(sagittarius timezone) - Timezone

Library (sagittarius timezone)

This library provides timezone related procedures. The timezone database is from IANA - Time Zone Database.

Function timezone? obj

Returns #t if given obj is a timezone object, otherwise #f.

Function timezone name

Retrieves timezone object related to name. The _name_must be a string and proper name of TZID such as Europe/Amsterdam. If the given name is not found, then GMT is returned as the fallback.

Function timezone-offset tz :optional when

Returns give offset of timezone tz.

If optional argument when is specified, it must be a time object, then the offset is calculated the specified time. Otherwise current-time, is used.

This procedure considers daylight saving time (DST). Means, if the timezone has DST, then the return value is depending on the when. For example, Europe/Amsterdam has DST so if the when is in DST, then the returning offset is 7200, otherwise 3600.

Function timezone-dst? tz :optional (when (current-time))

Returns #t if when is in DST, otherwise #f.

Function timezone-short-name tz :optional (when (current-time))

Returns the short name of given timezone tz.

This procedure considers DST. Means if when is in DST, then short name is DST name, otherwise standard name. For example, timezone Europe/Amsterdam has 2 names, CET and CEST. If the given when is in DST, then CEST is returned, otherwise CETis returned.

Function timezone-raw-offset tz :optional when

Returns GMT offset of given timezone tz.

If optional argument when is given and must be a time object, then the returning offset is the historical offset. If it's not given, then the procedure reutnrs current timezone offset.

Above procedures also considers when the timezone is started. Means, given timezone has histories, such as when the daylight saving time is starting or ending, when that timezone started, etc. It may return different value according to the when. Following is the example of timezone history:

(let ((tz (timezone "Europe/Dublin"))
      (now (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 2015 0)))
      ;; 1:00	-	IST	1971 Oct 31  2:00u
      (no-rule-past (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 1971 0)))
      ;; 0:00	GB-Eire	GMT/IST	1968 Oct 27
      (rule-past (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 1968 0))))
  (timezone-short-name tz now)          ;; => "GMT/IST"
  (timezone-short-name tz no-rule-past) ;; => "IST"

  ;; no DST
  (timezone-offset tz no-rule-past)     ;; => 3600 

  (timezone-raw-offset tz)              ;; => 0
  (timezone-raw-offset tz no-rule-past) ;; => 3600
  (timezone-raw-offset tz rule-past)    ;; => 0

  (timezone-short-name tz rule-past)    ;; => "GMT/IST"
Function timezone-name tz

Returns TZID of given timezone tz.

Function timezone-name-list

Returns supported TZIDs.

Function zone-offset->timezones offset :optional when

Returns list of timezones whose offsets matched offset.

This procedure considers the time. For example, if the given offset is 3600 which is UTC+1 however if it's summer time, then the returning list doesn't contain some of timezones (e.g. Amsterdam).

The optional argument when specifies the time to consider. If it's not specified, then the returning value of current-time is used.

(zone-offset->timezones 3600) ;; => '(#<timezone Etc/GMT-1> ...)
;; offset +15:00 doesn't exist
(zone-offset->timezones (* 15 3600)) ;; => '()
Function zone-offset->timezones* offset :optional when

Similar with zone-offset->timezones*, the difference is this procedure creates an anonymous timezone if there's no registered timezone matching with the given offset.

(zone-offset->timezones* 3600) ;; => '(#<timezone Etc/GMT-1> ...)
;; offset +15:00 doesn't exist
(zone-offset->timezones* (* 15 3600)) ;; => '(#<timezone +15:00>)