(sagittarius socket) - socket library

This section describes low level socket API on Sagittarius. The following example is simple echo server, it receives input from a client and just returns it to the client.

The example program is from example/socket/echo.scm.

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius socket))
;; creates echo server socket with port number 5000
(define echo-server-socket (make-server-socket "5000"))
;; addr is client socket
(let loop ((addr (socket-accept echo-server-socket)))
  (call-with-socket addr
   (lambda (sock)
     ;; socket-port creates binary input/output port
     ;; make it transcoded port for convenience.
     (let ((p (transcoded-port (socket-port sock)
			       ;; on Sagittarius Scheme native-transcoder
			       ;; uses utf8 codec for ASCII compatibility.
			       ;; For socket programming it might be better
			       ;; to specify eol-style with crlf.
			       ;; But this sample just shows how it goes.
       (call-with-port p
	(lambda (p)
	  (put-string p "please type something\n\r")
	  (put-string p "> ")
	  ;; gets line from client.
	  (let lp2 ((r (get-line p)))
	    (unless (eof-object? r)
	      (print "received: " r)
	      ;; just returns message from client.
	      ;; NB: If client type nothing, it'll throw assertion-violation.
	      (put-string p r)
	      (put-string p "\r\n> ")
	      ;; waits for next input.
	      (lp2 (get-line p)))))))))
  ;; echo server waits next connection.
  (loop (socket-accept echo-server-socket)))
Library (sagittarius socket)

This library provides procedures for socket programming.

Function make-client-socket node srvice :opational ( ai_family AF_INET ) ( ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM ) ( ai_flags (+ AI_V4MAPPED AI_ADDRCONFIG) ) (_ai_protocol 0 )

Node and service must be string or #f. Other optional arguments must be exact integer.

Returns a client socket connected to an Internet address. The Internet address is identified by node and service. The make-client-socket uses getaddrinfo(3) to look it up. The arguments node, service, ai-family, ai-socktype, ai-flags and ai-protocol are passed to getaddrinfo(3) as corresponding parameters. For more detail, see reference of getaddrinfo(3).

Node is a network address, ex) "www.w3.org", "localhost", "".

Service is a network service, ex) "http", "ssh", "80", "22".

Ai-family is an address family specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-sockettype is a socket type specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-flags is an additional options specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-protocol is a protocol specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Function make-server-socket service :optional ( ai_family AF_INET ) ( ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM ) ( ai_protocol 0 )

Service must be string or #f. Other optional arguments must be exact integer. Returns a server socket waiting for connections. The argument details are the same as the make-client-socket.

Function socket? obj

Returns #t if obj is socket object, otherwise #f.

Function socket-port socket :optional ( close? #t )

Socket must be a socket object. Returns a binary input/output port associated with socket.

If optional argument close? is #f then the port won't close socket when port is closing or being GCed.

Function socket-input-port socket
Function socket-output-port socket

[SRFI-106] Socket must be a socket object. Returns a binary input and output port associated with socket, respectively.

Function call-with-socket socket proc

Socket must be a socket object. Proc must accept one argument.

The call-with-socket calls a procedure with socket as an argument.

This procedure is analogy with call-with-port.

Function shutdown-port port how

Port must be associated with a socket.

Shutdowns associated port according to how.

Function shutdown-input-port port
Function shutdown-output-port port

Port must be associated with a socket.

The shutdown-output-port and shutdown-input-port shutdown output or input connection of a socket associated with port respectively.

Function socket-accept socket

Socket must be a socket object created by make-server-socket.

Wait for an incoming connection request and returns a fresh connected client socket.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's accept(2).

If the calling thread is interrupted by thread-interrupt!, then the procedure returns #f.

Function socket-recv socket size :optional ( flags 0 )

Socket must be a socket object.

Receives a binary data block from given socket. If zero length bytevector is returned, it means the peer connection is closed.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's recv(2).

Function socket-send socket bytevector :optional ( flags 0 )

Socket must be a socket object.

Sends a binary data block to given socket and returns the sent data size.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's send(2).

Function socket-shutdown socket how

Socket must be a socket object. How must be one of the SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR or SHUT_RDWR.

The socket-shutdown shutdowns socket.


shutdowns input.


shutdowns output.


shutdowns input and output.

Function socket-close socket

Socket must be a socket object. Closes socket.

Socket information

The socket information immutable class. This class has 3 slots

This slot has string value represents own or peer socket host.

This slot has ip-address object of own or peer socket.

Slot port

This slot has integer value of own or peer socket port number.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns socket info object or #f. The socket info object contains hostname, IP address and port number. These information is retrieved from getpeername(2).

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the name string of socket or #f if the socket doesn't have name.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the node string of socket. Returns #f for server socket.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the service string of socket.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns socket info object or #f. The socket info object contains hostname, IP address and port number. These information is retrieved from getsockname(2).

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns 3 values; hostname, IP address and port number. This procedures is for convenience to handle socket info object.

The keyword argument specifies which socket info it should retrieve. If the type is peer then it uses socket-peer. If it is info, then it uses socket-info

IP address operations

ip must be an IP address object returned from the second value of socket-info-values.

Converts given IP address object to human readable string.

ip must be an IP address object returned from the second value of socket-info-values.

Converts given IP address object to bytevector.

Low level APIs

The low level socket APIs are almost compatible with BSD socket.


Sends a binary data block to given sockaddr and returns the sent data size.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's sendto (2).

Receives a binary data block from given sockaddr. If zero length bytevector is returned, it means the peer connection is closed.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's recvfrom (2).

Creates socket object. The procedure returns #f if it couldn't create a socket. SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option is set to the created socket.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of socket (2).

Initiate connection on the given socket with given addrinfo addrinfo.

If the second form is used, then argument timeout represents a connection timeout. The value must be a timeout value of socket-select.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of connect (2).

Binds a name to the given socket socket with given addrinfo addrinfo.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of bind (2).

Listen for connections on the given socket socket.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of listen (2).

Sets socket option on the given socket socket.

level must be an integer and should be one of the followings:



  • SOL_IP

name must be an integer and should be one of the followings:































  • IP_TOS

  • IP_TTL




  • IP_MTU







The value must be either bytevector or integer.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of setsockopt (2).

Gets socket option on the given socket socket.

The level and name are the same as socket-setsockopt!.

size must be an integer. If the value is positive number, then the returning value is a bytevector whose element count is size and contains the socket option converted to byte array. Otherwise it returns an integer value.

Converts given socket to nonblocking socket and blocking socket, respectively.

Sets read timeout of timeout to the given socket.

The timeout must be either an exact integer represents milliseconds, or a time object.

Monitor given fdset.

rfds, wfds and efds must be fdset object.

timeout must be #f, integer, time object or pair of integers. If this value is not #f, then the procedure waits only specified amount of time or something interesting happens. Otherwise infinite time or something interesting happens.

This procedure blocks the calling thread, and it can be interrupted by thread-interrupt!.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of select (2).

Waits until the given sockets sockets have something interesting. This is the convenient procedure for socket-select.

timeout is the same as socket-select.

socket-read-select can be used to detect if the given sockets have readable data.

socket-write-select can be used to detect if the given sockets are still active.

socket-error-select can be used to detect if the given sockets are readable data. This procedure might not be so interesting since it can be done by socket-read-select.


Returns #t if given obj is an addrinfo, otherwise #f.

Creates empty addrinfo object.

The object has the following slots:

  • family

  • socktype

  • flags

  • protocol

  • sockaddr

  • next

Creates an addrinfo with given flags. This can be used as hint for get-addrinfo.

Gets addrinfo of given hint addrinfo.

When the procedure fails, then &i/o is raised.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of getaddrinfo (3).

Retrieves next addrinfo of given addrinfo if availalbe, otherwise returns #f.

Retrieves sockaddr slot of given addrinfo.

The returning value can be used socket-recvfrom and socket-sendto.

Returns #t if given obj is an sockaddr object, otherwise #f.

FD sets

Function fdset? obj

Returns #t if given obj is a fdset object, otherwise #f.

Function make-fdset

Creates a empty fdset object.

Creates a fdset from given socket list sockets.

Returns #t if the given socket is set to fdset, otherwise #f.

Sets/unsets the given socket socket on fdset.

If the flags is #f, then the procedure unsets the socket.

If the flags is #t, then the procedure sets the socket.

Returns a list of socket which are set on fdset.

Socket conditions

Above APIs may raise either &socket or &host-not-found. The first condition is raised when socket related operation failed, for example socket-send. The latter condition is raised when get-addrinfo is failed.

NOTE: make-client-socket and make-server-socket may raise &host-not-found when the given node or service is not a valid value.

The condition hierarchy is the following:

 + &host-not-found (node service)
 + &socket (socket)
    + &socket-connection
    + &socket-closed
    + &socket-read-timeout
    + &socket-port (port)
Condition Type &host-not-found

This condition describes the combination of node and _service_does not exist.

Condition Type &socket

This condition describes general socket operation error.

Condition Type &socket-connection

This condition describes socket connection error.

Condition Type &socket-closed

This condition describes socket closed error.

Condition Type &socket-read-timeout

This condition describes socket read timeout error.

Condition Type &socket-port

This condition describes error of socket port operation. Particularly, when port-ready procedure is called on socket port and select (2) failed.

NOTE: Read or write failure of socket port raises &i/o-read or &i/o-write the same as other ports for compatibility.

NOTE2: This condition may be signalled when get-bytevector-all is called on socket port since it checks whether or not the given port is ready.