(text json patch) - JSON Patch

Library (text json pointer)

This library provides JSON Patch procedures.

The specification of JSON Patch is defined by the RFC 6902.

The following example shows simple usage of the library:

This is an input file named example.json.

  "id": 1234,
  "data": {
    "datum0": [0, 1, 2],
    "datum1": [3, 4]
(import (rnrs) (text json patch) (text json))

(define data-patcher
  '(#(("op" . "replace") ("path" . "/data/datum0") ("value" . "ok"))
    #(("op" . "remove") ("path" . "/data/datum1")))))

(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read)))
  (data-patcher json))
#((id . 1234) (data . #((datum0 . ok))))

Function json-patcher patch

Returns a procedure takes one argument which must be a list or vector representing JSON object. The given patch must be a list of vector which represents JSON patch.

Function json-patch-error? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patchcondition.

&json-patch is the base condition of this library. The hierarchy is the following:

 + &json-patch:runtime (path)
   + &json-patch-path-not-found
   + &json-patch-illegal-type
 + &json-patch:compile (patch)
Function json-patch-compile-error? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch:compile condition.

Function json-patch-error? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch:runtime condition.

Function json-patch-path-not-found-error? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch-path-not-found condition.

Function json-patch-path-illegal-type-error? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch-illegal-type condition.

Function json-patch-error-path json-patch-error

Returns the path field of the given json-patch-error if the condition is type of &json-patch-runtime.

Function json-patch-error-patch json-patch-error

Returns the patch field of the given json-patch-error if the condition is type of &json-patch-compile.

Parameter *json-patcher:ignore-no-such-path*

Flag to supress no such path error. The value must be either a symbol or a list of symbol of the name of the patch command. If the value is matched with the patch command, then the runtime doesn't raise a condition.

Function json-diff json0 json1

Creates JSON patch from given json0 and json1.
The returning patch is json1 to json1 format.