(sagittarius ffi) - Foreign Function Interface

Library (sagittarius ffi)

This library provides FFI (Foreign Function Interface) procedures. The library is constructed on libffi.

This library makes user to be able to re-use existing useful C library. However it might cause SEGV or unexpected behaviours. It is users responsibility to avoid those errors.

Following is the simple example to use;

/* C file, must be compiled as a shared library and named 'my-quick-sort.so' */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# define EXPORT

static void quicksort_(uintptr_t base,const size_t num,const size_t size,
		       void *temp,int (*compare)(const void *,const void *))
  size_t pivot = 0,first2last = 0,last2first = num-1;
  while(pivot+1 != num && !compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*(pivot+1))){
  if(pivot+1 == num){
  if(0 > compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*(pivot+1))){
  while(first2last < last2first){
    while(0 < compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*first2last)
	  && first2last != num-1){
    while(0 >= compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*last2first)
	  && last2first){
    if(first2last < last2first){
      if(pivot == first2last || pivot == last2first){
	pivot = pivot^last2first^first2last;

EXPORT int quicksort(void *base, const size_t num, const size_t size,
	      int (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
  void *temp = malloc(size);
    return -1;
  return 0;
;; Scheme file
;; load shared library (on Windows the extension might be '.dll')
;; On Unix like environment, the shared library must be full path or
;; located in the same directory as the script.
;; On Windows it can be on PATH environment variable as well.
(define so-library (open-shared-library "my-quick-sort.so"))
(define quick-sort 
  (c-function so-library ;; shared library
              void       ;; return type
              quicksort  ;; exported symbol
              ;; argument types
              ;; if you need pass a callback procedure, 'callback' mark needs to
              ;; be passed to the arguments list
              (void* size_t size_t callback)))

(let ((array (u8-list->bytevector '(9 3 7 5 2 6 1 4 8)))
      ;; callback procedure
      (compare (c-callback int           ;; return type
                           (void* void*) ;; argument types
                           (lambda (a b)
                             (- (pointer-ref-c-uint8 x 0)
                                (pointer-ref-c-uint8 y 0))))))
  ;; call c function. all loaded c functions are treated the same as
  ;; usual procedures.
  (quick-sort array (bytevector-length array) 1 compare)
  ;; release callback procedure.
  ;; NOTE: callback won't be GCed so users need to release it manually
  (free-c-callback compare)

;; Close shared library.
(close-shared-library so-library)
#vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

The document describes higher APIs to lower APIs.

Shared library operations

file must be a string.

Opens given file shared library and returns its pointer.

The internal process of open-shared-library is depending on the platform, for example if your platform is POSIX envirionment then it will use dlopen. So the resolving the file depends on it. If you know the absolute path of the shared library, then it's always better to use it.

If then internal process of the procedure failed and raise is #f then it returns NULL pointer, if raise is #t then it raises an error.

Closes given shared library pointer and returns unspecified value.

If the given pointer does not indicate proper shared library, the behaviour is platform dependent. It might cause SEGV.

Returns platform specific shared library extension as a string value. eg. ".dll" in Windows, ".so" in Linux or Unix.

Creating C functions

This section describes more details to create a corresponding C functions.

Creates a c-function object and returns a Scheme procedure.

shared-library must be opened shared-library.

return-type must be one of the followings;

  bool  char
  short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  intptr_t uintptr_t
  float double
  void* char* wchar_t*
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

The return value will be converted corresponding Scheme value. Following describes the conversion;


Scheme boolean


Scheme string from UTF-8


Scheme string from UTF-16 (Windows) or UTF-32.

short int long long-long
unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
intptr_t uintptr_t
int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

Scheme integer

float double

Scheme flonum


Scheme FFI pointer type

NOTE: char returns a Scheme integer not Scheme character.

name must be a symbol indicating a exported C function name.

argument-types must be zero or more followings;

  char short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  void* char* wchar_t*
  float double
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

When the C function is called, given Scheme arguments will be converted to corresponding C types. Following describes the conversion;


Scheme boolean to C 0 (#f) or 1 (#t).

char short int long long-long unsigned-short
int8_t int16_t int32_t uint8_t uint16_t

Scheme integer to C signed long int

unsigned-int unsigned-long uint32_t size_t

Scheme integer to C unsigned long int

int64_t long-long

Scheme integer to C int64_t

uint64_t unsigned-long-long

Scheme integer to C uint64_t


Scheme flonum to C float


Scheme flonum to C double

void* char*

void* and char* are actually treated the same, internally. The conversion will be like this;

Scheme string

Converts to UTF-8 C char*

Scheme bytevector

Convert to C char*

Scheme FFI pointer

Convert to C void*


Wide character string conversion only happens when the given argument was Scheme string and depends on the platform. On Windows, more specifically size of wchar_t is 2 platform, it converts to UTF-16 string without BOM. On other platform, size of wchar_t is 4 platform, it converts to UTF-32. Both case detects endianness automatically. If the given argument was bytevector, it won't convert. This case is useful when users need to pass buffer to a C-function.


Scheme FFI callback to C void*

Note: passing Scheme string needs to be careful when users want to use it as a buffer. It doesn't work like it. Use bytevector or FFI pointer object for that purpose.

___ is for variable length argument and it must be the last position of the argument type list, otherwise it raises an error.

Creates C function. This procedure is underlying procedure for c-function macro. The arguments are the same as c-function, only argument-types must be a list of types.

Convenient macro for address passing.

When you need to pass an address of a pointer to C function, you can write like this;

(c-func (address _pointer_))

This is equivalent of following C code;


pointer can be a pointer object or a bytevector.

If the second form is used, then the passing address is offset of offset. It is user's responsibility to make sure the given pointer has enough space when offset is passed. If the pointer is a bytevector and offset is more than the bytevector size, then an error is signaled.

Creates a C callback.

return-type must be a symbol and the same as c-function's return-type.

argument-types must be zero or following;

  char short int long long-long intptr_t
  unsigned-char unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long-long uintptr_t
  int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t int64_t
  float double

The conversion of C to Scheme is the same as c-function's return-type.

NOTE: if the content of void* won't be copied, thus if you modify it in the callback procedure, corresponding C function will get affected.

NOTE: callback doesn't support char* nor wchar_t*. It is because the conversion loses original pointer address and you might not want it. So it is users responsibility to handle it.

proc must be a procedure takes the same number of arguments as argument-types list.

Created callbacks are stored intarnal static storage to avoid to get GCed. This is because C functions which accept callback may hold the given callback in their storage which could be outside of Sagittarius GC root. So it is users' responsibility to release created callback to avoid memory leak. To release callbacks, you need to use free-c-callback.

Creates C callback. This procedure is underlying procedure for c-callback macro. The arguments are the same as c-callback, only argument-types must be a list of types.

Release callback.

Pointer operations

Using C functions, users can not avoid to use raw pointers. This section describes how to create or convert a pointer.

Returns #t if obj is FFI pointer object, otherwise #f.

Converts given integer to pointer object.

To represents NULL pointer, you can write like this;

(integer->pointer 0)
#\<pointer 0x0>

Converts given pointer to integer/uinteger, respectively.

The optional argument bits must be an exact integer range of fixnum.

If the optional argument bits is specified, then the procedure mask the pointer value. If the bits is negative or more than pointer size bits then it returns non masked value.

This is useful when C procedure sets the pointer value however it only sets a half of bits and returning value is needed only a half of bits. For example, a C procedure takes 2 arguments, one is buffer pointer the other one is buffer size pointer. When buffer size is -1 then it allocates sufficient buffer and sets buffer size pointer the allocated size. In this case. In this case, if you are using 64 bit environment and buffer size pointer is 32 bit value's pointer returning value's upper 32 bit would be 0xFFFFFFFF. If the optional argument is specified to 32 then the procedure only returns lower 32 bit value.

Converts given pointer to Scheme string.

The given pointer must be terminated by 0 otherwise it won't stop until it reaches 0.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Size must be an exact integer.

Converts given pointer to Scheme bytevector from given offset.

If optional argument shared is #f, then the content of pointer won't be shared between pointer and bytevector. Default value is #t, thus if the given pointer is modified, then the created bytevector gets affected.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Converts given bytevector to pointer from given offset.

If optional argument shared is #f, then the content of bytevector won't be shared between bytevector and pointer. Default value is #t, thus if the given bv is modified, then the created pointer gets affected.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

CAUTION: These operations are really dangerous especially pointer->object.

Converts Scheme object to pointer and pointer to Scheme object respectively. The operations are useful to pass Scheme object to callbacks and restore it.

offset must be a fixnum.

Returns a pointer offset offset of given pointer. The same as following C code;

void* deref(void **pointer, int offset) {
  return pointer[offset]; 

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Returns an address of given pointer.

If optional argument offset is given, then the returning address of pointer is the offset of given offset.

NOTE: This creates a newly allocated Scheme FFI pointer object.

NOTE: If the returned value is modified then given pointer will be affected.

size must be a fixnum.

Allocates a size of byte memory and returns an pointer object.

If optional argument fill is given, it must be a fixnum, then the procedure fill the given fill into the allocated memory using memset(3).

NOTE: the fill will be converted to an unsigned char by the memset(3).

The allocated memory will be GCed.

size must be a fixnum.

Allocates a size of byte memory and returns an pointer object using C's malloc.

The allocated memory won't be GCed. So releasing the memory is users' responsibility.

pointer must be a pointer created by c-malloc.

Release the pointer.

The procedure won't check if the pointer is allocated by c-malloc or not. And the behaviour when GCable pointer is passed is undefined.

A pointer represents NULL.

This value is not a constant and if you modify this by using address, you might break some codes.

Returns #t when obj is a pointer representing NULL otherwise #f.

Creates a NULL pointer. This is for convenience.

offset must be a fixnum.

Returns an integer value of offset offset of pointer depending on the type.

Following type are supported; int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 char wchar short int long long-long unsigned-char unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long intptr uintptr float double pointerNOTE: if the type is flonum or double, then it returns Scheme flonum

NOTE: if the type is pointer, then it returns Scheme FFI pointer.

offset must be a fixnum.

Sets value to offset offset of pointer. Supporting _type_s are the same as pointer-ref-c-_type_The type conversion is the same as c-function's return-type.

There is no direct procedures to handle C arrays. Following is an example of how to handle array of pointers;

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius ffi))

(define (string-vector->c-array sv)
  (let ((c-array (allocate-pointer (* (vector-length sv) size-of-void*))))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
        ((= i (vector-length sv)) c-array)
      ;; pointer-set-c-pointer! handles Scheme string (converts to UTF-8)
      ;; If you need other encoding, then you need to write other conversion
      ;; procedure.
      (pointer-set-c-pointer! c-array (* i size-of-void*) (vector-ref sv i)))))

;; how to use
(let ((p (string-vector->c-array #("abc" "def" "ghijklmn"))))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
      ((= i 3))
    ;; deref handles pointer offset.
    ;; it can be also (pointer-ref-c-pointer p (* i size-of-void*))
    (print (pointer->string (deref p i)))))

Following is an example for Scheme string to UTF-16 bytevector;

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius ffi))
;; Converts to UTF16 big endian (on little endian environment)
(define (string->c-string s)
  (let* ((bv (string->utf16 s (endianness big)))
         ;; add extra 2 bytes for null terminated string
         (p  (allocate-pointer (+ (bytevector-length bv) 2))))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)))
        ((= i (bytevector-length bv)) p)
      ;; pointer-set-c-uint16! uses native endianness to set the value
      ;; so this is platform dependent code.
      (pointer-set-c-uint16! p i 
        (bytevector-u16-ref bv i (endianness little))))))

value must be exact integer up to size-of-void* bytes.

Sets the pointer value. This is useful to reuse the existing pointer object.

CAUTION: this operation is really dangerous so be aware of it!

C struct operations

C's struct is mere memory chunk so it is possible to access its member directly, if you know exact offset of it. However it is convenient if you can operate similar structure. This section describes how to define C structure in Scheme world.

Defines C structure.

clauses must be following form;

(_type_ _name_)
(_type_ `array` _size_ _name_)
(`struct` _struct-name_ _name_)
(`bit-field` _type_ (_name_ _bit_) ...)
(`bit-field` (_type_ _endian_) (_name_ _bit_) ...)

name must be a symbol.

If the second form is used, then alignment is an auxiliary syntax and n must be an integer which must be either negative number or one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16. This form specifies the alignemtn of the struct. If the n is negative number, then it uses platform default alignment, if it's one of the above number, then the alignment is according to the given number.

The first form is the simple C type form. type must be a symbol and the same as one of the c-function's return-types or callback. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st
  (int foo)
  (callback fn))
struct st
  int foo;
  void* fn; /* function pointer */

The second form is defining C type array with size. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st
  (int array 10 foo))
struct st
  int foo[10];

The third form is defining internal structure. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st1
  (int array 10 foo))
(define-c-struct st2
  (struct st1 st)
  (int bar))
struct st1
  int foo[10];
struct st2
  struct st1 st;
  int bar;

So far, we don't support direct internal structure so users always need to extract internal structures.

The forth and fifth forms are bit fields. type must be an integer type such as unsigned-int. If the given type is not an integer, then &assertion is raised.

Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st1
  (bit-field unsigned-int (a 10) (b 20)))
struct st1
  unsigned int a : 10;
  unsigned int b : 20;

If the fifth form is used, then endian must be an identifier which has valid name for endianness macro. Then the created structure packs the value according to the given endian.

If the total amount of bits is greater than given type, then &assertion is raised.

NOTE: Even though, this can accept signed integer the returning value would not be signed. It is safe to specify unsigned type.

The macro also defines accessors for the c-struct. Following naming rules are applied;

The macro also defines size variable for the c-struct. If the name of the c-struct if foo, then the variable name will be size-of-foo.

struct must be a C structure defined by define-c-struct.

Returns the size of given struct.

Allocates memory for struct and returns a pointer.

A getter/setter of struct-name c-struct.

This is automatically defined by define-c-struct macro.

The optional argument inner-member-names can be passed to get inner struct values.

Following describes how it works.

(define-c-struct in
  (int  i)
  (char c))
(define-c-struct out
  (int  i)
  (struct in in0))

(define out (allocate-c-struct out))
(out-i-set! out 100 'i)   ;; -> unspecified
(out-in0-set! out 200 'i) ;; -> unspecified
(out-i-ref out)           ;; -> 100
(out-in0-ref out 'i)      ;; -> 200
(out-in0-ref out)         ;; -> pointer object (indicating the inner struct address)

Low level C struct accessors

struct must be a C structure defined with define-c-struct. name must be a symbol and struct has the same member. pointer should be a pointer allocated by allocate-c-struct with struct.

Returns a member name's value of struct from pointer.

struct must be a C structure defined with define-c-struct. name must be a symbol and struct has the same member. pointer should be a pointer allocated by allocate-c-struct with struct.

Sets value to pointer offset of member name of struct.

Typedef operations

Convenient macro.

Defines other name of original with new-names.

new-names must be following forms;

((`*` _new-p_) _rest_ ...)
((`s*` _new-sp_) _rest_ ...)
(_new_ _rest_ ...)

The first for defines nothing.

If the rest of form is used and rest is not null, then it will recursively define.

The second form's * defines new-p as void*.

The third form's s* defines new-sp as char*.

The forth form defines new as original.

Following example describes how to will be expanded approximately.

(define-c-typedef char (* char_ptr) byte (s* string))


  (define char_ptr void*)
  (define byte char)
  (define string char*)

Sizes and aligns

a size or align of type, respectively.

Following types are supported;

  bool char
  short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  intptr_t uintptr_t size_t
  float double
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

The values are platform dependent.

Finalizer operations

Some of C resource must be released but if you can not decide or do not want to restrict when, then you can release it at GC time.

NOTE: GC might not happen if your script is very short, so it is better not to relay these procedures too much.

pointer must be a pointer allocated with GCable memory.

proc must be a procedure and accepts one argument. The argument will be the pointer.

Register proc as pointer's finalizer and returns pointer.

pointer must be a pointer allocated with GCable memory.

Remove finalizer form pointer and returns pointer.