(rfc uuid) - UUID generate library

Library (rfc uuid)

This library provides RFC 4122 a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace procedures.

Class <uuid>

The class representing UUID.


Function uuid? obj

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of <uuid>, otherwise #f.

Compares given 2 uuids and return #t if both have the same values, otherwise #f.


Creates a null (empty) uuid.

The returning object will be represented like this UUID;


Creates version 1, 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs respectively.

For version 3 and 5, procedures need to take 2 arguments, _namespace_and name. namespace must be a UUID object, and name must be a string.

For version 4, it can take an optional argument prng which specifies pseudo random generator. The default value is (*uuid-random-state*).

Predefined namespaces and parameters

Constant predefined namespace of UUIDs.

Pseudo random generator used by version 4 UUID.

The number of allowed UUIDs in the same time. Used by version 1 UUID.

The default value is 1000.


Returns bytevector converted from given uuid.

(uuid->bytevector (make-null-uuid))
#vu8(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

Returns string represented uuid converted from given uuid.

(uuid->string (make-null-uuid))

Returns uuid object generated from bv.

Given bytevector must have length at least 16.

Returns uuid object generated from string.

Given string must be proper format of UUID defined in RFC 4122.

Returns URN formatted string of given uuid.