
R7RS-large makes Scheme specification more practical. It contains lots of useful libraries as well. This section lists supporting R7RS-large libraries.

List library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-1 (srfi :1).

Vector library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-133 (srfi :133).

Sorting library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-132 (srfi :132).

Set library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-113 (srfi :113).

Character set library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-14 (srfi :14).

Hashtable library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-125 (srfi :125).

Immutable list library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-116 (srfi :116).

Random access list library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-101 (srfi :101) with the following exceptions:

make-list is renamed to make-rlist.

random-access-list->linear-access-list is renamed to rlist->list.

linear-access-list->random-access-list is renamed to list->rlist.

All other procedures are prefixed with r. For example, pair?exported from (srfi :101) is rpair?.

Immutable deque library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-134 (srfi :134).

Immutable text library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-135 (srfi :135).

Generator library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-158 (srfi :158).

Lazy sequence library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-127 (srfi :127).

Stream library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-41 (srfi :41).

Box library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-111 (srfi :111).

List queue library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-117 (srfi :117).

Ephemeron library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-124 (srfi :124).

Comparator library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-128 (srfi :128).

Division library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-141 (srfi :141).

Fixnum library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-143 (srfi :143).

Flonum library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-144 (srfi :144).

Mapping library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-146 (srfi :146).

Hash mapping library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-146 (srfi :146 hash).

Bitwise library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-151 (srfi :151).

Format library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-159 (srfi :159).

Homogeneous vector library base

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-160 (srfi :160 base).

Homogeneous vector library per types

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-160 (srfi :160 @). Where @ is one of u8 s8 u16 s16 u32 s32 u64 s64 f32 f64 c64 c128

Bytevector library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in R6RS bytevectors library (rnrs bytevectors).

NOTE: The exporting names may conflicts with the ones exported from R7RS libraries (e.g. bytevector-copy! from (scheme base)).