Records syntactic layer

Library (rnrs records syntactic (6))

The (rnrs records syntactic (6))library. Some details of the specification are explained in terms of the specification of the procedural layer below.

Macro define-record-type name-spec record-clase ...
Auxiliary syntax fields field-spec ...
Auxiliary syntax parent parent-name
Auxiliary syntax protocol expression
Auxiliary syntax sealed boolean
Auxiliary syntax opaque boolean
Auxiliary syntax nongenerative :optional uid
Auxiliary syntax parent-rtd parent-rtd parent-cd

[R6RS] A define-record-type form defines a record type along with associated constructor descriptor and constructor, predicate, field accessors, and field mutators. The define-record-type form expands into a set of definitions in the environment where define-record-type appears; hence, it is possible to refer to the bindings (except for that of the record type itself) recursively.

The name-spec specifies the names of the record type, constructor, and predicate. It must take one of the following forms:

(_record-name_ _constructor-name_ _predicate-name_)


Record-name, constructor-name, and predicate-name must all be identifiers. Record-name, taken as a symbol, becomes the name of the record type. (See the description of make-record-type-descriptor.) Additionally, it is bound by this definition to an expand-time or run-time representation of the record type and can be used as parent name in syntactic record-type definitions that extend this definition. It can also be used as a handle to gain access to the underlying record-type descriptor and constructor descriptor (see record-type-descriptor and record-constructor-descriptor).

Constructor-name is defined by this definition to be a constructor for the defined record type, with a protocol specified by the protocol clause, or, in its absence, using a default protocol. For details, see the description of the protocol clause below.

Predicate-name is defined by this definition to a predicate for the defined record type.

The second form of name-spec is an abbreviation for the first form, where the name of the constructor is generated by prefixing the record name with make-, and the predicate name is generated by adding a question mark (?) to the end of the record name. For example, if the record name is frob, the name of the constructor is make-frob, and the predicate name is frob?. Each record-clause must take one of the auxiliary syntax forms; it is a syntax violation if multiple record-clauses of the same kind appear in a define-record-type form.

(fields _field-spec_*)

Each field-spec has one of the following forms

(immutable _field-name_ _accessor-name_)

(mutable _field-name_ _accessor-name_ _mutator-name_)

(immutable _field-name_)

(mutable _field-name_)


Field-name, accessor-name, and mutator-name must all be identifiers. The first form declares an immutable field called field-name>, with the corresponding accessor named accessor-name. The second form declares a mutable field called field-name, with the corresponding accessor named accessor-name, and with the corresponding mutator named mutator-name.

If field-spec takes the third or fourth form, the accessor name is generated by appending the record name and field name with a hyphen separator, and the mutator name (for a mutable field) is generated by adding a -set! suffix to the accessor name. For example, if the record name is frob and the field name is widget, the accessor name is frob-widget and the mutator name is frob-widget-set!.

If field-spec is just a field-name form, it is an abbreviation for (immutable _field-name_).

The field-names become, as symbols, the names of the fields in the record-type descriptor being created, in the same order.

The fields clause may be absent; this is equivalent to an empty fieldsclause.

(parent _parent-name_)

Specifies that the record type is to have parent type parent-name, where parent-name is the record-name of a record type previously defined using define-record-type. The record-type definition associated with parent-name must not be sealed. If no parent clause and no parent-rtd(see below) clause is present, the record type is a base type.

(protocol _expression_)

Expression is evaluated in the same environment as the define-record-typeform, and must evaluate to a protocol appropriate for the record type being defined.

The protocol is used to create a record-constructor descriptor as described below. If no protocol clause is specified, a constructor descriptor is still created using a default protocol. The clause can be absent only if the record type being defined has no parent type, or if the parent definition does not specify a protocol.

(sealed _boolean_)

If this option is specified with operand #t, the defined record type is sealed, i.e., no extensions of the record type can be created. If this option is specified with operand #f, or is absent, the defined record type is not sealed.

(opaque _boolean_)

If this option is specified with operand #t, or if an opaque parent record type is specified, the defined record type is opaque. Otherwise, the defined record type is not opaque. See the specification of record-rtd below for details.

(nongenerative _uid_)


This specifies that the record type is nongenerative with uid uid, which must be an identifier. If uid is absent, a unique uid is generated at macro-expansion time. If two record-type definitions specify the same uid, then the record-type definitions should be equivalent, i.e., the implied arguments to make-record-type-descriptor must be equivalent as described under make-record-type-descriptor. If this condition is not met, it is either considered a syntax violation or an exception with condition type &assertionis raised. If the condition is met, a single record type is generated for both definitions.

In the absence of a nongenerative clause, a new record type is generated every time a define-record-type form is evaluated:

(let ((f (lambda (x)
           (define-record-type r ...)
           (if x r? (make-r ...)))))
  ((f #t) (f #f)))

(parent-rtd _parent-rtd_ _parent-cd_)

Specifies that the record type is to have its parent type specified by parent-rtd, which should be an expression evaluating to a record-type descriptor, and parent-cd, which should be an expression evaluating to a constructor descriptor. The record-type definition associated with the value of parent-rtd must not be sealed. Moreover, a record-type definition must not have both a parent and a parent-rtd clause.

All bindings created by define-record-type (for the record type, the constructor, the predicate, the accessors, and the mutators) must have names that are pairwise distinct.

The constructor created by a define-record-type form is a procedure as follows:

A protocol may perform other actions consistent with the requirements described above, including mutation of the new record or other side effects, before returning the record.

Any definition that takes advantage of implicit naming for the constructor, predicate, accessor, and mutator names can be rewritten trivially to a definition that specifies all names explicitly. For example, the implicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type frob
  (fields (mutable widget))
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))

is equivalent to the following explicit-naming record definition.

(define-record-type (frob make-frob frob?)
  (fields (mutable widget
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))

Also, the implicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type point (fields x y))

is equivalent to the following explicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type (point make-point point?)
    (immutable x point-x)
    (immutable y point-y)))

With implicit naming, it is still possible to specify some of the names explicitly; for example, the following overrides the choice of accessor and mutator names for the widget field.

(define-record-type frob
  (fields (mutable widget getwid setwid!))
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))
Macro record-type-descriptor record-name

[R6RS] Evaluates to the record-type descriptor (see Records procedural layer) associated with the type specified by record-name.

Macro record-constructor-descriptor record-name

[R6RS] Evaluates to the record-type constructor (see Records procedural layer) associated with the type specified by record-name.

The following example uses the record? procedure from the (rnrs records inspection (6)) library:

(define-record-type (point make-point point?)
  (fields (immutable x point-x)
           (mutable y point-y set-point-y!))
  (nongenerative point-4893d957-e00b-11d9-817f-00111175eb9e))
(define-record-type (cpoint make-cpoint cpoint?)
  (parent point)
  (protocol (lambda (n)
                 (lambda (x y c) 
                   ((n x y) (color->rgb c)))))
  (fields (mutable rgb cpoint-rgb cpoint-rgb-set!)))

(define (color->rgb c) (cons 'rgb c))

(define p1 (make-point 1 2))

(define p2 (make-cpoint 3 4 'red))

(point? p1)

(point? p2)

(point? (vector))

(point? (cons 'a 'b))

(cpoint? p1)

(cpoint? p2)

(point-x p1)

(point-y p1)

(point-x p2)

(point-y p2)

(cpoint-rgb p2)
(rgb . red)

(set-point-y! p1 17)

(point-y p1)

(record-rtd p1)
(record-type-descriptor point)

(define-record-type (ex1 make-ex1 ex1?)
  (protocol (lambda (p) (lambda a (p a))))
  (fields (immutable f ex1-f)))

(define ex1-i1 (make-ex1 1 2 3))

(ex1-f ex1-i1)
(1 2 3)

(define-record-type (ex2 make-ex2 ex2?)
    (lambda (p) (lambda (a . b) (p a b))))
  (fields (immutable a ex2-a)
           (immutable b ex2-b)))

(define ex2-i1 (make-ex2 1 2 3))

(ex2-a ex2-i1)

(ex2-b ex2-i1)
(2 3)

(define-record-type (unit-vector make-unit-vector unit-vector?)
  (protocol (lambda (p)
                 (lambda (x y z)
                   (let ((length (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))))
                         (p (/ x length) (/ y length) (/ z length))))))
  (fields (immutable x unit-vector-x)
           (immutable y unit-vector-y)
           (immutable z unit-vector-z)))

(define *ex3-instance* #f)

(define-record-type ex3
  (parent cpoint)
  (protocol (lambda (n)
                 (lambda (x y t)
                   (let ((r ((n x y 'red) t)))
                     (set! *ex3-instance* r)
  (fields  (mutable thickness))
  (sealed #t) (opaque #t))

(define ex3-i1 (make-ex3 1 2 17))

(ex3? ex3-i1)

(cpoint-rgb ex3-i1)
(rgb . red)

(ex3-thickness ex3-i1)

(ex3-thickness-set! ex3-i1 18)

(ex3-thickness ex3-i1)


(record? ex3-i1)