(text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library

Library (text html-lite)

This library provides simple HTML builder procedures based on HTML5.

Function html-escape :optional (in (current-input-port))
Function html-escape-string string

Escapes the unsafe characters in HTML and returns escaped string.

The html-escape reads the string from optional argument in which must be an textual input port and returns an escaped string.

The html-escape-string takes a string and returns an escaped string.

Function html-doctype :key (type :html-4.01-strict)

Returns a doctype declaration for an HTML document. type can be one of the followings;



:html-4.01-strict :html-4.01, :strict, :html-strict

HTML 4.01 Strict DTD

:html-4.01-transitional :html-transitional, :transitional

HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD

:xhtml-1.0-strict :xhtml-1.0

XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD


XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD


XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD



Function html: element args ...

Construct an HTML element element. Currently following elements are provided.

   a       abbr    address  area       article  aside
   audio   b       base     bdi        bdo      blockquote
   body    br      button   canvas     caption  cite
   code    col     colgroup command    datalist dd
   del     details dfn      div        dl       dt
   em      embed   fieldset figcaption figure   footer
   h1      h2      h3       h4         h5       h6
   head    header  hgroup   hr         html
   i       iframe  img      input      ins      kbd
   keygen  label   legend   li         link     map
   mark    menu    meta     meter      nav      noscript
   object  ol      optgroup option     output   p
   param   pre     progress q          rp       rt
   ruby    s       samp     script     section  select
   small   source  span     strong     style    sub
   summary sup     table    tbody      td       textarea
   tfoot   th      thead    time       title    tr
   track   u       ul       var        video    wbr

The result of these functions is a tree of text segments, which can be written out to a port by write-tree or can be converted to a string by tree->string (text tree) - Lightweight text generation.

You can specify attributes of the element by using a keyword-value notation before the actual content.

(tree->string (html:a :href "http://example.com" "example")) 
\<a href="http://example.com">example\</a>

The boolean value given to the attribute has special meaning. If #t is given, the attribute is rendered without a value. If #f is given, the attribute is not rendered.

(tree->string (html:table :border #t))
\<table border>\</table>

(tree->string (html:table :border #f))

Special characters in attribute values are escaped by the function, but the ones in the content are not.

(tree->string (html:div :foo "<>&\"" "<not escaped>")) 
\<div foo="&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;">\<not escaped>\</div>