validator is for before set the value to the slot so that user can check the value if it's correct or not.

:observer is for after set the value to the slot so that user can check which value is set to the slot.

(sagittarius mop eql)

The eql specializer is now builtin so this library is only for backward compatibility.

Supporting eql specializer methods.

The following code describes how to use;

(import (clos user) (sagittarius mop eql))
(define-generic eql-fact :class <eql-specializable-generic>)
(define-method eql-fact ((n (eql 0))) 1)
(define-method eql-fact ((n <integer>)) (* n (eql-fact (- n 1))))
(eql-fact 10)

Note: The eql specializer is really slow approximately 200 time slower than usual procedure call.

Subclass of <generic>.

To use eql specializer, generic functions must have this class as a metaclass.