This library provides JSON Pointer procedures.
The specification of JSON Pointer is defined by the RFC 6901.
The following example shows simple usage of the library:
This is an input file named example.json
"id": 1234,
"data": {
"datum0": [0, 1, 2],
"datum1": [3, 4]
(import (rnrs) (rfc json-pointer) (text json))
(define id-pointer (json-pointer "/id"))
(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read))) (id-pointer json)) ```
(import (rnrs) (rfc json-pointer) (text json))
(define data-pointer (json-pointer "/data"))
(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read)))
;; Retrievs /data/datum0
((json-pointer "/datum0" data-pointer) json))
'(0 1 2)
Returns a procedure takes one which must be a list or vector
representing JSON object. The given poinster must be a string or
textual input port which start with /
The optional argument parent is passed, then it must be a procedure
returned by the json-pointer
and is called before the current
pointer is processed.
(define (wrap p)
(lambda (json default)
(let ((r (p json)))
(if (json-pointer-not-found? r)
(define pointer (wrap (json-pointer "/foo")))
(pointer json #f)
The above can simply be like this:
(define pointer (json-pointer "/foo"))
(pointer json #f)