The match
is originally from Alex Shin's `portable hygineic pattern matcher'
The documents below are derived from his source code.
This is a full superset of the popularmatchpackage by Andrew Wright, written in fully portable syntax-rules
and thus preserving hygiene.
The most notable extensions are the ability to use _non-linear_patterns - patterns in which the same identifier occurs multiple times, tail patterns after ellipsis, and the experimental tree patterns.
Patterns are written to look like the printed representation of the objects they match. The basic usage is
(match expr (pat body ...) ...)
where the result of expr is matched against each pattern in turn, and the corresponding body is evaluated for the first to succeed. Thus, a list of three elements matches a list of three elements.
(let ((ls (list 1 2 3))) (match ls ((1 2 3) #t)))
If no patterns match an error is signalled.
Identifiers will match anything, and make the corresponding binding available in the body.
(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c) b))
If the same identifier occurs multiple times, the first instance
will match anything, but subsequent instances must match a value
which is equal?
to the first.
(match (list 1 2 1) ((a a b) 1) ((a b a) 2))
The special identifier _
matches anything, no matter how
many times it is used, and does not bind the result in the body.
(match (list 1 2 1) ((_ _ b) 1) ((a b a) 2))
To match a literal identifier (or list or any other literal), use
(match 'a ('b 1) ('a 2))
Analogous to its normal usage in scheme, quasiquote
be used to quote a mostly literally matching object with selected
parts unquoted.
(match (list 1 2 3) (`(1 ,b ,c) (list b c)))
Often you want to match any number of a repeated pattern. Inside
a list pattern you can append ...
after an element to
match zero or more of that pattern (like a regexp Kleene star).
(match (list 1 2) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))
(match (list 1 2 3) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))
(match (list 1 2 3 3 3) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))
Pattern variables matched inside the repeated pattern are bound to a list of each matching instance in the body.
(match (list 1 2) ((a b c ...) c))
(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c ...) c))
(match (list 1 2 3 4 5) ((a b c ...) c))
More than one ...
may not be used in the same list, since
this would require exponential backtracking in the general case.
However, ...
need not be the final element in the list,
and may be succeeded by a fixed number of patterns.
(match (list 1 2 3 4) ((a b c ... d e) c))
(match (list 1 2 3 4 5) ((a b c ... d e) c))
(match (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) ((a b c ... d e) c))
is provided as an alias for ...
when it is
inconvenient to use the ellipsis (as in a syntax-rules
The ..1
syntax is exactly like the ...
that it matches one or more repetitions (like a regexp "+").
(match (list 1 2) ((a b c ..1) c))
(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c ..1) c))
The boolean operators and
, or
and not
can be used to group and negate patterns analogously to their
Scheme counterparts.
The and
operator ensures that all subpatterns match.
This operator is often used with the idiom (and x pat)
bind x to the entire value that matches pat(c.f. "as-patterns" in ML or Haskell). Another common use is in
conjunction with not
patterns to match a general case
with certain exceptions.
(match 1 ((and) #t))
(match 1 ((and x) x))
(match 1 ((and x 1) x))
The or
operator ensures that at least one subpattern
matches. If the same identifier occurs in different subpatterns,
it is matched independently. All identifiers from all subpatterns
are bound if the or
operator matches, but the binding is
only defined for identifiers from the subpattern which matched.
(match 1 ((or) #t) (else #f))
(match 1 ((or x) x))
(match 1 ((or x 2) x))
The not
operator succeeds if the given pattern doesn't
match. None of the identifiers used are available in the body.
(match 1 ((not 2) #t))
The more general operator ?
can be used to provide a
predicate. The usage is (? predicate pat ...)
predicate is a Scheme expression evaluating to a predicate
called on the value to match, and any optional patterns after the
predicate are then matched as in an and
(match 1 ((? odd? x) x))
The field operator =
is used to extract an arbitrary
field and match against it. It is useful for more complex or
conditional destructuring that can't be more directly expressed in
the pattern syntax. The usage is (= field pat)
, where
field can be any expression, and should result in a
procedure of one argument, which is applied to the value to match
to generate a new value to match against pat.
Thus the pattern (and (= car x) (= cdr y))
is equivalent
to (x . y)
, except it will result in an immediate error
if the value isn't a pair.
(match '(1 . 2) ((= car x) x))
(match 4 ((= sqrt x) x))
The record operator $
is used as a concise way to match
records defined by SRFI-9 (or SRFI-99). The usage is
($ rtd field ...)
, where rtd should be the record
type descriptor specified as the first argument to
, and each field is a subpattern
matched against the fields of the record in order. Not all fields
must be present.
(let ()
(define-record-type employee
(make-employee name title)
(name get-name)
(title get-title))
(match (make-employee "Bob" "Doctor")
(($ employee n t) (list t n))))
The set!
and get!
operators are used to bind an
identifier to the setter and getter of a field, respectively. The
setter is a procedure of one argument, which mutates the field to
that argument. The getter is a procedure of no arguments which
returns the current value of the field.
(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (match x ((1 . (set! s)) (s 3) x)))
(match '(1 . 2) ((1 . (get! g)) (g)))
The new operator ***
can be used to search a tree for
subpatterns. A pattern of the form (x *** y)
the subpattern y located somewhere in a tree where the path
from the current object to y can be seen as a list of the
form (x ...)
. y can immediately match the current
object in which case the path is the empty list. In a sense it's
a 2-dimensional version of the ...
As a common case the pattern (_ *** y)
can be used to
search for y anywhere in a tree, regardless of the path
(match '(a (a (a b))) ((x *** 'b) x))
(match '(a (b) (c (d e) (f g))) ((x *** 'g) x))
turn, according to the pattern rules described in the previous
section, until the the first pattern matches. When a match is
found, the corresponding _body_s are evaluated in order,
and the result of the last expression is returned as the result
of the entire match
. If a failure is provided,
then it is bound to a procedure of no arguments which continues,
processing at the next pattern. If no pattern matches,
an error is signalled.
Shortcut for lambda
+ match
. Creates a
procedure of one argument, and matches that argument against each
Similar to match-lambda
. Creates a procedure of any
number of arguments, and matches the argument list against each
Matches each var to the corresponding expression, and evaluates
the body with all match variables in scope. Raises an error if
any of the expressions fail to match. Syntax analogous to named
let can also be used for recursive functions which match on their
arguments as in match-lambda*
Similar to match-let
, but analogously to letrec
matches and binds the variables with all match variables in scope.
Similar to match-let
, but analogously to let*
matches and binds the variables in sequence, with preceding match
variables in scope.