(net http) - Async HTTP client

Library (net http)

This library provides a wrapper of (net http-client) library, for convenience especially scripting purpose.

To simplify the document, here we use methods, nobody-methods and bodied-methods to refer sets of HTTP methods. The mapping of the methods are blow:


All HTTP methods, at this moment we support the below methods:

  • GET

  • HEAD


  • POST

  • PUT




HTTP methods which don't have body, these are the ones:

  • GET

  • HEAD



HTTP methods which may have body, these are the ones:

  • POST

  • PUT



If these names are used in the procedure names, then lower cased names are used. e.g. http-{nobody-methods} will be http-get and others.

HTTP request procedures

request-context must be a HTTP request context.
uri must be a string representation of HTTP URI.-- callback must be a procedure which accepts one argument of HTTP response.
body must be a bytevector, HTTP request payload or #f.

Synchronous HTTP request procedure. callback is called when the response is received.

These procedure blocks the process.

If the body is a bytevector, then it is sent with content type of application/octet-stream.

Asynchronous version of HTTP request procedures. The return value is future object.

The same as asynchronous version of HTTP request procedures, this procedures accept HTTP client instead of using default one provided by this library.

Underlying HTTP requesting procedure of all the above per method procedure. These procedures can be used not to write manual dispatch by the HTTP method.

The async-http-request uses default HTTP client as underlying HTTP client, described below section.

Default HTTP client

The default HTTP client is configured as below specification:

  • Having pooling connection manager of max connection per route of 100

  • DNS timeout of 30 seconds

  • Connection timeout of 60 seconds

  • Read timeout of 120 seconds

  • Always follows redirection

HTTP request context

A HTTP request context is a sub record of <http:request> defined in (net http-client). It has extra fields payload and callback.

payload fields provides a convenient access to the content-type and body fields of the <http:request>.

callback fields provides a callback for the response.

Returns #t if the given obj is a HTTP request context, otherwise #f.

Builds a HTTP request context. For the detail of field, see (net http-client) .

HTTP request payload

The library provides a convenient framework to compose HTTP request body and associated content type. HTTP request payload is a record which contains 3 fields; content-type, content and converter. The content-type is the content type value to be sent. The content is the raw content of the reuqest payload, for example, a list of key and value pairs. Then the converter convers the content to a bytevector.

The library provides generic binary payload and 3 most used content types:

  • application/octet-stream

  • application/json

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Users can make own request payload as well.

The base record of HTTP request payload. The record has below 3 fields;


Accessor http-request-payload-content-type


Accessor http-request-payload-content


Accessor http-request-payload-converter

Returns #t if the given obj is HTTP request payload, otherwise #f.

One of the supporting payload, <json-request-payload> is defined like this:

(define-record-type <json-request-payload>
  (parent <http-request-payload>)
  (protocol (lambda (p)
              (define (json->string json)
                (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
                  (json-write/normalized json out)
              (define (json->bytevector json) (string->utf8 (json->string json)))
              (lambda (json)
                ((p "application/json" json json->bytevector))))))

HTTP request payload for binary input.

If you already have a binary data ready to be sent, then this payload can be the most convenient one to use.

HTTP request payload for octet stream.

HTTP request payload for JSON object. The json-sexp must be a valid JSON S-expression.

NOTE: On Sagittarius, JSON S-expression is Chicken's egg style, it's not the same as SRFI JSON. For more detail, see (text json)

HTTP request payload for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

kv must be a list of key/value pair.


(x-www-form-urlencoded-payload '(("key0" . "value0") ("key1" . "value1")))
;; -> represents `key0=value0&key1=value1`

Both key and value are encoded when it's converted to a bytevector.

HTTP response

HTTP response related procedures are re-export from (net http-client), for more details, see HTTP request and response