Sagittarius Users' Reference

This document is a manual for Sagittarius, an R6RS/R7RS Scheme implementation. This is for version 0.9.11.

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview of Sagittarius
    2. Notations
  2. Programming in Sagittarius
    1. Invoking Sagittarius
    2. Writing Scheme scripts
    3. Working on REPL
    4. Writing a library
    5. Compiled cache
    6. Deviation
  3. R6RS Libraries
    1. Library form
    2. Top library
    3. Base Library
    4. Unicode
    5. Bytevectors
    6. List utilities
    7. Sorting
    8. Control structures
    9. Records syntactic layer
    10. Records procedural layer
    11. Records inspection
    12. Exceptions
    13. Conditions
    14. I/O condition types
    15. File system
    16. Command-line access and exit values
    17. Arithmetic libraries
    18. Syntax-case
    19. Hashtables
    20. Enumerations
    21. Composite libraries
  4. R7RS Support
    1. R7RS library system
    2. R7RS libraries
    3. R7RS-large
  5. CLOS
    1. (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
    2. (clos core) - CLOS core library
  6. Sagittarius extensions
    1. (sagittarius) - builtin library
    2. (sagittarius control) - control library
    3. (sagittarius ffi) - Foreign Function Interface
    4. (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
    5. (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
    6. Sagittarius MOP
    7. (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
    8. (sagittarius process) - Process library
    9. (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
    10. (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
    11. (sagittarius regex) - regular expression library
    12. (sagittarius socket) - socket library
    13. (sagittarius threads) - Thread
    14. (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
    15. (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
    16. (sagittarius generators) - Generators
    17. Cryptographic libraries
  7. Utility libraries
    1. (archive) - Generic archive interface
    2. (asn.1) - Abstract Syntas Notation One library
    3. (binary data) - Binary data read/write
    4. (binary io) - Binary I/O utilities
    5. (binary pack) - Packing binary data
    6. (util buffer) - Buffer utilities
    7. (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
    8. (util concurrent) - Concurrency utilities
    9. (crypto) - Cryptographic library
    10. (dbi) - Database independent access layer
    11. (dbm) - Generic DBM interface
    12. (util deque) - Deque
    13. (util duration) - Duration
    14. (util file) - File operation utility library
    15. (getopt) - Parsing command-line options
    16. (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
    17. (util heap) - Heap
    18. (util list) - Extra list utility library
    19. (util logging) - Logging utilities
    20. (math) - Mathematics library
    21. (net mq amqp) - AMQP library
    22. (net http-client) - Modern HTTP client
    23. (net http) - Async HTTP client
    24. (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
    25. (net oauth) - OAuth library
    26. (net server) - Simple server framework
    27. (net socket) - Modern Socket library
    28. (odbc) - ODBC binding
    29. (peg) - PEG library
    30. (rsa pkcs :5) - Password Based Cryptography library
    31. (rsa pkcs :12) - PKCS#12
    32. (util queue) - Queue
    33. (record builder) - Record builder
    34. (rfc :5322) - Internet message format library
    35. (rfc base64) - Base 64 encode and decode library
    36. (rfc cmac) - CMAC library
    37. (rfc hmac) - HMAC library
    38. (rfc http) - HTTP client
    39. (rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client
    40. (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
    41. (rfc json-pointer) - JSON Pointer
    42. (rfc jwe) - Json Web Encryption
    43. (rfc jwk) - Json Web Key
    44. (rfc jws) - Json Web Signature
    45. (rfc jwt) - Json Web Token
    46. (rfc pem) - PEM format library
    47. (rfc hotp) - HMAC-based One-Time Password library
    48. (rfc totp) - Time-based One-Time Password library
    49. (rfc quoted-printable) - Base 64 encode and decode library
    50. (rfc sftp) - SFTP library
    51. (rfc smtp) - SMTP client
    52. (rfc tls) - TLS protocol library
    53. (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
    54. (rfc uri-template) - URI template
    55. (rfc uuid) - UUID generate library
    56. (rfc websocket) - WebSocket
    57. (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
    58. (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
    59. RPC support framework
    60. (rpc json) - JSON RPC library
    61. (security keystore) - Generic Keystore Access
    62. (security password) - Password policy
    63. (text csv) - Comma separated values parser library
    64. (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
    65. (text json) -- JSON parser
    66. (text json object-builder) -- JSON object builder/serializer
    67. (text json jmespath) - JMESPath
    68. (text json mutable) - Mutable JSON
    69. (text json pointer) - JSON Pointer
    70. (text json patch) - JSON Patch
    71. (text json schema) - JSON Schema
    72. (text json validator) - JSON validator
    73. (text sxml html-parser) - Flxible HTML parser
    74. (text markdown) -- Markdown parser and converter
    75. (text sxml object-builder) - SXML to Scheme object builder
    76. (text tree) - Lightweight text generation
    77. (text yaml) -- YAML parser
    78. (util timer) - Timer
    79. (tlv) - TLV library
    80. (util treemap) - Treemap
    81. (util vector) - Extra vector utility library
  8. Ported libraries
    1. (match) -- Pattern matching
    2. (text parse) - Parsing input stream
    3. (text sxml ssax) - Functional XML parser
    4. (text sxml sxpath) - Functional XML parser
    5. (packrat) -- Packrat parser library
    6. (json) -- JSON parser library
  9. Supporting SRFIs
    1. Reader macros for SRFIs
  10. Index


This is a users' guide and reference manual of Sagittarius Scheme system. Here I tried to describe the points which are not conformed to R6RS.

The target readers are those who already know Scheme and want to write useful programs in Sagittarius.

Overview of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a Scheme script engine; it reads Scheme programs, compiles it on-the-fly and executes it on a virtual machine. Sagittarius conforms the language standard "Revised^6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme" (R6RS), "Revised^7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme" (R7RS), and supports various common libraries defined in "Scheme Requests for Implementation" (SRFI)s.

There are a lot of Scheme implementations and they have different strong and weak points. Sagittarius focuses on "Flexibility" and "Easy to Use". R6RS specifies strict requirements, but sometimes you may think this is too much. For that purpose, Sagittarius has less strictness. There are invocation options that make Sagittarius run on strict RnRS mode.

To avoid to lose portability or write miss-working code, you may want to know what are the non conformed points.


Basically reader has 3 modes. One is R6RS mode, one is R7RS mode and the last one is compatible mode. Although, user can modify reader with reader macro. These modes can be switched via #!r6rs, #!r7rs or #!compatible. For more details, see Predefined reader macros.


Redefinition of exported values are allowed on script file. This can be restricted by -r6 option to run the script strict R6RS mode. Multiple import of the same identifier is allowed. The value which imported at the last will be used.


In this manual, each entry is represented like this.

[spec] Description foo ...

Category denotes category of the entry foo. The following category will appear in this manual.


A command line program


A Scheme function


A syntax

Auxiliary Syntax

A auxiliary syntax


A macro

Auxiliary Macro

A auxiliary macro


A library

Condition Type

A condition type

Reader Macro

A reader macro


A CLOS class


A generic function


A method

For functions, syntaxes, or macros, the the entry may be followed by one or more arguments. In the arguments list, following notations may appear.

arg ...

Indicates zero or more arguments

:optional x y z
:optional (x x-default) (y y-default) (z z-default)

Indicates is may take up to three optional arguments. The second form specifies default values for x, y and z.

The description of the entry follows the entry line. If the specification of the entry comes from some standard or implementation, its origin is noted in the bracket at the beginning of the description. The following origins are noted:


The entry works as specified in "Revised^6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.". If it is marked as "[R6RS+]", the entry has additional functionality.


The entry works as specified in "Revised^7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.".


The entry works as specified in SRFI-n. If it is marked as "[SRFI-n+]", the entry has additional functionality.

Programming in Sagittarius

Invoking Sagittarius

Sagittarius can be used as an independent Scheme interpreter. The interpreter which comes with Sagittarius distribution is a program named sagittariuson Unix like environment and sash on Windows environment.

Invoking sagittarius. If scheme-file is not given, it runs with interactive mode.

Specifying -r option with Scheme standard number, currently 6and 7 are supported, forces to run Sagittarius on strict standard mode. For example, entire script is read then evaluated on R6RS (-r6 option) mode. Thus macros can be located below the main script.

Detail options are given with option "-h".

For backward compatibility, symbolic link sash is also provided on Unix like environment. However this may not exist if Sagittarius is built with disabling symbolic link option.

Writing Scheme scripts

When a Scheme file is given to sagittarius, it bounds an internal variable to list of the remaining command-line arguments which you can get with the command-line procedure, then loads the Scheme program. If the first line of scheme-file begins with "#!", then Sagittarius ignores the entire line. This is useful to write a Scheme program that works as an executable script in unix-like systems.

Typical Sagittarius script has the first line like this:



#!/bin/env sagittarius

The second form uses "shell trampoline" technique so that the script works as far as sagittarius is in the PATH.

After the script file is successfully loaded, then Sagittarius will process all toplevel expression the same as Perl.

Now I show a simple example below. This script works like cat(1), without any command-line option processing and error handling.

(import (rnrs))
(let ((args (command-line)))
  (unless (null? (cdr args))
    (for-each (lambda (file)
		(call-with-input-file file
		  (lambda (in)
		    (display (get-string-all in)))))
	      (cdr args)))

If you need to add extra load path in the executing script file, you can also write like this:

# Adding lib directory located in the same directory as this script
# is located
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
exec sagittarius -L${DIR}/lib $0 "$@"
;; Scheme script
(import (rnrs))

If the script file contains main procedure, then Sagittarius execute it as well with one argument which contains all command line arguments. This feature is defined in SRFI-22. So the above example can also be written like the following:

(import (rnrs))
(define (main args)
  (unless (null? (cdr args))
    (for-each (lambda (file)
		(call-with-input-file file
		  (lambda (in)
		    (display (get-string-all in)))))
	      (cdr args)))

NOTE: the main procedure is called after all toplevel expressions are executed.

Working on REPL

If sagittarius does not get any script file to process, then it will go in to REPL (read-eval-print-loop). For developers' convenience, REPL imports some libraries by default such as (rnrs).

If .sashrc file is located in the directory indicated HOME or USERPROFILE environment variable, then REPL reads it before evaluating user input. So developer can pre-load some more libraries, instead of typing each time.

NOTE: .sashrc is only for REPL, it is developers duty to load all libraries on script file.

Writing a library

Sagittarius provides 2 styles to write a library, one is R6RS style and other one is R7RS style. Both styles are processed the same and users can use it without losing code portability.

Following example is written in R6RS style, for the detail of library syntax please see the R6RS document described in bellow sections.

(library (foo)
  (export bar)
  (import (rnrs))

 (define bar 'bar) )

The library named (foo) must be saved the file named foo.scm,, foo.sls or foo.sld (I use .scm for all examples) and located on the loading path, the value is returned by calling add-load-path with 0 length string.

Library file extensions

The file extension also controls the reader mode.

.ss and .sls

When a file with one of the extensions is loaded during library importing, then #!r6rs directive is applied to the target file by default.


When a file has this extensions, then #!r7rs directive is applied to the target file by default.


This file extension uses #!compatible directive.

If the loading file contains other directive, then the default directive is overwritten.

If you want to write portable code yet want to use Sagittarius specific functionality, then you can write implementation specific code separately using .sagittarius.scm,, .sagittarius.sls or .sagittarius.sld extensions. This functionality is implemented almost all R6RS implementation. If you use R7RS style library syntax, then you can also use cond-expand to separate implementation specific functionalities.

Hidden library

If you don't want to share a library but only used in specific one, you can write both in one file and name the file you want to show. For example;

(library (not showing)
  ;; exports all internal use procedures
  (export ...)
  (import (rnrs))
;; write procedures

(library (shared)
  (export shared-procedure ...)
  (import (rnrs) (not showing))
;; write shared procedures here

Above script must be saved the file named shared.scm. The order of libraries are important. Top most dependency must be the first and next is second most, so on.

Note: This style can hide some private procedures however if you want to write portable code, some implementations do not allow you to write this style.

Compiled cache

For better starting time, Sagittarius caches compiled libraries. The cache files are stored in one of the following environment variables;

For Unix like (POSIX) environment:

For Windows environment:

Sagittarius will use the variables respectively, so if the SAGITTARIUS_CACHE_DIR is found then it will be used.

The caching compiled file is carefully designed however the cache file might be stored in broken state. In that case use -c option with sagittarius, then it will wipe all cache files. If you don't want to use it, pass -d option then Sagittarius won't use it.

Adding #!nocache directive to a library file would disable caching of the file. This is sometimes useful especially if you need importing time information, e.g. loading path, which is not available if the library is loaded from a cache.


Some of the behaviours are not compliant or deviate from other implementations. Here, we list some of them.

Macro expansion

The following code will print #t instead of #f with -r6command line option or doing it on a library:

(import (rnrs) (for (rnrs eval) expand))

(define-syntax foo
    (syntax-case ctx ()
      ((_ id)
	(eval '(datum->syntax #'k 'bar) (environment '(rnrs))))))))

(define bar)

(display (foo bar))

This is because, Sagittarius doesn't have separated phases of macro expansion and compilation. When foo is expanded, then the bar is not defined yet or at least it's not visible during the macro expansion. So, both _bar_s are not bound, then free-identifier=? will consider them the same identifiers.


On R6RS, symbol starts with #! is ignored, however this is not the case on R7RS. Sagittarius ignores these symbols on both mode.

R6RS Libraries

Sagittarius works with library even toplevel expressions are belong to a library named "user". Here I list up all R6RS libraries. Some libraries contain the same procedure ie. assoc which is in (rnrs (6)) and (srfi :1 lists). In this case I will put a pointer to other library's section.

If library specifies its version, Sagittarius, however, ignores it. This behaviour may change in future.

Library form

Declare a library named name.

name uniquely identifies a library and is globally visible in the import clauses of all other libraries. It must have the following form:

(_identifier1 identifier2_ ... _version_)

where version is empty or has the following form: (_sub-version_ ...)An export-clause names a set of imported and locally defined bindings to be exported. It must have following form:

(export _export-spec_ ...)

export-spec must have one of the following forms:

In an export-spec, an identifier names a single binding defined within or imported into the library, where the external name for the export is the same as the name of the binding within the library. A rename spec exports the binding named by identifier1 in each (_identifier1 identifier2_) pairing, using identifier2 as the external name.

import-clause specifies a set of bindings to be imported into the library. It must have the following form:

(import _import-spec_ ...)

Each import-spec specifies a set of bindings to be imported into the library. An import-spec must be one of the following:

An import-level is one of the following:

where level represents an exact integer object.

Note: The levels will be ignored on Sagittarius. The macro expansion phase will be automatically resolved. For portable code, it is better to specify the proper level.

An import-set names a set of bindings from another library and possibly specifies local names for the imported bindings. It must be one of the following:

A reference identifies a library by its name and optionally by its version. It must have one of the following forms:

Note: Sagittarius ignores version.

A reference whose first identifier is for, library, only, except, prefix or rename is permitted only within a library import-set. The import-set(library _reference_) is otherwise equivalent to reference.

By default, all of an imported library's exported bindings are made visible within an importing library using the names given to the bindings by the imported library. The precise set of bindings to be imported and the names of those bindings can be adjusted with the only, except, prefix and rename forms described below.

Note: Sagittarius does not check importing or exporting non-existing or duplicated bindings. So the following code is actually valid.

(library (foo)
  (export bar)
  (import (rename (rnrs) (define def) (not-exist define) (define def)))
 (def bar)

Top library

Library (rnrs (6))

[R6RS] The library (rnrs (6)) is required by R6RS. It just export all symbols from the libraries which are listed below.

Most of these libraries documentations are from R6RS specification.

Base Library

[R6RS] This library exports many of the procedure and syntax bindings that are traditionally associated with Scheme.

Variable definitions

[R6RS] The define form is a definition used to create variable bindings and may appear anywhere other definitions may appear.

The first from of define binds variable to a new location before assigning the value of expression to it.

(define add3 (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))

(add3 3)

(define first car)

(first '(1 2))

The second form of define is equivalent to

(define _variable_ _unspecified_)

where unspecified is a side-effect-free expression returning an unspecified value.

In the third form of define, formals must be either a sequence of zero or more variables, or a sequence of one or more variables followed by a dot . and another variable. This form is equivalent to

(define _variable_ (lambda (_formals_) _body ..._))

In the fourth form of define, formal must be a single variable. This form is equivalent to

(define _variable_ (lambda _formal_ _body ..._))

Syntax definitions

[R6RS] The define-syntax form is a definition used to create keyword bindings and may appear anywhere other definitions may appear.

Binds keyword to the value of expression, which must evaluate, at macro-expansion time, to a transformer.


[R6RS] quote evaluates to the datum value represented by datum.

(quote a)

(quote #(a b c))
#(a b c)

(quote (+ 1 2))
(+ 1 2)


[R6RS+]A lambda expression evaluates to a procedure. The environment in effect when the lambda expression is evaluated is remembered as part of the procedure. When the procedure is later called with some arguments, the environment in which the lambda expression was evaluated is extended by binding the variables in the parameter list to fresh locations, and the resulting argument values are stored in those locations. Then, the expressions in the body of the lambda expression are evaluated sequentially in the extended environment. The results of the last expression in the body are returned as the results of the procedure call.

(lambda (x) (+ x x))
a procedure

((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4)

((lambda (x)
   (define (p y) (+ y 1))
   (+ (p x) x)) 5)

(define reverse-subtract (lambda (x y) (- y x)))

(reverse-subtract 7 10)

(define add4 (let ((x 4)) (lambda (y) (+ x y))))

(add4 6)

Formals must have one of the following forms:

  • (<variable1> ...) The procedure takes a fixed number of arguments; when the procedure is called, the arguments are stored in the bindings of the corresponding variables.

  • <variable> The procedure takes any number of arguments; when the procedure is called, the sequence of arguments is converted into a newly allocated list, and the list is stored in the binding of the <variable>.

  • (<variable1> ... <variablen> . <variablen+1>) If a period . precedes the last variable, then the procedure takes n or more arguments, where n is the number of parameters before the period (there must be at least one). The value stored in the binding of the last variable is a newly allocated list of the arguments left over after all the other arguments have been matched up against the other parameters.

    ((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6)
    (3 4 5 6)
    ((lambda (x y . z) z)  3 4 5 6)
    (5 6)
    Any variable must not appear more than once in formals.

  • (<variable> ... <extended-spec> ...)

    Extended argument specification. Zero or more variables that specifies required formal argument, followed by an <extended-spec>, a list begginning with a keyword :optional, :key or :rest. The <extended-spec> part consists of the optional argument spec, the keyword argument spec and the rest argument spec. They can appear in any combinations.

    :optional _optspec_ ...

    ecifies optional arguments. Each optspec can be either one of the following forms:

    (_variable_ _init-expr_)
    The variable names the formal argument, which is bound to the value of the actual argument if given, or the value of the expression init-expr otherwise. If optspec is just a variable, and the actual argument is not given, then it will be unspecified value. The expression init-expr is only evaluated if the actual argument is not given. The scope in which init-expr is evaluated includes the preceding formal arguments.
    ((lambda (a b :optional (c (+ a b))) (list a b c)) 1 2) 
    (1 2 3)
    ((lambda (a b :optional (c (+ a b))) (list a b c)) 1 2 -1) 
    (1 2 -1)
    ((lambda (a b :optional c) (list a b c)) 1 2) 
    (1 2 #\<unspecified>)
    ((lambda (:optional (a 0) (b (+ a 1))) (list a b))) 
    (1 2)
    The procedure raises an &serious if more actual arguments than the number of required and optional arguments are given, unless it also has :key or :rest arguments spec.
    ((lambda (:optional a b) (list a b)) 1 2 3) 
    ((lambda (:optional a b :rest r) (list a b r)) 1 2 3) 
    (1 2 (3))
    :key _keyspec_ ... [:allow-other-keys [_variable_]]

    ecifies keyword arguments. Each keyspec can be one of the following forms.

    (_variable_ _init-expr_)
    ((_keyword_ _variable_) _init-expr_)
    (_variable_ _keyword_ _init-expr_)
    The variable names the formal argument, which is bound to the actual argument given with the keyword of the same name as variable. When the actual is not given, init-expr is evaluated and the result is bound to variable in the second, third and fourth form, or unspecified value is bound in the first form.

    (define f (lambda (a :key (b (+ a 1)) (c (+ b 1)))
          (list a b c)))

    (f 10)
    (10 11 12)
    (f 10 :b 4)
    (10 4 5)
    (f 10 :c 8)
    (10 11 8)
    (f 10 :c 1 :b 3)
    (10 3 1)
    With the third and fourth form you can name the formal argument differently from the keyword to specify the argument.
    ((lambda (:key ((:aa a) -1)) a) ::aa 2)
    ((lambda (:key (a :aa -1)) a) ::aa 2)
    By default, the procedure with keyword argument spec raises &serious if a keyword argument with an unrecognized keyword is given. Giving :allow-other-keys in the formals suppresses this behaviour. If you give variable after :allow-other-keys, the list of unrecognized keywords and their arguments are bound to it.
    ((lambda (:key a) a) :a 1 :b 2)
    ((lambda (:key a :allow-other-keys) a) :a 1 :b 2)
    ((lambda (:key a :allow-other-keys z) (list a z)) :a 1 :b 2) 
    (1 (b 2))
    When used with :optional argument spec, the keyword arguments are searched after all the optional arguments are bound.
    ((lambda (:optional a b :key c) (list a b c)) 1 2 :c 3) 
    (1 2 3)
    ((lambda (:optional a b :key c) (list a b c)) :c 3) 
    (c 3 #\<unspecified>)
    ((lambda (:optional a b :key c) (list a b c)) 1 :c 3) 
    :rest _variable_

    ecifies the rest argument. If specified without :optional argument spec, a list of remaining arguments after required arguments are taken is bound to variable. If specified with :optional argument spec, the actual arguments are first bound to required and all optional arguments, and the remaining arguments are bound to variable.

    ((lambda (a b :rest z) (list a b z)) 1 2 3 4 5) 
    (1 2 (3 4 5))
    ((lambda (a b :optional c d :rest z) (list a b z)) 1 2 3 4 5) 
    (1 2 3 4 (5))
         ((lambda (a b :optional c d :rest z) (list a b z)) 1 2 3)
    (1 2 3 #\<unspecified> ())
    When the rest argument spec is used with the keyword argument spec, both accesses the same list of actual argument -- the remaining arguments after required and optional arguments are taken
    ((lambda (:optional a :rest r :key k) (list a r k)) 1 :k 3) 
    (1 (k 3) 3)


[R6RS]An if expression is evaluated as follows: first, _test_is evaluated. If it yields a true value, then consequent is evaluated and its values are returned. Otherwise alternate is evaluated and its values are returned. If test yields #f and no alternate is specified, then the result of the expression is unspecified.


[R6RS] Expression is evaluated, and the resulting value is stored in the location to which variable is bound. Variable must be bound either in some region enclosing the set! expression or at the top level. The result of the set! expression is unspecified.

Note: R6RS requires to throw syntax violation if variable refers immutable binding. In Sagittarius, however, it won't throw any error.

Derived conditionals

[R6RS] Each clause must be the form

(_test_ _expression_ ...)

(_test_ => _expression_)

(else _expression_ ...)

The last form can appear only in the last clause.

A cond expression is evaluated by evaluating the test expressions of successive clauses in order until one of them evaluates to a true value. When a test evaluates to a true value, then the remaining expressions in its clause are evaluated in order, and the results of the last expression in the clause are returned as the results of the entire cond expression. If the selected clause contains only the test and no expressions, then the value of the test is returned as the result. If the selected clause uses the => alternate form, then the expression is evaluated. Its value must be a procedure. This procedure should accept one argument; it is called on the value of the test and the values returned by this procedure are returned by the cond expression. If all tests evaluate to #f, and there is no else clause, then the conditional expression returns unspecified values; if there is an else clause, then its expressions are evaluated, and the values of the last one are returned.

[R6RS] Key must be an expression. Each clause must have one of the following forms:

((_datum_ ...) _expression_ ...)

(else _expression_ ...)

The last form can appear only in the last clause.

A case expression is evaluated as follows. Key is evaluated and its result is compared using eqv? against the data represented by the _datums_of each clause in turn, proceeding in order from left to right through the set of clauses. If the result of evaluating key is equivalent to a datum of a clause, the corresponding expressions are evaluated from left to right and the results of the last expression in the clause are returned as the results of the case expression. Otherwise, the comparison process continues. If the result of evaluating key is different from every datum in each set, then if there is an else clause its expressions are evaluated and the results of the last are the results of the case expression; otherwise the case expression returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] If there are no tests, #t is returned. Otherwise, the test expressions are evaluated from left to right until a _test_returns #f or the last test is reached. In the former case, the and expression returns #f without evaluating the remaining expressions. In the latter case, the last expression is evaluated and its values are returned.

(and (= 2 2) (> 2 1))

(and (= 2 2) (< 2 1))

(and 1 2 'c '(f g))
(f g)


[R6RS] If there are no tests, #f is returned. Otherwise, the _test_expressions are evaluated from left to right until a test returns a true value or the last test is reached. In the former case, the or expression returns val without evaluating the remaining expressions. In the latter case, the last expression is evaluated and its values are returned.

(or (= 2 2) (> 2 1))

(or (= 2 2) (< 2 1))

(or #f #f #f)

(or '(b c) (/ 3 0))
(b c)

Binding constructs

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_variable1_ _init1_) ...)

where each init is an expression. Any variable must not appear more than once in the variables.

The inits are evaluated in the current environment, the variables are bound to fresh locations holding the results, the body is evaluated in the extended environment, and the values of the last expression of body are returned. Each binding of a variable has body as its region.

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_variable1_ _init1_) ...)

The let* form is similar to let, but the inits are evaluated and bindings created sequentially from left to right, with the region of each binding including the bindings to its right as well as body. Thus the second init is evaluated in an environment in which the first binding is visible and initialized, and so on.

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_variable1_ _init1_) ...)

where each init is an expression. Any variable must not appear more than once in the variables.

The variables are bound to fresh locations, the inits are evaluated in the resulting environment, each variable is assigned to the result of the corresponding init, the body is evaluated in the resulting environment, and the values of the last expression in body are returned. Each binding of a variable has the entire letrec expression as its region, making it possible to define mutually recursive procedures.

In the most common uses of letrec, all the inits are lambdaexpressions and the restriction is satisfied automatically.

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_variable1_ _init1_) ...)

where each init is an expression. Any variable must not appear more than once in the variables.

The variables are bound to fresh locations, each variable is assigned in left-to-right order to the result of evaluating the corresponding init, the body is evaluated in the resulting environment, and the values of the last expression in body are returned. Despite the left-to-right evaluation and assignment order, each binding of a variable has the entire letrec*expression as its region, making it possible to define mutually recursive procedures.

[R6RS] Mv-bindings must have the form

((_formals_ _init1_) ...)

where each init is an expression. Any variable must not appear more than once in the set of formals.

The inits are evaluated in the current environment, and the variables occurring in the formals are bound to fresh locations containing the values returned by the inits, where the formals are matched to the return values in the same way that the formals in a lambda expression are matched to the arguments in a procedure call. Then, the body is evaluated in the extended environment, and the values of the last expression of _body_are returned. Each binding of a variable has body as its region. If the formals do not match, an exception with condition type &assertionis raised.

[R6RS] Mv-bindings must have the form

((_formals_ _init1_) ...)

where each init is an expression. In each formals, any variable must not appear more than once.

The let*-values form is similar to let-values, but the _inits_are evaluated and bindings created sequentially from left to right, with the region of the bindings of each formals including the bindings to its right as well as body. Thus the second init is evaluated in an environment in which the bindings of the first formals is visible and initialized, and so on.


[R6RS]The begin keyword has two different roles, depending on its context:

  • It may appear as a form in a body , library body, or top-level body, or directly nested in a begin form that appears in a body. In this case, the begin form must have the shape specified in the first header line. This use of begin acts as a splicing form - the forms inside the body are spliced into the surrounding body, as if the begin wrapper were not actually present. A begin form in a body or library body must be non-empty if it appears after the first expression within the body.

  • It may appear as an ordinary expression and must have the shape specified in the second header line. In this case, the expressions are evaluated sequentially from left to right, and the values of the last expression are returned. This expression type is used to sequence side effects such as assignments or input and output.

Equivalence predicates

A predicate is a procedure that always returns a boolean value (#t or #f). An equivalence predicate is the computational analogue of a mathematical equivalence relation (it is symmetric, reflexive, and transitive). Of the equivalence predicates described in this section, eq? is the finest or most discriminating, and equal? is the coarsest. The eqv? predicate is slightly less discriminating than eq?.

[R6RS] eq? only sees if the given two objects are the same object or not, eqv? compares numbers. equal? compares the values equivalence.

On Sagittarius Scheme interned symbol, keyword(only compatible mode), character, literal string, boolean, fixnum, and '() are used as the same objects. If these objects indicates the same value then eq? returns #t.

The following examples are not specified R6RS. But it is always good to know how it works.

(let ((p (lambda (x) x))) (eqv? p p))

(eqv? "" "")

(eqv? "abc" "abc") ;; literal string are the same object

(eqv? "abc" (list->string '(#\a #\b #\c)))

(eqv? '#() '#())

(eqv? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) x))

(eqv? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y))

(eqv? +nan.0 +nan.0)

Procedure predicate

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a procedure, otherwise returns #f.

Numerical type predicates

Function number? obj
Function real? obj

[R6RS] These numerical type predicates can be applied to any kind of argument. They return #t if the object is a number object of the named type, and #f otherwise. In general, if a type predicate is true of a number object then all higher type predicates are also true of that number object. Consequently, if a type predicate is false of a number object, then all lower type predicates are also false of that number object.

If z is a complex number object, then (real? _z_) is true if and only if (zero? (imag-part _z_)) and (exact? (imag-part _z_))are both true.

If x is a real number object, then (rational? _x_) is true if and only if there exist exact integer objects k1 and k2 such that (= _x_ (/ _k1_ _k2_)) and (= (numerator _x_) _k1_)and (= (denominator _x_) _k2_) are all true. Thus infinities and NaNs are not rational number objects.

If q is a rational number objects, then (integer? _q_) is true if and only if (= (denominator _q_) 1) is true. If q is not a rational number object, then (integer? _q_) is #f.

[R6RS] These numerical type predicates can be applied to any kind of argument. The real-valued? procedure returns #t if the object is a number object and is equal in the sense of = to some real number object, or if the object is a NaN, or a complex number object whose real part is a NaN and whose imaginary part is zero in the sense of zero?. The rational-valued? and integer-valued?procedures return #t if the object is a number object and is equal in the sense of = to some object of the named type, and otherwise they return #f.

Function exact? obj

[R6RS] These numerical predicates provide tests for the exactness of a quantity. For any number object, precisely one of these predicates is true.

Generic conversion

Function exact z
Function inexact z

[R6RS] The inexact procedure returns an inexact representation of z. If inexact number objects of the appropriate type have bounded precision, then the value returned is an inexact number object that is nearest to the argument.

The exact procedure returns an exact representation of z. The value returned is the exact number object that is numerically closest to the argument; in most cases, the result of this procedure should be numerically equal to its argument.

Arithmetic operations

[R6RS] These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively): equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically nondecreasing, or monotonically nonincreasing, and #f otherwise.

Function zero? z
Function positive? z
Function negative? z
Function odd? z
Function even? z
Function finite? z
Function infinite? z
Function nan? z

[R6RS] These numerical predicates test a number object for a particular property, returning #t or #f.

The zero? procedure tests if the number object is = to zero.

The positive? tests whether it is greater than zero.

The negative? tests whether it is less than zero.

The odd? tests whether it is odd.

The even? tests whether it is even

The finite? tests whether it is not an infinity and not a NaN.

The infinite? tests whether it is an infinity.

The nan? tests whether it is a NaN.

[R6RS] These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their arguments.

Function + z ...
Function * z ...

[R6RS] These procedures return the sum or product of their arguments.

Function - z ...
Function - z1 z2 ...

[R6RS] With two or more arguments, this procedures returns the difference of its arguments, associating to the left. With one argument, however, it returns the additive inverse of its argument.

If this procedure is applied to mixed non-rational real and non-real complex arguments, it returns an unspecified number object.

Function / z ...
Function / z1 z2 ...

[R6RS+] If all of the arguments are exact, then the divisors must all be nonzero. With two or more arguments, this procedure returns the quotient of its arguments, associating to the left. With one argument, however, it returns the multiplicative inverse of its argument.

If this procedure is applied to mixed non-rational real and non-real complex arguments, it returns an unspecified number object.

In R6RS, it requires to raise &assertion when the divisor was 0, on Sagittarius, however, it returns NaN or infinite number when it is running with compatible mode. In R6RS mode it raises &assertion.

Function abs x

[R6RS] Returns the absolute value of its argument.

Function div x1 x2
Function mod x1 x2
Function div0 x1 x2
Function mod0 x1 x2

[R6RS] These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division and return the results of the corresponding mathematical operations. In each case, x1 must be neither infinite nor a NaN, and x2 must be nonzero; otherwise, an exception with condition type &assertion is raised.

Function gcd n1 ...
Function lcm n1 ...

[R6RS] These procedures return the greatest common divisor or least common multiple of their arguments. The result is always non-negative.

Function numerator q

[R6RS] These procedures return the numerator or denominator of their argument; the result is computed as if the argument was represented as a fraction in lowest terms. The denominator is always positive. The denominator of 0 is defined to be 1.

Function floor x
Function ceiling x
Function truncate x
Function round x

[R6RS] These procedures return inexact integer objects for inexact arguments that are not infinities or NaNs, and exact integer objects for exact rational arguments. For such arguments, floor returns the largest integer object not larger than x. The ceiling procedure returns the smallest integer object not smaller than x. The truncate procedure returns the integer object closest to x whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of x. The round procedure returns the closest integer object to x, rounding to even when x represents a number halfway between two integers.

Although infinities and NaNs are not integer objects, these procedures return an infinity when given an infinity as an argument, and a NaN when given a NaN.

[R6RS] The rationalize procedure returns the a number object representing the simplest rational number differing from x1 by no more than x2. A rational number r1 is simpler than another rational number r2 if r1 = p1/q1 and r2 = p2/q2 (in lowest terms) and |p1| ≤ |p2| and |q1| ≤ |q2|. Thus 3/5 is simpler than 4/7. Although not all rationals are comparable in this ordering (consider 2/7 and 3/5) any interval contains a rational number that is simpler than every other rational number in that interval (the simpler 2/5 lies between 2/7 and 3/5). Note that 0 = 0/1 is the simplest rational of all.

Function exp z
Function log z
Function log z1 z2
Function sin z
Function cos z
Function tan z
Function asin z
Function acos z
Function atan z
Function atan z1 z2

[R6RS] These procedures compute the usual transcendental functions. The exp procedure computes the base-e exponential of z.

The log procedure with a single argument computes the natural logarithm of z (not the base-ten logarithm); (log _z1_ _z2_) computes the base-z2 logarithm of z1.

The asin, acos, and atan procedures compute arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent, respectively.

The two-argument variant of atan computes (angle (make-rectangular _x2_ _x1_)).

Function sqrt z

[R6RS] Returns the principal square root of z. For rational z, the result has either positive real part, or zero real part and non-negative imaginary part.

The sqrt procedure may return an inexact result even when given an exact argument.

Function expt z1 z2

[R6RS] Returns z1 raised to the power z2. For nonzero z1, this is e^{z2 log z1}. 0.0z is 1.0 if z = 0.0, and 0.0 if (real-part _z_) is positive. For other cases in which the first argument is zero, an unspecified number object(+nan.0+nan.0i) is returned.

For an exact real number object z1 and an exact integer object z2, (expt _z1_ _z2_) must return an exact result. For all other values of z1 and z2, (expt _z1_ _z2_) may return an inexact result, even when both z1 and z2 are exact.

Function real-part z
Function imag-part z
Function magnitude z
Function angle z

[R6RS] Suppose a1, a2, a3, and a4 are real numbers, and c is a complex number such that the following holds:

_c = a1 + a2 ^ i = a3 e ^ ia4_Then, if x1, x2, x3, and x4 are number objects representing a1, a2, a3, and a4, respectively, (make-rectangular _x1_ _x2_) returns c, and (make-polar _x3_ _x4_) returns c.

Numerical input and output

[R6RS+] Radix must be an exact integer object, between 2, and 32. If omitted, radix defaults to 10. In Sagittarius precision will be ignored. The number->string procedure takes a number object and a radix and returns as a string an external representation of the given number object in the given radix such that

(let ((number _z_) (radix _radix_))
  (eqv? (string->number
          (number->string number radix)

is true.

[R6RS+] Returns a number object with maximally precise representation expressed by the given string. Radix must be an exact integer object, between 2, and 32. If supplied, radix is a default radix that may be overridden by an explicit radix prefix in string (e.g., "#o177"). If radix is not supplied, then the default radix is 10. If string is not a syntactically valid notation for a number object or a notation for a rational number object with a zero denominator, then string->numberreturns #f.

These number->string and string->number's resolutions of radix are taken from Gauche.


Function not obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is #f, and returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is either #t or #f and returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the booleans are the same.

Pairs and lists

A pair is a compound structure with two fields called the car and cdr fields (for historical reasons). Pairs are created by the procedure cons. The car and cdr fields are accessed by the procedures car and cdr.

Pairs are used primarily to represent lists. A list can be defined recursively as either the empty list or a pair whose cdr is a list. More precisely, the set of lists is defined as the smallest set X such that

  • The empty list is in

  • If list is in X, then any pair whose cdr field contains _list_is also in X.

The objects in the car fields of successive pairs of a list are the elements of the list. For example, a two-element list is a pair whose car is the first element and whose cdr is a pair whose car is the second element and whose cdr is the empty list. The length of a list is the number of elements, which is the same as the number of pairs.

The empty listis a special object of its own type. It is not a pair. It has no elements and its length is zero.

A chain of pairs not ending in the empty list is called an improper list. Note that an improper list is not a list. The list and dotted notations can be combined to represent improper lists:

(a b c . d)

is equivalent to

(a . (b . (c . d)))

Whether a given pair is a list depends upon what is stored in the cdr field.

Function pair? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a pair, and otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated pair whose car is obj1 and whose cdr is obj2. The pair is guaranteed to be different (in the sense of eqv?) from every existing object.

Function car pair
Function cdr pair

[R6RS] Returns the contents of the car/cdr field of pair.

Function caar pair
Function cadr pair


Function cadddr pair
Function cddddr pair

[R6RS] These procedures are compositions of car and cdr, where for example caddr could be defined by

(define caddr (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))))


Arbitrary compositions, up to four deep, are provided. There are twenty-eight of these procedures in all.

Function null? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is the empty list, #f otherwise.

Function list? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a list, #f otherwise. By definition, all lists are chains of pairs that have finite length and are terminated by the empty list.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated list of its arguments.

Function length list

[R6RS+] Returns the length of list. If the list is improper list, it returns -1 If the list is infinite list , it returns -2.

[R6RS] Returns a possibly improper list consisting of the elements of the first list followed by the elements of the other lists, with _obj_as the cdr of the final pair. An improper list results if obj is not a list.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated list consisting of the elements of list in reverse order.

[R6RS+] The list-tail procedure returns the subchain of pairs of list obtained by omitting the first k elements. If _fallback_is given and k is out of range, it returns fallback otherwise &assertion is raised.

[R6RS+] The list-ref procedure returns the _k_th element of list. If fallback is given and k is out of range, it returns fallback otherwise &assertion is raised.

[R6RS+ SRFI-1] The map procedure applies proc element-wise to the elements of the lists and returns a list of the results, in order. The order in which proc is applied to the elements of the lists is unspecified. If multiple returns occur from map, the values returned by earlier returns are not mutated. If the given lists are not the same length, when the shortest list is processed the map will stop.

[R6RS+ SRFI-1] The for-each procedure applies proc element-wise to the elements of the lists for its side effects, in order from the first elements to the last. The return values of for-each are unspecified. If the given lists are not the same length, when the shortest list is processed the for-each will stop.


Function symbol? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a symbol, otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns the name of symbol as an immutable string.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the symbols are the same, i.e., if their names are spelled the same.

[R6RS] Returns the symbol whose name is string.


Characters are objects that represent Unicode scalar values.

Function char? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a character, otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Sv must be a Unicode scalar value, i.e., a non-negative exact integer object in [0, #xD7FF] ∪ [#xE000, #x10FFFF].

Given a character, char->integer returns its Unicode scalar value as an exact integer object. For a Unicode scalar value sv, integer->charreturns its associated character.

[R6RS] These procedures impose a total ordering on the set of characters according to their Unicode scalar values.


Strings are sequences of characters. The length of a string is the number of characters that it contains. This number is fixed when the string is created. The valid indices of a string are the integers less than the length of the string. The first character of a string has index 0, the second has index 1, and so on.

Function string? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a string, otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated string of length k. If _char_is given, then all elements of the string are initialized to char, otherwise the contents of the string are #\space.

These are equivalence:

(make-string 10)
(code (make-string 10 #\\space))

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated string composed of the arguments.

[R6RS] Returns the number of characters in the given string as an exact integer object.

[R6RS+] The string-ref procedure returns character. If a third argument is given ant k is not a valid index, it returns fallback, otherwise raises &assertion.

k of string using zero-origin indexing.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the strings are the same length and contain the same characters in the same positions. Otherwise, the string=? procedure returns #f.

[R6RS] These procedures are the lexicographic extensions to strings of the corresponding orderings on characters. For example, string<? is the lexicographic ordering on strings induced by the ordering char<? on characters. If two strings differ in length but are the same up to the length of the shorter string, the shorter string is considered to be lexicographically less than the longer string.

[R6RS] String must be a string, and start and end must be exact integer objects satisfying

0 ≤ startend(string-length _string_).

The substring procedure returns a newly allocated string formed from the characters of string beginning with index start (inclusive) and ending with index end (exclusive).

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated string whose characters form the concatenation of the given strings.

[R6RS+] List must be a list of characters.

The string->list procedure returns a newly allocated list of the characters that make up the given string.

The list->string procedure returns a newly allocated string formed from the characters in list.

The string->list and list->string procedures are inverses so far as equal? is concerned.

If optional argument start and end are given, it restrict the conversion range. It convert from start (inclusive) to end(exclusive).

If only start is given, then the end is the length of given string.

[R6RS+] Proc should accept as many arguments as there are strings. The string-for-each procedure applies proc element-wise to the characters of the strings for its side effects, in order from the first characters to the last. The return values of string-for-each are unspecified.

Analogous to for-each.

[R6RS+] Returns a newly allocated copy of the given string.

If optional argument start was given, the procedure copies from the given start index.

If optional argument end was given, the procedure copies to the given end index (exclusive).


Vectors are heterogeneous structures whose elements are indexed by integers. A vector typically occupies less space than a list of the same length, and the average time needed to access a randomly chosen element is typically less for the vector than for the list.

The length of a vector is the number of elements that it contains. This number is a non-negative integer that is fixed when the vector is created. The valid indices of a vector are the exact non-negative integer objects less than the length of the vector. The first element in a vector is indexed by zero, and the last element is indexed by one less than the length of the vector.

Function vector? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a vector. Otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated vector of k elements. If a second argument is given, then each element is initialized to fill. Otherwise the initial contents of each element is unspecified.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated vector whose elements contain the given arguments. Analogous to list.

[R6RS] Returns the number of elements in vector as an exact integer object.

[R6RS+] The vector-ref procedure returns the contents of element k of vector. If a third argument is given and k is not a valid index, it returns fallback, otherwise raises &assertion.

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of vector. The vector-set!procedure stores obj in element k of vector, and returns unspecified values.

It raises &assertion when it attempt to modify immutable vector on R6RS mode.

[R6RS+] The vector->list procedure returns a newly allocated list of the objects contained in the elements of vector. The list->vectorprocedure returns a newly created vector initialized to the elements of the list list. The optional start and end arguments limit the range of the source.

(vector->list '#(1 2 3 4 5))
(1 2 3 4 5)

(list->vector '(1 2 3 4 5))
#(1 2 3 4 5)

(vector->list '#(1 2 3 4 5) 2 4)
(3 4)

(list->vector (circular-list 'a 'b 'c) 1 6)
#(b c a b c)

[R6RS+] Stores fill in every element of vector and returns unspecified values. Optional start and end limits the range of effect between start-th index (inclusive) to end-th index (exclusive). Start defaults to zero, and end defaults to the length of vector.

[R6RS+] Proc should accept as many arguments as there are vectors. The vector-map procedure applies proc element-wise to the elements of the vectors and returns a vector of the results, in order. If multiple returns occur from vector-map, the return values returned by earlier returns are not mutated.

Analogous to map.

[R6RS+] Proc should accept as many arguments as there are vectors. The vector-for-each procedure applies proc element-wise to the elements of the vectors for its side effects, in order from the first elements to the last. The return values of vector-for-each are unspecified.

Analogous to for-each.

Errors and violations

[R6RS] Who must be a string or a symbol or #f. Message must be a string. The irritants are arbitrary objects.

These procedures raise an exception. The error procedure should be called when an error has occurred, typically caused by something that has gone wrong in the interaction of the program with the external world or the user. The assertion-violation procedure should be called when an invalid call to a procedure was made, either passing an invalid number of arguments, or passing an argument that it is not specified to handle.

The who argument should describe the procedure or operation that detected the exception. The message argument should describe the exceptional situation. The irritants should be the arguments to the operation that detected the operation.

Control features

[R6RS] Rest-args must be a list. Proc should accept n arguments, where n is number of args plus the length of rest-args. The applyprocedure calls proc with the elements of the list (append (list _arg1_ ...) _rest-args_) as the actual arguments.

If a call to apply occurs in a tail context, the call to proc is also in a tail context.

[R6RS] Proc should accept one argument. The procedure call-with-current-continuation (which is the same as the procedure call/cc) packages the current continuation as an "escape procedure" and passes it as an argument to proc. The escape procedure is a Scheme procedure that, if it is later called, will abandon whatever continuation is in effect a that later time and will instead reinstate the continuation that was in effect when the escape procedure was created. Calling the escape procedure may cause the invocation of before and after procedures installed using dynamic-wind.

The escape procedure accepts the same number of arguments as the continuation of the original call to call-with-current-continuation.

[R6RS] Returns objs as multiple values.

[R6RS] Producer must be a procedure and should accept zero arguments. Consumer must be a procedure and should accept as many values as producer returns. The call-with-values procedure calls _producer_with no arguments and a continuation that, when passed some values, calls the consumer procedure with those values as arguments. The continuation for the call to consumer is the continuation of the call to call-with-values.

If a call to call-with-values occurs in a tail context, the call to consumer is also in a tail context.

[R6RS] Before, thunk, and after must be procedures, and each should accept zero arguments. These procedures may return any number of values. The dynamic-wind procedure calls thunk without arguments, returning the results of this call. Moreover, dynamic-wind calls _before_without arguments whenever the dynamic extent of the call to thunk is entered, and after without arguments whenever the dynamic extent of the call to thunk is exited. Thus, in the absence of calls to escape procedures created by call-with-current-continuation, dynamic-wind calls before, thunk, and after, in that order.


[R6RS] “Named let” is a variant on the syntax of let that provides a general looping construct and may also be used to express recursion. It has the same syntax and semantics as ordinary let except that _variable_is bound within body to a procedure whose parameters are the bound variables and whose body is body. Thus the execution of body may be repeated by invoking the procedure named by variable.


Auxiliary Syntax unquote qq-template

[R6RS] "Quasiquote" expressions is useful for constructing a list or vector structure when some but not all of the desired structure is known in advance.

Qq-template should be as specified by the grammar at the end of this entry.

If no unquote or unquote-splicing forms appear within the qq-template, the result of evaluating (quasiquote _qq-template_)is equivalent to the result of evaluating (quote _qq-template_).

If an (unquote _expression_ ...) form appears inside a qq-template, however, the expressions are evaluated ("unquoted") and their results are inserted into the structure instead of the unquote form.

If an (unquote-splicing _expression_ ...) form appears inside a qq-template, then the expressions must evaluate to lists; the opening and closing parentheses of the lists are then "stripped away" and the elements of the lists are inserted in place of the unquote-splicing form.

Any unquote-splicing or multi-operand unquote form must appear only within a list or vector qq-template.

Note: even though unquote and unquote-splicing are bounded, however it does not work with import prefix nor renamed import. This may be fixed in future.

Binding constructs for syntactic keywords

The let-syntax and letrec-syntax forms bind keywords. On R6RS mode it works like a begin form, a let-syntax or letrec-syntaxform may appear in a definition context, in which case it is treated as a definition, and the forms in the body must also be definitions. A let-syntaxor letrec-syntax form may also appear in an expression context, in which case the forms within their bodies must be expressions.

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_keyword_ _expression_) ...)

Each keyword is an identifier, and each expression is an expression that evaluates, at macro-expansion time, to a transformer. Transformers may be created by syntax-rules or identifier-syntax or by one of the other mechanisms described in library chapter on "syntax-case". It is a syntax violation for keyword to appear more than once in the list of keywords being bound.

The forms are expanded in the syntactic environment obtained by extending the syntactic environment of the let-syntax form with macros whose keywords are the keywords, bound to the specified transformers. Each binding of a keyword has the forms as its region.

[R6RS] Bindings must have the form

((_keyword_ _expression_) ...)

Each keyword is an identifier, and each expression is an expression that evaluates, at macro-expansion time, to a transformer. Transformers may be created by syntax-rules or identifier-syntax or by one of the other mechanisms described in library chapter on "syntax-case". It is a syntax violation for keyword to appear more than once in the list of keywords being bound.

The forms are expanded in the syntactic environment obtained by extending the syntactic environment of the letrec-syntax form with macros whose keywords are the keywords, bound to the specified transformers. Each binding of a keyword has the bindings as well as the forms within its region, so the transformers can transcribe forms into uses of the macros introduced by the letrec-syntax form.

Note: The forms of a let-syntax and a letrec-syntax form are treated, whether in definition or expression context, as if wrapped in an implicit begin on R6RS mode, it is, then, treated as if wrapped in an implicit let on compatible mode. Thus on compatible mode, it creates a scope.

Macro transformers

In R6RS, it requires '_' '...' as bounded symbols but in Sagittarius these are not bound. And if import clause has rename or prefix these auxiliary syntax are not be renamed or prefixed. This behaivour may be fixed in future.

[R6RS] Each literal must be an identifier. Each rule must have the following form:

(srpattern template)

An srpattern is a restricted form of pattern, namely, a nonempty pattern in one of four parenthesized forms below whose first subform is an identifier or an underscore _. A pattern is an identifier, constant, or one of the following.

  • (pattern ...)

  • (pattern pattern ... . pattern)

  • (pattern ... pattern ellipsis pattern ...)

  • (pattern ... pattern ellipsis pattern ... . pattern)

  • #(pattern ...)

  • #(pattern ... pattern ellipsis pattern ...)

An ellipsis is the identifier "..." (three periods).

A template is a pattern variable, an identifier that is not a pattern variable, a pattern datum, or one of the following.

  • (subtemplate ...)

  • (subtemplate ... . template)

  • #(subtemplate ...)

A subtemplate is a template followed by zero or more ellipses.

An instance of syntax-rules evaluates, at macro-expansion time, to a new macro transformer by specifying a sequence of hygienic rewrite rules. A use of a macro whose keyword is associated with a transformer specified by syntax-rulesis matched against the patterns contained in the rules, beginning with the leftmost rule. When a match is found, the macro use is transcribed hygienically according to the template. It is a syntax violation when no match is found.

[R6RS] The ids must be identifiers. The templates must be as for syntax-rules.

When a keyword is bound to a transformer produced by the first form of identifier-syntax, references to the keyword within the scope of the binding are replaced by template.

(define p (cons 4 5))

(define-syntax (identifier-syntax (car p)))

(set! 15)
&syntax exception

The second, more general, form of identifier-syntax permits the transformer to determine what happens when set! is used. In this case, uses of the identifier by itself are replaced by template1, and uses of set! with the identifier are replaced by template2

(define p (cons 4 5))

    (_ (car p))
    ((set! _ e) (set-car! p e))))

(set! 15)

(15 5)


[R6RS] The procedures exported by the (rnrs unicode (6))library provide access to some aspects of the Unicode semantics for characters and strings: category information, case-independent comparisons, case mappings, and normalization.

Some of the procedures that operate on characters or strings ignore the difference between upper case and lower case. These procedures have "-ci" (for "case insensitive") embedded in their names.


[R6RS] These procedures take a character argument and return a character result. If the argument is an upper-case or title-case character, and if there is a single character that is its lower-case form, then char-downcasereturns that character. If the argument is a lower-case or title-case character, and there is a single character that is its upper-case form, then char-upcasereturns that character. If the argument is a lower-case or upper-case character, and there is a single character that is its title-case form, then char-titlecasereturns that character. If the argument is not a title-case character and there is no single character that is its title-case form, then char-titlecasereturns the upper-case form of the argument. Finally, if the character has a case-folded character, then char-foldcase returns that character. Otherwise the character returned is the same as the argument. For Turkic characters İ (#\x130) and ı (#\x131), char-foldcase behaves as the identity function; otherwise char-foldcase is the same as char-downcase composed with char-upcase.

[R6RS] These procedures are similar to char=?, etc., but operate on the case-folded versions of the characters.

[R6RS] These procedures return #t if their arguments are alphabetic, numeric, whitespace, upper-case, lower-case, or title-case characters, respectively; otherwise they return #f.

A character is alphabetic if it has the Unicode "Alphabetic" property. A character is numeric if it has the Unicode "Numeric" property. A character is whitespace if has the Unicode "White_Space" property. A character is upper case if it has the Unicode "Uppercase" property, lower case if it has the "Lowercase" property, and title case if it is in the Lt general category.

[R6RS] Returns a symbol representing the Unicode general category of char, one of Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd, Nl, No, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, Zs, Zp, Zl, Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, or Cn.


[R6RS+][SRFI-13] These procedures take a string argument and return a string result. They are defined in terms of Unicode's locale-independent case mappings from Unicode scalar-value sequences to scalar-value sequences. In particular, the length of the result string can be different from the length of the input string. When the specified result is equal in the sense of string=? to the argument, these procedures may return the argument instead of a newly allocated string.

The string-upcase procedure converts a string to upper case; string-downcase converts a string to lower case.

The string-foldcase procedure converts the string to its case-folded counterpart, using the full case-folding mapping, but without the special mappings for Turkic languages.

The string-titlecase procedure converts the first cased character of each word via char-titlecase, and downcases all other cased characters.

If the optional argument start and end are given, these must be exact integer and the procedures will first substring the given string with range start and end then convert it.

[R6RS] These procedures are similar to string=?, etc., but operate on the case-folded versions of the strings.

[R6RS] These procedures take a string argument and return a string result, which is the input string normalized to Unicode normalization form D, KD, C, or KC, respectively. When the specified result is equal in the sense of string=?to the argument, these procedures may return the argument instead of a newly allocated string.


Many applications deal with blocks of binary data by accessing them in various ways-extracting signed or unsigned numbers of various sizes. Therefore, the (rnrs bytevectors (6))library provides a single type for blocks of binary data with multiple ways to access that data. It deals with integers and floating-point representations in various sizes with specified endianness.

Bytevectorsare objects of a disjoint type. Conceptually, a bytevector represents a sequence of 8-bit bytes. The description of bytevectors uses the term byte for an exact integer object in the interval { - 128, ..., 127} and the term octet for an exact integer object in the interval {0, ..., 255}. A byte corresponds to its two's complement representation as an octet.

The length of a bytevector is the number of bytes it contains. This number is fixed. A valid index into a bytevector is an exact, non-negative integer object less than the length of the bytevector. The first byte of a bytevector has index 0; the last byte has an index one less than the length of the bytevector.

Generally, the access procedures come in different flavors according to the size of the represented integer and the endianness of the representation. The procedures also distinguish signed and unsigned representations. The signed representations all use two's complement.

Like string literals, literals representing bytevectors do not need to be quoted:

#vu8(12 23 123)
#vu8(12 23 123)

[R6RS] This library provides a single type for blocks of binary data with multiple ways to access that data.

General operations

[R6RS] The name of symbol must be a symbol describing an endianness. (endianness _symbol_) evaluates to the symbol named symbol. Whenever one of the procedures operating on bytevectors accepts an endianness as an argument, that argument must be one of these symbols. It is a syntax violation for symbol to be anything other than an endianness symbol supported by the Sagittarius.

Currently, Sagittarius supports these symbols; big, littleand native.

[R6RS] Returns the endianness symbol associated platform endianness. This may be a symbol either big or little.

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a bytevector, otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated bytevector of k bytes.

If the fill argument is missing, the initial contents of the returned bytevector are 0.

If the fill argument is present, it must be an exact integer object in the interval {-128, ..., 255} that specifies the initial value for the bytes of the bytevector: If fill is positive, it is interpreted as an octet; if it is negative, it is interpreted as a byte.

[R6RS] Returns, as an exact integer object, the number of bytes in bytevector.

[R6RS] Returns #t if bytevector1 and bytevector2 are equal-that is, if they have the same length and equal bytes at all valid indices. It returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS+] The fill argument is as in the description of the make-bytevector procedure. The bytevector-fill! procedure stores fill in every element of bytevector and returns unspecified values. Analogous to vector-fill!.

If optional arguments start or end is given, then the procedure restricts the range of filling from start to end (exclusive) index of bytevector. When end is omitted then it uses the length of the given bytevector.

[R6RS] Source and target must be bytevectors. Source-start, target-start, and k must be non-negative exact integer objects that satisfy

0 <= source-start <= source-start + k <= _source-length_0 <= target-start <= target-start + k <= _target-length_where source-length is the length of source and _target-length_is the length of target.

The bytevector-copy! procedure copies the bytes from source at indices

source-start, ... source-start + k - 1

to consecutive indices in target starting at target-index.

This returns unspecified values.

_ :optional (start 0) (end -1)

[R6RS+] Returns a newly allocated copy of bytevector.

If optional argument start was given, the procedure copies from the given start index.

If optional argument end was given, the procedure copies to the given end index (exclusive).

Operation on bytes and octets

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of bytevector.

The bytevector-u8-ref procedure returns the byte at index k of bytevector, as an octet.

The bytevector-s8-ref procedure returns the byte at index k of bytevector, as a (signed) byte.

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of bytevector.

The bytevector-u8-set! procedure stores octet in element _k_of bytevector.

The bytevector-s8-set! procedure stores the two's-complement representation of byte in element k of bytevector.

Both procedures return unspecified values.

[R6RS] List must be a list of octets.

The bytevector->u8-list procedure returns a newly allocated list of the octets of bytevector in the same order.

The u8-list->bytevector procedure returns a newly allocated bytevector whose elements are the elements of list list, in the same order. It is analogous to list->vector.

Operations on integers of arbitary size

[R6RS] Size must be a positive exact integer object. K, ..., k + size - 1 must be valid indices of bytevector.

The bytevector-uint-ref procedure retrieves the exact integer object corresponding to the unsigned representation of size size and specified by endianness at indices k, ..., k + size - 1.

The bytevector-sint-ref procedure retrieves the exact integer object corresponding to the two's-complement representation of size size and specified by endianness at indices k, ..., k + size - 1.

For bytevector-uint-set!, n must be an exact integer object in the interval _{0, ..., 256 ^ "size" - 1}_The bytevector-uint-set! procedure stores the unsigned representation of size size and specified by endianness into bytevector at indices k, ..., k + size - 1.

For bytevector-sint-set!, n must be an exact integer object in the interval {-256 ^ "size" / 2, ..., 256 ^ "size" / 2 - 1}. bytevector-sint-set! stores the two's-complement representation of size size and specified by endianness into bytevector at indices k, ..., k + size - 1.

The ...-set! procedures return unspecified values.

[R6RS] Size must be a positive exact integer object. For uint-list->bytevector, list must be a list of exact integer objects in the interval {0, ..., 256 ^ "size" - 1}. For sint-list->bytevector, list must be a list of exact integer objects in the interval {-256 ^ "size"/2, ..., 256 ^ "size"/2 - 1}. The length of _bytevector_or, respectively, of list must be divisible by size.

These procedures convert between lists of integer objects and their consecutive representations according to size and endianness in the _bytevector_objects in the same way as bytevector->u8-list and u8-list->bytevectordo for one-byte representations.

Operation on 16-bit integers

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of bytevector; so must k + 1. For bytevector-u16-set! and bytevector-u16-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {0, ..., 2 ^ 16 - 1}. For bytevector-s16-set! and bytevector-s16-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {-2 ^ 15, ..., 2 ^ 15 - 1}.

These retrieve and set two-byte representations of numbers at indices _k_and k + 1, according to the endianness specified by endianness. The procedures with u16 in their names deal with the unsigned representation; those with s16 in their names deal with the two's-complement representation.

The procedures with native in their names employ the native endianness, and work only at aligned indices: k must be a multiple of 2.

The ...-set! procedures return unspecified values.

Operation on 32-bit integers

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of bytevector; so must k + 3. For bytevector-u32-set! and bytevector-u32-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {0, ..., 2 ^ 32 - 1}. For bytevector-s32-set! and bytevector-s32-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {-2 ^ 31, ..., 2 ^ 32 - 1}.

These retrieve and set two-byte representations of numbers at indices _k_and k + 3, according to the endianness specified by endianness. The procedures with u32 in their names deal with the unsigned representation; those with s32 in their names deal with the two's-complement representation.

The procedures with native in their names employ the native endianness, and work only at aligned indices: k must be a multiple of 4.

The ...-set! procedures return unspecified values.

Operation on 64-bit integers

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of bytevector; so must k + 7. For bytevector-u64-set! and bytevector-u64-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {0, ..., 2 ^ 64 - 1}. For bytevector-s64-set! and bytevector-s64-native-set!, _n_must be an exact integer object in the interval {-2 ^ 63, ..., 2 ^ 64 - 1}.

These retrieve and set two-byte representations of numbers at indices _k_and k + 7, according to the endianness specified by endianness. The procedures with u64 in their names deal with the unsigned representation; those with s64 in their names deal with the two's-complement representation.

The procedures with native in their names employ the native endianness, and work only at aligned indices: k must be a multiple of 8.

The ...-set! procedures return unspecified values.

Operation on IEEE-754 representations

[R6RS] K, …, k + 3 must be valid indices of bytevector. For bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref, k must be a multiple of 4.

These procedures return the inexact real number object that best represents the IEEE-754 single-precision number represented by the four bytes beginning at index k.

[R6RS] K, …, k + 7 must be valid indices of bytevector. For bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref, k must be a multiple of 8.

These procedures return the inexact real number object that best represents the IEEE-754 double-precision number represented by the four bytes beginning at index k.

[R6RS] K, …, k + 3 must be valid indices of bytevector. For bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!, k must be a multiple of 4.

These procedures store an IEEE-754 single-precision representation of _x_into elements k through k + 3 of bytevector, and return unspecified values.

[R6RS] K, …, k + 7 must be valid indices of bytevector. For bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!, k must be a multiple of 8.

These procedures store an IEEE-754 double-precision representation of _x_into elements k through k + 7 of bytevector, and return unspecified values.

Operation on strings

This section describes procedures that convert between strings and bytevectors containing Unicode encodings of those strings. When decoding bytevectors, encoding errors are handled as with the replace semantics of textual I/O: If an invalid or incomplete character encoding is encountered, then the replacement character U+FFFD is appended to the string being generated, an appropriate number of bytes are ignored, and decoding continues with the following bytes.

[R6RS+] [R7RS] Returns a newly allocated (unless empty) bytevector that contains the UTF-8 encoding of the given string.

If the optional argument start is given, the procedure converts given string from start index (inclusive).

If the optional argument end is given, the procedure converts given string to end index (exclusive).

These optional arguments must be fixnum if it's given.

[R6RS] If endianness is specified, it must be the symbol bigor the symbol little. The string->utf16 procedure returns a newly allocated (unless empty) bytevector that contains the UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE encoding of the given string (with no byte-order mark). If _endianness_is not specified or is big, then UTF-16BE is used. If endianness is little, then UTF-16LE is used.

[R6RS] If endianness is specified, it must be the symbol bigor the symbol little. The string->utf32 procedure returns a newly allocated (unless empty) bytevector that contains the UTF-32BE or UTF-32LE encoding of the given string (with no byte-order mark). If _endianness_is not specified or is big, then UTF-32BE is used. If endianness is little, then UTF-32LE is used.

[R6RS] Returns a newly allocated (unless empty) string whose character sequence is encoded by the given bytevector.

If the optional argument start is given, the procedure converts given string from start index (inclusive).

If the optional argument end is given, the procedure converts given string to end index (exclusive).

These optional arguments must be fixnum if it's given.

[R6RS] Endianness must be the symbol big or the symbol little. The utf16->string procedure returns a newly allocated (unless empty) string whose character sequence is encoded by the given bytevector. Bytevector is decoded according to UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE: If endianness-mandatory? is absent or #f, utf16->string determines the endianness according to a UTF-16 BOM at the beginning of _bytevector_if a BOM is present; in this case, the BOM is not decoded as a character. Also in this case, if no UTF-16 BOM is present, endianness specifies the endianness of the encoding. If endianness-mandatory? is a true value, _endianness_specifies the endianness of the encoding, and any UTF-16 BOM in the encoding is decoded as a regular character.

[R6RS] Endianness must be the symbol big or the symbol little. The utf32->string procedure returns a newly allocated (unless empty) string whose character sequence is encoded by the given bytevector. Bytevector is decoded according to UTF-32BE or UTF-32LE: If endianness-mandatory? is absent or #f, utf32->string determines the endianness according to a UTF-32 BOM at the beginning of _bytevector_if a BOM is present; in this case, the BOM is not decoded as a character. Also in this case, if no UTF-32 BOM is present, endianness specifies the endianness of the encoding. If endianness-mandatory? is a true value, _endianness_specifies the endianness of the encoding, and any UTF-32 BOM in the encoding is decoded as a regular character.

List utilities

[R6RS] The (rnrs lists (6))library, which contains various useful procedures that operate on lists.

[R6RS] Proc should accept one argument and return a single value. Proc should not mutate list. The find procedure applies _proc_to the elements of list in order. If proc returns a true value for an element, find immediately returns that element. If proc returns #f for all elements of the list, find returns #f.

[R6RS+] Applies pred across each element of lists, and returns #f as soon as pred returns #f. If all application of pred return a non-false value, for-all returns the last result of the applications.

[R6RS+] Applies pred across each element of lists, and returns as soon as pred returns a non-false value. The return value of any is the non-false value pred returned. If lists are exhausted before _pred_returns a non-false value, #f is returned.

Note: R6RS requires the same length list for for-all and exists. On Sagittarius, however, these can accept different length list and it will finish to process when the shortest list is finish to process.

[R6RS] Proc should accept one argument and return a single value.

The filter procedure applies proc to each element of list and returns a list of the elements of list for which proc returned a true value. The partition procedure also applies proc to each element of list, but returns two values, the first one a list of the elements of _list_for which proc returned a true value, and the second a list of the elements of list for which proc returned #f. In both cases, the elements of the result list(s) are in the same order as they appear in the input list. If multiple returns occur from filter or partitions, the return values returned by earlier returns are not mutated.

[R6RS+] Combine must be a procedure. It should accept one more argument than there are lists and return a single value. It should not mutate the list arguments. The fold-left procedure iterates the _combine_procedure over an accumulator value and the elements of the lists from left to right, starting with an accumulator value of nil. More specifically, fold-left returns nil if the lists are empty. If they are not empty, combine is first applied to nil and the respective first elements of the lists in order. The result becomes the new accumulator value, and combine is applied to the new accumulator value and the respective next elements of the list. This step is repeated until the end of the list is reached; then the accumulator value is returned.

[R6RS+] Combine must be a procedure. It should accept one more argument than there are lists and return a single value. Combine should not mutate the list arguments. The fold-right procedure iterates the combine procedure over the elements of the lists from right to left and an accumulator value, starting with an accumulator value of nil. More specifically, fold-right returns nil if the lists are empty. If they are not empty, combine is first applied to the respective last elements of the lists in order and nil. The result becomes the new accumulator value, and combine is applied to the respective previous elements of the lists and the new accumulator value. This step is repeated until the beginning of the list is reached; then the accumulator value is returned.

Note: R6RS requires the same length list for fold-left and fold-right. On Sagittarius, however, these can accept different length list and it will finish to process when the shortest list is finish to process.

[R6RS] Proc should accept one argument and return a single value. _Proc_should not mutate list.

Each of these procedures returns a list of the elements of list that do not satisfy a given condition. The remp procedure applies proc to each element of list and returns a list of the elements of list for which proc returned #f. The remove, remv, and remq procedures return a list of the elements that are not obj. The remq procedure uses eq? to compare obj with the elements of list, while remv uses eqv? and remove uses equal?. The elements of the result list are in the same order as they appear in the input list. If multiple returns occur from remp, the return values returned by earlier returns are not mutated.

[R6RS+] Proc should accept one argument and return a single value. Proc should not mutate list.

These procedures return the first sublist of list whose car satisfies a given condition, where the sublists of lists are the lists returned by (list-tail _list_ _k_) for k less than the length of list. The memp procedure applies proc to the cars of the sublists of list until it finds one for which proc returns a true value. The member, memv, and memq procedures look for the first occurrence of obj. If list does not contain an element satisfying the condition, then #f (not the empty list) is returned. The member procedure uses equal? or if = is given use it to compare obj with the elements of list, while memv uses eqv? and memq uses eq?.

[R6RS+] Alist (for "association list") should be a list of pairs. Proc should accept one argument and return a single value. _Proc_should not mutate alist.

These procedures find the first pair in alist whose car field satisfies a given condition, and returns that pair without traversing alist further. If no pair in alist satisfies the condition, then #f is returned. The assp procedure successively applies proc to the car fields of alist and looks for a pair for which it returns a true value. The assoc, assv, and assq procedures look for a pair that has obj as its car. The assoc procedure uses equal? or if _=_is given use it to compare obj with the car fields of the pairs in alist, while assv uses eqv? and assq uses eq?.

Note: member and assoc procedures are the same behaviour as SRFI-1.

[R6RS] Like list, but the last argument provides the tail of the constructed list.


The (rnrs sorting (6))library provides procedures for sorting lists and vectors.

[R6RS+][SRFI-132] Proc should accept any two elements of list or vector. Proc should return a true value when its first argument is strictly less than its second, and #f otherwise.

The list-sort and vector-sort procedures perform a stable sort of list or vector in ascending order according to proc, without changing list or vector in any way. The list-sort procedure returns a list, and vector-sort returns a vector. The results may be eq? to the argument when the argument is already sorted, and the result of list-sort may share structure with a tail of the original list. The sorting algorithm performs O(n lg n) calls to proc where n is the length of list or vector, and all arguments passed to proc are elements of the list or vector being sorted, but the pairing of arguments and the sequencing of calls to proc are not specified. If multiple returns occur from list-sort or vector-sort, the return values returned by earlier returns are not mutated.

If the optional argument start and end for vector-sortis specified, then the sorting range is restricted by the given start(inclusive) and end (exclusive).

[R6RS+][SRFI-132] Proc should accept any two elements of the vector, and should not have any side effects. Proc should return a true value when its first argument is strictly less than its second, and #f otherwise.

The vector-sort! procedure destructively sorts vector in ascending order according to proc.

If the optional argument start and end is specified, then the sorting range is restricted by the given start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).

Control structures

The (rnrs control (6))library, which provides useful control structures.

[R6RS] Test must be an expression.

A when expression is evaluated by evaluating the test expression. If test evaluates to a true value, the remaining expressions are evaluated in order, and the results of the last expression are returned as the results of the entire when expression. Otherwise, the whenexpression returns unspecified values. An unless expression is evaluated by evaluating the test expression. If test evaluates to #f, the remaining expressions are evaluated in order, and the results of the last expression are returned as the results of the entire unlessexpression. Otherwise, the unless expression returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] The inits, steps, tests, and commands must be expressions. The variables must be pairwise distinct variables.

The do expression is an iteration construct. It specifies a set of variables to be bound, how they are to be initialized at the start, and how they are to be updated on each iteration.

A do expression is evaluated as follows: The init expressions are evaluated (in some unspecified order), the variables are bound to fresh locations, the results of the init expressions are stored in the bindings of the variables, and then the iteration phase begins.

Each iteration begins by evaluating test if the result is #f, then the commands are evaluated in order for effect, the step expressions are evaluated in some unspecified order, the variables are bound to fresh locations holding the results, and the next iteration begins.

If test evaluates to a true value, the expressions are evaluated from left to right and the values of the last expression are returned. If no expressions are present, then the do expression returns unspecified values.

The region of the binding of a variable consists of the entire doexpression except for the inits.

A step may be omitted, in which case the effect is the same as if (variable init variable) had been written instead of (variable init).

(do ((vec (make-vector 5))
      (i 0 (+ i 1)))
     ((= i 5) vec)
  (vector-set! vec i i))
#(0 1 2 3 4)

(let ((x '(1 3 5 7 9)))
  (do ((x x (cdr x))
        (sum 0 (+ sum (car x))))
       ((null? x) sum)))

[R6RS] Each case-lambda-clause must be of the form

(_formals_ _body_)

Formals must be as in a lambda form.

A case-lambda expression evaluates to a procedure. This procedure, when applied, tries to match its arguments to the case-lambda-clauses in order. The arguments match a clause if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

Formals has the form (_variable_ ...) and the number of arguments is the same as the number of formal parameters in formals.

Formals has the form

(_variable1_ ... _variablen_ . _variablen+1_)

and the number of arguments is at least n.

Formals has the form variable.

For the first clause matched by the arguments, the variables of the _formals_are bound to fresh locations containing the argument values in the same arrangement as with lambda.

The last expression of a body in a case-lambda expression is in tail context.

If the arguments match none of the clauses, an exception with condition type &assertion is raised.

Records syntactic layer

The (rnrs records syntactic (6))library. Some details of the specification are explained in terms of the specification of the procedural layer below.

Auxiliary syntax fields field-spec ...
Auxiliary syntax parent parent-name
Auxiliary syntax protocol expression
Auxiliary syntax sealed boolean
Auxiliary syntax opaque boolean

[R6RS] A define-record-type form defines a record type along with associated constructor descriptor and constructor, predicate, field accessors, and field mutators. The define-record-type form expands into a set of definitions in the environment where define-record-type appears; hence, it is possible to refer to the bindings (except for that of the record type itself) recursively.

The name-spec specifies the names of the record type, constructor, and predicate. It must take one of the following forms:

(_record-name_ _constructor-name_ _predicate-name_)


Record-name, constructor-name, and predicate-name must all be identifiers. Record-name, taken as a symbol, becomes the name of the record type. (See the description of make-record-type-descriptor.) Additionally, it is bound by this definition to an expand-time or run-time representation of the record type and can be used as parent name in syntactic record-type definitions that extend this definition. It can also be used as a handle to gain access to the underlying record-type descriptor and constructor descriptor (see record-type-descriptor and record-constructor-descriptor).

Constructor-name is defined by this definition to be a constructor for the defined record type, with a protocol specified by the protocol clause, or, in its absence, using a default protocol. For details, see the description of the protocol clause below.

Predicate-name is defined by this definition to a predicate for the defined record type.

The second form of name-spec is an abbreviation for the first form, where the name of the constructor is generated by prefixing the record name with make-, and the predicate name is generated by adding a question mark (?) to the end of the record name. For example, if the record name is frob, the name of the constructor is make-frob, and the predicate name is frob?. Each record-clause must take one of the auxiliary syntax forms; it is a syntax violation if multiple record-clauses of the same kind appear in a define-record-type form.

(fields _field-spec_*)

Each field-spec has one of the following forms

(immutable _field-name_ _accessor-name_)

(mutable _field-name_ _accessor-name_ _mutator-name_)

(immutable _field-name_)

(mutable _field-name_)


Field-name, accessor-name, and mutator-name must all be identifiers. The first form declares an immutable field called field-name>, with the corresponding accessor named accessor-name. The second form declares a mutable field called field-name, with the corresponding accessor named accessor-name, and with the corresponding mutator named mutator-name.

If field-spec takes the third or fourth form, the accessor name is generated by appending the record name and field name with a hyphen separator, and the mutator name (for a mutable field) is generated by adding a -set! suffix to the accessor name. For example, if the record name is frob and the field name is widget, the accessor name is frob-widget and the mutator name is frob-widget-set!.

If field-spec is just a field-name form, it is an abbreviation for (immutable _field-name_).

The field-names become, as symbols, the names of the fields in the record-type descriptor being created, in the same order.

The fields clause may be absent; this is equivalent to an empty fieldsclause.

(parent _parent-name_)

Specifies that the record type is to have parent type parent-name, where parent-name is the record-name of a record type previously defined using define-record-type. The record-type definition associated with parent-name must not be sealed. If no parent clause and no parent-rtd(see below) clause is present, the record type is a base type.

(protocol _expression_)

Expression is evaluated in the same environment as the define-record-typeform, and must evaluate to a protocol appropriate for the record type being defined.

The protocol is used to create a record-constructor descriptor as described below. If no protocol clause is specified, a constructor descriptor is still created using a default protocol. The clause can be absent only if the record type being defined has no parent type, or if the parent definition does not specify a protocol.

(sealed _boolean_)

If this option is specified with operand #t, the defined record type is sealed, i.e., no extensions of the record type can be created. If this option is specified with operand #f, or is absent, the defined record type is not sealed.

(opaque _boolean_)

If this option is specified with operand #t, or if an opaque parent record type is specified, the defined record type is opaque. Otherwise, the defined record type is not opaque. See the specification of record-rtd below for details.

(nongenerative _uid_)


This specifies that the record type is nongenerative with uid uid, which must be an identifier. If uid is absent, a unique uid is generated at macro-expansion time. If two record-type definitions specify the same uid, then the record-type definitions should be equivalent, i.e., the implied arguments to make-record-type-descriptor must be equivalent as described under make-record-type-descriptor. If this condition is not met, it is either considered a syntax violation or an exception with condition type &assertionis raised. If the condition is met, a single record type is generated for both definitions.

In the absence of a nongenerative clause, a new record type is generated every time a define-record-type form is evaluated:

(let ((f (lambda (x)
           (define-record-type r ...)
           (if x r? (make-r ...)))))
  ((f #t) (f #f)))

(parent-rtd _parent-rtd_ _parent-cd_)

Specifies that the record type is to have its parent type specified by parent-rtd, which should be an expression evaluating to a record-type descriptor, and parent-cd, which should be an expression evaluating to a constructor descriptor. The record-type definition associated with the value of parent-rtd must not be sealed. Moreover, a record-type definition must not have both a parent and a parent-rtd clause.

All bindings created by define-record-type (for the record type, the constructor, the predicate, the accessors, and the mutators) must have names that are pairwise distinct.

The constructor created by a define-record-type form is a procedure as follows:

A protocol may perform other actions consistent with the requirements described above, including mutation of the new record or other side effects, before returning the record.

Any definition that takes advantage of implicit naming for the constructor, predicate, accessor, and mutator names can be rewritten trivially to a definition that specifies all names explicitly. For example, the implicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type frob
  (fields (mutable widget))
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))

is equivalent to the following explicit-naming record definition.

(define-record-type (frob make-frob frob?)
  (fields (mutable widget
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))

Also, the implicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type point (fields x y))

is equivalent to the following explicit-naming record definition:

(define-record-type (point make-point point?)
    (immutable x point-x)
    (immutable y point-y)))

With implicit naming, it is still possible to specify some of the names explicitly; for example, the following overrides the choice of accessor and mutator names for the widget field.

(define-record-type frob
  (fields (mutable widget getwid setwid!))
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n) (p (make-widget n))))))

[R6RS] Evaluates to the record-type descriptor (see Records procedural layer) associated with the type specified by record-name.

[R6RS] Evaluates to the record-type constructor (see Records procedural layer) associated with the type specified by record-name.

The following example uses the record? procedure from the (rnrs records inspection (6)) library:

(define-record-type (point make-point point?)
  (fields (immutable x point-x)
           (mutable y point-y set-point-y!))
  (nongenerative point-4893d957-e00b-11d9-817f-00111175eb9e))
(define-record-type (cpoint make-cpoint cpoint?)
  (parent point)
  (protocol (lambda (n)
                 (lambda (x y c) 
                   ((n x y) (color->rgb c)))))
  (fields (mutable rgb cpoint-rgb cpoint-rgb-set!)))

(define (color->rgb c) (cons 'rgb c))

(define p1 (make-point 1 2))

(define p2 (make-cpoint 3 4 'red))

(point? p1)

(point? p2)

(point? (vector))

(point? (cons 'a 'b))

(cpoint? p1)

(cpoint? p2)

(point-x p1)

(point-y p1)

(point-x p2)

(point-y p2)

(cpoint-rgb p2)
(rgb . red)

(set-point-y! p1 17)

(point-y p1)

(record-rtd p1)
(record-type-descriptor point)

(define-record-type (ex1 make-ex1 ex1?)
  (protocol (lambda (p) (lambda a (p a))))
  (fields (immutable f ex1-f)))

(define ex1-i1 (make-ex1 1 2 3))

(ex1-f ex1-i1)
(1 2 3)

(define-record-type (ex2 make-ex2 ex2?)
    (lambda (p) (lambda (a . b) (p a b))))
  (fields (immutable a ex2-a)
           (immutable b ex2-b)))

(define ex2-i1 (make-ex2 1 2 3))

(ex2-a ex2-i1)

(ex2-b ex2-i1)
(2 3)

(define-record-type (unit-vector make-unit-vector unit-vector?)
  (protocol (lambda (p)
                 (lambda (x y z)
                   (let ((length (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))))
                         (p (/ x length) (/ y length) (/ z length))))))
  (fields (immutable x unit-vector-x)
           (immutable y unit-vector-y)
           (immutable z unit-vector-z)))

(define *ex3-instance* #f)

(define-record-type ex3
  (parent cpoint)
  (protocol (lambda (n)
                 (lambda (x y t)
                   (let ((r ((n x y 'red) t)))
                     (set! *ex3-instance* r)
  (fields  (mutable thickness))
  (sealed #t) (opaque #t))

(define ex3-i1 (make-ex3 1 2 17))

(ex3? ex3-i1)

(cpoint-rgb ex3-i1)
(rgb . red)

(ex3-thickness ex3-i1)

(ex3-thickness-set! ex3-i1 18)

(ex3-thickness ex3-i1)


(record? ex3-i1)

Records procedural layer

The procedural layer is provided by the (rnrs records procedural (6))library.

[R6RS] Returns a record-type descriptor (rtd).

The name argument must be a symbol. It names the record type, and is intended purely for informational purposes.

The parent argument must be either #f or an rtd. If it is an rtd, the returned record type, t, extends the record type p represented by parent. An exception with condition type &assertion is raised if parent is sealed (see below).

The uid argument must be either #f or a symbol. If uid is a symbol, the record-creation operation is nongenerative i.e., a new record type is created only if no previous call to make-record-type-descriptor was made with the uid. If uid is #f, the record-creation operation is generative, .e., a new record type is created even if a previous call to make-record-type-descriptor was made with the same arguments.

If make-record-type-descriptor is called twice with the same _uid_symbol, the parent arguments in the two calls must be eqv?, the fields arguments equal?, the sealed? arguments boolean-equivalent (both #f or both true), and the opaque? arguments boolean-equivalent. If these conditions are not met, an exception with condition type &assertionis raised when the second call occurs. If they are met, the second call returns, without creating a new record type, the same record-type descriptor (in the sense of eqv?) as the first call.

The sealed? flag must be a boolean. If true, the returned record type is sealed, i.e., it cannot be extended.

The opaque? flag must be a boolean. If true, the record type is opaque. If passed an instance of the record type, record? returns #f. Moreover, if record-rtd (see (rnrs records inspection (6))) is called with an instance of the record type, an exception with condition type &assertion is raised. The record type is also opaque if an opaque parent is supplied. If opaque? is #f and an opaque parent is not supplied, the record is not opaque.

The fields argument must be a vector of field specifiers. Each field specifier must be a list of the form (mutable _name_) or a list of the form (immutable _name_). Each name must be a symbol and names the corresponding field of the record type; the names need not be distinct. A field identified as mutable may be modified, whereas, when a program attempts to obtain a mutator for a field identified as immutable, an exception with condition type &assertionis raised. Where field order is relevant, e.g., for record construction and field access, the fields are considered to be ordered as specified, although no particular order is required for the actual representation of a record instance.

The specified fields are added to the parent fields, if any, to determine the complete set of fields of the returned record type. If fields is modified after make-record-type-descriptor has been called, the effect on the returned rtd is unspecified.

A generative record-type descriptor created by a call to make-record-type-descriptor is not eqv? to any record-type descriptor (generative or nongenerative) created by another call to make-record-type-descriptor. A generative record-type descriptor is eqv?only to itself, i.e., (eqv? rtd1 rtd2) iff (eq? rtd1 rtd2). Also, two nongenerative record-type descriptors are eqv? if they were created by calls to make-record-type-descriptor with the same uid arguments.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the argument is a record-type descriptor, #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns a record-constructor descriptor (or var{constructor descriptor} for short) that specifies a record constructor(or constructor for short), that can be used to construct record values of the type specified by rtd, and which can be obtained via record-constructor. A constructor descriptor can also be used to create other constructor descriptors for subtypes of its own record type. Rtd must be a record-type descriptor. Protocol must be a procedure or #f. If it is #f, a default protocol procedure is supplied.

If protocol is a procedure, it is handled analogously to the protocol expression in a define-record-type form.

If rtd is a base record type and protocol is a procedure, parent-constructor-descriptor must be #f. In this case, _protocol_is called by record-constructor with a single argument p. _P_is a procedure that expects one argument for every field of rtd and returns a record with the fields of rtd initialized to these arguments. The procedure returned by protocol should call p once with the number of arguments p expects and return the resulting record as shown in the simple example below:

(lambda (p)
  (lambda (v1 v2 v3)
    (p v1 v2 v3)))

Here, the call to p returns a record whose fields are initialized with the values of v1, v2, and v3. The expression above is equivalent to (lambda (p) p). Note that the procedure returned by protocol is otherwise unconstrained; specifically, it can take any number of arguments.

If rtd is an extension of another record type parent-rtd and protocol is a procedure, parent-constructor-descriptor must be a constructor descriptor of parent-rtd or #f. If parent-constructor-descriptor is a constructor descriptor, _protocol_it is called by record-constructor with a single argument n, which is a procedure that accepts the same number of arguments as the constructor of parent-constructor-descriptor and returns a procedure p that, when called, constructs the record itself. The p procedure expects one argument for every field of rtd (not including parent fields) and returns a record with the fields of rtd initialized to these arguments, and the fields of parent-rtd and its parents initialized as specified by parent-constructor-descriptor.

The procedure returned by protocol should call n once with the number of arguments n expects, call the procedure p it returns once with the number of arguments p expects and return the resulting record. A simple protocol in this case might be written as follows:

(lambda (n)
  (lambda (v1 v2 v3 x1 x2 x3 x4)
    (let ((p (n v1 v2 v3)))
      (p x1 x2 x3 x4))))

This passes arguments v1, v2, v3 to n for parent-constructor-descriptor and calls p with x1, ..., x4 to initialize the fields of rtd itself.

Thus, the constructor descriptors for a record type form a sequence of protocols parallel to the sequence of record-type parents. Each constructor descriptor in the chain determines the field values for the associated record type. Child record constructors need not know the number or contents of parent fields, only the number of arguments accepted by the parent constructor.

Protocol may be #f, specifying a default constructor that accepts one argument for each field of rtd (including the fields of its parent type, if any). Specifically, if rtd is a base type, the default protocol procedure behaves as if it were (lambda (p) p). If rtd is an extension of another type, then parent-constructor-descriptor must be either #f or itself specify a default constructor, and the default protocol procedure behaves as if it were:

(lambda (n)
  (lambda (v1 ... vj x1 ... xk)
    (let ((p (n v1 ... vj)))
      (p x1 ... xk))))

The resulting constructor accepts one argument for each of the record type's complete set of fields (including those of the parent record type, the parent's parent record type, etc.) and returns a record with the fields initialized to those arguments, with the field values for the parent coming before those of the extension in the argument list. (In the example, j is the complete number of fields of the parent type, and k is the number of fields of rtd itself.)

If rtd is an extension of another record type, and _parent-constructor-descriptor_or the protocol of parent-constructor-descriptor is #f, protocol must also be #f, and a default constructor descriptor as described above is also assumed.

[R6RS] Calls the protocol of constructor-descriptor (as described for make-record-constructor-descriptor) and returns the resulting constructor constructor for records of the record type associated with constructor-descriptor.

[R6RS] Returns a procedure that, given an object obj, returns #t if obj is a record of the type represented by rtd, and #f otherwise.

[R6RS] K must be a valid field index of rtd. The record-accessor procedure returns a one-argument procedure whose argument must be a record of the type represented by rtd. This procedure returns the value of the selected field of that record.

The field selected corresponds to the _k_th element (0-based) of the fields argument to the invocation of make-record-type-descriptor that created rtd. Note that k cannot be used to specify a field of any type rtd extends.

[R6RS] K must be a valid field index of rtd. The record-mutator procedure returns a two-argument procedure whose arguments must be a record record r of the type represented by rtd and an object obj. This procedure stores obj within the field of _r_specified by k. The k argument is as in record-accessor. If k specifies an immutable field, an exception with condition type &assertion is raised. The mutator returns unspecified values.

Records inspection

The (rnrs records inspection (6))library provides procedures for inspecting records and their record-type descriptors. These procedures are designed to allow the writing of portable printers and inspectors.

Function record? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a record, and its record type is not opaque, and returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns the rtd representing the type of record if the type is not opaque. The rtd of the most precise type is returned; that is, the type t such that record is of type t but not of any type that extends t. If the type is opaque, an exception is raised with condition type &assertion.

[R6RS] Returns the name/parent/uid of the record-type descriptor rtd.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the record-type descriptor is generative/sealed/opaque, and #f if not.

[R6RS] Returns a vector of symbols naming the fields of the type represented by rtd (not including the fields of parent types) where the fields are ordered as described under make-record-type-descriptor.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the field specified by k of the type represented by rtd is mutable, and #f if not. K is as in record-accessor.


This section describes exception-handling and exception-raising constructs provided by the (rnrs exceptions (6))library.

[R6RS] Handler must be a procedure and should accept one argument. Thunk must be a procedure that accepts zero arguments. The with-exception-handler procedure returns the results of invoking thunk. When an exception is raised, handler will be invoked with the exception.

[R6RS] Each cond-clause is as in the specification of cond. and else are the same as in the (rnrs base (6)) library.

Evaluating a guard form evaluates body with an exception handler that binds the raised object to variable and within the scope of that binding evaluates the clauses as if they were the clauses of a condexpression. If every cond-clause's test evaluates to #f and there is no else clause, then raise is re-invoked on the raised object.

Function raise obj

[R6RS] Raises a non-continuable exception by invoking the current exception handler on obj.

[R6RS] Raises a continuable exception by invoking the current exception handler on obj.


The section describes (rnrs conditions (6))library for creating and inspecting condition types and values. A condition value encapsulates information about an exceptional situation.

[R6RS] The condition procedure returns a condition object with the components of the conditions as its components, in the same order. The returned condition is compound if the total number of components is zero or greater than one. Otherwise, it may be compound or simple.

[R6RS] The simple-conditions procedure returns a list of the components of condition, in the same order as they appeared in the construction of condition.

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a (simple or compound) condition, otherwise returns #f.

[R6RS] Rtd must be a record-type descriptor of a subtype of &condition. The condition-predicate procedure returns a procedure that takes one argument. This procedure returns #t if its argument is a condition of the condition type represented by rtd, i.e., if it is either a simple condition of that record type (or one of its subtypes) or a compound conditition with such a simple condition as one of its components, and #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Rtd must be a record-type descriptor of a subtype of &condition. Proc should accept one argument, a record of the record type of rtd. The condition-accessor procedure returns a procedure that accepts a single argument, which must be a condition of the type represented by rtd. This procedure extracts the first component of the condition of the type represented by rtd, and returns the result of applying proc to that component.

[R6RS] Condition-type, supertypes, constructor, and predicate must all be identifiers. Each field-spec must be of the form

(_field_ _accessor_)

where both field and accessor must be identifiers.

The define-condition-type form expands into a record-type definition for a record type condition-type. The record type will be non-opaque, non-sealed, and its fields will be immutable. It will have supertype has its parent type. The remaining identifiers will be bound as follows:

Standard condition types

Hierarchy of standard condition types:

+ &condition
    + &warning
    + &serious
          + &error
          + &violation
                + &assertion
                + &non-continuable
                + &implementation-restriction
                + &lexical
                + &syntax
                + &undefined
    + &message
    + &irritants
Condition Type &message

[R6RS] It carries a message further describing the nature of the condition to humans.

Condition Type &warning

[R6RS] This type describes conditions that do not, in principle, prohibit immediate continued execution of the program, but may interfere with the program's execution later.

Condition Type &serious

[R6RS] This type describes conditions serious enough that they cannot safely be ignored. This condition type is primarily intended as a supertype of other condition types.

Condition Type &error
Function make-error
Function error? obj

[R6RS] This type describes errors, typically caused by something that has gone wrong in the interaction of the program with the external world or the user.

Condition Type &violation

[R6RS] This type describes violations of the language standard or a library standard, typically caused by a programming error.

Condition Type &assertion

[R6RS] This type describes an invalid call to a procedure, either passing an invalid number of arguments, or passing an argument of the wrong type.

Condition Type &irritants

[R6RS] Irritants should be a list of objects. This condition provides additional information about a condition, typically the argument list of a procedure that detected an exception. Conditions of this type are created by the error and assertion-violation procedures.

Condition Type &who

[R6RS] Who should be a symbol or string identifying the entity reporting the exception. Conditions of this type are created by the errorand assertion-violation procedures, and the syntax-violationprocedure.

Condition Type &non-continuable

[R6RS] This type indicates that an exception handler invoked via raise has returned.

[R6RS] This type describes a violation of an implementation restriction allowed by the specification, such as the absence of representations for NaNs and infinities.

Condition Type &lexical

[R6RS] This type describes syntax violations at the level of the datum syntax.

Condition Type &syntax

[R6RS] This type describes syntax violations. Form should be the erroneous syntax object or a datum representing the code of the erroneous form. Subform should be an optional syntax object or datum within the erroneous form that more precisely locates the violation. It can be #f to indicate the absence of more precise information.

Condition Type &undefined

[R6RS] This type describes unbound identifiers in the program.

I/O condition types

The condition types and corresponding predicates and accessors are exported by both the (rnrs io ports (6)) and (rnrs io simple (6)) libraries. They are also exported by the (rnrs files (6)) library.

Condition Type &i/o

[R6RS] This is a supertype for a set of more specific I/O errors.

Condition Type &i/o-read

[R6RS] This condition type describes read errors that occurred during an I/O operation.

Condition Type &i/o-write

[R6RS] This condition type describes write errors that occurred during an I/O operation.

[R6RS] This condition type describes attempts to set the file position to an invalid position. Position should be the file position that the program intended to set. This condition describes a range error, but not an assertion violation.

Condition Type &i/o-filename

[R6RS] This condition type describes an I/O error that occurred during an operation on a named file. Filename should be the name of the file.

Condition Type &i/o-file-protection

[R6RS] A condition of this type specifies that an operation tried to operate on a named file with insufficient access rights.

[R6RS] A condition of this type specifies that an operation tried to operate on a named read-only file under the assumption that it is writeable.

[R6RS] A condition of this type specifies that an operation tried to operate on an existing named file under the assumption that it did not exist.

[R6RS] A condition of this type specifies that an operation tried to operate on an non-existent named file under the assumption that it existed.

Condition Type &i/o-port

[R6RS] This condition type specifies the port with which an I/O error is associated. Port should be the port. Conditions raised by procedures accepting a port as an argument should include an &i/o-port-errorcondition.

Here I describe the conditions hierarchy.

+ &error([See (rnrs conditions (6))](#rnrs.conditions.6))
    + &i/o
          + &i/o-read
          + &i/o-write
          + &i/o-invalid-position
          + &i/o-filename
                + &i/o-file-protection
                      + &i/o-file-is-read-only
                + &i/o-file-already-exists
                + &i/o-file-does-not-exist
          + &i/o-port-error

Port I/O

The (rnrs io ports (6))library defines an I/O layer for conventional, imperative buffered input and output. A port represents a buffered access object for a data sink or source or both simultaneously. The library allows ports to be created from arbitrary data sources and sinks.

The (rnrs io ports (6)) library distinguishes between _input ports_and output ports. An input port is a source for data, whereas an output port is a sink for data. A port may be both an input port and an output port; such a port typically provides simultaneous read and write access to a file or other data.

The (rnrs io ports (6)) library also distinguishes between binary ports, which are sources or sinks for uninterpreted bytes, and textual ports, which are sources or sinks for characters and strings.

This section uses input-port, output-port, binary-port, textual-port, binary-input-port, textual-input-port, binary-output-port, textual-output-port, and port as parameter names for arguments that must be input ports (or combined input/output ports), output ports (or combined input/output ports), binary ports, textual ports, binary input ports, textual input ports, binary output ports, textual output ports, or any kind of port, respectively.


In this world, unfortunately there are a lot of operating systems. However, as far as I know there are only two file separators, one is Windows style back slash, the other is UNIX style slash. On Sagittarius both of it can be used as file path. Inside of the resolution of file path, Sagittarius replaces those file separators to OS specific one. Even though programmer does not have to care about it, I think it's better to use slash as file separator on script files.

A filename parameter name means that the corresponding argument must be a file name.

File options

When opening a file, the various procedures in this library accept a file-options object that encapsulates flags to specify how the file is to be opened. A file-options object is an enum-set (see (rnrs enums (6))) over the symbols constituting valid file options. A file-options parameter name means that the corresponding argument must be a file-options object.

[R6RS+] Each file-option-symbol must be a symbol. The file-options macro returns a file-options object that encapsulates the specified options.

When supplied to an operation that opens a file for output, the file-options object returned by (file-options) specifies that the file is created if it does not exist and an exception with condition type &i/o-file-already-exists is raised if it does exist. The following standard options can be included to modify the default behaviour.

  • no-create If the file does not already exist, it is not created; instead, an exception with condition type &i/o-file-does-not-exist is raised. If the file already exists, the exception with condition type &i/o-file-already-exists is not raised and the file is truncated to zero length.

  • no-fail If the file already exists, the exception with condition type &i/o-file-already-exists is not raised, even if no-create is not included, and the file is truncated to zero length.

  • no-truncate If the file already exists and the exception with condition type &i/o-file-already-exists has been inhibited by inclusion of no-create or no-fail, the file is not truncated, but the port's current position is still set to the beginning of the file.

  • append Among with no-truncate, set the opened port's position the end of the file. This is not a part of R6RS specification.

Buffer modes

Each port has an associated buffer mode. For an output port, the buffer mode defines when an output operation flushes the buffer associated with the output port. For an input port, the buffer mode defines how much data will be read to satisfy read operations. The possible buffer modes are the symbols none for no buffering, line for flushing upon line endings and reading up to line endings, or other implementation-dependent behavior, and block for arbitrary buffering. This section uses the parameter name buffer-mode for arguments that must be buffer-mode symbols.

If two ports are connected to the same mutable source, both ports are unbuffered, and reading a byte or character from that shared source via one of the two ports would change the bytes or characters seen via the other port, a lookahead operation on one port will render the peeked byte or character inaccessible via the other port, while a subsequent read operation on the peeked port will see the peeked byte or character even though the port is otherwise unbuffered.

In other words, the semantics of buffering is defined in terms of side effects on shared mutable sources, and a lookahead operation has the same side effect on the shared source as a read operation.

[R6RS] Buffer-mode-symbol must be a symbol whose name is one of none, line, and block. The result is the corresponding symbol, and specifies the associated buffer mode.

Returns #t if the argument is a valid buffer-mode symbol, and returns #f otherwise.


Several different Unicode encoding schemes describe standard ways to encode characters and strings as byte sequences and to decode those sequences. Within this document, a codec is an immutable Scheme object that represents a Unicode or similar encoding scheme.

An end-of-line style is a symbol that, if it is not none, describes how a textual port transcodes representations of line endings.

A transcoder is an immutable Scheme object that combines a codec with an end-of-line style and a method for handling decoding errors. Each transcoder represents some specific bidirectional (but not necessarily lossless), possibly stateful translation between byte sequences and Unicode characters and strings. Every transcoder can operate in the input direction (bytes to characters) or in the output direction (characters to bytes). A transcoder parameter name means that the corresponding argument must be a transcoder.

A binary port is a port that supports binary I/O, does not have an associated transcoder and does not support textual I/O. A textual port is a port that supports textual I/O, and does not support binary I/O. A textual port may or may not have an associated transcoder.

Function utf-8-codec

[R6RS] These are predefined codecs for the ISO 8859-1, UTF-8, and UTF-16 encoding schemes.

A call to any of these procedures returns a value that is equal in the sense of eqv? to the result of any other call to the same procedure.

[R6RS] Eol-style-symbol should be a symbol whose name is one of lf, cr, crlf, nel, crnel, ls, and none. The form evaluates to the corresponding symbol. If the name of eol-style-symbol is not one of these symbols, it still returns given symbol, however make-transcoder does not accept it.

[R6RS] Returns the default end-of-line style of the underlying platform.

Condition Type &i/o-decoding

[R6RS] An exception with this type is raised when one of the operations for textual input from a port encounters a sequence of bytes that cannot be translated into a character or string by the input direction of the port's transcoder.

When such an exception is raised, the port's position is past the invalid encoding.

Condition Type &i/o-encoding

[R6RS] An exception with this type is raised when one of the operations for textual output to a port encounters a character that cannot be translated into bytes by the output direction of the port's transcoder. Char is the character that could not be encoded.

[R6RS] Error-handling-mode-symbol should be a symbol whose name is one of ignore, raise, and replace. The form evaluates to the corresponding symbol.

The error-handling mode of a transcoder specifies the behavior of textual I/O operations in the presence of encoding or decoding errors.

If a textual input operation encounters an invalid or incomplete character encoding, and the error-handling mode is ignore, an appropriate number of bytes of the invalid encoding are ignored and decoding continues with the following bytes. If the error-handling mode is replace, the replacement character U+FFFD is injected into the data stream, an appropriate number of bytes are ignored, and decoding continues with the following bytes. If the error-handling mode is raise, an exception with condition type &i/o-decoding is raised.

If a textual output operation encounters a character it cannot encode, and the error-handling mode is ignore, the character is ignored and encoding continues with the next character. If the error-handling mode is replace, a codec-specific replacement character is emitted by the transcoder, and encoding continues with the next character. The replacement character is U+FFFD for transcoders whose codec is one of the Unicode encodings, but is the ?character for the Latin-1 encoding. If the error-handling mode is raise, an exception with condition type &i/o-encoding is raised.

[R6RS] Codec must be a codec; eol-style, if present, an eol-style symbol; and handling-mode, if present, an error-handling-mode symbol. Eol-style may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the native end-of-line style of the underlying platform. Handling-mode may be omitted, in which case it defaults to replace. The result is a transcoder with the behaviour specified by its arguments.

[R6RS] Returns platform dependent transcoder.

[R6RS] These are accessors for transcoder objects; when applied to a transcoder returned by make-transcoder, they return the codec, eol-style, and handling-mode arguments, respectively.

[R6RS+] Returns the string that results from transcoding the bytevector according to the input direction of the transcoder.

If the optional argument start is given, the procedure converts given string from start index (inclusive).

If the optional argument end is given, the procedure converts given string to end index (exclusive).

These optional arguments must be fixnum if it's given.

[R6RS] Returns the bytevector that results from transcoding the string according to the output direction of the transcoder.

If the optional argument start is given, the procedure converts given string from start index (inclusive).

If the optional argument end is given, the procedure converts given string to end index (exclusive).

These optional arguments must be fixnum if it's given.

End-of-file object

The end-of-file object is returned by various I/O procedures when they reach end of file.

Function eof-object

[R6RS] Returns the end-of-file object

Returns #t if obj is the end-of-file object, #f otherwise.

Input and output ports

The operations described in this section are common to input and output ports, both binary and textual. A port may also have an associated position that specifies a particular place within its data sink or source, and may also provide operations for inspecting and setting that place.

Function port? obj

Returns #t if the argument is a port, and returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns the transcoder associated with port if port is textual and has an associated transcoder, and returns #f if port is binary or does not have an associated transcoder.

[R6RS+] [R7RS] The textual-port? procedure returns #t if _obj_is textual port, otherwise #f.

The binary-port? procedure returns #t if obj is binary port, otherwise #f.

[R6RS] The transcoded-port procedure returns a new textual port with the specified transcoder. Otherwise the new textual port's state is largely the same as that of binary-port. If binary-port is an input port, the new textual port will be an input port and will transcode the bytes that have not yet been read from binary-port. If binary-port is an output port, the new textual port will be an output port and will transcode output characters into bytes that are written to the byte sink represented by binary-port.

[R6RS] The port-has-port-position? procedure returns #t if the port supports the port-position operation, and #f otherwise.

The port-position procedure returns the index of the position at which the next position would be read from or written to the port as an exact non-negative integer object.

[R6RS+] The port-has-set-port-position!? procedure returns #t if the port supports the set-port-position! operation, and #f otherwise.

The set-port-position! procedure raises an exception with condition type &assertion if the port does not support the operation, and an exception with condition type &i/o-invalid-position if pos is not in the range of valid positions of port. Otherwise, it sets the current position of the port to pos. If port is an output port, set-port-position! first flushes port.

The optional argument whence must be one of the following symbols;


Set position from the beginning of the given port.


Set position from the current position of the given port.


Set position from the end of the given port.

NOTE: for R6RS custom port, the procedure doesn't accept the optional argument, so it will be always considered begin even though user specified it as current or end.

[R6RS] Closes the port, rendering the port incapable of delivering or accepting data. If port is an output port, it is flushed before being closed. This has no effect if the port has already been closed. A closed port is still a port. The close-port procedure returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Proc must accept one argument. The call-with-portprocedure calls proc with port as an argument. If _proc_returns, port is closed automatically and the values returned by proc are returned. If proc does not return, port is not closed automatically, except perhaps when it is possible to prove that port will never again be used for an input or output operation.

Input ports

An input port allows the reading of an infinite sequence of bytes or characters punctuated by end-of-file objects. An input port connected to a finite data source ends in an infinite sequence of end-of-file objects.

It is unspecified whether a character encoding consisting of several bytes may have an end of file between the bytes. If, for example, get-char raises an &i/o-decoding exception because the character encoding at the port's position is incomplete up to the next end of file, a subsequent call to get-char may successfully decode a character if bytes completing the encoding are available after the end of file.

Returns #t if the argument is an input port (or a combined input and output port), and returns #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns #t if the lookahead-u8 procedure (if input-port is a binary port) or the lookahead-char procedure (if input-port is a textual port) would return the end-of-file object, and #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Maybe-transcoder must be either a transcoder or #f.

The file-options argument, which may determine various aspects of the returned port, defaults to the value of (file-options).

The buffer-mode argument, if supplied, must be one of the symbols that name a buffer mode. The buffer-mode argument defaults to block.

If maybe-transcoder is a transcoder, it becomes the transcoder associated with the returned port.

If maybe-transcoder is #f or absent, the port will be a binary port, otherwise the port will be textual port.

_ (start 0) (end (bytevector-length bytevector))

[R6RS+] transcoder must be either a transcoder or #f. The open-bytevector-input-port procedure returns an input port whose bytes are drawn from bytevector. If transcoder is specified, it becomes the transcoder associated with the returned port.

If transcoder is #f or absent, the port will be a binary port, otherwise the port will be textual port.

Optional arguments start and end restricts the range of input bytevector. It is almost the same as following code but doesn't allocate extra memory;

(open-bytevector-input-port (bytevector-copy bytevector start end))

[R6RS+] Returns a textual input port whose characters are drawn from string.

Optional arguments start and end restricts the range of input string. It is almost the same as following code but doesn't allocate extra memory;

(open-string-input-port (substring string start end))

These procedures reuse the given arguments, thus if bytevector is modified after open-bytevector-input-port has been called, it affects the result of the port. So does open-string-input-port.

[R6RS] Returns a fresh binary input port connected to standard input.

[R6RS+] If port is given, the current-input-port sets the port as a default port for input. Otherwise it returns a default input port.

[R6RS+] Returns a newly created binary input port whose byte source is an arbitrary algorithm represented by the read! procedure. Id must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. Read! must be a procedure and should behave as specified below; it will be called by operations that perform binary input.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified below.

  • (read! bytevector start count) Start will be a non-negative exact integer object, count will be a positive exact integer object, and bytevector will be a bytevector whose length is at least start + count. The read! procedure should obtain up to count bytes from the byte source, and should write those bytes into bytevector starting at index start. The _read!_procedure should return an exact integer object. This integer object should represent the number of bytes that it has read. To indicate an end of file, the read! procedure should write no bytes and return 0.

  • (get-position) The get-position procedure (if supplied) should return an exact integer object representing the current position of the input port. If not supplied, the custom port will not support the port-position operation.

  • (set-position! pos) Pos will be a non-negative exact integer object. The set-position! procedure (if supplied) should set the position of the input port to pos. If not supplied, the custom port will not support the set-port-position! operation.

  • (close) The close procedure (if supplied) should perform any actions that are necessary when the input port is closed.

  • (ready) The ready procedure (if supplied) should indicate the port data are ready or not.

[R6RS+] Returns a newly created textual input port whose character source is an arbitrary algorithm represented by the read! procedure. _Id_must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. Read! must be a procedure and should behave as specified below; it will be called by operations that perform textual input.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified below.

  • (read! string start count) Start will be a non-negative exact integer object, count will be a positive exact integer object, and string will be a string whose length is at least start + count. The read! procedure should obtain up to count characters from the character source, and should write those characters into string starting at index start. The _read!_procedure should return an exact integer object representing the number of characters that it has written. To indicate an end of file, the _read!_procedure should write no bytes and return 0.

  • (get-position) The get-position procedure (if supplied) should return a single value. The return value should represent the current position of the input port. If not supplied, the custom port will not support the port-position operation.

  • (set-position! pos) The set-position! procedure (if supplied) should set the position of the input port to pos if pos is the return value of a call to get-position. If not supplied, the custom port will not support the set-port-position! operation.

  • (close) The close procedure (if supplied) should perform any actions that are necessary when the input port is closed.

  • (ready) The ready procedure (if supplied) should indicate the port characters are ready or not.

Binary input

[R6RS] Reads from binary-input-port, blocking as necessary, until a byte is available from binary-input-port or until an end of file is reached.

If a byte becomes available, get-u8 returns the byte as an octet and updates binary-input-port to point just past that byte. If no input byte is seen before an end of file is reached, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS] The lookahead-u8 procedure is like get-u8, but it does not update binary-input-port to point past the byte.

[R6RS+] Count must be an exact, non-negative integer object representing the number of bytes to be read.

The get-bytevector-n procedure reads from binary-input-port, blocking as necessary, until count bytes are available from binary-input-port or until an end of file is reached. If _count_bytes are available before an end of file, get-bytevector-n returns a bytevector of size count.

If fewer bytes are available before an end of file, get-bytevector-nreturns a bytevector containing those bytes. In either case, the input port is updated to point just past the bytes read. If an end of file is reached before any bytes are available, get-bytevector-n returns the end-of-file object.

[R6RS+] Count must be an exact, non-negative integer object, representing the number of bytes to be read. bytevector must be a bytevector with at least start + count elements.

The get-bytevector-n! procedure reads from binary-input-port, blocking as necessary, until count bytes are available from binary-input-port or until an end of file is reached. If count bytes are available before an end of file, they are written into _bytevector_starting at index start, and the result is count. If fewer bytes are available before the next end of file, the available bytes are written into bytevector starting at index start, and the result is a number object representing the number of bytes actually read. In either case, the input port is updated to point just past the bytes read. If an end of file is reached before any bytes are available, get-bytevector-n! returns the end-of-file object.

[R6RS+] Reads from binary-input-port, blocking as necessary, until bytes are available from binary-input-port or until an end of file is reached. If bytes become available, get-bytevector-some returns a freshly allocated bytevector containing the initial available bytes (at least one and maximum 512 bytes), and it updates binary-input-port to point just past these bytes. If no input bytes are seen before an end of file is reached, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS+] Attempts to read all bytes until the next end of file, blocking as necessary. If one or more bytes are read, get-bytevector-all returns a bytevector containing all bytes up to the next end of file. Otherwise, get-bytevector-all returns the end-of-file object.

These procedures can take optional argument reckless. If this is given, these procedures can read bytes from textual port. This optional argument is for socket programming. Users needs to make sure that the given port can be read as textual port after reading port recklessly.

Textual input

[R6RS] Reads from textual-input-port, blocking as necessary, until a complete character is available from textual-input-port, or until an end of file is reached.

If a complete character is available before the next end of file, get-charreturns that character and updates the input port to point past the character. If an end of file is reached before any character is read, get-charreturns the end-of-file object.

[R6RS] The lookahead-char procedure is like get-char, but it does not update textual-input-port to point past the character.

[R6RS] Count must be an exact, non-negative integer object, representing the number of characters to be read.

The get-string-n procedure reads from textual-input-port, blocking as necessary, until count characters are available, or until an end of file is reached.

If count characters are available before end of file, get-string-nreturns a string consisting of those count characters. If fewer characters are available before an end of file, but one or more characters can be read, get-string-n returns a string containing those characters. In either case, the input port is updated to point just past the characters read. If no characters can be read before an end of file, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS] Start and count must be exact, non-negative integer objects, with count representing the number of characters to be read. String must be a string with at least start + count characters.

The get-string-n! procedure reads from textual-input-port in the same manner as get-string-n. If count characters are available before an end of file, they are written into string starting at index start, and count is returned. If fewer characters are available before an end of file, but one or more can be read, those characters are written into string starting at index start and the number of characters actually read is returned as an exact integer object. If no characters can be read before an end of file, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS] Reads from textual-input-port until an end of file, decoding characters in the same manner as get-string-n and get-string-n!.

If characters are available before the end of file, a string containing all the characters decoded from that data are returned. If no character precedes the end of file, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS] Reads from textual-input-port up to and including the linefeed character or end of file, decoding characters in the same manner as get-string-n and get-string-n!.

If a linefeed character is read, a string containing all of the text up to (but not including) the linefeed character is returned, and the port is updated to point just past the linefeed character. If an end of file is encountered before any linefeed character is read, but some characters have been read and decoded as characters, a string containing those characters is returned. If an end of file is encountered before any characters are read, the end-of-file object is returned.

[R6RS] Reads an external representation from textual-input-port and returns the datum it represents. The get-datum procedure returns the next datum that can be parsed from the given textual-input-port, updating textual-input-port to point exactly past the end of the external representation of the object.

If a character inconsistent with an external representation is encountered in the input, an exception with condition types &lexical and &i/o-readis raised. Also, if the end of file is encountered after the beginning of an external representation, but the external representation is incomplete and therefore cannot be parsed, an exception with condition types &lexicaland &i/o-read is raised.

Output ports

An output port is a sink to which bytes or characters are written. The written data may control external devices or may produce files and other objects that may subsequently be opened for input.

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is an output port (or a combined input and output port), #f otherwise.

[R6RS+][R7RS] Flushes any buffered output from the buffer of output-port to the underlying file, device, or object. The flush-output-port procedure returns unspecified values.

If the optional argument is omitted then (current-output-port) will be used.

[R6RS] Returns the symbol that represents the buffer mode of output-port.

[R6RS] Maybe-transcoder must be either a transcoder or #f.

The open-file-output-port procedure returns an output port for the named file.

The file-options argument, which may determine various aspects of the returned port, defaults to the value of (file-options).

The buffer-mode argument, if supplied, must be one of the symbols that name a buffer mode. The buffer-mode argument defaults to block.

If maybe-transcoder is a transcoder, it becomes the transcoder associated with the port.

If maybe-transcoder is #f or absent, the port will be a binary port, otherwise the port will be textual port.

[R6RS] Maybe-transcoder must be either a transcoder or #f.

The open-bytevector-output-port procedure returns two values: an output port and an extraction procedure. The output port accumulates the bytes written to it for later extraction by the procedure.

If maybe-transcoder is a transcoder, it becomes the transcoder associated with the port. If maybe-transcoder is #f or absent, the port will be a binary port, otherwise the port will be textual port.

The extraction procedure takes no arguments. When called, it returns a bytevector consisting of all the port's accumulated bytes (regardless of the port's current position), removes the accumulated bytes from the port, and resets the port's position.

[R6RS] Proc must accept one argument. Maybe-transcoder must be either a transcoder or #f.

The call-with-bytevector-output-port procedure creates an output port that accumulates the bytes written to it and calls proc with that output port as an argument. Whenever proc returns, a bytevector consisting of all of the port's accumulated bytes (regardless of the port's current position) is returned and the port is closed.

The transcoder associated with the output port is determined as for a call to open-bytevector-output-port.

[R6RS] Returns two values: a textual output port and an extraction procedure. The output port accumulates the characters written to it for later extraction by the procedure.

The extraction procedure takes no arguments. When called, it returns a string consisting of all of the port's accumulated characters (regardless of the current position), removes the accumulated characters from the port, and resets the port's position.

[R6RS] Proc must accept one argument.

The call-with-string-output-port procedure creates a textual output port that accumulates the characters written to it and calls proc with that output port as an argument. Whenever proc returns, a string consisting of all of the port's accumulated characters (regardless of the port's current position) is returned and the port is closed.

[R6RS] Returns a fresh binary output port connected to the standard output or standard error respectively.

[R6RS+] If port is given, these procedures set the port as a default port for output and error. These return default ports for regular output and error output.

[R6RS] Returns a newly created binary output port whose byte sink is an arbitrary algorithm represented by the write! procedure. Id must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. _Write!_must be a procedure and should behave as specified below; it will be called by operations that perform binary output.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified in the description of make-custom-binary-input-port.

  • (write! bytevector start count) Start and count will be non-negative exact integer objects, and bytevector will be a bytevector whose length is at least start + count. The write! procedure should write up to count bytes from bytevector starting at index start to the byte sink. If count is 0, the write! procedure should have the effect of passing an end-of-file object to the byte sink. In any case, the write! procedure should return the number of bytes that it wrote, as an exact integer object.

[R6RS] Returns a newly created textual output port whose byte sink is an arbitrary algorithm represented by the write! procedure. Id must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. _Write!_must be a procedure and should behave as specified below; it will be called by operations that perform textual output.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified in the description of make-custom-textual-input-port.

  • (write! string start count) Start and count will be non-negative exact integer objects, and string will be a string whose length is at least start + count. The write! procedure should write up to count characters from string starting at index start to the character sink. If _count_is 0, the write! procedure should have the effect of passing an end-of-file object to the character sink. In any case, the write! procedure should return the number of characters that it wrote, as an exact integer object.

Binary output

[R6RS] Writes octet to the output port and returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Start and count must be non-negative exact integer objects that default to 0 and (bytevector-length _bytevector_) - start, respectively. Bytevector must have a length of at least start + count. The put-bytevector procedure writes the count bytes of the bytevector bytevector starting at index start to the output port. The put-bytevector procedure returns unspecified values.

Textual output

[R6RS] Writes char to the port and returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Start and count must be non-negative exact integer objects. String must have a length of at least start + count. Start defaults to 0. Count defaults to (string-length _string_) - start. The put-string procedure writes the count characters of string starting at index start to the port. The put-string procedure returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Datum should be a datum value. The put-datum procedure writes an external representation of datum to textual-output-port.

Input/output ports

[R6RS] Returns a single port that is both an input port and an output port for the named file. The optional arguments default as described in the specification of open-file-output-port. If the input/output port supports port-position and/or set-port-position!, the same port position is used for both input and output.

[R6RS+] Returns a newly created binary input/output port whose byte source and sink are arbitrary algorithms represented by the read! and write! procedures. Id must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. Read! and write! must be procedures, and should behave as specified for the make-custom-binary-input-port and make-custom-binary-output-port procedures.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified in the description of make-custom-binary-input-port.

[R6RS+] Returns a newly created textual input/output port whose byte source and sink are arbitrary algorithms represented by the _read!_and write! procedures. Id must be a string naming the new port, provided for informational purposes only. Read! and write! must be procedures, and should behave as specified for the make-custom-textual-input-port and make-custom-textual-output-port procedures.

Each of the remaining arguments may be #f; if any of those arguments is not #f, it must be a procedure and should behave as specified in the description of make-custom-textual-input-port.

Simple I/O

This section describes the (rnrs io simple (6))library, which provides a somewhat more convenient interface for performing textual I/O on ports.

This library also exports the same procedures as (rnrs io posts (6)) library. I do not write the documentation of it, if you want to import only this library, make sure which procedures are exported. You can see it on R6RS.

[R6RS+] Proc should accept one argument.

These procedures open the file named by filename for input or for output, with no specified file options, and call proc with the obtained port as an argument. If proc returns, the port is closed automatically and the values returned by proc are returned. If proc does not return, the port is not closed automatically, unless it is possible to prove that the port will never again be used for an I/O operation.

NOTE: opt will be passed to open-input-file or open-output-file.

[R6RS+] Thunk must be a procedure and must accept zero arguments.

The file is opened for input or output using empty file options, and _thunk_is called with no arguments. These procedure replace current input/output port during thunk is being called. When thunk returns, the port is closed automatically. The values returned by thunk are returned.

NOTE: opt will be passed to open-input-file or open-output-file.

[R6RS+] Opens filename for input/output, with empty file options, and returns the obtained port.

If keyword argument transcoder is given, it must be an transcoder or #f and will be used to specify the transcoder to open input/output port. If it is #f, then returned port will be binary port.

[R6RS] Closes input-port or output-port, respectively.

[R6RS] These work the same as get-char and lookahead-char. If textual-input-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-input-port.

[R6RS] Reads an external representation from _textual-input-port_and returns the datum it represents. The read procedure operates in the same way as get-datum.

If textual-input-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-input-port.

[R6RS] Writes an encoding of the character char to the textual-output-port, and returns unspecified values.

If textual-output-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-output-port.

[R6RS] This is equivalent to using write-char to write #\linefeed to textual-output-port.

If textual-output-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-output-port.

[R6RS] Writes a representation of obj to the given textual-output-port. Strings that appear in the written representation are not enclosed in double quotes, and no characters are escaped within those strings. Character objects appear in the representation as if written by write-char instead of by write. The display procedure returns unspecified values.

If textual-output-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-output-port.

[R6RS] Writes the external representation of obj to textual-output-port. The write procedure operates in the same way as put-datum.

If textual-output-port is omitted, it defaults to the value returned by current-output-port.

File system

This library, in addition to the procedures described here, also exports the I/O condition types described in I/O condition types.

[R6RS] Filename must be a file name (see Port I/O). The file-exists? procedure returns #t if the named file exists at the time the procedure is called, #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Filename must be a file name (see Port I/O). The delete-file procedure deletes the named file if it exists and can be deleted, and returns unspecified values. If the file does not exist or cannot be deleted, an exception with condition type &i/o-filename is raised.

Command-line access and exit values

This library provides command-line arguments access and exit procedures.

[R6RS] Returns a nonempty list of strings. The first element is the running script file name or '() on REPL. The remaining elements are command-line arguments according to the operating system's conventions.

[R6RS] Exits the running program and communicates an exit value to the operating system. If no argument is supplied, the exit procedure should communicate to the operating system that the program exited normally. If an argument is supplied and if it is fixnum, the exit procedure translates it into an appropriate exit value for the operating system. Otherwise the exit is assumed to be abnormal.

Arithmetic libraries

This section describes Scheme's libraries for more specialized numerical operations: fixnum and flonum arithmetic, as well as bitwise operations on exact integer objects.

Bitwise operations

A number of procedures operate on the binary two's-complement representations of exact integer objects: Bit positions within an exact integer object are counted from the right, i.e. bit 0 is the least significant bit. Some procedures allow extracting bit fields, i.e., number objects representing subsequences of the binary representation of an exact integer object. Bit fields are always positive, and always defined using a finite number of bits.


On Sagittarius Scheme, fixnum is 30 bits or 62 bits depending on platform. On 32 bits platform it fixnum is 30 bits, and 64 bits platform it is 62 bits. However, non 32 bits platform is not well tested so if you find a bug please send a report.

This section uses fx, fx1 fx2, etc., as parameter names for arguments that must be fixnums.

Function fixnum? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is an exact integer object within the fixnum range, #f otherwise.

[R6RS] These procedures returns bit size of fixnum, minimum and maximum value of the fixnum range, respectively.

[R6RS] These procedures return #t if their arguments are: equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically nondecreasing, or monotonically nonincreasing, #f otherwise.

Function fxzero? fx
Function fxodd? fx
Function fxeven? fx

[R6RS] These numerical predicates test a fixnum for a particular property, returning #t or #f. The five properties tested by these procedures are: whether the number object is zero, greater than zero, less than zero, odd, or even.

[R6RS] These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their arguments.

Function fx+ fx1 fx2
Function fx* fx1 fx2

[R6RS] These procedures return the sum or product of their arguments, provided that sum or product is a fixnum. An exception with condition type &implementation-restriction is raised if that sum or product is not a fixnum.

[R6RS] With two arguments, this procedure returns the difference fx1- fx2, provided that difference is a fixnum.

With one argument, this procedure returns the additive inverse of its argument, provided that integer object is a fixnum.

An exception with condition type &implementation-restriction is raised if the mathematically correct result of this procedure is not a fixnum.

NOTE: R6RS says it raises &assertion if the result is not fixnum, however Sagittarius raises &implementation-restriction for consistency with fx+ and fx*.

[R6RS] Fx2 must be nonzero. These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division and return the results of the corresponding mathematical operations specified in (rnrs base (6)) section.

[R6RS] Returns the two fixnum results of the following computation:

(let* ((s (+ _fx1_ _fx2_ _fx3_))
       (s0 (mod0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width))))
       (s1 (div0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))))
  (values s0 s1))

[R6RS] Returns the two fixnum results of the following computation:

(let* ((d (- _fx1_ _fx2_ _fx3_))
       (d0 (mod0 d (expt 2 (fixnum-width))))
       (d1 (div0 d (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))))
  (values d0 d1))

[R6RS] Returns the two fixnum results of the following computation:

(let* ((s (+ (* _fx1_ _fx2_) _fx3_))
       (s0 (mod0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width))))
       (s1 (div0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))))
  (values s0 s1))
Function fxnot fx

[R6RS] Returns bitwise not of fixnum fx.

[R6RS] These procedures return the fixnum that is the bit-wise "and", "inclusive or", or "exclusive or" of the two's complement representations of their arguments. If they are passed only one argument, they return that argument. If they are passed no arguments, they return the fixnum (either - 1 or 0) that acts as identity for the operation.

[R6RS] Returns the fixnum that is the bit-wise "if" of the two's complement representations of its arguments, i.e. for each bit, if it is 1 in fx1, the corresponding bit in fx2 becomes the value of the corresponding bit in the result, and if it is 0, the corresponding bit in fx3 becomes the corresponding bit in the value of the result. This is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(fxior (fxand _fx1_ _fx2_)
       (fxand (fxnot _fx1_) _fx3_))

[R6RS] If fx is non-negative, this procedure returns the number of 1 bits in the two's complement representation of fx. Otherwise it returns the result of the following computation:

(fxnot (fxbit-count (fxnot _ei_)))

Function fxlength fx

[R6RS] Returns the number of bits needed to represent fx if it is positive, and the number of bits needed to represent (fxnot _fx_) if it is negative, which is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(do ((result 0 (+ result 1))
     (bits (if (fxnegative? _fx_)
               (fxnot _fx_)
           (fxarithmetic-shift-right bits 1)))
    ((fxzero? bits)

[R6RS] Returns the index of the least significant 1 bit in the two's complement representation of fx. If fx is 0, then - 1 is returned.

[R6RS] Fx2 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). The fxbit-set? procedure returns #t if the _fx2_th bit is 1 in the two's complement representation of fx1, and #f otherwise. This is the fixnum result of the following computation:

    (fxand _fx1_           (fxarithmetic-shift-left 1 _fx2_))))

[R6RS] Fx2 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). Fx3 must be 0 or 1. The fxcopy-bit procedure returns the result of replacing the _fx2_th bit of fx1 by fx3, which is the result of the following computation:

(let* ((mask (fxarithmetic-shift-left 1 _fx2_)))
  (fxif mask
        (fxarithmetic-shift-left _fx3_ _fx2_)

[R6RS] Fx2 and fx3 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). Moreover, fx2 must be less than or equal to fx3. The fxbit-field procedure returns the number represented by the bits at the positions from fx2 (inclusive) to fx3 (exclusive), which is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(let* ((mask (fxnot
              (fxarithmetic-shift-left -1 _fx3_))))
  (fxarithmetic-shift-right (fxand _fx1_ mask)

[R6RS] Fx2 and fx3 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). Moreover, fx2 must be less than or equal to fx3. The fxcopy-bit-field procedure returns the result of replacing in fx1 the bits at positions from fx2 (inclusive) to fx3(exclusive) by the corresponding bits in fx4, which is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(let* ((to    _fx1_)
       (start _fx2_)
       (end   _fx3_)
       (from  _fx4_)
       (mask1 (fxarithmetic-shift-left -1 start))
       (mask2 (fxnot
               (fxarithmetic-shift-left -1 end)))
       (mask (fxand mask1 mask2)))
  (fxif mask
        (fxarithmetic-shift-left from start)

[R6RS] The absolute value of fx2 must be less than (fixnum-width). If

(floor (* _fx1_ (expt 2 _fx2_)))

is a fixnum, then that fixnum is returned. Otherwise an exception with condition type &implementation-restriction is raised.

[R6RS] Fx2 must be non-negative, and less than (fixnum-width). The fxarithmetic-shift-left procedure behaves the same as fxarithmetic-shift, and (fxarithmetic-shift-right _fx1_ _fx2_)behaves the same as (fxarithmetic-shift _fx1_ (fx- _fx2_)).

[R6RS] Fx2, fx3, and fx4 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). Fx2 must be less than or equal to fx3. Fx4 must be less than the difference between fx3 and fx2. The fxrotate-bit-field procedure returns the result of cyclically permuting in fx1 the bits at positions from fx2 (inclusive) to fx3(exclusive) by fx4 bits towards the more significant bits, which is the result of the following computation:

(let* ((n     _fx1_)
       (start _fx2_)
       (end   _fx3_)
       (count _fx4_)
       (width (fx- end start)))
  (if (fxpositive? width)
      (let* ((count (fxmod count width))
               (fxbit-field n start end))
                 field0 count))
                 field0 (fx- width count)))
             (field (fxior field1 field2)))
        (fxcopy-bit-field n start end field))

[R6RS] Fx2 and fx3 must be non-negative and less than (fixnum-width). Moreover, fx2 must be less than or equal to fx3. The fxreverse-bit-field procedure returns the fixnum obtained from fx1 by reversing the order of the bits at positions from fx2(inclusive) to fx3 (exclusive).


This section describes the (rnrs arithmetic flonums (6))library.

This section uses fl, fl1, fl2, etc., as parameter names for arguments that must be flonums, and ifl as a name for arguments that must be integer-valued flonums, i.e., flonums for which the integer-valued?predicate returns true.

[R6RS] This library exports procedures for flonum operations.

Function flonum? obj

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a flonum, #f otherwise.

[R6RS] These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively): equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically nondecreasing, or monotonically nonincreasing, #f otherwise.

Function flzero? fl
Function flodd? fl
Function fleven? fl
Function flnan? fl

[R6RS] These numerical predicates test a flonum for a particular property, returning #t or #f. The flinteger? procedure tests whether the number object is an integer, flzero? tests whether it is fl=? to zero, flpositive? tests whether it is greater than zero, flnegative?tests whether it is less than zero, flodd? tests whether it is odd, fleven? tests whether it is even, flfinite? tests whether it is not an infinity and not a NaN, flinfinite? tests whether it is an infinity, and flnan? tests whether it is a NaN.

[R6RS] These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their arguments. They always return a NaN when one or more of the arguments is a NaN.

Function fl+ fl1 ...
Function fl* fl1 ...

[R6RS] These procedures return the flonum sum or product of their flonum arguments. In general, they should return the flonum that best approximates the mathematical sum or product.

Function flabs fl

[R6RS] Returns the absolute value of fl.

[R6RS] These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division and return the results of the corresponding mathematical operations (see (rnrs base (6)) . For zero divisors, these procedures may return a NaN or some unspecified flonum.

[R6RS] These procedures return the numerator or denominator of fl as a flonum; the result is computed as if fl was represented as a fraction in lowest terms. The denominator is always positive. The denominator of 0.0 is defined to be 1.0.

Function flfloor fl
Function flround fl

[R6RS] These procedures return integral flonums for flonum arguments that are not infinities or NaNs. For such arguments, flfloor returns the largest integral flonum not larger than fl. The flceiling procedure returns the smallest integral flonum not smaller than fl. The fltruncateprocedure returns the integral flonum closest to fl whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of fl. The flround procedure returns the closest integral flonum to fl, rounding to even when _fl_represents a number halfway between two integers.

Although infinities and NaNs are not integer objects, these procedures return an infinity when given an infinity as an argument, and a NaN when given a NaN.

Function flexp fl
Function flsin fl
Function flcos fl
Function fltan fl
Function flasin fl
Function flacos fl

[R6RS] These procedures compute the usual transcendental functions. The flexpprocedure computes the base-e exponential of fl. The fllog procedure with a single argument computes the natural logarithm of fl1 (not the base ten logarithm); (fllog _fl1_ _fl2_) computes the base-_fl2_logarithm of fl1. The flasin, flacos, and flatanprocedures compute arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent, respectively. (flatan _fl1_ _fl2_) computes the arc tangent of fl1/fl2.

Function flsqrt fl

[R6RS] Returns the principal square root of fl. For - 0.0, flsqrtreturns 0.0; for other negative arguments, the result unspecified flonum.

[R6RS] Either fl1 should be non-negative, or, if fl1 is negative, fl2 should be an integer object. The flexpt procedure returns _fl1_raised to the power fl2. If fl1 is negative and fl2 is not an integer object, the result is a NaN. If fl1 is zero, then the result is zero.

Condition Type &no-infinities
Condition Type &no-nans

[R6RS] These types describe that a program has executed an arithmetic operations that is specified to return an infinity or a NaN, respectively.

Here is the hierarchy of these conditions.

+ &implementation-restriction (see ["Conditions"](#rnrs.conditions.6))
    + &no-infinities
    + &no-nans

[R6RS] Returns a flonum that is numerically closest to fx.

Exact bitwise arithmetic

This section describes the (rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6))library. The exact bitwise arithmetic provides generic operations on exact integer objects. This section uses ei, ei1, ei2, etc., as parameter names that must be exact integer objects.

[R6RS] This library exports procedures for exact bitwise arithmetic operations.

[R6RS] Returns the exact integer object whose two's complement representation is the one's complement of the two's complement representation of ei.

[R6RS] These procedures return the exact integer object that is the bit-wise "and", "inclusive or", or "exclusive or" of the two's complement representations of their arguments. If they are passed only one argument, they return that argument. If they are passed no arguments, they return the integer object (either - 1 or 0) that acts as identity for the operation.

[R6RS] Returns the exact integer object that is the bit-wise "if" of the two's complement representations of its arguments, i.e. for each bit, if it is 1 in ei1, the corresponding bit in ei2 becomes the value of the corresponding bit in the result, and if it is 0, the corresponding bit in ei3 becomes the corresponding bit in the value of the result. This is the result of the following computation:

(bitwise-ior (bitwise-and _ei1_ _ei2_)
             (bitwise-and (bitwise-not _ei1_) _ei3_))

[R6RS] If ei is non-negative, this procedure returns the number of 1 bits in the two's complement representation of ei. Otherwise it returns the result of the following computation:

(bitwise-not (bitwise-bit-count (bitwise-not _ei_)))

[R6RS] Returns the number of bits needed to represent ei if it is positive, and the number of bits needed to represent (bitwise-not _ei_) if it is negative, which is the exact integer object that is the result of the following computation:

(do ((result 0 (+ result 1))
     (bits (if (negative? _ei_)
               (bitwise-not _ei_)
           (bitwise-arithmetic-shift bits -1)))
    ((zero? bits)

[R6RS] Returns the index of the least significant 1 bit in the two's complement representation of ei. If ei is 0, then - 1 is returned.

[R6RS] Ei2 must be non-negative. The bitwise-bit-set?procedure returns #t if the _ei2_th bit is 1 in the two's complement representation of ei1, and #f otherwise. This is the result of the following computation:

(not (zero?
         (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 _ei2_)

[R6RS] Ei2 must be non-negative, and ei3 must be either 0 or 1. The bitwise-copy-bit procedure returns the result of replacing the _ei2_th bit of ei1 by the _ei2_th bit of ei3, which is the result of the following computation:

(let* ((mask (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 _ei2_)))
  (bitwise-if mask
            (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left _ei3_ _ei2_)

[R6RS] Ei2 and ei3 must be non-negative, and ei2 must be less than or equal to ei3. The bitwise-bit-field procedure returns he number represented by the bits at the positions from ei2 (inclusive) to ei3 (exclusive), which is the result of the following computation:

(let ((mask
        (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left -1 _ei3_))))
    (bitwise-and _ei1_ mask)

[R6RS] Ei2 and ei3 must be non-negative, and ei2 must be less than or equal to ei3. The bitwise-copy-bit-field procedure returns the result of replacing in ei1 the bits at positions from var{ei2} (inclusive) to ei3 (exclusive) by the corresponding bits in ei4, which is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(let* ((to    _ei1_)
       (start _ei2_)
       (end   _ei3_)
       (from  _ei4_)
         (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left -1 start))
           (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left -1 end)))
       (mask (bitwise-and mask1 mask2)))
  (bitwise-if mask
              (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left from

[R6RS] Returns the result of the following computation:

(floor (* _ei1_ (expt 2 _ei2_)))

ei2 must be a fixnum. This is implementation restriction.

[R6RS] Ei2 must be non-negative. The bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left procedure returns the same result as bitwise-arithmetic-shift, and

(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right _ei1_ _ei2_)

returns the same result as

(bitwise-arithmetic-shift _ei1_ (- _ei2_))


ei2 must be a fixnum. This is implementation restriction.

[R6RS] Ei2, ei3, ei4 must be non-negative, _ei2_must be less than or equal to ei3, and ei4 must be non-negative. The bitwise-rotate-bit-field procedure returns the result of cyclically permuting in ei1 the bits at positions from ei2 (inclusive) to ei3 (exclusive) by ei4 bits towards the more significant bits, which is the result of the following computation:

(let* ((n     _ei1_)
       (start _ei2_)
       (end   _ei3_)
       (count _ei4_)
       (width (- end start)))
  (if (positive? width)
      (let* ((count (mod count width))
               (bitwise-bit-field n start end))
             (field1 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
                       field0 count))
             (field2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right
                       (- width count)))
             (field (bitwise-ior field1 field2)))
        (bitwise-copy-bit-field n start end field))

ei4 must be a fixnum. This is implementation restriction.

[R6RS] Ei2 and ei3 must be non-negative, and ei2 must be less than or equal to ei3. The bitwise-reverse-bit-field procedure returns the result obtained from ei1 by reversing the order of the bits at positions from ei2 (inclusive) to ei3 (exclusive).


[R6RS] The (rnrs syntax-case (6))library provides support for writing low-level macros in a high-level style, with automatic syntax checking, input destructuring, output restructuring, maintenance of lexical scoping and referential transparency (hygiene), and support for controlled identifier capture.

[R6RS] Each literal must be an identifier. Each clause must take one of the following two forms.

(_pattern_ _output-expression_)

(_pattern_ _fender_ _output-expression_)

Fender and output-expression must be expressions.

Pattern is the same as syntax-rules. See (rnrs base (6)) section.

A syntax-case expression first evaluates expression. It then attempts to match the pattern from the first clause against the resulting value, which is unwrapped as necessary to perform the match. If the _pattern_matches the value and no fender is present, output-expression is evaluated and its value returned as the value of the syntax-case expression. If the pattern does not match the value, syntax-case tries the second clause, then the third, and so on. It is a syntax violation if the value does not match any of the patterns.

If the optional fender is present, it serves as an additional constraint on acceptance of a clause. If the pattern of a given clause matches the input value, the corresponding fender is evaluated. If fender evaluates to a true value, the clause is accepted; otherwise, the clause is rejected as if the pattern had failed to match the value. Fenders are logically a part of the matching process, i.e., they specify additional matching constraints beyond the basic structure of the input.

Pattern variables contained within a clause's pattern are bound to the corresponding pieces of the input value within the clause's fender (if present) and output-expression. Pattern variables can be referenced only within syntax expressions (see below). Pattern variables occupy the same name space as program variables and keywords.

If the syntax-case form is in tail context, the output-expressionsare also in tail position.

[R6RS] A template is a pattern variable, an identifier that is not a pattern variable, a pattern datum, or one of the following.

(_subtemplate_ ...)

(_subtemplate_ ... . _template_)

#(_subtemplate_ ...)

A subtemplate is a template followed by zero or more ellipses.

The value of a syntax form is a copy of template in which the pattern variables appearing within the template are replaced with the input subforms to which they are bound. Pattern data and identifiers that are not pattern variables or ellipses are copied directly into the output. A subtemplate followed by an ellipsis expands into zero or more occurrences of the subtemplate. Pattern variables that occur in subpatterns followed by one or more ellipses may occur only in subtemplates that are followed by (at least) as many ellipses. These pattern variables are replaced in the output by the input subforms to which they are bound, distributed as specified. If a pattern variable is followed by more ellipses in the subtemplate than in the associated subpattern, the input form is replicated as necessary. The subtemplate must contain at least one pattern variable from a subpattern followed by an ellipsis, and for at least one such pattern variable, the subtemplate must be followed by exactly as many ellipses as the subpattern in which the pattern variable appears.

[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is an identifier, i.e., a syntax object representing an identifier, and #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Id1 and id2 must be identifiers. The procedure bound-identifier=? returns #t if given arguments are exactly the same object.

The bound-identifier=? procedure can be used for detecting duplicate identifiers in a binding construct or for other preprocessing of a binding construct that requires detecting instances of the bound identifiers.

[R6RS] Id1 and id2 must be identifiers. The free-identifier=?procedure returns #t if given arguments are indicating the same bindings.

[R6RS] Strips all syntactic information from a syntax object and returns the corresponding Scheme datum.

[R6RS] Template-id must be a template identifier and _datum_should be a datum value.

The datum->syntax procedure returns a syntax-object representation of datum that contains the same contextual information as template-id, with the effect that the syntax object behaves as if it were introduced into the code when template-id was introduced.

The datum->syntax procedure allows a transformer to "bend" lexical scoping rules by creating implicit identifiers that behave as if they were present in the input form, thus permitting the definition of macros that introduce visible bindings for or references to identifiers that do not appear explicitly in the input form. For example, the following defines a loop expression that uses this controlled form of identifier capture to bind the variable break to an escape procedure within the loop body.

(define-syntax loop
  (lambda (x)
    (syntax-case x ()
      [(k e ...)
           ([break (datum->syntax (syntax k) 'break)])
	   (lambda (break)
	     (let f () e ... (f))))))])))

(let ((n 3) (ls '()))
    (if (= n 0) (break ls))
    (set! ls (cons 'a ls))
    (set! n (- n 1)))) 
(a a a)

[R6RS] L must be a list or syntax object representing a list-structured form. The number of temporaries generated is the number of elements in l. Each temporary is guaranteed to be unique.

NOTE: If you want to create just one temporary symbol and do not think about portability, it's better to use gensym in (sagittarius) library.

[R6RS] The with-syntax form is used to bind pattern variables, just as let is used to bind variables. This allows a transformer to construct its output in separate pieces, then put the pieces together.

Each pattern is identical in form to a syntax-case pattern. The value of each expression is computed and destructured according to the corresponding pattern, and pattern variables within the pattern are bound as with syntax-case to the corresponding portions of the value within body.

Auxiliary Macro unsyntax
Auxiliary Macro unsyntax-splicing

[R6RS] The quasisyntax form is similar to syntax, but it allows parts of the quoted text to be evaluated, in a manner similar to the operation of quasiquote.

Within a quasisyntax template, subforms of unsyntax and unsyntax-splicing forms are evaluated, and everything else is treated as ordinary template material, as with syntax. The value of each unsyntax subform is inserted into the output in place of the unsyntaxform, while the value of each unsyntax-splicing subform is spliced into the surrounding list or vector structure. Uses of unsyntax and unsyntax-splicing are valid only within quasisyntax expressions.

A quasisyntax expression may be nested, with each quasisyntaxintroducing a new level of syntax quotation and each unsyntax or unsyntax-splicing taking away a level of quotation. An expression nested within n quasisyntax expressions must be within n unsyntax or unsyntax-splicing expressions to be evaluated.

[R6RS] Who must be #f or a string or a symbol. Message must be a string. Form must be a syntax object or a datum value. Subform must be a syntax object or a datum value.

The syntax-violation procedure raises an exception, reporting a syntax violation. Who should describe the macro transformer that detected the exception. The message argument should describe the violation. _Form_should be the erroneous source syntax object or a datum value representing a form. The optional subform argument should be a syntax object or datum value representing a form that more precisely locates the violation.


The (rnrs hashtables (6))library provides a set of operations on hashtables. A hashtable is a data structure that associates keys with values. Any object can be used as a key, provided a hash function and a suitable equivalence function is available. A hash function is a procedure that maps keys to exact integer objects. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the hash function is compatible with the equivalence function, which is a procedure that accepts two keys and returns true if they are equivalent and #f otherwise. Standard hashtables for arbitrary objects based on the eq? and eqv? predicates are provided. Also, hash functions for arbitrary objects, strings, and symbols are provided.

This section uses the hashtable parameter name for arguments that must be hashtables, and the key parameter name for arguments that must be hashtable keys.

[R6RS] This library exports a set of operations on hashtables.


[R6RS+] Returns a newly allocated mutable hashtable that accepts arbitrary objects as keys, and compares those keys with eq?(make-eq-hashtable) or eqv? (make-eqv-hashtable).

If optional argument k is given, it must be exact non-negative integer or #f. If it's #f, then the procedure picks up default initial capacity, otherwise the initial capacity of the hashtable is set to approximately k elements.

If optional argument weakness is given, then it must be one of the symbols key, value or both, or #f. If the value is one of the symbols, then the procedure creates weak hashtable of given symbol's weakness. If the symbol is key, then entries whose keys are refered only from this hashtable might be removed when garbage collection is occurred. value is for entry values. both is for both.

[R6RS] Hash-function and equiv must be procedures.

Hash-function should accept a key as an argument and should return a non-negative exact integer object. Equiv should accept two keys as arguments and return a single value.

The make-hashtable procedure returns a newly allocated mutable hashtable using hash-function as the hash function and equiv as the equivalence function used to compare keys.

If optional argument k and weakness are the same as make-eq-hashtable and make-eqv-hashtable.


[R6RS] Returns #t if obj is a hashtable, #f otherwise.

[R6RS] Returns the number of keys contained in hashtable as an exact integer object.

[R6RS+] Returns the value in hashtable associated with key. If hashtable does not contain an association for key, default is returned.

Since Sagittarius version 0.3.4, this procedure's default argument is optional to implement SRFI-17 efficiently.

[R6RS] Changes hashtable to associate key with obj, adding a new association or replacing any existing association for key, and returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Removes any association for key within hashtable and returns unspecified values.

[R6RS] Returns #t if hashtable contains an association for key, #f otherwise.

Note: On Sagittarius, hashtable-ref and hashtable-contains? do not make any difference fot the performance.

desc{[R6RS] Proc should accept one argument, should return a single value.

The hashtable-update! procedure applies proc to the value in hashtable associated with key, or to default if hashtable does not contain an association for key. The hashtable is then changed to associate key with the value returned by proc. }

[R6RS] Returns a copy of hashtable. If the mutable argument is provided and is true, the returned hashtable is mutable; otherwise it is immutable.

[R6RS] Removes all associations from hashtable and returns unspecified values.

If a second argument is given, the current capacity of the hashtable is reset to approximately k elements.

[R6RS] Returns a vector of all keys or entries in hashtable, respectively. The order of the vector is unspecified.


[R6RS] Returns the equivalence or hash function used by _hashtable_respectively.

[R6RS] Returns #t if hashtable is mutable, otherwise #f.

Hash functions

[R6RS] Returns hash value of given argument. Each procedures return the hash values suitable for equal? and symbols.

[R6RS+][SRFI-13] Returns hash value of given argument. Each procedures return the hash values suitable for string=? and string-ci=?.

If the optional argument start and end is given, then the given string will be substringed with start and end.

If the optional argument bound is given, it must be exact integer and hash function will also use the given value.


This section describes the (rnrs enums (6))library for dealing with enumerated values and sets of enumerated values. Enumerated values are represented by ordinary symbols, while finite sets of enumerated values form a separate type, known as the enumeration sets. The enumeration sets are further partitioned into sets that share the same universe and enumeration type. These universes and enumeration types are created by the make-enumerationprocedure. Each call to that procedure creates a new enumeration type.

[R6RS] This library interprets each enumeration set with respect to its specific universe of symbols and enumeration type. This facilitates efficient implementation of enumeration sets and enables the complement operation.

In the descriptions of the following procedures, enum-set ranges over the enumeration sets, which are defined as the subsets of the universes that can be defined using make-enumeration.

[R6RS] Symbol-list must be a list of symbols.

The make-enumeration procedure creates a new enumeration type whose universe consists of those symbols (in canonical order of their first appearance in the list) and returns that universe as an enumeration set whose universe is itself and whose enumeration type is the newly created enumeration type.

[R6RS] Returns the set of all symbols that comprise the universe of its argument, as an enumeration set.

[R6RS] Returns a unary procedure that, given a symbol that is in the universe of enum-set, returns its 0-origin index within the canonical ordering of the symbols in the universe; given a value not in the universe, the unary procedure returns #f.

[R6RS] Returns a unary procedure that, given a list of symbols that belong to the universe of enum-set, returns a subset of that universe that contains exactly the symbols in the list. The values in the list must all belong to the universe.

[R6RS] Returns a list of the symbols that belong to its argument, in the canonical order of the universe of enum-set.

[R6RS] The enum-set-member? procedure returns #t if its first argument is an element of its second argument, #f otherwise.

The enum-set-subset? procedure returns #t if the universe of enum-set1 is a subset of the universe of enum-set2 (considered as sets of symbols) and every element of enum-set1 is a member of enum-set2. It returns #f otherwise.

The enum-set=? procedure returns #t if enum-set1 is a subset of enum-set2 and vice versa, as determined by the enum-set-subset?procedure. This implies that the universes of the two sets are equal as sets of symbols, but does not imply that they are equal as enumeration types. Otherwise, #f is returned.

[R6RS] Enum-set1 and enum-set2 must be enumeration sets that have the same enumeration type.

The enum-set-union procedure returns the union of enum-set1 and enum-set2.

The enum-set-intersection procedure returns the intersection of enum-set1 and enum-set2.

The enum-set-difference procedure returns the difference of _enum-set1_and enum-set2.

[R6RS] Returns enum-set's complement with respect to its universe.

[R6RS] Projects enum-set1 into the universe of enum-set2, dropping any elements of enum-set1 that do not belong to the universe of enum-set2. (If enum-set1 is a subset of the universe of its second, no elements are dropped, and the injection is returned.)

[R6RS] The define-enumeration form defines an enumeration type and provides two macros for constructing its members and sets of its members.

A define-enumeration form is a definition and can appear anywhere any other definition can appear.

Type-name is an identifier that is bound as a syntactic keyword; symbol ... are the symbols that comprise the universe of the enumeration (in order).

(_type-name_ _symbol_) checks at macro-expansion time whether the name of symbol is in the universe associated with type-name. If it is, (_type-name_ _symbol_) is equivalent to symbol. It is a syntax violation if it is not.

Constructor-syntax is an identifier that is bound to a macro that, given any finite sequence of the symbols in the universe, possibly with duplicates, expands into an expression that evaluates to the enumeration set of those symbols.

(_constructor-syntax_ _symbol ..._) checks at macro-expansion time whether every symbol ... is in the universe associated with type-name. It is a syntax violation if one or more is not. Otherwise

(_constructor-syntax_ _symbol ..._)

is equivalent to

((enum-set-constructor (_constructor-syntax_))
 '(_symbol ..._))


Composite libraries


[R6RS]The (rnrs eval (6)) library allows a program to create Scheme expressions as data at run time and evaluate them.

[R6RS] Evaluates expression in the specified environment and returns its value. Expression must be a syntactically valid Scheme expression represented as a datum value.

R6RS requires envionment an envitonment which must be created by the environment procedure. However on Sagittarius, environment can be anything. This behaviour might be fixed in future.

[R6RS] Import-spec must be a datum representing an import spec. The environment procedure returns an environment corresponding to import-spec.

Mutable pairs

[R6RS] This library exports set-car! and set-cdr!.

[R6RS] Store obj in the car/cdr field of pair. These procedures return unspecified value.

On Sagittarius Scheme, these procedures can modify immutable pairs.

Mutable strings

[R6RS] This library exports string-set! and string-fill!.

[R6RS] K must be a valid index of string.

The string-set! procedure stores char in element k of string and returns unspecified values.

[R6RS+] Stores char in every element of the given string and returns unspecified values. Optional arguments start and end restrict the ragne of filling.

Passing an immutable string to these procedures cause an exception with condition type &assertion to be raised.

R5RS compatibility

This library provides R5RS compatibility procedures such as exact->inexact.

[R6RS] These are the same as the inexact and exact procedures.

[R6RS] Returns the quotient, remainder and modulo of dividing an integer n1 by an integer n2, respectively. The result is an exact number only if both n1 and n2 are exact numbers.

[R6RS] The delay construct is used together with the procedure force to implement lazy evaluation or call by need. (delay _expression_) returns an object called a promise which at some point in the future may be asked (by the force procedure) to evaluate expression, and deliver the resulting value. The effect of expression returning multiple values is unspecified.

[R6RS] Promise must be a promise.

The force procedure forces the value of promise. If no value has been computed for the promise, then a value is computed and returned. The value of the promise is cached (or "memoized") so that if it is forced a second time, the previously computed value is returned.

[R6RS] N must be the exact integer object 5. These procedures return an environment which is suitable to use with eval.

R7RS Support

Sagittarius supports the latest Scheme standard R7RS. Even though the R7RS has incompatible from R6RS, however users can use both R6RS and R7RS libraries seamlessly.

R7RS library system

On Sagittarius, user can call R7RS libraries on R6RS script and also other way around. However syntaxes are different. User can choose which syntax use.

[R7RS]name must be a list which can only contains symbol or exact integer.

clauses may be one of these:

export and import are the same as R6RS. And on R7RS renaming export syntax is different from R6RS, however on Sagittarius both can be accepted.

begin starts the library contents. However it can appear more than once.

include and include-ci includes the files which are specified filenames. filenames must be string. This resolves file path from current loading file. If the library file is /usr/local/lib/lib1.scm, then search path will be /usr/local/lib. It can also take absolute path. include-ci reads the file case insensitive.

cond-exnpand is the same as builtin syntax cond-expand. For more detail, see Builtin Syntax.

R7RS libraries

Sagittarius supports all R7RS libraries. However to avoid duplication, this section only describes the different procedures from R6RS. The same procedures are explicitly said 'the same as R6RS'.

Base library

[R7RS]R7RS base library.

These procedures/macros are the same as R6RS;

 * + - ... / < <= = => > >= 

 abs and append apply assoc assq assv 

 begin binary-port? boolean=? boolean? 
 bytevector-copy bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref
 bytevector-u8-set! bytevector?

 caar cadr call-with-current-continuation call-with-port
 call-with-values call/cc car case cdar cddr cdr ceiling
 char->integer char<=? char<? char=? char>=? char>? char?
 close-input-port close-output-port close-port complex?
 cond cons current-error-port current-input-port current-output-port
 define define-record-type define-syntax denominator do dynamic-wind

 else eof-object eof-object? eq? eqv? error even?
 exact exact-integer-sqrt exact? expt

 floor flush-output-port for-each

 gcd guard

 if inexact inexact? input-port? integer->char integer?

 lambda lcm length let let* let*-values let-values
 letrec letrec* list list->string list->vector
 list-ref list-tail list?

 make-bytevector make-string make-vector map max member memq memv min

 negative? newline not null? number->string number? numerator

 odd? or output-port?

 pair? peek-char port? positive? procedure?

 quasiquote quote quotient

 raise raise-continuable rational? rationalize
 read-char real? remainder reverse round

 set! set-car! set-cdr!
 string string->list string->number string->symbol string->utf8
 string-append string-copy string-for-each string-length string-ref
 string-fill! string-set!
 string<=? string<? string=? string>=? string>? string? substring
 symbol->string symbol=? symbol? syntax-rules

 textual-port? truncate 

 unless unquote unquote-splicing utf8->string

 values vector vector->list vector-fill! vector-for-each vector-length
 vector-map vector-ref vector-set! vector? 

 when with-exception-handler write-char 


This is defined in (sagittarius);



bytes must be a list of non negative exact integer and its value is up to 255.

Creates a bytevector whose content is values of bytes.

Returns a newly allocated bytevector whose contents are the concatenation of the contents in bytevectors.

NOTE: R6RS also has the same named procedure and does the same however the arguments lists are different.

to and from must be bytevectors. at must be a non negative exact integer in range of to size. Optional arguments start and end must be non negative exact integer in range of from and end must be bigger than end.

Copies content of from starting from start until end (exclusive) to to starting at. The operation is done destructively.


Returns a newly allocated copy of obj if it is a list. The list elements stays intact. So changing element's content affects original obj.

Stores value in element index of list.

Creates a list whose size is k.

If the optional argument fill is given then returning list is filled with fill, otherwise unspecified value is used.


vector must be a vector whose elements of range from _start_to end (exclusive) are characters.

Returns a string constructed with the above range of characters.

Returns a vector whose elements are characters of string in range of start and end (exclusive).

Returns a newly allocated vector whose contents are the concatenation of the contents in vectors.

Returns a vector whose elements are elements of given _vector_between start and end.

to and from must be vectors. at must be a non negative exact integer in range of to size. Optional arguments start and end must be non negative exact integer in range of from and end must be bigger than end.

Copies content of from starting from start until end (exclusive) to to starting at. The operation is done destructively.


to and from must be strings. at must be a non negative exact integer in range of to size. Optional arguments start and end must be non negative exact integer in range of from and end must be bigger than end.

Copies content of from starting from start until end (exclusive) to to starting at. The operation is done destructively.

Calls proc with given strings elements and returns a string whose content is constructed by the results of proc.


[SRFI-39] Returns a parameter object, which is an applicable object that can take zero or one argument.

The initial value is (_converter_ _init_) if _converter_is given, otherwise init.

If the parameter object is applied without an argument, then it returns the value associated with the parameter object.

If the parameter object is applied with an argument, then it changes the associated value with the given value which may converted by _converter_if the parameter object is created with converter.

[SRFI-39] A parameterize expression is used to change the values returned by specified parameter objects during the evaluation of body.


files must be strings.

Includes files as if it's written there. include-ci reads files case insensitively.

Multiple-value definition

expression is evaluated and the formals are bound to the return values in the same way that the formals in lambdaexpression are matched to the arguments in a procedure call.

Numerical operations

Returns #t if obj is exact integer. Otherwise #f.

These procedures implement number-theoretic (integer) division. It is an error if n2 is zero.

The procedure ending / returns two integers; the other procedures return an integer. All the procedures compute a quotient nq and remainder nr such that _n1_ = _n2_*_nq_ + _nr_. for each of the division operators, there are three procedures defined as follows;

(<operator>/ _n1_ _n2_)
nq nr

(<operator>-quotient _n1_ _n2_)

(<operator>-remainder _n1_ _n2_)

The remainder nr is determined by the choice of integer _nq_:_nr_ = _n1_ - _n2_*_nq_. Each set of operations uses a different choice of nq:

floor: _nq_ = [_n1_/_n2_]``truncate: _nq_ = truncate(_n1_/_n2_)Examples;

(floor/ 5 2)
2 1

(floor/ -5 2)
-3 1

(floor/ 5 -2)
-3 -1

(floor/ -5 -2)
2 -1

(truncate/ 5 2)
2 1

(truncate/ -5 2)
-2 -1

(truncate/ 5 -2)
-2 1

(truncate/ -5 -2)
2 -1

(truncate/ -5.0 -2)
2.0 -1.0

Function square z

Returns the square of z.

Error objects

Raises an &syntax with syntax-violation.

The macro is defined like this;

(define-syntax syntax-error
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ msg args ...)
     (syntax-violation 'syntax-error msg (quote args ...)))))

Returns #t if obj is condition object. This is a renaming exported procedure of consition?.

Returns irritants if the given err satisfies irritants-condition?. Otherwise #f.

Returns error message if the given err satisfies message-condition?. Otherwise #f.


Returns #t if obj is a file related condition, otherwise #f.

Renaming export of i/o-read-error?.

Return #t if given input-port or output-port is open, respectively. Otherwise #f.

Renaming export of port-ready?.

input-port must be a binary input port.

Peeks or reads a byte from given input-port.

input-port must be a binary input port.

Reads len from input-port and returns a bytevector.

_ _ _ (start 0) (end (bytevector-length bv))

input-port must be a binary input port.

Reads end - start size of data from input-port and put it into bv from start index.

u8 must be a byte. output-port must be a binary output port.

Writes u8 to output-port.

_ _ _ (start 0) (end (bytevector-length bv))

output-port must be a binary output port.

Writes bv from start to end (exclusive) to output-port.

input-port must be a textual input port.

Reads line from input-port. For convenience, \n, \rand \r\n are considered end of line.

input-port must be a textual input port.

Reads k length of string from input-port.

_ _ _ (start 0) (end (string-length str))

output-port must be a binary output port.

Writes bv from start to end (exclusive) to output-port.

Returns binary or textual input port whose source is _bv_or string, respectively.

Returns binary or textual output port. The port is opened on memory.

Retrieves buffered bytevector or string from given output-ports, respectively.

System interface

Function features

Returns a list of the feature identifiers which cond-expandtreas as true.

Differ from R6RS

The following procedures or macros are re-defined to strictly follow either R6RS or R7RS. It is users' responsibility to make sure proper ones are used in their script.

Function equal? a b

Returns #t if a and b are equivalent.

The difference between the one from (rnrs base) is that this procedure inspect record fields as well. For example:

(import (rnrs))
(define-record-type (<pare> kons pare?)
  (fields (mutable a kar set-kar!)
	  (mutable d kdr set-kdr!)))

(let ((a (kons 'a 'b))
      (b (kons 'a 'b)))
  (equal? a b))
(import (scheme base))
(define-record-type (<pare> kons pare?)
  (fields (mutable a kar set-kar!)
	  (mutable d kdr set-kdr!)))

(let ((a (kons 'a 'b))
      (b (kons 'a 'b)))
  (equal? a b))

Binds macro transformer trans to var.

The difference between the one from (rnrs base) and these macros is that these macro create scope. Thus the following is unbound variable error:

(import (scheme base))
(let-syntax ()
  (define foo 'foo))

Case-lambda library

[R7RS] This library exports the case-lambda syntax.

Exported macro is the same as R6RS;


Char library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for dealing with Unicode character operations.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

 char-alphabetic? char-ci<=? char-ci<? char-ci=? char-ci>=? char-ci>?
 char-downcase char-foldcase char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-upcase
 char-upper-case? char-whitespace? string-ci<=? string-ci<?
 string-ci=? string-ci>=? string-ci>? string-downcase string-foldcase

[R7RS+] Converts given character to it's numeric value. If the given character does not have numeric value, then it returns #f.

This procedure is extended from R7RS definition.

(digit-value #\1)

(digit-value #\x0664)

(digit-value #\x0EA6)

(digit-value #\xbc)

(digit-value #\xbf0)

Complex library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for complex numbers.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

angle imag-part magnitude make-polar make-rectangular real-part

CxR library

[R7RS]This library exports twenty-four procedures which are the compositions of from three to four car and cdr operations.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

caaaar caaadr
caaar caadar
caaddr caadr
cadaar cadadr
cadar caddar
cadddr caddr
cdaaar cdaadr
cdaar cdadar
cdaddr cdadr
cddaar cddadr
cddar cdddar
cddddr cdddr

Eval library

[R7RS]This library exports exports procedures for evaluating Scheme data as programs.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

environment eval

File library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for accessing files.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

 call-with-input-file call-with-output-file
 delete-file file-exists?
 open-input-file open-output-file
 with-input-from-file with-output-to-file

Returns file binary input or output port associated with given file, respectively.

Inexact library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for inexact value.

These procedures are the same as R6RS;

acos asin atan cos exp finite? infinite? log nan? sin sqrt tan

Lazy library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures and syntax keywords for lazy evaluation.

These procedures/macros are the same as R6RS;

delay force make-promise promise?

The expression (delay-force _expression_) is conceptually similar to (delay (force _expression_)), with the difference that forcing the result of delay-force will in effect result in a tail call to (force _expression_), while forcing the result of (delay (force _expression_)) might not.

Load library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for loading Scheme expressions from files.

Reads expression in file and evaluates it until it gets to end of file. If environment is passed, then the evaluation is done in that environment. Otherwise it is done in current environment.

Process-Context library

[R7RS] This library exports procedures for accessing with the program's calling context.

These procedures are the same as R6RS; command-line exit

Exist process without any cleanup. The optional argument _obj_is given then it's translated to proper return value of the process.

name must be a string.

Retrieves environment variable associated to name.

Returns alist of environment variables.

Read library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for reading Scheme objects.

Renaming export of read/ss.

Repl library

[R7RS]This library library exports the interaction-environment procedure.

Returns interaction environment.

Time library

[R7RS]This library provides access to time-related values.

Returns the number of jiffies as an exact integer.

Returns an exact integer representing the number of jiffies per SI second.

Returns an inexact number representing the current time on International Atomic Time (TAI) scale.

Write library

[R7RS]This library exports procedures for writing Scheme objects.

This procedures is the same as R6RS display

Writes a representation of obj to output-port.

If the obj contains cyclic, the procedure writes with datum label.

Renaming export of write/ss and write, respectively.

R5RS library

[R7RS]The (scheme r5rs) library provides the identifiers defined by R5RS, except that transcript-on and transcript-off are not present. Note that the exact and inexact procedures appear under their R5RS names inexact->exact and exact->inexact respectively. However, if an implementation does not provide a particular library such as the complex library, the corresponding identifiers will not appear in this library either. This library exports procedures for writing Scheme objects.


R7RS-large makes Scheme specification more practical. It contains lots of useful libraries as well. This section lists supporting R7RS-large libraries.

List library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-1 (srfi :1).

Vector library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-133 (srfi :133).

Sorting library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-132 (srfi :132).

Set library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-113 (srfi :113).

Character set library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-14 (srfi :14).

Hashtable library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-125 (srfi :125).

Immutable list library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-116 (srfi :116).

Random access list library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-101 (srfi :101) with the following exceptions:

make-list is renamed to make-rlist.

random-access-list->linear-access-list is renamed to rlist->list.

linear-access-list->random-access-list is renamed to list->rlist.

All other procedures are prefixed with r. For example, pair?exported from (srfi :101) is rpair?.

Immutable deque library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-134 (srfi :134).

Immutable text library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-135 (srfi :135).

Generator library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-158 (srfi :158).

Lazy sequence library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-127 (srfi :127).

Stream library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-41 (srfi :41).

Box library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-111 (srfi :111).

List queue library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-117 (srfi :117).

Ephemeron library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-124 (srfi :124).

Comparator library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-128 (srfi :128).

Division library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-141 (srfi :141).

Fixnum library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-143 (srfi :143).

Flonum library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-144 (srfi :144).

Mapping library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-146 (srfi :146).

Hash mapping library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-146 (srfi :146 hash).

Bitwise library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-151 (srfi :151).

Format library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-159 (srfi :159).

Homogeneous vector library base

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-160 (srfi :160 base).

Homogeneous vector library per types

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in SRFI-160 (srfi :160 @). Where @ is one of u8 s8 u16 s16 u32 s32 u64 s64 f32 f64 c64 c128

Bytevector library

This library exports the procedures and macros defined in R6RS bytevectors library (rnrs bytevectors).

NOTE: The exporting names may conflicts with the ones exported from R7RS libraries (e.g. bytevector-copy! from (scheme base)).


Since Sagittarius version 0.3.0, we supports CLOS so that all Scheme objects have its class. For example 1 is instance of <integer> class.

However CLOS has huge features and I don't have intension to implement all of it.

This section does not describe CLOS itself.

(clos user) -CLOS user APIs

User level CLOS API collection library.

Name must be symbol or identifier.

Supers must be list of class.

Slots must be following structure:

_slots_ ::= (_slot_ ...)
_slot_  ::= (_slot-name_ _specifiers_*)
_specifiers_ ::= `:init-keyword` _keyword_ 
		 | `:init-value` _value_                 | `:init-form` _form_                 | `:reader` _reader-function_                 | `:writer` _writer-function_

Defines a new class.

Slot specifiers:


This keyword specifies initialisation keyword argument used by the make procedure. Following code describes how to use:

(make <a-class> :slot-a 'slot-a-value)
<a-class> has a slot which slot definition contains the keyword :init-keyword with the keyword :slot-a. The code initialises an instance of the slot with given value slot-a-value.


This keyword specifies an initial value of target slot.


Similar with :init-keyword but this keyword takes expression which will be evaluated at initialiation time.


This keyword creates a procedure takes 1 argument an instance of the class to access the slot, so users can read the slot without using slot-ref procedure.


This keyword creates a procedure takes 2 argument an instance of the class and object to set the slot value with given object, so users can set the slot without using slot-set! procedure.

opttions can specify the metaclass of this class with keyword :metaclass.

NOTE: Current implementation does not support :allocation keyword by default. If you need it, see (sagittarius mop allocation).

Name must be symbol.

Creates a new generic function.

Name must be symbol.

Specifiers must be following structure:

_specifiers_ ::= (_spec_ ... _rest_)
_spec_ ::= (_argument-name_ _class_) | (_argument-name_)
_rest_ ::= '() | symbol

Adds defined method to name generic. If the generic does not exist, this will create a new generic function implicitly.

Returns the slot value specified slot-name.

Sets the slot value value with specified slot-name.

Returns #t if the slot value specified slot-name is bounded, otherwise #f.

Creates a new instance of class

Returns #t if object is an instance of class, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if class1 is a subclass of class2, otherwise #f.

This procedure is for MOP.

Returns the slot value got by accessor.

This procedure is for MOP.

Sets the slot value value to object using accessor.

This procedure is for MOP.

Returns the slot value according to the given class.

It is an error if the given slot-name doesn't exist in the class.

This procedure is for MOP.

Sets the slot value value to object accoring to the given class.

It is an error if the given slot-name doesn't exist in the class.

This procedure is for MOP.

Returns #t if the slot is bounded according to the given class, otherwise #f.

It is an error if the given slot-name doesn't exist in the class.

This method will be called when writing the given object.

Defines how user defined class should be written.

This method will be called when equal? is called.

Defines how user defined class should be compared.

(clos core) - CLOS core library

Low level CLOS API collection library.

Generic must be generic function. method must be method object.

Adds method to generic.

Returns a list of getter, setter and bound check for the given class's slot slot.

The returning list must have 3 elements, getter, setter and bound? respectively. Each element must be either #f or procedure. If #f is used then the default procedure will be used.

For the example code, see Sagittarius MOP.

Returns all getters and setters for the given class's slots.

The upper layer of compute-getter-and-setter. This method should only be used if users absolutely need to use accessor to access the target slots.

Returns slot name of given slot.

Returns slot options of given slot.

Returns slot option's value of given slot if it has the keyword.

If default is given, then it will be the fallback value when _keyword_is not found. Otherwise this procedure raises an error.

Sagittarius extensions

Sagittarius has its own extension libraries because even R6RS is huge however I know it is not sufficient to write practical program. To support to write it, Sagittarius provides some useful libraries.

(sagittarius) - builtin library

This library has Sagittarius specific functionalities such as extra file system functions and so.

Builtin Syntax

Similar to the define however the define-constant binds variable as a constant value and the compiler try to fold it if it is constant value i.e. literal string, literal vector, literal number and so.

If the defined variable is being overwritten, the VM shows a warning message on the standard error. If overwriten is forbidden by #!no-overwite or other directives, then compiler raises an error.

[SRFI-8] formals and body are the same as lambda. Expression must be an expression.

receive binds values which are generated by expressions to formals.

The expressions in body are evaluated sequentially in the extended environment. The results of the last expression in the body are the values of the receive-expression.

[R7RS][SRFI-0] Compile time condition. The cond-expand resolves platform dependencies such as C's #ifdef preprocessor.

clauses must be one of these forms:

  • (feature-identifier body ...)

  • ((library library-name) body ...)

  • ((and feature-identifier ...) body ...)

  • ((or feature-identifier ...) body ...)

  • (not feature-identifier)

library form searches the given library-name and if it is found, then compiles body.

and, or and not are the same as usual syntax.

Users can check possible _feature-identifier_s via cond-featuresprocedure.

Macro transformer

Proc must be a procedure which accepts 3 arguments, form, rename and compare.


The input form of this macro. It is mere s-expression.


A procedure. It takes an object as its argument and convert it to a syntax object. The procedure is similar with datum->syntax, it doesn't require template identifier.


A procedure. It takes 2 arguments and compares if they are the same object in sense of free-identifier=?. If the given arguments are list or vector, then the procedure checks its elements.

The er-macro-transformer returns explicit renaming macro transformer, so you can write both hygine and non-hygine macro with it. For example:

(define-syntax loop
   (lambda (form rename compare)
     (let ((body (cdr form)))
       `(,(rename 'call/cc)
	 (,(rename 'lambda) (break)
	  (,(rename 'let) ,(rename 'f) () ,@body (,(rename 'f)))))))))

(let ((n 3) (ls '()))
    (if (= n 0) (break ls))
    (set! ls (cons 'a ls))
    (set! n (- n 1))))
(a a a)

This example has the same functionality as the example written in datum->syntax description. The basic of er-macro-transformer is the opposite way of the syntax-case. The syntax-case always makes macro hygine, however the er-macro-transformer can make macro hygine. Moreover, if you do not use rename, it always makes it non-hygine.

Arithmetic operations

Function +. z ...
Function *. z ...
Function -. z ...
Function /. z ...

The same as +, *, - and /. The difference is these procedures converts given arguments inexact number.

x and m must be exact integer.

Returns _x_ ^ -1 mod _m_

x, e and m must be exact integer.

Returns _x_ ^ _e_ mod _m_

File system operations

Returns file size of filename in bytes. If filename does not exist, it raises &i/o condition.

Returns file type or permission of given filename.

Returns file statistics time in nano sec.

The file-stat-ctime procedure returns last change time of filename.

The file-stat-mtime returns last modified time of filename.

The file-stat-atime returns last accesse time of filename.

Changes given filename's access time and modify time.

atime specifies the access time of the filename.

mtime specifies the modify time of the filename.

If atime and/or mtime are time object, then the setting timestamp is the absolute time represented by the arguments.

If atime and/or mtime are real number, then the setting timestamp is the difference of the arguments from current time.

If atime and/or mtime are #f, then the timestamp is intact.

If atime and/or mtime are true value other then time or real number, then the timestamp is set to current time.

Changes given filename's file mode.

mode must be a fixnum encoded with POSIX file permission.

NOTE: On Windows, only the owner permission is considered.

Creates symbolic link of old-filename as new-filename.

Renames given old-filename to new-filename.

If old-filename does not exist, it raises &i/o.

If new-filename exists, it overwrite the existing file.

Creates/deletes given directory. If it fails, it raises condition &i/o.

Reads directory and returns contents as a string list. If path does not exist, it returns #f.

src and dst must be string and src must indicate existing file path.

Copies given src file to dst and returns #t if it's copied otherwise #f.

If optional argument overwrite is #t then it will over write the file even if it exists.

Returns current working directory.

If optional argument path is given, the current-directory sets current working directory to path and returns unspecified value.

Sets current working directory to path.

path1 and path2 must be string.

Concatenate given parameter with platform dependent path separator.


Creates a hashtable.

The same as make-eq-hashtable and make-eqv-hashtable. It uses equal? or string=? as comparing procedure, respectively.

Returns all hashtable's values. This procedure is for consistancy of hashtable-keys.

Returns given hashtable's keys or values, respectively.

The R6RS required procedure hashtable-keys and hashtable-valuesare implemented with these procedures.

Returns hashtable's hash type as a symbol. The possible return values are eq, eqv, equal, string and general.

Returns hashtable's hash weakness as a symbol if the given hashtable is weak hashtable, otherwise #f. The possible return values are key, value and both.


Returns #t if given port is closed, otherwise #f.

out must be binary output port. endian must be a value returned from endianness macro.

Write v to out as unsigned/signed 16/32 bit integer.

in must be binary input port. endian must be a value returned from endianness macro.

Read a number from in as unsigned/signed 16/32.

NOTE: above put-* and get-* have only 16 and 32 bit integers. This is because benchmark told us there's not much difference between C and Scheme implementation. We may add 64 bit integers and floting number versions in future if there's enough demand.

[SRFI-38] The read/ss reads a datum from given port.

The write/ss writes obj to given port.

These are the same as read and write procedure, but it can handle circular list.

[SRFI-28+] Formats arg accoding to string. _Port_specifies the destination; if it is an output port, the formatted result is written to it; if it is #t, the result is written to current output port; if it is #f, the formatted result is returned as a string. Port can be omitted and the result is the same as when #f is given.

String is a string that contains format directives. A format directive is a character sequence begins with tilda '~', and ends with some specific characters. A format directive takes the corresponding arg and formats it. The rest of string is copied to the output as is.

(format #f "the answer is ~a" 48)
the anser is 48

The format directive can take one or more parameters, separated by comma characters. A parameter may be an integer or a character; if it is a character, it should be preceded by a quote character. Parameter can be omitted, in such case the system default value is used. The interpretation of the parameters depends on the format directive.

Furthermore, a format directive can take two additional flags: atmark '@' and colon ':'. One or both of them may modify the behaviour of the format directive. Those flags must be placed immediately before the directive character.

The following complete list of the supported directives. Either upper case or lower case character can be used for the format directive; usually they have no distinction, except noted.


Ascii output. The corresponding argument is printed by display. If an integer mincol is given, it specifies the minimum number of characters to be output; if the formatted result is shorter than mincol, a whitespace is padded to the right (i.e. the result is left justified). The colinc, minpad and padchar parameters control, if given, further padding. A character padchar replaces the padding character for the whitespace. If an integer minpad is given and greater than 0, at least minpad padding character is used, regardless of the resulting width. If an integer colinc is given, the padding character is added (after minpad) in chunk of colinc characters, until the entire width exceeds mincol. If atmark-flag '@' is given, the format result is right justified, i.e. padding is added to the left. The maxcol parameter, if given, limits the maximum number of characters to be written. If the length of formatted string exceeds maxcol, only maxcol characters are written. If colon-flag is given as well and the length of formatted string exceeds maxcol, maxcol - 4 characters are written and a string " ..." is attached after it.

(format #f "|~a|" "oops")
(format #f "|~10a|" "oops")
|oops |
(format #f "|~10@a|" "oops")
| oops|
(format #f "|~10,,,'*@a|" "oops")
(format #f "|~,,,,10a|" '(abc def ghi jkl))
|abc def gh|
(format #f "|~,,,,10:a|" '(abc def ghi jkl))
|abc de ...|


S-expression output. The corresponding argument is printed by write. The semantics of parameters and flags are the same as ~A directive.

(format #f "|~s|" "oops")
(format #f "|~10s|" "oops")
|"oops" |
(format #f "|~10@s|" "oops")
| "oops"|
(format #f "|~10,,,'*@s|" "oops")


Decimal output. The argument is formatted as an decimal integer. If the argument is not an integer, all parameters are ignored and it is formatted by ~Adirective. If an integer parameter mincol is given, it specifies minimum width of the formatted result; if the result is shorter than it, padchar is padded on the left (i.e. the result is right justified). The default of padchar is a whitespace.

(format #f "|~d|" 12345)
(format #f "|~10d|" 12345)
| 12345|
(format #f "|~10,'0d|" 12345)
If atmark-flag is given, the sign '+' is printed for the positive argument. If colon-flag is given, every _interval_th digit of the result is grouped and commachar is inserted between them. The default of commachar is ',', and the default of interval is 3.
(format #f "|~:d|" 12345)
(format #f "|~,,'_,4:d|" -12345678)


Binary output. The argument is formatted as a binary integer. The semantics of parameters and flags are the same as the ~D directive.


Octet output. The argument is formatted as a octal integer. The semantics of parameters and flags are the same as the ~D directive.


Hexadecimal output. The argument is formatted as a hexadecimal integer. If 'X' is used, upper case alphabets are used for the digits larger than 10. If 'x' is used, lower case alphabets are used. The semantics of parameters and flags are the same as the ~D directive.

(format #f "~8,'0x" 259847592)
(format #f "~8,'0X" 259847592)

Note: The format procedure's implementation and most of documentation is quoted from Gauche.

Returns #t when port data are ready, otherwise #f.

If the given port implementation does not support this functionality, the return value will be always #t. Following example describes when this always returns #t;

;; Assume read! is provided.
(define user-port (make-custom-binary-input-port "my-port" read! #f #f))
(port-ready user-port)

port must be binary port.

Converts given port to buffered port if the port is not buffered port.

Buffered port is a type of port which does not read or write immediately but uses internal buffer. For example, file port with (buffer-mode block) or (buffer-mode line) uses the buffered port. This is useful when actual I/O is more expensive than memory access.

The buffer-mode must be a symbol the macro buffer-mode can return. If the buffer-mode is none, then the procedure does not convert the given port.

If the keyword argument buffer is specified, it must be a bytevector, then the converted buffered port uses specified bytevector as its internal buffer. If the bytevector size is zero or literal bytevector then &assertion is raised.

Creates a custom codec. Symbol is the name of the codec. _Getc_and putc must be procedures. Data is an user data used in _getc_and putc.

Getc must take 4 arguments, input-port, error-handling-mode, check-bom? and userdata. Input-port is binary input port. Error-handling-mode is symbol can be ignore, raise or replace depending on a transcoder which uses this custom codec. Check-bom? is boolean, if getc is being called first time, it is #t, otherwise #f. Userdata is user defined data which is given when the codec is created.

The basic process of getc is reading binary data from input-port and converting the data to UCS4. Returning UCS4 must be integer and does not have to be 4 byte.

Putc must take 4 arguments, output-port, char, error-handling-mode and userdata. Output-port is binary output port. Char is character object which needs to be converted from UCS4. Error-handling-mode is symbol can be ignore, raise or replace depending on a transcoder which uses this custom codec. Userdata is user defined data which is given when the codec is created.

The basic process of putc is converting given UCS4 charactner to target encoding data and putting it to output-port as binary data.

For sample implementation, see sitelib/encoding directory. You can find some custom codecs.


Return #t if given symbol1 is less than, less than or equal to, greater than or greater than or equal to symbol2. If symbols are not null, then the procedures continue to compare until the given arguments are exhausted.

These procedures are analogy of string<?, string<=?, string>? and string>=?.

These can also be implemented as follows:

(define (symbol<? . syms) (apply string<? (map symbol->string syms)))

However, this build-in version won't converts given symbols to strings.


Sagittarius has keyword objects which starts with ':'. It has almost the same feature as symbol, however it can not be bounded with any values. The keyword objects are self quoting so users don't have to put ' explicitly.

The keyword notation is *NOT* available on R6RS or R7RS reader mode. Thus #!r6rs or #!r7rs directive and -r6 or -r7command line option disable it.

Creates a new keyword from symbol.

Creates a new keyword from string.

Returns #t if obj is keyword, otherwise #f.

Returns a symbol representation of given keyword keyword.

Returns a string representation of given keyword keyword.

Returns the element after given keyword from given list.

The elements count of the list should be even number, otherwise the procedure might raise &error when keyword is not found in list.

If fallback is given and the procedure could not find the _keyword_from the list, the fallback will be return. Otherwise it raises &error.

(get-keyword :key '(a b c :key d))

(get-keyword :key '(a b c d e))

(get-keyword :key '(a b c d e) 'fallback)

(get-keyword :key '(a b c d e f) 'fallback)

Weak box

A weak box is a reference to an object that doesn’t prevent the object from being garbage-collected.

Returns #t if obj is weak box otherwise #f.

Returns a weak box whose value is obj.

Returns #t if the value of given weak box wb is garbage collocted. Otherwise #f.

Returns the value of given weak box wb if it's not garbage collocted. Otherwise returns fallback.

Replace the value of given wb with obj.

Weak vector

A weak vector is like a vector of objects, except each object can be garbage collected if it is not referenced from objects other than weak vectors. If the object is collected, the entry of the weak vector is replaced to #f.

Returns #t if obj is weak vector otherwise #f.

Creates and returns a weak vector of size size.

Returns the length of given weak vector wvec

Returns k-th element of a weak vector wvec.

By default, weak-vector-ref raise an &assertion if k is negative, or greater than or equal to the size of wvec. However, if an optional argument fallback is given, it is returned for such case.

If the element has been garbage collected, this procedure returns _fallback_if it is given, #f otherwise.

Sets k-th element of the weak vector wvec to value. It raises an &assertion if k is negative or greater than or equal to the size of wvec.

Weak hashtable

A weak hashtable contains references to an object that doesn't prevent the object from being garbage-collected the same as weak vector. A weak hashtable is like a hashtable, except each entry can be garbage collected if it is not referenced from objects other than weak hashtable according to the constructed condition.

Returns #t if obj is weak hashtable otherwise #f.

Make a weak hashtable with the hash procedure eq? and eqv?, respectively.

The keyword argument init-size specifies the initial size of the weak hashtable.

The kwyword argument weakness specifies the place where the weak pointer is. This must be one of the key, value and both. If the key is specified, then weak hashtable's weak pointer will be the key so is value. If the both is specified, then it will be both.

The keyword argument default specifies the default value when the entry is garbage collected. If this is not spceified, then undefined value will be used.

Returns the value in weak-hashtable associated with key. If weak-hashtable does not contain an association for key, default is returned.

Changes weak-hashtable to associate key with obj, adding a new association or replacing any existing association for key, and returns unspecified values.

Removes any association for key within weak-hashtable and returns unspecified values.

Returns a list of keys and values in the given weak-hashtable, respectively.

Returns a copy of weak-hashtable.

Shrink the given weak-hashtable and returns the number of removed entry. This is only for GC friendliness.

Bytevector operations

Converts given bytevector bytevector to exact integer. If optional argument start is given, conversion starts with index start. If optional argument end is given, convertion ends by index end. The conversion only happens in big endian.

The first form converts to signed integer and the rest convert to unsigned integer.

Ei must be exact integer. Converts exact integer ei to a bytevector.

The first form can accept signed integer and converts with two's complement form. The rest forms only accept unsigned integer and simply convert to bytes.

If optional argument size is given, then the procedure returns _size_size bytevector.

NOTE: The conversion is processed from right most byte so if the size is smaller than given ei bytes, then the rest of left bytes will be dropped.

NOTE: the endianness is always big endianness.

(integer->bytevector #x12345678 5)
#vu8(#x00 #x12 #x34 #x56 #x78)

(integer->bytevector #x12345678 3)
#vu8(#x34 #x56 #x78)

Returns a newly allocated bytevector that contains all elements in order from the subsequent locations in bvs ....

Appends each bytevectors in list-of-bytevectors. This is equivalent to:

(apply bytevector-append _list-of-bytevectors_)

List operations

[SRFI-1] Returns #t if list is circular or dotted list, respectively. Otherwise #f.

Returns (cons (cons _obj1_ _obj2_) _obj3_). Useful to put an entry at the head of an associative list.

[SRFI-1] Returns a list consisting of the elements of the first _list_followed by the elements of the other lists. The cells in the lists except the last one may be reused to construct the result. The last argument may be any object.

[SRFI-1] Returns a list consisting of the elements of list in reverse order. The cells of list may be reused to construct the returned list.

Vector operations

[SRFI-43] Copies a vector vector. Optional start and _end_arguments can be used to limit the range of vector to be copied. If the range specified by start and end falls outside of the original vector, the fill value is used to fill the result vector.

(vector-copy '#(0 1 2 3 4) 1 4)
#(1 2 3)

(vector-copy '#(0 1 2 3 4) 4 6 #f)
#(4 #f)

(vector-copy '#() 0 2 #t)
#(#t #t)

[SRFI-43] Returns a newly allocated vector that contains all elements in order from the subsequent locations in vector ....

(vector-append '#(1 2) '#(a b) '#(5))
#(1 2 a b 5)

[SRFI-43] Appends each vectors in list-of-vectors. This is equivalent to:

(apply vector-append _list-of-vectors_)

[SRFI-43] Reverse the given vector's elements.

The second form reverses the given vector destructively.

Optional arguments start and end must be non negative integer if it's given. And it restricts the range of the target elements.

String operations

Scan item (either a string or a character) in string.

The return argument specified what value should be returned when item is found in string. It must be one of the following symbols;


Returns the index in string if item is found, or #f. This is the default behaviour.


Returns a substring of string before item, or #f if item is not found.


Returns a substring of string after item, or #f if item is not found.


Returns a substring of string before item, and the substring after it. If item is not found then return (values #f #f).


Returns a substring of string up to the end of item, and the rest. after it. If item is not found then return (values #f #f).


Returns a substring of string before item and after item. If item is not found, return (values #f #f).

[SRFI-13] Appends each strings in list-of-strings. This is equivalent to:

(apply string-append _list-of-strings_)

Returns #t if the given obj is an immutable string, otherwise #f.

Immutable strings are one of the followings:

  • String literals. (i.e. "abc")

  • Strings converted to immutable string by string->istring

Returns copy of the given string. The returning string is converted to immutable string.

The optional argument start and end are given, then the returing string is contains only the range of given string.

Load path

Add given path to current loading path list.

If keyword argument append is #t, then given path is appended to the current loading path list, otherwise prepend to the list.

Add given suffix to current suffix list.

If keyword argument append is #t, then given suffix is appended to the current suffix list, otherwise prepend to the list.

The suffix should contain . as well.

Function load-path

Retrives/sets current loading path.

If the latter form is used, then the given path list paths is set to current loading path list. Otherwise retrieves the list.

The returning value is not copied, thus modifying the list may cause unexpected results.

System and platform

Function uname

Return a vector which contains the following information.

System name

Operating system name. E.g. "Linux"

Node name

The name of the computer.


Release number of the system if availabel.


Version number of the system if availabel.


Machine architecture of the system.

On POSIX environment, this is the result of uname(2).

On Windows environment, this is the result of couple of Win32 API calls and formatted to look like the result of uname(2).

Retrieves MAC address. The returning value is a bytevector which contains 6 elements.

If optional argument specifies which NIC's MAC address should be returned.

Returns a vector having 3 elements; user time, _system time_and tick.

The first procedure returns process CPU time, the second procedure returns thread CPU time. If the optional argument thread is given, then the procedure retrieves CPU time of given thread. Otherwise current thread.

tick is a clock tick. Users can compute CPU second Dividing user time or system time by this value.

NOTE: tick may not be the same even on the same platform. For example, get-process-times returns value of _SC_CLK_TCK, and get-thread-times returns 1000000 (on OSX), 1000000000 (on other POSIX environments which have pthread_getcpuclockid), or _SC_CLK_TCK(on other POSIX environments which don't have pthread_getcpuclockid). So users must not assume the value is one of them and calculate CPU second with assumed value.

Function gc

Invokes garbage collection manually.

Function cpu-count

Returns number of CPUs. The result contains hyperthreading, for example, if the CPU is Core i5 which have 2 cores and hyperthreading is enabled, then the returning value is 4.

On Linux environment, the procedure also considers taskset(1).

This procedure returns static value initialised during initialisation of Sagittarius process. Thus, if the process is restricted after its initialisation by taskset(1), for example the environment has 4 CPUs but restricted to 1, then this process, however, returns 4.

Debugging aid

Disassembles the compiled body of closure and print it.

Returns arity of given procedure.

It returns a pair whose car part is required arguments count and cdr part is boolean which indicates if the procedure accepts optional arguments or not.

Library (time)

Exports time macro

Evaluate expr and shows time usage.

The macro return the result of expr.

(sagittarius control) - control library

This library provides some useful macros using Sagittarius specific functions.

Defines name to be a macro whose transformer is procedure. The second form is a shorthand notation of the following form:

(define-macro _name_ (lambda _formals_ _body_ ...))

Given a list of values restargs, binds variables according to var-spec, then evaluates body.

Var-spec can be either a symbol, or a list of two elements and its car is a symbol. The symbol is the bound variable name. The values in _restargs_are bound to the symbol in order. If there are not as many values in restargs as var-spec, the rest of symbols are bound to the default values, determined as follows:

If var-spec is just a symbol, the default value is undefined.

If var-spec is a list, the default value is the result of evaluation of the second element of the list.

In the latter case the second element is only evaluated when there are not enough arguments. The binding proceeds in the order of var-spec, so the second element may refer to the bindings of previous var-spec.

In the second form, restvar must be a symbol and bound to the list of values whatever left from restargs after binding to var-spec.

It is not an error if restarg has more values than var-specs. The extra values are simply ignored in the first form.

This is a short version of let-optionals* where you have only one optional argument. Given the optional argument list restargs, this macro returns the value of optional argument if one is given, or the result of default otherwise.

If latter form is used, test must be procedure which takes one argument and it will be called to test the given argument. If the test failed, it raises &error condition.

Default is not evaluated unless restargs is an empty list.

This macro is for keyword arguments. Var-spec can be one of the following forms:

(_symbol_ _expr_)

If the restrag contains keyword which has the same name as symbol, binds symbol to the corresponding value. If such a keyword doesn't appear in restarg, binds symbol to the result of expr.

(_symbol_ _keyword_ _expr_)

If the restarg contains keyword keyword, binds symbol to the corresponding value. If such a keyword doesn't appear in restarg, binds symbol to the result of expr.

The default value expr is only evaluated when the keyword is not given to the restarg.

If you use the first form, let-keyword raises &error condition when restarg contains a keyword argument that is not listed in var-specs. When you want to allow keyword arguments other than listed in var-specs, use the second form.

In the second form, restvar must be either a symbol or #f. If it is a symbol, it is bound to a list of keyword arguments that are not processed by var-specs. If it is #f, such keyword arguments are just ignored.

(define (proc x . options)
  (let-keywords options ((a 'a)
                         (b :beta 'b)
                         (c 'c)
                         . rest)
    (list x a b c rest)))

(proc 0)
(0 a b c ())

(proc 0 :a 1)
(0 1 b c ())

(proc 0 :beta 1)
(0 a 1 c ())

(proc 0 :beta 1 :c 3 :unknown 4)
(0 a 1 3 (unknown 4))

Like let-keywords, but the binding is done in the order of var-specs. So each expr can refer to the variables bound by preceding var-specs.

These let-keywords and let-keywords* are originally from Gauche.

The define-with-key is synonym of define.

See more detail Variable definitions.

Evaluate exp0, exp1, ..., then returns the result(s) of exp0.

A convenient macro when you have only one variable. Expanded as follows:

(let ((_var_ _expr_)) _body_ ...)

A convenient macro when you have only one variable and is the returning value. Expanded as follows:

(let ((_var_ _expr_)) _body_ ... _var_)

Imported from Common List. These are equivalent to the following forms, respectively.

(dotimes (variable limit result) body ...)


(do ((tlimit limit)
     (variable 0 (+ variable 1)))
    ((>= variable tlimit) result)
  body ...)
(dolist (variable lexpr result) body ...)


  (for-each (lambda (variable) body ...) lexpr)
  (let ((variable '())) result))

Conses item and the value of place. The place must be either a variable or a form (proc arg ...), as the second argument of set!. The result will be the same as set!.

Retrieves the value of place, sets its cde back to place.

Check the given val satisfies pred. If the pred returns #f then &assertion is raised.

The proc should be the procedure name which uses this macro and is for debugging purpose.

library must be a library name. ex. (srfi :1 lists)

exprs must be expressions.

Evaluate given expressions one by one in the specified library and returns the last result of the expressions.

This should not be used casually however you want to use some procedures or variables which are not exported, such as a procedure written in C but not exported or non exported record accessor. For thoese purpose, this might be a quick solution.

Execute body then execute cleanups and returns the result(s) of body.

It is not guaranteed to invoke the cleanups only once if a continuation is captured in body and call it.

Macro datum x

Short form of syntax->datum.

The macro is similar with with-syntax, the only difference is that this macro can refer previous pattern of p as if let* can.

This can reduce nest level when users need to write multiple with-syntax to refer bound syntax object.

The alias of lambda.

Shortened notation of (lambda (c) body ...). Where ccan be any character of lower case of ASCII alphabet.

(map (^z (* z z)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
(1 4 9 16 25)

Shortened notation of (lambda c body ...). Where ccan be any character of lower case of ASCII alphabet.

(map (^z* z*) '(1 2 3 4 5))
((1) (2) (3) (4) (5))

(sagittarius ffi) - Foreign Function Interface

This library provides FFI (Foreign Function Interface) procedures. The library is constructed on libffi.

This library makes user to be able to re-use existing useful C library. However it might cause SEGV or unexpected behaviours. It is users responsibility to avoid those errors.

Following is the simple example to use;

/* C file, must be compiled as a shared library and named '' */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# define EXPORT

static void quicksort_(uintptr_t base,const size_t num,const size_t size,
		       void *temp,int (*compare)(const void *,const void *))
  size_t pivot = 0,first2last = 0,last2first = num-1;
  while(pivot+1 != num && !compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*(pivot+1))){
  if(pivot+1 == num){
  if(0 > compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*(pivot+1))){
  while(first2last < last2first){
    while(0 < compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*first2last)
	  && first2last != num-1){
    while(0 >= compare(base+size*pivot,base+size*last2first)
	  && last2first){
    if(first2last < last2first){
      if(pivot == first2last || pivot == last2first){
	pivot = pivot^last2first^first2last;

EXPORT int quicksort(void *base, const size_t num, const size_t size,
	      int (*compare)(const void *, const void *))
  void *temp = malloc(size);
    return -1;
  return 0;
;; Scheme file
;; load shared library (on Windows the extension might be '.dll')
;; On Unix like environment, the shared library must be full path or
;; located in the same directory as the script.
;; On Windows it can be on PATH environment variable as well.
(define so-library (open-shared-library ""))
(define quick-sort 
  (c-function so-library ;; shared library
              void       ;; return type
              quicksort  ;; exported symbol
              ;; argument types
              ;; if you need pass a callback procedure, 'callback' mark needs to
              ;; be passed to the arguments list
              (void* size_t size_t callback)))

(let ((array (u8-list->bytevector '(9 3 7 5 2 6 1 4 8)))
      ;; callback procedure
      (compare (c-callback int           ;; return type
                           (void* void*) ;; argument types
                           (lambda (a b)
                             (- (pointer-ref-c-uint8 x 0)
                                (pointer-ref-c-uint8 y 0))))))
  ;; call c function. all loaded c functions are treated the same as
  ;; usual procedures.
  (quick-sort array (bytevector-length array) 1 compare)
  ;; release callback procedure.
  ;; NOTE: callback won't be GCed so users need to release it manually
  (free-c-callback compare)

;; Close shared library.
(close-shared-library so-library)
#vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

The document describes higher APIs to lower APIs.

Shared library operations

file must be a string.

Opens given file shared library and returns its pointer.

The internal process of open-shared-library is depending on the platform, for example if your platform is POSIX envirionment then it will use dlopen. So the resolving the file depends on it. If you know the absolute path of the shared library, then it's always better to use it.

If then internal process of the procedure failed and raise is #f then it returns NULL pointer, if raise is #t then it raises an error.

Closes given shared library pointer and returns unspecified value.

If the given pointer does not indicate proper shared library, the behaviour is platform dependent. It might cause SEGV.

Returns platform specific shared library extension as a string value. eg. ".dll" in Windows, ".so" in Linux or Unix.

Creating C functions

This section describes more details to create a corresponding C functions.

Creates a c-function object and returns a Scheme procedure.

shared-library must be opened shared-library.

return-type must be one of the followings;

  bool  char
  short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  intptr_t uintptr_t
  float double
  void* char* wchar_t*
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

The return value will be converted corresponding Scheme value. Following describes the conversion;


Scheme boolean


Scheme string from UTF-8


Scheme string from UTF-16 (Windows) or UTF-32.

short int long long-long
unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
intptr_t uintptr_t
int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

Scheme integer

float double

Scheme flonum


Scheme FFI pointer type

NOTE: char returns a Scheme integer not Scheme character.

name must be a symbol indicating a exported C function name.

argument-types must be zero or more followings;

  char short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  void* char* wchar_t*
  float double
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

When the C function is called, given Scheme arguments will be converted to corresponding C types. Following describes the conversion;


Scheme boolean to C 0 (#f) or 1 (#t).

char short int long long-long unsigned-short
int8_t int16_t int32_t uint8_t uint16_t

Scheme integer to C signed long int

unsigned-int unsigned-long uint32_t size_t

Scheme integer to C unsigned long int

int64_t long-long

Scheme integer to C int64_t

uint64_t unsigned-long-long

Scheme integer to C uint64_t


Scheme flonum to C float


Scheme flonum to C double

void* char*

void* and char* are actually treated the same, internally. The conversion will be like this;

Scheme string

Converts to UTF-8 C char*

Scheme bytevector

Convert to C char*

Scheme FFI pointer

Convert to C void*


Wide character string conversion only happens when the given argument was Scheme string and depends on the platform. On Windows, more specifically size of wchar_t is 2 platform, it converts to UTF-16 string without BOM. On other platform, size of wchar_t is 4 platform, it converts to UTF-32. Both case detects endianness automatically. If the given argument was bytevector, it won't convert. This case is useful when users need to pass buffer to a C-function.


Scheme FFI callback to C void*

Note: passing Scheme string needs to be careful when users want to use it as a buffer. It doesn't work like it. Use bytevector or FFI pointer object for that purpose.

___ is for variable length argument and it must be the last position of the argument type list, otherwise it raises an error.

Creates C function. This procedure is underlying procedure for c-function macro. The arguments are the same as c-function, only argument-types must be a list of types.

Convenient macro for address passing.

When you need to pass an address of a pointer to C function, you can write like this;

(c-func (address _pointer_))

This is equivalent of following C code;


pointer can be a pointer object or a bytevector.

If the second form is used, then the passing address is offset of offset. It is user's responsibility to make sure the given pointer has enough space when offset is passed. If the pointer is a bytevector and offset is more than the bytevector size, then an error is signaled.

Creates a C callback.

return-type must be a symbol and the same as c-function's return-type.

argument-types must be zero or following;

  char short int long long-long intptr_t
  unsigned-char unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long-long uintptr_t
  int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t int64_t
  float double

The conversion of C to Scheme is the same as c-function's return-type.

NOTE: if the content of void* won't be copied, thus if you modify it in the callback procedure, corresponding C function will get affected.

NOTE: callback doesn't support char* nor wchar_t*. It is because the conversion loses original pointer address and you might not want it. So it is users responsibility to handle it.

proc must be a procedure takes the same number of arguments as argument-types list.

Created callbacks are stored intarnal static storage to avoid to get GCed. This is because C functions which accept callback may hold the given callback in their storage which could be outside of Sagittarius GC root. So it is users' responsibility to release created callback to avoid memory leak. To release callbacks, you need to use free-c-callback.

Creates C callback. This procedure is underlying procedure for c-callback macro. The arguments are the same as c-callback, only argument-types must be a list of types.

Release callback.

Pointer operations

Using C functions, users can not avoid to use raw pointers. This section describes how to create or convert a pointer.

Returns #t if obj is FFI pointer object, otherwise #f.

Converts given integer to pointer object.

To represents NULL pointer, you can write like this;

(integer->pointer 0)
#\<pointer 0x0>

Converts given pointer to integer/uinteger, respectively.

The optional argument bits must be an exact integer range of fixnum.

If the optional argument bits is specified, then the procedure mask the pointer value. If the bits is negative or more than pointer size bits then it returns non masked value.

This is useful when C procedure sets the pointer value however it only sets a half of bits and returning value is needed only a half of bits. For example, a C procedure takes 2 arguments, one is buffer pointer the other one is buffer size pointer. When buffer size is -1 then it allocates sufficient buffer and sets buffer size pointer the allocated size. In this case. In this case, if you are using 64 bit environment and buffer size pointer is 32 bit value's pointer returning value's upper 32 bit would be 0xFFFFFFFF. If the optional argument is specified to 32 then the procedure only returns lower 32 bit value.

Converts given pointer to Scheme string.

The given pointer must be terminated by 0 otherwise it won't stop until it reaches 0.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Size must be an exact integer.

Converts given pointer to Scheme bytevector from given offset.

If optional argument shared is #f, then the content of pointer won't be shared between pointer and bytevector. Default value is #t, thus if the given pointer is modified, then the created bytevector gets affected.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Converts given bytevector to pointer from given offset.

If optional argument shared is #f, then the content of bytevector won't be shared between bytevector and pointer. Default value is #t, thus if the given bv is modified, then the created pointer gets affected.

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

CAUTION: These operations are really dangerous especially pointer->object.

Converts Scheme object to pointer and pointer to Scheme object respectively. The operations are useful to pass Scheme object to callbacks and restore it.

offset must be a fixnum.

Returns a pointer offset offset of given pointer. The same as following C code;

void* deref(void **pointer, int offset) {
  return pointer[offset]; 

If NULL pointer is given, it raises &assertion.

Returns an address of given pointer.

If optional argument offset is given, then the returning address of pointer is the offset of given offset.

NOTE: This creates a newly allocated Scheme FFI pointer object.

NOTE: If the returned value is modified then given pointer will be affected.

size must be a fixnum.

Allocates a size of byte memory and returns an pointer object.

If optional argument fill is given, it must be a fixnum, then the procedure fill the given fill into the allocated memory using memset(3).

NOTE: the fill will be converted to an unsigned char by the memset(3).

The allocated memory will be GCed.

size must be a fixnum.

Allocates a size of byte memory and returns an pointer object using C's malloc.

The allocated memory won't be GCed. So releasing the memory is users' responsibility.

pointer must be a pointer created by c-malloc.

Release the pointer.

The procedure won't check if the pointer is allocated by c-malloc or not. And the behaviour when GCable pointer is passed is undefined.

A pointer represents NULL.

This value is not a constant and if you modify this by using address, you might break some codes.

Returns #t when obj is a pointer representing NULL otherwise #f.

Creates a NULL pointer. This is for convenience.

offset must be a fixnum.

Returns an integer value of offset offset of pointer depending on the type.

Following type are supported; int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 char wchar short int long long-long unsigned-char unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long intptr uintptr float double pointerNOTE: if the type is flonum or double, then it returns Scheme flonum

NOTE: if the type is pointer, then it returns Scheme FFI pointer.

offset must be a fixnum.

Sets value to offset offset of pointer. Supporting _type_s are the same as pointer-ref-c-_type_The type conversion is the same as c-function's return-type.

There is no direct procedures to handle C arrays. Following is an example of how to handle array of pointers;

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius ffi))

(define (string-vector->c-array sv)
  (let ((c-array (allocate-pointer (* (vector-length sv) size-of-void*))))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
        ((= i (vector-length sv)) c-array)
      ;; pointer-set-c-pointer! handles Scheme string (converts to UTF-8)
      ;; If you need other encoding, then you need to write other conversion
      ;; procedure.
      (pointer-set-c-pointer! c-array (* i size-of-void*) (vector-ref sv i)))))

;; how to use
(let ((p (string-vector->c-array #("abc" "def" "ghijklmn"))))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
      ((= i 3))
    ;; deref handles pointer offset.
    ;; it can be also (pointer-ref-c-pointer p (* i size-of-void*))
    (print (pointer->string (deref p i)))))

Following is an example for Scheme string to UTF-16 bytevector;

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius ffi))
;; Converts to UTF16 big endian (on little endian environment)
(define (string->c-string s)
  (let* ((bv (string->utf16 s (endianness big)))
         ;; add extra 2 bytes for null terminated string
         (p  (allocate-pointer (+ (bytevector-length bv) 2))))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 2)))
        ((= i (bytevector-length bv)) p)
      ;; pointer-set-c-uint16! uses native endianness to set the value
      ;; so this is platform dependent code.
      (pointer-set-c-uint16! p i 
        (bytevector-u16-ref bv i (endianness little))))))

value must be exact integer up to size-of-void* bytes.

Sets the pointer value. This is useful to reuse the existing pointer object.

CAUTION: this operation is really dangerous so be aware of it!

C struct operations

C's struct is mere memory chunk so it is possible to access its member directly, if you know exact offset of it. However it is convenient if you can operate similar structure. This section describes how to define C structure in Scheme world.

Defines C structure.

clauses must be following form;

(_type_ _name_)
(_type_ `array` _size_ _name_)
(`struct` _struct-name_ _name_)
(`bit-field` _type_ (_name_ _bit_) ...)
(`bit-field` (_type_ _endian_) (_name_ _bit_) ...)

name must be a symbol.

If the second form is used, then alignment is an auxiliary syntax and n must be an integer which must be either negative number or one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16. This form specifies the alignemtn of the struct. If the n is negative number, then it uses platform default alignment, if it's one of the above number, then the alignment is according to the given number.

The first form is the simple C type form. type must be a symbol and the same as one of the c-function's return-types or callback. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st
  (int foo)
  (callback fn))
struct st
  int foo;
  void* fn; /* function pointer */

The second form is defining C type array with size. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st
  (int array 10 foo))
struct st
  int foo[10];

The third form is defining internal structure. Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st1
  (int array 10 foo))
(define-c-struct st2
  (struct st1 st)
  (int bar))
struct st1
  int foo[10];
struct st2
  struct st1 st;
  int bar;

So far, we don't support direct internal structure so users always need to extract internal structures.

The forth and fifth forms are bit fields. type must be an integer type such as unsigned-int. If the given type is not an integer, then &assertion is raised.

Following describes the concrete example and the equivalent C structure:

(define-c-struct st1
  (bit-field unsigned-int (a 10) (b 20)))
struct st1
  unsigned int a : 10;
  unsigned int b : 20;

If the fifth form is used, then endian must be an identifier which has valid name for endianness macro. Then the created structure packs the value according to the given endian.

If the total amount of bits is greater than given type, then &assertion is raised.

NOTE: Even though, this can accept signed integer the returning value would not be signed. It is safe to specify unsigned type.

The macro also defines accessors for the c-struct. Following naming rules are applied;

  • For getter: name-member-name-ref

  • For setter: name-member-name-set!

The macro also defines size variable for the c-struct. If the name of the c-struct if foo, then the variable name will be size-of-foo.

struct must be a C structure defined by define-c-struct.

Returns the size of given struct.

Allocates memory for struct and returns a pointer.

A getter/setter of struct-name c-struct.

This is automatically defined by define-c-struct macro.

The optional argument inner-member-names can be passed to get inner struct values.

Following describes how it works.

(define-c-struct in
  (int  i)
  (char c))
(define-c-struct out
  (int  i)
  (struct in in0))

(define out (allocate-c-struct out))
(out-i-set! out 100 'i)   ;; -> unspecified
(out-in0-set! out 200 'i) ;; -> unspecified
(out-i-ref out)           ;; -> 100
(out-in0-ref out 'i)      ;; -> 200
(out-in0-ref out)         ;; -> pointer object (indicating the inner struct address)

Low level C struct accessors

struct must be a C structure defined with define-c-struct. name must be a symbol and struct has the same member. pointer should be a pointer allocated by allocate-c-struct with struct.

Returns a member name's value of struct from pointer.

struct must be a C structure defined with define-c-struct. name must be a symbol and struct has the same member. pointer should be a pointer allocated by allocate-c-struct with struct.

Sets value to pointer offset of member name of struct.

Typedef operations

Convenient macro.

Defines other name of original with new-names.

new-names must be following forms;

((`*` _new-p_) _rest_ ...)
((`s*` _new-sp_) _rest_ ...)
(_new_ _rest_ ...)

The first for defines nothing.

If the rest of form is used and rest is not null, then it will recursively define.

The second form's * defines new-p as void*.

The third form's s* defines new-sp as char*.

The forth form defines new as original.

Following example describes how to will be expanded approximately.

(define-c-typedef char (* char_ptr) byte (s* string))


  (define char_ptr void*)
  (define byte char)
  (define string char*)

Sizes and aligns

a size or align of type, respectively.

Following types are supported;

  bool char
  short int long long-long
  unsigned-short unsigned-int unsigned-long unsigned-long-long
  intptr_t uintptr_t size_t
  float double
  int8_t  int16_t  int32_t  int64_t
  uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t

The values are platform dependent.

Finalizer operations

Some of C resource must be released but if you can not decide or do not want to restrict when, then you can release it at GC time.

NOTE: GC might not happen if your script is very short, so it is better not to relay these procedures too much.

pointer must be a pointer allocated with GCable memory.

proc must be a procedure and accepts one argument. The argument will be the pointer.

Register proc as pointer's finalizer and returns pointer.

pointer must be a pointer allocated with GCable memory.

Remove finalizer form pointer and returns pointer.

(sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem

Monitoring filesystem cannot be done efficiently without support of underlying operating system. This library provides unified interface of the mechanism.

The following simple tail (1) like script shows how it works:

(import (rnrs) (getopt) (sagittarius filewatch) (prefix (binary io) binary:))

(define (tail file offset)
  (define watcher (make-filesystem-watcher))
  (define in (open-file-input-port file))
  ;; dump contents to stdout
  (define (dump)
    (let loop ()
      (let ((line (binary:get-line in)))
        (unless (eof-object? line) 
          (put-bytevector (standard-output-port) line)
          (put-bytevector (standard-output-port) #vu8(10))
  (define size (file-size-in-bytes file))
  ;; move port position if the size if more than offset
  (when (> size offset) (set-port-position! in (- size offset)))
  ;; dump first
  ;; add path to file watcher
  (filesystem-watcher-add-path! watcher file '(modify) 
                                (lambda (path event) (dump)))
  ;; monitor on foreground.
  (filesystem-watcher-start-monitoring! watcher :background #f))

;; this tail is not line oriented
;; it shows tail of the file from the given offset.
(define (main args)
  (with-args (cdr args)
      ((offset (#\o "offset") #t "1024")
       . rest)
    (tail (car rest) (string->number offset))))

Creates and returns filesystem watcher object.

The keyword argument error-handler is specified, which must be a procedure accepts one argument, then it is called with a condition when monitoring handler raised an error.

Releasing the watcher.

Released filesystem watcher can not be reused.

Returns #t if the given o is a filesystem watcher object, otherwise #f.

Adds monitoring targets to the watcher.

The path must be a string and indicating existing path.

The flags must be one of the following symbols or list of the symbols:


Checks if the path is accessed.


Checks if the path is modified.


Checks if the path is deleted.


Checks if the path is moved.


Checks if the path's attribute is changed.

NOTE: The flags might not be supported depending on the platform. See implementation limitation section for more details.

The monitoring-handler must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments. The procedure is called if the path gets an event specified flags. When the monitoring-handler is invoked, then the path and a symbol of the invoking event are passed respectively. The possible event symbols are the followings:


Checks if the path is accessed.


Checks if the path is modified.


Checks if the path is deleted.


Checks if the path is moved.


Checks if the path's attribute is changed.

The procedure filesystem-watcher-add-path! returns the watcher.

If the watcher started monitoring, then the procedure raises &assertion.

Removes given path from the watcher. And returns watcher,

If the watcher started monitoring, then the procedure raises &assertion.

Starts monitoring filesystem on given watcher.

If the keyword argument background is true value, then the procedure creates a thread and let the thread monitor the filesystem. (So the procedure returns after the thread invocation.) Otherwise, the procedure blocks and wait until other thread calls filesystem-watcher-stop-monitoring!.

Stops monitoring of given watcher.

If the watcher is started on background, then the monitoring thread may not stop immediately.

Implementation limitation

Even the library provides unified APIs however users still should know the limitations per operating system to avoid unexpected behaviours. The following sections describes the known limitations.


On Linux, the library is constructed on top of inotify (7) and poll (2). If users add too many paths, then it may reach the maximum number of watch descriptor.

The IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO flags are passed as moved. So it is users responsibility to detect which file is moved from and which file is moved to.

BSD Unix

On BSD Unix, the library is constructed on top of kqueue (2). This implementation contains 3 major issues. Possibility of number of file descriptor explosion, not access flag support, and no support of directory monitoring.

The kqueue requires file descriptor per monitoring path. Thus if the number of paths is large, then it reaches the maxinum number of file descriptors. (NB: kern.maxfiles on FreeBSD).

kqueue doesn't support path access monitoring (e.g. IN_ACCESS on inotify). So it is impossible to monitor file access.

Current implementation of (sagittarius filewatch) using kqueuedoesn't allow users to monitor directory. This is because by default, kqueue doesn't provide facility to detect which file is added. To do it, we need manual management. To keep our code as simple as possible, we decided not to do it for now. This decision may be changed if there's enough demands.


On OS X, the library is constructed on top of kqueue, thus the same limitation as BSD Unix is applied.


Staring Windows Vista, Microsoft decided not to change timestamp just accessing the file or directory by default. So access flag may or may not work on Windows depending on the configuration of the platform.

Due to the lack of deletion detect, delete and move work the same. Thus the monitoring handler may get both deleted and movedeven though it's only specified delete or move.

(sagittarius io) - Extra IO library

This library provided extra IO related procedures.

Calls thunk. During evaluation of thunk, the current input port, current output port, current error port are set to port, respectively.

These utility functions are trivially defined as follows;

(define (call-with-input-string str proc)
  (proc (open-input-string str)))

(define (call-with-output-string proc)
  (let ((port (open-output-string)))
    (proc port)
    (get-output-string port)))

(define (with-input-from-string str thunk)
  (with-input-from-port (open-input-string str) thunk))

(define (with-output-to-string thunk)
  (let ((port (open-output-string)))
    (with-output-to-port port thunk)
    (get-output-string port)))

Re-export of buffered-port and transcoded-port.

Custom ports

Sagittarius provides means to create user defined ports. One of the ways is using R6RS custom port procedures. The other one is extending custom port class. The followings show how to extend it.

;; example for input port
(import (rnrs) (sagittarius io) (clos user))

;; make a custom binary input port with 'read slot
(get-u8 (make <custom-binary-input-port>
          :read (lambda (bv start count)
                  (bytevector-u8-set! bv start 1)
;; example for output port
(import (rnrs) (sagittarius io) (clos user))

;; user defined custom binary output port
(define-class <my-port> (<custom-binary-output-port>) 
  ;; this port has own buffer 
  ((buffer :init-form (make-bytevector 5 0))))

;; create the port
(let ((out (make <my-port>)))
  ;; set 'write slot
  (slot-set! out 'write
    (lambda (bv start count)
       ;; just get the first element of given bytevector
       ;; and set it to own buffer
       (bytevector-copy! bv start (slot-ref out 'buffer) 0 count)
  (put-bytevector out #vu8(1 2 3 4 5))
  (slot-ref out 'buffer))
;; -> #vu8(1 0 0 0 0)

Custom port classes. All of these classes have the following slots:

Slot id

Identifier of the port. Must be string is specified.

Slot read
Slot write
Slot flush
Slot close

All of them must be either procedure or #f.

position procedure must accept 0 argument. The procedure should return the position of the port.

set-position procedure must accept 2 argument, position_and_whence. Whence shall be a symbol of begin, current or end. The procedure should set the position of the port according to the given whence and position.

read procedure must accept 3 argument. bv or string, start and count. The first argument is decided by the port type. If the port is binary port, then bytevector bv is passed. If the port is textual port, then string string is passed. The procedure should fill given bv or string in _count_data elements starting start. And return number of data filled.

write procedure must accept 3 argument. bv or string, start and count. The first argument is decided by the port type. If the port is binary port, then bytevector bv is passed. If the port is textual port, then string string is passed. The procedure should retrieve data from given bv or _string_upto count data elements starting start. And return number of data read.

ready procedure must accept 0 argument. The procedure should return true value if the port is ready to read. Otherwise #f.

flush procedure must accept 0 argument. The procedure should flush the port.

close procedure must accept 0 argument. The procedure should close the port.

If the creating port is input port, then read must be set before any port operation. If the creating port is output port, then writemust be set before any port operation. Other slots are optional.

Sagittarius MOP

MOP is "meta object protocol". As far as I know, there is no standard specification even the name is really famous and most of CLOS is implemented on MOP.

Then we decided to take the APIs and its behaviour from Tiny CLOS. The following libraries are implemented with the APIs and can be examples for Sagittarius' MOP.

(sagittarius mop allocation)

Supporting :allocation option for define-class.

Meta class and mixin class to support :allocation option for class slot definition, respectively.

The meta class must be used with :metaclass option of define-class.

The mixin class must be a parent class.

Currently, we only support :instance and :class keywords.

The following code is the whole definition of this classes.

(define-class <allocation-meta> (<class>) ())
(define-method compute-getter-and-setter ((class <allocation-meta>) slot)
  (cond ((slot-definition-option slot :allocation :instance)
         => (lambda (type)
              (case type
                ((:instance) '())
                 (let* ((init-value (slot-definition-option
                                     slot :init-value #f))
                        (init-thunk (slot-definition-option 
                                     slot :init-thunk #f))
                        (def (if init-thunk (init-thunk) init-value)))
                    (lambda (o) def)
                    (lambda (o v) (set! def v)))))
                 (assertion-violation '<allocation-meta>
                                      "unknown :allocation type"
        (else (call-next-method))))

(define-class <allocation-mixin> () () :metaclass <allocation-meta>)

(sagittarius mop validator)

Supporting :validator and observer options for define-class.

Make user be able to add own validation mechanism to slots.

:validator is for before set the value to the slot so that user can check the value if it's correct or not.

:observer is for after set the value to the slot so that user can check which value is set to the slot.

(sagittarius mop eql)

The eql specializer is now builtin so this library is only for backward compatibility.

Supporting eql specializer methods.

The following code describes how to use;

(import (clos user) (sagittarius mop eql))
(define-generic eql-fact :class <eql-specializable-generic>)
(define-method eql-fact ((n (eql 0))) 1)
(define-method eql-fact ((n <integer>)) (* n (eql-fact (- n 1))))
(eql-fact 10)

Note: The eql specializer is really slow approximately 200 time slower than usual procedure call.

Subclass of <generic>.

To use eql specializer, generic functions must have this class as a metaclass.

(sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures

This library provides convenient procedures.

Returns given object's values associated with key. The default implementation uses slot-ref.

Following classes are specialised by default.

Returns string represented object.

Returns integer represented object.

Returns number represented object.

The default value is 0.

If the given object is number, it returns given object itself.

If the given object is string, it uses string->number as a conversion procedure.

If the given object is character, it uses char->integer as a conversion procedure.

(sagittarius process) - Process library

In real world, there are a lot of useful programs and you want to re-use it rather than re-write it in Scheme. For that purpose, this library can be useful.

The concept of this library is similar with Java's Process class. Users can create process object and run/call whenever they want. However most of the time process can be invoked immediately, so there are high level APIs for that purpose.

This section describe from top to down.

Exports high level APIs and low level APIs for operating process.

High level APIs

name must be string and indicate the process name be called.

arg1 and the rest must be string which will be passed to process.

The run procedure invokes name process and waits until it ends. Then returns process' exit status.

The call procedure invokes name process and continue the Scheme process, so it does not wait the called process. Then returns process object. If you need to finish the process, make sure you call the process-waitprocedure described below.

Both procedures' output will be redirects current-output-port and current-error-port. If you need to redirect it other place use create-process described below.

Middle level APIs

_ :key (stdout #f) (stderr #f) (call? #t) reader (transcoder #f)

name must be string and indicate a process name.

args must be list of string will be passed to the process.

The create-process procedure creates and invokes a process indicated name. Keyword arguments decide how to invoke and where to redirect the outputs.

If stdout is #f or non output-port and call? is #f then create-process raises &assertion.

stdout keyword argument indicates the port where to redirect the standard output of the process. This can be either binary output port or textual output port.

stderr keyword argument indicates the port where to redirect the standard error of the process. This can be either binary output port or textual output port. If this argument is #f, then stdout will be used.

call? keyword argument decides the default behaviour. If this is #t and reader is not a procedure, then the create-process uses async-process-read. If this is #f and reader is not a procedure, then it uses sync-process-read. If reader is provided, then it uses given reader.

reader keyword argument must be procedure which takes 4 arguments, process object, redirection of standard output and error, and transcoder respectively. This procedure decides how to handle the output.

Note: on Windows, both standard output end error has limitation. So if you replace the default behaviour, make sure you must read the output from the process, otherwise it can cause deat lock.

transcoder keyword argument must be transcoder or #f. This can be used in the procedure which specified reader keyword argument.

The procedure create-process creates a process and call it. The returning value is depending on the above keyword parameters. If _reader_and stdout is provided, then the result value is the value returned from reader procedure. Otherwise the created process object.

Process output reader. This reader creates 2 threads to read standard ouput and standard error. The reader returns immediately after the threads are executed.

Process output reader. This reader creates 2 threads to read standard ouput and standard error. The reader waits until the given process is finished.

Low level APIs

This section describe low level APIs however some of these might be used even if you use call described above.

Returns #f if obj is process object, otherwise #f.

name must be string and indicates the process name which will be invoked.

args must be empty list or list of strings and will be passed to the process.

Creates a process object.

process must be a process object.

Returns the binary output port which is redirected to the process' standard input.

process must be a process object.

Returns the binary input port which is redirected to the process' standard output.

process must be a process object.

Returns the binary input port which is redirected to the process' standard error.

process must be a process object.

Invokes the process and wait until it ends.

On POSIX envionment this procesure returns the result status of the process.

process must be a process object.

Invokes the process and continue the Scheme program.

process must be a process object.

Wait the given process until it ends and returns the exit status of the given process.

If the keyword argument timeout is specified, then it must be an integer represents second or time object represents absolute time, then the procedure waits either the given process is finished or until the specified timeout period is passed. When the timeout period has passed and yet the process is not finished, then the procedure returns #f.

NOTE: The exit status are platform dependent. On Windows, the value will be 32 bit integer. On POSIX, the value will be 8 bit unsigned integer.

NOTE: On POSIX environment, timeout only works if the given process is created by make-process related procedures. If the process is created by pid->process, then it raises an error with ECHILD.

process must be a process object.

Kill the given process and returns the exit status of the given process. If the process is already terminated before the process-killis called, then returning value is its status code. Otherwise -1.

If the keyword argument children? is given and if it's true value, then the procedure kills the child processes. The process of killing child processes is not the same between Windows and POSIX. On Windows, the process seeks all possible child processes. On POSIX, it simply calls killpg (2).

process must be a process object.

Return #t if the given process is still active. Otherwise #f.

On Windows, the procedure uses GetExitCodeProcess which means if the process returns STILL_ACTIVE(259), then this procedure return #t even if the process itself is already terminated.

On POSIX, the procedure uses kill (2) sending 0 to check the existance of the process.

Function getpid

Returns pid of current Sagittarius process. The returning value is an integer.

pid must be an integer represents process id.

Creates a process form given pid.

NOTE: the created process doesn't have any ports. Those values are set to #f.

Inter-process communication (IPC)

Users can choose how to communicate processes. One of the typical ways is using socket. (sagittarius process) provides shared memory for simple IPC.

Returns #t if given obj is a shared memory object, otherwise #f.

Creates or opens shared memory named name.

name must be an string and must be a valid shared memory name. If there is already a shared memory with the same name, then this procedure maps to it and ignores the size argument.

size must be an integer. When a new shared memory is created, then its size is restricted to the given size.

Optional argument option must be an enumeration which created by file-options. If no-create is specified, and there is no shared memory with given name, then &i/o-file-does-not-existis raised. If no-truncate is specified, then the created shared memory is intact, otherwise it is truncted.

Closes given shared-memory and invalidate the allocated memory.

This procedure also removes the given shared-memory. On some platform, for example Linux, if shared memory is not explicitly unliked, then it stays until the OS is restarted. To avoid it, users need to call this procedure.

NOTE: invalidation means that the bytevector returned by shared-memory->bytevector will be 0 length bytevector.

Returns actual instance of shared memory as a bytevector.

Modifying the returning bytevector also modifies the actual shared memory.

To do synchronisation of this, use semaphore provided by (sagittarius threads).

(sagittarius reader) - reader macro library

Sagittarius provides functionalities to modify its reader like Common Lisp. It makes the reader programable. However it has some restriction to use. The following examples explain it.

Using reader macro

(import (sagittarius regex)) ;; usual import for procedures
#/regex/i                    ;; (sagittarius regex) defines #/regex/ form
                             ;; reader macro in it. it converts it
                             ;; (comple-regex "regex" CASE-INSENSITIVE)

Writing reader macro on toplevel

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius reader))
(set-macro-character #\$
 (lambda (port c) (error '$-reader "invliad close paren appeared")))
(set-macro-character #\! (lambda (port c) (read-delimited-list #\$ port)))
!define test !lambda !$ !display "hello reader macro"$$$
!test$ ;; prints "hello reader macro"

Writing reader macro in library and export it

#!compatible ;; make sure Sagittarius can read keyword
(library (reader macro test)
    ;; :export-reader-macro keyword must be in export clause
    (export :export-reader-macro)
    (import (rnrs) (sagittarius reader))

  (define-reader-macro $-reader #\$
    (lambda (port c)
      (error '$-reader "unexpected close paren appeared")))

  (define-reader-macro !-reader #\!
    (lambda (port c)
      (read-delimited-list #\$ port)))

#!read-macro=reader/macro/test  ;; imports reader macro
!define test !lambda !$ !display "hello reader macro"$$$
!test$    ;; prints "hello reader macro"

If you need to use reader macro in your library code, you need to define it outside of the library. The library syntax is just one huge list so Sagittarius can not execute the definition of reader macro inside during reading it.

This library provides reader macro procedures and macros.

Name must be self evaluated expression. Proc must accept 2 or 3 arguments, the first one is a port, the second one is a character which is defined as reader macro character, and the third one which is an optional argument is a read context.

define-reader-macro macro associates char and proc as a reader macro. Once it is associated and Sagittarius' reader reads it, then dispatches to the proc with 2 arguments.

If non-term? argument is given and not #f, the char is marked as non terminated character. So reader reads as one identifier even it it contains the given char in it.

The first form is a convenient form. Users can write a reader macro without explicitly writing lambda. The form is expanded to like this:

(define-reader-macro #\$ ($-reader args ...) body ...)
;; -> (define-reader-macro $-reader #\$ (lambda (args ...) body ...))

Note: the name is only for error message. It does not affect anything.

Name must be self evaluated expression. Proc must accept three arguments, the first one is a port, the second one is a character which is defined as reader macro character and the third one is a macro parameter.

define-dispatch-macro creates macro dispatch macro character _char_if there is not dispatch macro yet, and associates subchar and _proc_as a reader macro.

If non-term? argument is given and not #f, the char is marked as non terminated character. So reader reads as one identifier even it it contains the given char in it.

Note: the name is only for error message. It does not affect anything.

Returns 2 values if char is macro character; one is associated procedure other one is boolean if the char is terminated character or not. Otherwise returns 2 #f.

Mark given char as macro character and sets the proc as its reader. If non-term? is given and not #f, the char will be marked as non terminated macro character.

Creates a new dispatch macro character with given char if it is not a dispatch macro character yet. If non-term? is given and not #f, the char will be marked as non terminated macro character.

Returns a procedure which is associated with char and _subchar_as a reader macro. If nothing is associated, it returns #f.

Sets proc as a reader of subchar under the dispatch macro character of char.

Reads a list until given char appears.

Predefined reader macros

The following table explains predefined reader macros.

Macro character Terminated Explanation
#\( #t Reads a list until reader reads #\).
#\[ #t Reads a list until reader reads #\].
#\) #t Raises read error.
#\] #t Raises read error.
#\| #t Reads an escaped symbol until reader reads #\|.
#\" #t Reads a string until reader reads #\".
#\' #t Reads a symbol until reader reads delimited character.
#\; #t Discards read characters until reader reads a linefeed.
#\` #t Reads a next expression and returns (quasiquote _expr_)
#\, #t Check next character if it is @ and reads a next expression.

Returns (unquote-splicing _expr_) if next character was
@, otherwise (unquote _expr_)
#\: #f Only compatible mode. Reads a next expression and returns a keyword.
#\# #t(R6RS mode) Dispatch macro character.
Sub character Explanation
#\' Reads a next expression and returns (syntax _expr_).
#\` Reads a next expression and returns (quasisyntax _expr_)
#\, Check next character if it is @ and reads a next expression.

Returns (unsyntax-splicing _expr_) if next character was
@, otherwise (unsyntax _expr_)
#\! Reads next expression and set flags.
The details are described the below section
#\v Checks if the next 2 characters are u and 8 and reads
a bytevector.
#\u Only compatible mode. Checks if the next character is 8 and reads
a bytevector.
#\t and #\T Returns #t.
#\f and #\F Returns #f.
#\b and #\B Reads a binary number.
#\o and #\O Reads a octet number.
#\d and #\D Reads a decimal number.
#\x and #\X Reads a hex number.
#\i and #\I Reads a inexact number.
#\e and #\E Reads a exact number.
#\( Reads a next list and convert it to a vector.
#\; Reads a next expression and discards it.
#\| Discards the following characters until reader reads |#
#\\ Reads a character.
#\= Starts reading SRFI-38 style shared object.
#\# Refers SRFI-38 style shared object.

#! - Switching mode

Sagittarius has multiple reader and VM modes and users can switch these modes with #!. Following describes details of those modes;

#!r6rs: R6RS mode

Symbols are read according to R6RS specification and VM sets the no-overwrite and nounbound flag. With this mode, keywords are read as symbols; for example, :key is just a symbol and users can not use extended lambda syntax.

#!r7rs: R7RS mode

The mode for new specification of Scheme. This mode is less strict than R6RS mode described above. The reader can read keyword and VM sets the no-overwrite flag.

#!compatible: Compatible mode

This mode is least strict mode. In other words, it does not have any restrictions such as described above.

NOTE: If you import reader macro with #!read-macro= form and let reader reads above hash-bang, the read table will be reset. So following code will raise a read error;

#/regular expression/ ;; <- &lexical

Replacing reader

Since 0.3.7, users can replace default reader. Following example describes how to replace reader.

  fac n
  if (zero? n) 1
    * n
      fac (- n 1)

(print (fac 10))

#!reader= specifies which reader will be used. For this example, it will use the one defined in (srfi :49) library. For compatibility of the other Scheme implementation, we chose not to use the library name itself but a bit converted name.

This is the list of #! flags:


Switches to R6RS mode


Switches to R7RS mode


Switches to compatible mode


Sets no-overwrite flag that does not allow user to overwrite exported variables.


Sets disable cache flag on the current loading file


Display warning message of deprecated library.


Replace reader with library name. The name must be converted with the naming convention described below. For more details, see Naming convention


name must be converted with the naming convention described below. For more details, see Naming convention

Naming convention

The naming convention is really easy. For example, replacing with (srfi :49), first remove all parentheses or brackets then replace spaces to /. Then you get srfi/:49.

This macro defines replaceable reader.

The forms are similar with define. However if you use the first form then expr must be lambda and it accept one argument.

The defined reader will be used on read time, so it needs to return valid expression as a return value of the reader.

NOTE: Only one reader can be defined in one library. If you define more than once the later one will be used.

NOTE: If you want to export user defined reader to other library, you need to put :export-reader keyword to the library export clause.

(sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library

This library provides extra record operations.

Returns #t if obj is record type, otherwise #f.

Name must be symbol. Rtd must be record type descriptor. Rcd must be record constructor descriptor.

Associates given rcd to gien rtd.

NOTE: this procedure doesn't create fresh record type but modifies given arguments destructively.

Record-type must be record type.

Returns associated rtd from record-type.

Record-type must be record type.

Returns associated rcd from record-type.

Note: These procedures are not for using casually.

(sagittarius regex) - regular expression library

As most of script language have own regular expression mechanism, Sagittarius also has own regular expression library. It is influenced by Java's regular expression, so there are a lot of differences between the most famous Perl regular expression(perlre).

This feature may be changed, if R7RS large requires Perl like regular expression.

Following examples show how to use Sagittarius's regular expression.

;; For Perl like
(cond ((looking-at (regex "^hello\\s*(.+)") "hello world!")
        => (lambda (m) (m 1))))

;; For Java like
(cond ((matches (regex "(\\w+?)\\s*(.+)") "123hello world!")) ;; this won't match
      (else "incovenient eh?"))

The matches procedure is total match, so it ignores boundary matcher '^' and '$'. The looking-at procedure is partial match, so it works as if perlre.

This library provides Sagittarius regular expression procedures.

User level APIs for regular expression

String must be regular expression. Returns compiled regular expression. Flags' descriptions are the end of this section. The following table is the supported regular expression constructs.

Construct Matches
Characters <
x The character x
\\ The backslash character
\0n The character with octal value 0n (0 <= n <= 7)
\0nn The character with octal value 0nn (0 <= n <= 7)
\0mnn The character with octal value 0mnn (0 <= m <= 3, 0 <= n <= 7)
\xhh The character with hexadecimal value 0xhh
\uhhhh The character with hexadecimal value 0xhhhh
\Uhhhhhhhh The character with hexadecimal value
0xhhhhhhhh. If the value exceed the maxinum fixnum value it rases an error.
\t The tab character ('\u0009')
\n The newline (line feed) character ('\u000A')
\r The carriage-return character ('\u000D')
\f The form-feed character ('\u000C')
\a The alert (bell) character ('\u0007')
\e The escape character ('\u001B')
\cx The control character corresponding to x
Character classes <
[abc] a, b, or c (simple class)
[^abc] Any character except a, b, or c (negation)
[a-zA-Z] a through z or A through Z, inclusive (range)
[a-d[m-p]] a through d, or m through p: [a-dm-p] (union)
[a-z&&[def]] d, e, or f (intersection)
[a-z&&[^bc]] a through z, except for b and c: [ad-z] (subtraction)
[a-z&&[^m-p]] a through z, and not m through p: a-lq-z
Predefined character classes <
. Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
\d A digit: [0-9]
\D A non-digit: [^0-9]
\s A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
\S A non-whitespace character: [^\s]
\w A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]
\W A non-word character: [^\w]
Boundary matchers <
^ The beginning of a line
$ The end of a line
\b A word boundary
\B A non-word boundary
\A The beginning of the input
\G The end of the previous match
\Z The end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
\z The end of the input
Greedy quantifiers <
X? X, once or not at all
X* X, zero or more times
X+ X, one or more times
X{n} X, exactly n times
X{n,} X, at least n times
X{n,m} X, at least n but not more than m times
Reluctant quantifiers <
X?? X, once or not at all
X*? X, zero or more times
X+? X, one or more times
X{n}? X, exactly n times
X{n,}? X, at least n times
X{n,m}? X, at least n but not more than m times
Possessive quantifiers <
X?+ X, once or not at all
X*+ X, zero or more times
X++ X, one or more times
X{n}+ X, exactly n times
X{n,}+ X, at least n times
X{n,m}+ X, at least n but not more than m times
Logical operators <
XY X followed by Y
X|Y Either X or Y
(X) X, as a capturing group
Back references <
\n Whatever the nth capturing group matched
Quotation <
\ Nothing, but quotes the following character
\Q Nothing, but quotes all characters until \E
\E Nothing, but ends quoting started by \Q
Special constructs (non-capturing) <
(?:X) X, as a non-capturing group
(?imsux-imsux) Nothing, but turns match flags on - off
(?imsux-imsux:X) X, as a non-capturing group with the given flags on - off
(?=X) X, via zero-width positive lookahead
(?!X) X, via zero-width negative lookahead
(?<=X) X, via zero-width positive lookbehind
(?<!X) X, via zero-width negative lookbehind
(?>X) X, as an independent, non-capturing group
(?#...) comment.

Since version 0.2.3, \p and \P are supported. It is cooporated with SRFI-14 charset. However it is kind of tricky. For example regex parser can reads \p{InAscii} or \p{IsAscii} and search charset named char-set:ascii from current library. It must have In or Isas its prefix.

Reader Macro #/-reader

This reader macro provides Perl like regular expression syntax. It allows you to write regular expression like this #/\w+?/i instead of like this (regex "\\w+?" CASE-INSENSITIVE).

Regex must be regular expression object. Returns closure if regex matches input string.

The matches procedure attempts to match the entire input string against the pattern of regex.

The looking-at procedure attempts to match the input string against the pattern of regex.

Pattern must be pattern object.

The first form of these procedures are for convenience. It is implemented like this;

(define (regex-replace-all pattern text replacement)
  (regex-replace-all (regex-matcher pattern text) replacement))

Text must be string.

Replacement must be either string or procedure which takes matcher object and string port as its arguments respectively.

Replaces part of text where regex matches with replacement.

If replacement is a string, the procedure replace text with given string. Replacement can refer the match result with `$_n_`. n must be group number of given pattern or matcher.

If replacement is a procedure, then it must accept either one or two arguments. This is for backward compatibility.

The first argument is always current matcher.

If the procedure only accepts one argument, then it must return a string which will be used for replacement value.

If the procedure accepts two arguments, then the second one is string output port. User may write string to the given port and will be the replacement string.

The regex-replace-first procedure replaces the first match.

The regex-replace-all procedure replaces the all matches.

text must be a string.

pattern must be a string or regex-pattern object.

Split text accoding to pattern.

Low level APIs for regular expression

The above procedures are wrapped User level API. However, you might want to use low level API directory when you re-use matcher and recursively find pattern from input. For that purpose, you need to use low level APIs directly.

NOTE: This API might be changed in future depending on R7RS large.

Returns #f if obj is regular expression object, otherwise #f.

Returns #f if obj is matcher object, otherwise #f.

The same as regex procedure.

Regex must be regular expression object. Returns matcher object.

Matcher must be matcher object. Returns #t if matcher matches the entire input string against input pattern, otherwise #f.

Matcher must be matcher object. Returns #t if matcher matches the input string against input pattern, otherwise #f.

Matcher must be matcher object. Resets matcher and then attempts to find the next subsequence of the input string that matches the pattern, starting at the specified index if optional argument is given otherwise from the beginning.

Matcher must be matcher object. Index must be non negative exact integer.

Retrieve captured group value from matcher.

Matcher must be matcher object.

Returns number of captured groups.

Regular expression flags

Regular expression compiler can take following flags.


Enables case-insensitive matching. i as a flag


Permits whitespace and comments in pattern. x as a flag


Enables multiline mode. m as a flag


Enables literal parsing of the pattern.


Enables dotall mode. s as a flag


Enables Unicode-aware case folding and pre defined charset. u as a flag. NOTE: when this flag is set then pre defined charset, such as \d or \w, expand it's content to Unicode characters. Following properties are applied to charsets. [[:lower:]]

The lower case charset contains Ll and Other_Lowercase. [[:upper:]]

The upper case charset contains Lu and Other_Uppercase. [[:title:]]

The upper case charset contains Lt. [[:alpha:]]

The upper case charset contains L, Nl and Other_Alphabetic. [[:numeric:]]

The upper case charset contains Nd. [[:punct:]]

The upper case charset contains P. symbol

The upper case charset contains Sm, Sc, Sk and So. [[:space:]]

The upper case charset contains Zs, Zl and Zp. [[:cntrl:]]

The upper case charset contains Cc, Cf, Co, Cs, and Cn.

Regular expression for bytevectors

Above APIs can be used bytevectors as well. In this case, the regular expression engine treats given bytevectors as if it's ASCII strings. If users want to use this feature, users must give bytevectors instead of strings.

(sagittarius socket) - socket library

This section describes low level socket API on Sagittarius. The following example is simple echo server, it receives input from a client and just returns it to the client.

The example program is from example/socket/echo.scm.

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius socket))
;; creates echo server socket with port number 5000
(define echo-server-socket (make-server-socket "5000"))
;; addr is client socket
(let loop ((addr (socket-accept echo-server-socket)))
  (call-with-socket addr
   (lambda (sock)
     ;; socket-port creates binary input/output port
     ;; make it transcoded port for convenience.
     (let ((p (transcoded-port (socket-port sock)
			       ;; on Sagittarius Scheme native-transcoder
			       ;; uses utf8 codec for ASCII compatibility.
			       ;; For socket programming it might be better
			       ;; to specify eol-style with crlf.
			       ;; But this sample just shows how it goes.
       (call-with-port p
	(lambda (p)
	  (put-string p "please type something\n\r")
	  (put-string p "> ")
	  ;; gets line from client.
	  (let lp2 ((r (get-line p)))
	    (unless (eof-object? r)
	      (print "received: " r)
	      ;; just returns message from client.
	      ;; NB: If client type nothing, it'll throw assertion-violation.
	      (put-string p r)
	      (put-string p "\r\n> ")
	      ;; waits for next input.
	      (lp2 (get-line p)))))))))
  ;; echo server waits next connection.
  (loop (socket-accept echo-server-socket)))

This library provides procedures for socket programming.

Node and service must be string or #f. Other optional arguments must be exact integer.

Returns a client socket connected to an Internet address. The Internet address is identified by node and service. The make-client-socket uses getaddrinfo(3) to look it up. The arguments node, service, ai-family, ai-socktype, ai-flags and ai-protocol are passed to getaddrinfo(3) as corresponding parameters. For more detail, see reference of getaddrinfo(3).

Node is a network address, ex) "", "localhost", "".

Service is a network service, ex) "http", "ssh", "80", "22".

Ai-family is an address family specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-sockettype is a socket type specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-flags is an additional options specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Ai-protocol is a protocol specifier. Predefined specifiers are listed below.

Service must be string or #f. Other optional arguments must be exact integer. Returns a server socket waiting for connections. The argument details are the same as the make-client-socket.

Function socket? obj

Returns #t if obj is socket object, otherwise #f.

Socket must be a socket object. Returns a binary input/output port associated with socket.

If optional argument close? is #f then the port won't close socket when port is closing or being GCed.

[SRFI-106] Socket must be a socket object. Returns a binary input and output port associated with socket, respectively.

Socket must be a socket object. Proc must accept one argument.

The call-with-socket calls a procedure with socket as an argument.

This procedure is analogy with call-with-port.

Port must be associated with a socket.

Shutdowns associated port according to how.

Port must be associated with a socket.

The shutdown-output-port and shutdown-input-port shutdown output or input connection of a socket associated with port respectively.

Socket must be a socket object created by make-server-socket.

Wait for an incoming connection request and returns a fresh connected client socket.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's accept(2).

If the calling thread is interrupted by thread-interrupt!, then the procedure returns #f.

Socket must be a socket object.

Receives a binary data block from given socket. If zero length bytevector is returned, it means the peer connection is closed.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's recv(2).

Socket must be a socket object.

Sends a binary data block to given socket and returns the sent data size.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's send(2).

Socket must be a socket object. How must be one of the SHUT_RD, SHUT_WR or SHUT_RDWR.

The socket-shutdown shutdowns socket.


shutdowns input.


shutdowns output.


shutdowns input and output.

Socket must be a socket object. Closes socket.

Socket information

The socket information immutable class. This class has 3 slots

This slot has string value represents own or peer socket host.

This slot has ip-address object of own or peer socket.

Slot port

This slot has integer value of own or peer socket port number.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns socket info object or #f. The socket info object contains hostname, IP address and port number. These information is retrieved from getpeername(2).

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the name string of socket or #f if the socket doesn't have name.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the node string of socket. Returns #f for server socket.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns the service string of socket.

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns socket info object or #f. The socket info object contains hostname, IP address and port number. These information is retrieved from getsockname(2).

Socket must be a socket object.

Returns 3 values; hostname, IP address and port number. This procedures is for convenience to handle socket info object.

The keyword argument specifies which socket info it should retrieve. If the type is peer then it uses socket-peer. If it is info, then it uses socket-info

IP address operations

ip must be an IP address object returned from the second value of socket-info-values.

Converts given IP address object to human readable string.

ip must be an IP address object returned from the second value of socket-info-values.

Converts given IP address object to bytevector.

Low level APIs

The low level socket APIs are almost compatible with BSD socket.


Sends a binary data block to given sockaddr and returns the sent data size.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's sendto (2).

Receives a binary data block from given sockaddr. If zero length bytevector is returned, it means the peer connection is closed.

This procedures is a thin wrapper of POSIX's recvfrom (2).

Creates socket object. The procedure returns #f if it couldn't create a socket. SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option is set to the created socket.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of socket (2).

Initiate connection on the given socket with given addrinfo addrinfo.

If the second form is used, then argument timeout represents a connection timeout. The value must be a timeout value of socket-select.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of connect (2).

Binds a name to the given socket socket with given addrinfo addrinfo.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of bind (2).

Listen for connections on the given socket socket.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of listen (2).

Sets socket option on the given socket socket.

level must be an integer and should be one of the followings:



  • SOL_IP

name must be an integer and should be one of the followings:































  • IP_TOS

  • IP_TTL




  • IP_MTU







The value must be either bytevector or integer.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of setsockopt (2).

Gets socket option on the given socket socket.

The level and name are the same as socket-setsockopt!.

size must be an integer. If the value is positive number, then the returning value is a bytevector whose element count is size and contains the socket option converted to byte array. Otherwise it returns an integer value.

Converts given socket to nonblocking socket and blocking socket, respectively.

Sets read timeout of timeout to the given socket.

The timeout must be either an exact integer represents milliseconds, or a time object.

Monitor given fdset.

rfds, wfds and efds must be fdset object.

timeout must be #f, integer, time object or pair of integers. If this value is not #f, then the procedure waits only specified amount of time or something interesting happens. Otherwise infinite time or something interesting happens.

This procedure blocks the calling thread, and it can be interrupted by thread-interrupt!.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of select (2).

Waits until the given sockets sockets have something interesting. This is the convenient procedure for socket-select.

timeout is the same as socket-select.

socket-read-select can be used to detect if the given sockets have readable data.

socket-write-select can be used to detect if the given sockets are still active.

socket-error-select can be used to detect if the given sockets are readable data. This procedure might not be so interesting since it can be done by socket-read-select.


Returns #t if given obj is an addrinfo, otherwise #f.

Creates empty addrinfo object.

The object has the following slots:

  • family

  • socktype

  • flags

  • protocol

  • sockaddr

  • next

Creates an addrinfo with given flags. This can be used as hint for get-addrinfo.

Gets addrinfo of given hint addrinfo.

When the procedure fails, then &i/o is raised.

This procedure is a thin wrapper of getaddrinfo (3).

Retrieves next addrinfo of given addrinfo if availalbe, otherwise returns #f.

Retrieves sockaddr slot of given addrinfo.

The returning value can be used socket-recvfrom and socket-sendto.

Returns #t if given obj is an sockaddr object, otherwise #f.

FD sets

Function fdset? obj

Returns #t if given obj is a fdset object, otherwise #f.

Function make-fdset

Creates a empty fdset object.

Creates a fdset from given socket list sockets.

Returns #t if the given socket is set to fdset, otherwise #f.

Sets/unsets the given socket socket on fdset.

If the flags is #f, then the procedure unsets the socket.

If the flags is #t, then the procedure sets the socket.

Returns a list of socket which are set on fdset.

Socket conditions

Above APIs may raise either &socket or &host-not-found. The first condition is raised when socket related operation failed, for example socket-send. The latter condition is raised when get-addrinfo is failed.

NOTE: make-client-socket and make-server-socket may raise &host-not-found when the given node or service is not a valid value.

The condition hierarchy is the following:

 + &host-not-found (node service)
 + &socket (socket)
    + &socket-connection
    + &socket-closed
    + &socket-read-timeout
    + &socket-port (port)
Condition Type &host-not-found

This condition describes the combination of node and _service_does not exist.

Condition Type &socket

This condition describes general socket operation error.

Condition Type &socket-connection

This condition describes socket connection error.

Condition Type &socket-closed

This condition describes socket closed error.

Condition Type &socket-read-timeout

This condition describes socket read timeout error.

Condition Type &socket-port

This condition describes error of socket port operation. Particularly, when port-ready procedure is called on socket port and select (2) failed.

NOTE: Read or write failure of socket port raises &i/o-read or &i/o-write the same as other ports for compatibility.

NOTE2: This condition may be signalled when get-bytevector-all is called on socket port since it checks whether or not the given port is ready.

(sagittarius threads) - Thread

The library provides thread related procedures. The procedures provided this library is based on SRFI-18 Multithreading support and Sagittarius specific procedures.

Thread APIs

Function thread? obj

[SRFI-18] Returns #t if given obj is a thread, otherwise #f.

[SRFI-18] Returns the current thread.

[SRFI-18] Returns a new thread. The created thread is not executed. To run it, users must explicitly call the thread-start! procedure.

The optional argument name gives the thread a name. The name can be retrieved calling thread-name procedure. If the argument is not given, then the make-thread procedures creates an unique name.

[SRFI-18] Returns the name of thread.

Returns the current state of thread.

[SRFI-18] Returns the content of the thread's specific slot.

[SRFI-18] Stores obj into the thread's specific slot and returns unspecified value.

[SRFI-18] Executes the given thread and returns thread

[SRFI-18] The current thread exits the running state if its quantum had expired.

[SRFI-18] The current thread waits until the timeout is reached.

timeout must be either a time object or an exact integer. The first case, it represents absolute time of the future. The latter case represents second from current time.

[SRFI-18] Causes an abnormal termination of the thread. If the thread is not already terminated, all mutexes owned by the thread become unlocked/abandoned and a "terminated thread exception" object is stored in the thread's end-exception field. If _thread_is the current thread, thread-terminate! does not return. Otherwise thread-terminate! returns an unspecified value; the termination of the thread will occur before thread-terminate! returns.

[SRFI-18] The current thread waits until the thread terminates (normal or not) or until the timeout is reached if timeout is specified. If the timeout is reached, thread-join! returns timeout-val if it is supplied, otherwise a "join timeout exception" is raised. If the thread terminated normally, the content of the end-result field is returned, otherwise the content of the end-exception field is raised.

Suspends execution of the thread. Users can resume the _thread_by calling thread-resume!.

Resumes execution of the thread.

If the caller thread is not the one stopped the target thread, then the procedure raises an error.

Interrupts blocking system call.

This procedure causes EINTR and cancels blocking system call such as select (2). Currently the only relevant procedure for this is socket-select related procedures. See socket library - Low level APIs.

Currently the procedure uses SIGALRM on POSIX environment. This might be changed in future, so do not depend on the signal to interrupt the call from outside of Sagittarius process.

On Windows, the procedure uses combination of WSAEventSelect and WaitForMultipleObjects. So there is no way to interrupt from outside of Sagittarius process.

Mutex APIs

Function mutex? obj

[SRFI-18] Returns #t if given obj is a mutex, otherwise #f.

[SRFI-18] Returns a new mutex.

The optional argument name gives the mutex a name. If it's not specified, then the procedure makes an unique name.

[SRFI-18] Returns the name of given mutex.

[SRFI-18] Returns the content of specific slot of given mutex.

[SRFI-18] Stores the obj to given mutex's specific slot.

[SRFI-18] Returns the state of given mutex.

[SRFI-18] Locks the given mutex. If the mutex is currently locked, the current thread waits the mutex is unlocked or until the timeout is reached. If timeout is reached, the procedure returns #f.

[SRFI-18] Unlocks the given mutex. If condition variable _cv_is specified, the current thread is blocked and added to the cv before unlocking mutex, the thread can unblock at any time but no later than when an appropriate call to condition-variable-signal! or condition-variable-broadcast! is performed, and no later than the timeout, if it's given.

Condition variable APIs

[SRFI-18] Returns #t if given obj is a condition variable, otherwise #f.

[SRFI-18] Returns a new condition variable.

The optional argument name gives the condition variable a name. If it's not specified, then the procedure makes an unique name.

[SRFI-18] Returns the name of given cv.

[SRFI-18] Returns the content of specific slot of given cv.

[SRFI-18] Stores the obj to given cv's specific slot.

[SRFI-18] If there are thread blocked on cv, the scheduler selects a thread and unblocks it.

[SRFI-18] Unblocks all the threads blocked on the cv.

Semaphore APIs

Returns #t if given obj is a semaphore, otherwise #f.

Creates a new semaphore with initial count initial__name must be either #f or string which represents semaphore name. If the value is #f, then the returning semaphore is memory based semaphore.

initial must be non negative integer.

If there is already the semaphore has the same name, then this procedure returns that semaphore instead of creating new one.

Opens semaphore which has name.

If there is no such semaphore, then the procedure raises &i/o-file-does-not-exist.

Returns the name of given semaphore.

Locks the semaphore. If the current count of _semaphore_is 0, then the procedure waits.

The optional argument timeout is specified, which it must be #f, integer or time object, then the procedure only waits the given timeout amount. #f means inifinite.

Unlock the semaphore. This procedure increase the count of semaphore.

Closes the semaphore.

Removes the semaphore.

NOTE: the semaphore-close! and semaphore-destroy! behaves the same on Windows.

(sagittarius timezone) - Timezone

This library provides timezone related procedures. The timezone database is from IANA - Time Zone Database.

Returns #t if given obj is a timezone object, otherwise #f.

Retrieves timezone object related to name. The _name_must be a string and proper name of TZID such as Europe/Amsterdam. If the given name is not found, then GMT is returned as the fallback.

Returns give offset of timezone tz.

If optional argument when is specified, it must be a time object, then the offset is calculated the specified time. Otherwise current-time, is used.

This procedure considers daylight saving time (DST). Means, if the timezone has DST, then the return value is depending on the when. For example, Europe/Amsterdam has DST so if the when is in DST, then the returning offset is 7200, otherwise 3600.

Returns #t if when is in DST, otherwise #f.

Returns the short name of given timezone tz.

This procedure considers DST. Means if when is in DST, then short name is DST name, otherwise standard name. For example, timezone Europe/Amsterdam has 2 names, CET and CEST. If the given when is in DST, then CEST is returned, otherwise CETis returned.

Returns GMT offset of given timezone tz.

If optional argument when is given and must be a time object, then the returning offset is the historical offset. If it's not given, then the procedure reutnrs current timezone offset.

Above procedures also considers when the timezone is started. Means, given timezone has histories, such as when the daylight saving time is starting or ending, when that timezone started, etc. It may return different value according to the when. Following is the example of timezone history:

(let ((tz (timezone "Europe/Dublin"))
      (now (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 2015 0)))
      ;; 1:00	-	IST	1971 Oct 31  2:00u
      (no-rule-past (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 1971 0)))
      ;; 0:00	GB-Eire	GMT/IST	1968 Oct 27
      (rule-past (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 24 7 1968 0))))
  (timezone-short-name tz now)          ;; => "GMT/IST"
  (timezone-short-name tz no-rule-past) ;; => "IST"

  ;; no DST
  (timezone-offset tz no-rule-past)     ;; => 3600 

  (timezone-raw-offset tz)              ;; => 0
  (timezone-raw-offset tz no-rule-past) ;; => 3600
  (timezone-raw-offset tz rule-past)    ;; => 0

  (timezone-short-name tz rule-past)    ;; => "GMT/IST"

Returns TZID of given timezone tz.

Returns supported TZIDs.

Returns list of timezones whose offsets matched offset.

This procedure considers the time. For example, if the given offset is 3600 which is UTC+1 however if it's summer time, then the returning list doesn't contain some of timezones (e.g. Amsterdam).

The optional argument when specifies the time to consider. If it's not specified, then the returning value of current-time is used.

(zone-offset->timezones 3600) ;; => '(#<timezone Etc/GMT-1> ...)
;; offset +15:00 doesn't exist
(zone-offset->timezones (* 15 3600)) ;; => '()

Similar with zone-offset->timezones*, the difference is this procedure creates an anonymous timezone if there's no registered timezone matching with the given offset.

(zone-offset->timezones* 3600) ;; => '(#<timezone Etc/GMT-1> ...)
;; offset +15:00 doesn't exist
(zone-offset->timezones* (* 15 3600)) ;; => '(#<timezone +15:00>)

(sagittarius debug) - Debugging support

This library provides debugging support reader macro.

Reader Macro #?= expr

This reader macro reads the next expression as followings;

(debug-print _expr_)

debug-print is an internal macro of this library which prints the read expression and its result.

Following example shows how to enable this;

(let ((a (+ 1 2)))
  #?=(expt a 2))

#?=(expt a 2)
#?-    9

#!debug enables the debug print.

Expands given expr. The returning value may or may not be used as proper Scheme expression.

Expands given expr n times. The first form's n is 1.

This procedure expands only globally defined macro and the result of expansion is other macro such as next rule of syntax-rules. It doesn't consider locally bound macros.

The returning value may or may not be used as proper Scheme expression.

Above 2 procedures are no more than debug aid. Depending on the result of expansion is not guaranteed to work.

Remote debugger (experimental feature)

CAVEAT This functionality and interface is subjected to be changed in the future.

When you want to debug a running script, you can use a remote debugger provided this library. Below example shows how to use it.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius debug))

;; Using random port
(define remote-debugger (make-remote-debugger "0"))
(print "Debugger port: " (remote-debugger-port remote-debugger))

;; Do heavy process or multi threading program which hangs :)

To connect the remote debugger, you can use simpley use (sagittarius remote-repl) towards the debugger node and port.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius remote-repl))
(connect-remote-repl "localhost" "${port number shown on the console}")

Returns #t if the given obj is a remote debugger object.

Creates a remote debugger. The port must be an available port number, or "0" for random port.

Terminates the given remote-debugger.

Returns the port number of the given remote-debugger.

The bindings listed below are only available on the remote debugger's REPL.

Function all-threads

Get a list of threads created on Scheme world.

Get a list of sleeping threads created on Scheme world.

Ssleeping thread is a thread which can't suspend within the given timeout.

Function thread? obj

[SRFI-18] Returns if the given obj is a thread.

[SRFI-18] Returns the name of the given thread.

[SRFI-18] Returns the specific value of the given thread.

Returns a human readable string representation of the given thread's backtrace.

Returns the current procedure of the thread.

Returns the backtrace of the given thread.

Currently, a backtrace is a list, however it may change in the future, to access the value of backtrace, use the procedures listed below.

NOTE: A backtrace starts with 1, not zero base.

Returns the type of nth backtrace. The value is


For C procedure.


For Scheme procedure.

Returns the procedure of the nth backtrace.

Returns the source, list of file and line number` of the nth backtrace, if available.

Returns alist of the arguments of the nth backtrace's procedure.

For local variable, the key is local. For free variable, the key is free.

NOTE: local variable may contain more than the argument of the current procedure. This is bacause it also retrieves the available local variable of the current call frame.

Returns local part of the nth backtrace arguments.

Returns free part of the nth backtrace arguments.

Returns a human readable string representation of the given backtrace.

Returns the slot value of given obj.

Returns the available slots of the given obj.

Prints the given args and newline at the end. The first form uses display to print, the latter form uses write/ss.

[SRFI-13] Returns #t if the given s1 is the prefix of s2.

[SRFI-13] Returns #t if the given s1 is the suffix of s2.

(sagittarius generators) - Generators

This library provides procedures for generator.

A generator is simply a procedure with no arguments that works as a source of a series of values. Every time it is called, it yields a value. Generators may be finite or infinite; a finite generator returns an EOF object to indicate that it is exhausted. For example, read-char is a generator that generates characters from the current input port. Generators provide lightweight laziness.

Generator constructors

The following procedures creates a generator. Except null-generator, all procedures have prefix 'g'. Arguments named _generator_indicates a generator.

Returns a generator which always returns EOF object.

Returns a generator which repeats the given _obj_s.

Returns a generator which returns count number of numbers. The returning numbers start with start and increased by step.

(generator->list (giota 5))
(0 1 2 3 4)

(generator->list (giota 5 10))
(10 11 12 13 14)

(generator->list (giota 5 10 2))
(10 12 14 16 18)

If count is not given, then the generator is inifinte.

Returns a generator which returns numbers in range of start and end. The returning numbers are increased by step.

A generator constructor similar to unfold.

(generator->list (gunfold
                      (lambda (s) (> s 5))
                      (lambda (s) (* s 2))
                      (lambda (s) (+ s 1))
(0 2 4 6 8 10)

Generator constructors. The returning generator returns the items taken from given argument from the beginning of the given sequence to the end. Except reverse-vector->generator which return end to beginning.

Generator constructors. The returning generator returns the items read from the given port. The port->char-generator uses get-charto read the port. The port->byte-generator uses get-u8.

Generic constructor of generators. By default, the following methods are defined and dispatched above generator constrocturs.

<list>, <vector>, <string>, <bytevector> and <port>.

If the given argument is type of <vector>, then vector->generatoris used. If the given argument is type of <port>, then it checks if it's binary or textual and dispatches apropriate procedure.

Generator operations

Returns a generator which adds _object_s in front of generator.

Returns a generator which yields values from the first _generator_and when it's exhausted continues to next.

Returns a generator for mapping with state. It yields a sequence of sub-folds over proc.

The proc argument is a procedure which takes as many arguments as the input generators plus one. It is called as (_proc_ _v1_ _v2_ ... _seed_), where v1, v2,... are the values yielded from the input generators, and seed is the current seed value. It must return two values, the yielding value and the next seed.

Return generators which yield the items from the source generator, except those on which pred returns false or true respectively.

Return generators which take or drop k items from generator, respectively. Returning generators won't raise errors when it's exhausted before reaching k.

Optional argument padding for gtake is passed, then the value is filled until the procedure reaches k.

These procedures are analogues of SRFI-1 take and drop.

Return generators which take or drop until procedure pred returns false value respectively.

These procedures are analogues of SRFI-1 take-while and drop-while.

Returns a generator which returns items generator returns, except items which are the same as item in sense of =.

Returns a generator which returns items generator returns, except items which are the same as the proceeding item in sense of =.

Returns a generator which returns the items generated by value-generator of specified by the indice generated by index-generator. The indice must be non negative integer and increased strictly. Otherwise an error is raised.

(generator->list (gindex (list->generator '(a b c d e f))
                 (list->generator '(0 2 4))))
(a c e)

Returns a generator which returns the items generated by value-generator that correspond to the items generated by truth-generator. If truth-generator returns true value, then the current value of value-generator is returned. Otherwise not.

(generator->list (gselect (list->generator '(a b c d e f))
                          (list->generator '(#t #f #f #t #t #f))))
(a d e)

generator must be an generator generates generators.

Returns a generator which returns the items generated by the generators generated by given generator. It is similar to the following:

(apply gappend (generator->list generator))

The difference is that this procedure can handle infinite generator.

generator must be a generator which returns lists as its items.

Returns a generator which flatten the items generated by given generator.

(generator->list (gflatten (list->generator (list '(1 2 3 4)
                                                  '(a b c d)
                                                  '(A B C D)))))
(1 2 3 4 a b c d A B C D)

If the generator returns non list item, then it is ignored.

(generator->list (gflatten (list->generator (list 'ignored
                                                  '(a b c d)
                                                  '(A B C D)))))
(a b c d A B C D)

This behaviour is an error behaviour so it might be changed in future. So users should not depend on this.

compare must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments and returns boolean value. The procedure should compare the given 2 arguments and return true value if the first argument is smaller than the second argument.

Returns a generator which returns the ordered items determined by _compare_procedure. If the gmerge procedure is called only one argument, then it simply returns a generator (if generator1 isn't a generator then it is coerced).

(generator->list (gmerge < (list->generator '(1 4 5)) (list->generator '(0 2 3))))
(0 1 2 3 4 5)

Returns a generator which returns the items returned by proc.

The proc is called with the items returned by generator1 and generator2 if it's given.

The gmap procedure accepts uneven length of generators however one of the generator must be finite length, otherwise it won't be exhausted.

It is an analogy of map.

Returns a generator which returns the items returnd by proc.

This procedure is similar with gmap. The difference is that the returning item is filtered if the returning value of proc is #f.

It is an analogy of filter-map.

Returns a coroutine generator which return the item returned by proc.

The given argument proc must accept one argument, yield which is a procedure accepts variable arguments. The proc procedure can return values via yield procedure.

(define g
    (lambda (yield) 
      (let loop ((i 0))
        (when (< i 3) 
          (yield i) 
          (loop (+ i 1)))))))

(generator->list g)
(0 1 2)

glet* is a macro which is similar to let*. The difference is that glet* check if the bindings are EOF object or not and if it detects EOF object, then it returns EOF object immediately.

bindings must be one of the following forms:

  • (_var_ _gen-expr_)

  • ( _gen-expr_ )

If the first form is used, then the gen-expr is bound to var. Otherwise the glet* just check if the value is EOF or not.

(define g (list->generator '(1 2 3)))

  (glet* ((a (g))) a)
  (glet* ((a (g))) (define b 2) (+ a b))
  (glet* ((a (g)) (b (g))) (+ a b)))
(1 2 #\<eof>)

Convenient macro for only one binding of glet*. This is defined like the following:

(define-syntax glet1
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ var expr body body1 ...)
     (glet* ((var expr)) body body1 ...))))

Iterates generator of then given gen-expr.

Cryptographic libraries

Sagittarius provides a comprehensive set of cryptographic libraries. Currently the libraries support below:

Not like legacy (crypto) and (math) libraries, these libraries are split per components. Users need to combine some libraries to achieve their goals.


This section shows some basic examples how to use the crypto graphic libraries.

Block cipher

This example encrypts and decrypts a plain text with a radomly generated secret key. The encryption scheme is AES-256 and encryption mode is CTR.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
        (sagittarius crypto keys))

;; Randomly generates AES-256 secret key.
(define key (generate-symmetric-key *scheme:aes-256*))

;; Initial Vector (use randomly generated one in production code)
(define iv
 (make-bytevector (block-cipher-descriptor-block-length *scheme:aes-256*) 1))

;; AES-256 cipher with CTR mode, without padding 
(define aes-cipher 
 (make-block-cipher *scheme:aes-256* *mode:ctr* no-padding))

;; Cipher parameter.
;; NOTE, IV will be copied so modifying original IV doesn't affect the result
(define parameter
   (make-iv-parameter iv)
   (make-counter-mode-parameter *ctr-mode:big-endian*)))

(define (encrypt cipher key parameter plain-text)
  (block-cipher-init! cipher (cipher-direction encrypt) key parameter)
  (let ((cipher-text (block-cipher-encrypt-last-block cipher plain-text)))
    (block-cipher-done! cipher)

(define (decrypt cipher key parameter cipher-text)
  (block-cipher-init! cipher (cipher-direction decrypt) key parameter)
  (let ((plain-text (block-cipher-decrypt-last-block cipher cipher-text)))
    (block-cipher-done! cipher)

(define plain-text (string->utf8 "Hello Sagittarius Scheme!"))
(decrypt aes-cipher key parameter (encrypt aes-cipher key parameter plain-text))
;; -> A bytevector of UTF-8 representation of `plain-text`

This example shows how to use a string password as a key (Password-Based Encryption Scheme, a.k.a. PBES). PBES is just a block cipher using a derived key. To do so, you need to use KDF, Key Derivation Function.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
        (sagittarius crypto keys)
        (sagittarius crypto kdfs)    ;; for PBKDF2
        (sagittarius crypto digests) ;; for digests, e.g. SHA-256
        (sagittarius crypto mac))    ;; for MAC, NOTE: PRF = MAC

;; If everyone uses this kind of password, then it'd be almost impossibe
;; to crack :)
(define password "You can't guess this password! It's so strong!! :D")

;; PRF
(define prf (mac->prf-provider *mac:hmac* :digest *digest:sha-256*))

(define (derive-key scheme password)
  ;; I'm not sure if this is a bad practice or not, but for simplicity
  ;; we use hashed password as a salt
  (define md (make-message-digest *digest:sha-256*))
  (define bv (string->utf8 password))
  (define salt (digest-message md bv))
  ;; 310,000 iteration, required by FIPS-140
  (pbkdf-2 bv salt 310000
    (block-cipher-descriptor-suggested-key-length scheme)
	:prf prf))

(define key 
 (generate-symmetric-key *scheme:aes-256*
  (derive-key *scheme:aes-256* password)))

;; The rest can be the same as above CTR mode example.

Stream cipher

This example encrypts and decrypts a plain text with a randomly generated secret key. The encryption scheme is ChaCha20 Poly1305.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
        (sagittarius crypto keys))

;; Randomly generates AES-256 secret key.
(define key (generate-symmetric-key *scheme:aes-256*))

Asymmetric cipher

This example encrypts and decrypts a plain text with a randomly generated RSA key pair.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
        (sagittarius crypto keys)
        (sagittarius crypto digests))

;; Randomly genrates RSA key pair. Default 2048 bits
(define key-pair (generate-key-pair *key:rsa*))

;; Making RSA cipher with OAEP encoding (default) with SHA-256
(define rsa-cipher
 (make-asymmetric-cipher *scheme:rsa* :digest *digest:sha-256*))

;; Encryption can only be done by a public key
(define (encrypt cipher key plain-text)
  (asymmetric-cipher-init! cipher key)
  (let ((cipher-text (asymmetric-cipher-encrypt-bytevector cipher plain-text)))
    (asymmetric-cipher-done! cipher)

;; Decryption can only be done by a private key
(define (decrypt cipher key cipher-text)
  (asymmetric-cipher-init! cipher key)
  (let ((plain-text (asymmetric-cipher-decrypt-bytevector cipher cipher-text)))
    (asymmetric-cipher-done! cipher)

(define message (string->utf8 "Hello Sagittarius Scheme"))
(decrypt rsa-cipher (key-pair-private key-pair)
  (encrypt rsa-cipher (key-pair-public key-pair) message))
;; -> A bytevector of UTF-8 representation of `plain-text`

Cryptographic hash function

In the libraries, hash is called digest. So, from now on we use digest instead of hash.

Below example shows how to generate a digest of SHA-256.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto digests))

(define md (make-message-digest *digest:sha-256*))

(digest-message md (string->utf8 "Hello Sagittarius Scheme"))
;; -> #vu8(65 109 154 253 119 192 195 187 255 90 75 208 135 51 25 43 106 121 236 172 96 233 38 189 154 240 32 8 116 58 169 237)

Also below example shows how to generate a digest of SHAKE-256, which generates a variable length digest.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto digests))

(define md (make-message-digest *digest:shake-256*))

;; Generates 32 bytes digests
(digest-message md (string->utf8 "Hello Sagittarius Scheme") 32)
;; -> #vu8(127 141 98 85 40 216 103 129 10 71 136 179 158 103 163 218 109 65 244 77 119 4 109 54 135 126 225 162 188 58 16 64)

Cryptographically secure pseudo random number generators (CSPRNG)

Below example shows how to generate a random integer.

(import (rnrs)
        (sagittarius crypto random))

;; Pseudo random generator, it returns the same value each execution
(define prng (pseudo-random-generator *prng:chacha20*))
;; Secure random generator, it returns random value each execution
;; (define prng (secure-random-generator *prng:chacha20*))

;; range of 0 <= r < 100
(random-generator-random-integer prng 100)
;; -> each time the same result as it's pseudo random, not secure random

Key library - (sagittarius crypto keys)

The key library provides key operations for both symmetric and asymmetric keys.

The key library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

Key type

Sagittarius crypto library uses hierachial key structure. The hierarchy of the key type is below.

                 | <crypto-key> |
         |                            |
+--------+--------+          +--------+---------+
| <symmetric-key> |          | <asymmetric-key> |
+-----------------+          +--------+---------+
                             |                 |
                     +-------+------+  +-------+------+
                     | <public-key> |  | <private-key |
                     +--------------+  +--------------+

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of <crypto-key>, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of <symmetric-key>, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of <asymmetric-key>, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of <public-key>, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of <private-key>, otherwise #f.

Symmetric key operations

Creates a symmetric key of the value of bv.
The key can be used for any of the symmetric ciphers supported by Sagittarius, however it is users' responsibility to align the key size. If you want to make sure the bv has the right key size, consier using generate-symmetric-key method.

Retrieves the raw key value of the given key.

Generates a symmetric key suitable for the given block cipher scheme, randomly.

Creates a symmetric from the bytevector, this method checks the key size if it's appropriate for the given cipher or not.

Creates a key wrap procedure using given scheme and key. The optional keyword parameter iv is used as an initial vector if provided.

Creates an AES key wrap procedure.

Creates an Camellia key wrap procedure.

Creates a key unwrap procedure using given scheme and key. The optional keyword parameter iv is used as an initial vector if provided.

Creates an AES key unwrap procedure.

Creates an Camellia key unwrap procedure.

Asymmetric key operations

Returns #t if the given obj is a key pair, otherwise #f.

Returns the private key of the given kp.

Returns the public key of the given kp.

Generates a key pair of the given scheme. Followings are the supported schemes:

Key scheme *key:rsa
Key scheme *key:dsa
Key scheme *key:ecdsa
Key scheme *key:ed25519
Key scheme *key:ed448
Key scheme *key:x25519
Key scheme *key:x448

Those are RSA, DSA, ECDSA, Ed5519, Ed448, X25519 and X448 respectively.
For convenience *scheme:rsa has the same effect as *key:rsa.

A macro returns a symbol representation of format. The format must be either raw or subject-public-key-info.

raw: Imports/exports raw public key. subject-public-key-info: Imports/exports subject public key info.

Enum set of the public-key-format.

Returns #t if the given obj is a member of public-key-format enum.

Imports a public from the given <bytevector> or <port> which must be a valid subject public key info.
The returning public key type is detected via the OID inside of the subject public key info.

Imports RSA key from given <bytevector> or <port>. The optional format specifies the format of the given key. Default value is raw.

Exports RSA key from the given <rsa-public-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

Imports DSA key from given <bytevector> or <port>. The optional format specifies the format of the given key. Default value is subject-public-key-info.

If raw is specified, then optional argument parameter must be specified and it must be <dsa-key-parameter>

Exports DSA key from the given <dsa-public-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is subject-public-key-info.

Imports ECDSA key from given <bytevector> or <port>. The optional format specifies the format of the given key. Default value is subject-public-key-info.
If raw format is specified, then optional parameter ec-parameter must be specified. Below are the supported EC parameters.

After ec-parameter: represents the parameter name.

Exports ECDSA key from the given <ecdsa-public-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is subject-public-key-info.

Imports Ed25519 or Ed448 public key from the given <bytevector> or <port>. The optional format controls the key format, default is raw.

Exports Ed25519 or Ed448 key from the given <eddsa-public-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

If the first form is used, then the method automatically detects the key type.

Imports X25519 or X448 public key from the given <bytevector> or <port>. The optional format controls the key format, default is raw.

Exports X25519 or X448 key from the given <rfc7748-public-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

If the first form is used, then the method automatically detects the key type.

A macro returns a symbol representation of format. The format must be either raw or private-key-info.

raw: Imports/exports raw public key. private-key-info: Imports/exports private key info or one asymmetric key.

Enum set of the private-key-format.

Returns #t if the given obj is a member of private-key-format enum.

Imports a private key from the <bytevector> or <port> which must be a valid private key info or one asymmetric key.
The returning private key type is detected by the OID inside of the private key info.

Imports a RSA private key from the <bytevector> or <port>. The format of the input must be a raw RSAPrivateKey.

Exporting RSA private key is only supported with CRT key.
Exports the given <rsa-crt-private-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

Imports a DSA private key from the <bytevector> or <port>. The format of the input must be a raw DSAPrivateKey.

Exports the given <dsa-private-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

Imports a ECDSA private key from the <bytevector> or <port>. The format of the input must be a raw ECPrivateKey.
If the given raw key doesn't contain EC parameter, then the optional ec-parameter must be provided.

Exports the given <ecdsa-private-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.

Imports a Ed25519 or Ed448 private key from the <bytevector> or <port>.

Exports the given <eddsa-private-key>. The optional format controls the format of the exporting key. Default value is raw.
If the first form is used, then the exporting key type is detected from the given key.

Calculate a secret key from the given private key and public key.

Function key->oid

Cipher library - (sagittarius crypto ciphers)

The cipher library provides both symmetric and asymmetric cipher operations.

The cipher library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

Ciphers parameters

Cipher parameters are parameters to pass to the cipher, such as Initial Vector (IV).

All the parameter value retriever accept optional argument. If it's provided and the parameter is not or does not contain the target parameter, then the default value is returned, otherwise &assertion is signalled.

NOTE: The cipher parameters are only used on symmetric ciphers. Asymmetric ciphers use keywords.

Returns #t if the given obj is a cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

A cipher parameter can be a simple parameter or composite parameter like the condition system.

Creates a composite cipher parameter whose contents are given parameters.

Returns #t if the given obj is a round cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used all the modes.

Creates a round cipher parameter with the given round.

Retrieves the round field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a iv cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, LRW F8 and GCM, and all of the modes require it.

Creates a IV cipher parameter with the given iv. The iv is copied during the creation so modifying the original value does not affect the parameter.

Retrieves the iv field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a counter mode cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by CTR mode and if it's not provided, then *ctr-mode:big-endian* is used.

Creates a counter mode parameter with the given mode. The mode must be one of the following:

These modes are little-endian, big-endian, and IPSec ESP described RFC 3686, respectively.

Retrieves the counter-mode field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a tweak cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by LRW mode, and it's a required parameter.

Creates a tweak cipher parameter with the given tweak. The tweak is copied during the creation so modifying the original value does not affect the parameter.

Retrieves the tweak field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a salt cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by F8 mode, and it's a required parameter.

Creates a salt cipher parameter with the given salt. The salt is copied during the creation so modifying the original value does not affect the parameter.

Retrieves the salt field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a nonce cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by EAX, OCB and OCB3. EAX doesn't require it, others require it.

Creates a nonce cipher parameter with the given nonce. The nonce is copied during the creation so modifying the original value does not affect the parameter.

Retrieves the nonce field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a aad cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by EAX and GCM. It's an optional parameter.

Creates a aad cipher parameter with the given aad. The aad is copied during the creation so modifying the original value does not affect the parameter.

Retrieves the aad field of the given parameter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a tag length cipher parameter, otherwise #f.

This parameter is used by OCB3 and it's a required parameter.

Creates a tag length cipher parameter with the given tag-length.

Retrieves the tag-length field of the given parameter.


Returns #t if the given obj is a cipher descriptor, otherwise #f.

A cipher descriptor is an object which holds encryption scheme information, such as algorithm, key length, etc.
This object itself doesn't provide any cipher operations, to execute them, users need to create a cipher object.

Returns the name of the given descriptor.

Function cipher? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is a cipher object, otherwise #f.

A cipher object is an actual working object to operate cipher operation.
A cipher may holds operation state, and it is users' responsibility to make sure not to mix up the state.

A macro returns a symbol representation of direction. The direction must be either encrypt or decrypt.

Symmetric ciphers

Symmetric cipher can be either block cipher or stream cipher.

Returns #t if the given obj is a symmetric cipher descriptor, otherwise #f.

Returns minimum key length of the given descriptor's algorithm.

Returns maximum key length of the given descriptor's algorithm.

Returns #t if the given obj is a symmetric cipher object, otherwise #f.

[§5] Block ciphers

Returns #t if the given obj is a block cipher descriptor, otherwise #f.

Currently, below encryption algorithms are supported:

Block cipher descriptor *scheme:aes*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:aes-128*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:aes-192*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:aes-256*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:blowfish*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:camellia*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:cast-128*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:cast5*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:des*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:des3*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:desede*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:kasumi*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:khazad*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:noekeon*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:rc2*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:rc5*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:rc6*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:safer+*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:safer-k128*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:safer-k64*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:safer-sk128*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:safer-sk64*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:seed*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:skipjack*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:twofish*
Block cipher descriptor *scheme:x-tea*

Some of the algorithms are considered as broken cipher, such as DES.
It is users' responsibility to use those ciphers.

NOTE: NIST recommends to use AES.

Returns block size of the given descriptor's algorithm.

Returns suggested key length of the given descriptor's algorithm.

Most of the time, this returns the result of the symmetric-cipher-descriptor-max-key-length procedure.

If the optional argument size is provided, then it check the size is valid length of the key length.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mode descriptor, otherwise #f.

Currently, below encryption modes are supported.

Mode descriptor *mode:ecb*
Mode descriptor *mode:cbc*
Mode descriptor *mode:cfb*
Mode descriptor *mode:ofb*
Mode descriptor *mode:ctr*
Mode descriptor *mode:lrw*
Mode descriptor *mode:f8*

Mode descriptors for ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, LRW and F8 respectively.

Mode descriptor *mode:eax*
Mode descriptor *mode:ocb*
Mode descriptor *mode:ocb3*
Mode descriptor *mode:gcm*

Mode descriptor for EAX, OCB, OCB3 and GCM respectively. These are authenticated encryption with assiciated data (AEAD) modes.

Returns the name of the given descriptor.

Returns #t if the given obj is a block cipher object, otherwise #f.

Creates a block cipher object of scheme encryption scheme and mode encryption mode.
padding is used to encrypt or decrypt the last block of the plain text.

Returns the block length of the given cipher.

Initialise the given cipher for the given direction purpose with the given key and parameter.
The direction must be a symbol returned by the cipher-direction macro.

Initialise the give cipher. This procedure is an analogy to the block-cipher-init!, the difference is this procedure returns a copy of the given cipher.

Encrypts the given plain text pt from the position of ps, and store the cipher text into ct from the position of cs. Then returns the byte size of the encrypted plain text.
The encryption is executed by the given cipher.

Encrypts the given plain text pt from the position of ps, and returns the cipher text.
The encryption is executed by the given cipher.

NOTE: the given pt length and result cipher text length may differ if the pt length is not multiple of the cipher block size.

Encrypts the given plain text pt from the position of ps, and store the cipher text into ct from the position of cs. Then returns the byte size of the encrypted plain text.
The encryption is executed by the given cipher.

This procedure consumes all the plain text, and applies padding if needed.

Encrypts the given plain text pt from the position of ps, and returns the cipher text.
The encryption is executed by the given cipher.

This procedure consumes all the plain text, and applies padding if needed.

Decrypts the given cipher text ct from the position of cs, store the plain text info pt from the position of cs. Then returns the byte size of the decrypted cipher text. The decryption is executed by the given cipher.

Decrypts the given cipher text ct from the position of cs, and returns the plain text.
The decryption is executed by the given cipher.

NOTE: the given ct length and result plain text length may differ if the ct length is not multiple of the cipher block size.

Decrypts the given cipher text ct from the position of cs, store the plain text info pt from the position of cs. Then returns the byte size of the decrypted cipher text.

This procedure applies unpadding if the cipher is created with padding.

Decrypts the given cipher text ct from the position of cs, and returns the plain text.
The decryption is executed by the given cipher.

This procedure applies unpadding if the cipher is created with padding.

Cleanup the given cipher and make it neutral state.

Updating Additional Authentication Data aad of the given cipher.
Optional arguments restricts the range of the aad.

This procedure is effective on authenticated encryption modes.

Updating Initial Vector iv of the given cipher.
Optional arguments restricts the range of the iv.

This procedure is effective only GCM mode.

Returns the max tag length of the given cipher. If the cipher doesn't support authentication tag, then it returns 0.

If the cipher is encryption mode, then the procedure stores the authentication tag into the give tag of the position starting start.

If the cipher is decryption mode, then the procedure validates the given tag against the cipher's authentication tag starting from the position of start.

This procedure is only for encryption mode.
Stores the cipher's authentication tag into the given tag, starting position of start.

[§5] Stream ciphers

Returns #t if the given obj is a stream cipher descriptor, otherwise #f.

Currently, below encryption algorithms are supported:

Stream cipher descriptor *scheme:chacha20*
Stream cipher descriptor *scheme:chacha20-poly1305*

Returns #t if given the descriptor is a AEAD stream cipher, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a stream cipher object, otherwise #f.

Creates a stream cipher object of scheme encryption scheme.

Asymmetric ciphers

Returns #t if the given obj is an asymmetric cipher descriptor, otherwise #f.

Currently, below asymmetric encryption algorithms are supported:

Asymmetric cipher descriptor *scheme:rsa*

Returns #t if the given obj is an asymmetric cipher, otherwise #f.

Creates an asymmetric cipher of scheme.
The encoding specifies its encoding algorithm, default is oaep-encoding.

Initialise the given cipher with the given key.

Initialise the given cipher with the given key. This procedure is an analogy to the asymmetric-cipher-init!, the differ is this procedure returns a copy of the given cipher.

Encrypts the given bytevector bv with the given cipher from the position of start and returns a bytevector.

Decrypts the given bytevector bv with the given cipher from the position of start and returns a bytevector.

Cleanup the given cipher.

Provides OAEP encoding scheme. This can be used for :encoding keyword's argument of the make-asymmetric-cipher procedure.

This encoding scheme accepts the following keyword arguments:


A digest descriptor to be generate a digest for label provided by :label keyword. Default value is *digest:sha-1*


A label. Default value is #vu8().


MGF function. Default value is mgf-1.


A digest descriptor to be used by the :mgf's argument. Default value is *digest:sha-1*.


A pseudo random generator to generate padding. Default value is (secure-random-generator *prng:chacha20*).

Provides PKCS#1.5 encoding scheme. This can be used for :encoding keyword's arguments of the make-asymmetric-cipher procedure.

This encoding scheme accepts the following keyword arguments:


A pseudo random generator to generate padding. Default value is (secure-random-generator *prng:chacha20*).

Function mgf-1

MGF-1 procedure. This can be used to :mgf keyword's argument of the oaep-encoding.

Digest library - (sagittarius crypto digests)

The digest library provides cryptographic hash functions.

The digest library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

Digest descriptor

A digest descriptor describes the characteristic of the digest, such as name, digest size (if applicable), block size and OID (if exists).

Returns #t if the given obj is a digest descriptor, otherwise #f.

Returns the human readable name of the descriptor.

Returns the digest size of the descriptor. Some of the digests, e.g. SHAKE, don't have fixed digest size.

Returns the block size of the descriptor.

Returns the OID of the descriptor. If the digest doesn't have OID, then it returns #f.

Blow are the digest descriptors supported by this library:

Digest descriptor *digest:whirlpool*
Digest descriptor *digest:ripemd-128*
Digest descriptor *digest:ripemd-160*
Digest descriptor *digest:ripemd-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:ripemd-320*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-1*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-224*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-384*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-512*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-512/224*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha-512/256*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha3-224*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha3-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha3-384*
Digest descriptor *digest:sha3-512*
Digest descriptor *digest:keccak-224*
Digest descriptor *digest:keccak-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:keccak-384*
Digest descriptor *digest:keccak-512*
Digest descriptor *digest:tiger-192*
Digest descriptor *digest:md5*
Digest descriptor *digest:md4*
Digest descriptor *digest:md2*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2s-128*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2s-160*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2s-224*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2s-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2b-160*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2b-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2b-384*
Digest descriptor *digest:blake2b-512*
Digest descriptor *digest:shake-128*
Digest descriptor *digest:shake-256*
Digest descriptor *digest:cshake-128*
Digest descriptor *digest:cshake-256*

We supports weak / broken digest algorithms, such as MD5. It is users' responsibility to choose appropriate algorithm.

Message Digest

Message Digest is a stateful object which ingests input and provides digests.

Returns #t if the given obj is a message digest, otherwise #f.

Creates a message digest of the algorithm descriptor.

Returns the digest descriptor of given md.

Returns the digest size of given md.

Returns the digest of the given msg.
The optional argument length is only required for the variable length digest algorithms, such as SHAKE. Otherwise, the value will be ignored.

Digests the given msg, then fill the result into the out.
Optional argument start and length specify the start position of the out and the length of the filling.

Below procedures are low level APIs which can be used not to allocate entire input buffer, say using get-bytevector-n! instead of get-bytevector-all.

Initialises the given md. This procedure rests the previous input as well.

Ingests the given msg into md.
Optional argument start and length controls the range of the msg.

Fill the result digest of md into the out.
Optional argument start and length controls the range of the out.

Returns a freshly allocated bytevector whose content is the result of md, digest.
Optional argument length is only used for the variable length digest algorithm, such as SHAKE. Otherwise it will be ignored.

Random library - (sagittarius crypto random)

The random library provides cryptographically secure random number generator (CSPRNG) operations.

The random library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

PRNG descriptor

PRNG descriptor is a representation of pseudo random generator (PRNG).

Returns #t if the given obj is a PRNG descriptor, otherwise #f.

Returns a human readable name of the given descriptor.

Below are the supported PRNGs.

PRNG descriptor *prng:yarrow*
PRNG descriptor *prng:fortuna*
PRNG descriptor *prng:rc4*
PRNG descriptor *prng:sober-128*
PRNG descriptor *prng:chacha20*

These are the PRNG algorithms, Yarrow, Fortuna RC4, Sober-128 and ChaCha20, respectively.

PRNG descriptor *prng:system*

This is a system, platform dependent, PRNG. For example, this PRNG reads from file descriptor of /dev/urandom on Linux or other POSIX environment if the device exists.

Ths PRNG is slow as it requires I/O. Also can't be pseudo random generator described below.

Random generator

Random generator has a hierachical class structure. If you only use the provided PRNGs, you don't have to care about it. However, if you want to make a custom algorithm which is not supported by the library, then you may need to know how to enhance it. Creating a custom random generator is described the below section.

           |                           |                        |
<builtin-random-generator> <secure-random-generator> <custom-random-generator>
           |                           |

Returns #t if the given obj is a random generator, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a builtin random generator, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a secure random generator, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a custom random generator, otherwise #f.

Returns a bytevector of length size filled with random data read from the given random-generator.

Reads random data from random-generator, and fill them into out.
If optional arguments starts and length are specified, then it specifies the range of the output bytevector.

Add entropy seed to the given random-generator.
If optional arguments starts and length are specified, then it specifies the range of the seed bytevector.

Returns a random integer of range 0 <= n <= bound.

Creates a pseudo or secure random generator, respectively.
If the given descriptor is PRNG descrptor, then these procedure creates builtin random generator ignoreing the given opts.
If the given descriptor is not PRNG descrptor, then these procedure call make-custom-random-generator method passing descriptor and opts.

If secure-random-generator is used, then make-custom-random-generator receives :secure-random keyword argument with value of #t, so that the receiver can handle it properly.

Gets the state of given <random-generator> if it's supported.
By default this method returns #f, means not supported.

Sets the given state represented by <any> to <random-generator> if it's supported.
By default this method does nothing and returns #f, means not supported.

Custom random generator

Signature library - (sagittarius crypto signatures)

The signature library provides signature generation / verification operations.

The signature library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.


Below are the algorithms supported by the library.

Signature algorithm *signature:rsa*
Signature algorithm *signature:dsa*
Signature algorithm *signature:ecdsa*
Signature algorithm *signature:eddsa*
Signature algorithm *signature:ed25519*
Signature algorithm *signature:ed25519ctx*
Signature algorithm *signature:ed25519ph*
Signature algorithm *signature:ed448*
Signature algorithm *signature:ed448ph*

These algorithms can be used both signer and verifier.


Function signer? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is a signer, otherwise #f.

Creates a signer of the scheme. The scheme must be one of the signature algorithms listed above. The key must be an appropriate private key for the specified scheme.

opts must be a keyword arguments, the procedure ignores unsupported keywords. The supporting keyword arguments and its scheme are below


For all signature algorithms. Specifying digest algorithm. Most of the algorithm uses *digest:sha-256* as its default digest algorithm.


For *signature:rsa*. Specifying signature encoding, default value is pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode.


For *signature:dsa* and *signature:ecdsa*. Specifying k generator. It uses random generator as default value.


For *signature:dsa* and *signature:ecdsa*. Specifying if the result signature is DER encoded or not. Default value is #t.


For *signature:eddsa*. Specifying EdDSA scheme.


For *signature:eddsa* *signature:ed25519ctx*, *signature:ed25519ph*, *signature:ed448*, and *signature:ed448ph*. Specifying context, default value is #vu8().

For the scheme specific procedures such as k-generator, see the below sections.

Signs the given message with signer and returns the signature.

Initialises the given signer

Feeds the given message to the signer. The optional arguments specifies the range of the message to feed.

Signs the accumulated message of signer and returns a bytevector.


Returns #t if the given obj is a verifier, otherwise #f.

Creates a verifier of the scheme. The scheme must be one of the signature algorithms listed above. The key must be an appropriate public key for the specified scheme.

opts must be a keyword arguments, the procedure ignores unsupported keywords. The supporting keyword arguments and its scheme are below


For all signature algorithms. Specifying digest algorithm. Most of the algorithm uses *digest:sha-256* as its default digest algorithm.


For *signature:rsa*. Specifying signature encoding, default value is pkcs1-emsa-pss-verify.


For *signature:dsa* and *signature:ecdsa*. Specifying if the result signature is DER encoded or not. Default value is #t.


For *signature:eddsa*. Specifying EdDSA scheme.


For *signature:eddsa* *signature:ed25519ctx*, *signature:ed25519ph*, *signature:ed448*, and *signature:ed448ph*. Specifying context, default value is #vu8().

Verifies if the given signature is valid signature of the given message with verifier.

It returns #t if the given signature is a valid signature.
If the signature verification is failed, then returns #f.
If the signature format is not valid, then raise an error.

Initialises the given verifier.

Feeds the given message to the verifier. The optional arguments specifies the range of the message to feed.

Verifies the given signature against the accumulated messgage.

It returns #t if the given signature is a valid signature.
If the signature verification is failed, then returns #f.
If the signature format is not valid, then raise an error.

RSA signature specific

These procedures are RSA signature specific, i.e. :encoder and :verifier keyword arguments, the keyword arguments specified in these procedures are passed via either make-signer or make-verifier.

PKCS#1 EMSA PSS encode. The keyword arguments specifies its salt, MGF and digest algorithm of the MGF.

PKCS#1 EMSA PSS verify. The keyword arguments specifies its salt, MGF and digest algorithm of the MGF.

PKCS#1 EMSA PKCS1-v1_5 encode.

PKCS#1 EMSA PKCS1-v1_5 verify.

Function mgf-1

MGF1 function, the same as the one exported from (sagittarius crypto ciphers).

DSA and ECDSA signature specific

Creates a random k-generator.

Creates a RFC 6979 determistic k-generator.

Supporting algorithms' OIDs

The below bindings are string representaion of OIDs which can be used to create X.509 algorithm identifier, i.e. make-x509-algorithm-identifier, described in X.509 library.

The name must be descriptive enough to see which algorithm of OID it represents.

MAC library - (sagittarius crypto mac)

The Message Authentication Code, MAC, library provides MAC generation / verification operations.

The MAC library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.


Below are the MAC algorithms supported by the library.

MAC algorithm *mac:hmac*
MAC algorithm *mac:cmac*
MAC algorithm *mac:gmac*
MAC algorithm *mac:kmac*
MAC algorithm *mac:kmac-128*
MAC algorithm *mac:kmac-256*
Function mac? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is MAC object, otherwise #f.

Creates a MAC object of algorithm type.
key must be an appropriate shared secret per type. At this moment, all the algorithms require bytevector.

Returns the type of given mac.

Returns MAC size of the given mac, if the MAC size is fixed, otherwise #f.
Only KMAC is variable length.

Returns OID of the mac, if it has, otherwise #f.

Generates MAC of given message by mac.
Optional argument length specifies the length of returning bytevector.

NOTE: length doesn't guarantee the bytevector is filled with MAC. If the MAC size is shorter than length, then excess values are filled with 0.

Generates MAC of given message by mac and fills it in the out from position start to length count.

Verifies if the given auth-mac is MAC of message by mac and returns #t if the MAC is verified, otherwise signals an error.

Initialises the given mac. If this procedure is called during the message processing, then the previous state will be reset.

Processes the given message with mac.
Optional arguments specifies the range of message to be processed.

Generates MAC by mac and fills it into the out from position _start to length count.

X.509 library - (sagittarius crypto x509)

The X.509 library provides X.509 certificate, CRL, CSR and some other related operations.

The X.509 library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

X.509 certificate

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 certificate, otherwise #f.

Converts the given bytevector bv to X.509 certificate. The bytevector must be a valid X.509 certificate structure otherwise an error is signalled.

Reads X.509 certificate from the given binary input port bin. The data must be a valid X.509 certificate structure otherwise an error is signalled.

Converts the given X.509 certificate certificate to a bytevector.

Writes the given X.509 certificate into out if specified, otherwise (current-output-port).

Checks if the given X.509 certificate is expired on the given when if specified, otherwise (current-date).

Retrieves IssuerDn of the given certificate as X.509 name.

Retrieves SubjectDn of the given certificate as X.509 name.

Retrieves public key of the given certificate.

Retrieves validity of the given certificate as X.509 validity.

Retrieves serial number of the given certificate.

Retrieves version of the given certificate.
The returning value indicates the version number, for example, v1 certificate then the procedure returns 1.

Retrieves signature of the given certificate.

Retrieves signature algorithm of the given certificate as X.509 algorithm identifier.

Retrieves extensions of the given certificate as a list of X.509 extension.

Validates the given certificate against the given validator.
validator must be a procedure accepts one argument, certificate.

Creates a signature validator.

Creates a validity validator.
Optional argument when specifies in which period of time the certificate validity. Default value is (current-date).

Returns t if the given certificate is signed by the ca-certificate, otherwise #t.

Checks if the given certificate is revoked on the given crl.
If the optional argument date is provided, then the procedure checks on the given date. Default value is (current-date).

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 certificate template, otherwise #f.

Builds an X.509 certificate template. field and its value must be one or more of the followings:


X.509 name, represents IssuerDn. Required.


X.509 name, represents SubjectDn. Required.


Integer, represents serial number. Required.


Date, represents not before. Required.


Date, represents not after. Required.


Public key of the certificate. Required.


Bytevector, represents issuer unique Id. Optional.


Bytevector, represents subject unique Id. Optional.


List of X.509 extensions. Optional.

Signs the given template with aid algorithm and private-key, then returns X.509 certificate.

X.509 CSR

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 certificate, otherwise #f.

Converts the given bytevector bv to X.509 CSR. The bytevector must be a valid X.509 CSR otherwise an error is signalled.

Reads X.509 CSR from the given binary input port bin. The data must be a valid X.509 CSR structure otherwise an error is signalled.

Converts the given X.509 CSR csr to a bytevector.

Writes the given X.509 CSR into out if specified, otherwise (current-output-port).

Retrieves version of the given csr.
The returning value indicates the version number, for example, v1 certificate then the procedure returns 1.

Retrieves SubjectDn of the given csr as X.509 name.

Retrieves public key of the given csr.

Retrieves list of attributes of the given csr as list of X.509 attributes.

Retrieves signature of the given csr.

Retrieves signature algorithm of the given csr as X.509 algorithm identifier.

Validates the given csr against the given validator.
validator must be a procedure accepts one argument, csr.

X.509 CSR signature validator. It validates the signature of the target X.509 CSR.

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 CSR template, otherwise #f.

Builds an X.509 CSR template. field and its value must be one or more of the followings:


X.509 name, represents SubjectDn. Required.


List of X.509 attributes. Optional.

Signs the given template with aid algorithm and the private key of the signing-key-pair, then returns X.509 CSR.
The returning X.509 CSR contains the public key of the signing-key-pair.

X.509 CRL

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 CRL, otherwise #f.

Converts the given bytevector bv to X.509 CRL. The bytevector must be a valid X.509 CRL structure otherwise an error is signalled.

Reads X.509 CRL from the given binary input port bin. The data must be a valid X.509 CRL structure otherwise an error is signalled.

Converts the given X.509 CRL crl to a bytevector.

Writes the given X.509 CRL into out if specified, otherwise (current-output-port).

Retrieves IssuerDn of the given crl as X.509 name.

Retrieves this update of the given crl as date.

Retrieves next update of the given crl as date.

Retrieves X.509 revoked certificate of the given crl as list.

Retrieves X.509 extensions of the given crl as X.509 extension list.

Retrieves signature algorithm the given crl as X.509 algorithm identifier.

Retrieves signature of the given crl.

Validates the given crl with the given validator, if the validation failed, then the procedure signals an error.

Creates a X.509 CRL validator which verifies the signature with the given public-key.

Creates a X.509 CRL validator which checks if the issuer DN is issuer or not.

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 revoked certificate, otherwise #f.

Creates a X.509 revoked certificate.

Retrieves serial number of the given rc.

Retrieves revocation date of the given rc as date.

Retrieves CRL entry extensions of the given rc as X.509 extension list.

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 CRL template, otherwise #f.

Builds an X.509 CRL template. field and its value must be one or more of the followings:


X.509 name, represents IssuerDn. Required.


Date, represents this update. Required.


Date, represents next update. Optional.


A list of X.509 revoked certificate, represents revoked certificates. Required.


A list of X.509 extensions, represents CRL extensions. Optional.

Signs the given template with aid algorithm and private-key, then returns X.509 CRL.

Distinguished name (DN)

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 name, otherwise #f.

Creates X.509 name from the given components.

A component must be a list of either:

  • Symbol representation of well-known name, such as CN, and string value

  • Or string representation of OID and string value.

Below are the supported symbols:


Common name


Locality name


State or province name


Origanisation name


Origanisation unit name


Street address


Domain component


User ID






Given name




DN qualifier


Serial number




Email address

Converts given name to string representation.

X.509 validity

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 validity, otherwise #f.

Creates a X.509 validity of the range of not-after and not-after.

Retrieves not before of validity as date.

Retrieves not after of validity as date.

X.509 algorithm identifier

returns #t if the given obj is x.509 algorithm identifier, otherwise #f.

oid must be a valid string representaion of oid.
creates a x.509 algorithm identifier of _oid.
if optional parameter is passed, then it has to be a valid x.509 algorithm identifier parameter.

Retrieves OID of aid.

Retrieves parameters of aid.

X.509 subject public key info

returns #t if the given obj is subject public key info, otherwise #f.

Converts given spki to a public key.

Converts given public-key to a subject public key info.

Converts given bv to a subject public key info.
The bytevector must be a valid SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure. Otherwise, an error is signalled.

Converts given spki to a bytevector.

X.509 attribute

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 attribute, otherwise #f.

Retrieves type of the attr.

Retrieves values of the attr. The retrieved value may not be usable as it is.

oid must be a string representaion of OID or object identifier.
Returns a predicate for a X.509 attribute list. The predicate checks if the given X.509 attribute has oid or not.

Creates PKCS#9 challenge password attribute of the value password.

x509-extension must be X.509 extension.
Creates PKCS#9 extension request attribute of the value x509-extensions.

Converts PKCS#9 extension request attribute to list of X.509 extensions.
If the attr does not have appropriate attribute type, the procedure signals an error.

Object identifier *pkcs-9:extenion-request*

The above object identifiers can be use for x509-attribute-of procedure.

X.509 extension

Returns #t if the given obj is X.509 extension, otherwise #f.

Retrieves id of the ext.

Retrieves critical of the ext.

Retrieves value of the ext.

Object identifier *extension:key-usage*
Object identifier *extension:ext-key-usage*
Object identifier *extension:freshest-crl*
Object identifier *extension:crl-number*
Object identifier *extension:crl-reason*

Object identifiers of X.509 extension. The name must be descritive enough to see which extension's OID it is.

oid must be a string representaion of OID or object identifier.
Creates a predicate for a list of X.509 extensions.

Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)

The keystore library provides keystore operation. More precisely, PKCS#12.

PKCS#12 keystore is very flexible format, and there's no standard convension, but just de-fact. For example, PKCS#12 itself doesn't require the entry to be key/value, however most of the existing library uses the format as key/value map.

This library provides the de-fact convension layer. If you want to use raw PKCS#12 format, see (sagittarius crypto pkcs keystore).

The keystore library, this library exports the procedures listed blow sections.

Returns #t if the given obj is PKCS#12 keystore, otherwise #f.

Creates an empty PKCS#12 keystore.

Reads PKCS#12 keystore from in, if provided, otherwise (current-input-port).

The password must be a valid password for the reading PKCS#12, otherwise an error is signalled.

Converts given bv to PKCS#12 keystore.

The password must be a valid password for the reading PKCS#12, otherwise an error is signalled.

Converts the given ks to a bytevector using the given password as both integrity and privacy exchange key.

Writes the given ks to out if provided, otherwise (current-output-port), using the given password as both integrity and privacy exchange key.

Retrieves a private key associated to alias from ks decrypting with the given password.

If the alias doesn't exist in the ks, then returns #f.

certs must be a list of X.509 certificates.

Stores the given key into the ks associating with alias. The key is encrypted with the password.

The certs must be a valid (chain) certificate(s) for the given key.

Retrieves a certificate associated to alias from ks.

If the alias doesn't exist in the ks, then returns #f.

Stores the given cert into the given ks associating with alias.

Retrieves certificate chain associated to alias from the ks.

If there's no certificate associated to alias, then it returns ().

Removes the entry associated to alias from the ks.

Removes all entries from the ks.

KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)

The KDF, Key Derivation Function, library provides various KDF algorithms.

The KDF library, this library exports the procedures listed below sections.

_P_and S must be bytevectors.
c and dk-len must be non-negative integers.


_P_and S must be bytevectors.
c and dk-len must be non-negative integers.


scheme must be a MAC scheme, e.g. *mac:hmac*.

Provides a PRF generator which accepts S, secret, based on the given scheme.
The opts will be passed to the MAC generation.



Utility libraries

(archive) - Generic archive interface

Library archive

This library provides generic interface to access archive libraries. Sagittarius supports tar and zip.

Following code describes a typical use of the library;

(import (rnrs) (archive))

;; extract file "bar.txt" from ""
(call-with-input-archive-file 'zip ""
  (lambda (zip-in)
    (do-entry (e zip-in)
      (when (string=? (archive-entry-name e) "bar.txt")
        (call-with-output-file "bar.txt"
          (lambda (out) (extract-entry e out))
           :transcoder #f)))))

;; archive "bar.txt" into foo.tar
(call-with-output-archive-file 'tar "foo.tar"
  (lambda (tar-out)
    (append-entry! tar-out (create-entry tar-out "bar.txt"))))

Following sections use type as a supported archive type. More precisely, if it's a supported archive type then there must be a library named (archive _type_).

Archive input

type must be a symbol and supported archive type. input-port must be a binary input port.

Creates an archive input which represents the specified type of archive.

Retrieves next entry of the given archive input. If there is no entry, then it returns #f.

Convenient macro. Iterates the given archive-input's entries.

The macro is expanded like this;

(do ((_entry_ (next-entry! _archive-input_) (next-entry! _archive-input_)))
    ((not _entry_) _result_)
  _body_ ...)

If the first form is used, then result is #t.

Extract the given archive entry entry to binary output port output-port.

Convenient function. Extracts all entries in the given archive-input to the file specified by destinator.

The keyword argument destinator must be a procedure which accepts one argument, archive entry, and return a string represents the file/directory path.

The keyword argument overwrite is #t, then it overwrites the file. If it is #f and there is a file, then it raises an error.

Finalize the given archive input.

archive-input must be an archive input. proc must be a procedure which accepts one argument.

Call the proc with archive input and returns the result of the proc.

The archive-input is finalized by finish!.

Creates an archive input with type and input-port, then call call-with-input-archive.

Open file binary input port with given file and call call-with-input-archive-port.

Archive output

type must be a symbol. output-port must be a output port.

Creates an archive output which represents the specified type of archive.

Creates an archive entry from the given file.

For implementing user defined archive;

This method is defined like following on the interface library:

(define-method create-entry ((out <archive-output>) file)
  (create-entry out file file))

So as long as it doesn't have to be distinguished, users don't have to implement this method.

Creates an archive entry from the given file. The entry's name is entry-name. This is useful when users want to append entry with different name from file name.

Appends the given entry to archive-output.

Finalize the given archive output.

archive-output must be an archive output. proc must be a procedure which accepts one argument.

Call the proc with archive input and returns the result of the proc.

The archive-output is finalized by finish!.

Creates an archive output with type and output-port, then call call-with-output-archive.

Open file binary output port with given file and call call-with-output-archive-port.

Entry accessor

Returns the name of entry.

Returns the type of entry. It is either file or directory.

Implementing archive implementation library

To support other archive such as RAR, then you need to create a implementation library.

The library defines all abstract class and method for the generic archive access.

To support foo archive, then the library name must be code{(archive foo)} and it must import (archive interface). So the library code should look like this;

(library (archive foo)
  (export) ;; no export procedure is needed
  (import (rnrs)
          (close user)
          (archive interface)
          ;; so on
  ;; class and method definitions

For archiving, the implementation needs to implement following methods and extends following classes;

make-archive-input, next-entry, extract-entry
<archive-input> <archive-entry>

For extracting, the implementation needs to implement following methods and extends following classes;

make-archive-output, create-entry, append-entry!, finish!
<archive-output> <archive-entry>

NOTE: <archive-entry> may be shared between archiving and extracting.

Abstract class of the archive input. This class has the following slot;


Source of the archive. For compatibility of other archive, this should be a binary input port.

Abstract class of the archive output. This class has the following slot;


Destination of the archive. For compatibility of other archive, this should be a binary output port.

Abstract class of the archive entry. This class has the following slots;


Entry name.


Entry type. For compatibility of other archive, this must be file or directory.

Creates an archive input or output. type specifies the archive type. It is recommended to use eql specializer to specify.

The finish! method for archive input has a default implementation and it does nothing.

Users can specialize the method for own archive input.

The other methods must be implemented as it's described in above section.

(asn.1) - Abstract Syntas Notation One library

This section describes (asn.1) library. The library supports DER and BER formats. We do not describe DER or BER format here.

Library (asn.1)

Top most library of asn.1 procedure collection libraries. There are multiple of related libraries, however we do not mention those because it might be changed in future. So do not use the child libraries directly, use this.

High level user APIs

obj must be asn.1-object which described below sections.

If you specify keyword argument encoder, it must be generic function which accepts an object and a binary output port respectively.

Encodes given obj to bytevector. If obj contains BER object, the procedure encodes it to BER. This might be changed in future to configure which format this should encode.

If you want to encode to other format such as CER or XER, then you need to implement an encoder. This procedure does not check given arguments type, just pass obj to encoder with binary output port.

in must be binary input port.

Reads asn.1-object from given port. The port must be DER or BER encoded stream otherwise it raises &assertion

Middle level user APIs

This section is incompleted.

Creates a DER application specific object.

Creates a DER bit string object.

Creates a DER bmp string object.

Creates a DER octet string object.

Creates a DER general string object.

Creates a DER IA5 string object.

Creates a DER numeric string object.

Creates a DER printable string object.

Creates a DER T61 string object.

Creates a DER universal string object.

Creates a DER UTF8 string object.

Creates a DER visible string object.

Creates a DER boolean object.

Creates a DER enumerated object.

Creates a DER integer object.

Creates a DER OID object.

Creates a DER sequence object.

If the third form is used, _o_s must be list of <der-encodable>.

Creates a DER set object.

If the third form is used, _o_s must be list of <der-encodable>.

Creates a DER null object.

Creates a DER generalized time object.

Creates a DER UTC time object.

Creates a DER tagged object.

Creates a DER external object.

Creates a BER constructed object.

Creates a BER application specific object.

Creates a BER tagged object.

Creates a BER sequence object.

_l_s must be list of <der-encodable>.

Creates a BER set object.

_l_s must be list of <der-encodable>.

Creates a BER null object.

Low level User APIs

This section is incompleted. Here must desribe classes defined in (asn.1)library.

(binary data) - Binary data read/write

This library provides yet another binary data structure read/write. The difference between (binary pack) and this is the level of abstraction. This library provides higher abstraction layer of the way how to handle binary data.

Defines a macro named name to read binary data by generic method reader and write binary data by writer.

To use defining macros effectively, both forms' reader and _writer_should be the same name.

The first form defines a macro which takes 5 required arguments and optional keyword arguments. Let's say the name is define-simple, the reader is simple-read and the write is simple-write, Then the definition of defined macro would be like this;

Defines name class whose parent classes are parents and slots are slots.

read-proc must be a procedure which takes one argument, a input port and return number of slots values.

write-proc must be a procedure which takes number of slots plus 1 arguments. The first one is an output port and the rest are the value of the slots of the defined class' instance.

The keyword argument parent-metaclass is a parent class of the metaclass of this class.

The slots form must be a list of slot definitions which must be followings;

The first and second form define a slot which name is name and its initial value is #f. The third form defines a slot which name is _name_and its initial is default.

Note that current implemenation does not handle parent classes slots. This is only for seamless operations with other CLOS class.

The second form defines a macro which takes 3 required arguments and optional keyword arguments. Let's say the name is define-composite, the reader is simple-read and the write is simple-write, Then the definition of defined macro would be like this;

Defines a composite data class named name whose parent classes are parents and slots are slots.

It is similar form with define-class however slots must be a list of one of the followings.

name must be a symbol which represents the slot name.

type can be class name or eqv? comparable datum. e.g. keyword.

default can be any object.

count must be a non negative exact integer.

The first form is equivalent with the following form; (name type #f). And the third form is equivalent with the following form; (name (type count) #f).

The first 2 forms defines a datum slot which the datum is read by _reader_passing type and written by writer.

The rest forms defines an array data represented by a vector.

If the type is not defined by neither of the definition forms, then it is users responsibility to define a method which handles the type.

Following is the simple example to show how to use the macros above.

(import (clos user) (binary data))

;; use the same name of reader and writer
(define-simple-datum-define   define-simple    sample-read sample-write)
(define-composite-data-define define-composite sample-read sample-write)

(define-simple <simple> ()
  (a b (c 0))
  (lambda (in) (values (get-u8 in) (get-u8 in) (get-u8 in)))
  (lambda (out a b c) (put-u8 out a) (put-u8 out b) (put-u8 out c)))

(define-composite <composite> ()
  ((d :byte 1)
   (e (:byte 4) #vu8(1 2 3 4))
   (f <simple>)))

;; :byte reader and writer
(define-method sample-read ((o (eql :byte)) in array-size?)
  (if array-size?
      (get-bytevector-n in array-size?)
      (get-u8 in)))

(define-method sample-write ((type (eql :byte)) o out array-size?)
  (if array-size?
     (put-bytevector out o)
     (put-u8 out o)))

How to use the defined data structure.

;; read as a <composite> object
;; "deeeeabc" in ascii
(define bv #vu8(#x64 #x65 #x65 #x65 #x65 #x61 #x62 #x63))
(call-with-port (open-bytevector-input-port bv)
  (lambda (in)
    (let ((s (sample-read <composite> in)))
      (slot-ref s 'd) ;; => #\d
      (slot-ref s 'f) ;; => <simple>

;; write <composite> object
  (lambda (out)
    (let* ((s (make <simple> :a 10 :b 20))
           (c (make <composite> :f s)))
      ;; this can be written like this as well (sample-write o out)
      (sample-write <composite> c out))))
;; => #vu8(1 1 2 3 4 10 20 0)

(binary io) - Binary I/O utilities

Binary I/O utility. In real world you sometimes want to treat binary port like textual port (e.g. get-line for binary port). This library exports those convenient procedures

Binary I/O

in must be binary input port.

Reads a bytevector from in until it hits the eol data. _eol_can be multiple length such as #vu8(#x0d #x0a). Default value is #vu8(#x0a)If keyword argument transcoder is given, then returning value will be converted to string.

Re-exported procedure from (sagittarius) for convenience. See Sagittarius extensions.

out must be binary output port. endian must be a value returned from endianness macro.

Write v to out as unsigned/signed 16/32/64 bit integer or 32/64 bit floating number.

Re-exported procedure from (sagittarius) for convenience. See Sagittarius extensions.

in must be binary input port. endian must be a value returned from endianness macro.

Read a number from in as unsigned/signed 16/32/64 bit integer or 32/64 bit floating number.

Chunk buffered port

Default binary input port requires bytevector however if users want to handle bigger data then it would not be suitable. Chunk buffered port is a buffered port which buffer is chunks of bytevector so that it doesn't allocate huge memory.

Creates chunk buffered port.

->chunks must be a procedure which takes one argument, chunk-size. And must return a list of bytevectors which size is chunk-size except the last element.

The keyword argument chunk-size is specified then it must be a positive integer. By default +default-chunk-size+ is used.

Default chunk size of chunk buffered port.

Creates chunk buffered port from given iport.

iport must be a binary input port.

The keyword argument threshold is specified, it must be a positive integer, then the procedure only reads the number of threshold bytes from iport.

(binary pack) - Packing binary data

This library provides an interface for packing and unpacking (writing and reading) binary data with template. The functionality is inspired by Industria's (weinholt struct pack) library.

template must be a string.

Construct a bytevector with given args according to the given template. Template characters are described below.

template must be a string.

bv must be a bytevector.

offset must a non-negative exact integer.

Converts given args and put it into bv starting from offset. The conversion is done according to the template string.

The template characters are extensible so following description can only cover predefined characters.

x: padding; c: s8; C: u8; s: s16; S: u16; l: s32; L: u32; q: s64; Q: u64; f: ieee-single; d: ieee-double; ! or >: big-endian; <: little-endian; =: native-endian; u: disable natural alignment; a: enable natural alignment. Whitespace is ignored.

(pack "!c" 128)

(pack "s" 100)
#vu8(100 0)

(pack "!s" 100)
#vu8(0 100)

(pack "!d" 3.14)
#vu8(64 9 30 184 81 235 133 31)

Fields are by default aligned to their natural alignment and NUL bytes are inserted as necessary to have a field's index to be aligned to its size.

(pack "!xd" 3.14)
#vu8(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 9 30 184 81 235 133 31)

(pack "!uxd" 3.14)
#vu8(0 64 9 30 184 81 235 133 31)

Digits in front of the syntax characters means repetition. And #\* means indefinite length repetition.

(pack "3c" 1 2 3)
#vu8(1 2 3)

(pack "*c" 1 2 3 4)
#vu8(1 2 3 4)

When the macro detects the given template is string, then it tries to expand as much as possible. So it might raises the different condition even if the template strings are the same.

(pack "3c" 1 2 3 4)

(pack (car '("3c")) 1 2 3 4)

template must be a string.

Unpack the given bytevector according to the given template and returns the values. The template syntax are the same as pack!.

If the second form is used, then unpacking is done from the given offset.

(unpack "!SS" #vu8(0 1 0 2))
1 2

(unpack "!SS" #vu8(0 1 0 2 0 3) 1)
2 3

(unpack "!uSS" #vu8(0 1 0 2 0 3) 1)
256 512

template must be a string.

Utility unpacking macro for binary port.

template must be a string.

Calculate the size of the result bytevector. If the second form is used, then macro can calculate even if the template contains indefinite length syntax #\*, otherwise #f is returned.

(format-size "!xd")

(format-size "!uxd")

(format-size "*c")

(format-size "*c" 1 2 3 4)

char must character.

pack and unpack are syntactic keywords.

Defines packing extension to given char. This macro can not overwrite the predefined characters. ** can be followings;

s8, u8, s16, u16, s32, u32, s64, u64, f32, and f64.

;; defining char to u8 converter
(define-u8-packer (#\A v)
  (pack (char->integer v))
  (unpack (integer->char v)))
(pack "AA" #\a #\b)       ;; => #vu8(97 98)
(unpack "AA" #vu8(97 98)) ;; => #\a #\b

(util buffer) - Buffer utilities

This library provides buffer utitlities. Currently, it only provides pre-allocated buffer and its procedures.

Pre-allocated buffer

Parent type of pre-allocated buffer. This library doesn't expose the record constructor for this type.

This type contains buffer and size fields.

Returns #t if given obj is a pre-allocated buffer. Otherwise #f.

Returns value of buffer field of given buffer.

The type of buffer field is implementation specific.

Returns value of size field of given buffer.

The returning value shall represents how much buffer of the given _buffer_is consumed.

Sets 0 to the size field of given buffer.


Buffer overflow condition. This is raised when an operation tries to put data exceed the buffer size.

This condition have data field which contains overflowing data.

Returns #t if given obj is &pre-allocated-buffer-overflowcondition, otherwise #f.

Retrieves data field value of condition.

The condition must be a &pre-allocated-buffer-overflow condition.

Binary pre-allocated buffer

Binary pre-allocated buffer can be used when users don't want to allocate bytevector number of times. This buffer can be used like a bytevector.

Creates pre-allocated buffer with given bytevector bv.

The returning value is a subtype of <pre-allocated-buffer>.

Returns #t if given obj is binary pre-allocated buffer, otherwise #f.


Appending given integer or flonum to binary-buffer. Setting given values uses the following procedures, respectively:

bytevector-u8-set!``bytevector-u16-set!``bytevector-u32-set!``bytevector-u64-set!``bytevector-s8-set!``bytevector-s16-set!``bytevector-s32-set!``bytevector-s64-set!``bytevector-ieee-single-set!``bytevector-ieee-double-set!The endianness is passed to the above procedures if required.

This procedure also updates the size field of binary-buffer.

Appending given bytevector bv to binary-buffer.

Optional arguments start and count specifies from where of bv and how much bytes need to be put. By default, start is 0 and count is (- (bytevector-length _bv_) _start_).

This procedure also updates the size field of binary-buffer.

Setting given integer/flonum to binary-buffer. These procedures are anology of the following procedures, respectively:

bytevector-u8-set!``bytevector-s8-set!``bytevector-u16-set!``bytevector-u32-set!``bytevector-u64-set!``bytevector-s16-set!``bytevector-s32-set!``bytevector-s64-set!``bytevector-ieee-single-set!``bytevector-ieee-double-set!The endianness is passed to the above procedures if required.

This procedure updates the size field of binary-buffer if sum of given index and number of bytes set in the buffer exceeds the size of the buffer.

Sets the given bv to binary-buffer at position of index.

Optional arguments start and count specifies from where of bv and how much bytes need to be put. By default, start is 0 and count is (- (bytevector-length _bv_) _start_).

This procedure updates the size field of binary-buffer if sum of given index and number of bytes set in the buffer exceeds the size of the buffer.

All above operations may raises an &pre-allocated-buffer-overflow, when it tries to exceed the pre-allocated buffer.

Returns #t if binary-buffer can store count bytes.

If optional argument position is given, then the procedure check from the position.

Swaps the buffer of binary-buffer with _new-buf_and new-size.

Reads n bytes from given input-port and store it to binary-buffer.

If optional argument position is given, then the procedure stores from the position.

Returns newly allocated bytevector which contains range of 0 to size field value of buffer field.

Converts the given binary-buffer to binary output port.

If port operations try to exceed the pre-allocated buffer, then it raises &pre-allocated-buffer-overflow.

(util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library

This library provides bytevector utilities which are not provided as builtin procedures such as bytevector->integer.

All procedures take bytevector as its arguments.

Compute exclusive or, logical or and logical and for each given bytevectors, respectively.

The procedures without ! freshly allocate a new bytevector as it's return value. If the given bytevectors are not the same sized, then the smallest size will be allocated.

The procedures with ! takes first argument as the storage of the result and return it.

Slices the given bytevector bv into k size and returns a list of bytevectors.

The keyword argument padding is given and it must be a procedure accept one argument, then it will be called when the last chunk of bytevector is not size of k. The procedure should return padded bytevector and it doesn't check the returned value nor it's size so it is caller's responsibility to make sure the returned value is a bytevector and the size is k.

(bytevector-slices #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3)
(#vu8(1 2 3) #vu8(4 5 6))

(bytevector-slices #vu8(1 2 3 4) 3)
(#vu8(1 2 3) #vu8(4))

;; the given bytevector bv is #vu8(4)
(bytevector-slices #vu8(1 2 3 4) 3 :padding (lambda (bv) #vu8(4 5 6)))
(#vu8(1 2 3) #vu8(4 5 6))

;; this is valid as well so that bytevector-slices doesn't check the 
;; return value
(bytevector-slices #vu8(1 2 3 4) 3 :padding (lambda (bv) #f))
(#vu8(1 2 3) #f)

Splits bytevector into 2 bytevectors and returns 2 values of bytevectors.

The first returned bytevector size will be k and its content is given bytevector's value starting from 0 to k - 1. The second returned value is the rest of values of bv.

If size of the given bytevector bv is less than k then the second value of returned bytevector will be empty bytevector.

The keyword argument padding is given and it must be a procedure accept one argument, then it will be called when given bytevector's size is less than k and first returned value will the result of padding.

(bytevector-split-at* #vu8(1 2 3 4 5) 3)
#vu8(1 2 3) and #vu8(4 5)

(bytevector-split-at* #vu8(1 2) 3 :padding (lambda (bv) #vu8(1 2 3)))
#vu8(1 2 3) and #vu8()

(bytevector-split-at* #vu8(1 2) 3 :padding (lambda (bv) #f))
#f and #vu8()

Compute odd parity of the given bytevector bv and return the result of bytevector.

If the second procedure is used, then bv will be modified.

Comparing given bytevectors.

The comparison is done by comparing the elements of bytevectors from index 0. The comparison procedures are <, >, <=and >=, respectively.

Converts given bytevector bv to hex string.

The keyword argument upper? is specified with true value, then the procedures converts to upper case hex values, otherwise lower case.

Converts given hex string string to bytevector.

Converts given bytevector to string without transcoder.

The conversion is the same as the following code:

(list->string (map integer->char (bytevector->u8-list bv)))

This procedure is implemented in a memory efficient way.

Reverse the given bytevector bv.

Optional arguments start and end controls from and until where the procedure reverses the bytevector. end is exclusive.

The bytevector-reverse! reverses destructively.

SRFI-13 convension APIs

U8 sets

U8 set is a list of integers which range is in between 0 <= n <= 255. This is useful to handle bytevectors as if they are ASCII strings.

Function u8? o

Returns #t if given o is an integer in range of 0 <= _o_ <= 255, otherwise #f.

Function u8-set? o

Returns #t if given o is a list and its all elements satisfy u8?. Otherwise #f.

u8-set must satisfy u8-set?. u8 should satisfy u8. The procedure doesn't check if arguments satify this.

Returns #t if given u8-set contains u8.

Converts given string to list of integers. Given string should only contains in range of ASCII characters but the procedure doesn't check. Thus the procedure may return a list doesn't satify u8-set?. It is users' responsibility to pass ASCII string.

Converts given char-set cset to u8 set. This procedure returns a list that satify u8-set? by dropping outside of ASCII characters.

Bytevectors as ASCII strings

Iterate given bv from start until end. kons is called by each element with result of the kons. The inital value is knil.

This is analogy of fold-left and fold-right.

Subtract bytevector bv until index n (exclusive).

The bytevector-take takes from left and the bytevector-take-righttakes from right.

Drops given bv until index n (exclusive).

The bytevector-drop drops from left and the bytevector-drop-rightdrops from right.

Trims given bytevector bv from left, right and both, respectively.

The optional argument criterion specifies how to trim. By default, it uses whitespaces. " \r\f\v\n\t".

The optional arguments start and end specify from and until where the procedure trims. The default value is 0 for start and the length of given bytevector for end.

Pads given bytevector bv with n elements of u8. The bytevector-pad pads left side of given bv. The bytevector-pad-right pads right side of given bv.

The optional arguments start and end specify from and until where the procedure pads. The default value is 0 for start and the length of given bytevector for end.

Return the length of the longest common prefix/suffix of the two bytevectors.

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated sub bytevectors of bv1 and bv2.

Returns #t if bv1 is a prefix/suffix of bv2. Otherwise #f.

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated sub bytevectors of bv1 and bv2.

Searches through the given bytevector bv from the left (right), returning the index of the first occurrence of an element which satisfies the criterion.

criterion can be a u8 value, a u8 set or a procedure.

If the procedure doesn't find any element satisfies criterion, then returns #f.

Search through the given bytevector bv from the left (right), returning the index of the first occurrence of an element which does not satisfy the criterion.

criterion can be a u8 value, a u8 set or a procedure.

If the procedure doesn't find any element which does not satisfy criterion, then returns #f.

Returns index of bv1 where bv2 is found. If bv1 doesn't contain bv2 then returns #f.

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated sub bytevectors of bv1 and bv2.


(bytevector-append (bytevector-copy s1 0 start1)
                   (bytevector-copy s2 start2 end2)
                   (bytevector-copy s1 end1 (string-length s1)))

Split the given bytevector bv into a list of sub bytevectors, where each sub bytevector is a maximal non-empty contigunous sequence of elements from the u8 set token-set.

Optional argument token-set must be a u8 set. By default, it's a list of bytes of ASCII graphical characters.

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated sub bytevectors of bv.

Filter the bytevector bv, retaining only those elements that satisfy / do not satisfy the criterion argument.

criterion can be a u8 value, a u8 set or a procedure.

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated sub bytevectors of bv.

(util concurrent) - Concurrency utilities

This library provides high level concurrency APIs.

Using low level thread and mutex sometimes causes dead lock or incomprehensible code. This library provides frameworks of common use cases. This library is built on top of SRFI-18.


A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides future related APIs.

A future is an object that has a task which is a thunk and will be executed in future. In this implementation, future is an interface and its execution is depending on the sub class. The default implementation this library provides uses a thread per future. If users don't have to manage number of threads, then using this is sufficient.

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent))

;; creates 5 futures
(define futures
  (map (lambda (i) (future (* i i))) '(1 2 3 4 5)))

;; wait and retrieve the results
(map future-get futures)
(1 4 9 16 25)

Record <future>

The interface of all futures.

Function future? obj

Returns #t if given obj is a future object, otherwise #f.

Creates a future which executes expr. The type of the returning future is record.

The first form is equivalent with the following: (future (class <simple-future>) _expr ..._)

Retrieves the result of the given future.

This procedure waits if the execution of the future isn't finished yet.

Cancels the execution of future.

This procedure may or may not cancel the execution depending on the implementation of future. The <simple-future> provides by this library won't disturb the execution. Thus calling this procedure doesn't do anything but changing the future's state.

NOTE: once this procedure is called, then calling future-getwith future raises a &future-terminated.

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent))

(define f (future (display "cancelled") (newline)))
(future-cancel f)
(future-get f)

The above example may or may not print "cancelled".

Returns #t if given execution of future is finished, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if given execution of future is terminated by future-cancel, otherwise #f.

Returns current state of the given future.

The returning state is depending on the implementation of future. Only 2 states are defined in this library, done and terminated.

done is set when future-get is called.

terminated is set when future-cancel is called.

Condition Type &future-terminated

This type describes when a future is terminated but users try to retrieve its result.

Returns #t if given obj is object of &future-terminated.

condition must be a &future-terminated condition.

Retrieve terminated future from condition.

Simple future

Simple future is a future implementation which executes the task on a thread immediately.

Default <future> implementation of this library.

Returns #t if given obj is a simple future, otherwise #f.

Creates a simple future which executes thunk.


A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides executor related APIs.

A executor is an object that executes submitted futures. The idea is taken from java.util.concurrent package. The library provides 2 types of executors, thread pool executor and fork join executor. The first one uses thread pool, described below section, and the latter one just creates a thread per task. The following is an example how to use the executors:

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent))

;; creates executor which uses 5 threads and push all tasks
(define executor 
  (make-thread-pool-executor 5 push-future-handler))

;; creates 10 futures
(define futures 
  (map (lambda (i) 
         (future (class <executor-future>)
           (* i i)))
       '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))

;; execute futures
(for-each (lambda (future) (execute-future! executor future)) futures)

;; wait/retrieve the results
(map future-get futures)
(1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)

The thread pool executor with push-future-handler waits until the previous taskes are finished.

Generic Executor APIs

Executor provided by this library is an extensible. So the most commonly used procedures are generic.

The interface of executor.

This record only has one field, state.

Returns #t if given obj is an executor, otherwise #f.

Returns state field of the executor.

The behaviour of the folowing procedures depend on its implementation.

Returns #t if the given executor is available, otherwise #f.

Executes given future on executor.

Shutdowns the given executor.

This procedure may or may not affect the managed futures on the executor.

Converts thunk to a future and execute it on given executor, then returns the future. This procedure is defined as follows:

(define (executor-submit! e thunk)
  (let ((f (make-executor-future thunk)))
    (execute-future! e f)

Thread pool executor

Thread pool executor uses (util concurrent thread-pool) as its underlying thread managing. So once the threads are created then the thread holds its environment until the executor is shutdown. In other words, if a task changes the dynamic environment, then the next task uses the changed dynamic environment. The following example describes how dynamic environments works on this executor:

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent) (srfi :39))

(define *one* (make-parameter 1))

(define executor (make-thread-pool-executor 1))

(let ((f1 (make-executor-future (lambda () (*one* 2) 1)))
      (f2 (make-executor-future (lambda () (*one*)))))
  (execute-future! executor f1)
  (future-get f1)
  (execute-future! executor f2)
  (future-get f2))

NOTE: parameter objects are thread safe in general, thus if a thread is created per future, then the parameter *one* is initialised with the initial value 1 during thread creation.

Record type of thread pool executor. This record type inherits <executor>.

Returns #t if given obj is a thread pool executor, otherwise #f.

Creates a thread pool executor with thread count max-thread.

If optional argument reject-handler is specified, then the specified handler is used. Otherwise, abort-rejected-handler is used.

Returns number of futures currently executing on the given thread pool executor.

This number would be greater than the thread count if push-future-handleris specified during the executor creation.

Returns number of thread count of the given thread pool executor.

Return #t if the number of executing future is less than the number of thread count.

NOTE: this procedure may return #f even tasks can be pushed to the executor if push-future-handler is specified.

Executes the given future on thread-pool-executor.

Shutdown the given thread-pool-executor.

Builtin reject handlers.

Reject handler is a procedure called when thread pool executor is not available to decide how the executor should treat the given future.

Reject the future and raises &rejected-execution-error.

This is the default handler.

Terminates the oldest future.

When this handler is called, the thread which target future is running is also terminated. Thus the dynamic environment is also reset.

Creats a reject handler which waits until one of the thread is available.

The wait-retry is a number of retry count. If none of future task is finished by this counter, then abort-rejected-handler is called.

Pushes the task to the least used thread.

A condition describes when a future is rejected by an executor.

Returns #t if given obj is &rejected-execution-error object. Otherwise #f.

condition must be a &rejected-execution-error object.

Retrieves the rejected future and executor, respectively.

Fork join executor

Fork join executor is an executor which uses fork join pool as its underlying thread pool.

Record type of fork join executor. This record type inherits <executor>.

Returns #t if given obj is a fork join executor, otherwise #f.

Creates a fork join executor.

If the second form is used, then it uses the given parallelism as its parallelism.

If the third form is used, then the parameter must be fork-join-pool-parameter described in below section and the procedure passes the given parameter to fork join thread pool creation.

Returns #t, if the underlying thread pool is not shutdown, otherwise #f.

Executes the given future on fork-join-executor.

Shutdowns the given fork-join-executor. The procedure also shutdowns the underlying fork join pool.

Executor future

An executor future is an future object which can be used on executor.

Record type of <executor-future>. This type inherits <future>.

Returns #t if the given obj is an executor future, otherwise #f.

Creates an executor future object.

Thread pool

A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides thread pool APIs.

Creating a thread is not cheap on Sagittarius. If users want to reuse threads, then this library can be used.

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent))

;; pooling 5 thread
(define thread-pool (make-thread-pool 5))

(for-each (lambda (i) (thread-pool-push-task! thread-pool (lambda () (* i i))))
          '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))

;; waits until all tasks are done
(thread-pool-wait-all! thread-pool)

;; release thread-pool
(thread-pool-release! thread-pool)
Record type <thread-pool>

Record type of thread pool.

Returns #t if given obj is a thread-pool, otherwise #f.

Creates a thread pool with thread-count of threads.

If the optional argument error-handler is given, it must be a procedure which accept one argument, then the procedure is called when the pushed task raised an error.

Returns number of threads on the given thread-pool.

Push the given thunk to least used thread-pool's thread. And returns the id of the pushed thread. This id can be used to retrive the actual thread calling thread-pool-thread procedure.

Waits all the tasks pushed into the given thread-pool.

The return value of the tasks are discarded.

Joins all the thread on the given thread-pool.

If optional argument how is specified terminate, then the procedure terminates the thread instead of joining.

NOTE: terminating a thread is very dangerous operation, so don't use casually.

Retrieves the pooled thread associated with given id from given thread-pool.

It signals an error if the given id is not a thread id.

Retrieves the pooled thread id associated with given thread from given thread-pool. The procedure takes O(n) where n is number of threads managed by the thread-pool. It might be better to use (thread-pool-current-thread-id) procedure to retrieve thread id from managed threads.

It signals an error if the given thread is not a managed thread.

NOTE: if the thread is terminated, then the procedure also signals an error.

Retrieves thread id of current thread. If the current thread is not a managed thread, then #f is returned.

Terminates the pooled thread associated with given id and recreate a new thread into thread-pool.

NTOE: this is a dangerous operation. Don't use it casually.

Returns #t if the given id of thread in the thread-pool is running. Otherwise #f.

A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides fork join pool APIs.

On Sagittarius, fork join pool means work stealing pool. The pool takes core number of threads and it may creates ephemeral threads until it reaches the max thread number.

CAVEAT: The implementation increases threads rather quick, which means it reaches the max thread number very easily if the thread pool receives large number of tasks. This behaviour may change in the near future not to make threads too soon.

Record type <fork-join-pool>

Record type of fork join pool.

Returns #t if the given obj is a fork-join-pool, otherwise #f.

Creates a fork join pool with core thread count of core-threads.

If the optional argument parameter is given, then it must be a fork join pool parameter. The parameter controls creating fork join pool.

Returns number of threads currently the given fork-join-pool is having.

Returns max thread number of the given fork-join-pool.

Pushes the given thunk into the fork-join-pool. The thunk will be executed on the fork-join-pool when there's an available thread.

Waits fork-join-pool to finish all tasks. The procedure blocks the calling thread and may not return if there's a task which hanged.

Optional argument timeout specifies the timeout. It can be either an integer represents milliseconds or absolute time.

The procedure returns #t if all the core threads are freed. otherwise #f. (e.g. timeout)

NOTE: At this moment, this procedure doesn't guarantee the tasks are finished, if it's running on a spawned thread.

Shutdowns the given fork-join-pool.
This procedure discards all the threads. After this procedure is called, then the given fork-join-pool is no longer available.

Returns #t if the given fork-join-pool is available.

Shared queues

A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides shared queue APIs.

A shared queue is a queue whose operations are done atomically.

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent) (srfi :18))

(define shared-queue (make-shared-queue))

(define thread 
      (lambda ()
        ;; waits until the queue has an element
        (let ((value (shared-queue-get! shared-queue)))
          (* value value))))))

(shared-queue-put! share-queue 5)

(thread-join! thread)

Record type of shared queue.

Returns #t if given obj is shared queue, otherwise #f.

Creates a shared queue.

If optional argument max-length is 0, then the queue can be used as synchronised queue. If the value is positive number, then the queue can only have specified number of elements. If it overflows, then it waits until the number of elements is less than max-length.

Returns #t if the number of elements inside of shared-queue is 0. Otherwise #f.

Returns the number of elements inside of shared-queue.

Returns max length of shared-queue.

Returns #t if putting count of element into _shared-queue_overflows. Otherwise #f.

Retrieves the first element from shared-queue.

If the queue is empty and optional argument timeout is #f, then this procedure waits until the queue gets something.

If the optional argument timeout is specified, then the procedure only waits specified amount of time. timeout can be either integer or time object defined in SRFI-19. If the queue didn't get any object within the timeout, then timeout-val is returned.

Puts obj into shared-queue and returns obj.

If the queue has max-length and overflows, then it wait until it's available.

If the optional argument timeout is specified, then the procedure only waits specified amount of time. timeout can be either integer or time object defined in SRFI-19. If the queue didn't get any object within the timeout, then timeout-val is returned.

Removes the given obj from the shared-queue. The procedure returns #t if obj is removed, otherwise #f.

Optional argument =, must be a comparison procedure, specifies how to compare the element of the shared-queue and given obj. Default value is equal?.

Clears all element inside of shared-queue.

Finds an elements which satisfies pred. This operations locks the given shared-queue.

Returns #t if the given shared-queue is locked by other thread, otherwise #f.

If the optional argument wait? is given, then the procedure waits until the queue is available and returns #f.


A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides actor model like APIs.

An actor is an object which contains thread, input receiver and output sender. This is based on the Actor model. Communication between an actor and outside of the actor can only be done via input receiver or output sender. From here, we call them channel. The following is a simple bank account example using actor.

(import (rnrs) (util concurrent actor) (match))

(define (open-account initial-amount)
  (define balance initial-amount)
   (lambda (input-receiver output-sender)
     (let loop ()
       (match (input-receiver)
	 (('withdrow how-much)
	  (if (< balance how-much)
	      (output-sender "invalid amount")
		(set! balance (- balance how-much))
		(output-sender (cons how-much balance))))
	 (('deposite a)
	  (if (negative? a)
	      (output-sender "invalid amount")
		(set! balance (+ balance a))
		(output-sender (cons 0 balance))))
	 (('close) #t)
	 (else "invalid message"))))))

(define client (open-account 1000))

(actor-send-message! client '(withdrow 100))
(actor-send-message! client '(deposite 100))
(actor-send-message! client '(close))

(actor-receive-message! client) ;; => (100 . 900)
(actor-receive-message! client) ;; => (0 . 1000)
Function actor? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is an actor, otherwise #f.

Creates actors with shared-queue or shared-priority-queue as underlying channel implementation, respectively.

If the make-shared-priority-queue-channel-actor is used, then the compare must be a procedure which takes 2 arguments and returns the comparison result of given 2 arguments. The value should be, -1, 0 or 1.

task must be an procedure accepts 2 argument, input-receiver and output-sender. The procedures' signatures are the followings:

The input-receiver receives a message from outside of the actor.

The output-sender sends a message message to outside of the actor.

Messages can be sent to an actor via actor-send-message!, and be received from an actor via actor-receive-message!.

The optional arguments timeout and timeout-val are given, it shall behave the same as shared-queue-get! or shared-queue-put!.

Sends the given message to the actor. The operation may block the caller thread depending on the underlying channel implementation.

If optional argument timeout and timeout-val are given, it shall behave the same as shared-queue-put!.

Receives a message from given actor. The operation may block the caller thread depending on the underlying channel implementation.

If optional argument timeout and timeout-val are given, it shall behave the same as shared-queue-get!.

Return #t if the given actor is running, otherwise #f.

Waits until the given actor is finished.

The optional arguments works the same as thread-join!.

Terminates the given actor.

NOTE: This operation is not safe. It is users' responsibility to release resource if it's needed.

A sub library of (util concurrent). This library provides Java's CompletableFuture like interface

Provide a future whose value supplier is the thunk.

If the second form is used, then the execution will be done by the given executor otherwise *completable-future:default-executor*will be used.

proc must accept the same number of arguments as the given futures

Apply the procedure proc to the result of the futures. And return a newly created future.

These procedures return immediately and the computation of proc will be done in some future.

The same as future-map, the only diffrence is that it takes exeuctor as its execution environment.

proc must accept the same number of arguments as the given futures, and return a future.

Apply the procedure proc to the result of the futures. And return a newly created future which returns the result of the future returned by the proc.

These procedures return immediately and the computation of proc will be done in some future.

The same as future-flatmap, the only diffrence is that it takes exeuctor as its execution environment.

Guards the future and apply the raised condition to proc.

(future-get (future-guard (lambda (e) 'ok)
                          (thunk->future (lambda () (raise 'boo)))))

These procedures return immediately and the computation of proc will be done in some future.

(crypto) - Cryptographic library

Deprecated library

This library is deprecated, please consider to use Cryptographic libraries instead.

This documentation does not describe cryptography itself. For example, it does not describe what initial vector is and how long it must be. So users must know about cryptography's this library supports.

This library uses libtomcrypt's functionalities. The library is public domain. Thank you for the great library.

Note: the libtomcrypt is a huge cryptographic library and I am not so good with cryptographics, so the (crypto) library is not totally tested. Just the functionalities which I usually use are tested. If you find a bug or wrong documentation, pleas report it.

Library (crypto)

This library is the top most library, it exports all the other libraries procedures. Users must import only this and not to use the others.

(crypto) library supports both symmetric cryptography and public/private key mechanism. For public/private key, it only supports RSA for now.

Returns #t if obj is crypto-object.

crypto-object can be either cipher or key.

Cipher operations

Creates a cipher object.

type must be known cryptographic algorithm. Currently, (crypto)library exports the algorithm below.

The symmetric key algorithms.

Constant Blowfish
Constant X-Tea
Constant RC2
Constant RC5-32/12/b
Constant RC6-32/20/b
Constant SAFER+
Constant SAFER-K64
Constant SAFER-SK64
Constant SAFER-K128
Constant SAFER-SK128
Constant AES
Constant AES-128
Constant AES-192
Constant AES-256
Constant Twofish
Constant DES
Constant DES3
Constant DESede
Constant CAST5
Constant CAST-128
Constant Noekeon
Constant Skipjack
Constant Khazad
Constant SEED
Constant KASUMI
Constant Camellia

AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 are fixed key size AES algorithms. AES allows key size of 16, 24 or 32 bytes, however, fixed sized version only accepts 16 for AES-128, 24 for AES-192 and 32 for AES-256.

The public key algorithm

Constant DSA
Constant ECDSA
Constant RSA

key must be a key object which will be created by key generate procedures described below.

mode specifies the symmetric cipher's encryption and description mode. If the cipher type is public key cipher, it will be ignored. Some modes require initial vector iv. The possible mods are below.

Constant MODE_ECB
Constant MODE_CBC
Constant MODE_CFB
Constant MODE_OFB
Constant MODE_CTR
Constant MODE_GCM

The keyword argument mode-parameter is specified, it must be a mode parameter object, then the object will be parsed properly by the cipher.

Returns given cipher type's recommended keysize.

cipher must cipher object created by cipher procedure.

test must be fixnum.

If test is too small for the cipher, it will raise an error.

Note: this procedure is for helper. It is designed to use check keysize you want to use.

Function cipher? obj

Returns #t if the obj is cipher object.

cipher must be a cipher object.

pt must be a bytevector.

encrypt encrypts given plain text pt according to the given cipher.

Similar with cipher-encrypt. The difference is that this procedure returns 2 values, encrypted pt and calculated tag if the given cipher supports authentication.

If the keyword argument tag-size is specified and must be an integer, then the returning tag has the specified size. If the cipher supports less size than the specified size, then the remaining tag contains unspecified value. To retrieve the maximum length of tag, use cipher-max-tag-size.

cipher must be a cipher object.

ct must be a bytevector.

decrypt decrypts given encrypted text ct according to the given cipher.

Similar with cipher-decrypt. The difference is that this procedure returns 2 values, decrypted ct and calculated tag if the given cipher supports authentication.

If the keyword argument tag-size is specified and must be an integer, then the returning tag has the specified size. If the cipher supports less size than the specified size, then the remaining tag contains unspecified value. To retrieve the maximum length of tag, use cipher-max-tag-size.

Similar with cipher-decrypt. The difference is that this procedure validates the calculated tag. If the given tag and calculated tag are not the same, then &decrypt is raised.

NOTE: if the tag is *not* calculated by the cipher, then this procedure always raises an error.

Returns the maximum length of tag size.

If the given cipher does not support authentication tag, then returning value is 0.

Updates the additional authentication data.

dst must be a bytevector.

Retrieves the authentication tag from given cipher.

NOTE: this procedure must be called after either cipher-encrypt or cipher-decrypt. Otherwise the filled value is unspecified.

Retrieves the authentication tag from given cipher.

If the keyword argument size is specified, then the returning bytevector has the size length, otherwise maximum tag length.

NOTE: this procedure must be called after either cipher-encrypt or cipher-decrypt. Otherwise the filled value is unspecified.

public-cipher must be a cipher object created with public/private key algorithm.

data must be a bytevector.

Signs given data. This procedure is just a wrapper for the real implementations. Currently Sagittarius supports only RSA sign.

opt can specify the signer behaviour. Default supported RSA cipher can accept keyword argument encode.

encode specifies the encoder. The default encoder is pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode. And the rest keyword arguments will be passed to the encoder. Supported encoders are described below.

The following shows how to implement SHA256WithRSA signature

;; Importing a RSA private key.
(define private-key (import-private-key RSA #vu8(...)))

(define signer (make-cipher RSA private-key))
(cipher-signature signer #vu8() :encode pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-encode :hash SHA-256)

public-cipher must be a cipher object created with public/private key algorithm.

M and S must be bytevectors.

M is master message which will be compared with encoded message.

S is signed message.

The verity procedure verifies two messages.

opt can specify the verifier behaviour. Default supported RSA cipher can accept keyword argument verify.

verify specifies the verifier. The defaule verifier is pkcs1-emsa-pss-verify. And the rest keyword arguments will be passed to verifier. Supported verifiers are described below.

Mode parameters

Mode parameters are pareters which can be used by specified mode. For example, iv-parameter is a parameter contains an IV.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mode parameter, otherwise #f.

Creates a composite mode parameter.

A composite parameter can hold multiple parameters.

Record Type <iv-paramater>

Record type for initial vector (IV) parameter.

iv must be a bytevector or #f.

Creates an IV mode parameter.

IV is required by some modes. e.g. MODE_CBC.

Record Type <ctr-paramater>

Record type for counter mode parameter.

This parameter is a subclass of <iv-parameter>.

Creates a counter mode parameter. This is used by MODE_CTR.

iv is passed to parent constructor.

The followings are description of keyword parameters.

rounds specify how many times the cipher rounds the key.

ctr-mode specifies counter mode. The possible mode is blow.

Record type for AES-CTR mode parameter defined in RFC 3686.

This parameter is a subclass of <ctr-parameter>.

Creates RFC3686 mode parameter.

Record type for padding parameter.

Creates a padding mode parameter.

padder must be an procedure such as pkcs5-padder.

Key operations

type must be one of the supported symmetric algorithm.

key must be a bytevector and its length must satisfy the keysize which the given algorithm requires.

Returns a sercret key object.

type is for despatch. For default implementation, it must be RSA.

Generates a key pair object.

Default implementation supports RSA key geneartion and options can be keyword arguments described below.

size keyword argument is decides key length. Default value is 1024.

prng keyword argument is given, it will be passed to random-prime. For more detail, see (math random) library. Default value is (secure-random RC4).

e keyword argument is an exponent. Usually it does not have to be specified with other number. Default value is 65537.

type is for despatch. For default implementation, it must be RSA.

Returns private key object.

Default RSA implementation options can be these arguments.


The private key's modulus


The private key's exponent


keyword argument. Used for CRT private key object.


keyword argument. Used for CRT private key object.


keyword argument. Used for CRT private key object.

type is for despatch. For default implementation, it must be RSA.

Returns public key object.

Default RSA implementation opt can be these arguments.


The public key's modulus


The public key's exponent

Returns #t if given obj is keypair object, otherwise #f

Returns private key from keypair

Returns public key from keypair

Function key? obj

Returns #t if given obj is key object, otherwise #f

CLOS class of private key object.

CLOS class of public key object.

Returns #t if given obj is private key object, otherwise #f

Returns #t if given obj is public key object, otherwise #f

key must be a bytevector and plain key.

Splits the given key to count components and returns _count_values as key components.

The return values might be different each time.

Renaming export of bytevector-xor and bytevector-xor!respectively.

For more detail, see (util bytevector).

PKCS operations

The procedures described in this section is implemented according to PKCS#1. I don't have any intend to describe functionality. If you need to know what exactly these procedures do, please see the PKCS#1 document.

bv must be a bytevector.

block-size must be a non negative exact integer.

padding? must be a boolean.

Pads or Unpads paddings from bv according to PKCS#5.

If padding? is #t, the procedure will pad. otherwise it will unpad.

prng must be prng object. See (math random).

key must be either private or public key object.

block-type must be one of these.

Constant PKCS-1-EME
Constant PKCS-1-EMSA

Returns a padding procedure. The procedure signature is the same as pkcs5-padder.

_ :key (hash (hash-algorithm SHA-1) ) (mgf mgf-1) (salt-length #f) _ _ (prng (secure-random RC4) )

m must be a bytevector.

em-bits must be non negative exact integer.

Encodes given message m according to the PKCS#1 section 9.1.1.

The keyword arguments specified some behaviour.

hash specifies the hash algorithm. For more detail, see (math hash) library.

mgf specifies mask generation procedure.

Note: PKCS#1 only specifies MGF-1.

salt-length specifies salt's length. If it's #f encoder does not use salt.

prng is a pseudo random see (math random).

_ :key (hash (hash-algorithm SHA-1) ) (mgf mgf-1) _ _ (prng (secure-random RC4) )

m must be a bytevector.

em-bits must be non negative exact integer.

Verify given message m according to the PKCS#1 section 9.1.1.

Other keyword arguments are the same as pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode.

mgf-seed must be a bytevector.

mask-length must be a non negative exact integer.

hasher must be a hash algorithm. See (math random).

Creates a mask bytevector, according to PKCS#1 MGF-1.

m must be a bytevector.

em-bits must be non negative exact integer.

Encodes given message m according to the PKCS#1 section 9.2.

Other keyword arguments are the same as pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode.

m must be a bytevector.

em-bits must be non negative exact integer.

Verify given message m according to the PKCS#1 section 9.2. Other keyword arguments are the same as pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode.

Key wrapping

Returns AES key wrapping procedure which accepts one argument of bytevector to be wrapped.

The returning procedure wraps the given bytevector with AES Key Wrap algorithm specified by NIST or RFC 3394.

The keyword argument iv specifies initial value (IV) for data integrity. The default value is #vu8(#xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6)specified by the specification.

Returns AES key unwrapping procedure which accepts one argument of bytevector to be unwrapped.

The returning procedure wraps the given bytevector with AES Key Wrap algorithm specified by NIST or RFC 3394.

The keyword argument iv specifies initial value (IV) for data integrity. The default value is #vu8(#xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6 #xa6)specified by the specification.

Cryptographic conditions

Condition Type &crypto-error

Subcondition of &error.

Base condition type of all cryptographic conditions.

Condition Type &encrypt-error

This condition will be raised when encrypt operation is failed.

Condition Type &decrypt-error

This condition will be raised when decrypt operation is failed.

Condition Type &encode-error

This condition will be raised when encoding operation is failed.

Condition Type &decode-error

This condition will be raised when decoding operation is failed.

who, message and irritants are the same as assertion-violation.

mechanism should be a name of cryptographic algorithm.

Raises &encrypt-error.

who, message and irritants are the same as assertion-violation.

mechanism should be a name of cryptographic algorithm.

Raises &decrypt-error.

who, message and irritants are the same as assertion-violation.

Raises &encode-error.

who, message and irritants are the same as assertion-violation.

Raises &decode-error.

Condition Type &integrity-error

Subcondition of &crypto-errorThis condition will be raised when key unwrap failed due to the integrity check error.

Creating own cipher

If Sagittarius does not support sufficient cipher algorithm for you, then you can write own cipher such as DSA. For this purpose, you might need to know how this library works. It will be described the bottom of this section. If you just want to create a new cipher, you just need to follow the example.

(import (rnrs) (crypto) (clos user) (sagittarius))

(define (sample-encrypt pt key) pt)
(define (sample-decrypt ct key) ct)

(define-class <sample-cipher-spi> (<cipher-spi>) ())
(define-method initialize ((o <sample-cipher-spi>) initargs)
  (slot-set! o 'name 'sample)
  (slot-set! o 'key #f)
  (slot-set! o 'encrypt sample-encrypt)
  (slot-set! o 'decrypt sample-decrypt)
  (slot-set! o 'padder #f)
  (slot-set! o 'signer (lambda _ #vu8()))
  (slot-set! o 'verifier (lambda _ #t))
  (slot-set! o 'keysize (lambda _ 0)))

(define sample :sample)
(register-spi sample <sample-cipher-spi>)
;; test sample-cipher
(define sample-cipher (cipher sample #f))
(define message (string->utf8 "sample message"))
(let ((encrypted-message (encrypt sample-cipher message)))
  (decrypt sample-cipher encrypted-message))
;; -> #vu8(115 97 109 112 108 101 32 109 101 115 115 97 103 101)

The sample code actually does nothing. If you want to see real working code, ext/crypto/crypto/key/rsa.scm might be a good example for you.

The basic idea of creating a new cipher is that you need to define own subclass of <cipher-spi> and register it.

The base class for all SPI (Service Provider Interface).

Subclass must set these slots.


The value must be a procedure which takes 2 arguments.


The value must be a procedure which takes 2 arguments.

NOTE: Default symmetric key ciphers use pkcs5-padder which takes 3 arguments, bytevector, block-size and padding flag. This is because the procedure can be used by multi ciphers. And custom cipher must know its own block size.

These slots are optional.


Describe the cipher.


The value will be passed to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify to be used.


A procedure for signing. The given procedure must accept at least 2 arguments.


A procedure for verifying. The given procedure must accept at least 3 arguments.


A procedure to get recommended keysize of this cipher. The given procedure must accept 1 argument.


The value must be #f or a procedure which takes 2 arguments.


The value must be #f or a procedure which takes 1 arguments. This is called when cipher-update-aad! is called.


The value must be #f or a procedure which takes 1 arguments. This is called when cipher-tag! is called.


The value must be an integer. This represents the maximum length of authentication tag.

NOTE: Even required slots, Sagittarius does not check if it's set or not.

During its initialisation, the initargs (the second argument of the initialize method) takes at least 3 arguments, key, :mode-parameter keyword and parameter passed to make-cipher. The rest of other arguments are also passed if exist.

Returns #t if the given object o is a cipher SPI. Otherwise #f.

Register custom cipher SPI.

mark can be any thing which returns #t then compared by equal?spi must be subclass of <cipher-spi>NOTE: We recommend to make mark the same as example code does and export the registered mark. And the mark must be unique enough not to overwrite existing SPI names.

e.g. :rsa, :dsa and :ecdsa are already used for RSA, DSA and ECDSA

The concept of this SPI is influenced by Java's JCE. The toplevel of cipher is just a wrapper for real implementaion (SPI). When a cipher is created, the cipher procedure actually creates an instance of SPI class and set it to the cipher object. So users need not to know about the implementation and if the implementation supply default parameter then users even can use it by default.

This is the class hierarchy of these crypto objects.

+ <top>
  + <crypto>
      + <cipher>
      + <cipher-spi>
          + <builtin-cipher-spi> <- default implementations of symmetric keys.
          + <rsa-cipher-spi>     <- default RSA implementation
      + <key>
          + <symmetric-key>
              + <builtin-symmetric-key> <- default symmetric key. ex. DES
          + <asymmetric-key>
              + <private-key>
                  + <rsa-private-key>
                      + <rsa-private-crt-key>
              + <public-key>
                  + <rsa-public-key>

The <cipher> and builtin- prefixed classes can not have any subclass.

Backward compatibility

The following procedures are kept for backward compatibility.

  • cipher - Use make-cipher instead.

  • encrypt - Use cipher-encrypt instead.

  • decrypt - Use cipher-decrypt instead.

  • sign - Use cipher-signature instead.

  • verity - Use cipher-verify instead.

  • register-spi - Use register-cipher-spi instead.

(dbi) - Database independent access layer

Library (dbi)

This library provides database independent access procedures. The database specific operations are provided in database driver (DBD) libraries.

Following example describes how to query a database using (dbd odbc)DBD library.

(import (dbi))
(define conn (dbi-connect "dbi:odbc:server=XE"
                          :username "username"
                          :password "password"))
(let* ((query (dbi-prepare conn "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > ?"))
       (result (dbi-execute-query! query 1)))
  (do ((row (dbi-fetch! result) (dbi-fetch! result)))
      ((not row))
   (vector-for-each (lambda (col) (print col)) row)))

There is nothing specific to the underlying database system except the argument "dbi:odbc:server=XE" passed to dbi-connect, from which dbi library figures out that it is an access to odbc, loads (dbd odbc) library and let it handle the specific operations.

If you want to use other database named boo, then you just need to pass "dbi:_boo_:_parameter_" to dbi-connect instead. As long as you have (dbd boo) installed then everything stays the same.

DBI user APIs

Database connection

Connects to a database using a data source specified by dsn (data source name). dsn is a string with the following syntax.

dbi:_driver_:_options_driver part names a specific driver. You need to have a corresponding driver library, (dbd _driver_), installed in your system.

Interpretation of the options part is up to the driver. Usually it is in the form of key1=value1;key2=value2;.... However the DBD implementations can have different format so you need to check the document of each driver for exact specification of options.

rest argument will be passed to the underlying procedure.

NOTE: username, password and auto-commit are strongly encouraged to be implemented in the DBD library.

If a connection to the database is successfully established, a connection object is returned.

Checks if the given connection is still open.

The method shall return #t if the given connection is still open, otherwise it shall return #f.

Closes a connection to the database.

NOTE: Users are strongly encouraged to close a connection explicitly. DBD might not close opened connections automatically.

Commits or rollback transactions on the given connection, respectively.

Preparing and executing queries

From a string representation of SQL sql, creates and returns a query object for the database connection conn.

sql may contain parameter slot, denoted by ?.

(dbi-prepare conn "insert into tab (col1, col2) values (?, ?)")

(dbi-prepare conn "select * from tab where col1 = ?")

If args is not null, then the procedure shall bind given parameters to the place holder.

Checks if the given query is still open.

The method shall return #t if the given query is still open, otherwise it shall return #f.

Closes a query.

NOTE: Users are strongly encouraged to close a query explicitly. DBD might not close opened query automatically.

Binds the given value to query at index.

The procedure shall accept integer index and may accept other type of index.

Executes given query. If the args is not null, then procedure shall bind the given args as its parameters.

The dbi-execute! shall return a integer value representing affected row count.

The dbi-execute-query! shall return a result set object which can be used with dbi-fetch! or dbi-fetch-all!. The implementation may allow to return a specific result set object and it is users' responsibility to use it with fetching the result.

NOTE: There is a default implementation of dbi-execute-query! and returns the given query as a result set object.

Fetches a row or all rows from the given query.

The dbi-fetch! shall return a vector representing the query result, if there is no more data available it shall return #f.

The dbi-fetch-all! shall return a list of vectors representing the query result.

NOTE: There is a default implementation of dbi-fetch-all!, it calls dbi-fetch! until it returns #f.

Commits or rollback transactions on the given query, respectively.

Returns a column names affected by the given query.

The procedure shall return a vector as its result.


The DBI library provides some of conditions which should be raised by underlying DBD implementations.

NOTE: The listed conditions may or may not be raised by underlying DBD implementation.

Condition &dbi-error

Root condition of DBI condition. &dbi-error is a sub condition of &error.

All DBI related condition should inherit this condition.

This condition is raised when DBD implementation can't be found.

condition-driver-name returns missing driver name.

This condition indicates that DBI feature is not supported.

Implementations should raise this condition when methods can't be implemented on the target DBMS.

This condition holds SQL status code.

Implementations should raise this condition when SQL execution is failed with SQL status code.

Writing drivers for DBI

Writing a driver for specific data base system means implementing a library (dbd _foo_) where foo is the name of the driver.

The library have to implement a creating a driver procedure and several classes and methods as explained below.

The method described above section must behave as it expected there, especially behaviours described with shall.

DBI driver procedure

The driver will be created by the procedure named make-_foo_-driver. And it is strongly encouraged to be implemented as a subclass of <dbi-driver> for future extension.

DBI classes to implement

You have to define the following classes.

  • Subclass <dbi-connection>. An instance of this class is created by dbi-make-connection. It needs to keep the information about the actual connections.

  • Optional: subclass <dbi-driver> for actual driver instance.

  • Optional: subclass <dbi-query> to keep driver specific information of prepared statement.

DBI methods to implement

The driver needs to implement the following methods.

This method is called from dbi-connect, and responsible to connect to the database and to create a connection object. It must return a connection object or raise an error which should be a sub condition of &dbi-error.

options is the option part of the data source name (DSN) given to dbi-connect. options-alist is an assoc list of the result of parsing options. Both are provided so that the driver may interpret options string in nontrivial way.

For example, given "dbi:foo:myaddressbook;host=dbhost;port=8998" as DSN, foo's dbi-make-connection will receive "myaddressbook;host=dbhost;port=8998" as options, and (("myaddressbook" . #t) ("host" . "dbhost") ("port" . "8998")) as options-alist.

After options-alist, whatever given to dbi-connect are passed. The driver is strongly encouraged to implement :username, :password and :auto-commit (if the database is supported) keyword arguments to specify the authentication information and commit mode.

The method must create and return a prepared query object which is an instance of <dbi-query> or its subclass.

sql is an SQL statement. It may contain placeholders represented by '?'. The implementation must accept it to keep DBI portable even though the database doesn't.

Binds a parameter value at the place index.

Queries open/close status of a connection and a query, and closes a connection and a query. The close method should cause releasing resources used by connection/query. The driver has to allow dbi-close to be called on a connection or a query which has already been closed.

Commits/rollbacks a connection or a query.

Implementation must behave as described above section.

Data conversion guide

Database data type and Scheme type are usually not the same. However to keep DBI portable it is important to follow a guideline. Here I suggest the data conversion between a database and Scheme object.

Following is database data type to Scheme type conversion guideline. The driver implementation should follow.

Text (VARCHAR2 etc)


Binary (BINARY etc)



Date from SRFI-19

Time and Timestamp

Time from SRFI-19


Binary port, preferably not retrieving all data at once.


Textual port, preferably not retrieving all data at once.

(dbm) - Generic DBM interface

Library (dbm)

The library provides the generic interface to access DBM.

Sagittarius currently supports following DBM implementation;

(dbm dumb)

DBM-like library. Inspired by Python's dbm.dumb. This library must be used as the last resort. It has poor performance and memory usage.

The following code shows a typical usage;

(import (dbm))

;; Open the database
(define *db* (dbm-open (dbm-type->class 'dumb) :path "dumb.db"))

;; Put the value to the database
(dbm-put! *db* "key1" "value1")

;; Get the value from the database
(dbm-get *db* "key1")

;; Iterate over the database
(dbm-for-each *db* (lambda (key val) #| do something useful |#))

;; Close the database
(dbm-close *db*)

Opening and closing a dbm database

Class <dbm>

An abstract class for DBM-like database. The class has the following slots. It must be filled by dbm-open.


Pathname of the dbm database.


Specifies read/write mode. Can be one of the following keywords:


The database will be opened in read-only mode.


The database will be opened in read-write mode. If the database file does not exist, dbm-open creates one.


The database will be opened in read-write mode. If the database file exists, dbm-open truncates it. The keywords are indication so actual implementation may not behave as it described.


By default, you can use only strings for both key and values. With this option, however, you can specify how to convert other Scheme values to/from string to be stored in the database. The possible values are the followings: #f

The default value. Keys (values) are not converted. They must be a string. #t

Keys (values) are converted to its string representation, using write/ss, to store in the database and convert back Scheme values, using read/ss, to retrieve from the database. a list of two procedures

Both procedure must take a single argument. The first procedure must receive a Scheme object and returns a string. It is used to convert the keys (values) to store in the database. The second procedure must receive a string and returns a Scheme object. It is used to convert the stored data in the database to a Scheme object.

Metaclass <dbm-meta>

A metaclass of <dbm> and its subclasses.

Opens a dbm database. dbm must be an instance of one of the concrete classes derived from the <dbm>.

A convenient method that creates dbm instance and opens it.

Closes a dbm database dbm. If the database is not closed, then the database file may not be synchronised properly. So it is user's responsibility to close it.

Returns true if the dbm database dbm is closed, otherwise #f.

The returned value may be non boolean value.

Returns DBM class if DBM implementation dbmtype exists, otherwise #f.

The dbmtype must be a symbol that names the type of dbm implementation, and the implementation library name must be (dbm _dbmtype_). For example, to get the foo DBM then the library name must be (dbm foo).

Accessing a dbm database

Once a database is opened, you can use the following methods to access individual key/value pairs.

Put a value with key

Get a value associated with key. If no value exists for _key_and default is specified, it will be returned. If no value exists for key and default is not specified, then an error will be raised.

Return true value if a value exists for key, #f otherwise.

Delete a value associated with key.

Iterating on a dbm database

To walk over the entire database, following methods are provided.

The basic iterator. For each key/value pair, procedure is called as _procedure_ key value r, where r is knil for the first call of procedure, and the return value of the previous call for subsequent calls. Returns the result of the last call of procedure. If no data is in the database, knil is returned.

For each key/value pair in the database dbm, procedure is called. The procedure must accept 2 arguments, a key and a value respectively. The result of procedure is discarded.

For each key/value pair in the database dbm, procedure is called. The procedure must accept 2 arguments, a key and a value respectively. The result of procedure is accumulated to a list which is returned as a result of dbm-map.

Managing dbm database instance

Returns #t if a database of class class specified by _name_exists.

Removes an entire database of class class specified by name.

Copy a database of class specified by from to to.

Moves or renames a database of class specified by _from_to to.

(util deque) - Deque

This library provides deque (double-ended queue) data structure and its operations.

You can create a simple deque, which is not thread-safe, or an MT deque, a thread-safe deque. Basic deque operations work on both type of deques. When a mtdeque is passed to the procedures listed in this section, each operation is done in atomic way, unless otherwise noted.

There are also a set of procedures for mtdeques that can be used for thread synchronisation; for example, you can let the consumer thread block if an mtdeque is empty, and/or the producer thread block if the number of items in the mtdeque reaches a specified limit. Using these procedures allows the program to use an mtdeque as a channel.

NOTE: (util queue) is implemented using this library.

Class <deque>

A class of simple deque.

A class of mtdeque. Inherits <deque>.

Function make-deque

Creates and return an empty simple deque.

Creates and return an empty mtdeque.

The keyword argument max-length specifies the maximum entry count of the deque. Negative number indicates unlimited number of entry. If the given number is zero then the deque cannot hold any item.

Function deque? obj

Returns #t if obj is a deque (either a simple deque or an mtdeque).

Function deque? obj

Returns #t if obj is an mtdeque.

Returns #t if deque is an empty deque.

Returns the number of the items in the deque.

Returns the maximum number of items mtdeque can hold. #f indicates unlimited.

Returns the number of elements mtdeque can accept at this moment before it hits its maximum length. If the deque has unlimited capacity then the procedure returns +inf.0.

Returns a copy of deque.

Adds obj to the end of deque. You may give more than one object, and each of them are pushed in order.

If deque is an mtdeque, all the objects are pushed atomically; no other objects from other threads can be inserted between the objects given to a single deque-push! call. Besides, if the value of the result of mtdeque-max-length is positive, and adding objs makes the number of element in deque exceeds it, an error is raised and deque won't be modified. (If the maximum length is zero, this procedure always fail. Use deque-push/wait! below.)

Adds obj to in front of deque. You may give more than one object, and each of them are pushed in order.

Like deque-push!, when deque is an mtdeque, all objects are added atomically, and the value of max length is checked. See deque-push! above for more detail.

The name unshift is taken from Perl.

Like deque-push! and deque-unshift!, respectively, except that these don't modify deque if it already contains objs (elements are compared by two-argument procedure eq-proc).

When deque is an mtdeque, all objects are added atomically, and the max length is checked. See deque-push! above for the detail.

Take one object from the end or the front of deque, respectively, and return it.

If deque is empty, fallback is returned if give, otherwise an error is raised.

If deque is mtdeque and its max length is zero, then the deque is always empty. Use deque-pop/wait! or deque-shift/wait! to use such a deque as a synchronisation device.

The name shift is take from Perl.

Returns the whole content of deque by a list, with emptying deque. If deque is empty, returns an empty list.

The the returning list of deque-pop-all! is constructed from the end of queue and deque-shift-all!'s one is constructed from the front of queue.

See also deque->list below.

Peek the head or the tail of deque and return the object, respectively.

If deque is empty, fallback is returned if give, otherwise an error is raised.

Returns a new deque which content is the elements in list, in the given order.

By default the created deque is a simple deque, but you can create mtdeque or instance of other subclass <deque> by giving the class to the optional class arguments. The optional initargs arguments are passed to the constructor of class.

Returns a list whose content is the items in deque in order. Unlike deque-shift-all!, the content of deque remains intact. The returning list is a copy of the content. So modifying the list won't affect deque.

Returns the first item in deque that satisfies a predicate pred.

Apply pred on each item in deque until it evaluates true, and returns that true value. If no item satisfies pred, #f is returned.

Apply pred on each item in deque. If pred returns #f, stops iteration and returns #f immediately. Otherwise, returns the result of pred on the last item of deque. If the deque is empty, #t is returned.

Removes all items in deque that satisfies pred. Returns #t if any item is removed. Otherwise #f.

These synchronising variants work on an mtdeque and make the caller thread block when the mtdeque has reached its maximum length (for deque-unshift/wait! and deque-push/wait!), or the mtdeque is empty (for deque-shift/wait! and deque-pop/wait!). The blocked caller thread is unblocked either the blocking condition is resolved, or the timeout condition is met.

The optional timeout argument specifies the timeout condition. If it is #f, those procedure wait indefinitely. If it is a real number, they wait at least the given number of seconds.

In case the call is blocked then timed out, the value of timeout-val is returned, which default value is #t.

When deque-unshift/wait! and deque-push/wait! succeeds without hitting timeout, they return #t.

(util duration) - Duration

This library provides a set of utility procedures of duration.

Returns a time of object of type duration with the value of n units.

For example, (duration:of-millis 10) returns 10 milli seconds equivalent value of time duration object.

(util file) - File operation utility library

This library provides file operation utilities which is not exported from (sagittarius) library.

File to Scheme object operations

reader must be a procedure accept one argument which is a port. path must be a string indicating existing file.

Returns a list which elements are read by reader from the given _path_file. reader reads the file contents until it reads EOF object.

The keyword argument transcoder can specify which transcoder will be used to open a port. It must be either #f or transcoder. The default value is the value (native-transcoder) returns.

Thin wrapper of file->list. The procedures defined as following;

(file->list `read/ss` _path_)

(file->list `get-line` _path_)


Reads all file contents indicated path as a string and return it.

Reads all file contents indicated path as a bytevector and return it.

Temporary directory operations

Returns operating system specific temporary directory path.

If optional argument path is given, the procedure replace the temporary directory path.

Creates temporary file and returns 2 values. One is the port, the other one is created file path.

The created temporary file won't be deleted automatically so it is users responsibility to delete.

Path operations

path must be a string.

Decompose the given path to directory path, base name, and extension then returns these decomposed elements as 3 values.

The returning value can be #f if the path does not contains corresponding element.

Returns the extension of given path. If it does not contains extension then the procedure returns #f.

Removes extension from given path and return it.

Returns the basename of given path. If it does not contains basename then the procedure returns #f.

target must be a string indicating existing file system path.

Find files from target if it's a directory and return the found files as a list.

Keyword arguments:


Specifies the file pattern to be returned. This can be either string or regular expression pattern object.


When this keyword argument is #t, then returns all files including hidden files which file name starting with .. If this is #f, the procedure excludes hidden files.


If this is #t, then the proc is only given either directory or file. No symbolic likes are given.


This specifies how to sort the result list. If the value is #f, then the result order is unspecified.


If this keyword argument is #t then the procedure finds files recursively, otherwise only the first target directory.

_ (stop-on-file #f) (all #t) (recursive #t)

path must be a string indicating existing file path. _proc_must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments, a path string and a symbol. The given symbol can be directory, symbolic-link or file.

Apply given proc to the found paths starting from path and returns unspecified value. The second argument of proc indicates the file type with following meaning;


The path is a directory.


The path is a symbolic link.


The path is a file

The keyword arguments:


If this is #t, then the proc is only given a file. Otherwise all file types.


If this is #t, then the proc is given absolute path. Otherwise only the filename.


If this is #t, then when proc returns #f the process will stop. Otherwise it continues the process.

The rest of the keyword arguments are the same as find-files.

_ (recursive #t)

path must be a string indicating existing file path. _proc_must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments, a path string and a symbol. The given symbol can be directory, symbolic-link or file.

Process the path string starting from path with given proc and returns a list which elements are the result value of proc.

The keyword arguments are the same as path-for-each.

Re-exported procedure from (sagittarius) for convenience. See Sagittarius extensions.

paths must be list of strings.

Compose given list to platform specific path. This procedure doesn't put path separator at the end of composed string.

Directory operations

Re-exported procedures from (sagittarius) for convenience. See Sagittarius extensions.

Convenient procedures to create or delete directories.

These are the same as UNIX command mkdir -p and rm -rf, respectively.

src and dst must be string and src must indicates an existing path.

Copies src directory to dst. Keyword argument excludes must be a list of string and the procedure won't copy files which contain the excludes string(s).

The options is passed to path-for-each.

(getopt) - Parsing command-line options

Library (getopt)

This library defines a convenient way to parse command-line options.

The library exports a thin wrapper of SRFI-37: args-fold.

This macro wraps args-fold provided by SRFI-37. It takes a list of arguments, args, and scans it to find Unix-style command-line options and binds their values to local variables according to bind-spec, then executes body.

Following is the example how to use;

(define (usage args) ...)

(define (main args)
  (with-args args
     ((verbose (#\v "verbose") #f #f)
      (file    (#\f "file") #t (usage args))
      (debug-level   (#\d "debug-level") #t "0")
      . rest)

The bind-spec must be one of the following forms;

var is variable name. short must be a character represents the short argument name. long must be a string represents the long argument name. value-required? specifies whether or not the optional argument has the value. default is the default form of the variable so it will be evaluated when the input args didn't have the specified option.

If the second form is used, the * is syntactic keyword and the passed value will be packed to list. Thus the script can take more than one the same options.

If rest is not presented and args contains non listed argument, then it raises an &assertion. If it is, then it will pack the rest of non listed argument as a list.

(util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities

This library provides extra utilities for hashtable operation.

proc must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments. hashtable must be a hashtable.

Iterates all keys and values in the given hashtable and passes them to proc respectively.

The hashtable-for-each returns unspecified value. The hashtable-map returns a list of the proc result.

These procedures are analogous to for-each and map respectively.

kons must be a procedure which accepts 3 arguments. hashtable must be a hashtable.

Iterates all keys and values in the given hashtable and passes them and the result of kons to kons respectively. The first iteration of the third argument is knil. The procedure returns the result of all iterations.

Analogous to fold.

Converts to hashtable to an alist.

Converts alist to hashtable.

The keyword arguments specify how to create the returning hashtable. By default, it will use make-eq-hashtable. If it's specified then it will use make-hashtable to create a hashtable.

(util heap) - Heap

This library provides heap data structure and its operations. The implementation of heap is Fibonacci heap. Running time of heap operations are followings;

Constructors, predicates and accessors

Class <heap>

A class of Fibonacci heap.

Function heap? obj

Return #t if obj is a heap, otherwise #f.

compare must be a procedure which takes 2 argument and returns an exact integer indicates the order of given arguments.

Creates a heap.

Creates copy of heap.

compare must be a procedure which takes 2 argument and returns an exact integer indicates the order of given arguments.

Creates a heap whose keys and values are car/cdr part of alist.

Returns #t if heap is empty, otherwise #f.

Returns the number of entries of heap.

Returns comparison procedure of heap.

Returns #t if obj is a heap entry, otherwise #f.

Returns key and value of entry, respectively.

Sets value as entry's value.

Heap operations

Returns the smallest entry of heap. If heap is empty, then #f is returned.

To get the key and value from the returning entry, use heap-entry-keyand heap-entry-value procedures, respectively.

Inserts an entry whose key is key, value is value and returns the entry.

Removes smallest entry and returns it. It is an error if _heap_is empty.

Removes target entry/key from heap and returns the removed entry.

If entry/key is an entry then this operation is done in amortized O(log n). If not, then O(n).

NOTE: If entry/key is an entry, then it must exist in heap. However the procedure won't check so it is user's responsibility to make sure.

Change the key value of given entry/key to new-key. The new-key must be smaller than current key in sense of the returning value of heap-compare, otherwise it's an error.

If entry/key is an entry then this operation is done in amortized O(log n). If not, then O(n).

NOTE: If entry/key is an entry, then it must exist in heap. However the procedure won't check so it is user's responsibility to make sure.

Clears all entry of heap and returns heap.

Merge heap2 into heap1 and empty it. Then returns heap1.

This procedure changes both heaps destructively, if you want to kepp heap2 intact, use merge-heaps or merge-heaps! instead.

Merges heap and returns merged heap.

If the first procedure is used then the returning heap is freshly created according to heap1. The second form merged the rest of heaps to heap1.

The running time of these procedures is O(nm) where m is number of heaps to merge.

Returns entry value associated with key in heap. If there is no entry, then fallback is returned.

The running time of this procedures is O(n).

proc must be a procedure accepts one argument.

Updates the entry value associated to key with the returned value of proc. If the entry doesn't exist then default will be passed to the proc.

The running time of this procedures is O(n).

Searches the entry associated to key and returns it. If there is no entry then #f is returned.

If optional argument finish given then it must be a procedure which takes one argument. The procedure is called when search process is finished. The given argument is either an entry of #f.

(util list) - Extra list utility library

This library provides extra list utility procedures.

Like for-each and map, expect proc receives the index as the first argument.

(map-with-index list '(a b c) '(e f g))
((0 a e) (1 b f) (2 c g))

Inserts item between elements in the list.

(intersperse '+ '(1 2 3))
(1 + 2 + 3)

(intersperse '+ '(1))

(intersperse '+ '())

Splits list into the sublists (slices) where the length of each slice is k. If the length of list is not multiple of k, the last slice is dealt in the same way as take*; this is, it is shorter than k by default, or added padding if fill? is true.

(slices '(a b c d e f g) 3)
((a b c) (d e f) (g))

(slices '(a b c d e f g) 3 #t 'z)
((a b c) (d e f) (g z z))

Splits the list list at index k. This is more tolerant version of split-at defined in SRFI-1 library. Returns the results of take* and drop*.

(split-at* '(a b c d) 6 #t 'z)
(a b c d z z) and ()

More tolerant version of take and drop defined in SRFI-1 library. These won't raise an error when k is larger than the size of the given list.

If the list is shorter than k elements, take* returns a copy of list by default. If fill? is true, padding is added to the result to make its length k.

On the other hand, drop* just returns as empty list when the input list is shorter than k elements.

(take* '(a b c d) 3)
(a b c)

(take* '(a b c d) 6)
(a b c d)

(take* '(a b c d) 6 #t)
(a b c d #f #f)

(take* '(a b c d) 6 #t 'z)
(a b c d z z)

(drop* '(a b c d) 3)

(drop* '(a b c d) 5)

Construct a list by conditionally adding entries. Each clause must have a test and expressions. When its test yields true, then result of associated expression is used to construct the resulting list. When the test yields false, nothing is inserted.

Clause must either one of the following form:

(test expr ...)

Test is evaluated, and when it is true, expr ... are evaluated, and the return value becomes a part of the result. If no expr is given, the result of test is used if it is not false.

(test => proc)

Test is evaluated, and if it is true, proc is called with the value, and the return value is used to construct the result

(test expr ...)

Like (test expr ...), except that the result of the last expr must be a list, and it is spliced into the resulting list, like unquote-splicing.

(test => proc)

Like (test => proc), except that the result of the last proc must be a list, and it is spliced into the resulting list, like unquote-splicing.

(let ((alist '((x 3) (y -1) (z 6))))
 (cond-list ((assoc 'x alist) 'have-x)
            ((assoc 'w alist) 'have-w)
            ((assoc 'z alist) => cadr)))
(have-x 6)

(let ((x 2) (y #f) (z 5))
  (cond-list (x   `(:x ,x))
             (y   `(:y ,y))
             (z   `(:z ,z))))
(:x 2 :z 5)

(util logging) - Logging utilities

This library provides logging utilities.

(util logger) provides logger and appender style logging utilility. Loggers determine loging level and appenders determin how to write logs. This example shows the concept.

(import (rnrs) (util logging))

;; Appenders
(define console-appender (make-appender "[~w5] ~l ~m"))
(define file-appender
  (make-file-appender "[~w5] ~l ~m" "useful.log"))

;; Logger
(define logger (make-logger +debug-level+ console-appender file-appender))

;; This won't be logged since the logger level is debug.
(trace-log logger "trace log message")
(debug-log logger "debug log message")

;; If the logging requires heavy process, then it's better to
;; check the level
(when (logger-info? logger)
  (let ((message (construct-message)))
    (info-log logger message)))

;; stop logging
(terminate-logger! logger)


Loggers contains collection of appenders and level of logging. Once a logger is created, appenders and threshold can't be modified.

Record Type <logger>
Function logger? obj

Basic logger.

Record type <logger> is a base type of loggers.

logger? returns #t if obj is a logger otherwise #f.

make-logger creates a logger whose threshold is threshold and appenders are appenders. The threshold must be one of the followings:

Logging level constants.

The +trace-level+ is the lowest level (0) and +fatal-level+ is the highest level (5). The values are integers so users can extend the level for both side.

Record Type <async-logger>

Asynchronous logger.

Record type <async-logger> is a type of asynchronous loggers. It inherits the <logger>.

async-logger? returns #t if obj is an asynchronous logger otherwise #f.

make-async-logger creates an asynchronous logger. The arguments are passed to parent protocol.

Asynchronous logger logs message asynchronously. Means it creates a background thread and lets it log. It is useful if a logger has a lot of appenders and logging process may take a lot of time.

To stop background thread, terminate-logger! needs to be called. It is users responsibility to do it.

Logging APIs.

_level_-log procedures log message on logger if logger has its threshold lower than the level.

logger-_level_? procedures check if the logger has threshold lower than level.

Generic Function terminate-logger!

Terminates logging of the given logger.

The method calls appender-finish for all appenders of give logger.

If the logger is an asynchronous logger, then it also stops background thread.


Appenders are actual logging mechanisms. Each appender must be responsible how to write a log message and resource management such as log file.

Record Type <appender>

Base appender. This appender emits log messages into current-output-port.

appender? returns #f if obj is an appender otherwise #f.

make-appender creates an appender. The log-format argument must be a string and specifying the format of the log line.

The log-format can contains place holders stating with the character #\~. The followings are the defined place holders:


Puts logging date on this location. The date-format specifies format of the log. It must be a character or string which is surrounded by #\{ #\}. The format is passed to the date->string procedure defined in SRFI-19.


Puts logging level on this location.


Puts log message on this location.


Puts _n_th log argument on this location.


Puts all log arguments on this location.

The following example shows when log-format is "[~w5] ~l ~m"and logging with info level.

(define logger (make-logger +info-level+ (make-appender "[~w5] ~l ~m")))
(info-log logger "message of the log")
;; [2016-09-06T12:32:06] info message of the log
Record Type <file-appender>

File appender. This is a subtype of <appender>. This appender emits log messages to the file named filename.

file-appender? returns #f if obj is a file appender otherwise #f.

make-file-appender creates a file appender. The log-format is passed to parent protocol. The file creation is done with file options of no-fail, no-truncate and append. Thus if the file exists then it would append the log line.

The given filename will be converted to absolute path so changing directory will not affect the log file location.

Generic Function file-appender-filename

Returns log file name.

Rolling file appender. This is a subtype of <file-appender>. This appender emits log message to the file named filename and if the file size is more than rolling-size, then it renames the old file to indexed file and new log file named filename is created.

rolling-file-appender? returns #f if obj is a rolling file appender otherwise #f.

Daily rolling file appender. This is a subtype of <file-appender>. This appender emits log message to the file named filename and if the date string of last file modified time formatted to _date-pattern_is differ from log time, then the appender rolls the old log file to a backup file. The backup file is concatenation of filename and last modified date.

daily-rolling-file-appender? returns #f if obj is a daily rolling file appender otherwise #f.

Creating appenders

Users would soon face that predefined appenders are not enough or don't satisfy the requirement. For that case, appenders can easily be created.

The following example shows how to create an Email appender.

(import (rnrs)
        (rfc smtp)
        (rfc smtp authentications)
        (util logging)
        (clos user))

(define-record-type (<smtp-appender> make-smtp-appender smtp-appender?)
  (parent <appender>)
  (fields (immutable connection smtp-appender-connection)
          (immutable username smtp-appender-username)
          (immutable password smtp-appender-password))
  (protocol (lambda (p)
              (lambda (format host port username password)
                ((p format)
                 (make-smtp-connection host port) username password)))))

(define-method append-log ((appender <smtp-appender>) log)
  (let ((message (format-log appender log))
        (conn (smtp-appender-connection appender)))
    (guard (e (else (report-error e)))
      (smtp-connect! conn)
      (when (smtp-authentication-required? conn)
        (let* ((methods (smtp-connection-authentication-methods conn))
               (username (smtp-appender-username appender))
               (password (smtp-appender-password appender))
               (method (cond ((memq 'PLAIN methods)
                              (list (smtp-plain-authentication username password)))
                             ((memq 'PASSWORD methods)
                              (let-values ((init&next (smtp-login-authentication username password)))
                             (else #f))))
          (if methods
              (apply smtp-authenticate! conn method)
                (smtp-disconnect! conn)
                (error 'append-log "not supported")))))
      (smtp-send! conn (smtp:mail
                        (smtp:from "Takashi Kato" "")
                        (smtp:to "Takashi Kato" "")
                        (smtp:subject "Logging with email")
      (smtp-disconnect! conn))))

The example is not really useful since it sends only the fixed recipient with fixed format. If you need to use it, you need to modify.

Only what users need to do to create an appender is the followings:

  • Creates a record type inherits <appender>.

  • Specialising append-log method with the above record.

Generic Function append-log appender log

Core process of appending logs.

log is an object of <log> or its subtype. This method should emit logs.

Finishing appender if necessary. This method is called when terminate-logger is called.

Implementation should release resource of the appender.

Generic Function format-log appender log

Formats log object. log is an object of <log> or its subtype.

The method must return a string representation of given log.

The default implementation handles the log format described in the make-logger description.

Returns log format of the given appender.

Record Type <log>
Function log? obj

Default log object.

<log> has 4 fields when, level, message and arguments. By the default creation, they are UTC time object, symbol of log level, log message and a vector of extra logging arguments, respectively.

If you want to create own logger which handles log object differently, then you need to specialise the following generic function with the logger.

Generic Function push-log logger log

Pushes log to appenders of the logger.

Singleton logger

Asynchronous logger or other loggers should sometimes be singleton. This type of thing might need to be done in users responsibility however I think it's common idiom. So the very simple one is added to the library.

This macro defines a logger lookup procedure. If the second form is used then, a registration procedure.

The generated procedures have the following signatures

(@var{lookup} @var{name})

Looks up the logger named name

(@var{register} @var{name} @var{logger})

Registers the given logger with name, name

The registration procedure stores the given logger to hidden storage. If the procedure called the same name argument twice, then the latter logger overwrites the previous one.

clause* must the following form:

  • (loggers (_logger-name_ _make-logger_) ...)

loggers is an auxiliary syntax. If the loggersclause is specified, then the macro stores the logger logger-name which is created by make-logger thunk as its predefined loggers.

(math) - Mathematics library

Deprecated library

This library is deprecated, please consider to use Cryptographic libraries instead.

This section describes matheatics operations which are used by (crypto)library.

This library also uses libtomcrypt as its implemention except prime number operations.

Library (math)

The top most level library of mathematics. It exports all of procedures from (math random), (math hash), (math prime) and (math helper)

Random number operations

This library exports procedures for random numbers.

type must be a string.

Creates a pseudo random object (prng). If keyword argument reader is given it creates a custom prng. The reader must be a procedure which accepts two argument, a bytevector and integer. It must fill the given bytevector with random numbers.

type is used to specify the builtin pseudo random algorithm. The possible algorithms are below:

Constant Yarrow
Constant Fortuna
Constant RC4
Constant SOBER-128

The following is also a psuedo random but this may or may not be cryptographic random generator.

Constant System

System prng uses platform random generator. For example, on Unix like environment, this uses /dev/urandom or /dev/random if the first option is not available.

seed is entropy of the pseudo random.

Note: each time if you create pseudo random, it returns exactly the same value. For example:

(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (r '() (cons (random (pseudo-random RC4) 10) r)))
    ((= i 10) r))
'(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

So if you need different number as I believe, you need to reuse the prng object like this

(let ((rc (pseudo-random RC4)))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (r '() (cons (random rc 10) r)))
      ((= i 10) r)))
'(3 4 0 6 7 4 3 4 2 0)

If you don't want to care this behaviour, use secure-random below.

type must be one of the pseudo random algorithms.

Creates secure random object.

bit is initial entropy of the pseudo random. It must be in between 64 to 1028.

Function prng? obj

Returns #t if obj is prng object, builtin pseudo random objcet, custom random object or secure random object respectively.

seed must be a bytevector or integer.

Add entropy to given prng.

Returns random number according to given prng algorithm. The result number will be less than size.

Keyword argument read-size will be passed to read-random-bytes.

size must a positive fixnum.

Reads size bytes of random byte from prng.

Returns given prng's state if the pseudo random implementation allows.

For default built in pseudo randoms return #f.

NOTE: if <secure-random> is implemented, then the pseudo random implementation should not return the state.

Reads random bytes from given prng.

The first form creates fresh bytevector with size size.

The second form reads random bytes from prng and sets the result into the given bv destructively.

If the second form is used, bv must have the length at least size.

Returns given the (+ (* bits 8) (if (zero? (mod bits 8)) 1 0)) bits of random bytevector.

bv must be a bytevector.
start must be an exact non negative integer.
len must be an exact non negative integer.

Reads random bytes from a system random generator and store it into bv.
If the second form is used, then it stores from the start position.
If the third form is used, then it stores the len bytes from the start.

Custom pseudo random operations

Since version 0.3.2, pseudo random also has custom operations. Similar with cipher spi or hash algorithm.

The following example describes how to make it.

;; the code snipet is from math/mt-random
(define-class <mersenne-twister> (<user-prng>)
  (;; The array for the state vector
   ;; using bytevector, it needs to be 64 bit aligned.
   (state :init-keyword :state :init-form (make-bytevector (* NN 8)))
   ;; mti==NN+1 means MT[NN] is not initialized
   (mti   :init-keyword :mti   :init-form (+ NN 1))))
(define-method initialize ((o <mersenne-twister>) initargs)
  (let ((seed (get-keyword :seed initargs #f)))
    (slot-set! o 'set-seed! mt-set-seed)
    (slot-set! o 'read-random! mt-read-random!)
    (when seed
      (mt-set-seed o seed))))

User just need to set the slots set-seed! and read-random!. Then other process is done by lower layer.

Following describes the meaning of these slots.

The slot set-seed! requires a procedure which accepts 2 arguments, target pseudo random and seed. seed must be bytevector.

The slot read-random! requires a pseudo which accepts 3 arguments, target pseudo random buffer and bytes. buffer must be a bytevector and have bigger size than given bytes. bytes must be a non negative fixnum.

NOTE: The custom pseudo random interface has been changed since version 0.3.6. Make sure which version of Sagittarius your application using.

Hash operations

This library exports procedures for hash (digest) operations.

name must be a string.

Creates a hash-algorithm object. name specifies its algorithm. The predefined algorithms are blow:

Constant SHA-512
Constant SHA-384
Constant SHA-256
Constant SHA-224
Constant SHA-512/256
Constant SHA-512/224
Constant Tiger-192
Constant SHA-1
Constant RIPEMD-320
Constant RIPEMD-256
Constant RIPEMD-160
Constant RIPEMD-128
Constant MD5
Constant MD4
Constant MD2
Constant SHA-3-224
Constant SHA-3-256
Constant SHA-3-384
Constant SHA-3-512
Constant BLAKE2s-128
Constant BLAKE2s-160
Constant BLAKE2s-224
Constant BLAKE2s-256
Constant BLAKE2b-160
Constant BLAKE2b-256
Constant BLAKE2b-384
Constant BLAKE2b-512

If you want to use other hash algorithm, you can also create a new hash algorithm. It is described the section Custom hash algorithm.

Return #t if obj is hash-algorithm object otherwise #f.

Return OID of given hash-algorithm if it has otherwise #f.

User level APIs of hash operations

type must be a string which specifies hash algorithms or hash-algorithm object.

The hash procedure generates digest from given bytevector _bv_according to the given algorithm. The result digest will be a bytevector.

If type is not a hash algorithm object nor predefined hash algorithm, then options will be passed to the custom hash algorithm creation.

Returns hash size of given hash-algorithm.

Returns hash block size of given hash-algorithm.

Low level APIs of hash operations

Most of the time User level APIs are sufficient enough, however for some cases, for example multiple input datas, you might need to use these low leve APIs.

Initialise given hash-algorithm.

bv must be a bytevector.

Process hash process with input data bv. The result will be stored in the hash-algorithm.

Optional arguments start and end limits the input bv.

out must be a bytevector and must have hash size which the hash-size procedure returns.

Flushes stored hash result in hash-algorithm into out.

Once this procedure is called hash-algorithm's state will be changed. If you want to reuse it, you need to call hash-init!.

Optional arguments start and end specifies the offset of output bytevector.

Custom hash algorithm

Since version 0.3.1, user can create a custom hash algorithm. Similar with cipher spi described section Creating own cipher.

The following example describes how to make it.

(import (rnrs) (sagittarius) (math) (clos user))
;; hash operations
(define (foo-init hash) #t)
(define (foo-process hash bv)
  (let ((len (bytevector-length bv)))
    (bytevector-copy! bv 0 (slot-ref hash 'buffer) 0 (min len 16))))
(define (foo-done hash out)
  (let ((v (integer->bytevector (equal-hash (slot-ref hash 'buffer)))))
    (bytevector-copy! v 0 out 0 (min 8 (bytevector-length v)))))

(define-class <foo-hash> (<user-hash-algorithm>)
  ((buffer :init-form (make-bytevector 16))))
(define-method initialize ((o <foo-hash>) initargs)
  (slot-set! o 'init foo-init)
  (slot-set! o 'process foo-process)
  (slot-set! o 'done foo-done)
  (slot-set! o 'block-size 16)
  (slot-set! o 'hash-size 8)
  (slot-set! o 'oid #f)
  (slot-set! o 'state #f))
;; marker
(define-class <foo-marker> () ())
(define FOO (make <foo-marker>))
(register-hash FOO <foo-hash>)

;; use with APIs
(hash FOO (string->utf8 "hash")) ;; -> #vu8(245 221 54 232 0 0 0 0)

The slots init, process and done must be set with a procedure which will be called by hash-init!, hash-process! and hash-done! respectively.

The procedure set to process and done must accept 2 or 4 arguments. If it can accept 4 arguments, then optional argumens _start_and end are passed. Implementation can use these information to ptimise memory allocation. If it can accept 2 argumens, then framework handles the range. In this case, uneccesarry allocation may happen.

The slots block-size and hash-size must be non negative exact integer and will be returned by hash-block-size and hash-sizeprocedures respectively.

The slot oid must be set #f or string which represent OID of the custom hash algorithm. If you don't have it, it's better to set #f.

The slot state can be anything, this slot is for storing the hash state if you need.

Prime number operations

This library exports procedures for prime number operations.

Tests if given q is a prime number or not.

This procedure uses Miller Rabin primality test. So there is slight possibility to pass non prim number.

The optional argument k is the test times. The default 50 makes failure ratio very low. And rand specifies whith pseudo random algorithm uses in the test.

The latter form is for backward compatibility.

Find a prime number from size bytes. So the minimum range will be 1 <= p <= 251.

Keyword argument prng specifies which pseudo random uses to find a prime number.

Misc arithmetic operations

This library exports procedures for misc arithmetic operations.

Re exporting mod-inverse defined in (sagittarius) library.

Re exporting mod-expt defined in (sagittarius) library.

(net mq amqp) - AMQP library

Providing APIs for AMQP, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol.

Currently, the library lacks security layer such as TLS and SAML, and transaction support.


Following examples describes how to send and receive messages from remote queues.

(import (rnrs) (net mq amqp api))

;; Sends text message to SAMPLE.QUEUE on localhost:5672
(call-with-amqp-connection "localhost" "5672"
  (lambda (conn)
    (call-with-amqp-session conn
      (lambda (session)
        (let ((sender (create-amqp-sender session "SAMPLE.QUEUE"))
              (message (create-amqp-text-message "Hello AMQP!!")))
          (send-amqp-message sender message)
          (destroy-amqp-sender sender))))))

;; Receives text message from SAMPLE.QUEUE on localhost:5672
(call-with-amqp-connection "localhost" "5672"
  (lambda (conn)
    (call-with-amqp-session conn
      (lambda (session)
        (let* ((receiver (create-amqp-receiver session "SAMPLE.QUEUE"))
               (message (receive-amqp-message receiver)
          (destroy-amqp-sender receiver)

High level APIs

Returns #t if given obj is AMQP connection. Otherwise #f.

Creates an AMQP connection object.

Closes given AMQP connection.

Creates an AMQP connection and pass it to proc. Then returns the result of proc.

The created connection will be closed both proc returns or raises an error. Thus Invoking captured continuation inside of proc would not work.

Returns #t if given obj is AMQP session. Otherwise #f.

Starts AMQP session on the given connection

Ends given AMQP session.

Starts an AMQP session and pass it to proc. Then returns the result of proc.

The stated session will be ended both proc returns or raises an error. Thus Invoking captured continuation inside of proc would not work.

Returns #t if given obj is AMQP sender and receiver, respectively. Otherwise #f.

Creates an AMQP sender or receiver, respectively.

source-queue and target-queue must be strings and indicating queue names on the remote server.

Destory given sender and receiver, respectively.

Sends message to sender's queue.

message must be am AMQP message object.

Receives an AMQP message from receiver's queue.

Keyword argument timeout must be #f or integer. If this is specified then the procedure waits only specified milliseconds.

Returns #t if given obj is AMQP message. Otherwise #f.

Creates an AMQP text message, binary message and data message, respectively.

text must be a string. data must be a bytevector. content-type must be a string.

(net http-client) - Modern HTTP client

Providing, probably, modern HTTP client.

The (net http-client) provides a modern HTTP client, which handles connection pooling, client certificate, redirect and cookie. The client also provides asynchronous calling atop future object of (util concurrent).

The following example shows how to use in a nutshell.

(import (rnrs)
        (net http-client)
        (util concurrent))

(define client (http:client-builder
                (follow-redirects (http:redirect normal))))

(let ((future (http:client-send-async client
                                       (uri "")))))
  ;; do whatever you need to do during the above HTTP call
  (let ((response (future-get future)))
    (http:response-status response)  ;; -> 200
    (http:response-headers response) ;; -> header object
    (http:response-body response)    ;; -> body as bytevector

HTTP client

Returns #t if the given o is a HTTP client, otherwise #f.

A constructor macro to build a HTTP client.

The _field_s must be one or more of the following:


Specifies redirection strategy, the value must be a valid value of http:redirect.


Specifies a cookie handler. Currently, http:make-default-cookie-handler is the only option.


Specifies a connection manager. See Connection Manager section for more detail.


Specifies a HTTP version. The value must be a valid value of http:version. The client handles both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 by default.


Specifies an executor. The the default executor has 5 threads, but it'd be shared by all the client created without this field, so if you want to use the client in a intense situation, it's a good idea to specify own executor.

A macro checks if the given value is a valid supporting HTTP version.

The value must be either http/1.1 or http/2. If the later one is specified, it first tries to connect with HTTP/2, and falls back to HTTP/1.1 if HTTP/2 is not avaiable.

HTTP/2 works only on TLS environment, as the client uses ALPN to detect the version.

A macro checks if the given value is a valid supporting redirect strategy.

The value must be one of never, always or normal. The default value is never.


Won't redirect, it is suitable if you want to handle 3xx result manually.


Redirects as long as the 3xx status is returned. This means insecure redirection may happen (i.e. HTTPS to HTTP)


Redirects 3xx status if the scheme is the same or more secure.

HTTP request and response

Returns #t if the given o is an HTTP request object, otherwise #f.

Builds a HTTP request object.

The field must be one or more the followings.


The URI of the request, it has to be an URI object of (net uri) or valid URI string. This field is mandatory.


A valid HTTP method. Default value is GET.


A content type header, this is used when the method is allowed to have body. Default value "application/octet-stream".


Content of the request. The value must be either a bytevector ot binary input port.


A list of headers or a HTTP header object. If it's a list of header, then the element must contain a pair of name and values.


A list of cookies. The elements must be cookie object of (rfc cookie)


An authentication provider. Must be a thunk providing the Authorization header value.

Returns #t if the given o is a HTTP headers object, otherwise #f.

Make a HTTP headers object.

A HTTP headers object can contain multiple values on one headers.

Retrieve a list of value of the header name from headers.

If the name doesn't exists, then it returns ().

Retrieve the first value of the header name from headers.

If the name doesn't exists, then it returns #f.

Sets the single value of value into the headers with header name of name.

Adds the value in the headers to the header value list of name.

If the name doesn't exist, then it works the same as http:headers-set!.

Returns a list of header names of the given headers

Returns #t if the given o is an HTTP response object, otherwise #f.

Returns the response HTTP status code.

The code is a string.

Returns the response HTTP headers object.

Returns a list of the response cookie, if exists.

The element of the list is a cookie object of (rfc cookie).

Returns the body of the response. The value is bytevector.

Authorization header value providers

Authorization header value providers can be used for auth field of the HTTP request.

Provides basic auth value provider of the given username and password.

Provides bearer auth value provider of the given token.

Connection Manager

A connection manager manages the connections of a HTTP client. By default, we support these three types of connection managers; ephemeral, pooling, and logging.

The ephemeral connection manager creates a connection per request and discards it. This connection manager should only be used in disposable scripts.

The pooling connection manager pools the created connection and try to reuse if possible.

Below example shows how to create a HTTP client with pooling connection manager.

(define pool-config
    (connection-timeout 1000)     ;; 1 sec, connection timeout
    (max-connection-per-route 20) ;; pooling connection number per route
    (read-timeout 3000)           ;; 3 sec, read timeout
    (dns-timeout 1000)            ;; 1 sec, DNS lookup timeout
    (time-to-live 120)            ;; 120 sec, expiration time of a connection
(define http-client
    (connection-manager (make-http-pooling-connection-manager pool-config))))

Creates a default connection manager. This is at this moment an ephemeral connection manager without any timeout or key configuration.

Ephemeral Connection Manager

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of http-connection-config, otherwise #f.

A constructor macro to build a http-connection-config record.

The _field_s must be one or more of the following:


Specifies connection timeout in milli second.


Specifies read timeout in milli second.


Specifies a key manager. See Key Manager section for more detail.

Returns #t if the obj is an ephemeral connection manager, otherwise #f.

Config must be a http-connection-config record instance.

Creates an ephemeral connection manager.

Pooling Connection Manager

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of http-pooling-connection-config, otherwise #f.

The http-pooling-connection-config record is a child record of http-connection-config.

A constructor macro to build a http-pooling-connection-configrecord.

The _field_s must be one or more of the following and the ones from http-connection-config-builder:


Specifies connection request timeout in milli second. The timeout is only for the waiting time of the connection retrieval from the pool.


Specifies pool size per route. A route is defined with the combination of hostname and port. Default value is 5.


Specifies the life time of the pooled connection in seconds


Specifies connection manager delegate provider. Default value is default-delegate-connection-manager-provider

A delegate connection manager is an underlying connection manager of the pooling connection manager. The delegate creates and closes the actual connection.

Returns #t if the obj is a pooling connection manager, otherwise #f.

Config must be a http-pooling-connection-configrecord instance.

Creates a pooling connection manager.

Delegate Connection Manager providers

A delegate connection provider is a procedure which accepts one argument config and returns a connection manager.

Synonym of make-http-ephemeral-connection-manager.

Key Manager

Key manager manages client certificate of HTTP connections. A key manager may contain multiple of key providers. A key provider should provide a list whose the first element is a private key and the rest are certificate chain.

The following example shows how to make a key manager with multiple key providers.

(import (rnrs)
        (net http-client)
        (rfc base64)
        (security keystore))
(define (host-a p)
  (define node (socket-parameter-socket-node p))
  (cond ((string=? node "") "host-a-key-alias")
        (else #f)))
(define (host-b p)
  (define node (socket-parameter-socket-node p))
  (and (string-suffix? "" node) "host-b-key-alias"))
(define keystores
  ;; keystore file (PKCS12 base64 encoded), store pass, key pass, alias selector
  `(("host-a.b64" "password0" "password0a" ,host-a)
    ("host-b.b64" "password1" "password1a" ,host-b)))

(define (->keystore-key-provider keystore-info)
  (let ((file (car keystore-info))
        (storepass (cadr keystore-info))
        (keypass (caddr keystore-info))
        (strategy (cadddr keystore-info)))
     (call-with-input-file file
       (lambda (in)
         (let ((bin (open-base64-decode-input-port in)))
           (load-keystore 'pkcs12 bin storepass)))
       :transcoder #f)

(make-key-manager (map ->keystore-key-provider keystores))

Returns #t if the obj is a key manager, otherwise #f.

Key-providers must be a list of key provider.

Creates a key manager.

Key Provider

Key provider provides keys. The key can be retrieved from anywhere but must be a format of a list of private key and certificate chain.

We provide keystore key provider by default. If you need other key provider, you need to create a custom one.

Record Type <key-provider>

An abstruct record type of key provider. Users must inherit this record type to create a custom key provider.

This record type has a filed named key-retrievers.

Returns #t if the obj is a key provider otherwise #f.

Returns the value of field key-retrievers of the key provider key-provider.

This procedure is not meant to be used by a user of HTTP client.

Returns #t if the obj is a keystore key provider otherwise #f.

Keystore must be a keystore object of (security keystore). password must be a string of valid key password. alias-provider must be a procedure which accepts one argument, socket parameter, and returns either string of key alias or #f.

Creates a key provider with one key retriever.

Add a key retriever to the keystore-key-provider and returns keystore-key-provider.

This procedure is convenient if you have multiple keys in one keystore.

(net http) - Async HTTP client

Library (net http)

This library provides a wrapper of (net http-client) library, for convenience especially scripting purpose.

To simplify the document, here we use methods, nobody-methods and bodied-methods to refer sets of HTTP methods. The mapping of the methods are blow:


All HTTP methods, at this moment we support the below methods:

  • GET

  • HEAD


  • POST

  • PUT




HTTP methods which don't have body, these are the ones:

  • GET

  • HEAD



HTTP methods which may have body, these are the ones:

  • POST

  • PUT



If these names are used in the procedure names, then lower cased names are used. e.g. http-{nobody-methods} will be http-get and others.

HTTP request procedures

request-context must be a HTTP request context.
uri must be a string representation of HTTP URI.-- callback must be a procedure which accepts one argument of HTTP response.
body must be a bytevector, HTTP request payload or #f.

Synchronous HTTP request procedure. callback is called when the response is received.

These procedure blocks the process.

If the body is a bytevector, then it is sent with content type of application/octet-stream.

Asynchronous version of HTTP request procedures. The return value is future object.

The same as asynchronous version of HTTP request procedures, this procedures accept HTTP client instead of using default one provided by this library.

Underlying HTTP requesting procedure of all the above per method procedure. These procedures can be used not to write manual dispatch by the HTTP method.

The async-http-request uses default HTTP client as underlying HTTP client, described below section.

Default HTTP client

The default HTTP client is configured as below specification:

  • Having pooling connection manager of max connection per route of 100

  • DNS timeout of 30 seconds

  • Connection timeout of 60 seconds

  • Read timeout of 120 seconds

  • Always follows redirection

HTTP request context

A HTTP request context is a sub record of <http:request> defined in (net http-client). It has extra fields payload and callback.

payload fields provides a convenient access to the content-type and body fields of the <http:request>.

callback fields provides a callback for the response.

Returns #t if the given obj is a HTTP request context, otherwise #f.

Builds a HTTP request context. For the detail of field, see (net http-client) .

HTTP request payload

The library provides a convenient framework to compose HTTP request body and associated content type. HTTP request payload is a record which contains 3 fields; content-type, content and converter. The content-type is the content type value to be sent. The content is the raw content of the reuqest payload, for example, a list of key and value pairs. Then the converter convers the content to a bytevector.

The library provides generic binary payload and 3 most used content types:

  • application/octet-stream

  • application/json

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Users can make own request payload as well.

The base record of HTTP request payload. The record has below 3 fields;


Accessor http-request-payload-content-type


Accessor http-request-payload-content


Accessor http-request-payload-converter

Returns #t if the given obj is HTTP request payload, otherwise #f.

One of the supporting payload, <json-request-payload> is defined like this:

(define-record-type <json-request-payload>
  (parent <http-request-payload>)
  (protocol (lambda (p)
              (define (json->string json)
                (let-values (((out e) (open-string-output-port)))
                  (json-write/normalized json out)
              (define (json->bytevector json) (string->utf8 (json->string json)))
              (lambda (json)
                ((p "application/json" json json->bytevector))))))

HTTP request payload for binary input.

If you already have a binary data ready to be sent, then this payload can be the most convenient one to use.

HTTP request payload for octet stream.

HTTP request payload for JSON object. The json-sexp must be a valid JSON S-expression.

NOTE: On Sagittarius, JSON S-expression is Chicken's egg style, it's not the same as SRFI JSON. For more detail, see (text json)

HTTP request payload for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

kv must be a list of key/value pair.


(x-www-form-urlencoded-payload '(("key0" . "value0") ("key1" . "value1")))
;; -> represents `key0=value0&key1=value1`

Both key and value are encoded when it's converted to a bytevector.

HTTP response

HTTP response related procedures are re-export from (net http-client), for more details, see HTTP request and response

(net mq mqtt) - MQTT library

Providing MQTT v3.1.1 and partially v3.1 client APIs.

Reference OASIS MQTT.

Following examples describe how to receive and publish messages.

(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt))

(let ((conn (open-mqtt-connection "localhost" "1883")))
  ;; subscribes to "topic" topic with accepting QoS exactly once
  (mqtt-subscribe conn "topic" +qos-exactly-once+
                  (lambda (topic payload)
                    (let ((msg (get-bytevector-all payload)))
                      (cond ((not (eof-object? msg))
                             (print (utf8->string msg))
                             (string=? (utf8->string msg) "END"))
                            (else #f)))))
  (let loop ()
    ;; receives until "END" message was sent
    (unless (mqtt-receive-message conn)
  ;; unsubscribe from "topic"
  (mqtt-unsubscribe conn "topic")
  (close-mqtt-connection! conn))
(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt))

(let ((conn (open-mqtt-connection "localhost" "1883")))
  ;; publish message to "topic" topic.
  (mqtt-publish conn "topic" (string->utf8 "Hello MQTT"))
  (close-mqtt-connection! conn))

Returns #t if given obj is MQTT connection. Otherwise #f.

Creates a socket connected to host:port and pass it to port->mqtt-connection with opts.

The returning value is an MQTT connection object.

in/out must be a binary input/outport port.

Creates an MQTT connection object using in/out.

client-id, username, password and _keep-alive_keyword arguments are for optional payload of CONNECT packet. If they are given, then first 3 must be strings and keep-alive must be an integer.

version keyword argument is switches which version it should use. The value must be one of the followings;

Constant +mqtt-3.1+

By default it uses +mqtt-3.1.1+.

This procedure is for future extension such as supporting websocket.

Closes given MQTT connection.

Subscribes to given topic with QoS qos.

callback must be a procedure and accept 2 arguments. topic and payload. payload is an binary input port.

To receive messages, use mqtt-receive-message.

Receives one message from one of subscribed topics and call registered callback.

Unsubscribes conn from topic.

Publishes application message message to topic.

The topic must be a string. The message must be a bytevector.

If keyword argument qos is specified, it must be one of the followings.

By default, it uses +qos-at-most-once+.

Sends PINGREQ packet to the server.

MQTT broker

This library provides simple MQTT broker implementation.

The broker only does what broker suppose to do, thus there is no user customised behaviour.

The simplest broker script would look like this:

(import (rnrs) (net mq mqtt broker))

;; Wait on port 9000
(define broker (make-mqtt-broker "9000")))

;; start the broker.
(mqtt-broker-start! broker)

Creates MQTT broker.

The returning broker is a sub type of <simple-server>.

If config keyword argument is specified, the value must be an configuration object created by make-mqtt-broker-config, then the specified configuration is used. Otherwise default configuration which can be created by (make-mqtt-broker-config) is used.

If authentication-handler keyword argument is specified, then the specified value which must be a procedure takes 2 arguments, username and password, handles authentication. If the procedure doesn't return true value then authentication error packet is sent to the client.

Creates a MQTT broker configuration object.

The returning value is a sub type of <server-config> with :non-blocking? option.

Start and stop procedure for MQTT broker.

These procedures are mere redefinitions of server-start! and server-stop!.

(net oauth) - OAuth library

This section describes the APIs for OAuth. OAuth is new secure authentication method for web service. For more detail, see OAuth Community Site.

The following example shows how to obtain an access token from Twitter.

(import (rnrs) (net oauth) (sagittarius control) (srfi :13 strings))
;; obtain a request token.
;; type consumer key and secret you have got issued by Twitter
(define token (obtain-request-token
		:key "consumer key"
		:secret "consumer secret")))

(define (get-pin url)
  (print "Open the following url and type in the shown PIN.")
  (print url)
  (let loop ()
    (display "Input PIN: ") (flush-output-port (current-output-port))
    (let1 pin (get-line (current-input-port))
      (cond ((eof-object? pin) #f)
            ((string-null? pin) (loop))
            (else pin)))))

(define (report token)
  (print "(begin")
  (print " (define consumer-key \"" (token-key (token-consumer token)) "\")")
  (print " (define consumer-secret \""
	 (token-secret (token-consumer token))"\")")
  (print " (define access-token \""(token-key token)"\")")
  (print " (define access-token-secret \""(token-secret token)"\")")
  (print ")"))

(define (main args)
  (let1 pin (get-pin (make-authorization-uri
    ;; authorize the request token manually.
    (authorize-request-token token pin)
    ;; obtain the access token
    (let1 access-token (obtain-access-token 
      (report access-token))))

Now you get the access token to tweet, let's tweet something on Sagittarius:

(import (rnrs) (srfi :26 cut) (text sxml ssax) (net oauth) (sagittarius io))
(define consumer-key "your consumer key")
(define consumer-secret "your consumer secret")
(define access-token "your access token")
(define access-token-secret "your access token secret")

;; creates an access token to tweet.
(define access-token
  (make-access-token :key access-token
		     :secret access-token-secret
		      :key consumer-key
		      :secret consumer-secret)))

(define (call/twitter-api->sxml token method path params . opts)
  (define (call)
     (string-append "" path)
     :request-method method
     :user-parameters params))
  (define (retrieve body status hint advice)
    (if hint (print hint))
    (if advice (print advice))
    (call-with-input-string body (cut ssax:xml->sxml <> '())))
  (call-with-values call retrieve))

(define (twitter-update/sxml token message . opts)
   token 'POST "/1/statuses/update.xml" 
   `(("status" ,message))))

;; if you want to use this from command line.
(import (getopt))

(define (main args)
  (with-args args
      ((message (#\m "message") #t (usage)))
    (print (twitter-update/sxml access-token message))))

The examples explain basic flows. To obtain an access token, and access to protected resource with it.

This library provides OAuth 1.0 procedures. The API's names are compatible with cl-oauth.

_ (timestamp (time-second (current-time))) (auth-location :header) _ _ (request-method 'POST) (callback-uri #f) (additional-headers '()) _ _ (signature-method :hmac-sha1) (error-translator default-message-translator)

uri must be string and URI format.

consumer-token must be a consumer token object.

Obtains request token from given uri with given consumer token.

if the keyword arguments are specified:

version specifies which version uses. We only support 1.0 so this must not be specified.

user-parameters is an alist of the extra parameters to be sent to the server. This parameters are in the body message if the request-method is POST or query string if the request-method is GET.

timestamp specifies timestamp to send to the server.

auth-location specifies the place where the authentication information located. This can be either :header or :parameters.

request-method specifies which request method is used. This can be either GET or POST. POST is recommended.

callback-uri specifies call back uri described in OAuth specification. If users don't use specific location to be redirected, this must not be specified.

additional-headers is alist of additional header to be sent to the server.

signature-method specifies which hash method is used. For now we only support :hmac-sha1.

error-translator specifies how to treat the error message sent by the server when error occurred. This must be a procedure which accepts 3 arguments, http status, headers and body respectively.

_ (user-parameters '())

uri must be string and URI format.

request-token must be a request token retrieved by the procedure obtain-request-token.

Creates a authorization URI which user must agree.

The other keyword arguments are the same as obtain-request-token.

request-token must be a request token which retrieved by the procedure obtain-request-token.

verificateion-code must be a string returned by the URI generated by the procedure make-authorization-uriSets the given verificateion-code to the request token and authorized flag #t, manually.

_ (version :1.0) (user-parameters '()) _ _ (timestamp (time-second (current-time))) (auth-location :header) _ _ (request-method 'POST) (callback-uri #f) (additional-headers '()) _ _ (signature-method :hmac-sha1) (error-translator default-message-translator)

uri must a string URI formatted.

token must be either request token or access token.

Obtains access token from the given URI.

The keyword arguments consumer-token specifies which consumer token is used. And must the same one as when you request the request token.

The rest keyword arguments are the same as obtain-request-token.

_ (on-refresh #f) _ _ (version :1.0) (user-parameters '()) _ _ (timestamp (time-second (current-time))) (auth-location :header) _ _ (request-method 'POST) (callback-uri #f) (additional-headers '()) _ _ (signature-method :hmac-sha1) (error-translator default-message-translator)

uri must a string URI formatted.

access-token must be an access token which obtained by the procedure obtain-access-token or created by make-access-token.

Accesses to protected resource.

The keyword argument on-refresh is a hook for when token is expired and refreshed. It must accept be a procedure which accepts 1 argument that is a refreshed access token.

The rest keyword arguments are the same as the obtain-request-token.

Encodes given URI and make it OAuth required form.

Composes given alist to http query form and make it OAuth required form.

_ (last-timestamp 0)

Creates a consumer token.

_ consumer (session-handle #f) (expires #f) (authorization-expires #f) _ _ (origin-uri #f)

Creates a access token.

token must be an access token or request token.

Retrieves consumer token from given token.

(net server) - Simple server framework

This library provides simple server framework.

Following example describes how to write a simple echo server with the APIs this library provides.

(import (net server) (sagittarius socket))

(define (handler server socket)
  ;; echo message is limited to 255 bytes in this example
  (let ((r (socket-recv socket 255)))
    ;; socket will be closed by the framework
    (socket-send socket r)))

(define server (make-simple-server "5000" handler))

(server-start! server)

Above example creates only one thread and if there are more than one connection, then the latter one needs to wait until first one is done. The library also provides mult threading server. Following example describes how to make multi threading server.

(import (net server) (sagittarius socket))

;; specifies maximum thread number
(define server-config (make-server-config :max-thread 5))

(define (handler server socket)
  (let ((r (socket-recv socket 255)))
    ;; socket will be closed by the framework
    (socket-send socket r)))

(define server (make-simple-server "5000" handler :config server-config))

(server-start! server)

If the server gets more than 5 connection simultaneously, then it tries to wait until one of the connection's task finishes. If it doesn't finish in time, then connection will be refused.

If clients keep the connection but server wants to handle requests more than configured thread number, then specify non-blocking? keyword argument with #t.

(import (net server) (sagittarius socket))

;; specifies maximum thread number
(define server-config (make-server-config :max-thread 5 :non-blocking? #t))

(define (handler server socket)
  (let ((r (socket-recv socket 255)))
    (if (eof-object? r)
        ;; close the socket after the process
        (socket-close socket)
        (socket-send socket r))))

(define server (make-simple-server "5000" handler :config server-config))

(server-start! server)

Above server example creates 5 threads and accept all requests. The requests are dispatched to the least busy thread. There are couple of restrictions to use this server. See the descirption of non-blocking? keyword argument.


Simple server class.

Function server? obj

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of <simple-server>, otherwise #f.

Creates a server object.

service must be a string and indicates the service name or port number.

handler must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments, server object server created with this procedure and socket object socket.

Keyword argument server-class is specified, it must be a class inherits <simple-server>, then the procedure uses the class to instantiate. And during instantiation, given other keys are passed.

Keyword argument config is specified, it must be an instance of <server-config> or subclass of it, then the server is created according to the configuration.

Returns configuration object used to create given server object server.

Returns #t if given server is stopped.

NOTE: this also returns #t if the server is not started.

Starts the given server.

Keyword argument background is true value then the server is started background. By default it's #f.

The rest of keywords are passed to on-server-start!.

NOTE: Server object is not reusable thus once server is started, it is impossible to restart the server.

Stops the given server.

The rest of keywords are passed to on-server-stop!.

Waits until the server stops.

The server must be stopping by accessing shutdown port otherwise this procedure waits forever/for timeout period.

Optional argument timeout must be #f, time object or real number. If the value is #f then this procedure waits forever until the _server_stops. By default #f.

Hook methods for subclasses.

The first method is called when server is starting.

The second method is called after server is stopped.


Server configuration class.

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of <server-config>, otherwise #f.

_ max-retry use-ipv6? secure? certificates

Creates a server config object.

Following is the description of keyword arguments.


Specifying shutdown port. The value must be a string. If this is not specified, then the server doesn't have shutdown port.


This is only used then shutdown-port is specified. The value must be a procedure takes 2 arguments, server and socket. When the procedure returns true value then server will be stopped. By default, it's a procedure always returns #t.


Specifying exception handler. The value must be a procedure accepts 3 arguments, server, socket and condition. This is called when the server handler raises an error. NOTE: The passing socket is not closed so that the handler can send messages to client socket.


Specifying max thread count. Default value is 1.


Specifying max retry count. When connection reached max-thread, then the server waits if the one of the connections finishes. The waiting period is half second (500 ms) and this value specifies how many times server waits. Default value is 10.


Creating non blocking server. If the server is non blocking server, then the server handler must follow the following rules:

  • the handler process must not block/stop even if the given socket is active.

  • the handler process must close the socket when it's not needed. When handler raises an error and exception-handler is specified, then the given socket won't be closed. So exception-handler needs to decide whether the exception is continuable or not. Otherwise, server closes the socket. Specifying this keyword argument makes server ignore max-retry.


Specifying whether or not the server uses IPv6. Default value is #f. (only IPv4)


If secure? is true value and certificates is a list of X509 certificates, then the server uses TLS.


If the server uses TLS, then this keyword argument is passed to make-server-tls-socket. It is strongly recommended to specify this keyword argument, otherwise key exchange is done anonymously, means no signature is sent.

Socket detaching

Non blocking server manages sockets per threads. This feature is useful if the server handler is reused per socket. However this prevents users to write asynchronous call. The following procedure allow users to detach sockets from the server.

Detaches the given socket.

If the socket is detached, then all resource managements, including closing socket, become users' responsibility.

This procedure is only available on non blocking server and can be called inside of server handler. If the condition is not met, then &assertionis signaled.

(net socket) - Modern Socket library

Providing, probably, modern socket library.

Most of the bindings defined in this library is identical as (sagittarius socket), so this document will describe only the differences.

Returns #t if the given o is a socket-options, tls-socket-options, or server-tls-socket-options, respectively.

The socket-options? returns #t for all 3 types.

Builds a socket-options object. The field must be one or multiple of the followings:


See ai-family of (sagittarius socket)


See ai-socktype of (sagittarius socket)


See ai-flags of (sagittarius socket)


See ai-protocl of (sagittarius socket)


Specifies if the socket is non blocking or not, default #t


Specifies connection timeout in micro seconds, default #f (infinite)


Specifies read timeout, default #f (infinite) see socket-set-read-timeout! for more details.

Builds a tls-socket-options object. The fields must be the ones from socket-options-builder or one or multiple of the followings:


Specifes if handshake must be done or not. Default #t


A client private key


A list of client certificates, must be specified when private-key is specified


A certificate verifier procedure


A list of server name indicators, a list of string


A list of application layer protocol negotiation names

Builds a server-tls-socket-options object. The fields must be the ones from tls-socket-options-builder or one or multiple of the followings:


Specifes if client certificate is required or not. Default #f


A list of trusted certificates

Creates a client socket. This is almost the same as the one from (sagittarius socket), the only difference is it takes options to specify extra options, such as read timeout or connection timeout.

Creates a client socket. This is almost the same as the one from (rfc tls), the only difference is it takes options to specify extra options, such as client certificate, alpn, etc.

Creates a client socket. This is almost the same as the one from (sagittarius socket), the only difference is it takes options to specify extra options, such as read timeout or connection timeout.

Creates a client socket. This is almost the same as the one from (rfc tls), the only difference is it takes options to specify extra options, such as private key, etc.

Creates a client socket from the given options, node and service.

This is a convenient procedure to make a socket from the options instead of let user dispatch manually.

(odbc) - ODBC binding

Library (odbc)

This library provides ODBC access procedures.

ODBC is a common database access interface so that it doesn't depend on specific APIs. This library is for implementing ODBC DBD for DBI, using this library directly is not recommended.

NOTE: the library is supported only your platform is supporting ODBC.

Creates and returns ODBC environment object.

Returns #t if the given obj is ODBC environment object.

Releases given ODBC resource.

odbc-env must be an ODBC environment object created by create-odbc-env.

server must be a string indicating ODBC database name.

username and password must be string.

Connects to server with authentication of username and password and returns ODBC database connection object. If optional argument auto-commit is #f then the connection won't commit transaction automatically.

Returns #t if the given obj is ODBC connection object.

Disconnect from the database.

Returns #t if the given ODBC connection is available, otherwise #f.

Creates and returns a ODBC statement object.

Returns #t if the given obj is ODBC statement object.

Returns #t if the given ODBC statement is available, otherwise #f.

Returns number of parameters in an SQL statement.

Binds the given value at position index.

Execute given ODBC statement.

Forwarding current cursor to next and returns #t if there is data otherwise #f.

Retrieve data from statement at position index.

Returns the number of rows affected by UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE statement.

Returns the number of columns in a result statement.

Returns the column names in a result statement.

Commits/rollbacks given ODBC context.

(dbd odbc) - DBD for ODBC

Library (dbd odbc)

This library provides database driver (DBD) for ODBC .

Importing this library is done by DBI automatically so users should not use this directly.

The DSN should specify the connecting database name with server keyword. Following DSN is connecting foo database configured in ODBC.

"dbi:odbc:server=_foo_"The dbi-connect supports :username, :password and :auto-commit keyword arguments. The detail about DBI see (dbi) - Database independent access layer.

(peg) - PEG library

Library (peg)

A parser combinators library.

This library is named PEG (Paring Expression Grammar), howerver it only provides parser combinator not syntactical layer, yet.

The following example shows parsing simple arithmetic expressions.

The first part of the example shows how to define the parser. The parser is defined with the name of calc:expr. This parser accepts one argument which is a lazy sequence provided by SRFI-127 (srfi :127), and returns 3 values, parse state, parser value and next input.

NOTE: A lazy sequence is a pair, whose cdr part might be a generator. A normal pair can also be a lazy sequence.

(import (rnrs)
	(peg chars)
	(srfi :14 char-sets)
	(srfi :121 generators)
	(srfi :127 lseqs))

(define ascii-digits (char-set-intersection char-set:digit char-set:ascii))
(define calc:num
  ($do (s ($optional ($or ($eqv? #\+) ($eqv? #\-)) #\+))
       (n ($many ($char-set-contains? ascii-digits) 1))
       ($return (string->number (apply string s n)))))
(define (calc:op c)
  ($seq ($many ($satisfy char-whitespace?))
	($eqv? c)
	($many ($satisfy char-whitespace?))))
(define calc:+ (calc:op #\+))
(define calc:* (calc:op #\*))
(define calc:open (calc:op #\())
(define calc:close (calc:op #\)))

(define calc:simple
  ($or ($do calc:open (a ($lazy calc:expr)) calc:close ($return a))
(define calc:mulexp
  ($or ($do (a calc:simple) calc:* (b calc:simple) ($return (* a b)))
(define calc:expr
  ($or ($do (a calc:mulexp) calc:+ (b calc:mulexp) ($return (+ a b)))

The parser can be called like this:

(calc:expr (generator->lseq (string->generator "1 + 2")))
#\<parse-succcess> 3 '()

The parser doesn't check if the input is consumed entirely. So this also returns success:

(calc:expr (generator->lseq (string->generator "1 - 2")))
#\<parse-succcess> 1 '(#space #- #space #2)

If you want to make sure that the entire input is consumed, then you need to check if the next input is () or not.

NOTE: An input of parsers, which is lazy sequence, doesn't necessarily be a character sequence. So users can implmenet own lexer.

NOTE2: The above example of the parser usage can also be like this:

(calc:expr (string->list "1 + 2"))
#\<parse-succcess> 3 '()

In this document, we always convert to a lazy sequence.

Predefined parsers

Function $return v

Returns a parser which returns given v as its value.

The second form specifies the state of parser result, which must be one of the followings:

  • +parse-success+ - Indicating successful parse result

  • +parse-fail+ - Indicating failure parse result

  • +parse-expect+ - Indicating different from expected input

  • +parse-unexpect+ - Indicating unexpectedly matched input

The third form specifies the state described above and the next input. The next input must be a lazy sequence.

Returns a parser whose returning state is +parse-fail+ and return value is given message.

Returns a parser whose returning state is +parse-expect+ and return value is given message.

Function $eof input

A parser which check if the input is exhausted or not.

It returns success if the input is exhausted otherwise +parse-expect+ as its state.

Function $any input

A parser which consume the first element of input and returns success.

Function $empty v

Returns a parser which returns success and given v as its value without consuming input.

In the context of BNF term, this is called epsilon.

Returns a parser which check if the first element of the input of the parser satisfies the given pred or not.

If the pred returns true value, then it return success and the first element. Otherwise +parse-expect+.

If the second form is used, then the message is returned when the pred returned #f.

Function $not parser

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser and check if the returning state is not successful or not.

If the state is successful, then returns +parse-unexpect+, otherwise return successful and #f as its returning value.

Returns a parser which uses the given _parser_s as its parser.

It returns successful if all the given _parser_s return successful. The returning value is the last parser's value. Otherwise +parse-expect+ is returned.

Returns a parser which uses the given _parser_s as its parser.

It returns successful if one of the given _parser_s return successful. The returning value is the first successful parser's value. Otherwise +parse-expect+ is returned.

If one of the parser returns +parse-fail+, then the entire parser returned by this procedure fails. For example, the parser after the $fail won't be evaluated.

($or ($satisfy char-whitespace?)
     ($fail "Boom!")
     ($satisfy char-lower-case?))

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser.

The parser parses the input as long as the given parser returns successful state. The returning value is a list of the values returned by the given parser.

If the second or third form is used, then it limits the number of trial.

at-least specifies the number of minimum parse. If the given parser returned non successful state before this number, then the parser return +parse-expect+.

at-most specifies the number of maximum parse. If the parser parsed at-most input, then it returns successful even the rest of the input contains the valid input of the given parser.

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser.

The parser returns successful if the given parser returns successful. The returning next input will not be consumed by the parser.

Function $eqv? obj

Returns a parser which compares the first element of the input and the given obj using eqv?.

If the comparison result is #t, then it returns successful.

This procedure is equivalent with the following:

(define ($eqv? v) ($satisfy (lambda (e) (eqv? e v))))

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser.

The parser returns always successful state. The returning value is the value of the given parser if the parser returns successful. Otherwise #f.

If the second form is used, then fallback is returned when the parser returned non successful.

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser.

The parser parses input exactly n times and returns a list of result value if the given parser returns n times successful.

This is equivalent with the following code:

(define ($repeat parser n) ($many parser n n))

Returns a parser which uses the given parser as its parser.

The f must be a procedure which takes one argument and returns a parser.

The parser returns the result of the parser created by f. The f is called when the given parser returned successful state, passed the returning value of the given parser.

The $bind is useful to take the result of the parsers.

This procedure is used to implement $do described below.

A macro which creates a parser.

The $do macro makes users easier to bind variables. The syntax is the following:

$do    ::= ($do clause ... parser)
clause ::= (var parser)
         | (parser)
	 | parser

The following example shows how to bind a variable returned by the $manyprocedure.

($do (c* ($many ($satisfy char-numeric?)))
     ($return (string->number (list->string c*))))

The above parser parses given numeric character sequence and returns a number. The c* is the result of the $many.

A macro which creates a parser.

The $lazy macro delays the creation of parser. This macro is useful to handle cross reference. For example:

(define a ($do (c b) ($return c)))
(define b ($do (c a) ($return c)))

The above code causes unbound variable in runtime when the definition of a is evaluated. To avoid this, users can use the $lazy like this:

(define a ($do (c ($lazy b)) ($return c)))
(define b ($do (c a) ($return c)))

A macro which creates a parser.

The returning parser calls either then or else parser depending on the result of pred.

This is the simple example.

($if #t ($eqv? #\t) ($eqv? #\f))
;; ($eqv? #\t) will ba called

The $if can be used to dispatch parsers by the results like this:

($do (c ($optional ($eqv? #\t)))
     ($if c
          ($return c)
	  ($return 'something)))

A macro which creates a parser.

The clause must be the following form:

clause ::= (pred parser)

The parser returned by this macro is similar with the one from $if, the difference is this macro can handle multiple predicates.

A macro which creates a parser.

The $when macro returns a parser which calls the given _parser_only if the pred returned true value.

The $unless macro returns a parser which calls the given _parser_only if the pred returned #f.

They are defined like this:

(define-syntax $when
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred body)
     ($if pred body ($fail 'pred)))))

(define-syntax $unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred body)
     ($when (not pred) body))))

A macro which creates a parser.

The $parameterize macro returns a parser which calls the given parser in the extended dynamic extend with the given bindings.

The bindings must be the following form:

bindings ::= ((parameter value) ...)

A macro which creates a parser.

The $guard macro returns a parser which is wrapped by the guard. When the given parser raises an error during parsing, then the guard-clause will be executed.

The guard-clause must be the following form: guard-clause ::= (variable (pred clause) ...) The pred must be a expression which checks if the raised condition should be handled by the coupled clause or not. If the _pred_is evaluated to true value, then the coupled clause is called with the input of the given parser.

Character specific parsers

The procedures provided by the (peg) can be used for all kinds of input. This section describes parsers which can only be used for character input.

Character specific PEG parser library.

Returns a parser which returns successful if the given char-set contains the input of the parser.

This procedure is defined like this:

(define ($char-set-contains? s) 
  ($satisfy (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? s c)) s))

Returns a parser which returns successful if the input of the parser matches with the given string.

This procedure is defined like this:

(define ($token s) (apply $seq (map $eqv? (string->list s))))

(rsa pkcs :5) - Password Based Cryptography library

This section describes the implementation of PKCS#5 specification library. However we do not describe PKCS#5 itself and I don't think it is necessary to know it if you just want to use it.

This example is the simplest way to use.

(import (rnrs) (crypto) (rsa pkcs :5))
(define salt (string->utf8 "salt"))
(define iteration-count 1024)
(define pbe-parameter (make-pbe-parameter salt iteration-count))
(define pbe-key (generate-secret-key pbe-with-sha1-and-des "password"))
(define pbe-cipher (cipher pbe-with-sha1-and-des pbe-key 
                           :parameter pbe-parameter))
(encrypt pbe-cipher (string->utf8 "This is an example."))
;; -> #vu8(254 229 155 168 167 192 249 43 33 192 161 215 28 117
;;         169 129 147 60 16 52 235 79 90 23)
(decrypt pbe-cipher 
	 #vu8(254 229 155 168 167 192 249 43 33 192 161 215
              28 117 169 129 147 60 16 52 235 79 90 23))
;; -> #vu8(84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 97 110 32 101 120 97
;;         109 112 108 101 46)

The library itself defines simply its cipher and key generate methods. Hence user can use it with (crypto) library (see (crypto) - Cryptographic library)

NOTE: Currently the library only supports encryption and decryption, not MAC generation nor verification.

NOTE: When you create cipher object with PBE related algorithms, the you need to pass :parameter keyword to cipher procedure, otherwise raises an error.

This library exports PKCS#5 related cryptographic procedures.

User level APIs

The algorithms used in PBES1 encryption and decryption and key generation.

The names describe the using hash functions and cryptographic schemes. For example, pbe-with-md5-and-des uses MD5 hash and DES algorithm.

salt must be a bytevector.

iteration-count must be a non negative exact integer.

Creates a parameter for PBE key generation. salt is salt and iteration-count is the iteration count for key derivation.

algorithm must be one of the algorithms describes above.

Creates PBE secret key based on given password and algorithm.

Low level APIs

These APIs are for users who want to create own PBE mechanism such as PKCS#12.

Implementation of PBKDF1 describes in PKCS#5 specification.

The arguments are plain text (bytevector), salt (bytevector), iteration count (non negative exact integer) and key length (non negative exact integer) respectively.

The keyword argument hash specifies which hash algorithm will be used. The default is SHA-1.

_ (prf (hash-algorithm HMAC :key P :hash hash))

Implementation of PBKDF2 describes in PKCS#5 specification.

The arguments are plain text (bytevector), salt (bytevector), iteration count (non negative exact integer) and key length (non negative exact integer) respectively.

The keyword argument hash specifies which hash algorithm will be used in PRF function. The default is SHA-1 and if you don't have any reasonable reason, this must not be changed.

The keyword argument prf specifies underlying pseudo random function which must be hash object implemented with <user-hash-algorithm> describes in Custom hash algorithm. The default is HMAC and if you don't have any reasonable reason, this must not be changed.

The implementation of key derive function. The required arguments are the same as above pbkdf-1 and pbkdf-2.

This procedure just calls given kdf with given arguments and returns derived key bytevector.

marker is user defined cipher type. key must be subclass of <pbe-secret-key>. parameter must be subclss of <pbe-parameter>.

This method is called in the initialize method of <pbe-cipher-spi> and must return 2 values; the first one is derived key as bytevector and second one is initial vector as bytevector.

The PKCS#5 encryption and decryption procedures require to derive both key and initial vector from given password and parameter (salt and iteration count). This method is used in PBE cipher to derive key and initial vector.

The purpose of this method is to re-use <pbe-cipher-spi>. For example, PKCS#12 can use this cipher, however it requires different key derivation mechanism.

Supporting PBES2 functionality

Since I could not find any standard implementation, Sagittarius actually does not support PBES2 encryption and decryption. However supporting it is not so difficult. This is the sample code to support it.

(import (rnrs) (clos user) (rfc hmac) (math))
(define-class <pbkef2-with-hmac-sha1-des3> () ())
(define pbkdf2-with-hmac-sha1-des3 (make <pbkef2-with-hmac-sha1-des3>))
(define-method generate-secret-key ((mark <pbkef2-with-hmac-sha1-des3>)
				    (password <string>))
  (make <pbe-secret-key> :password  password :hash (hash-algorithm HMAC)
	:scheme DES3 :iv-size 8 :length 24
	:type PKCS5-S2))
(register-spi pbkdf2-with-hmac-sha1-des3 <pbe-cipher-spi>)

And using this supported PBES2 cipher is like this;

(let* ((param (make-pbe-parameter (string->utf8 "saltsalt") 1024))
       (key (generate-secret-key pbkdf2-with-hmac-sha1-des3 "password"))
       (pbe-cipher (cipher pbkdf2-with-hmac-sha1-des3 key :parameter param))
       (ciphertext (encrypt pbe-cipher (string->utf8 "This is an example."))))
  (utf8->string (decrypt pbe-cipher ciphertext)))

I suppose this is correct, but I could not find any implementation which supports PBES2. I usually test with JCE, so if you have some recommendation, please let me know.

(rsa pkcs :12) - PKCS#12

This section describes the implementation of PKCS#12 specification library. However we do not describe PKCS#12 itself and I don't think it is necessary to know it if you just want to use it.

This library provides procedures for PKCS#12 operations.

Keystore APIs

The example shows how to use keystore APIs:

(import (rnrs) (rsa pkcs :12))

(define keystore (load-pkcs12-keystore-file "keystore.p12" "pass"))

(pkcs12-keystore-get-key keystore "key-name" "key-pass")
;; -> <private-key>

(pkcs12-keystore-get-certificate keystore "cert-name")
;; -> <x509-certificate>

;; certs are list of X509 certificate associated with given private-key
(pkcs12-keystore-set-key! keystore "key-name2" private-key "key-pass2" certs)

;; cert must be an X509 certificate
(pkcs12-keystore-set-certificate! keystore "cert-name2" cert)

(store-pkcs12-keystore-to-file keystore "keystore2.p12" "pass2")

PKCS#12 keystore class.

Returns #t if given obj is PKCS#12 keystore object, otherwise #f.

Returns newly created PKCS#12 keystore object.

Loads PKCS#12 keystore from given input-port or file and returns newly created keystore object.

The load-pkcs12-keystore loads from given binary input port.

The load-pkcs12-keystore-file loads from given file.

storepass must be a string and a password for given keystore.

Retrives a private key associated with alias from keystore. If there is no key entry associated with alias then #f is returned.

alias must be a string.

keypass must be a string. It is used to decrypt the private key and it is not allowed to pass empty password.

Retrives a certificate associated with alias from keystore. If there is no certificate entry associated with alias then #f is returned.

alias must be a string.

Retrives certificate chain associated with given key alias _alias_from keystore. If there is no certificate chain then '() is returned.

alias must be a string.

Returns #t if keystore contains alias. Otherwise #f.

Writes given keystore to output-port or file.

The store-pkcs12-keystore writes to given binary output port output-port.

The store-pkcs12-keystore-to-file writes to given file file.

storepass must be a string and is used to encrypt whole contents.

alias must be a string represents the name of private-key in the keystore.

private-key must be an RSA private key.

key-pass must be a string and is used to encrypt given private-key.

certs must be a list of X509 certificates which associated with private-key.

Stores given private-key to keystore.

The implementation allows users to set separate password from storepass. Be aware that current implementation of Bouncy Castle JCE uses the same password as storepass to encrypt a private key. Thus if you use different password, then it is not compatible with Bouncy Castle.

alias must be a string represents the name of cert in keystore.

cert must be an X509 certificate.

Stores given cert to keystore.

alias must be a string.

Removes the entry associated with alias in keystore.

Returns all defined names in keystore.

(util queue) - Queue

This library provides queue (FIFO) data structure and its operations.

You can create a simple queue, which is not thread-safe, or an MT queue, a thread-safe queue. Basic queue operations work on both type of queues. When a mtqueue is passed to the procedures listed in this section, each operation is done in atomic way, unless otherwise noted.

There are also a set of procedures for mtqueues that can be used for thread synchronisation; for example, you can let the consumer thread block if an mtqueue is empty, and/or the producer thread block if the number of items in the mtqueue reaches a specified limit. Using these procedures allows the program to use an mtqueue as a channel.

The simple queue API is a super set of SLIB's queue implementation.

NOTE: (util deque) is used as underlying library.

Class <queue>

A class of simple queue.

A class of mtqueue. Inherits <queue>.

Function make-queue

Creates and return an empty simple queue.

Creates and return an empty mtqueue.

The keyword argument max-length specifies the maximum entry count of the queue. Negative number indicates unlimited number of entry. If the given number is zero then the queue cannot hold any item.

Function queue? obj

Returns #t if obj is a queue (either a simple queue or an mtqueue).

Returns #t if obj is an mtqueue.

Returns #t if queue is an empty queue.

Returns the number of the items in the queue.

Returns the maximum number of items mtqueue can hold. #f indicates unlimited.

Returns the number of elements mtqueue can accept at this moment before it hits its maximum length. If the queue has unlimited capacity then the procedure returns +inf.0.

Returns a copy of queue.

Adds obj to the end of queue. You may give more than one object, and each of them are enqueued in order.

If queue is an mtqueue, all the objects are enqueued atomically; no other objects from other threads can be inserted between the objects given to a single enqueue! call. Besides, if the value of the result of mtqueue-max-length is positive, and adding objs makes the number of element in queue exceeds it, an error is raised and queue won't be modified. (If the maximum length is zero, this procedure always fail. Use enqueue/wait! below.)

Adds obj to in front of queue. You may give more than one object, and each of them are pushed in order.

Like enqueue!, when queue is an mtqueue, all objects are added atomically, and the value of max length is checked. See enqueue! above for more detail.

Like enqueue! and queue-push!, respectively, except that these don't modify queue if it already contains objs (elements are compared by two-argument procedure eq-proc).

When queue is an mtqueue, all objects are added atomically, and the max length is checked. See enqueue! above for the detail.

Take one object from the front of queue and return it. Both function work the same, but queue-pop! may be used to emphasize it works with queue-push!.

If queue is empty, fallback is returned if give, otherwise an error is raised.

If queue is mtqueue and its max length is zero, then the queue is always empty. Use dequeue/wait! to use such a queue as a synchronisation device.

Returns the whole content of queue by a list, with emptying queue. If queue is empty, returns an empty list. See also queue->list below.

Peek the head or the tail of queue and return the object, respectively.

If queue is empty, fallback is returned if give, otherwise an error is raised.

Returns a new queue which content is the elements in list, in the given order.

By default the created queue is a simple queue, but you can create mtqueue or instance of other subclass <queue> by giving the class to the optional class arguments. The optional initargs arguments are passed to the constructor of class.

Returns a list whose content is the items in queue in order. Unlike dequeue-all!, the content of queue remains intact. The returning list is a copy of the content. So modifying the list won't affect queue.

Returns the first item in queue that satisfies a predicate pred.

Apply pred on each item in queue until it evaluates true, and returns that true value. If no item satisfies pred, #f is returned.

Apply pred on each item in queue. If pred returns #f, stops iteration and returns #f immediately. Otherwise, returns the result of pred on the last item of queue. If the queue is empty, #t is returned.

Removes all items in queue that satisfies pred. Returns #t if any item is removed. Otherwise #f.

These synchronising variants work on an mtqueue and make the caller thread block when the mtqueue has reached its maximum length (for enqueue/wait! and queue-push/wait!), or the mtqueue is empty (for dequeue/wait! and queue-pop/wait!). The blocked caller thread is unblocked either the blocking condition is resolved, or the timeout condition is met.

The optional timeout argument specifies the timeout condition. If it is #f, those procedure wait indefinitely. If it is a real number, they wait at least the given number of seconds.

In case the call is blocked then timed out, the value of timeout-val is returned, which default value is #t.

When enqueue/wait! and queue-push/wait! succeeds without hitting timeout, they return #t.

(record builder) - Record builder

Record builder library. This library provides utilities to construct a record instance easily.

The following example shows how to use the make-record-buildermacro.

(define-record-type base
  (fields a b c))
(define-syntax base-builder
  (make-record-builder base ((a 'a) (c 'c symbol->string))))

#\<base a='a b=#f c="c">

(define-record-type child
  (parent base)
  (fields d e f))
(define-syntax child-builder
  (make-record-builder child ((a 'b))))

#\<child a='b b=#f c=#f d=#f e=#f f=#f>

Make a record builder macro transformer.

Default must be one of the following form:

(_field-name_ _value_)

(_field-name_ _value_ _converter_)

field-name must be a field name of the rtd. value is a default in case the builder didn't receive the field. The _converter_of the second form must be a procedure which accepts one argument. The result of this procedure will be used to instantisate the record. It will also apply the value.

The result of the macro transformer accepts the following forms:

(_field-name_ _value_) ...

(`from` _record-instance_) (_field_ _value_) ...

The from is an auxiliary macro bound in the (record builder). The value of from, record-instance, will be copied to the creating record.

(rfc :5322) - Internet message format library

This library provides the procedures for internet message format defined in RFC5322(RFC 5322).

Parsing message headers

input-port must be input port and will be passed to reader.

Reads RFC5322 format message from the given port until it reaches the end of the message header and returns a list of the following format;

((name body) ...)

name ... are the field names and body ... are the correspoinding field body. Both are as string. Field names are converted to lower-case characters.

The keyword argument strict? switches the behaviour when the procedure encounter EOF. If it's #f, then it simply ignore the field and return the composed list. And if it's #t, it raises &rfc5322-parse-error.

The keyword argument reader reads a line from given port. The default is rfc5322-line-reader and it treats both LF and CRLF eof style. If you want to read from binary port, you need to pass own reader.

input-port must be textual input port.

Reads a line from given port. If the last character is CR chop it off.

An utility procedure to get a specific field from the parsed header list, which is returned by rfc5322-read-headers.

If the field with given field-name is in header-list, the procedure returns its value in a string. Otherwise, if default is given, it is returned, and if not, #f is returned.

An utility procedure to get a specific field from the parsed header list, which is returned by rfc5322-read-headers.

This procedure collects all the given field-name from the header-list. If there's no header named field-name, then the procedure returns ().

Basic field parsers

input-port must be textual input port.

A basic tokenizer. First it skips whitespaces and/or comments (CFWS) from input-port, if any. Then reads one token according to var{tokenizer-specs}. If input-port reaches EOF before any token is read, EOF is returned.

tokenizer-specs is a list of tokenizer spec. which is a cons of a char-set and a procedure.

After skipping CFWS, the procedure peeks a character at the head of input-port, and checks it against the char-sets in _tokenizer-specs_one by one. If a char-set that contains the character belongs to is found, then a token is retrieved with calling the procedure with input-port to read a token.

If the head character doesn’t match any char-sets, the character is taken from input-port and returned.

The default tokenizer-specs is as follows:

(list (cons (string->char-set ":") rfc5322-quoted-string) (cons *rfc5322-atext-chars* rfc5322-dot-atom)) 

A convenience procedure. Creates a string input port from given field and calls rfc5322-next-token repeatedly on it until it consumes all input, and returns a list of tokens.

Consumes whitespace characters and/or any comments from _input-port_and returns a non comment and whitespace character. The returned character remains in input-port.

A character set which is defined RFC 5322 section 3.2.3 Atom.

Default tokenizer.

Tokenizers for dot-atom and quoted-string respectively.

Specific field parsers

Takes RFC-5322 type date string and returns eight values:

year, month, day-of-month, hour, minute, second, time-zone, day-of-week.time-zone is an offset from UT in minutes. day-of-week is a day from sunday, and may be #f if that information is not available. month is an integer between 1 and 12, inclusive. If the string is not parsable, all the elements are #f.

Message constructors

_ (check :error) (continue #f)

Writes the given header to the port output.

date must be SRFI-19 date.

Returns RFC 5322 date formatted string.

(rfc base64) - Base 64 encode and decode library

This library provides Base 64 encoding and decoding procedures.

Encoding procedures

in must be either a bytevector or binary input port.

Encodes given input in to Base 64 encoded bytevector.

The keyword argument line-width specifies where the encode procedure should put linefeed. If this is less than 1 or #f, encoder does not put linefeed.

The keyword argument padding? controls if the result encoded value contains padding character #\= or not. If this is #f, then the result value won't contain padding character.

The base64url-encode encodes the given input to Base 64 URL safe encoded bytevector. Which doesn't use + and /.

Convenient procedure for string.

Encodes given string to Base 64 encoded string.

The keyword argument transcoder is used to convert given string to bytevector. The converted bytevector will be passed to the base64-encodeprocedure. The default value is a transcoder with UTF-8 codec with EOL style none.

The keyword argument padding? is the same as base64-encode.

The base64url-encode-string encodes the given input to Base 64 URL safe encoded bytevector. Which doesn't use + and /.

Creates binary Base64 encode input and output port, respectively.

source must be binary inpurt port.

The input port reads bytes from source and returns Base64 encoded result.

sink must be binary inpurt port.

The output port puts encoded bytes to sink. The port must be closed to finish the encoding process properly.

The keyword argument padding? is the same as base64-encode.

The open-base64url-encode-input-port and open-base64url-encode-output-port encode to Base64 URL safe encode.

Decoding procedures

in must be a bytevector or binary input port.

Decode Base 64 encoded input in to original bytevector.

The base64url-decode decodes Base64 URL safe encoded value.

Convenient procedure.

Decode Base 64 encoded string to original string. The procedure is using base64-decode.

The keyword argument specifies how to convert the decoded bytevector to string. If this is #f, the procedure returns raw bytevector.

The base64url-decode-string decodes Base64 URL safe encoded value.

Creates binary Base64 decode input and output port, respectively.

source must be binary inpurt port.

The input port reads Base64 encoded bytes from source and returns decoded results.

sink must be binary inpurt port.

The output port puts decoded bytes to sink. The port must be closed to finish the encoding process properly.

The open-base64url-decode-input-port and open-base64url-decode-output-port decode Base64 URL safe encoded value.

Low level APIs

Both encode and decode procedures are using encoder and decoder. Both encoder and decoder are just a procedure which takes 2 arguments get and put and not reentrant as they have own internal buffer to process the input.

Creates a Base64 encoder. An encoder is a procedure which takes 2 arguments get and put.

get must be a procedure takes 0 argument and it must return one of the followings; a fixnum of range 0 to 255, EOF object, or negative integer. The fixnum value is treated as an input of the encoding value. The negative integer value is treated as a continue marker. When the encoder receives this value, then it won't encode until the next value is available.

put must be a procedure takes 1 argument which is either a fixnum of range 0 to 255 or #f. The fixnum is the encoded value of the input. #f indicates line break point, so user can determine which line break this encoder should use.

The following shows how to make Base64 encoder with line break of CRLF.

(define (base64-encode-w/crlf bv)
  (let-values (((out e) (open-bytevector-output-port)))
    (define (put v)
      (if v
	  (put-u8 out v)
	  (begin (put-u8 out #x0d) (put-u8 out #x0a))))
    (define inp (open-bytevector-input-port bv))
    (define (in) (get-u8 inp))
    (define encoder (make-base64-encoder))
    (do () ((encoder in put)))

Creates a Base64 decoder. A decoder is a procedure which takes 2 arguments get and put.

get is the same as the one from encoder.

put must be a procedure takes 1 arguments which is a fixnm of range 0 to 255. The value is always a decoded byte.

Default encode or decode tables. If the name contains url, then it is suitable for "base64url".

(rfc cmac) - CMAC library

This section describes the CMAC extension of hash algorithm. The CMAC itself is described RFC 4493. The provided library make user be able to use the algorithm with the APIs of math library's hash algorithm APIs. For the APIs detail, see Hash operations.

Library (rfc cmac)

Provides CMAC hash algorithm.

Variable CMAC

The name for CMAC hash algorithm.

The following example explains, how to use it.

(import (rnrs) (rfc cmac) (math) (crypto))

(define K (generate-secret-key AES (integer->bytevector 

(define aes-cipher (cipher AES K))

(hash CMAC #vu8() :cipher aes-cipher)
;; => #vu8(187 29 105 41 233 89 55 40 127 163 125 18 155 117 103 70)

;; for AES-CMAC-96
(hash CMAC #vu8() :cipher aes-cipher :size (/ 96 8))
;; => #vu8(187 29 105 41 233 89 55 40 127 163 125 18)

The RFC is defined for only AES block cipher however the implementation can take any block cipher such as DES3.

CAUTION: only AES cipher is tested.

(rfc hmac) - HMAC library

This section describes the HMAC extension of hash algorithm. The HMAC itself is described RFC 2104. The provided library make user be able to use the algorithm with the APIs of math library's hash algorithm APIs. For the APIs detail, see Hash operations.

Library (rfc hmac)

Provides HMAC hash algorithm.

Variable HMAC

The name for HMAC hash algorithm.

The following example explains, how to use it.

(import (rnrs) (rfc hmac) (math))
;; the keyword arguments can be omitted, then it will use an empty bytevector
;; as HMAC key and SHA-1 algorithm as digest algorithm.
(define hmac (hash-algorithm HMAC :key (string->utf8 "hmac key") :hash SHA-1))
(hash hmac (string->utf8 "test"))
;; -> #vu8(57 255 153 118 15 133 255 73 12 199 199 115 185 32 43 225 61 254 159 94)

(rfc http) - HTTP client

Library (rfc http)

This library provides simple HTTP client defined in RFC 2616.

The library only talks to HTTP 1.1 and provides part of the specified features. We may implement complete specification in future.

Following is the simple example to send GET method to a HTTP server.

(import (rfc http))

(define url "")

(let-values (((server path) (url-server&path url)))
  (http-get server path))
;; -> return 3 values
;; status
;; header
;; body
Condition &http-error

HTTP error condition.

Return #t if given obj is HTTP condition, otherwise #f.

Request APIs

Sends HTTP request to given path on server. The using methods are GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, and DELETE, respectively.

The body argument of http-post and http-put can be UTF-8 string, bytevector or list of body parameters. The parameters are used for sending multipart form data. The detail parameter form is described in the http-compose-form-data.

The keyword :value and file should not be represented simultaneously, if both keywords are found then :file is used.

Optional arguments options are passed to underling procedure http-request.

_ :key (no-redirect #f) _ _ (auth-handler #f) _ _ (auth-user #f) _ _ _ _ (auth-password #f) _ _ _ _ (user-agent (http-user-agent)) _ _ _ _ (secure #f) _ _ _ _ (receiver (http-string-receiver)) _ _ _ _ (sender #f) _ _ :allow-other-keys opts

Sends HTTP request to request-uri on server with method.

The keyword argument receiver is used to receive the response data. The value must be a procedure which takes four arguments, status code, headers, size of content, and thunk to retrieve remote binary port and its size.

The keyword argument sender is used for POST and PUTHTTP method to send data. If it's specified then it must be a procedure which takes three arguments, headers, encoding and header-sink.

NOTE: Users can define own receiver and sender however the API may change in the future. So if the predefined ones are sufficient, it is safe to use them.

The keyword arguments start with auth- handle authentication. If the server respond status code 401 then those values are used. auth-handler must be a procedure and takes five arguments alist of connection-info, auth-user, auth-password, response headers and response body. If the handler returns list of "authorization" value then http-request sends it as the authentication data. For example, if the server requires BASIC authentication then the procedure should return something like following value;

(("authorization" "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz"))

Following is the complete example of auth-handler;

(define (basic-auth-handler info user pass headers body)
  (let ((m (format "~a:~a" user pass)))
    `(("authorization" ,(format "Basic ~a" (base64-encode-string m))))))

http-request supports BASIC authentication and Digest authentication by default. If you know that the server requires one of each then specifying auth-user and auth-password is sufficient.

If keyword argument secure is true value then TLS socket is used for physical connection.

The rest arguments opts is converted to request header.

This parameter value is used for user-agent header.

Senders and receivers

Creates a sender which sends nothing.

Creates a sender which content is str.

The string will be converted to bytevector according to the encoding argument when the sender is called.

blob must be a string or bytevector.

Creates a sender which content is blob. If the blob is string, it will be converted to bytevector with string->utf8.

Creates a sender which send multipart/form-data with content of param.

The content will be created by http-compose-form-data procedure passing param.

Creates a receiver which returning content is string, bytevecotor and unspecified value, respectively.

(http-get "" "/" :receiver (http-string-receiver))
status headers and string representation of received content

(http-get "" "/" :receiver (http-binary-receiver))
status headers and bytevector representation of received content

(http-get "" "/" :receiver (http-null-receiver))
status headers and unspecified value

The sink must be a binary output port, flusher must be a procedure takes two arguments, sink and headers.

Creates a receiver which stores the content of response to sink and returns the result of flusher.

(http-get "" "/"
          :receiver (let-values (((port extract) 
                      (http-oport-receiver port 
                                           (lambda (port size) (extract)))))
status headers and bytevector representation of received content

filename must be a string.

Creates a receiver which stores the content to a file. The receiver returns the file name.

If keyword arguments temporary? specified with true value, then the returning file name is temporary file.

If there is no response or content-length header contains non number value, then the file will be cleaned.

(http-get "" "/" :receiver (http-file-receiver "google.html"))
status headers and "google.html"

receiver must be an HTTP receiver.

Creates a receiver which handles gzip encoded response. If HTTP response contains Content-Encoding header with value gzip, then the receiver decodes the response and propagates to given receiver. Otherwise, it simply forwards the response to receiver.

The following describes how to use it:

(http-get "" "/"
          :accept-encoding "gzip"
          :receiver (http-gzip-receiver (http-string-receiver)))


Composes query string.

If given path is #f then only composed query string is returned, otherwise this returns _path_?_composed query_ form.

params must be a list of name & value list or null list.

Composes multipart form data.

If port is #f then it returns composed string. if it's a port then the result is stored in the given port.

The params must be following form;

 <params> : (<params> ...)
 <param>  : (<name> <value>)
          | (<name> <key> <value> <key2> <value2> ...)
 <key>    : :value | :file | :content-type | :content-transfer-encoding
          | other keyword (used as a header name)

<value> is the content of <name> parameter. It can be any of Scheme object however it is converted to string representation except bytevector.

If :file keyword is used then it read the content of <value>.

Decompose the given url and returns auth part of URL and path + query + fragment.

(rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client

This library provides simple client HTTP/2 defined in RFC 7540.

The library does not support Upgrade header defined in HTTP/1.1. Thus users must know if the server supports HTTP/2 or not, ahead.

Following is the simple example to send GET method to a HTTP/2 server.

(import (rfc http2))

(define conn (make-http2-client-connection "" "443" :secure? #t))
(http2-get conn "/")
;; -> returns 2 values
;; header
;; body
(close-http2-client-connection! conn)

Returns #t if the given obj is an HTTP/2 client connection, otherwise #f.

Creates an HTTP/2 client connection.

The server must be a string indicating an existing server name.

The post must be a string of either port number or service.

The keyword argument secure? specifies to use TLS or not.

The keyword argument user-agent specifies the value of user-agentheader. The default value is Sagittarius- followed by version number.

NOTE: The connection does not guess if it should use secure connection or not by looking at port number or service name. Which means, even if you specify "https" or "443" however secure? keyword argument must be passed.

NOTE2: Created connections hold opened socket.

Closes given HTTP/2 connection.

High level APIs

Sends HTTP/2 GET request to given uri of HTTP/2 client connection conn and returns 2 values of the response, header and content.

The rest arguments headers must be a list of keyword and string. The procedure sends these pairs as extra headers.

If the keyword argument receiver is specified, then the procedure uses given receiver to receive data. The default value is (make-gzip-receiver).

If the keyword argument redirect-handler is specified, then the procedure uses given redirect-handler to handle redirection.

Sends HTTP/2 POST request to given uri of HTTP/2 client connection conn with given data and returns 2 values of the response, header and content. data must be a bytevector.

The rest arguments headers must be a list of keyword and string. The procedure sends these pairs as extra headers.

The keyword arguments receiver and redirect-handler are the same as http2-get.

Sends HTTP/2 HEAD request to given uri of HTTP/2 client connection conn and returns 2 values of the response, header and content.

The rest arguments headers must be a list of keyword and string. The procedure sends these pairs as extra headers.

The keyword arguments receiver and redirect-handler are the same as http2-get.

Sends an HTTP/2 request to given HTTP/2 client connection conn.

method must be a symbol.

sender must be a sender described below section.

receiver must be a receiver described below section.

redirect-handler is the same as http2-get.

The procedure returns a list of response header and content.

HTTP/2 sender

A sender is a procedure which accepts 2 arguments, internal HTTP/2 stream and flag. At this moment, the internal HTTP/2 stream is not exposed so users cannot create own sender.

Returns a sender which sends given header as HTTP/2 header.

Returns a sender which sends given data as HTTP/2 data.

Returns a composite sender.

HTTP/2 receiver

A receiver is a procedure which accepts 4 arguments, internal HTTP/2 stream, header, frame and flag. The same restriction as sender is applied, thus users cannot create own receiver, at this moment.

Returns a receiver which receives HTTP/2 data frame and put the value into sink. When the stream reaches to the end, then _flusher_is called with sink.

Returns a receives which receives HTTP/2 data frame as a bytevector.

Returns a receives which receives HTTP/2 data frame and returns empty bytevector.

Returns a receives which receives HTTP/2 data frame. If the data frame is compressed to gzip, then the returning receiver expand the data and forward to the given receiver. If the data frame is not compressed, then it simply forward the data frame to the given receiver.

Convenient procedure whose definition is the following:

(http2-gzip-receiver (http2-binary-receiver))

(rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities

Library (rfc http)

This library provides common interfaces of (rfc http) and (rfc http2) library.

Returns #t if the given object is an HTTP connection.

Returns #t if the given object is an HTTP/1.1 connection.

Creates an HTTP/1.1 connection with destination server server.

If the secure? is true value, then it uses TLS socket.

The HTTP/1.1 connection uses http-request defined in (rfc http)library to send an request.

Returns #t if the given object is an HTTP/2 connection.

Creates an HTTP/2 connection with destination server server.

If the secure? is true value, then it uses TLS socket.

The HTTP/1.1 connection uses http2-request defined in (rfc http2)library to send an request.

Returns #t if the given http-connection uses TLS socket to connect target server.

Returns destination server of the http-connection as string.

Returns destination server and port of the http-connection.

Opens given http-connection and returns it.

Closes given http-connection and returns it.

Sends HTTP request to the path path of destination server of http-connection with HTTP method methos.

The rest value of opt is passed to underling request sending procedure.

The procedure returns 3 values, HTTP status, HTTP header and content as bytevector.

Generic method of null http receiver.

The http-null-receiver forwards http-null-receiver defined in (rfc http) for http1-connection and http2-null-receiver defined in (rfc http2) for http2-connection

Generic method of output port http receiver.

The http-oport-receiver forwards http-oport-receiver defined in (rfc http) for http1-connection and http2-data-receiver defined in (rfc http2) for http2-connection

Generic method of http blob sender.

The http-blob-sender forwards http-blob-sender defined in (rfc http) for http1-connection and http2-data-sender defined in (rfc http2) for http2-connection

Generic method of http string sender.

The http-string-sender forwards http-string-sender defined in (rfc http) for http1-connection and http2-data-sender defined in (rfc http2) with given string converted by string->utf8 procedure defined for http2-connection

Generic method of http null sender.

The http-null-sender forwards http-null-sender defined in (rfc http) for http1-connection and does nothing for http2-connection.

(rfc json-pointer) - JSON Pointer

This library is re-exporting of (text json pointer).

For more information, please see (text json pointer) - JSON Pointer

(rfc jwe) - Json Web Encryption

Library (rfc jwe)

This library provides Json Web Encryption (JWE) APIs. JWE is defined in RFC 7516.

The following example shows how to exchange secret key.

(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwe)
        (rfc jwk))

(define jwk-bob

(define jwe-header
   (alg 'ECDH-ES+A128KW)
   (enc 'A128GCM)
   (apu "QWxpY2U")
   (apv "Qm9i")))

;; Alice wants to encrypt with Bob's public key
(define alice-encryptor (make-ecdh-jwe-encryptor (jwk->public-key jwk-bob)))

;; Bob needs to decrypt Alice's message with his private key
(define bob-decryptor (make-ecdh-jwe-decryptor jwk-bob))

(define secret-key (string->utf8 "down the rabbit hole"))

(let ((jwe-object (jwe:encrypt alice-encryptor jwe-header secret-key)))
  (jwe:serialize jwe-object) ;; -> compact JWE string
  (let ((secret-key (jwe:decrypt bob-decryptor jwe-object)))
    (utf8->string secret-key))) ;; -> "down the rabbit hole"

The above is just a taste of how to share a secret key without shared secret. In the real world application, you should implement your application more carefully.

JWE Object

Record Type <jwe-object>

The record type of JWE objects. JWS object has 5 fields, header, encrypted-key, iv, cipher-text and authentication-tag.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWE object otherwise #f.

Construct a newly allocated JWE object.

This constructor doesn't validate if the cipher-text can be decrypted by the encrypted-key as that's not possible.

NOTE: This constructor is not meant be used by users.

Returns the value of header field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of encrypted-key field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of iv field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of cipher-text field of given jwe-object

Returns the value of authentication-tag field of given jwe-object

JWE Header

Record Type <jwe-header>

The record type of JWE header.

This record type has the below fields:

  • typ: JWE type, must be a symbol

  • cty: JWE content type

  • alg: JWE algorithm, must be a symbol

  • enc: JWE encryption algorithm, must be a symbol

  • jku: JWK Set URL

  • jwk: JWK, must be a JWK object

  • kid: Key ID

  • x5u: X.509 certificate URL

  • x5c: X.509 certiticate chain, must be a list of X.509 certificate

  • x5t: X.509 certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint, must be a bytevector

  • x5t-s256: X.509 certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint, must be a bytevector

  • crit: Critical header parameter, must be a list of string

  • zip: Compression algorithm

  • p2s: Salt, must be a bytevector

  • p2c: Iteration count, must be an integer

  • iv: Initial vector, must be a bytevector

  • tag: Authentication tag, must be a bytevector

  • apu:

  • apv:

  • epk:

  • custom-parameters

The above fields have accessors prefixed jwe-header-. For example, to read typ field, you can use jwe-header-typ procedure.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWE header, otherwise #f.

A builder macro of JWE header. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

Serialize the given json-header to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jwe-header is used, then it writes the serialized JWE header to current output port.

Construct JWE header from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jwe-header is used, then it reads from current input port.

JWE Operations

Parse the given compact JWE of string and return JWE object.

If the format of the given string is invalid, then an error is signaled.

Serialize the given jwe-object to compact JWE form.

Returns a JWE object whose cipher-text is the encrypted payload.

The jwe-encryptor must be one of the JWE encryptors described below section.

The jwe-header must be a JWE header object.

The plain-text must be a bytevector.

Returns decrypted cipher-text as a bytevector.

The jwe-decryptor must be one of the JWE decryptors described below section.

The jwe-object must be a JWE object.

If the second form is used, then the crit paramteters of the header will be checked.

JWE Encryptors

JWE encryptor is a procedure takes two arguments, JWE header and plain text.

key must be a EC JWK, OKP JWK, EcDSA public key, X25519 public key or X448 public key.

Creates a ECDH JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A198KW, and ECDH-ES+A256KW algorithms.

key must be a RSA JWK or RSA public key.

Creates a RSA JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-256 algorithms.

key must be a OCT JWK or AES secret key.

Creates a AESKW JWE encryptor.

This encryptor supports A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, and A256GCMKW, algorithms.

password must be a string or a bytevector.

Creates a PBES2 JWE encryptor.

key must be an AES secret key.

Creates a direct JWE encryptor.

This encryptor uses given key as CEK.

JWE Decryptors

JWE decryptor is a procedure takes 5 arguments, JWE header, encrypted key, IV, cipher text and authentication tag.

key must be a EC JWK, OKP JWK, EcDSA private key, X25519 private key or X448 private key.

Creates a ECDH JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A198KW, and ECDH-ES+A256KW algorithms.

key must be a RSA JWK or RSA private key.

Creates a RSA JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-256 algorithms.

key must be a OCT JWK or AES secret key.

Creates a AESKW JWE decryptor.

This decryptor supports A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, and A256GCMKW, algorithms.

password must be a string or a bytevector.

Creates a PBES2 JWE decryptor.

key must be an AES secret key.

Creates a direct JWE decryptor.

This decryptor uses given key as CEK.

(rfc jwk) - Json Web Key

Library (rfc jwk)

This library provides Json Web Key (JWK) APIs. JWS is defined in RFC 7517.

This library also supports OKP defined in RFC 8037.

The following examples show how to interact with (crypto) keys.

;; (crypto) keys to JWK/JWKS
(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwk))

(define keypair (generate-key-pair Ed25519))

(define private-key (keypair-private keypair))

(define jwk-config (jwk-config-builder (kid "my key id")))

(let ((jwks (make-jwk-set (list (key->jwk private-key jwk-config)))))
  (jwk-set->json-string jwks) ;; -> {"keys":[{"kid":"my key id",...}]}
  (jwk-set:find-key jwks (jwk-matcher:kid "my key id")) ;; -> #<jwk>
  (jwk-set->public-jwk-set jwks)) ;; -> #<jwk-set> contains only public key
;; JWK/JWKS to (crypto) key
(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwk))

;; JWKS with EC private key
(define jwks-json
     #(("kty" . "EC")
       ("crv" . "P-256")
       ("x"   . "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4")
       ("y"   . "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM")
       ("d"   . "870MB6gfuTJ4HtUnUvYMyJpr5eUZNP4Bk43bVdj3eAE")
       ("use" . "enc")
       ("kid" . "1")))))
(define jwks (json->jwk-set jwks-json))
(define kid-matcher (jwk-matcher:kid "1"))

(define jwk (jwk-set:find-key jwks kid-matcher))

(jwk->public-key jwk)   ;; -> ECDSA public key
(jwk->private-key jwk)  ;; -> ECDSA private key


JWK Set (JWKS) is an object represents a set of JWKs.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWKS object otherwise #f.

Construct a newly allocated JWKS object whose keys are keys.

keys must be a list of JWK objects.

Retrieves a list of JWKs from the given jwk-set.

Construct JWKS from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jwk-set is used, then it reads from current input port.

Serialize the given jwk-set to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jwk-set is used, then it writes the serialized JWK set to current output port.

Finds a key which matches to jwk-matcher from given jwk-set.

JWK Matcher

A JWK matcher is a procedure takes one argument, jwk, and returns the given jwk if it matches the condition otherwise returns #f.

The matchers provided by this library complies to the above so that users can compose matchers like this:

(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwk)
        (sagittarius combinators))

(define kid/alg-matcher
 (compose (jwk-matcher:kid "kid") (jwk-matcher:alg 'EdDSA)))

Creates a JWK matcher which checks kty, use, alg, kid, x5t, x5t-s256 or crv field of the target JWK is equal to obj, respectively.

Creates a JWK matcher which checks key-ops field of the target JWK contains given obj.

Convenient JWK matchers which check kty to be RSA, EC, oct or OKP, respectively.


JWK is an object which contains key information. The object contains the following fields:

  • kty: key type, symbol

  • use: key usage, symbol, must be either sig or enc

  • key-ops: key operation, a list of symbols

  • alg: key algorithm, symbol

  • kid: key ID

  • x5u: URL of certificate

  • x5c: Certificate chain, list of x509 certificate

  • x5t: SHA-1 certificate finger print, bytevector

  • x5t-s256: SHA-256 certificate finger print, bytevector

Function jwk? obj

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWK object otherwise #f.

Function jwk-kty jwk
Function jwk-use jwk
Function jwk-alg jwk
Function jwk-kid jwk
Function jwk-x5u jwk
Function jwk-x5c jwk
Function jwk-x5t jwk

Retrieves the field value of jwk.

Function read-jwk

Construct JWK from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jwk is used, then it reads from current input port.

Serialize the given jwk to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jwk is used, then it writes the serialized JWK to current output port.

From JWK Conversion

The below conversion procedures raise an error if the conversion is not possible. For example, key type oct can't be public key.

Convert given jwk to (crypto) public key and private key, respectively.

Convert given jwk to octet key bytevector.

Convert given jwk to JWK which only contains public key information.

To JWK Conversion

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWK config object otherwise #f.

JWK may contain meta data, such as kid, to provide the information, users can use JWK config object. The object has the below fields:

  • use: key usage, symbol, must be either sig or enc

  • kid: key ID

  • key-ops: key operation, a list of symbols

  • alg: key algorithm, symbol

  • x5u: URL of certificate

  • x5c: Certificate chain, list of x509 certificate

  • e: RSA public key exponent

e is provided due to the historical reason of not to have public exponent in non CRT RSA private key. By default, the value is 65537.

A builder macro of JWK config. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

Construct JWK config from given jwk.

Converts given key to JWK object.

If the second form is used, then the returning JWK contains the configured information.

The key must be one of public key, private key, or secret key of (crypto).

(rfc jws) - Json Web Signature

Library (rfc jws)

This library provides Json Web Signature (JWS) APIs. JWS is defined in RFC 7515.

The library supports ES256K defined in RFC 8812section 3.1.

It also supports EdDSA of both Ed25519 and Ed448 defined in RFC 8037.

The following examples show how to sign and verify JWS token

;; Signing
(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jws)
        (rfc jwk) ;; to convert key pair to JWK

;; Generate Ed25519 key pair
(define keypair (generate-key-pair Ed25519))

;; JWS header with crit
(define jws-header
   (alg 'EdDSA)
   (crit '("sagittarius:iss" "sagittarius:sub"))
   (custom-parameters '(("sagittarius:iss" "Sagittarius Scheme")
                        ("sagittarius:sub" "JWS test")))))

(define payload
  (string->utf8 "Payload can be anything as long as a bytevector"))

;; Get signer
(define signer (private-key->jws-signer (keypair-private keypair)))

;; The JWS object is not signed yet
(define unsecure-jws-object (make-jws-object jws-header payload))

(let ((jws-object (jws:sign unsecure-jws-object signer)))
  (jws:serialize jws-object)
  ;; -> eyJzYWdpdHRhcml1czpzdWIiOiJKV1MgdGVzdCIsInNhZ2l0dGFyaXVzOmlzcyI6IlNhZ2l0dGFyaXVzIFNjaGVtZSIsImFsZyI6IkVkRFNBIiwiY3JpdCI6WyJzYWdpdHRhcml1czppc3MiLCJzYWdpdHRhcml1czpzdWIiXX0.UGF5bG9hZCBjYW4gYmUgYW55dGhpbmcgYXMgbG9uZyBhcyBhIGJ5dGV2ZWN0b3I.5Aj_AJh4DW01kV80XtFbxRRMw2ktxIrQ5-UXoCwKVWI0Ke0q0t3vpcFnESL39zYDwi3Ps8eLxfmEb-TvhkQGBg
  (jwk->json-string (public-key->jwk (keypair-public keypair)))
  ;; -> {"kty":"OKP","crv":"Ed25519","x":"o_t1R4fWf7obqTZWlXxrgPG09BMU-zuhqHvb9_ayOew"}
;; Verify
(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jws)
        (rfc jwk) ;; to convert JWK to public key

;; JWS string
(define jws-string

;; Ed25519 public key
(define jwk

;; Parse the string
(define jws-object (jws:parse jws-string))

;; Make a verifier from the JWK
(define verifier (public-key->jws-verifier jwk))

(when (jws:verify jws-object verifier '("sagittarius:iss" "sagittarius:sub"))
  (utf8->string (jws-object-payload jws-object))) ;; -> payload

The above examples only show the flavour of the APIs. In real world applications, the users of the library must consider a lot more to make the application secure.

JWS Object

Record Type <jws-object>

The record type of JWS objects. JWS object has 2 fields, header and payload.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWS object otherwise #f.

Construct a newly allocated JWS object.

Jws-header must be a JWS header object.

payload must be a bytevector.

Returns the value of header field of given jws-object.

Returns the value of payload field of given jws-object.

The record type of signed JWS objects.

Signed JWS object is a sub record of JWS object, which has signaturefield.

Returns #t if the given obj is a signed JWS object otherwise #f.

This object can be obtained by jws:sign or jws:parse.

Returns the value of signature field of given signed-jws-object.

JWS Header

Record Type <jws-header>

The record type of JWS header.

This record type has the below fields:

  • typ: JWS type, must be a symbol

  • cty: JWS content type

  • alg: JWS algorithm, must be a symbol

  • jku: JWK Set URL

  • jwk: JWK, must be a JWK object

  • kid: Key ID

  • x5u: X.509 certificate URL

  • x5c: X.509 certiticate chain, must be a list of X.509 certificate

  • x5t: X.509 certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint, must be a bytevector

  • x5t-s256: X.509 certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint, must be a bytevector

  • crit: Critical header parameter, must be a list of string

  • custom-parameters

The above fields have accessors prefixed jws-header-. For example, to read typ field, you can use jws-header-typ procedure.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWS header, otherwise #f.

A builder macro of JWS header. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

Serialize the given json-header to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jws-header is used, then it writes the serialized JWS header to current output port.

Construct JWS header from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jws-header is used, then it reads from current input port.

JWS Operations

Parse the given compact JWS of string and return signed JWS object.

If the format of the given string is invalid, then an error is signaled.

Serialize the given jws-object to compact JWS form.

If the second form is used, then the payload is omitted. (Detached form)

Sign the given jws-object with the given signer and returns signed JWS object.

Verify the given jws-object with the given verifier. If the verification is success, then it returns #t.

Otherwise, it may return #f or signals an error, depending on the underlying verifier.

If the second form of jws:verify is used, then it uses the given critical-headers list to check crit header value.

JWS Verifiers

JWS verifier is a procedure takes 3 arguments, JWS header, signing content and signature.

This library doesn't support none algorithm verifier. It is obvious that if you want to support it, you just don't have to verify it.

key must be a JWK:oct or a bytevector.

Creates a MAC JWS verifier.

key must be a JWK:RSA or a RSA public key.

Creates a RSA JWS verifier.

key must be a JWK:EC or a ECDSA public key.

Creates a ECDSA JWS verifier.

key must be a JWK:OKP or a EdDSA public key.

Creates a EdDSA JWS verifier.

JWS Signers

JWS signer is a procedure takes 2 arguments, JWS header, signing content.

This library doesn't support none algorithm signer. If you want to support it, you need to create a JWS object with alg header with value of none.

key must be a JWK:oct or a bytevector.

Creates a MAC JWS signer.

key must be a JWK:RSA or a RSA private key.

Creates a RSA JWS signer.

key must be a JWK:EC or a ECDSA private key.

Creates a ECDSA JWS signer.

key must be a JWK:OKP or a EdDSA private key.

Creates a EdDSA JWS signer.

(rfc jwt) - Json Web Token

Library (rfc jwt)

This library provides Json Web Token (JWT) APIs. JWT is defined in RFC 7519.

The following example shows how to consume JWT

(import (rnrs)
        (rfc jwt)
        (rfc jwk)
        (rfc jwe)
        (rfc jws)
        (rfc uuid)
        (srfi :19)
        (sagittarius combinators))

(define keypair (generate-key-pair Ed25519))
(define alg 'EdDSA)
;; (define keypair (generate-key-pair ECDSA :ec-parameter NIST-P-256))
;; (define alg 'ES256)
;; (define keypair (generate-key-pair RSA :size 2048))
;; (define alg 'PS512)

(define claims
   (iss "Sagittarius Scheme")
   (aud "All saints")
   (sub "Use Sagittarius")
   (iat (current-time))
   (nbf (add-duration (current-time) (make-time time-duration 0 -1)))
   (exp (add-duration (current-time) (make-time time-duration 0 600)))
   (jti (uuid->string (make-v4-uuid)))))

(define jws-header
   (alg alg)))

(define payload (string->utf8 (jwt-claims->json-string claims)))
(define jws-object (make-jws-object jws-header payload))

(define signer (private-key->jws-signer (keypair-private keypair)))

(define jwk
  (public-key->jwk (keypair-public keypair)
                   (jwk-config-builder (kid "my key"))))
(define jwks (make-jwk-set (list jwk)))

(let ((jwt-object (jws:sign jws-object signer)))
  ;; Share the JWT to 3rd party
  ;; (jws:serialize jwt-object)
  ;; (jwk-set->json-string jwks)

  ;; Verify the JWT token with the public key
  (let* ((kid-matcher (jwk-matcher:kid "my key"))
         (verifier (public-key->jws-verifier
                    (jwk-set:find-key jwks kid-matcher)))
         (jwt-consumer (jwt-consumer-builder
                        (verifier verifier)
                         ;; Validate claims
                         (compose jwt:iss-required-validator
                                  (jwt:iss-value-validator "Sagittarius Scheme"
                                  (jwt:sub-value-validator "Use Sagittarius")
                                  (jwt:aud-value-validator "All saints")
         (claims (jwt:consume jwt-consumer jwt-object)))
    ;; use the user claim
    (jwt-claims-aud claims))) ;; retrieve 'aud' field


By definition, JWT is either JWE or JWS. To create JWT, users need to use either (rfc jwe) or (rfc jws) library. For more details, please refer the respective section of the document.

Returns JWT claims after decrypt and/or verify the given jwt-string/object.

jwt-consumer must be a JWT consumer object.

jwt-string/object must be either a string of valid JWT format or JWE/JWS object.

JWT Consumer

JWT consumer is an object decrypts and/or verifies the JWT and validates the claims. JWT consumer contains the below fields:

  • decryptor: JWE decryptor

  • verifier: JWS verifier

  • claims-validator: Claims validator, see below section for more details

Returns #t if the given obj is a JWT consumer otherwise #f.

A builder macro of JWT consumer. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

JWT consumer execute validation if the claims-validator field is set. The field must hold claims validator, which is a procedure takes one argument, claims, and returns the given claims or raises an error if the validation failed.

Claims validator to validate required field of the given claims.

Creates claims validator to validate iss, aud and sub, respectively.

The first 2 procedures may take multiple argument and checks if one of the value matches or not.

Creates claims validator to validate exp field is expired or nor.

clock-skew must be an integer represents seconds of clock skew.

future-bound-seconds must be an integer represents seconds of maximum boundary that exp can be. (e.g. exp can't be more than 10 mins of future)

Creates claims validator to validate if the current time is earlier than nbf field.

clock-skew must be an integer represents seconds of clock skew.

Creates claims validator to validate if the iat is in between not-before and not-after__not-before and not-after must be a time object.

clock-skew must be an integer represents seconds of clock skew.

JWT Claims

JWT claims is an object which contains claims of the JWT.

Record Type <jwt-claims>

Record type of JWT claims object.

The object contains the following fields:

  • iss: Issuer

  • sub: Subject

  • aud: Audience

  • exp: Expiration time

  • nbf: Not before

  • iat: Issued at

  • jti: JWT ID

  • custom-claims: User defined claims, hashtable

Returns #t if the obj is JWT claims otherwise #f.

A builder macro of JWT claims. The macro is generated by (record builder). see (record builder)for more details.

Retrieves the field value of jwt-claims.

Construct JWT claims from S-exp JSON representation of obj, from input port port or a string string.

If the first form of read-jwt-claims is used, then it reads from current input port.

Serialize the given jwt-claims to a S-exp representaion, to port or string.

If first form of write-jwt-claims is used, then it writes the serialized JWT claims to current output port.

(rfc pem) - PEM format library

Library (rfc pem)

This library provides PEM format file parser.

Currently only supports RFC 1421 format.


This library defines these conditions.

Condition Type &pem-error

Super condition of all PEM file process related conditions.

Condition Type &invalid-pem-format

This condition indicates, given PEM file contains invalid format.

Returns #t, if the given obj is &invalid-pem-format, otherwise #f.

Condition Type &pre-eb-as-boundary

This condition indicates, given PEM file contains Pre-Encapsulation Boundary as the end of Encapsulated Message without specifying :multiple.

Returns #t, if the given obj is &pre-eb-as-boundary, otherwise #f.


in must be textual input port.

Parses given input port in and returns 2 values, parameter alist and decoded bytevector.

Keyword arguments


When this keyword argument is #t, then the procedure returns a list which contains alist of parameter and content. This parameter is useful for the PEM files which contains multiple contents.


This keyword argument must take a procedure which accept one argument or #f. If builder is specified then the given procedure will be called to build then contents of the PEM. This argument is not correspond with asn1 keyword argument and has higher priority. So if both arguments are specified, then builder will be used.


When this keyword argument is #t, then the procedure converts BASE64 bytevector to ASN.1 object defined in (asn.1) library.


When this keyword argument is specified, it must be a procedure which accepts one argument, then the parse-pem uses the specified procedure to convert body of the PEM content. If it's not specified, the procedure uses BASE64 decoding.

The procedure may raise following conditions:


When given in contains invalid PEM format.


When given in contains Pre-Encapsulation Boundary as the end of Encapsulated Message and :multiple is #f. For example:

-----BEGIN FOO-----
... foo value ...
-----BEGIN BAR-----
... bar value...
-----END BAR-----

parsing PEM like above must specify :multiple with true value. Otherwise, &pre-eb-as-boundary is signaled.

Convenient procedures.

Parse given file and PEM string, respectively.

option will be passed to the parse-pem.

(rfc hotp) - HMAC-based One-Time Password library

Library (rfc hotp)

Provides HMAC-based One-Time Password (HOTP) generating procedures. HOTP is defined in RFC 4226: RFC 4226.

K must be a bytevector represents shared secret.

C must be an exact integer represents counter.

digit must be an exact integer.

Generates an HMAC-based one-time password.

hotp is an alias of generate-hmac-based-one-time-password.

(rfc totp) - Time-based One-Time Password library

Library (rfc totp)

Provides Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) generating procedures. TOTP is defined in RFC 6238: RFC 6238.

K must be a bytevector represents shared secret.

digit must be a positive exact integer.

The keyword argument time is given, then it must be a UTC time object of SRFI-19. The procedure computes returning one-time password according to the given time. The default value is (current-time).

NOTE: time keyword should not be specified unless its testing purpose.

The keyword arguments described below are system parameters, means these parameters must be agreed between authenticator.

The keyword argument start-time is given, then it must be a UTC time object of SRFI-19. The procedure computes returning one-time password according to the given time. The defaule value is (make-time time-utc 0 0).

The keyword argument step is given, then it must be a positive exact integer. The procedure computes returning one-time password according to the given time. The defaule value is 30.

The keyword argument step is given, then it must be a positive exact integer. The procedure computes returning one-time password according to the given time. The defaule value is 30.

The keyword argument mode is given, then it must be a hash algorithm name either builtin or custom. The procedure computes returning one-time password according to the given time. The defaule value is SHA-1.

Generates an Time-based one-time password.

totp is an alias of generate-time-based-one-time-password.

(rfc quoted-printable) - Base 64 encode and decode library

This library provides quoted printable encoding and decoding procedures.

Encoding procedures

bv must be a bytevector.

Encodes given bytevector to quoted printable encoded bytevector.

The keyword argument line-width specifies where the encode procedure should put linefeed. If this is less than 1 or #f, encoder does not put linefeed.

If the keyword argument binary? is not #f, then the procedure encodes #x0a and #x0b to =0A and =0D respectively.

Convenient procedure for string.

Encodes given string to quoted printable encoded string.

The keyword argument transcoder is used to convert given string to bytevector. The converted bytevector will be passed to the quoted-printable-encode procedure. The default is utf-8 codec with NONE eol style.

Decoding procedures

bv must be a bytevector.

Decode quoted printable encoded bytevector to original bytevector.

Convenient procedure.

Decode quoted printable encoded string to original string. The procedure is using quoted-printable-decode.

The keyword argument specifies how to convert the decoded bytevector to string. If this is #f, the procedure returns raw bytevector.

(rfc sftp) - SFTP library

Library rfc sftp

This library provides SFTP programmatic operations.

Following example code describes how to use in high level.

(import (rfc sftp) (pp) (srfi :26))

  "localhost"    ;; hostname
  "23"           ;; port number
  (lambda (conn)
    ;; read directory
    (pp (sftp-readdir conn "."))
    ;; only short names
    (pp (sftp-readdir-as-filenames conn "."))
    ;; only long names (usually POSIX 'ls -l' format)
    (pp (sftp-readdir-as-longnames conn "."))

    ;; retrieve a file as a bytevector
    (print (utf8->string (sftp-read! conn "reading/file" 
    ;; store a file to local file directly
    (sftp-read conn "/a/file/path"
	(sftp-file-receiver "where/to/store" :options (file-options no-fail)))

    ;; upload a file
    (let ((handle (sftp-open conn "boo" 
                    (bitwise-ior +ssh-fxf-creat+ +ssh-fxf-write+))))
     (call-with-input-file "a/local/file" (cut sftp-write! conn handle <>)
                           :transcoder #f))

    ;; rename a file
    (sftp-rename! conn "boo" "foo")
    ;; remove a file
    (sftp-remove! conn "foo")
    ;; create a directory
    (sftp-mkdir! conn "boo")
    ;; remove a directory
    (sftp-rmdir! conn "boo")

    ;; create a symbolic link
    (pp (sftp-symlink! conn "/tmp" "tmp"))
    ;; get a actual path of symbolic link
    (pp (sftp-readlink conn "tmp"))
    ;; get a real path. (usually an absolute path)
    (pp (sftp-realpath conn "../")))
  :username "username" :password "password")

High level APIs

server and port must be string, indicating hostname, port number/service name respectively. proc must accept one argument.

Creates a SFTP connection, executes given proc with the connection and closes it after the execution.

The opts will be passed to make-client-sftp-connection.

conn must be a SFTP connection. filename must be a string. pflags must be an exact integer which value must be the result of inclusive or of following values;

Open the given filename read mode.

Open the given filename write mode.

Open the given filename append mode.

Creates the given filename if it doesn't exist.

Truncate the given filename if it exists. +ssh-fxf-creat+ must be specified as well.

Raises and error filename if it exists. +ssh-fxf-creat+ must be specified as well.

If filename opened successfully, the procedure will return a handle.

conn must be a SFTP connection.

Closes given handle created by sftp-open.

conn must be a SFTP connection. handle/filename must be either a handle or string. receiver must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments, offset which is an integer and data which is a binary input port, respectively.

Reads the given handle/filename content from the server and call receiver with the returned value. When it reaches the end of file, then it will pass -1 as offset and eof value as data.

The keyword argument offset specifies starting where to read. It is useful to read only diff.

The keyword argument buffer-size specifies how many bytes it tries to read in one read call. The default value is 1048576 (1MB). This value is only an indication so that server can decide actual data length to send.

The return value of this procedure is the result value of receiver.

Receiver must return 2 values, one if processed octet count and the other one is result value. Following is the sftp-binary-receiver definition;

(define (sftp-binary-receiver)
  (let-values (((out extract) (open-bytevector-output-port)))
    (lambda (offset data)
      (if (< offset 0)
          (values -1 (extract))
          (values (copy-binary-port out data) #f)))))

Creates a in memory receiver for sftp-read.

Creates a file receiver for sftp-read.

The keyword argument option must be created by file-options. By default no option.

output-port must be a binary output port.

Creates a output port receiver for sftp-read.

conn must be a SFTP connection. handle must be a handle. input-port must be a binary input port.

Reads the content from given input-port and writes it to given handle.

The keyword argument offset specifies where to write. This is useful to write a file separately or simply append.

The keyword argument buffer-size specifies how many bytes of data the procedure sends in one packet. The default value is 131072 (128KB). The RFC defines the minimum value 32768 (3KB) so it is safe to use the value. However too small buffer size makes writing extremely slow so we use a bit larger value to make performance better. If you meet a problem with writing a file, consider to change this size.

conn must be a SFTP connection. filename must be a string indicating existing filename.

Checks if the given filename exists.

conn must be a SFTP connection. filename must be a string indicating existing filename.

Removes the given filename. It is an error if the file doesn't exist or user doesn't have proper permission to remove.

The result value is raw SFTP status object.

conn must be a SFTP connection. oldpath and newpath must be strings indicating existing path.

Renames the given oldpath to newpath. It is an error if the file doesn't exist or user doesn't have proper permission to rename.

The result value is raw SFTP status object.

conn must be a SFTP connection. path must be a string.

Creates the given path directory. It is an error if the directory exists or user doesn't have proper permission to create.

The result value is raw SFTP status object.

conn must be a SFTP connection. path must be a string.

Removes the given path directory. It is an error if the directory doesn't exists, user doesn't have proper permission to create or the directory isn't empty.

The result value is raw SFTP status object.

conn must be a SFTP connection. path must be a string indicating existing path.

Opens the given path directory and returns its handle.

conn must be a SFTP connection. handle/path must be either a handle opened by sftp-opendir or a string indicating existing path.

Reads the given handle/path and returns the list of contents. The content is an object of <sftp-name> which has filename, longnameand attribute slots.

conn must be a SFTP connection. handle/path must be either a handle opened by sftp-opendir or a string indicating existing path.

Calls sftp-readdir and strips out the result object to string by calling (slot-ref _c_ 'filename) or (slot-ref _c_ 'longname) respectively.

Mid level APIs

Mid level APIs are changed since 0.7.8. The changes are not backward compatible, so if you are using 0.7.7 API and move to 0.7.8, please be aware.

Creates a SFTP connection object.

(rfc smtp) - SMTP client

Library (rfc smtp)

This library provides simple SMTP client defined in RFC 5321.

The library provides high level APIs to use SMTP.

Following is the simple example to send an email.

(import (rnrs) (rfc client))

;; creates SMTP mail object
(define mail 
   (smtp:from "Takashi Kato" "")
   (smtp:subject "Subject")
   (smtp:cc "")))

;; creates an SMTP connection
(define smtp-conn (make-smtp-connection "" "587"))

;; connect to the server
(smtp-connect! smtp-conn) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Authenticate if required.
(when (smtp-authentication-required? smtp-conn)
  ;; NOTE: only AUTH PLAIN is supported for now
  (cond ((memq 'PLAIN (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn))
         (smtp-authenticate! smtp-conn (smtp-plain-authentication
        (else (smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)
              (error #f "authentication method not supported" 
                     (smtp-connection-authentication-methods smtp-conn)))))

;; Send it
(smtp-send! smtp-conn mail) ;; returns SMTP connection

;; Clean up
(smtp-disconnect! smtp-conn)

The followings describe how to create SMTP mail object with attachment(s) or inlined image.

;; Messae with attachment
 (smtp:from "Takashi Kato" "")
 (smtp:subject "Message with attachment")
 (smtp:to "")
 (smtp:attachment "application" "octet-stream" 
                  (get-file-content) ;; file content suitable for this

;; HTML message with inlined image.
 (smtp:from "Takashi Kato" "")
 (smtp:subject "HTML message with inlined image")
 "<html><body><img src='cid:image' /></body></html>"
 (smtp:to "")
 (smtp:attachment "image" "jpeg" 
                  ;; port can also be used
                  ;; NB: if you call smtp-mail->string twice in this case
                  ;;     then this may break. So make sure you use this
                  ;;     mail object once (includeing smtp-send!)
                  (open-file-input-port "image/file.jpg")
                  ;; specifies content-disposition parameter
                  ;; adding content-id of this attachment
                  '("content-id" "<image>"))
 ;; make this mail HTML
 (smtp:header "Content-Type" "text/html"))

Alternative message can be created like this:

;; Message with alternative
;; Content must not be specified otherwise raise an syntax error
 (smtp:from "Takashi Kato" "")
 (smtp:subject "Message with alternative")
 (smtp:to "")
  ("text" "plain" "Plain text message")
  ("text" "html" "<html><body>HTML message</body><html>"))

High level APIs

Returns #t if the given obj is an SMTP connection object, Otherwise #f.

Creates an SMTP connection object.

If optional argument domain is specified, then the value is used for EHLO or HELO command parameter. Otherwise the result of machine-name (defined in SRFI 112) is used.

Returns a symbol list of possible authentication methods.

This procedure returns a proper value only after smtp-connect! is called.

Returns #t if the given SMTP connection requires authentication, otherwise #f.

This procedure returns a proper value only after smtp-connect! is called.

Establishes connection and return SMTP connection object.

initial-response-generator must be a procedure accepts 0 argument and must return 2 values, authentication method and initial response value (credential).

Authenticates the given smtp-connection. If the response status is 354 and next-step is specified, then the _next-step_is called with smtp-connection, status and response string. The procedure must return 2 values, next command and next-next procedure or #f. The smtp-authenticate! procedure stops when next-next procedure is #f or returning response is 235.

The following is a simple LOGIN next-step.

(define (smtp-login-authentication)
  (define (prompt next?)
    (lambda (conn status resp)
      (or (and (= status 334)
               ;; response is encoded to BASE 64 so decode it
               (display (base64-decode-string resp))
               (flush-output-port (current-output-port))
               ;; next command (either username or password)
               ;; must be encoded to BASE 64
               (values (base64-encode-string (get-line (current-input-port)))
                       (and next? (prompt #f))))
          (values #f #f))))
  (values (lambda () (values "LOGIN" #f)) (prompt #t)))

Sends the given smtp-mail and returns SMTP connection object.

The procedure internally calls smtp-mail->string. So if the smtp-mail object contains an attachment with input port, then the port position will be forwarded. Thus second call of the smtp-mail->string or smtp-send! doesn't create/send attachment message properly.

Disconnect the smtp-connection and returns SMTP connection.

The closed SMTP connection can be re-used.

Returns a thunk that can be used smtp-authenticate! procedure for PLAIN authentication.

Returns a thunk that can be used smtp-authenticate! procedure for LOGIN authentication.

The rest argument date is given, all of the values must be string, then each authentication prompt uses the given data as if it's typed by user. If there is no data or sufficient date, then input prompt will be shown and let user type the authentication information.

Auxiliary Syntax smtp:from
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:subject
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:to
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:cc
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:bcc
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:attachment
Auxiliary Syntax smtp:header

Constructs an SMTP mail object.

from must be one of the following forms:

(smtp:from email)

(smtp:from name email)

message-elements must be one of the following forms:

(smtp:subject subject)

(smtp:to email)

(smtp:to name email)

(smtp:cc email)

(smtp:cc name email)

(smtp:bcc email)

(smtp:bcc name email)

(smtp:attachment type subtype content)

(smtp:attachment type subtype content filename)

(smtp:attachment type subtype content filename disposition-parameter)

(smtp:attachment type subtype content filename disposition-parameter headers ...)

(smtp:alternative type subtype content)

(smtp:alternative type subtype content headers ...)

(smtp:header name value)


The order of the appearance does not matter, except string which will be the content of the creating SMTP mail. Except the smtp:subject and smtp:alternative, all elements can be appear multiple times.

Returns MIME string of given smtp-mail.

NOTE: the procedure consumes input port attachments if exists.

Middle level APIs

Creates an SMTP mail object.

Returns #t if the given obj is an SMTP mail object, otherwise #f.

creates an SMTP from object.

Returns #t if the given obj is an SMTP from object, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an SMTP recipient object, otherwise #f.

SMTP recipient objects are one of the following objects:

  • SMTP to object

  • SMTP cc object

  • SMTP bcc object

Creates SMTP to, SMTP cc and SMTP bcc objects respectively.

Returns #t if given obj is SMTP to, SMTP cc or SMTP bcc, respectively. Otherwise #f.

Creates a MIME object which represents SMTP attachment.

Together type and subtype represent MIME type. e.g. text/plaincontent can be string, bytevector, input-port.

Optional argument filename is specified, then content-dispositionheader will have filename parameter.

Optional argument disposition-parameter is specified, then content-disposition header will have specified parameter. Default values is attachment.

Rest argument headers is specified, then the created attachment has extra mime header. Each header must be a list which contains 2 elements, header name and value. The value part can also contain MIME parameters.

Creates a component of alternative message. The returning component is a mere MIME object.

type and subtype are the same as make-smtp-attachment.

Creates an alternative message. The returning message is a mere MIME object.

NOTE: the returning message should be added by smtp-mail-add-attachment!and not content argument of make-smtp-mail. To make mail construction easier, use smtp:mail macro.

Adds SMTP recipient recipient to smtp-mail and returns SMTP mail object.

Adds SMTP attachment attachment to smtp-mail and returns SMTP mail object.

Adds header to smtp-mail and returns SMTP mail object.

If there is the same header insense of string-ci=?, then the old one is overwritten.

(rfc tls) - TLS protocol library

Library (rfc tls)

This library provides TLS protocol socket APIs.

Implementation notes:

The library is implemented different libraries per platform. Some platform may not support a particular TLS version(s).

On Windows

The library is implemented atop SChannel (SSP). The supporting TLS versions varies depending on the version of Windows. For the detailed information please refer Microsoft's support page. e.g. Protocols in TLS/SSL (Schannel SSP)

On POSIX / Linux

The library is implemented atop OpenSSL. This library doesn't specify the version of OpenSSL, it detects during the build process. The library specifies to use the latest TLS version, however, it doesn't guarantee using the latest due to the variety of reasons, e.g. older version of OpenSSL.

If you require to use a specific version of TLS, however this library only can do its best effort.

node and service must be string.

Creates a client TLS socket. node, service and opt will be passed to make-client-socket described in (sagittarius socket).

The keyword argument prng specifies which pseudo random algorithm will be used for generating security parameters.

If the keyword argument handshake #f then the procedure won't do TLS handshake after the socket creation so users must do it manually with tls-client-handshake procedure described below.

The keyword argument certificates is for certificate request message. The value must be a list of x509 certificates. If the certificates argument is null, then the procedures send empty certificate list to the server as a response of certificate request message.

The keyword argument private-key specifies which private key is used. The value must be private key object described in "(crypto)". This is needed if the target server only supports RSA key exchange protocol.

The keyword argument certificate-verifier must be either boolean or a procedure which accepts 3 arguments, certificate depth, previous error and certificate as a bytevector. The procedure should check the passed certificate is valid or not.

Do client side handshake and return a TLS socket. The procedure must NOT be called if the socket is created with handshake keyword argument #t.

CAUTION: This procedure needs to be called only once and calling more than once might cause infinite loop or raise an error.

service must be string. certificates must be a list of x509 certificate.

Creates a server TLS socket. service and opt will be passed to make-server-socket described in (sagittarius socket).

The keyword arguments prng and version are the same meaning as make-client-tls-socket.

The keyword argument private-key is used the same as client socket. The difference is that it is used also for Deffie-Hellman key exchange. If this is not specified, then key exhange is done anonymously.
The private-key should be specified. This is optional due to the backward compatibility.

The keyword argument authorities must be a list of x509 certificate and if this is not empty list then the server socket will send certificate request message to the client.

CAUTION: the authorities keyword argument currently doesn't check the certificate signature but only issuer DN.

tls-socket must be the socket created by the procedure make-client-tls-socket.

flags must be non negative exact integer.

Sends given bytevector to tls-socket. flags are described in the section (sagittarius socket). The packet will be encrypted by tls-socket.

tls-socket must be the socket created by the procedure make-client-tls-socket.

size and flags must be non negative exact integer.

Receives decrypted packet from tls-socket. size indicates how many octets the procedure should receive, however it might return less octet. flags will be passed to socket-recv.

NOTE: tls-socket have its own buffer to return the value, so that the procedure can take size argument.

tls-socket must be the socket created by the procedure make-client-tls-socket.

Sends close notify alert to the socket and close it.

tls-socket must be the socket created by the procedure make-client-tls-socket.

Returns #t if the given socket is closed, otherwise #f.

NOTE: this procedure checks if session is closed. So the real socket might not be closed yet.

tls-socket must be a server TLS socket created by make-server-tls-socket.

Wait for an incoming connection request and returns a fresh connected client socket.

If the keyword argument handshake is #f then the handshake must be done by manually with tls-server-handshake described blow.

The keyword argument raise-error will be passed to tls-server-handshake.

Do server side TLS handshake and returns a TLS socket. The procedure must NOT be called if the socket is created with handshake keyword argument #t.

If the keyword argument raise-error is #f then it won't raise an error when something happens.

Return peer of given tls-socket or #f.

For more details, see (sagittarius socket).

Return peer of given tls-socket or #f. This procedure is TLS version of socket-peer.

For more details, see (sagittarius socket).

Return peer of given tls-socket or #f. This procedure is TLS version of socket-name.

For more details, see (sagittarius socket).

Return peer of given tls-socket or #f. This procedure is TLS version of socket-info-values.

For more details, see (sagittarius socket).

Constant value of #x0303 for TLS 1.2

Constant value of #x0302 for TLS 1.1

Constant value of #x0301 for TLS 1.0

tls-socket must be the socket created by the procedure make-client-tls-socket.

Returns input/output-port of given tls-socket.

If optional argument close? is #f then it won't close the socket when the port is closed or GCed.

Convert the given TLS socket to input and output port, respectively.

The given socket won't be closed when the port is closed or GCed. So it is the users responsibility to close.

Integration methods

The methods listed below are convenience methods to use TLS socket and usual socket without changing code.

(rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs

Library (rfc uri)

This library provides RFC3986 'URI Generic Syntax' procedures.

uri must be string.

Parses given uri and returns following 7 values;

Following examples are from RFC3986 text;

   \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
    |           |            |            |        |
 scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
    |   _____________________|__
   / \ /                        \

authority = [ user-info "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

If given uri does not contain the part described above, it will be #f. ex)

(uri-parse "http://localhost")
(values http #f localhost #f #f #f #f)

uri must be string.

Parse given uri into scheme and rest. Returns the 2 values.

specific must be string.

specific is a URI without scheme. For example, the specific of following URI 'http://localhost/foo.html' if '//localhost/foo.html'.

Parse given specific into 4 values authority, path, query and fragment.

If the specific does not contain the part, it will be #f.

authority must be string.

Parse given authority into 3 values, user-info, host and post.

If the authority does not contain the part, it will be #f.

in must be binary input port.

out must binary output port.

Reads and decodes given in and put the result into out.

If the keyword argument cgi-decode is #t, the procedure decodes #x2b('+') to #x20('#\space').

Decodes given string and returns decoded string.

in must be binary input port.

out must binary output port.

Reads and encodes given in and put the result into out.

The keyword argument noescape specifies which character must be escaped.

The keyword argument upper-case specifies the result case of encoded value. If the value is true value then it encodes to upper case (default), otherwise lower case.

Encodes given string and returns encoded string.

_ (path #f) (path* #f) (query #f) (fragment #f) (specific #f)

Composes URI from given arguments.

If all keyword arguments are #f, the procedure returns empty string.

The procedure put priority on bigger chunk of URI part. For example, if keyword argument specific is specified, the procedure uses only scheme and specific. Following describes the priority hierarchy;

_scheme__specific_  +- _authority_       +- _userinfo_       +- _host_       +- _port_  +- _path\*_       +- _path_       +- _query_       +- _fragment_

Merges given relative-uris to base-uri according to RFC 3986 section 5.

Charsets which contains no escape needed characters.

There is slight difference between RFC2396 and RFC3986. This library uses RFC3986 charset by default to encode.

(rfc uri-template) - URI template

This library provides RFC6570 'URI Template' procedures.

Parses the given URI template into S-expression.

The given in must be either a textual input port or a string.

The parsed form consists with the following rules:

operator must be a valid URI template operator

(parse-uri-template "http://{domain*}/{/path}") 
(http:// ((domain \*)) / (/ path))

Expands the given uri-template and returns a string.

The parameter must be a vector of pair of string and value.

The value must be one of the followings:

(expand-uri-template '((#\? ("keys" *))) '#(("keys" . #(("semi" . ";") ("dot" . ".") ("comma" . ","))))) 

(rfc uuid) - UUID generate library

Library (rfc uuid)

This library provides RFC 4122 a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace procedures.

Class <uuid>

The class representing UUID.


Function uuid? obj

Returns #t if the obj is an instance of <uuid>, otherwise #f.

Compares given 2 uuids and return #t if both have the same values, otherwise #f.


Creates a null (empty) uuid.

The returning object will be represented like this UUID;


Creates version 1, 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs respectively.

For version 3 and 5, procedures need to take 2 arguments, _namespace_and name. namespace must be a UUID object, and name must be a string.

For version 4, it can take an optional argument prng which specifies pseudo random generator. The default value is (*uuid-random-state*).

Predefined namespaces and parameters

Constant predefined namespace of UUIDs.

Pseudo random generator used by version 4 UUID.

The number of allowed UUIDs in the same time. Used by version 1 UUID.

The default value is 1000.


Returns bytevector converted from given uuid.

(uuid->bytevector (make-null-uuid))
#vu8(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

Returns string represented uuid converted from given uuid.

(uuid->string (make-null-uuid))

Returns uuid object generated from bv.

Given bytevector must have length at least 16.

Returns uuid object generated from string.

Given string must be proper format of UUID defined in RFC 4122.

Returns URN formatted string of given uuid.

(rfc websocket) - WebSocket

This library provides WebSocket APIs defined by RFC 6455.

Following is a simple example to use user level APIs.

(import (rnrs) (rfc websocket))

;; Creates an WebSocket object
(define websocket (make-websocket "wss://"))

;; Sets text message event handler
(websocket-on-text-message websocket
  (lambda (ws text) (display text) (newline)))

;; Opens the WebSocket
(websocket-open websocket)

;; Sends a message to endpoint
(websocket-send websocket "Hello")

;; Closes the WebSocket
(websocket-close websocket)

User level APIs

Creates an WebSocket object which communicate to given uri.

The URI reprented by uri must be a valid WebSocket URI. If it's not a valid URI, then &websocket-engine or its sub condition shall be raised.

The keyword argument protocols are a list of sub protocols of the creating WebSocket. If this is set, then handshake will send it with Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header or equivalent.

The keyword argument extensions are a list of extensions of the creating WebSocket. If this is set, then handshake will send it with Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header or equivalent.

The keyword argument engine is a type of handshake engine and must be a symbol. This determines which handshake protocol it should use. The default value is http which uses HTTP/1.1.

Returns #t if given obj is an WebSocket object otherwise #f.

Operating handshake on given WebSocket object websocket if it's not opened, yet. And returns websocket.

If handshake failed, then &websocket-engine or its sub condition shall be raised.

After successfull call of this procedure, the websocket has a message dispatcher thread.

Closes the given websocket if it's open and returns the websocket. This procedure also finishes the underlying thread created by websocket-open.

The keyword argument status is specified, it must be a non negative integer which has less then or equal to 16 bits length, then the procedure sends it as a connection close code.

The keyword argument message is specified, must be a string, then the procedure sends it as a connection close message. This is sent only if the status is specified otherwise ignored.

The keyword argument timeout is used as a timeout period for waiting underlying dispatcher thread. If the thread didn't finish in the specified period, then it'd be terminated and &websocket-close-timeout is raised.

If the underlying thread raised an &uncaught-exception, then the procedure raises its reason.

Sends given data to the websocket and returns websocket. This procedure runs in atomic so the data is sent in one fragmentation sequence.

The optional arguments are passed to underlying data transport procedures. If the data is a string, then websocket-send-text is used. If the data is a bytevector, then websocket-send-binary is used. If the data is not one of the aboves, then &assertion is raised.

Send ping control frame whose data is data to _websocket_and returns websocket.

The procedure waits until the endpoint returns pong control frame. If the pong frame doesn't contain the same data in its payload, then &websocket-pong is raised.

The optional argument timeout specifies how long the procedure waits the pong response.

The optional argument timeout-value is an alternative value when the endpoint didn't return pong in time.

CAUTION: this procedure depends on the endpoint's behaviour.

Event handling

The user level APIs are event driven like JavaScript's WebSocket API. Whenever an event is occured, then the configured event handler is invoked.

There are 2 types of error handler invocations. One is calling active procedures such as websocket-send. The other one is passive situation such as receiving frame from endpoint. The first case, all active procedures would catch &websocket and its sub conditions. If the condition is &websocket-engine or its sub condition, then the condition is re-raised. Other &websocket conditions are not re-raised by the APIs. Other conditions are simply re-raised without invcating event handler. On the second case, it's mostly the same, but when &websocket-closed is raised, then event handler won't be invoked.

Sets event-handler for receiving text message and binary message to websocket, respectively.

The event-handler must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments, WebSocket object and response data, string or bytevector.

If the event-handler raises an error, and it's not a &websocket, then the dispatcher thread opened by websocket-open stops running.

The procedure returns websocket.

Sets event-handler for open and close event to websocket, respectively.

The event-handler must be a procedure which accepts 1 argument, WebSocket object.

The procedure returns websocket.

Sets event-handler for error situation to websocket.

The event-handler must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments, WebSocket object and a captured error.

If the event-handler raises an error, then it would be propagated caller of the user level APIs.

The procedure returns websocket.

Low level APIs

The low level APIs can be used when users want to implement WebSocket process in programatic way. The user level APIs are implemented on this APIs.

WebSocket Connection

Creates WebSocket connection object. uri and engine are the same as make-websocket.

Returns #t if given obj is WebSocket connection object otherwise #f.

Processes handshake on given connection. All the optional arguments are passed to underlying handshake engine.

Closes given connection. This procedure simply closes socket connection.

Returns #t if the connection is not connected otherwise #f.

Returns a shared queue which stores pong data from the endpoint of the connection.

WebSocket Messages

Sends text or binary frame of data to given connection.

If the first procedure is called, then data must be a string.

If the second procedure is called, then data must be a bytevector.

The optional argument start specifies from which point of data to send.

The optional argument split is specified, it must be an non negative integer or procedure which accepts 2 arguments, data and start, then the data is sent fragmented.

Sends close control frame to given connection.

If the optional argument data is specified, it must be a properly coded connection close status, the it's sent as a payload of close frame.

If the optional argument wait? is true value, then the procedure waits until the endpoint sends close frame back.

If wait? is #f, then it is users responsibility to receive the response close frame and closes the connection.

Sends ping and pong frame to given connection respectively.

The optional argument data is sent as its payload.

NB: the payload must be less than 125 bytes.

Receives a data frame and return 2 values, opcode and payload.

If the frame is text, then returning value is a string. Otherwise returning value is a bytevector.

If the keyword argument push-pong? is true value, then payload of pong control frame will be pushed in to the pong-queueof the connection.

This procedure doesn't return ping and pong control frame.

Receives a data fragments until its end and return the result of the last call of proc.

The proc must accept 3 values, finished?, opcode and data.

This procedure is useful to receive a huge frame without concising.

The websocket-receive is implemented on top of this procedure like this:

(define (websocket-receive conn :key (push-pong? #f))
  (define (convert opcode data)
    (if (eqv? opcode +websocket-text-frame+)
	(values opcode (utf8->string data))
	(values opcode data)))
  (let-values (((out extract) (open-bytevector-output-port)))
    (websocket-receive-fragments conn
     (lambda (fin? opcode data)
       (put-bytevector out data)
       (if fin? (convert opcode (extract)) (values opcode #f)))
     :push-pong? push-pong?)))

status must be an non negative integer whose bit length must be less than or equal to 16 bits.

If optional argument message is specified, then it must be a string.

Composes a payload of close frame.

data must be a payload of close frame.

Returns 2 values, status and mesasge of the close frame payload.

WebSocket frame type constants. It represents text frame and binary frame, respectively.

WebSocket control frame type constants. It represents cloe frame, ping frame, and pong frame, respectively.


&websocket is a base condition of the WebSocket library's condition. The hierarchy is the following:

+ &error
  + &websocket
    + &websocket-engine
      + &websocket-engine-not-found
         - engine
	 - reason
      + &websocket-engine-scheme
         - scheme
      + &websocket-engine-connection
         - host
	 - port
    + &websocket-closed
       - status
       - message
    + &websocket-pong
       - pong-data
    + &websocket-close-timeout

The condition types are not exported by the library.

(rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library

This library does not support whole feature of X.509, it just parse and verify a message and signature. So it can not verify certificate itself.

Exports X.509 utility procedures.

Creates an X.509 certificate object from given binary input port or ASN.1 sequence object (second form).

Return #t if the o is X.509 certificate object, otherwise #f.

Return version of given X.509 certificate object.

Return serial number of given X.509 certificate object.

Return issuer DN of given X.509 certificate object as X.509 principal.

Return subject DN of given X.509 certificate object as X.509 principal.

NOTE: These Issuer DN and Subject DN getters return <x.509-principal> object, however I did not implement any utility for this class, so it's just useless for now.

Return start date of given X.509 certificate object.

Return end date of given X.509 certificate object.

Return signature of given X.509 certificate object.

NOTE: This signature is not for verify described below.

Return signature algorithm of given X.509 certificate object as an OID string.

Return public key of given X.509 certificate object. The return value is <public-key> described in the section (crypto) - Cryptographic library.

_ :key (verify pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-verify) (hash SHA-1)

message and signature must be bytevector.

Verify given message with signature and x509 certificate.

This procedure uses the verify procedure in (crypto) library. The keyword arguments will be passed to it. For more detail, see (crypto) - Cryptographic library.

Validate if the given certificate is valid in given date. Return #t if it's valid, otherwise raises &assertion.

(rfc zlib) - zlib compression library

Library (rfc zlib)

This library provides the binding for zlib compression library. For now, it only provides the highest level APIs.

Condition Type &zlib-error

Subcondition of &error.

This condition is raised when zlib process is finished unsuccessfully. You can obtain the cause z-stream with the condition-zlib-stream procedure and get the detail message with the zlib-error-message procedure. When error occurred, however, it is raised with message-condition and it has the error message with. So you can simply get it with condition-messageprocedure.

Z-stream must be z-stream object.

Retrieve error message from z-stream. If z-stream does not have any error message and this procedure is called, the behaviour is unspecified.

_ strategy dictionary owner?

Sink must be binary output port. Creates a custom binary output port. The port deflates its input and put the result to sink. With the optional keys, you can specify the following conditions:


You can specify an exact integer between 1 and 9 (inclusive) to compression-level. When it is omitted, a default compression level is used, which is usually 6. The following constants are defined to specify _compression-level_conveniently:


It specifies the buffer size of the port in bytes. The default is 4096.


It specifies the size of the window in exact integer. Typically the value should be between 8 and 15, inclusive, and it specifies the base two logarithm of the window size used in compression. Larger number yields better compression ratio, but more memory usage. The default value is 15.


It specifies how much memory should be allocated to keep the internal state during compression. 1 means smallest memory which causes slow and less compression. 9 means fastest and best compression with the largest amount of memory. The default value is 8.


To fine tune compression algorithm, you can use the strategy argument. The following constants are defined as the valid value as strategy.

The default strategy, suitable for most ordinary data.


Suitable for data generated by filters (or predictors). Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat compress them better. The effect of this is to force more huffman coding and less string matching.

Force to use huffman encoding only.

Constant Z_RLE

This is designed to be almost as fast as Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, but gives better compression for PNG image data.

Constant Z_FIXED

This prevents the use of dynamic huffman codes, allowing for a simpler decoder for special applications. The choice of strategy only affects compression ratio and speed. Any choice produces correct and decompressable data.


You can give an initial dictionary to the dictionary argument to be used in compression. The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary.


If this argument is specified true value, the created port automatically closes the given output port sink when it is closed.

Source must be a binary input port.

The open-inflating-input-port creates a custom binary input port, which reads compressed binary data from the given port source and decompresses the read data. When source port supports both port-position and set-port-position! then the procedure will set source position to offset of used bytes length when the created custom port is being closed. Thus if the source port contains mixture of deflated data and non deflated data then the custom port will only read deflated data and won't forward the original port position beyond it no matter how big the buffer-size is specified.

The meaning of buffer-size is the same as open-deflating-output-port.

The meaning of window-bits is almost the same, except if a value increased by 32 is given, the inflating port automatically detecs whether the source stream is zlib or gzip by its header.

If the input data is compressed with specified dictionary, the same dictionary must be given to dictionary argument. Otherwise &zlib-error condition is raised.

Inflate/deflate given bytevector bv respectively.

These are convenient procedures. It uses open-inflating-input-port or open-deflating-output-port to inflate/deflate.

The opts will be passed to underlying procedures.

Returns CSC32/Adler32 checksum of bytevector bv, respectively.

If optional checksum is given, then returned checksum is an update of checksum by bv.

RPC support framework

RPC is basically separated in 2 parts. One is message marshalling and other one is transporting. Following sections and libraries provide some framework for generic use.

Message framework

This library provides generic functions for marshalling message.

These generic function will be used transport layer to marshall or unmarshall messages.

Http transport

Currently there is no generic transport framework and support HTTP transport.

For future, we may provide more generic way to send/receive request and response.

This library provides procedures and generic function of HTTP transport for RCP


Send given message to url and returns 3 values, http status, header and response.

If the keyword argument unmarshall? is #f then the returning response value will not be unmarshalled.

options will be passed to http-request procedure.

Http transport hook

Returns http method. Default implementation returns POST


Returns content type. Default implementation returns application/octet-stream


Returns http sender. Default implementation returns http-blob-sender with marshalled request


Returns http receiver. Default implementation returns http-binary-receiver


Returns a marker type to be used rpc-http-unmarshall-message. Default implementation returns given request itself


Unmarshall the given body according to the given type. Default implementation ignores header and passes type and body to rpc-unmarshall-message.

(rpc json) - JSON RPC library

Library (rpc json)

This library provides procedures handling JSON RPC 2.0.

This library doesn't provide transport layer. To send request and receive response, use Http transport.

This library uses JSON parser library and its JSON representation.

Following piece of code describes how to use;

(import (rnrs) (rpc json) (rpc transport http))

(define (json-rpc-send&request url method param)
  (let ((request (make-json-request method :param param)))
    (let-values (((status header response) (rpc-http-request url request)))
      ;; rpc-http-request unmarshalls only when HTTP status starts with "2"
      ;; for this example we don't check it.
      (json-response-result response))))

(json-rpc-send&request "http://localhost/json-rpc" "sample" "parameter")
;; -> result of method execution

These classes represents JSON RPC request and response respectively.

The class instance should be created by make-json-request, json-string->json-request or json-string->json-response. Users should not create an instance directly using make.


Returns #t if the given object is an instance of <json-request> and <json-response> respectively.


Creates a JSON RPC request.

method must be a symbol or string represents method name to be invoked.

The keyword argument params is the params field of the JSON RPC protocol.

The keyword argument id is the id field of the JSON RPC protocol. If this is not specified then a value generated by UUID v4 will be used.

Creates JSON RPC request and response from given JSON string json.


Retrieves JSON RPC request's method, params and id respectively from given json request object json-request.

Retrieves JSON RPC response's result and id respectively from given json response object json-response.


Converts given json-request and json-response to JSON string.

Implemented methods

Following methods are currently used only in (rpc http transport). When we support other transport, this implementation may change.

Message methods

Converts to given JSON RPC request object to UTF8 bytes.

Converts to given UTF8 bytes to JSON RPC response object.

Transport methods

Returns application/json content type header value

Returns json symbol.

(security keystore) - Generic Keystore Access

This library provides generic access for variety of keystores.

The following example shows how to use this library:

(import (security keystore))

(define keystore (load-keystore 'jks "keystore.jks" "storepass"))

(keystore-get-key keystore "key-name" "key-pass")
;; -> <private-key>

(keystore-get-certificate keystore "cert-name")
;; -> <x509-certificate>

;; certs must be a list of certificates
(keystore-set-key! keystore "key-name2" private-key "key-pass2" certs)

(keystore-set-certificate! keystore "cert-name2" cert)

(store-keystore-to-file keystore "keystore2.jks" "storepass2")

Generic APIs

Base class of keystores.

Returns #t if given obj is a keystore object. Otherwise #f.

Loads type keystore from input-port or file.

storepass must be a string and may or may not be used to decrypt keystore content.

load-keystore loads from given binary input port input-port.

load-keystore-file loads from given file file.

Returns newly created type keystore object.

Currently pkcs12, jks and jceks are supported.

The method shall return a private key associated with _alias_from keystore. If there is no key entry associated with alias then #f shall be returned.

alias shall be a string.

keypass shall be a string. It may or may not be used to decrypt the private key.

The method shall return an X509 certificate associated with _alias_from keystore. If there is no certificate entry associated with alias then #f shall be returned.

alias shall be a string.

The method shall return a list of key certificates associated with alias from keystore. If there is no certificate entries associated with alias then #f shall be returned.

alias shall be a string.

The method shall return a date object of alias associated entry. If there is no entry associated with alias then #f shall be returned.

alias shall be a string.

The method shall return #t if keystore contains an entry associated with alias. Otherwise #f shall be returend.

The methods shall write keystore to output-port or file.

The store-keystore shall write to given binary output port output-port.

The store-keystore-to-file shall write to given file file.

storepass shall be a string and may or may not be used to encrypt whole contents.

alias shall be a string represents the name of private-key in the keystore.

private-key shall be an RSA private key.

key-pass shall be a string and may or may not be used to encrypt given private-key.

certs shall be a list of X509 certificates which associated with private-key.

The method shall store given private-key to keystore.

alias shall be a string represents the name of cert in the keystore.

cert shall be an X509 certificate.

The method shall store given cert to keystore.

The method shall remove the entry associated with alias from keystore.

(security password) - Password policy

Strong password is a base component for strong security. This library provides a password policies, validator and generator.

This example shows how to validate if the given password is compliant to the given password policy.

(import (rnrs)
        (security password))

;; Password requires
;; - at least length of 16 characters,
;; - at least one lower char (a-z)
;; - at least one upper char (A-Z)
;; - at least one digit char (0-9)
;; - at least one symbol char ($#!)
(define policy (password-policies
                (make-length-policy 16)
                (make-lower-case-policy 1)
                (make-upper-case-policy 1)
                (make-digit-policy 1)
                (make-symbol-policy 1)))

(password-policy-compliant? policy "password")         ;; -> #f
(password-policy-compliant? policy "password12345678") ;; -> #f
(password-policy-compliant? policy "pa$$word12345678") ;; -> #f
(password-policy-compliant? policy "Pa$$word12345678") ;; -> #t

And this example shows how to generate a password which is compliant to the given password policy.

(import (rnrs)
        (security password))

;; Password requires
;; - at least length of 16 characters,
;; - at least one lower char (a-z)
;; - at least one upper char (A-Z)
;; - at least one digit char (0-9)
;; - at least one symbol char ($#!)
(define policy (password-policies
                (make-length-policy 16)
                (make-lower-case-policy 1)
                (make-upper-case-policy 1)
                (make-digit-policy 1)
                (make-symbol-policy 1)))

(generate-password policy) ;; -> "1uI#tfUzL_]H-<$%" (as an example)

The password generation is based on a random seed, so the result may differ on every invocation.

Password policy operations

Returns #t if the given obj is a password policy, otherwise #f.

Construct a composite password policy which contains policies.

Returns #t if the given password is compliant to the given policy, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a length policy, otherwise #f.

Creates a length policy of length n.

Returns length of the policy, iff policy is a length policy or a composite policy which contains length policy, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a character policy, otherwise #f.

Creates a character policy of from cset which requires at least at-least characters.

Returns charset of the policy, iff policy is a character policy or a composite policy which contains character policy, otherwise #f.

If the policy contains multiple character policy, then the returning charset is a unioned charset.

Creates a character policy of [a-z] requires at least at-least.

Creates a character policy of [A-Z] requires at least at-least.

Creates a character policy of ASCII symbols requires at least at-least.

Creates a character policy of [0-9] requires at least at-least.

Generates a password which is compliant to policy.

If the keyword argument prng is specified, then it must be a peudo-random-generator defined in (sagittarius crypto random).

NOTE: using weak PRNG is not recommended. By default, the procedure uses ChaCha20

The procedure uses below parameter if the given policy doesn't contain some policies.

Default password length, if the policy doesn't contain length policy.

Default password charset, if the policy doesn't contain character policy.

Calculates password entropy of the given policy.

The calculation formula: log(expt(cs, l) 2) where cs is the number of possible characters of the policy, and l is the length of the password.

A convenient procedure. Returns a predicate which accepts a string and check if the given string is a compliant password or not.

Generator integration

Creates a generator which generates string. Generated strings are compliant to the given policy.

This procedure can be used with (sagittarius generators) library. Suppose, you want to generate 5 random password which are compliant to your password policy, then it can be written like this

(import (rnrs)
        (security password))

(define policy (password-policies
                (make-length-policy 16)
                (make-lower-case-policy 1)
                (make-upper-case-policy 1)
                (make-digit-policy 1)
                (make-symbol-policy 1)))

(let ((g (gtake (password-policy->generator policy) 5)))
  (generator->list g))
;; a list containing 5 elements, all of them are compliant to policy

(text csv) - Comma separated values parser library

Library (text csv)

This library provides comma separated values parser and write procedures. The implementation conforms RFC 4180.

High level APIs

The high level APIs are implemented as object oriented style. So we have CSV object and its accessors.

Function csv? object

Returns #t if object is csv object, otherwise #f.

Retrieves CSV header from given CSV object csv if it has, otherwise '().

Retrieves CSV records from given CSV object csv if it has, otherwise '().

Reads CSV data from given port and returns csv object.

If the second form is called, the procedure opens string input port from given string and passes it to the first form.

The option will be passed to csv->list described below.

Writes given CSV object csv to the output port port.

Middle level APIs

Reads CSV data from given input port port and returns alist representing CSV data.

If optional argument first-line-is-header? is #t, then the procedure reads the first line as header line.

The returning alist is following format;

alist  := (header{0,1} record*)
header := (:header value*)
record := (:record value*)
value  := string

Note: the value returning from csv-records or csv-header do not have meta values :record and :header.

Low level APIs

Class <csv>

The class representing CSV. If you need to create empty CSV object, you can do like following code;

(make <csv>)


Make sure, you import (clos user) library.

Adds a CSV representing record list to given CSV object csv.

The record must have :record keyword in the first element of the list.

Sets a CSV header list to given CSV object csv.

If the second form is called, then first parse the string to CSV header and calls the first form with parsed CSV header.

The list must have :header keyword in the first element of the list.

Convenient procedures.

Adds given CSV records list to given CSV object csv.

If the second form is called, then first parse the given string to CSV representing list and call the first form.

(text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library

This library provides simple HTML builder procedures based on HTML5.

Escapes the unsafe characters in HTML and returns escaped string.

The html-escape reads the string from optional argument in which must be an textual input port and returns an escaped string.

The html-escape-string takes a string and returns an escaped string.

Returns a doctype declaration for an HTML document. type can be one of the followings;



:html-4.01-strict :html-4.01, :strict, :html-strict

HTML 4.01 Strict DTD

:html-4.01-transitional :html-transitional, :transitional

HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD

:xhtml-1.0-strict :xhtml-1.0

XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD


XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD


XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD



Construct an HTML element element. Currently following elements are provided.

   a       abbr    address  area       article  aside
   audio   b       base     bdi        bdo      blockquote
   body    br      button   canvas     caption  cite
   code    col     colgroup command    datalist dd
   del     details dfn      div        dl       dt
   em      embed   fieldset figcaption figure   footer
   h1      h2      h3       h4         h5       h6
   head    header  hgroup   hr         html
   i       iframe  img      input      ins      kbd
   keygen  label   legend   li         link     map
   mark    menu    meta     meter      nav      noscript
   object  ol      optgroup option     output   p
   param   pre     progress q          rp       rt
   ruby    s       samp     script     section  select
   small   source  span     strong     style    sub
   summary sup     table    tbody      td       textarea
   tfoot   th      thead    time       title    tr
   track   u       ul       var        video    wbr

The result of these functions is a tree of text segments, which can be written out to a port by write-tree or can be converted to a string by tree->string (text tree) - Lightweight text generation.

You can specify attributes of the element by using a keyword-value notation before the actual content.

(tree->string (html:a :href "" "example")) 
\<a href="">example\</a>

The boolean value given to the attribute has special meaning. If #t is given, the attribute is rendered without a value. If #f is given, the attribute is not rendered.

(tree->string (html:table :border #t))
\<table border>\</table>

(tree->string (html:table :border #f))

Special characters in attribute values are escaped by the function, but the ones in the content are not.

(tree->string (html:div :foo "<>&\"" "<not escaped>")) 
\<div foo="&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;">\<not escaped>\</div>

(text json) -- JSON parser

This library provides JSON parser and writer.

Controls mapping of JSON map and array. The value must be either 'vector or 'alist. The first one is compatible with Chicken Scheme's json module, the latter one is compatible with Gauche's rfc.json module. By default, it's set to vector for backward compatibility.

Conversion rules for vector:

JSON array   <-> list
JSON map     <-> vector
JSON boolean <-> boolean
JSON null    <-> symbol `null`

Conversion rules for alist:

JSON array   <-> vector
JSON map     <-> alist
JSON boolean <-> boolean
JSON null    <-> symbol `null`

This parameter affects the read and write procedures.

Reads JSON from given port and returns representing S-expression.

Writes the given S-expression JSON representing object to given port.

Writes the given S-expression JSON representing object to given port.

The written JSON doesn't have excess space.

Returns #t if the given obj is &json-read or &json-write respectively, otherwise #f.

(text json object-builder) -- JSON object builder/serializer

This library provides Scheme object -> JSON string and vice versa utilities.

JSON object builder

JSON object builder is a Schem object which contains information to construct a Scheme object from JSON representation. Currently this can be created only via json-object-builder macro.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JSON object builder.

Auxiliary syntax ?
Auxiliary syntax @

A DSL which constructs JSON object builder.

The spec must be one of the followings:

  • (@ ->array spec)

  • (@ ->array)

  • (ctr mapping ...)

  • ctr/builder

->array must be a procedure which accepts variable length of arguments, such as list or vector.

ctr must be a procedure which accepts the same number of the specified keys in the mapping and constucts object.

ctr/builder must be either object constructor described above or JSON object builder created by the json-object-builder.

If the first 2 form is used, then the created builder handles JSON array.

If the 3rd form is used, then the created builder handles JSON object (a.k.a map).

If the lsst form is used, then the created builder handles simple JSON values, such as JSON string and number.

The mapping must be one of the followings:

  • (? key default spec)

  • (? key default)

  • (key spec)

  • key

key must be a string represents the JSON object's key.

default must be a Scheme object which is used when the key is absent.

The first 2 forms represetns optional values. If the JSON object key key is not present, then default is mapped to the result Scheme object.

Here are some of examples:

   ("IDs" (  list))))))
Above construct Scheme object from JSON like the following:
  "Image": {
    "Width":  800,
    "Height": 600,
    "Title":  "View from 15th Floor",
    "Thumbnail": {
      "Url":    "",
      "Height": 125,
      "Width":  100
    "Animated" : false,
    "IDs": [116, 943, 234, 38793]
 (  list
     (? "Address" #f)
Above construct Scheme object from JSON like the following:
    "precision": "zip",
    "Latitude":  37.7668,
    "Longitude": -122.3959,
    "Address":   "",
    "City":      "SAN FRANCISCO",
    "State":     "CA",
    "Zip":       "94107",
    "Country":   "US"
    "precision": "zip",
    "Latitude":  37.371991,
    "Longitude": -122.026020,
    "City":      "SUNNYVALE",
    "State":     "CA",
    "Zip":       "94085",
    "Country":   "US"

Constructs Scheme object from given json, _json-string_or in-port, according to the given builder.

If the first form is used, then json must be a vector type JSON representation specified by the *json-map-type* parameter.

(let ((json-string "{\"bar\": {\"buz\": 1}}"))
  (define-record-type foo
    (fields bar))
  (define-record-type bar
    (fields buz))
  (define bar-builder (json-object-builder (make-bar "buz")))
  (define builder (json-object-builder (make-foo ("bar" bar-builder))))

  (json-string->object json-string builder))

If missing-key-handler is given, then it must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments. This procedure is called when the conversion procedure met keys which is not defined in builder. The default behaviour is raising an error.

These parameters hold a procedure which is called when an object is constructed from JSON object (map) or JSON array, respectively.

JSON object serializer

JSON object serializer is a Schem object which contains information to construct a JSON representaion from Scheme object. Currently this can be created only via json-object-serializer macro.

Returns #t if the given obj is a JSON object serializer.

Auxiliary syntax ?
Auxiliary syntax @
Auxiliary syntax ->

A DSL which constructs JSON object serializer.

The spec must be one of the followings:

  • (-> car cdr null? spec)

  • (-> car cdr null?)

  • (-> spec)

  • (->)

  • (@ ref length spec)

  • (@ ref length)

  • (@ spec)

  • (@)

  • (mapping mapping* ...)

  • converter/serializer

-> indicates that the given object is a listlike object which can be accessed sequentially. car, cdr and null? specifies how to retrieve the car part and cdr part, and how to check if the object is empty or not, respectively. If these are not given then the macro uses car, cdr and null?.

@ indicates that the given object is a vectorlike object which can be accessed randomly. ref and length specifies how to access the element of the object, and how to retrieve the length of the object, respectively. If these are not given then the macro uses vector-ref, and vector-length.

If both of the form don't have spec, then the macro uses the given value.

mapping must be one of the followings:

  • (? name absent ref spec)

  • (? name absent ref)

  • (name ref spec)

  • (name ref)

? indicates that referencing object might be absent.

name must be a string which represents JSON object's key.

absent must be an object indicating absent value. If the converting object is equal to this value in sense of equal?, then the constructed JSON representaion don't have name.

ref must be a accessor which is a procedure accepts one argument.

converter/serializer must be either a JSON object serializer or a procedure which accepts one argument and returns JSON representaion.

  (-> (("precision" location-precision)
       ("Latitude" location-latitude)
       ("Longitude" location-longitude)
       (? "Address" #f location-address)
       ("City" location-city)
       ("State" location-state)
       ("Zip" location-zip)
       ("Country" location-country))))

;; Above constructs JSON representaion from the following record type.
(define-record-type location
  (fields precision latitude longitude address city state zip country))
 (("Image" image-holder-image
   (("Width" image-width)
    ("Height" image-height)
    ("Title" image-title)
    ("Thumbnail" image-thumbnail
	(("Url" thumbnail-url)
	 ("Height" thumbnail-height)
	 ("Width" thumbnail-width)))
    ("Animated" image-animated)
    ("IDs" image-ids (->))))))

;; Above constructs JSON representaion from the following record type.
(define-record-type image-holder
  (fields image))
(define-record-type image
  (fields width height title thumbnail animated ids))
(define-record-type thumbnail
  (fields url height width))

Converts Scheme object to JSON representaion.

The converted JSON representaion is the same as 'vector representaion.

Converts Scheme object to JSON string.

Writes JSON string converted from obj to out-port.

(text json jmespath) - JMESPath

This library provides JMESPath procedures. JMESPath is defined on JMESPath.

The following example shows how to use the library:

(import (rnrs) (text json jmespath))

((jmespath "a") '#(("a" . "foo") ("b" . "bar") ("c" . "baz")))

Scheme APIs

Returns a procedure takes one argument, which must be a vector representad JSON.

The given path must be a string which is a valid JMESPath, otherwise raises &jmespath.


This section describes conditions might be raised by the jmespathprocedure or the procedure returned by the jmespath procedure.

The library doesn't export the condition type itself. (e.g. &jmespathisn't exported from the library). However for the comprehensivity, we also describe the hierarchy of the conditions here:

+ &error (standard R6RS error)
  + &jmespath
    + &jmespath:parse
    + &jmespath:expression
        - expression
        - argument
      + &jmespath:compile
      + &jmespath:runtime

The &jmespath is the root condition. This condition itself won't be raised.

The &jmespath:parse is the condition raised by the parser. This means either the given expression is lexically incorrect or grammartically incorrect.

The &jmespath:expression is the base condition of both &jmespath:compile and &jmespath:runtime. This condition itself won't be raised.

The &jmespath:compile is the condition raised by the compiler. This means the parsed expression is syntatically incorrect.

The &jmespath:runtime is the condition raised by the returned procedure. This means evaluation error. For example, a string is passed to the avgfunction.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &jmespath, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &jmespath:parse, otherwise #f.

The &jmespath:parse is a sub condition of &jmespath.

Returns expression field of the given jmespath-error.

The the given jmespath-error must be a sub condition of &jmespath:expression.

Returns arguments field of the given jmespath-error.

The the given jmespath-error must be a sub condition of &jmespath:expression.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &jmespath:compile, otherwise #f.

The &jmespath:compile is a sub condition of &jmespath:expression.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &jmespath:runtime, otherwise #f.

The &jmespath:runtime is a sub condition of &jmespath:expression.

Extra functions

This library provides extra functions for usability.

JMESPath Function parent node

Returns parent node of the given node. This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "*.bar.parent(@)") '#(("foo" . #(("bar" . 1)))))
'(#((bar . 1)))

A literal doesn't have a parent so returns null.

((jmespath "parent(`{}`)") '#(("foo" . #(("bar" . 1)))))

JMESPath Function unique array

Returns unique elements of the given array. This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "unique(@)") '(1 2 1 2 3))
'(1 2 3)

It raises a &jmespath:runtime if the give array is not an array.

JMESPath Function is_odd number

Returns #t if the given number is an odd number. This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "is_odd(@)") '5)

It raises a &jmespath:runtime if the give number is not a number.

JMESPath Function is_even number

Returns #t if the given number is an even number. This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "is_even(@)") '5)

It raises a &jmespath:runtime if the give number is not a number.

JMESPath Function remove array/object expr

Removes element from the given array/object if the _expr_returns true value.

The array/object must be an array or object.

The expr must be an expression reference.

The expr is executed in the context of the elements of array/object. Means if the @ is passed to the expr, then the receiving value is one of the elements of the array/object.

This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "remove(@, &odd(@))") '(1 2 3 4 5))
'(1 3 5)

It raises a &jmespath:runtime if the give array/object is not either an array or object, or if the given expr is not a function reference.

Removes entries from the given object either if array/expr is an array of string and it contains the key of the entry or if array/expr is a function expression and returns true value.

The object must be an object.

This function can be used like this:

((jmespath "remove_entry(@, `[\"key2\"]`)") '#(("key" . 1)))
'#((key . 1))

((jmespath "remove_entry(@, &contains(`[\"key2\"]`, @))")
 '#(("key" . 1) ("key2" . 2)))
'#((key . 1))

It raises a &jmespath:runtime if the give object is not an object, or if the given array/expr is not an array of string or function reference.

JMESPath Function array_of any ...

Returns array of given arguments any.

((jmespath "array_of(`1`, `2`, `3`)") 'null)
'(1 2 3)

(text json mutable) - Mutable JSON

This library provides an mutable JSON representation.

The following example shows how to use:

(import (rnrs)
        (text json mutable))

(define json '#(("key" . "value")))
(define mutable-json (json->mutable-json json))

(mutable-json-object-set! mutable-json "key" '#(("value" . "as object")))

(mutable-json->json mutable-json)
;; -> #(("key" . #(("value" . "as object"))))

Converts the given json to a mutable JSON.

Converts the given mutable-json to a JSON.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mutable JSON, otherwise #f.

Mutable JSON object consists with 2 containers

Mutable JSON object

Mutable JSON object is a JSON object. The difference is a mutable JSON object doesn't allow to have multiple identical keys while JSON object allows it.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mutable JSON object, otherwise #f.

Associates the given key and value to the mutable-json.

Merges the mutable-json-object1 and mutable-json-object* into mutable-json-object.

Remves the given key from the mutable-json-object.

Returns #t if the given key exists in the mutable-json-object, otherwise #f.

Returns the value associated with the given key in the mutable-json-object, otherwise returns mutable JSON not foundobject.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mutable JSON not found, otherwise #f.

Mutable JSON array

Mutable JSON array is a JSON array with capability of expansion or shrinking.

Returns #t if the given obj is a mutable JSON array otherwise #f.

Sets the given value value to the _mutable-json-array_on position of index.

Insets the given value value to the _mutable-json-array_on position of index.

Deletes the value of given _mutable-json-array_on position of index and shrink it.

Retrieves the value of mutable-json-array on position of index.

Returns the size of the given mutable-json-array.

(text json pointer) - JSON Pointer

This library provides JSON Pointer procedures.

The specification of JSON Pointer is defined by the RFC 6901.

The following example shows simple usage of the library:

This is an input file named example.json.

  "id": 1234,
  "data": {
    "datum0": [0, 1, 2],
    "datum1": [3, 4]
(import (rnrs) (rfc json-pointer) (text json))

(define id-pointer (json-pointer "/id"))

(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read)))
  (id-pointer json))

(import (rnrs) (rfc json-pointer) (text json))

(define data-pointer (json-pointer "/data"))

(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read)))
  ;; Retrievs /data/datum0
  ((json-pointer "/datum0" data-pointer) json))
'(0 1 2)

Returns a procedure taks one argument which must be a list or vector representing JSON object. The given poinster must be a string or textual input port which start with /.

The optional argument parent is passed, then it must be a procedure returned by the json-pointer and is called before the current pointer is processed.

(text json patch) - JSON Patch

This library provides JSON Patch procedures.

The specification of JSON Patch is defined by the RFC 6902.

The following example shows simple usage of the library:

This is an input file named example.json.

  "id": 1234,
  "data": {
    "datum0": [0, 1, 2],
    "datum1": [3, 4]
(import (rnrs) (text json patch) (text json))

(define data-patcher
  '(#(("op" . "replace") ("path" . "/data/datum0") ("value" . "ok"))
    #(("op" . "remove") ("path" . "/data/datum1")))))

(let ((json (call-with-input-file "example.json" json-read)))
  (data-patcher json))
#((id . 1234) (data . #((datum0 . ok))))

Returns a procedure takes one argument which must be a list or vector representing JSON object. The given patch must be a list of vector which represents JSON patch.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patchcondition.

&json-patch is the base condition of this library. The hierarchy is the following:

 + &json-patch:runtime (path)
   + &json-patch-path-not-found
   + &json-patch-illegal-type
 + &json-patch:compile (patch)

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch:compile condition.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch:runtime condition.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch-path-not-found condition.

Returns #t if the given obj is an instance of &json-patch-illegal-type condition.

Returns the path field of the given json-patch-error if the condition is type of &json-patch-runtime.

Returns the patch field of the given json-patch-error if the condition is type of &json-patch-compile.

Flag to supress no such path error. The value must be either a symbol or a list of symbol of the name of the patch command. If the value is matched with the patch command, then the runtime doesn't raise a condition.

Creates JSON patch from given json0 and json1.
The returning patch is json1 to json1 format.

(text json schema) - JSON Schema

This library provides JSON Schema procedures.

Currently, it supports the below drafts of JSON Schema

JSON Schema validator

The following example shows how to use the JSON Schema validator.

The following JSON Schema defines the structure of product catalogue. It's saved in the file product.schema.json

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "",
  "title": "Product",
  "description": "A product from Acme's catalog",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "productId": {
      "description": "The unique identifier for a product",
      "type": "integer"
    "productName": {
      "description": "Name of the product",
      "type": "string"
    "price": {
      "description": "The price of the product",
      "type": "number",
      "exclusiveMinimum": 0
  "required": [ "productId", "productName", "price" ]

We want to validate the following 2 JSON files whose content are the below:

  • valid-product.json

  • invalid-product.json

  "productId": 1,
  "productName": "A green door",
  "price": 12.50,
  "tags": [ "home", "green" ]
  "productId": "This must be an integer",
  "productName": 1234,
  "price": -1

For the simple validation, you can write the following code:

(import (rnrs)
        (text json)
        (text json schema)
        (text json validator))

(define product-catalogue-schema
   (call-with-input-file "product.schema.json" json-read)))

(define valid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "valid-product.json" json-read))

(define invalid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "invalid-product.json" json-read))

(values (validate-json product-catalogue-schema valid-catalogue)
        (validate-json product-catalogue-schema invalid-catalogue))
(values #t #f)

If you want to see the first invalid property, then you can write like this:

(import (rnrs)
        (text json)
        (text json schema)
        (text json validator)
        (srfi :39 parameters))

(define product-catalogue-schema
   (call-with-input-file "product.schema.json" json-read)))

(define valid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "valid-product.json" json-read))

(define invalid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "invalid-product.json" json-read))

(parameterize ((*json-schema:validator-error-reporter*
  (validate-json product-catalogue-schema valid-catalogue)
  (validate-json product-catalogue-schema invalid-catalogue))
;; Prints the following
             object: "This must be an integer"
        schema path: #/$defs/product/properties/productId/type
(values #t #f)

If you want to run as a lint mode, which goes through entire JSON, you can write like this:

(import (rnrs)
        (text json)
        (text json schema)
        (text json validator)
        (srfi :39 parameters))

(define product-catalogue-schema
   (call-with-input-file "product.schema.json" json-read)))

(define valid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "valid-product.json" json-read))

(define invalid-catalogue
  (call-with-input-file "invalid-product.json" json-read))

(parameterize ((*json-schema:validator-error-reporter*
               (*json-schema:lint-mode?* #t))
  (validate-json product-catalogue-schema valid-catalogue)
  (validate-json product-catalogue-schema invalid-catalogue))
;; Prints the following
             object: "This must be an integer"
        schema path: #/$defs/product/properties/productId/type
             object: 1234
        schema path: #/$defs/product/properties/productName/type
             object: -1
        schema path: #/$defs/product/properties/price/exclusiveMinimum
(values #t #t)

NOTE: On the lint mode, the validation result will always be #t.

Creates JSON validator object of the given JSON Schema schema.

The JSON Schema must be a vector represented S-expression JSON (see JSON parser).

JSON validator is described in JSON validator.

The optional arguments dependencies must be JSON Schema or JSON Schema validators, if it's given, then the procedure uses them as external dependency. This is useful if the *json-schema:resolve-external-schema* parameter is #f or, you don't want to make any socket connection.

Specifying if the validator creation procedure to resolve external reference of schema. e.g. "$ref": "".

The default value is #f.

Specifying the procedure to retrieve extrenal resource. This parameter supersedes the *json-schema:resolve-external-schema?* parameter.

The provided procedure must accept one argument, which is a string representation of external URL, and return Sexp JSON Schema.

Specifying if the validator validates "format" keywords.

The default value is #t.

Specifying error reporter. The error reporter must be a procedure which accepts one argument.

Specifying the port to be used to report error.

The default value is (current-error-port)

Specifying if the validator should act as if it's a linter.

To make this parameter effected, then *json-schema:validator-error-reporter* must also be specified.

The default value is #f.

The pre-defined error repoter for JSON schema validator. This error reporter doesn't show duplicated path, so if a JSON value contains multiple errors, then only one will be shown.

Custom error reporter

You can specify error reporting procedure by *json-schema:validator-error-reporter* parameter. The argument is a list of validation error report. Below procedures provide the accessor of the error report.

Returns erronous object.

Returns the JSON pointer (path) of the erronous object.

Returns the JSON Schema path where the definition is defined.

(text json validator) - JSON validator

This library provides abstraction layer of JSON validation.

Record Type <json-validator>

Base class of JSON validators.

The record have validator field.

Return #t if the given obj is a JSON validator, otherwise #f.

Creates a JSON validator.

The validator must be a procedure accepts one argument.

Returns the validator field value of the given json-validator.

Calls value of validator field of given JSON validator with parameter of json.

(text sxml html-parser) - Flxible HTML parser

This library provides HTML parser and printer procedures.

The provided procedures are compatible with HTMLPrag.

High level APIs

Parse given input port to SHTML. The in must be a textual input port.

The html->sxml-2nf procedure normalizes attributes if it doesn't have value. Others don't. Normalization in this context means adding attribute name as its value.

Writes given shtml to out.

If optional argument out is given, it must be a textual output port, then the procedure writes to given output port. Otherwise current-output-port is used.

Optional argument error-filter is used when unexpected SHTML entity is met. It must be a procedure takes 2 arguments, unexpected entity and boolean flag indicates if the entity is attribute or not. By default, it raises an error.

Converts shtml to string represented HTML.

Low level APIs

SXML entity symbols: *COMMENT*, *DECL*, *EMPTY*, *END*, *ENTITY*, *PI*, *START*, *TEXT* and *TOP* respectively.

These variables are used in *ENTITY* as public identifier.

Makes SHTML character entity. The value must be a symbol, string or integer.

(make-shtml-entity 151)
(& 151)

Retrieve SHTML entity value.

(text markdown) -- Markdown parser and converter

This library provides markdown parser.

The library consists with 3 parts, first one is the parser, second one is the converter which converts markdown node to HTML. And the last one is the extensions and its APIs.

A simple example of how to generate HTML snippet from Markdown document

(import (rnrs)
        (text markdown)
        (text sxml serializer))

(define markdown-doc "
Hello markdown

- list
- list2

    (parse-markdown markdown-parser (open-string-input-port markdown-doc))
	default-markdown-converter 'html))
"<h1>Hello markdown</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>list</li>\n<li>list2</li>\n</ul>\n"

Markdown parser APIs

Returns #t if the given obj is a Markdown parser, otherwise #f.

Returns #t if the given obj is a Markdown node, otherwise #f.

parser must be a Markdown parser.
If the second form is used, then input-port must be a textual input port. If the first form is used, then (current-input-port) will be used.
Parse Markdown document retrieved from the given textual port and returns Markdown node.

Alias of the parse-markdown for better naming matching.

Sagittarius default Markdown parser, this parser supports the following Markdown syntax:

Strictly complying commonmark specification parser. This parser only supports Commonmark syntax.

Supported syntax

For those well-known syntax, please refer the appropriate links listed on the markdown-parser.

Definition lists

Definition lists can be written like this:

: description
  can also be multiple lines
: description of definition2

Footnote can be written like this:

Lorem ipsum[^lorem]

^[lorem]: dolor sit amet

Markdown converter APIs

Returns #t if the given obj is a Markdown converter, otherwise #f.

A default converter. This converter supports the below converters and most of the extensions.

A markdown converter which converts Markdown node to HTML (SXML).
The result SXML can be converted to string by using srl:sxml->html-noindent
defined in (text sxml serializer) library.

NOTE: this converter only supports commonmark nodes. So if you want to use GFM or other extensions, use default-markdown-converter or create a custom converter.

A markdown converter which converts Markdown node to XML (SXML).
The result XML is mostly complies the commonmark DTD.

Converts given node to type by using given converter.
If the second form is used then options must be a Markdown conversion options object.

Alias of the convert-markdown with different argument order for better name match.

Merge given converters to one newly allocated converter.

Returns #t if the given obj is a Markdown conversion options, otherwise #f.

A record builder macro. The field can be specified on this macro is below


A procedure must accept one argument, which is a markdown node.
This is called when the converter doesn't know how to handle the given node.


A context data for the converter. The value depends on the type of converter.

Markdown extensions

Markdown parser and converter can be extended by using extensions. The below example creates a parser which supports only Commonmark syntax and strikethrough.

(define (rnrs)
        (text markdown parser)
        (text markdown extensions gfm))
(define strikethrough-parser
   (markdown-parser-builder (externsions (list gfm-strikethrough-extension)))))

Markdown parser library which provides parser builder and other utility procedures.

Returns #t if the given obj is a Markdown parser builder, otherwise #f.
A Markdown parser builder has the following fields


A list of thunks to provide supporting block parsers.


A thunk to provide inline content parser.


A list of post processors


A list of extensions

A macro to build a Markdown parser builder generated by (record builder).

Builder must be a Markdown parser builder.
Creates a Markdown parser from the given builder.

Supporting extensions

Here is the list of extension libraries and supporting extensions.

(text markdown extensions gfm)

Partial support of GFM extensions.


GFM strikethough extension. GFM strikethrough can be written like this:


GFM table extension. The below is an example of GFM table:

| head1 | head2 |
| ----- | ----- |
| col1  | col2  |

GFM task list extension. The below is an example of GFM task list:

- [] to be done
- [ ] the same as above
- [X] done
- [x] also done

This extension provides all the supporting GFM extensions described above.

(text markdown extensions footnotes)

Footnotes extension. This extension is still an experimental state, as there's no HTML footnotes tag.


Footnotes extension. A footnote can be written like this:

This is a paragraph[^note]

^[note]: this is a footnote
(text markdown extensions definition-lists)

Definition lists extension. This extension provides definition lists syntax.


Definition lists extension. A definition list can be written like this:

: description
(text markdown extensions heading-anchor)

Heading anchor extension. This extension provides auto heading anchor and named heading anchor. The auto heading anchor will generates an anchor from the heading text. And named heading anchor reads the special syntax as a heading anchor.
This extension is not in the default parser, if you need this, you need to create a custom parser.


Heading anchor extension. A named heading anchor can be written like this:

# Heading anchor example {#head1}

Deprecated APIs

This section will be removed in the future release.

Below APIs are supported for backward compatibility. New application shouldn't use these APIs.

Reads markdown from given input port in.

The keyword argument as specifies the return value. Following 3 are supported:


Returns SHTML. The procedure uses markdown-sexp->sxml to convert raw markdown S-expression.


Returns HTML string. The procedure uses markdown-sexp->string to convert raw markdown S-expression.


Returns S-expression representation of markdown.

Parsing markdown is done by parse-markdown. The rest argument _opt_is passed to both parse-markdown and underlying conversion procedure. So if you want to read a markdown document as an HTML string without indentation, then the procedure should be called like the following:

(markdown-read in :as 'html :no-indent #t)

Reads markdown from given string.

This procedure is thin wrapper of markdown-read. It opens string input port of string and call the markdown-read.

The rest argument opt is passed to markdown-read.

Converts given markdown S-expression sexp to SXML.

The keyword arguments no-reference and no-notes control the result SXML to have reference section and note section. If the values are true values, then returning SXML doesn't have reference or note section.

Converts given markdown S-expression sexp to HTML string.

The procedure first calls markdown-sexp->sxml passing sexp and opts then converts the returned value to HTML string.

The keyword argument no-indent controls if the returning string has indentation or not. If the value is true value, then returning string doesn't have indentation.

Returns #t if the given object is a markdown parser error condition, otherwise #f.

Returns position and expexted slot of the given markdown parser error condition, respectively.

Parses given input port in and returns markdown S-expression.

The returning value is S-expression represented AST of markdown. The structure is not specified in this document yet, thus it might be changed in future.

(text sxml object-builder) - SXML to Scheme object builder

This library provides APIs to build Scheme object from SXML.

High level APIs

Builds a Scheme object from given SXML sxml. The _builder_must be a object-builder described below.

If optional argument unknown-tag-handler is given, then it must be a procedure accepts 2 arguments, builder and sxml. The procedure is called when the process met a tag which can't be handled by given builder. Users can return an object if needed. The default behaviour of the handler is raising an error.

Auxiliary syntax *namespace*
Auxiliary syntax <!>
Auxiliary syntax ?
Auxiliary syntax ??

A DSL which constructs object-builder.

The spec must be one of the followings:

  • (*namespace* ((ns uri) ...) spec ...)

  • (* spec ...)

  • (+ spec ...)

  • (/ spec ...)

  • (? spec ...)

  • (<!> _tag_ builder)

  • spec spec* ...

  • (_tag_ _ctr_)

  • (_tag_ _ctr_ _next_)

tag can be either a symbol or the following clause:

  • (?? pred)

pred must be a predicate of SXML tag.

ctr must be a procedure which takes 3 arguments, name, attributes and contents. These are SXML's tagname, list of attributes and SXML contents, respectively.

The first form of the spec specifies aliases of namespaces. Users can write qualified name with prefixed instead of unprefixed qualified name.

The second to forth form of spec specify the amount of nested spec ... existence. The * means 0 or more. The + means 1 or more. And the ? means 0 or 1.

The fifth form of spec means cyclic structure.

The sixth form of spec means set of spec spec ....

The following shows how to use this DSL macro

(define builder
    (*namespace* ((ns "urn:foo")))
    (ns:bar list
      (ns:buz list)
      (foo list))))

The above definition can build an object from the following SXML

    (urn:foo:buz "buz")
    (foo "foo")))

A generic SXML builder can be written like this:

(define-record-type xml-object
  (fields name attributes contents))

(define xml-object-builder
   (<!> (?? values) make-xml-object)))

XML object

This section describes convenience record type and procedures.

Record Type xml-object

A very simple XML object type. An instance of this record type holds tag name (name), attribute as alist (attributes) and contents which must be a valid SXML or other XML objects (contents).

Builds XML object described above from given sxml.

(text tree) - Lightweight text generation

Defines simple but commonly used functions for a text construction.

This library is ported from Gauche.

Write out an tree as a tree of text, to the output port out. If the out is omitted, then current output port is used.

Just calls the write-tree method for _tree] using an output string port, and returns the result string. _

(text yaml) -- YAML parser

This library provides YAML parser and writer.

Reads YAML documents from the given textual input port in and returns a list of S-expression represented YAML documents.

The returning YAML documents are the compatible with vector JSON format described in (text json).

(yaml-read (open-string-input-port "
%YAML 1.2
foo: bar
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4"))
'(#((foo . bar) (boo 1 2 3 4)))

Writes the given list of S-expression represented YAML documents yaml to the out.

If the first form is used, then it writes to (current-output-port).

(yaml-write '(#(("foo" . "bar") ("boo" 1 2 3 4))))
;; Prints the following
%YAML 1.2
foo: bar
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4

(util timer) - Timer

This library provides timer functionality.

Timer is the mechanism to trigger an event on specified time.

The following describes how to use;

(import (util timer))

(let ((timer (make-timer)))
  (timer-start! timer) ;; start timer
  ;; execute given thunk starting after 1000ms and each 1000ms
  (timer-schedule! timer (lambda () (display "timer!") (newline)) 1000 1000)
  ;; do something
  (timer-cancel! timer))

A timer is kind of task queue running on a timer thread. Once it's started, then it waits until its queue is not empty or the first task reaches the configured time. The tasks are executed sequentially however its order is not reliable if there are multiple tasks queued on the same time.

Function timer? obj

Returns #t if obj is a timer object, otherwise #f.

Creates a timer object.

If keyword argument error-handler is specified, then it must be a procedure accepts one argument. The error-handler is called when timer procedure raises an error. If this is not specified, then timer stops when one of the tasks raised an error.

Returns the state of given timer. The possible states are the followings:


The timer is created and not executed yet.


The timer is running.


The timer is stopped (can be resumed).


The timer is cancelled (cannot be resumed).

Starts the given created state timer.

If the given timer's state is stopped, then this procedure resumes the given timer.

If the timer state is not created or stopped, then &assertion is raised.

Stops the given time.

Cancel the given time. If one of the tasks raised an error and no error handler is specified, then this procedure will re-raise the error.

Once the timer is cancelled, then this timer is completely destroyed.

Schedules a timer task.

first can be time object or exact integer. If this is time object, then the timer executes the thunk with given time (absolute time). If this is an exact integer, then the timer executes the thunk after the given number milliseconds from current time.

Optional argument period specifies if the thunk is periodically executed or not. 0 is not periodical task.

The returning value is an ID of scheduled task. This is needed for timer-remove! and timer-exists? procedures.

Reschedules the timer task associated with timer-id and returns _timer-id_The first and period are the same as timer-schedule!.

Removes given id task from the timer.

Returns #t if given id task exists in the timer, otherwise #f.

(tlv) - TLV library

Library (tlv)

This library provides TLV (tag length value) data operation procedures.

High level APIs

Creates EMV type TLV parser.

This procedure returns a procedure which accepts a binary port as its argument.

The keyword argument object-builder specifies how to construct a TLV object. The default value is tlv-builder.

Returns #t if the given object is TLV object otherwise #f.

Function tlv-tag tlv

Returns TLV tag of given TLV object tlv.

Returns TLV binary data if the given TLV object tlv is not constructed, otherwise #f.

Returns TLV components of given TLV object tlv. If the _tlv_is not constructed, this returns ().

Converts given TLV object tlv to bytevector.

out must be binary output port.

Writes given TLV object tlv to out as TLV data.

Dump given TLV object tlv as human readable form.

Custom object builder

Sometimes default TLV object is not convenient to use. Then users can create own object from TLV data passing own object builder to the make-emv-tlv-parser procedure.

Default TLV object builder. User should not use this procedure directly.

first-byte is the first byte of the leading TLV object.

tag is the read tag of the TLV object.

data is either a list of TLV object or bytevector. User can check it with constructed? argument.

constructed? indicates if the TLV object is constructed or not. If this is #t then data is a list of TLV objects.

(util treemap) - Treemap

This library provides treemap data structure and operations.

This section uses the following name convention;

tm - treemap

Predicate and constructurs

Returns #t when given object is a treemap.

compare must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments and returns integer indicating the order of given 2 arguments.

Creates red black treemap.

Basic operations

Returns a value associated with key in tm. If it doesn't exist, then fallback will be returned.

Returns #t if there is an entry associated to the given key, otherwise #f.

Associate the value to key in tm and returns unspecified value.

proc must be a procedure accepts one argument.

Updates the entry value associated to key with the returned value of proc. If the entry doesn't exist then default will be passed to the proc.

Deletes entry of key in tm and returns unspecified value.

Removes all entries and returns unspecified value.

Returns the copy of given tm.

Returns the number of entry in the given tm.


Returns an alist of key and value in tm.

alist must be an alist. compare must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments.

Converts alist to a treemap. The car part of an element of _alist_is a key, then cdr part of an element of alist is a value.

Keys and values

Returns a vector or a list of keys in tm, respectively.

Returns a vector or a list of entry values in tm, respectively.

Returns vectors or lists of entry key and values in tm, respectively. This procedure returns 2 values.


kons must be a procedure which accepts 3 arguments.

Iterates all keys and values in the given tm and passes them and the result of kons to kons respectively. The first iteration of the third argument is knil. The procedure returns the result of all iterations.

Analogous to fold.

proc must be a procedure which accepts 2 arguments.

Iterates all keys and values in the given tm and passes them to proc respectively.

The treemap-for-each returns unspecified value. The treemap-map returns a list of the proc result.

These procedures are analogous to for-each and map respectively.

(util vector) - Extra vector utility library

This library provides extra vector utility procedures which is not provided neither (srfi :43 vectors) nor (srfi :133 vectors).

Returns newly allocated vector which contains the elements from the given vec satisfied the given pref.

The vector-filter uses the elements which pred returns true value.

The vector-remove removes the elements which pred returns true value.

Returns the element of the given vec satisfies the _pred_or #f.

Ported libraries

In this world, there are a lot of useful Scheme programs including SRFIs. It is better if you can use it, instead of writing the same functionality from scrach. For this purpose, I have ported some libraries which I though useful.

In this section, I describe these libraries. However most of the documentations are from its manual or comments. I hava just derived from their source, manuals, or documents.

(match) -- Pattern matching

The match is originally from Alex Shin's `portable hygineic pattern matcher' The documents below are derived from his source code.

Library (match)

This is a full superset of the popularmatchpackage by Andrew Wright, written in fully portable syntax-rulesand thus preserving hygiene.

The most notable extensions are the ability to use _non-linear_patterns - patterns in which the same identifier occurs multiple times, tail patterns after ellipsis, and the experimental tree patterns.


Patterns are written to look like the printed representation of the objects they match. The basic usage is

(match expr (pat body ...) ...)

where the result of expr is matched against each pattern in turn, and the corresponding body is evaluated for the first to succeed. Thus, a list of three elements matches a list of three elements.

(let ((ls (list 1 2 3))) (match ls ((1 2 3) #t)))

If no patterns match an error is signalled.

Identifiers will match anything, and make the corresponding binding available in the body.

(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c) b))

If the same identifier occurs multiple times, the first instance will match anything, but subsequent instances must match a value which is equal? to the first.

(match (list 1 2 1) ((a a b) 1) ((a b a) 2))

The special identifier _ matches anything, no matter how many times it is used, and does not bind the result in the body.

(match (list 1 2 1) ((_ _ b) 1) ((a b a) 2))

To match a literal identifier (or list or any other literal), use quote.

(match 'a ('b 1) ('a 2))

Analogous to its normal usage in scheme, quasiquote can be used to quote a mostly literally matching object with selected parts unquoted.

(match (list 1 2 3) (`(1 ,b ,c) (list b c)))

Often you want to match any number of a repeated pattern. Inside a list pattern you can append ... after an element to match zero or more of that pattern (like a regexp Kleene star).

(match (list 1 2) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))

(match (list 1 2 3) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))

(match (list 1 2 3 3 3) ((1 2 3 ...) #t))

Pattern variables matched inside the repeated pattern are bound to a list of each matching instance in the body.

(match (list 1 2) ((a b c ...) c))

(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c ...) c))

(match (list 1 2 3 4 5) ((a b c ...) c))

More than one ... may not be used in the same list, since this would require exponential backtracking in the general case. However, ... need not be the final element in the list, and may be succeeded by a fixed number of patterns.

(match (list 1 2 3 4) ((a b c ... d e) c))

(match (list 1 2 3 4 5) ((a b c ... d e) c))

(match (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) ((a b c ... d e) c))

___ is provided as an alias for ... when it is inconvenient to use the ellipsis (as in a syntax-rules template).

The ..1 syntax is exactly like the ... except that it matches one or more repetitions (like a regexp "+").

(match (list 1 2) ((a b c ..1) c))

(match (list 1 2 3) ((a b c ..1) c))

The boolean operators and, or and notcan be used to group and negate patterns analogously to their Scheme counterparts.

The and operator ensures that all subpatterns match. This operator is often used with the idiom (and x pat) to bind x to the entire value that matches pat(c.f. "as-patterns" in ML or Haskell). Another common use is in conjunction with not patterns to match a general case with certain exceptions.

(match 1 ((and) #t))

(match 1 ((and x) x))

(match 1 ((and x 1) x))

The or operator ensures that at least one subpattern matches. If the same identifier occurs in different subpatterns, it is matched independently. All identifiers from all subpatterns are bound if the or operator matches, but the binding is only defined for identifiers from the subpattern which matched.

(match 1 ((or) #t) (else #f))

(match 1 ((or x) x))

(match 1 ((or x 2) x))

The not operator succeeds if the given pattern doesn't match. None of the identifiers used are available in the body.

(match 1 ((not 2) #t))

The more general operator ? can be used to provide a predicate. The usage is (? predicate pat ...) where predicate is a Scheme expression evaluating to a predicate called on the value to match, and any optional patterns after the predicate are then matched as in an and pattern.

(match 1 ((? odd? x) x))

The field operator = is used to extract an arbitrary field and match against it. It is useful for more complex or conditional destructuring that can't be more directly expressed in the pattern syntax. The usage is (= field pat), where field can be any expression, and should result in a procedure of one argument, which is applied to the value to match to generate a new value to match against pat.

Thus the pattern (and (= car x) (= cdr y)) is equivalent to (x . y), except it will result in an immediate error if the value isn't a pair.

(match '(1 . 2) ((= car x) x))

(match 4 ((= sqrt x) x))

The record operator $ is used as a concise way to match records defined by SRFI-9 (or SRFI-99). The usage is ($ rtd field ...), where rtd should be the record type descriptor specified as the first argument to define-record-type, and each field is a subpattern matched against the fields of the record in order. Not all fields must be present.

(let ()
  (define-record-type employee
    (make-employee name title)
    (name get-name)
    (title get-title))
  (match (make-employee "Bob" "Doctor")
    (($ employee n t) (list t n))))

The set! and get! operators are used to bind an identifier to the setter and getter of a field, respectively. The setter is a procedure of one argument, which mutates the field to that argument. The getter is a procedure of no arguments which returns the current value of the field.

(let ((x (cons 1 2))) (match x ((1 . (set! s)) (s 3) x)))

(match '(1 . 2) ((1 . (get! g)) (g)))

The new operator *** can be used to search a tree for subpatterns. A pattern of the form (x *** y) represents the subpattern y located somewhere in a tree where the path from the current object to y can be seen as a list of the form (x ...). y can immediately match the current object in which case the path is the empty list. In a sense it's a 2-dimensional version of the ... pattern.

As a common case the pattern (_ *** y) can be used to search for y anywhere in a tree, regardless of the path used.

(match '(a (a (a b))) ((x *** 'b) x))

(match '(a (b) (c (d e) (f g))) ((x *** 'g) x))


turn, according to the pattern rules described in the previous section, until the the first pattern matches. When a match is found, the corresponding _body_s are evaluated in order, and the result of the last expression is returned as the result of the entire match. If a failure is provided, then it is bound to a procedure of no arguments which continues, processing at the next pattern. If no pattern matches, an error is signalled.

Shortcut for lambda + match. Creates a procedure of one argument, and matches that argument against each clause.

Similar to match-lambda. Creates a procedure of any number of arguments, and matches the argument list against each clause.

Matches each var to the corresponding expression, and evaluates the body with all match variables in scope. Raises an error if any of the expressions fail to match. Syntax analogous to named let can also be used for recursive functions which match on their arguments as in match-lambda*.

Similar to match-let, but analogously to letrecmatches and binds the variables with all match variables in scope.

Similar to match-let, but analogously to let*matches and binds the variables in sequence, with preceding match variables in scope.

(text parse) - Parsing input stream

The (text parse) library is inspired and compatible with Oleg Kiselyov's input parsing library. You can use this library in place of his 'input-parse.scm' and 'look-for-str.scm'.

Looks for a string str from the input port in-port. The optional argument max-no-char limits the maxmum number of characters to be read from the port; the search span is until EOF.

If str is found, the function returns the number of characters it has read from the port, and the port is set to read the first char after that (that is, after the str). If str is not found, the function returns #f.

Note: Although this procedure has ``?'` in its name, it may return non-boolean value, contrary to the Scheme convention.

In the following functions, char-list refers to one of the following.

That denotes a set of characters. If a symbol *eof* is included, the EOF condition is also included. Without *eof*, the EOF condition is regarded as an error.

Reads a character from the port and looks it up in the char-list of expected characters. If the read character was found among the expected, it is returned. Otherwise, the procedure writes a nasty message using string as a comment, and quits.

Char-list/number must be either char-list or number.

If it is a number; skips the specified number of characters from the port and returns #f.

If it is a char-list; reads and skips characters from the port until one of the break characters is encountered. This break character is returned. The break characters are specified as the char-list. This list may include EOF, which is to be coded as a symbol *eof*.

Advances the port to the first character that is not a member of the char-list -- or till the EOF, whichever occurs sooner. This character or the EOF object is returned. This character is left on the stream.

Advances to the next character in the port and peeks at it. This function is useful when parsing LR(1)-type languages.

Skips any number of characters in prefix-char-list, then collects the characters until it sees break-char-list. The collected characters are returned as a string. The break character remains in the port.

If the function encounters EOF and *eof* is not included in break-char-list, an error is signalled with comment is included in the message.

Reads and collects the characters as far as it belongs to char-list/pred, then returns them as a string. The first character that doesn't belong to char-list/pred remains on the port.

Char-list/pred may be a char-list or a predicate that takes a character. If it is a predicate, each character is passed to it, and the character is regarded to ``belong to'' char-list/pred when it returns a true value.

Reads up to n characters, collects them into a string, and returns it. If the input stream contains less characters, the returns string contains as many characters available.

This function is similar with get-string-n.

(text sxml ssax) - Functional XML parser

(text sxml *) libraries are the adaptation of Oleg Kiselyov's SXML framework SSAX, which is based on S-expression representation of XML structure.

SSAX is a parser part of SXML framework.

This is a quote from SSAX webpage:

The framework consists of a DOM/SXML parser, a SAX parser, and a supporting library of lexing and parsing procedures. The procedures in the package can be used separately to tokenize or parse various pieces of XML documents. The framework supports XML Namespaces, character, internal and external parsed entities, xml:space, attribute value normalization, processing instructions and CDATA sections. The package includes a semi-validating SXML parser: a DOM-mode parser that is an instantiation of a SAX parser (called SSAX). The parsing framework offers support for XML validation, to the full or any user-specified degree. Framework's procedures by themselves detect great many validation errors and almost all well-formedness errors. Furthermore, a user is given a chance to set his own handlers to capture the rest of the errors. Content is validated given user-specified constraints, which the user can derive from a DTD, from an XML schema, or from other competing doctype specification formats. SSAX is a full-featured, algorithmically optimal, pure-functional parser, which can act as a stream processor. SSAX is an efficient SAX parser that is easy to use. SSAX minimizes the amount of application-specific state that has to be shared among user-supplied event handlers. SSAX makes the maintenance of an application-specific element stack unnecessary, which eliminates several classes of common bugs. SSAX is written in a pure-functional subset of Scheme. Therefore, the event handlers are referentially transparent, which makes them easier for a programmer to write and to reason about. The more expressive, reliable and easier to use application interface for the event-driven XML parsing is the outcome of implementing the parsing engine as an enhanced tree fold combinator, which fully captures the control pattern of the depth-first tree traversal.

Sagittarius supports the latest version of SSAX 5.1.

All procedures and macros are described bottom up. So you might be interested only in user level APIs. If so, see Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML.


I derived the content of this part of the manual from SSAX source code, just by converting its comments into this manual format. The original text is by Oleg Kiselyov.

This is a package of low-to-high level lexing and parsing procedures that can be combined to yield a SAX, a DOM, a validating parsers, or a parser intended for a particular document type. The procedures in the package can be used separately to tokenize or parse various pieces of XML documents. The package supports XML Namespaces, internal and external parsed entities, user-controlled handling of whitespace, and validation. This module therefore is intended to be a framework, a set of "Lego blocks" you can use to build a parser following any discipline and performing validation to any degree. As an example of the parser construction, this file includes a semi-validating SXML parser.

The present XML framework has a "sequential" feel of SAX yet a "functional style" of DOM. Like a SAX parser, the framework scans the document only once and permits incremental processing. An application that handles document elements in order can run as efficiently as possible. Unlike a SAX parser, the framework does not require an application register stateful callbacks and surrender control to the parser. Rather, it is the application that can drive the framework -- calling its functions to get the current lexical or syntax element. These functions do not maintain or mutate any state save the input port. Therefore, the framework permits parsing of XML in a pure functional style, with the input port being a monad (or a linear, read-once parameter).

Besides the PORT, there is another monad -- SEED. Most of the middle- and high-level parsers are single-threaded through the seed. The functions of this framework do not process or affect the SEED in any way: they simply pass it around as an instance of an opaque datatype. User functions, on the other hand, can use the seed to maintain user's state, to accumulate parsing results, etc. A user can freely mix his own functions with those of the framework. On the other hand, the user may wish to instantiate a high-level parser: ssax:make-elem-parser or ssax:make-parser. In the latter case, the user must provide functions of specific signatures, which are called at predictable moments during the parsing: to handle character data, element data, or processing instructions (PI). The functions are always given the SEED, among other parameters, and must return the new SEED.

From a functional point of view, XML parsing is a combined pre-post-order traversal of a "tree" that is the XML document itself. This down-and-up traversal tells the user about an element when its start tag is encountered. The user is notified about the element once more, after all element's children have been handled. The process of XML parsing therefore is a fold over the raw XML document. Unlike a fold over trees defined in [1], the parser is necessarily single-threaded -- obviously as elements in a text XML document are laid down sequentially. The parser therefore is a tree fold that has been transformed to accept an accumulating parameter [1,2].

Formally, the denotational semantics of the parser can be expressed as

parser:: (Start-tag -> Seed -> Seed) ->
	 (Start-tag -> Seed -> Seed -> Seed) ->
	 (Char-Data -> Seed -> Seed) ->
	 XML-text-fragment -> Seed -> Seed

parser fdown fup fchar "<elem attrs> content </elem>" seed
 = fup "<elem attrs>" seed
	(parser fdown fup fchar "content" (fdown "<elem attrs>" seed))

parser fdown fup fchar "char-data content" seed
 = parser fdown fup fchar "content" (fchar "char-data" seed)

parser fdown fup fchar "elem-content content" seed
 = parser fdown fup fchar "content" (
	parser fdown fup fchar "elem-content" seed)

Compare the last two equations with the left fold fold-left kons elem:list seed = fold-left kons list (kons elem seed)

The real parser created my ssax:make-parser is slightly more complicated, to account for processing instructions, entity references, namespaces, processing of document type declaration, etc.

The XML standard document referred to in this module is present file also defines a procedure that parses the text of an XML document or of a separate element into SXML, an S-expression-based model of an XML Information Set. SXML is also an Abstract Syntax Tree of an XML document. SXML is similar but not identical to DOM; SXML is particularly suitable for Scheme-based XML/HTML authoring, SXPath queries, and tree transformations. See SXML.html for more details. SXML is a term implementation of evaluation of the XML document [3]. The other implementation is context-passing.

The present frameworks fully supports the XML Namespaces Recommendation: links:

[1] Jeremy Gibbons, Geraint Jones, "The Under-appreciated Unfold," Proc. ICFP'98, 1998, pp. 273-279.

[2] Richard S. Bird, The promotion and accumulation strategies in transformational programming, ACM Trans. Progr. Lang. Systems, 6(4):487-504, October 1984.

[3] Ralf Hinze, "Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers," Functional Pearl. Proc ICFP'00, pp. 186-197.

Data Types


a symbol START, END, PI, DECL, COMMENT, CDSECT or ENTITY-REF that identifies a markup token


a name (called GI in the XML Recommendation) as given in an xml document for a markup token: start-tag, PI target, attribute name. If a GI is an NCName, UNRES-NAME is this NCName converted into a Scheme symbol. If a GI is a QName, UNRES-NAME is a pair of symbols: (PREFIX . LOCALPART)


An expanded name, a resolved version of an UNRES-NAME. For an element or an attribute name with a non-empty namespace URI, RES-NAME is a pair of symbols, (URI-SYMB . LOCALPART). Otherwise, it's a single symbol.


A symbol: ANY

anything goes, expect an END tag. EMPTY-TAG

no content, and no END-tag is coming EMPTY

no content, expect the END-tag as the next token PCDATA

expect character data only, and no children elements MIXED



A symbol representing a namespace URI -- or other symbol chosen by the user to represent URI. In the former case, URI-SYMB is created by %-quoting of bad URI characters and converting the resulting string into a symbol.


A list representing namespaces in effect. An element of the list has one of the following forms:

(PREFIX URI-SYMB . URI-SYMB)(PREFIX USER-PREFIX . URI-SYMB) USER-PREFIX is a symbol chosen by the user to represent the URI.


Specification of the user-chosen prefix and a URI-SYMBOL. (*DEFAULT* USER-PREFIX . URI-SYMB)

Declaration of the default namespace (*DEFAULT* #f . #f)

Un-declaration of the default namespace. This notation represents overriding of the previous declaration A NAMESPACES list may contain several elements for the same PREFIX. The one closest to the beginning of the list takes effect.


An ordered collection of (NAME . VALUE) pairs, where NAME is a RES-NAME or an UNRES-NAME. The collection is an ADT


A procedure of three arguments: STRING1 STRING2 SEED returning a new SEED The procedure is supposed to handle a chunk of character data STRING1 followed by a chunk of character data STRING2. STRING2 is a short string, often "\n" and even ""


An assoc list of pairs:

(named-entity-name . named-entity-body)
where named-entity-name is a symbol under which the entity was declared, named-entity-body is either a string, or (for an external entity) a thunk that will return an input port (from which the entity can be read). named-entity-body may also be #f. This is an indication that a named-entity-name is currently being expanded. A reference to this named-entity-name will be an error: violation of the WFC nonrecursion.


a record This record represents a markup, which is, according to the XML Recommendation, "takes the form of start-tags, end-tags, empty-element tags, entity references, character references, comments, CDATA section delimiters, document type declarations, and processing instructions." kind

a TAG-KIND head

an UNRES-NAME. For xml-tokens of kinds 'COMMENT and 'CDSECT, the head is #f For example,

	<P>  => kind='START, head='P
	</P> => kind='END, head='P
	<BR/> => kind='EMPTY-EL, head='BR
	<!DOCTYPE OMF ...> => kind='DECL, head='DOCTYPE
	<?xml version="1.0"?> => kind='PI, head='xml
	&my-ent; => kind = 'ENTITY-REF, head='my-ent

Character references are not represented by xml-tokens as these references are transparently resolved into the corresponding characters.


a record The record represents a datatype of an XML document: the list of declared elements and their attributes, declared notations, list of replacement strings or loading procedures for parsed general entities, etc. Normally an xml-decl record is created from a DTD or an XML Schema, although it can be created and filled in in many other ways (e.g., loaded from a file). elems

an (assoc) list of decl-elem or #f. The latter instructs the parser to do no validation of elements and attributes. decl-elem

declaration of one element:

(_elem-name_ _elem-content_ _decl-attrs_)
elem-name is an UNRES-NAME for the element. elem-content is an ELEM-CONTENT-MODEL. decl-attrs is an ATTLIST, of (ATTR-NAME . VALUE) associations !!!This element can declare a user procedure to handle parsing of an element (e.g., to do a custom validation, or to build a hash of IDs as they're encountered). decl-attr

an element of an ATTLIST, declaration of one attribute

(_attr-name_ _content-type_ _use-type_ _default-value_)
attr-name is an UNRES-NAME for the declared attribute content-type is a symbol: CDATA, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS, ... or a list of strings for the enumerated type. use-type is a symbol: REQUIRED, IMPLIED, FIXED default-value is a string for the default value, or #f if not given.

A constructor and a predicate for a XML-TOKEN record.

Accessor macros of a XML-TOKEN record.

Lower-level parsers and scanners

They deal with primitive lexical units (Names, whitespaces, tags) and with pieces of more generic productions. Most of these parsers must be called in appropriate context. For example, ssax:complete-start-tag must be called only when the start-tag has been detected and its GI has been read.

Low-level parsing code

Skip the S (whitespace) production as defined by

[3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)

The procedure returns the first not-whitespace character it encounters while scanning the port. This character is left on the input stream.

Read a Name lexem and return it as string

[4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':'
                 | CombiningChar | Extender
[5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*

This code supports the XML Namespace Recommendation REC-xml-names, which modifies the above productions as follows:

[4] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_'
                      | CombiningChar | Extender
[5] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)*

As the Rec-xml-names says, "An XML document conforms to this specification if all other tokens [other than element types and attribute names] in the document which are required, for XML conformance, to match the XML production for Name, match this specification's production for NCName." Element types and attribute names must match the production QName, defined below.

Read a NCName starting from the current position in the port and preturn it as a symbol.

Read a (namespace-) Qualified Name, QName, from the current position in the port.

From REC-xml-names:
	[6] QName ::= (Prefix ':')? LocalPart
	[7] Prefix ::= NCName
	[8] LocalPart ::= NCName

Return: an UNRES-NAME

The prefix of the pre-defined XML namespace

Compare one RES-NAME or an UNRES-NAME with the other. Return a symbol '<, '>, or '= depending on the result of the comparison. Names without PREFIX are always smaller than those with the PREFIX.

An UNRES-NAME that is postulated to be larger than anything that can occur in a well-formed XML document. name-compare enforces this postulate.

This procedure starts parsing of a markup token. The current position in the stream must be #\<. This procedure scans enough of the input stream to figure out what kind of a markup token it is seeing. The procedure returns an xml-token structure describing the token. Note, generally reading of the current markup is not finished! In particular, no attributes of the start-tag token are scanned.

Here's a detailed break out of the return values and the position in the _port_when that particular value is returned:


only PI-target is read. To finish the Processing Instruction and disregard it, call ssax:skip-pi. ssax:read-attributes may be useful as well (for PIs whose content is attribute-value pairs)


The end tag is read completely; the current position is right after the terminating #\> character.


is read and skipped completely. The current position is right after "-->" that terminates the comment.


The current position is right after "<!CDATA[" Use ssax:read-cdata-body to read the rest.


We have read the keyword (the one that follows "<!") identifying this declaration markup. The current position is after the keyword (usually a whitespace character)


We have read the keyword (GI) of this start tag. No attributes are scanned yet. We don't know if this tag has an empty content either. Use ssax:complete-start-tag to finish parsing of the token.

The current position is inside a PI. Skip till the rest of the PI

The current position is right after reading the PITarget. We read the body of PI and return is as a string. The port will point to the character right after '?>' combination that terminates PI.

[16] PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'

The current pos in the port is inside an internal DTD subset (e.g., after reading #\[ that begins an internal DTD subset) Skip until the "]>" combination that terminates this DTD

This procedure must be called after we have read a string "<![CDATA[" that begins a CDATA section. The current position must be the first position of the CDATA body. This function reads lines of the CDATA body and passes them to a STR-HANDLER, a character data consumer.

The str-handler is a STR-HANDLER, a procedure STRING1 STRING2 SEED. The first STRING1 argument to STR-HANDLER never contains a newline. The second STRING2 argument often will. On the first invocation of the STR-HANDLER, the seed is the one passed to ssax:read-cdata-bodyas the third argument. The result of this first invocation will be passed as the seed argument to the second invocation of the line consumer, and so on. The result of the last invocation of the STR-HANDLER is returned by the ssax:read-cdata-body. Note a similarity to the fundamental 'fold' iterator.

Within a CDATA section all characters are taken at their face value, with only three exceptions:

  • CR, LF, and CRLF are treated as line delimiters, and passed

  • as a single #\newline to the STR-HANDLER

  • "]]>" combination is the end of the CDATA section.

  • > is treated as an embedded #\> character

Note, < and & are not specially recognized (and are not expanded)!

[66]  CharRef ::=  '&#' [0-9]+ ';' 
                 | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'

This procedure must be called after we we have read "&#" that introduces a char reference. The procedure reads this reference and returns the corresponding char The current position in port will be after ";" that terminates the char reference Faults detected:



According to Section "4.1 Character and Entity References" of the XML Recommendation:

"[Definition: A character reference refers to a specific character in the ISO/IEC 10646 character set, for example one not directly accessible from available input devices.]"

Therefore, we use a ucscode->char function to convert a character code into the character -- *regardless* of the current character encoding of the input stream.

Expand and handle a parsed-entity reference

port - a PORT

name - the name of the parsed entity to expand, a symbol

entities - see ENTITIES

content-handler -- procedure PORT ENTITIES SEED that is supposed to return a SEED

str-handler - a STR-HANDLER. It is called if the entity in question turns out to be a pre-declared entity

The result is the one returned by CONTENT-HANDLER or STR-HANDLER Faults detected:





Utility procedures to deal with attribute list, which keeps name-value association.

This procedure reads and parses a production Attribute*

[41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
[10] AttValue ::=  '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' 
                | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'"
[25] Eq ::= S? '=' S?

The procedure returns an ATTLIST, of Name (as UNRES-NAME), Value (as string) pairs. The current character on the PORT is a non-whitespace character that is not an ncname-starting character.

Note the following rules to keep in mind when reading an 'AttValue' "Before the value of an attribute is passed to the application or checked for validity, the XML processor must normalize it as follows:

  • a character reference is processed by appending the referenced character to the attribute value

  • an entity reference is processed by recursively processing the replacement text of the entity [see ENTITIES] [named entities amp lt gt quot apos are assumed pre-declared]

  • a whitespace character (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9) is processed by appending #x20 to the normalized value, except that only a single #x20 is appended for a "#xD#xA" sequence that is part of an external parsed entity or the literal entity value of an internal parsed entity

  • other characters are processed by appending them to the normalized value


Faults detected:





Convert an UNRES-NAME to a RES-NAME given the appropriate NAMESPACES declarations. the last parameter apply-default-ns? determines if the default namespace applies (for instance, it does not for attribute names)

Per REC-xml-names/#nsc-NSDeclared, "xml" prefix is considered pre-declared and bound to the namespace name "".

This procedure tests for the namespace constraints:

Convert a URI-STR to an appropriate symbol

This procedure is to complete parsing of a start-tag markup. The procedure must be called after the start tag token has been read. TAG is an UNRES-NAME. ELEMS is an instance of xml-decl::elems; it can be #f to tell the function to do no validation of elements and their attributes.

This procedure returns several values:




element's attributes, an ATTLIST of (RES-NAME . STRING) pairs. The list does NOT include xmlns attributes.


the input list of namespaces amended with namespace (re-)declarations contained within the start-tag under parsing


On exit, the current position in PORT will be the first character after #\> that terminates the start-tag markup.

Faults detected:










XML-Spec.html#uniqattspec (after namespaces prefixes are resolved)





Note, although XML Recommendation does not explicitly say it, xmlns and xmlns: attributes don't have to be declared (although they can be declared, to specify their default value)

This procedure parses an ExternalID production:

[75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral
		| 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
[11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'") 
[12] PubidLiteral ::=  '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
[13] PubidChar ::=  #x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9]
                         | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]

This procedure is supposed to be called when an ExternalID is expected; that is, the current character must be either #\S or #\P that start correspondingly a SYSTEM or PUBLIC token. This procedure returns the SystemLiteral as a string. A PubidLiteral is disregarded if present.

Higher-level parsers and scanners

They parse productions corresponding to the whole (document) entity or its higher-level pieces (prolog, root element, etc).

Scan the Misc production in the context

[1]  document ::=  prolog element Misc*
[22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedec l Misc*)?
[27] Misc ::= Comment | PI |  S

The following function should be called in the prolog or epilog contexts. In these contexts, whitespaces are completely ignored. The return value from ssax:scan-Misc is either a PI-token, a DECL-token, a START token, or EOF. Comments are ignored and not reported.

This procedure is to read the character content of an XML document or an XML element.

[43] content ::= 
	(element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI
	| Comment)*

To be more precise, the procedure reads CharData, expands CDSect and character entities, and skips comments. The procedure stops at a named reference, EOF, at the beginning of a PI or a start/end tag.


a PORT to read


a boolean indicating if EOF is normal, i.e., the character data may be terminated by the EOF. EOF is normal while processing a parsed entity.




an argument passed to the first invocation of STR-HANDLER.

The procedure returns two results: SEED and TOKEN. The SEED is the result of the last invocation of STR-HANDLER, or the original seed if STR-HANDLER was never called.

TOKEN can be either an eof-object (this can happen only if expect-eof? was #t), or:

  • an xml-token describing a START tag or an END-tag; For a start token, the caller has to finish reading it.

  • an xml-token describing the beginning of a PI. It's up to an application to read or skip through the rest of this PI;

  • an xml-token describing a named entity reference.

CDATA sections and character references are expanded inline and never returned. Comments are silently disregarded.

As the XML Recommendation requires, all whitespace in character data must be preserved. However, a CR character (#xD) must be disregarded if it appears before a LF character (#xA), or replaced by a #xA character otherwise. See Secs. 2.10 and 2.11 of the XML Recommendation. See also the canonical XML Recommendation.

Make sure that TOKEN is of anticipated KIND and has anticipated GI Note GI argument may actually be a pair of two symbols, Namespace URI or the prefix, and of the localname. If the assertion fails, error-cont is evaluated by passing it three arguments: token kind gi. The result of error-cont is returned.

Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML

These parsers are a set of syntactic forms to instantiate a SSAX parser. A user can instantiate the parser to do the full validation, or no validation, or any particular validation. The user specifies which PI he wants to be notified about. The user tells what to do with the parsed character and element data. The latter handlers determine if the parsing follows a SAX or a DOM model.

Create a parser to parse and process one Processing Element (PI).


An assoc list of pairs (PI-TAG . PI-HANDLER) where PI-TAG is an NCName symbol, the PI target, and PI-HANDLER is a procedure PORT PI-TAG SEED where PORT points to the first symbol after the PI target. The handler should read the rest of the PI up to and including the combination '?>' that terminates the PI. The handler should return a new seed. One of the PI-TAGs may be the symbol *DEFAULT*. The corresponding handler will handle PIs that no other handler will. If the *DEFAULT* PI-TAG is not specified, ssax:make-pi-parser will assume the default handler that skips the body of the PI

The output of the ssax:make-pi-parser is a

``procedure _PORT_ _PI-TAG_ _SEED_``

that will parse the current PI according to the user-specified handlers.

Create a parser to parse and process one element, including its character content or children elements. The parser is typically applied to the root element of a document.


procedure ELEM-GI ATTRIBUTES NAMESPACES EXPECTED-CONTENT SEED where ELEM-GI is a RES-NAME of the element about to be processed. This procedure is to generate the seed to be passed to handlers that process the content of the element. This is the function identified as 'fdown' in the denotational semantics of the XML parser given in the title comments to this file.


procedure ELEM-GI ATTRIBUTES NAMESPACES PARENT-SEED SEED This procedure is called when parsing of ELEM-GI is finished. The SEED is the result from the last content parser (or from my-new-level-seed if the element has the empty content). PARENT-SEED is the same seed as was passed to my-new-level-seed. The procedure is to generate a seed that will be the result of the element parser. This is the function identified as 'fup' in the denotational semantics of the XML parser given in the title comments to this file.




See ssax:make-pi-handler above

The generated parser is a


The procedure must be called after the start tag token has been read. START-TAG-HEAD is an UNRES-NAME from the start-element tag. ELEMS is an instance of xml-decl::elems. See ssax:complete-start-tag::preserve-ws?Faults detected:





Create an XML parser, an instance of the XML parsing framework. This will be a SAX, a DOM, or a specialized parser depending on the supplied user-handlers.

user-handler-tag is a symbol that identifies a procedural expression that follows the tag. Given below are tags and signatures of the corresponding procedures. Not all tags have to be specified. If some are omitted, reasonable defaults will apply.


If internal-subset? is #t, the current position in the port is right after we have read #\[ that begins the internal DTD subset. We must finish reading of this subset before we return (or must call skip-internal-subset if we aren't interested in reading it). The port at exit must be at the first symbol after the whole DOCTYPE declaration. The handler-procedure must generate four values: ELEMS ENTITIES NAMESPACES SEED See xml-decl::elems for ELEMS. It may be #f to switch off the validation. NAMESPACES will typically contain USER-PREFIXes for selected URI-SYMBs. The default handler-procedure skips the internal subset, if any, and returns (values #f '() '() seed)

handler-procedure ELEM-GI SEED

where ELEM-GI is an UNRES-NAME of the root element. This procedure is called when an XML document under parsing contains no DOCTYPE declaration. The handler-procedure, as a DOCTYPE handler procedure above, must generate four values: ELEMS ENTITIES NAMESPACES SEED The default handler-procedure returns (values #f '() '() seed)

handler-procedure ELEM-GI SEED

where ELEM-GI is an UNRES-NAME of the root element. This procedure is called when an XML document under parsing does contains the DOCTYPE declaration. The handler-procedure must generate a new SEED (and verify that the name of the root element matches the doctype, if the handler so wishes). The default handler-procedure is the identity function.


see ssax:make-elem-parser, my-new-level-seed


see ssax:make-elem-parser, my-finish-element


see ssax:make-elem-parser, my-char-data-handler

tag: PI

see ssax:make-pi-parserThe default value is '() The generated parser is a procedure PORT SEED This procedure parses the document prolog and then exits to an element parser (created by ssax:make-elem-parser) to handle the rest.

[1]  document ::=  prolog element Misc*
[22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedec | Misc*)?
[27] Misc ::= Comment | PI |  S

[28] doctypedecl ::=  '<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? 
			('[' (markupdecl | PEReference | S)* ']' S?)? '>'
[29] markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl
                     | EntityDecl
                     | NotationDecl | PI
                     | Comment 

Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML

First, a few utility procedures that turned out useful

given the list of fragments (some of which are text strings) reverse the list and concatenate adjacent text strings. We can prove from the general case below that if LIST-OF-FRAGS has zero or one element, the result of the procedure is equal? to its argument. This fact justifies the shortcut evaluation below.

given the list of fragments (some of which are text strings) reverse the list and concatenate adjacent text strings. We also drop "unsignificant" whitespace, that is, whitespace in front, behind and between elements. The whitespace that is included in character data is not affected. We use this procedure to "intelligently" drop "insignificant" whitespace in the parsed SXML. If the strict compliance with the XML Recommendation regarding the whitespace is desired, please use the ssax:reverse-collect-str procedure instead.

This is an instance of a SSAX parser above that returns an SXML representation of the XML document to be read from PORT. NAMESPACE-PREFIX-ASSIG is a list of (USER-PREFIX . URI-STRING) that assigns USER-PREFIXes to certain namespaces identified by particular URI-STRINGs. It may be an empty list. The procedure returns an SXML tree. The port points out to the first character after the root element.

(text sxml sxpath) - Functional XML parser

This library is ported from Kirill Lisovsky's SXPath which is based on Oleg Kiselyov's SXPath. The documents are from the original file.

SXPath is a query language for SXML, an instance of XML Information set (Infoset) in the form of s-expressions. See SSAX.scm for the definition of SXML and more details. SXPath is also a translation into Scheme of an XML Path Language, XPath:

XPath and SXPath describe means of selecting a set of Infoset's items or their properties.

To facilitate queries, XPath maps the XML Infoset into an explicit tree, and introduces important notions of a location path and a current, context node. A location path denotes a selection of a set of nodes relative to a context node. Any XPath tree has a distinguished, root node -- which serves as the context node for absolute location paths. Location path is recursively defined as a location step joined with a location path. A location step is a simple query of the database relative to a context node. A step may include expressions that further filter the selected set. Each node in the resulting set is used as a context node for the adjoining location path. The result of the step is a union of the sets returned by the latter location paths.

The SXML representation of the XML Infoset (see SSAX.scm) is rather suitable for querying as it is. Bowing to the XPath specification, we will refer to SXML information items as 'Nodes':

	<Node> ::= <Element> | <attributes-coll> | <attrib>
		   | "text string" | <PI>

This production can also be described as

	<Node> ::= (name . <Nodelist>) | "text string"

An (ordered) set of nodes is just a list of the constituent nodes:

	<Nodelist> ::= (<Node> ...)

Nodelists, and Nodes other than text strings are both lists. A <Nodelist> however is either an empty list, or a list whose head is not a symbol. A symbol at the head of a node is either an XML name (in which case it's a tag of an XML element), or an administrative name such as '@'. This uniform list representation makes processing rather simple and elegant, while avoiding confusion. The multi-branch tree structure formed by the mutually-recursive datatypes <Node> and <Nodelist> lends itself well to processing by functional languages.

A location path is in fact a composite query over an XPath tree or its branch. A singe step is a combination of a projection, selection or a transitive closure. Multiple steps are combined via join and union operations. This insight allows us to elegantly implement XPath as a sequence of projection and filtering primitives -- converters -- joined by combinators. Each converter takes a node and returns a nodelist which is the result of the corresponding query relative to that node. A converter can also be called on a set of nodes. In that case it returns a union of the corresponding queries over each node in the set. The union is easily implemented as a list append operation as all nodes in a SXML tree are considered distinct, by XPath conventions. We also preserve the order of the members in the union. Query combinators are high-order functions: they take converter(s) (which is a Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist function) and compose or otherwise combine them. We will be concerned with only relative location paths [XPath]: an absolute location path is a relative path applied to the root node.

Similarly to XPath, SXPath defines full and abbreviated notations for location paths. In both cases, the abbreviated notation can be mechanically expanded into the full form by simple rewriting rules. In case of SXPath the corresponding rules are given as comments to a sxpath function, below. The regression test suite at the end of this file shows a representative sample of SXPaths in both notations, juxtaposed with the corresponding XPath expressions. Most of the samples are borrowed literally from the XPath specification, while the others are adjusted for our running example, tree1.

Basic converters and applicators

A converter is a function

	type Converter = Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist

A converter can also play a role of a predicate: in that case, if a converter, applied to a node or a nodelist, yields a non-empty nodelist, the converter-predicate is deemed satisfied. Throughout this file a nil nodelist is equivalent to #f in denoting a failure.

Function nodeset? x

Returns #t if given object is a nodelist

If x is a nodelist - returns it as is, otherwise wrap it in a list.

Predicate which returns #t if <obj> is SXML element, otherwise returns #f.

The function ntype-names?? takes a list of acceptable node names as a criterion and returns a function, which, when applied to a node, will return #t if the node name is present in criterion list and #f otherwise.

	ntype-names?? :: ListOfNames -> Node -> Boolean

The function ntype?? takes a type criterion and returns a function, which, when applied to a node, will tell if the node satisfies the test.

	ntype?? :: Crit -> Node -> Boolean

The criterion 'crit' is one of the following symbols:


tests if the Node has the right name (id)


tests if the Node is an <attributes-list>


tests if the Node is an <Element>


tests if the Node is a text node


tests if the Node is a data node (text, number, boolean, etc., but not pair)


tests if the Node is a PI node


tests if the Node is a COMMENT node


tests if the Node is a ENTITY node


#t for any type of Node

This function takes a namespace-id, and returns a predicate Node -> Boolean, which is #t for nodes with this very namespace-id. ns-id is a string

(ntype-namespace-id?? #f) will be #t for nodes with non-qualified names.

This function takes a predicate and returns it complemented That is if the given predicate yelds #f or '() the complemented one
yields the given node (#t) and vice versa.

Curried equivalence converter-predicates

Function mode-pos n

node-pos:: N -> Nodelist -> Nodelist, or

node-pos:: N -> Converter

Select the N'th element of a Nodelist and return as a singular Nodelist; Return an empty nodelist if the Nth element does not exist.

((node-pos 1) Nodelist) selects the node at the head of the Nodelist, if exists; ((node-pos 2) Nodelist) selects the Node after that, if exists.

N can also be a negative number: in that case the node is picked from the tail of the list.

((node-pos -1) Nodelist) selects the last node of a non-empty nodelist; ((node-pos -2) Nodelist) selects the last but one node, if exists.

filter:: Converter -> Converter

A filter applicator, which introduces a filtering context. The argument converter is considered a predicate, with either #f or nil result meaning failure.

take-until:: Converter -> Converter, or

take-until:: Pred -> Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist

Given a converter-predicate and a nodelist, apply the predicate to each element of the nodelist, until the predicate yields anything but #f or nil. Return the elements of the input nodelist that have been processed till that moment (that is, which fail the predicate).

take-until is a variation of the filter above: take-until passes elements of an ordered input set till (but not including) the first element that satisfies the predicate.

The nodelist returned by ((take-until (not pred)) nset) is a subset -- to be more precise, a prefix -- of the nodelist returned by ((filter pred) nset)

take-after:: Converter -> Converter, or

take-after:: Pred -> Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist

Given a converter-predicate and a nodelist, apply the predicate to each element of the nodelist, until the predicate yields anything but #f or nil. Return the elements of the input nodelist that have not been processed: that is, return the elements of the input nodelist that follow the first element that satisfied the predicate.

take-after along with take-until partition an input nodelist into three parts: the first element that satisfies a predicate, all preceding elements and all following elements.

Apply proc to each element of lst and return the list of results. if proc returns a nodelist, splice it into the result

From another point of view, map-union is a function Converter->Converter, which places an argument-converter in a joining context.

node-reverse :: Converter, or

node-reverse:: Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist

Reverses the order of nodes in the nodelist This basic converter is needed to implement a reverse document order (see the XPath Recommendation).

node-trace:: String -> Converter

(node-trace title) is an identity converter. In addition it prints out a node or nodelist it is applied to, prefixed with the 'title'. This converter is very useful for debugging.

Converter combinators

Combinators are higher-order functions that transmogrify a converter or glue a sequence of converters into a single, non-trivial converter. The goal is to arrive at converters that correspond to XPath location paths.

From a different point of view, a combinator is a fixed, named pattern of applying converters. Given below is a complete set of such patterns that together implement XPath location path specification. As it turns out, all these combinators can be built from a small number of basic blocks: regular functional composition, map-union and filter applicators, and the nodelist union.

select-kids:: Pred -> Node -> Nodelist

Given a Node, return an (ordered) subset its children that satisfy the Pred (a converter, actually)

select-kids:: Pred -> Nodelist -> Nodelist

The same as above, but select among children of all the nodes in the Nodelist

More succinctly, the signature of this function is select-kids:: Converter -> Converter

node-self:: Pred -> Node -> Nodelist, or

node-self:: Converter -> Converter

Similar to select-kids but apply to the Node itself rather than to its children. The resulting Nodelist will contain either one component, or will be empty (if the Node failed the Pred).

node-join:: [LocPath] -> Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist, or

node-join:: [Converter] -> Converter

join the sequence of location steps or paths as described in the title comments above.

node-reduce:: [LocPath] -> Node|Nodelist -> Nodelist, or

node-reduce:: [Converter] -> Converter

A regular functional composition of converters. From a different point of view,

((apply node-reduce converters) nodelist)

is equivalent to

(foldl apply nodelist converters)

i.e., folding, or reducing, a list of converters with the nodelist as a seed.

node-or:: [Converter] -> Converter

This combinator applies all converters to a given node and produces the union of their results.

This combinator corresponds to a union, '|' operation for XPath location paths.

node-closure:: Converter -> Converter

Select all descendants of a node that satisfy a converter-predicate. This combinator is similar to select-kids but applies to grand... children as well. This combinator implements the "descendant::" XPath axis Conceptually, this combinator can be expressed as

(define (node-closure f)
       (select-kids f)
	 (node-reduce (select-kids (ntype?? '*)) (node-closure f))))

This definition, as written, looks somewhat like a fixpoint, and it will run forever. It is obvious however that sooner or later (select-kids (ntype?? '*)) will return an empty nodelist. At this point further iterations will no longer affect the result and can be stopped.


According to XPath specification 2.3, this test is true for any XPath node.

For SXML auxiliary lists and lists of attributes has to be excluded.

Returns the list of attributes for a given SXML node Empty list is returned if the given node os not an element, or if it has no list of attributes

Attribute axis

Child axis

This function is similar to 'select-kids', but it returns an empty child-list for PI, Comment and Entity nodes

Parent axis Given a predicate, it returns a function

RootNode -> Converter

which which yields a

node -> parent

converter then applied to a rootnode. Thus, such a converter may be constructed using

((sxml:parent test-pred) rootnode)

and returns a parent of a node it is applied to. If applied to a nodelist, it returns the list of parents of nodes in the nodelist. The rootnode does not have to be the root node of the whole SXML tree -- it may be a root node of a branch of interest. The parent:: axis can be used with any SXML node.

Popular short cuts

(sxml:child sxml:node?)

(select-kids sxml:element)

Abbreviated SXPath

Evaluate an abbreviated SXPath

	sxpath:: AbbrPath -> Converter, or
	sxpath:: AbbrPath -> Node|Nodeset -> Nodeset

AbbrPath is a list. It is translated to the full SXPath according to the following rewriting rules

(sxpath '()) -> (node-join)
(sxpath '(path-component ...)) ->
		(node-join (sxpath1 path-component) (sxpath '(...)))
(sxpath1 '//) -> (sxml:descendant-or-self sxml:node?)
(sxpath1 '(equal? x)) -> (select-kids (node-equal? x))
(sxpath1 '(eq? x))    -> (select-kids (node-eq? x))
(sxpath1 '(*or* ...))  -> (select-kids (ntype-names??
                                         (cdr '(*or* ...))))
(sxpath1 '(*not* ...)) -> (select-kids (sxml:complement 
                                         (cdr '(*not* ...)))))
(sxpath1 '(ns-id:* x)) -> (select-kids 
                                     (ntype-namespace-id?? x))
(sxpath1 ?symbol)     -> (select-kids (ntype?? ?symbol))
(sxpath1 ?string)     -> (txpath ?string)
(sxpath1 procedure)   -> procedure
(sxpath1 '(?symbol ...)) -> (sxpath1 '((?symbol) ...))
(sxpath1 '(path reducer ...)) ->
		(node-reduce (sxpath path) (sxpathr reducer) ...)
(sxpathr number)      -> (node-pos number)
(sxpathr path-filter) -> (filter (sxpath path-filter))


sxpath always returns a list, which is #t in Scheme if-sxpath returns #f instead of empty list

Returns first node found, if any. Otherwise returns #f.

Returns first node found, if any. Otherwise returns empty list.

lookup by a value of ID type attribute

Built an index as a list of (ID_value . element) pairs for given node. lpaths are location paths for attributes of type ID.

SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions

The counterpart to XPath 'string' function (section 4.2 XPath Rec.) Converts a given object to a string


  1. When converting a nodeset - a document order is not preserved

  2. number->string function returns the result in a form which is slightly

different from XPath Rec. specification

The counterpart to XPath 'boolean' function (section 4.3 XPath Rec.) Converts its argument to a boolean

The counterpart to XPath 'number' function (section 4.4 XPath Rec.) Converts its argument to a number


  1. The argument is not optional (yet?)

  2. string->number conversion is not IEEE 754 round-to-nearest

  3. NaN is represented as 0

Returns a string value for a given node in accordance to XPath Rec. 5.1 - 5.7

Select SXML element by its unique IDs XPath Rec. 4.1

object - a nodeset or a datatype which can be converted to a string by means

of a 'string' function

id-index = ( (id-value . element) (id-value . element) ... )

This index is used for selection of an element by its unique ID. The result is a nodeset

Comparators for XPath objects

Equality comparison

A helper for XPath equality operations: = , != 'bool-op', 'number-op' and 'string-op' are comparison operations for a pair of booleans, numbers and strings respectively

(sxml:equality-cmp eq? = string=?)

Compares given obj1 and obj2.

   (lambda (bool1 bool2) (not (eq? bool1 bool2)))
   (lambda (num1 num2) (not (= num1 num2)))
   (lambda (str1 str2) (not (string=? str1 str2))))

Counterparts of sxml:equal?.

Relational comparison

Relational operation ( < , > , <= , >= ) for two XPath objects op is comparison procedure: < , > , <= or >=

XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved

Ancestor axis

Ancestor-or-self axis

Descendant axis

It's similar to original 'node-closure' a resulting nodeset is in depth-first order rather than breadth-first Fix: din't descend in non-element nodes!

Descendant-or-self axis

Following axis

Following-sibling axis

Namespace axis

Preceding axis

Preceding-sibling axis

(packrat) -- Packrat parser library

Library (packrat)

This library is ported from Chicken Scheme packrat. The documentation is from the PDF file located on the website and formatted Sagittarius document format.

Packrat parsing is a memorizing, backtracking recursive-descent parsing technique that runs in time and space linear in the size of the input test. The technique was originally discovered by Alexander Birman in 1970 [1], and Bryan Ford took up the idea for his master's thesis in 2002 [4, 3, 2]. For detailed information on the technique, please see Bryan Ford's web pate at

""This document describes an R5RS Scheme library of parsing combinators implemented using the packrat parsing algorithm. The main interfaces are the packrat-parse macro and the combinators into into which it expands, the base-generator->results function, and the accessors for parse-result records.

Data Structures

This section describes the data structures that make up the core of the packrat parsing algorithm, and some of the low-level procedures that operate on them.


A parse-result record describes the results of an attempt at a parse at a particular position in the input stream. It can either record a successful parse, in which case it contains an associated semantic-value, or a failed parse, in which case it contains a parse-error structure.

This is a predicate which answers #t if and only if its argument is a parse-result record.

This predicate returns #t if its argument represents a successful parse, or #f if it represents a failed parse.

If the argument represents a successful parse, this function returns the associated semantic-value; otherwise, it will return #f.

If the argument represents a successful parse, this function returns a parse-results record representing the parsed input stream starting immediately after the parse this parse-results represents. For instance, given an input stream [a, b, c, d, e], if the parse-result given to parse-result-nexthad completed successfully, consuming the [a, b, c] prefix of the input stream and producing some semantic value, then the parse-result returned from parse-result-next would represent all possible parses starting from the [d, e] suffix of the input stream.

If the argument represents a failed parse, this function returns a parse-error structure; otherwise, it may return a parse-error structure for internal implementation reasons (to do with propagating errors upwards for improved error-reporting), or it may return #f

This function constructs an instance of parse-result representing a successful parse. The first argument is used as the semantic value to include with the new parse-result, and the second argument should be a parse-results structure representing the location in the input stream from which continue parsing.

This function constructs an instance of parse-result representing a failed parse. The parse-position in the first argument and the value in the second argument are used to construct a variant of a parse-error record for inclusion in the parse-result that reports that a particular kind of value was expected at the given parse-position.

This function constructs an instance of parse-result representing a failed parse. The parse-position in the first argument and the string in the second argument are used to construct a variant of a parse-error record for inclusion in the parse-result that reports a general error message at the given parse position.

This function propagates error information through a particular parse result. The parse-error contained in the first argument is combined with the parse-error from the second argument, and the resulting parse-result structure is returned embedded in the error field of a copy of the first argument.


A parse-results record notionally describes all possible parses that can be attempted from a particular point in an input stream, and the results of those parses. It contains a parse-position record, which corresponds to the position in the input stream that this parse-results represents, and a map associating "key objects" with instance of parse-result.

Atomic input objects (known as "base values"; usually either characters or token / semantic-value pairs) are represented specially in the parse-results data structure, as an optimisation: the two fields base and code{next} represent the implicit successful parse of a base value at the current position. The base field contains a pair of a toke-class-identifier and a semantic value unless the parse-results data structure as a whole is representing the of the input stream, in which case it will contain #f.

This is a predicate which answer #t if and only if its argument is a parse-results record.

Returns the parse-position corresponding to the argument. An unknown position is represented by #f.

If the argument corresponds to the end of the input stream, this function returns #f; otherwise, it returns a pair, where the car is to be interpreted as a base lexical token class identifier (for instance, "symbol", "string", "number") and the cdr is to be interpreted as the semantic value of the data.

This function returns the car (the token class identifier) of the result of parse-results-base, if that result is a pair; otherwise it returns #f.

This function returns the car (the token class identifier) of the result of parse-results-base, if that result is a pair; otherwise it returns #f.

This function returns the cdr (the token value) of the result of parse-results-base, if that result is a pair; otherwise it returns #f.

This function returns the parse-results record representing the position in the input stream immediately after the argument's base token. For instance, if the base tokens used represented characters, then this function would return the parse-results representing the next character position; or, if the base tokens represented lexemes, then this function would return a representation of the results obtainable starting from the next lexeme position. The value #f is returned if there is no next position (that is, if the argument represents the final possible position before the end-of-stream).

This function is used to set up an initial input stream of base tokens. The argument is to be nullary function returning multiple-values, the first of which is to be a parse-position record or #f, and the second of which is to be a base token, that is a pair of a token class identifier and a semantic value. The argument is called every time the parser needs to read a fresh base token from the input stream.

This function effectively prepends a base token to particular parse-results. This can be useful when implementing extensible parsers: using this function in a suitable loop, it is possible to splice together two streams of input.

For instance, if r is a parse-results representing parse over the input token stream '((b . 2) (c . 3)), then the result of the call

(prepend-base #f '(a . 1) r)

is a new parse-results representing parse over the input stream '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)).

The first argument to prepend-base, the parse-position, should be either a parse-position representing the location the base token being prepended, or #f if the input position of the base token is unknown.

This function is similar to prepend-base, but prepends an already-computed semantic value to a parse-results, again primarily for use in implementing extensible parsers. The resulting parse-results is assigned the given parse-position, and has an entry in its result map associating the given key-object with the given semantic-value and input parse-results.

This function is the central function that drives the parsing process. It examines the result in the parse-results given to it, searching for an entry matching the given key-object. If such an entry is found, the parse-result structure associated with the key is returned; otherwise, the nullary result-thunk is called, and the resulting parse-result is both stored into the result map and returned to the caller of results->result.


Parse-error structure represent collected error information from attempted parses. They contain two kinds of error report, following [3]: a collection of "expected token" messages, and a collection of free-format message strings.

This is a predicate which answers #t if and only if its argument is a parse-error record.

Retrieves the parse-position in the input stream that this parse-error is describing. A #f result indicates an unknown position.

Retrieves the set (represented as a list) of token class identifiers that could have allowed the parse to continue from this point.

Retrieves the list of error messages associated with this parser-error.

Constructs an "expected token" parse-error record from its arguments. Called by make-expected-result.

Constructs an "general error message" parse-error record from its arguments. Called by make-message-result.

Returns #f if its argument contains no expected tokens, and no general error messages; otherwise returns #f. Used internally by merge-result-errors.

Merges two parse-error records, following [3]. If one record represents a position earlier in the input stream than the other, then that record is returned; if they both represent the same position, the "expected token" sets are unioned and the general message lists are appended to form a new parse-error record at the same position. The standard parsing combinators call this function as appropriate to propagate error information through the parse.


A parse-position record represents a character location in an input stream.

Constructs a parse-position record from its arguments. The given filename may be #f if the filename is unknown or not appropriate for the input stream the parse-position is indexing into.

This is a predicate which answer #t if any only if its argument is parse-position record.

Retrieves the file name associated with a parse-position record. Returns #f if the filename is absent or not appropriate for this input stream.

Retrieves the line number this parse-position represents. Line numbers begin at 1; that is all characters on the very first line in a file will have line number 1.

Retrieves the column number within a line that parse-position represents. Column numbers begin at 0; that is, the very first character of the very first line in a file will have line number 1 and column number 0.

Constructs a parse-position representing the very beginning of an input stream. The argument is passed into make-parse-position as the "filename" parameter, and so may be either a string or #f.

Given a position, and the character occurring at that position, returns the position of the next character in the input stream. Most characters simply increment the column number. Exceptions to this rule are: #\return, which resets the column number to zero; #\newline, which both resets the column number to zero and increments the line number; and #\tab, which increments the column number to the nearest multiple of eight, just as terminal with an eight-column tab stop setting might do.

Converts a parse-position record into an emacs-compatible display format. If the filename in the parse-position is unknown, the string "<??>" is used in its place. The result is of the form


for example,


Returns #t if the first parse-position is more than advanced in the input stream than the second parse-position. Either or both positions may be #f, representing unknown positions; an unknown position is considered to be less advanced in the input stream than any known position. Note that the filename associated with each parse-position is completely ignored. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the two positions are associated with the same input stream.

Parsing Combinators

Parsing combinators are functions taking a parse-results structure and retruning a parse-result structure. Each combinator attempts to parse the input stream in some manner, and the result of the combinator is either a successful parse with an associated semantic value, or a failed parse with an associated error record.

This section describes the procedures that produce the mid-level parsing combinators provided as part of the library.

The type of a parser combinator, written in ML-like notation, would be

parse-results -> parse-result

Returns a combinator which, if the next base token has token class identifier equal to the first argument ("kind-object"), calls the second argument ("semantic-value-acceptor") with the semantic value of the next base token. The result of this cal should be another parser combinator, which is applied to the parse-results representing the remainder of the input stream.

The type of the semantic value acceptor, written in ML-like notation, would be

semanticValue -> parserCombinator

or more fully expanded,

semanticValue -> parse-results -> parse-result

These types recall the types of functions that work with monads.

Returns a combinator which attempts to parse using the first argument, and if the parse is successful, hands the resulting semantic value to the semantic-value-acceptor (which has the same type as the semantic-value-acceptor passed to packrat-check-base ) and continues parsing using the resulting combinator.

Returns a combinator which attempts to parse using the first argument, only trying the second argument if the first argument fails to parse the input. This is the basic combinator used to implement a choice among several alternative means of parsing an input stream.

The combinator returned from this function first tries the first combinator given. If it fails, the second is tried; otherwise, an error message containing the given string is returned as the result. This can be used to assert that a particular sequence of tokens does not occur at the current position before continuing on. (This is the "not-followed-by" matcher).

The parckrat-parser macro

The packrat-parse macro provides syntactic sugar for building complex parser combinators from simpler combinators. The general form of the macro, in an EBNF-like language, is:

(packrat-parser <result-expr> <nonterminal-definition>*)


<nonterminal-definition> :==
  (<nonterminal-id> (<sequence> <body-expr>+)*)
<sequence> :== (<part>*)
<part> :== (! <part>*)
       |   (/ <sequence>*)
       |   <var> <- '<kind-object>
       |   <var> <- 

       |   <var> <- <nonterminal-id>
       |   '<kind-object>
       |   <nonterminal-id>

Each nonterminal-definition expands into a parser-combinator. The collection of defined nonterminal parser-combinators expands to a (begin) containing an internal definition for each nonterminal.

The result of the whole packrat-parser form is the <result-expr>immediately following the packrat-parser keyword. Since (begin)within (begin) forms are flattened out in Scheme, the <result-expr> can be used to introduce handwritten parser combinators which can call, and can be called by, the nonterminal definitions built in the rest of the parser definition.

Each nonterminal definition expands into:

(define (<nonterminal-id> results)
  (results->result results 'nonterminal-id
    (lambda ()
      (<...> results))))

where <...> is the expanded definition-of-sequences combinator formed form the body of the nonterminal definition.

An alternation (either implicit in the main body of a nonterminal definition, or introduced via a <part> of the form (/ <sequence> ...)) expands to

(packrat-or <expansion-of-first-alternative> (packrat-or <expansion-of-second-alternative> ...)) This causes each alternative to be tried in turn, in left-to-right order of occurrence.

Wherever a <part> of the form "<var> <- ..." occurs, a variable binding for <var> is made available in the <body-expr>s that make up each arm of a nonterminal definition. The variable will be bound to the semantic value resulting form parsing according to the parser definition to the right of the arrow (the "..." above).

The (! <part> ...) syntax expands into an invocation of packrat-unless.

The "@" syntax in "<var> <- @" causes <var>to be bound to the parse-position at that point in the input stream. This can be used for annotating abstract syntax trees with location information.

<part>s of the form '<kind-object> expand into invocations of packrat-check-base; those of the form <nonterminal-id> expand into invocations of packrat-check, with the procedure associated with the named nonterminal passed in as the combinator argument.


[1] Alexander Birman and Jeffrey D. Ullman. Parsing algorithms with backtrack. Information and Control, 23(1):1 34, August 1973

[2] Bryan Ford. Parsing expression grammars: A recognition-based syntactic foundation.

[3] Bryan Ford. Packrat parsing: a practical linear-time algorithm with backtracking. Master's thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sep 2002.

[4] Bryan Ford. Packrat parsing: Simple, powerful, lazy, linear time. In Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Functional Programming. Oct 2002.

(json) -- JSON parser library

Library (json)

This library is compatible with Chicken Scheme json module and provides JSON reader and writer. The library is a thin wrapper of (text json) library.

Reads JSON from given port and returns representing S-expression.

Conversion rules:

JSON array   <-> list
JSON table   <-> vector
JSON boolean <-> boolean
JSON null    <-> symbol `null`

Read and write procedure always use above conversion rules even if *json-map-type* is set to 'alist.

Writes the given S-expression JSON representing object to given port.

Supporting SRFIs

SRFI is a great libraries, so there is no reason not to support. Without exception Sagittarius also supports several SRFIs. The following list is the supported SRFI. Documents are not written for now. So if you need to refer the functions, please look for SRFI's site. I might write it later.

For now, I just put pointer to the SRFI's web site

SRFI number Library name
SRFI-0 (srfi :0 cond-expand)
SRFI-1 (srfi :1 lists)
SRFI-2 (srfi :2 and-let*)
SRFI-4 (srfi :4 numeric-vectors) SRFI-4
SRFI-6 (srfi :6 basic-string-ports)
SRFI-8 (srfi :8 receive)
SRFI-11 (srfi :11 let-values)
SRFI-13 (srfi :13 strings)
SRFI-14 (srfi :14 char-set)
SRFI-16 (srfi :16 case-lambda)
SRFI-17 (srfi :17 generalized-set!)
SRFI-18 (srfi :18 multithreading)
SRFI-19 (srfi :19 time)
SRFI-22 This SRFI does not provide any library.
SRFI-23 (srfi :23 error)
SRFI-25 (srfi :25 multi-dimensional-arrays)
SRFI-26 (srfi :26 cut)
SRFI-27 (srfi :27 random-bits)
SRFI-29 (srfi :27 localization)
SRFI-31 (srfi :31 rec)
SRFI-37 (srfi :37 args-fold)
SRFI-38 (srfi :38 with-shared-structure)
SRFI-39 (srfi :39 parameters)
SRFI-41 (srfi :41 streams)
SRFI-42 (srfi :42 eager-comprehensions)
SRFI-43 (srfi :43 vectors)
SRFI-45 (srfi :45 lazy)
SRFI-49 (srfi :49)
SRFI-57 (srfi :57 records)
SRFI-60 (srfi :60 integer-bits)
SRFI-61 (srfi :61 cond) builtin
SRFI-64 (srfi :64 testing)
SRFI-69 (srfi :69 basic-hash-tables)
SRFI-78 (srfi :78 lightweight-testing)
SRFI-86 (srfi :86 mu-and-nu)
SRFI-87 (srfi :87 case)
SRFI-98 (srfi :98 os-environment-variables)
SRFI-99 (srfi :99 records)
SRFI-100 (srfi :100 define-lambda-object) longname
SRFI-101 (srfi :101 random-access-lists)
SRFI-105 (srfi :105) SRFI-105
SRFI-106 (srfi :106 socket)
SRFI-110 (srfi :110) SRFI-110
SRFI-111 (srfi :111 boxes) longname
SRFI-112 (srfi :112 inquery) longname
SRFI-113 (srfi :113 sets) longname
SRFI-114 (srfi :114 comparators) longname
SRFI-115 (srfi :115 regex) longname
SRFI-116 (srfi :116 ilists) longname
SRFI-117 (srfi :117 list-queues) longname
SRFI-120 (srfi :120 timer) longname
SRFI-121 (srfi :121 generators) longname
SRFI-123 (srfi :123 generic-ref)
SRFI-124 (srfi :124 ephemerons) longname
SRFI-125 (srfi :125 hashtables) longname
SRFI-126 (srfi :126 r6rs-hashtables) longname
SRFI-127 (srfi :127 lazy-sequences) longname
SRFI-128 (srfi :128 comparators) longname
SRFI-129 (srfi :129 titlecase) longname
SRFI-130 (srfi :130 string-cursors) longname
SRFI-131 (srfi :131 records) longname
SRFI-132 (srfi :132 sorting) longname
SRFI-133 (srfi :133 vectors) longname
SRFI-134 (srfi :134 ideque) longname
SRFI-135 (srfi :135 texts) longname
SRFI-139 (srfi :139 syntax-parameters) longname
SRFI-141 (srfi :141 integer-division) longname
SRFI-142 (srfi :142 bitwise) longname
SRFI-143 (srfi :143 fixnums) longname
SRFI-144 (srfi :144 flonums) longname
SRFI-145 (srfi :145 assumptions) longname
SRFI-146 (srfi :146 mapping) longname and (srfi :146 hash)
SRFI-151 (srfi :151 bitwise-operations) longname
SRFI-152 (srfi :152 strings)
SRFI-154 (srfi :154 dynamic-extents) longname
SRFI-156 (srfi :156 predicate-combiners) longname
SRFI-158 (srfi :158 generators-and-accumulators) longname
SRFI-159 (srfi :159)
SRFI-160 (srfi :160) SRFI-160
SRFI-193 (srfi :193 command-line) longname
SRFI-197 (srfi :197 pipeline) longname
SRFI-219 (srfi :219 define)[^longname] builtin


This SRFI also contains reader macro described below this section.


The library exports srfi-49-read, srfi-49-load procedures. And also be able to replace reader, For more detail, see (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library.


The syntax provided by this SRFI is supported by the builtin syntax. This SRFI can be used for portability.


The long name is Sagittarius specific and the specified library name is (srfi :_number_). So for the portability it's better to use the specified one. The long name is taken from the SRFI name.


The library exports curly-infix-read and neoteric-read procedures. These procedures read SRFI-105 the infix style code that SRFI-105 specifying. And this also exports reader macros, you can activate it with #!read-macro=srfi/:105 or #!read-macro=curly-infix.
Even though the specification said it MUST support #!curly-infix, however the library just ignore and not activate the reader macros. So you need to explicitly write the one mentioned above. To keep your code portable between implementations that support this SRFI, you need to write both style as following;

;; write both

The order doesn't matter, Sagittarius just ignores the latter style.


The library exports a replacible reader. To use it write following hash-bang directives.

;; write both for compatibility

The order doesn't matter, Sagittarius just ignores the latter style.


This library doesn't extend comparisons, thus it behaves as the SRFI specifies. (e.g. Passing 0 or 1 argument to string=? raises an error)


The short name is Sagittarius specific which provides all the bindings from the below libraries which are specified in the SRFI:

  • (srfi :160 base)

  • (srfi :160 u8)

  • (srfi :160 s8)

  • (srfi :160 u16)

  • (srfi :160 s16)

  • (srfi :160 u32)

  • (srfi :160 s32)

  • (srfi :160 u64)

  • (srfi :160 s64)

  • (srfi :160 f32)

  • (srfi :160 f64)

  • (srfi :160 c64)

  • (srfi :160 c128)

Each library can be imported like this:

(import (srfi :1))

So you don't have to type the long name.

All libraries have R7RS style library name as well. So SRFI-1 can be imported like this:

(import (srfi 1))

Reader macros for SRFIs


The SRFI-4 also defines its reader macro. Sagittarius also suppots these. It defines tagged vector and the tags can be s8, u8, s16, u16, s32, u32, s64, u64, f32 or f64. For each value of tags, the external representation of instances of the vector is #_tag_(... elements ...)On Sagittarius, these reader macros are not automatically enabled. You need to explicitly import it. For more detail, see (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library.


# $ & ( * + - / < = > ? @ ^ _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

#/-reader User level APIs for regular expression
#?= (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support

$any Predefined parsers
$bind Predefined parsers
$char-set-contains? Character specific parsers
$cond Predefined parsers
$cond Predefined parsers
$do Predefined parsers
$empty Predefined parsers
$eof Predefined parsers
$eqv? Predefined parsers
$expect Predefined parsers
$fail Predefined parsers
$guard Predefined parsers
$if Predefined parsers
$lazy Predefined parsers
$many Predefined parsers
$many Predefined parsers
$many Predefined parsers
$not Predefined parsers
$optional Predefined parsers
$optional Predefined parsers
$or Predefined parsers
$parameterize Predefined parsers
$peek Predefined parsers
$repeat Predefined parsers
$return Predefined parsers
$return Predefined parsers
$return Predefined parsers
$satisfy Predefined parsers
$satisfy Predefined parsers
$seq Predefined parsers
$token Character specific parsers
$unless Predefined parsers
$when Predefined parsers

&assertion Standard condition types
&crypto-error Cryptographic conditions
&dbi-driver-not-exist Conditions
&dbi-error Conditions
&dbi-sql-error Conditions
&dbi-unsupported Conditions
&decode-error Cryptographic conditions
&decrypt-error Cryptographic conditions
&encode-error Cryptographic conditions
&encrypt-error Cryptographic conditions
&error Standard condition types
&future-terminated Future
&host-not-found Socket conditions
&http-error (rfc http) - HTTP client
&i/o I/O condition types
&i/o-decoding Transcoders
&i/o-encoding Transcoders
&i/o-file-already-exists I/O condition types
&i/o-file-does-not-exist I/O condition types
&i/o-file-is-read-only I/O condition types
&i/o-file-protection I/O condition types
&i/o-filename I/O condition types
&i/o-invalid-position I/O condition types
&i/o-port I/O condition types
&i/o-read I/O condition types
&i/o-write I/O condition types
&implementation-restriction Standard condition types
&integrity-error Cryptographic conditions
&invalid-pem-format Conditions
&irritants Standard condition types
&lexical Standard condition types
&message Standard condition types
&no-infinities Flonums
&no-nans Flonums
&non-continuable Standard condition types
&pem-error Conditions
&pre-allocated-buffer-overflow Conditions
&pre-eb-as-boundary Conditions
&rejected-execution-error Thread pool executor
&serious Standard condition types
&socket Socket conditions
&socket-closed Socket conditions
&socket-connection Socket conditions
&socket-port Socket conditions
&socket-read-timeout Socket conditions
&syntax Standard condition types
&undefined Standard condition types
&violation Standard condition types
&warning Standard condition types
&who Standard condition types
&zlib-error (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library

(archive interface) Implementing archive implementation library
(asn.1) (asn.1) - Abstract Syntas Notation One library
(binary data) (binary io) - Binary I/O utilities
(binary data) (binary data) - Binary data read/write
(binary pack) (binary pack) - Packing binary data
(clos core) (clos core) - CLOS core library
(clos user) (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
(crypto) (crypto) - Cryptographic library
(dbd odbc) (dbd odbc) - DBD for ODBC
(dbi) (dbi) - Database independent access layer
(dbm) (dbm) - Generic DBM interface
(getopt) (getopt) - Parsing command-line options
(json) (json) -- JSON parser library
(match) (match) -- Pattern matching
(math hash) Hash operations
(math helper) Misc arithmetic operations
(math prime) Prime number operations
(math random) Random number operations
(math) (math) - Mathematics library
(net http) (net http) - Async HTTP client
(net http-client) (net http-client) - Modern HTTP client
(net mq amqp) (net mq amqp) - AMQP library
(net mq mqtt broker) MQTT broker
(net mq mqtt) (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
(net oauth) (net oauth) - OAuth library
(net server) (net server) - Simple server framework
(net socket) (net socket) - Modern Socket library
(odbc) (odbc) - ODBC binding
(packrat) (packrat) -- Packrat parser library
(peg chars) Character specific parsers
(peg) (peg) - PEG library
(record builder) (record builder) - Record builder
(rfc :5322) (rfc :5322) - Internet message format library
(rfc base64) (rfc base64) - Base 64 encode and decode library
(rfc cmac) (rfc cmac) - CMAC library
(rfc hmac) (rfc hmac) - HMAC library
(rfc hotp) (rfc hotp) - HMAC-based One-Time Password library
(rfc http) (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
(rfc http) (rfc http) - HTTP client
(rfc http2) (rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client
(rfc json-pointer) (rfc json-pointer) - JSON Pointer
(rfc jwe) (rfc jwe) - Json Web Encryption
(rfc jwk) (rfc jwk) - Json Web Key
(rfc jws) (rfc jws) - Json Web Signature
(rfc jwt) (rfc jwt) - Json Web Token
(rfc pem) (rfc pem) - PEM format library
(rfc quoted-printable) (rfc quoted-printable) - Base 64 encode and decode library
(rfc smtp) (rfc smtp) - SMTP client
(rfc tls) (rfc tls) - TLS protocol library
(rfc totp) (rfc totp) - Time-based One-Time Password library
(rfc uri) (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
(rfc uri-template) (rfc uri-template) - URI template
(rfc uuid) (rfc uuid) - UUID generate library
(rfc websocket) (rfc websocket) - WebSocket
(rfc x.509) (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
(rfc zlib) (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
(rnrs (6)) Top library
(rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6)) Exact bitwise arithmetic
(rnrs arithmetic fixnums (6)) Fixnums
(rnrs arithmetic flonums (6)) Flonums
(rnrs base (6)) Base Library
(rnrs bytevectors (6)) Bytevectors
(rnrs conditions (6)) Conditions
(rnrs control (6)) Control structures
(rnrs enums (6)) Enumerations
(rnrs eval (6)) eval
(rnrs exceptions (6)) Exceptions
(rnrs files (6)) File system
(rnrs hashtable (6)) Hashtables
(rnrs io ports (6)) Port I/O
(rnrs io simple (6)) Simple I/O
(rnrs lists (6)) List utilities
(rnrs mutable-pairs (6)) Mutable pairs
(rnrs mutable-stringss (6)) Mutable strings
(rnrs programs (6)) Command-line access and exit values
(rnrs r5rs (6)) R5RS compatibility
(rnrs records procedural (6)) Records procedural layer
(rnrs records syntactic (6)) Records inspection
(rnrs records syntactic (6)) Records syntactic layer
(rnrs sorting (6)) Sorting
(rnrs syntax-case (6)) Syntax-case
(rnrs unicode (6)) Unicode
(rpc json) (rpc json) - JSON RPC library
(rpc message) Message framework
(rpc transport http) Http transport
(rsa pkcs :5) (rsa pkcs :5) - Password Based Cryptography library
(sagittarius control) (sagittarius control) - control library
(sagittarius crypto ciphers) Cipher library - (sagittarius crypto ciphers)
(sagittarius crypto digests) Digest library - (sagittarius crypto digests)
(sagittarius crypto kdfs) KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
(sagittarius crypto keys) Key library - (sagittarius crypto keys)
(sagittarius crypto keystores) Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
(sagittarius crypto mac) MAC library - (sagittarius crypto mac)
(sagittarius crypto random) Random library - (sagittarius crypto random)
(sagittarius crypto signatures) Signature library - (sagittarius crypto signatures)
(sagittarius crypto x509) X.509 library - (sagittarius crypto x509)
(sagittarius debug) (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
(sagittarius ffi) (sagittarius ffi) - Foreign Function Interface
(sagittarius filewatch) (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
(sagittarius generators) (sagittarius generators) - Generators
(sagittarius io) (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
(sagittarius mop allocation) (sagittarius mop allocation)
(sagittarius mop eql) (sagittarius mop eql)
(sagittarius mop validator) (sagittarius mop validator)
(sagittarius object) (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
(sagittarius process) (sagittarius process) - Process library
(sagittarius reader) (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
(sagittarius record) (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
(sagittarius regex) (sagittarius regex) - regular expression library
(sagittarius socket) (sagittarius socket) - socket library
(sagittarius threads) (sagittarius threads) - Thread
(sagittarius timezone) (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
(sagittarius) (sagittarius) - builtin library
(scheme base) Base library
(scheme bitwise) Bitwise library
(scheme box) Box library
(scheme bytevector) Bytevector library
(scheme case-lambda) Case-lambda library
(scheme char) Char library
(scheme charset) Character set library
(scheme comparator) Comparator library
(scheme complex) Complex library
(scheme cxr) CxR library
(scheme division) Division library
(scheme ephemeron) Ephemeron library
(scheme eval) Eval library
(scheme file) File library
(scheme fixnum) Fixnum library
(scheme flonum) Flonum library
(scheme format) Format library
(scheme generator) Generator library
(scheme hash-table) Hashtable library
(scheme ideque) Immutable deque library
(scheme ilist) Immutable list library
(scheme inexact) Inexact library
(scheme lazy) Lazy library
(scheme lazy-seq) Lazy sequence library
(scheme list queue) List queue library
(scheme list) List library
(scheme load) Load library
(scheme mapping hash) Hash mapping library
(scheme mapping) Mapping library
(scheme process-context) Process-Context library
(scheme r5rs) R5RS library
(scheme read) Read library
(scheme repl) Repl library
(scheme rlist) Random access list library
(scheme set) Set library
(scheme sort) Sorting library
(scheme stream) Stream library
(scheme text) Immutable text library
(scheme time) Time library
(scheme vector Homogeneous vector library per types
(scheme vector base) Homogeneous vector library base
(scheme vector) Vector library
(scheme write) Write library
(security keystore) (security keystore) - Generic Keystore Access
(security password) (security password) - Password policy
(setter ref) (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
(text csv) (text csv) - Comma separated values parser library
(text html-lite) (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
(text json jmespath) (text json jmespath) - JMESPath
(text json mutable) (text json mutable) - Mutable JSON
(text json object-builder) (text json object-builder) -- JSON object builder/serializer
(text json pointer) (text json patch) - JSON Patch
(text json pointer) (text json pointer) - JSON Pointer
(text json schema) (text json schema) - JSON Schema
(text json validator) (text json validator) - JSON validator
(text json) (text json) -- JSON parser
(text markdown parser) Markdown extensions
(text markdown) (text markdown) -- Markdown parser and converter
(text parse) (text parse) - Parsing input stream
(text sxml html-parser) (text sxml html-parser) - Flxible HTML parser
(text sxml object-builder) (text sxml object-builder) - SXML to Scheme object builder
(text sxml ssax) (text sxml ssax) - Functional XML parser
(text sxml sxpath) (text sxml sxpath) - Functional XML parser
(text tree) (text tree) - Lightweight text generation
(text yaml) (text yaml) -- YAML parser
(thread-pool-current-thread-id) Thread pool
(time) Debugging aid
(tlv) (tlv) - TLV library
(util buffer) (util buffer) - Buffer utilities
(util bytevector) (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
(util concurrent actor) Actor
(util concurrent completable-future) Actor
(util concurrent executor) Executor
(util concurrent fork-join-pool) Thread pool
(util concurrent future) Future
(util concurrent shared-queue) Shared queues
(util concurrent thread-pool) Thread pool
(util concurrent) (util concurrent) - Concurrency utilities
(util deque) (util deque) - Deque
(util duration) (util duration) - Duration
(util file) (util file) - File operation utility library
(util hashtables) (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
(util heap) (util heap) - Heap
(util list) (util list) - Extra list utility library
(util logging) (util logging) - Logging utilities
(util queue) (util queue) - Queue
(util timer) (util timer) - Timer
(util treemap) (util treemap) - Treemap
(util vector) (util vector) - Extra vector utility library

* Arithmetic operations
*. Arithmetic operations
*base64-decode-table* Low level APIs
*base64-decode-url-table* Low level APIs
*base64-encode-table* Low level APIs
*base64-encode-url-table* Low level APIs
*ctr-mode:big-endian* Ciphers parameters
*ctr-mode:little-endian* Ciphers parameters
*ctr-mode:rfc3686 Ciphers parameters
*digest:blake2b-160* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2b-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2b-384* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2b-512* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2s-128* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2s-160* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2s-224* Digest descriptor
*digest:blake2s-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:cshake-128* Digest descriptor
*digest:cshake-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:keccak-224* Digest descriptor
*digest:keccak-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:keccak-384* Digest descriptor
*digest:keccak-512* Digest descriptor
*digest:md2* Digest descriptor
*digest:md4* Digest descriptor
*digest:md5* Digest descriptor
*digest:ripemd-128* Digest descriptor
*digest:ripemd-160* Digest descriptor
*digest:ripemd-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:ripemd-320* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-1* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-224* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-384* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-512* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-512/224* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha-512/256* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha3-224* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha3-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha3-384* Digest descriptor
*digest:sha3-512* Digest descriptor
*digest:shake-128* Digest descriptor
*digest:shake-256* Digest descriptor
*digest:tiger-192* Digest descriptor
*digest:whirlpool* Digest descriptor
*ec-parameter:b163* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:b233* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:b283* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:b409* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:b571* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p160r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p160t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p192r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p192t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p224r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p224t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p256r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p256t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p320r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p320t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p384r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p384t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p512r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:brainpool-p512t1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:k163* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:k233* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:k283* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:k409* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:k571* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:p192* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:p224* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:p256* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:p384* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:p521* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp192k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp192r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp224k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp224r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp256k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp256r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp384r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:secp521r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect113r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect163k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect163r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect163r2* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect233k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect233r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect239k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect283k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect283r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect409k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect409r1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect571k1* Asymmetric key operations
*ec-parameter:sect571r1* Asymmetric key operations
*extension:authority-info-access* X.509 extension
*extension:authority-key-identifier* X.509 extension
*extension:basic-constraints* X.509 extension
*extension:certificate-issuer* X.509 extension
*extension:certificate-policies* X.509 extension
*extension:crl-distribution-points* X.509 extension
*extension:crl-number* X.509 extension
*extension:crl-reason* X.509 extension
*extension:delta-crl-indicator* X.509 extension
*extension:ext-key-usage* X.509 extension
*extension:freshest-crl* X.509 extension
*extension:hold-instruction-code* X.509 extension
*extension:inhibit-any-policy* X.509 extension
*extension:invalidity-date* X.509 extension
*extension:issuer-alt-name* X.509 extension
*extension:issuing-distribution-point* X.509 extension
*extension:key-usage* X.509 extension
*extension:name-constraints* X.509 extension
*extension:policy-constraints* X.509 extension
*extension:policy-mappings* X.509 extension
*extension:private-key-usage-period* X.509 extension
*extension:subject-alt-name* X.509 extension
*extension:subject-directory-attributes* X.509 extension
*extension:subject-info-access* X.509 extension
*extension:subject-key-identifier* X.509 extension
*http-user-agent* Request APIs
*json-map-type* (text json) -- JSON parser
*json-patcher:ignore-no-such-path* (text json patch) - JSON Patch
*json-schema:external-schema-resolver* JSON Schema validator
*json-schema:lint-mode?* JSON Schema validator
*json-schema:report-port* JSON Schema validator
*json-schema:resolve-external-schema?* JSON Schema validator
*json-schema:validate-format?* JSON Schema validator
*json-schema:validator-error-reporter* JSON Schema validator
*key:dsa Asymmetric key operations
*key:ecdsa Asymmetric key operations
*key:ed25519 Asymmetric key operations
*key:ed448 Asymmetric key operations
*key:rsa Asymmetric key operations
*key:x25519 Asymmetric key operations
*key:x448 Asymmetric key operations
*mac:cmac* Algorithms
*mac:gmac* Algorithms
*mac:hmac* Algorithms
*mac:kmac* Algorithms
*mac:kmac-128* Algorithms
*mac:kmac-256* Algorithms
*mode:cbc* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:cfb* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:ctr* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:eax* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:ecb* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:f8* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:gcm* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:lrw* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:ocb* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:ocb3* Symmetric ciphers
*mode:ofb* Symmetric ciphers
*namespace* High level APIs
*password-policy:default-char-set* Password policy operations
*password-policy:default-length* Password policy operations
*pkcs-9:channelge-password* X.509 attribute
*pkcs-9:extenion-request* X.509 attribute
*post-json-array-build* JSON object builder
*post-json-object-build* JSON object builder
*private-key-formats* Asymmetric key operations
*prng:chacha20* PRNG descriptor
*prng:fortuna* PRNG descriptor
*prng:rc4* PRNG descriptor
*prng:sober-128* PRNG descriptor
*prng:system* PRNG descriptor
*prng:yarrow* PRNG descriptor
*public-key-formats* Asymmetric key operations
*rfc2396-unreserved-char-set* (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
*rfc3986-unreserved-char-set* (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
*rfc5322-atext-chars* Basic field parsers
*rfc5322-standard-tokenizers* Basic field parsers
*scheme:aes* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:aes-128* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:aes-192* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:aes-256* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:blowfish* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:camellia* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:cast-128* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:cast5* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:chacha20* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:chacha20-poly1305* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:des* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:des3* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:desede* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:kasumi* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:khazad* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:noekeon* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:rc2* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:rc5* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:rc6* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:rsa* Asymmetric ciphers
*scheme:safer+* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:safer-k128* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:safer-k64* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:safer-sk128* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:safer-sk64* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:seed* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:skipjack* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:twofish* Symmetric ciphers
*scheme:x-tea* Symmetric ciphers
*signature-algorithm:dsa-sha224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:dsa-sha256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:dsa-sha384* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:dsa-sha512* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha1* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha3-224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha3-256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha3-384* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha3-512* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha384* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ecdsa-sha512* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ed25519* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:ed448* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha1* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha3-224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha3-256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha3-384* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha3-512* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha384* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha512* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha512/224* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-pkcs-v1.5-sha512/256* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature-algorithm:rsa-ssa-pss* Supporting algorithms' OIDs
*signature:dsa* Algorithms
*signature:ecdsa* Algorithms
*signature:ed25519* Algorithms
*signature:ed25519ctx* Algorithms
*signature:ed25519ph* Algorithms
*signature:ed448* Algorithms
*signature:ed448ph* Algorithms
*signature:eddsa* Algorithms
*signature:rsa* Algorithms
*tls-version-1.0* Implementation notes:
*tls-version-1.1* Implementation notes:
*tls-version-1.2* Implementation notes:
*uuid-random-state* Predefined namespaces and parameters
*uuids-per-tick* Predefined namespaces and parameters

+ Arithmetic operations
+. Arithmetic operations
+debug-level+ Loggers
+default-chunk-size+ Chunk buffered port
+error-level+ Loggers
+fatal-level+ Loggers
+info-level+ Loggers
+mqtt-3.1+ (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
+mqtt-3.1.1+ (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
+namespace-dns+ Predefined namespaces and parameters
+namespace-oid+ Predefined namespaces and parameters
+namespace-url+ Predefined namespaces and parameters
+namespace-x500+ Predefined namespaces and parameters
+qos-at-least-once+ (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
+qos-at-most-once+ (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
+qos-exactly-once+ (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
+ssh-fxf-append+ High level APIs
+ssh-fxf-creat+ High level APIs
+ssh-fxf-excl+ High level APIs
+ssh-fxf-read+ High level APIs
+ssh-fxf-trunc+ High level APIs
+ssh-fxf-write+ High level APIs
+trace-level+ Loggers
+warn-level+ Loggers
+websocket-binary-frame+ WebSocket Messages
+websocket-close-frame+ WebSocket Messages
+websocket-ping-frame+ WebSocket Messages
+websocket-pong-frame+ WebSocket Messages
+websocket-text-frame+ WebSocket Messages

- Arithmetic operations
- Arithmetic operations
-. Arithmetic operations
-. Arithmetic operations
-> JSON object serializer
->binary-pre-allocated-buffer-output-port Operations
->chunked-binary-input-port Chunk buffered port
->generator Generator constructors
->integer (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
->number (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
->odd-parity (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
->odd-parity! (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
->string (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures

/ Arithmetic operations
/ Arithmetic operations
/. Arithmetic operations
/. Arithmetic operations

< Arithmetic operations
<!> High level APIs
<= Arithmetic operations
<allocation-meta> (sagittarius mop allocation)
<allocation-mixin> (sagittarius mop allocation)
<appender> Appenders
<archive-entry> Implementing archive implementation library
<archive-input> Implementing archive implementation library
<archive-output> Implementing archive implementation library
<async-logger> Loggers
<binary-request-payload> HTTP request payload
<cipher-spi> Creating own cipher
<csv> Low level APIs
<ctr-paramater> Mode parameters
<custom-binary-input-port> Custom ports
<custom-binary-input/output-port> Custom ports
<custom-binary-output-port> Custom ports
<custom-random-generator> Custom random generator
<custom-textual-input-port> Custom ports
<custom-textual-input/output-port> Custom ports
<custom-textual-output-port> Custom ports
<daily-rolling-file-appender> Appenders
<dbm-meta> Opening and closing a dbm database
<dbm> Opening and closing a dbm database
<deque> (util deque) - Deque
<eql-specializable-generic> (sagittarius mop eql)
<executor-future> Executor future
<executor> Generic Executor APIs
<file-appender> Appenders
<fork-join-executor> Fork join executor
<fork-join-pool> Thread pool
<future> Future
<heap> Constructors, predicates and accessors
<http-request-payload> HTTP request payload
<iv-paramater> Mode parameters
<json-request-payload> HTTP request payload
<json-request> (rpc json) - JSON RPC library
<json-response> (rpc json) - JSON RPC library
<json-validator> (text json validator) - JSON validator
<jwe-header> JWE Header
<jwe-object> JWE Object
<jws-header> JWS Header
<jws-object> JWS Object
<jws-signed-object> JWS Object
<jwt-claims> JWT Claims
<key-provider> Key Provider
<keystore> Generic APIs
<log> Creating appenders
<logger> Loggers
<mtdeque> (util deque) - Deque
<mtqueue> (util queue) - Queue
<octet-stream-request-payload> HTTP request payload
<padding-paramater> Mode parameters
<pkcs12-keystore> Keystore APIs
<pre-allocated-buffer> Pre-allocated buffer
<private-key> Key operations
<public-key> Key operations
<queue> (util queue) - Queue
<rfc3686-paramater> Mode parameters
<rolling-file-appender> Appenders
<server-config> Configuration
<shared-queue> Shared queues
<simple-future> Simple future
<simple-server> Server
<socket-info> Socket information
<thread-pool-executor> Thread pool executor
<thread-pool> Thread pool
<uuid> (rfc uuid) - UUID generate library
<validator-meta> (sagittarius mop validator)
<validator-mixin> (sagittarius mop validator)
<x-www-form-urlencoded-request-payload> HTTP request payload

= Arithmetic operations

> Arithmetic operations
>= Arithmetic operations

? High level APIs
? JSON object serializer
? JSON object builder
?? High level APIs

@ JSON object serializer
@ JSON object builder

^ (sagittarius control) - control library
^c (sagittarius control) - control library
^c* (sagittarius control) - control library

_struct-name_ C struct operations
_struct-name_ C struct operations

aad-parameter? Ciphers parameters
abort-rejected-handler Thread pool executor
abs Arithmetic operations
access-protected-resource (net oauth) - OAuth library
acons List operations
acos Arithmetic operations
actor-receive-message! Actor
actor-running? Actor
actor-send-message! Actor
actor-terminate! Actor
actor-wait! Actor
actor? Actor
add-load-path Load path
add-load-suffix Load path
add-method (clos core) - CLOS core library
add-record! Low level APIs
add-records! Low level APIs
add-records! Low level APIs
address Creating C functions
address Creating C functions
addrinfo-sockaddr Addrinfo
addrinfo? Addrinfo
adler32 (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
AES Cipher operations
AES-128 Cipher operations
AES-192 Cipher operations
AES-256 Cipher operations
align-of- Sizes and aligns
alist->hashtable (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
alist->heap Constructors, predicates and accessors
alist->treemap Conversions
all-threads (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
allocate-c-struct C struct operations
allocate-pointer Pointer operations
amqp-connection? High level APIs
amqp-message? High level APIs
amqp-receiver? High level APIs
amqp-sender? High level APIs
amqp-session? High level APIs
and Derived conditionals
angle Arithmetic operations
any-in-deque (util deque) - Deque
any-in-queue (util queue) - Queue
append Pairs and lists
append! List operations
append-entry! Archive output
append-log Creating appenders
appender-finish Creating appenders
appender-log-format Creating appenders
appender? Appenders
apply Control features
archive (archive) - Generic archive interface
archive-entry-name Entry accessor
archive-entry-type Entry accessor
arity Debugging aid
array_of Extra functions
as-nodeset Basic converters and applicators
asin Arithmetic operations
assc List utilities
assert-curr-char (text parse) - Parsing input stream
assertion-violation Errors and violations
assertion-violation? Standard condition types
assp List utilities
assq List utilities
assv List utilities
asymmetric-cipher-decrypt-bytevector Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher-descriptor? Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher-done! Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher-encrypt-bytevector Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher-init Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher-init! Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-cipher? Asymmetric ciphers
asymmetric-key? Key type
async-http-request HTTP request procedures
async-http-request/client HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods}/client HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods}/client HTTP request procedures
async-http-{bodied-methods}/client HTTP request procedures
async-http-{nobody-methods} HTTP request procedures
async-http-{nobody-methods} HTTP request procedures
async-http-{nobody-methods}/client HTTP request procedures
async-http-{nobody-methods}/client HTTP request procedures
async-logger? Loggers
async-process-read Middle level APIs
atan Arithmetic operations
atan Arithmetic operations
attlist->alist Low-level parsing code
attlist-add Low-level parsing code
attlist-fold Low-level parsing code
attlist-null? Low-level parsing code
attlist-remove-top Low-level parsing code
authorize-request-token (net oauth) - OAuth library

base-generator->results parse-results
base64-decode Decoding procedures
base64-decode-string Decoding procedures
base64-encode Encoding procedures
base64-encode-string Encoding procedures
base64url-decode Decoding procedures
base64url-decode-string Decoding procedures
base64url-encode Encoding procedures
base64url-encode-string Encoding procedures
begin Sequencing
begin Sequencing
begin-amqp-session! High level APIs
begin0 (sagittarius control) - control library
binary-payload HTTP request payload
binary-port? Input and output ports
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-can-store? Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-get-bytevector-n! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-bytevector! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-f32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-f64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-s16! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-s32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-s64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-s8! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-u16! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-u32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-u64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-put-u8! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-bytevector! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-f32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-f64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-s16! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-s32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-s64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-s8! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-u16! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-u32! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-u64! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-set-u8! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer-swap! Operations
binary-pre-allocated-buffer? Binary pre-allocated buffer
binary-request-payload? HTTP request payload
bind-parameter! (odbc) - ODBC binding
bitwise-and Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-arithmetic-shift Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-bit-count Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-bit-field Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-bit-set? Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-copy-bit Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-copy-bit-field Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-first-bit-set Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-if Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-ior Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-length Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-not Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-reverse-bit-field Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-rotate-bit-field Exact bitwise arithmetic
bitwise-xor Exact bitwise arithmetic
BLAKE2b-160 Hash operations
BLAKE2b-256 Hash operations
BLAKE2b-384 Hash operations
BLAKE2b-512 Hash operations
BLAKE2s-128 Hash operations
BLAKE2s-160 Hash operations
BLAKE2s-224 Hash operations
BLAKE2s-256 Hash operations
block-cipher-block-length Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-decrypt Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-decrypt! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-decrypt-last-block Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-decrypt-last-block! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-descriptor-block-length Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-descriptor-suggested-key-length Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-descriptor? Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-done! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-done/tag Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-done/tag! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-encrypt Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-encrypt! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-encrypt-last-block Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-encrypt-last-block! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-init Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-init! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-max-tag-length Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-update-aad! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher-update-iv! Symmetric ciphers
block-cipher? Symmetric ciphers
Blowfish Cipher operations
boolean=? Booleans
boolean? Booleans
bound-identifier=? Syntax-case
buffer-mode Buffer modes
buffer-mode? Buffer modes
buffered-port (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
buffered-port I/O
build-path Path operations
build-path File system operations
build-path* Path operations
builtin-random-generator? Random generator
bytevector Bytevectors
bytevector->escaped-string (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector->generator Generator constructors
bytevector->hex-string (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector->integer Bytevector operations
bytevector->pkcs12-keystore Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
bytevector->pointer Pointer operations
bytevector->sint-list Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector->sinteger Bytevector operations
bytevector->string Transcoders
bytevector->subject-public-key-info X.509 subject public key info
bytevector->u8-list Operation on bytes and octets
bytevector->uint-list Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector->uinteger Bytevector operations
bytevector->uuid Converters
bytevector->x509-certificate X.509 certificate
bytevector->x509-certificate-revocation-list X.509 CRL
bytevector->x509-certification-request X.509 CSR
bytevector-and (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-and! (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-append Bytevector operations
bytevector-append Bytevectors
bytevector-concatenate Bytevector operations
bytevector-contains Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-copy General operations
bytevector-copy! Bytevectors
bytevector-copy! General operations
bytevector-delete Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-drop Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-drop-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-fill! General operations
bytevector-filter Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-fold Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-fold-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-double-ref Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-double-set! Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-single-ref Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-ieee-single-set! Operation on IEEE-754 representations
bytevector-index Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-index-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-ior (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-ior! (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-length General operations
bytevector-pad Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-pad-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-prefix-length Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-prefix? Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-replace Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-reverse (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-reverse! (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-s16-native-ref Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-s16-native-set! Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-s16-ref Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-s16-set! Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-s32-native-ref Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-s32-native-set! Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-s32-ref Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-s32-set! Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-s64-native-ref Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-s64-native-set! Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-s64-ref Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-s64-set! Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-s8-ref Operation on bytes and octets
bytevector-s8-set! Operation on bytes and octets
bytevector-sint-ref Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector-sint-set! Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector-skip Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-skip-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-slices (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-split-at* (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-suffix-length Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-suffix? Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-take Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-take-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-tokenize Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-trim Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-trim-both Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-trim-right Bytevectors as ASCII strings
bytevector-u16-native-ref Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-u16-native-set! Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-u16-ref Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-u16-set! Operation on 16-bit integers
bytevector-u32-native-ref Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-u32-native-set! Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-u32-ref Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-u32-set! Operation on 32-bit integers
bytevector-u64-native-ref Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-u64-native-set! Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-u64-ref Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-u64-set! Operation on 64-bit integers
bytevector-u8-ref Operation on bytes and octets
bytevector-u8-set! Operation on bytes and octets
bytevector-uint-ref Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector-uint-set! Operations on integers of arbitary size
bytevector-xor (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector-xor! (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector<=? (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector<? (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector=? General operations
bytevector>=? (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector>? (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
bytevector? General operations

c-callback Creating C functions
c-free Pointer operations
c-function Creating C functions
c-malloc Pointer operations
c-struct-ref Low level C struct accessors
c-struct-set! Low level C struct accessors
caar Pairs and lists
cadddr Pairs and lists
cadr Pairs and lists
calculate-key-agreement Asymmetric key operations
calculate-key-agreement Asymmetric key operations
calculate-key-agreement Asymmetric key operations
call High level APIs
call-with-amqp-connection High level APIs
call-with-amqp-connection High level APIs
call-with-bytevector-output-port Output ports
call-with-current-continuation Control features
call-with-input-archive Archive input
call-with-input-archive-file Archive input
call-with-input-archive-port Archive input
call-with-input-file Simple I/O
call-with-input-string (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
call-with-output-archive Archive output
call-with-output-archive-file Archive output
call-with-output-archive-port Archive output
call-with-output-file Simple I/O
call-with-output-string (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
call-with-port Input and output ports
call-with-sftp-connection High level APIs
call-with-socket Integration methods
call-with-socket (sagittarius socket) - socket library
call-with-string-output-port Output ports
call-with-values Control features
call/cc Control features
Camellia Cipher operations
car Pairs and lists
car-sxpath Wrappers
case Derived conditionals
case-lambda Control structures
CAST-128 Cipher operations
CAST5 Cipher operations
cddddr Pairs and lists
cdr Pairs and lists
ceiling Arithmetic operations
change-file-mode File system operations
change-file-timestamp! File system operations
char->integer Characters
char-alphabetic? Characters
char-ci<=? Characters
char-ci<? Characters
char-ci=? Characters
char-ci>=? Characters
char-ci>? Characters
char-downcase Characters
char-foldcase Characters
char-general-category Characters
char-lower-case? Characters
char-numeric? Characters
char-ready? I/O
char-set->u8-set U8 sets
char-title-case? Characters
char-titlecase Characters
char-upcase Characters
char-upper-case? Characters
char-whitespace? Characters
char<=? Characters
char<? Characters
char=? Characters
char>=? Characters
char>? Characters
char? Characters
character-policy? Password policy operations
check-arg (sagittarius control) - control library
check-validity (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
cipher-decrypt Cipher operations
cipher-decrypt/tag Cipher operations
cipher-decrypt/verify Cipher operations
cipher-descriptor-name Ciphers
cipher-descriptor? Ciphers
cipher-direction Ciphers
cipher-encrypt Cipher operations
cipher-encrypt/tag Cipher operations
cipher-keysize Cipher operations
cipher-max-tag-size Cipher operations
cipher-parameter-aad Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-counter-mode Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-iv Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-nonce Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-rounds Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-salt Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-tag-length Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter-tweak Ciphers parameters
cipher-parameter? Ciphers parameters
cipher-signature Cipher operations
cipher-spi? Creating own cipher
cipher-tag Cipher operations
cipher-tag! Cipher operations
cipher-update-aad! Cipher operations
cipher-verify Cipher operations
cipher? Cipher operations
cipher? Ciphers
circular-generator Generator constructors
circular-list? List operations
close Custom ports
close-amqp-connection! High level APIs
close-http-connection! (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
close-http2-client-connection! (rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client
close-input-file Simple I/O
close-mqtt-connection! (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
close-output-file Simple I/O
close-port Input and output ports
close-shared-library Shared library operations
close-shared-memory Inter-process communication (IPC)
CMAC (rfc cmac) - CMAC library
collect-sockets FD sets
column-count (odbc) - ODBC binding
combine-key-components Key operations
combine-key-components! Key operations
command-line Command-line access and exit values
commit! (odbc) - ODBC binding
commonmark-parser Markdown parser APIs
compile-regex Low level APIs for regular expression
complex? Numerical type predicates
compute-getter-and-setter (clos core) - CLOS core library
compute-getters-and-setters (clos core) - CLOS core library
cond Derived conditionals
cond-expand Builtin Syntax
cond-list (util list) - Extra list utility library
condition Conditions
condition-accessor Conditions
condition-decrypt-mechanism Cryptographic conditions
condition-driver-name Conditions
condition-encrypt-mechanism Cryptographic conditions
condition-irritants Standard condition types
condition-message Standard condition types
condition-predicate Conditions
condition-variable-broadcast! Condition variable APIs
condition-variable-name Condition variable APIs
condition-variable-signal Condition variable APIs
condition-variable-specific Condition variable APIs
condition-variable-specific-set! Condition variable APIs
condition-variable? Condition variable APIs
condition-who Standard condition types
condition-zlib-stream (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
condition? Conditions
connect! (odbc) - ODBC binding
connection-open? (odbc) - ODBC binding
cons Pairs and lists
cons* List utilities
convert-markdown Markdown converter APIs
convert-markdown Markdown converter APIs
copy-deque (util deque) - Deque
copy-directory Directory operations
copy-file File system operations
copy-heap Constructors, predicates and accessors
copy-queue (util queue) - Queue
cos Arithmetic operations
counter-mode-parameter? Ciphers parameters
cpu-count System and platform
crc32 (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
create-amqp-binary-message data High level APIs
create-amqp-mime-message content-type data High level APIs
create-amqp-receiver High level APIs
create-amqp-sender High level APIs
create-amqp-text-message text High level APIs
create-directory Directory operations
create-directory File system operations
create-directory* Directory operations
create-entry Archive output
create-entry Archive output
create-odbc-env (odbc) - ODBC binding
create-process Middle level APIs
create-symbolic-link File system operations
crop-binary-buffer Operations
crypto-error? Cryptographic conditions
crypto-key? Key type
crypto-object? (crypto) - Cryptographic library
csv->list Middle level APIs
csv-header High level APIs
csv-read High level APIs
csv-read High level APIs
csv-records High level APIs
csv-write High level APIs
csv? High level APIs
current-directory File system operations
current-error-port Output ports
current-input-port Input ports
current-jiffy Time library
current-output-port Output ports
current-second Time library
current-thread Thread APIs
custom-random-generator? Random generator

daily-rolling-file-appender? Appenders
date->rfc5322-date Message constructors
datum (sagittarius control) - control library
datum->syntax Syntax-case
dbi-bind-parameter! DBI methods to implement
dbi-bind-parameter! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-close DBI methods to implement
dbi-close DBI methods to implement
dbi-close Preparing and executing queries
dbi-close Database connection
dbi-columns DBI methods to implement
dbi-columns Preparing and executing queries
dbi-commit! DBI methods to implement
dbi-commit! DBI methods to implement
dbi-commit! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-commit! Database connection
dbi-connect Database connection
dbi-driver-not-exist? Conditions
dbi-error? Conditions
dbi-execute! DBI methods to implement
dbi-execute! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-execute-query! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-fetch! DBI methods to implement
dbi-fetch! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-fetch-all! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-make-connection DBI methods to implement
dbi-open? DBI methods to implement
dbi-open? DBI methods to implement
dbi-open? Preparing and executing queries
dbi-open? Database connection
dbi-prepare DBI methods to implement
dbi-prepare Preparing and executing queries
dbi-rollback DBI methods to implement
dbi-rollback! DBI methods to implement
dbi-rollback! Preparing and executing queries
dbi-rollback! Database connection
dbi-sql-error-code Conditions
dbi-sql-error? Conditions
dbi-unsupported? Conditions
dbm-close Opening and closing a dbm database
dbm-closed? Opening and closing a dbm database
dbm-db-copy Managing dbm database instance
dbm-db-exists? Managing dbm database instance
dbm-db-move Managing dbm database instance
dbm-db-remove Managing dbm database instance
dbm-delete! Accessing a dbm database
dbm-exists? Accessing a dbm database
dbm-fold Iterating on a dbm database
dbm-for-each Iterating on a dbm database
dbm-get Accessing a dbm database
dbm-map Iterating on a dbm database
dbm-open Opening and closing a dbm database
dbm-open Opening and closing a dbm database
dbm-put! Accessing a dbm database
dbm-type->class Opening and closing a dbm database
debug-log Loggers
decode-error? Cryptographic conditions
decompose-path Path operations
decrypt-error? Cryptographic conditions
default-delegate-connection-manager-provider Delegate Connection Manager providers
default-markdown-converter Markdown converter APIs
define Variable definitions
define Variable definitions
define Variable definitions
define Variable definitions
define- (binary pack) - Packing binary data
define-c-struct C struct operations
define-c-struct C struct operations
define-c-typedef Typedef operations
define-class (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
define-composite-data-define (binary data) - Binary data read/write
define-condition-type Conditions
define-constant Builtin Syntax
define-dispatch-macro (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
define-dispatch-macro (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
define-enumeration Enumerations
define-generic (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
define-library R7RS library system
define-logger-storage Singleton logger
define-logger-storage Singleton logger
define-macro (sagittarius control) - control library
define-macro (sagittarius control) - control library
define-method (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
define-reader Naming convention
define-reader Naming convention
define-reader-macro (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
define-reader-macro (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
define-reader-macro (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
define-record-type Records syntactic layer
define-simple (binary data) - Binary data read/write
define-simple (binary data) - Binary data read/write
define-simple-datum-define (binary data) - Binary data read/write
define-syntax Syntax definitions
define-values Multiple-value definition
define-with-key (sagittarius control) - control library
define-with-key (sagittarius control) - control library
define-with-key (sagittarius control) - control library
define-with-key (sagittarius control) - control library
deflate-bytevector (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
delay R5RS compatibility
delay-force Lazy library
delete-directory Directory operations
delete-directory File system operations
delete-directory* Directory operations
delete-file File system
denominator Arithmetic operations
deque->list (util deque) - Deque
deque-empty? (util deque) - Deque
deque-front (util deque) - Deque
deque-length (util deque) - Deque
deque-pop! (util deque) - Deque
deque-pop-all! (util deque) - Deque
deque-pop/wait! (util deque) - Deque
deque-push! (util deque) - Deque
deque-push-unique! (util deque) - Deque
deque-push/wait! (util deque) - Deque
deque-rear (util deque) - Deque
deque-shift! (util deque) - Deque
deque-shift-all! (util deque) - Deque
deque-shift/wait! (util deque) - Deque
deque-unshift! (util deque) - Deque
deque-unshift-unique! (util deque) - Deque
deque-unshift/wait! (util deque) - Deque
deque? (util deque) - Deque
deque? (util deque) - Deque
dequeue! (util queue) - Queue
dequeue-all! (util queue) - Queue
dequeue/wait! (util queue) - Queue
deref Pointer operations
derive-key Low level APIs
derive-key&iv Low level APIs
DES Cipher operations
DES3 Cipher operations
DESede Cipher operations
destroy-amqp-receiver High level APIs
destroy-amqp-sender High level APIs
digest-descriptor-block-size Digest descriptor
digest-descriptor-digest-size Digest descriptor
digest-descriptor-name Digest descriptor
digest-descriptor-oid Digest descriptor
digest-descriptor? Digest descriptor
digest-message Message Digest
digest-message! Message Digest
digit-value Char library
disasm Debugging aid
disconnect! (odbc) - ODBC binding
display Simple I/O
div Arithmetic operations
div-and-mod Arithmetic operations
div0 Arithmetic operations
div0-and-mod0 Arithmetic operations
do Control structures
do-entry Archive input
do-entry Archive input
do-generator Generator operations
dolist (sagittarius control) - control library
dotimes (sagittarius control) - control library
dotted-list? List operations
drop* (util list) - Extra list utility library
DSA Cipher operations
dump-tlv High level APIs
duration:of-days (util duration) - Duration
duration:of-hours (util duration) - Duration
duration:of-millis (util duration) - Duration
duration:of-minutes (util duration) - Duration
duration:of-nanos (util duration) - Duration
duration:of-seconds (util duration) - Duration
dynamic-wind Control features

ECDSA Cipher operations
emergency-exit Process-Context library
empty-pointer Pointer operations
encode High level user APIs
encode-error? Cryptographic conditions
encrypt-error? Cryptographic conditions
end-amqp-session! High level APIs
endianness General operations
enqueue! (util queue) - Queue
enqueue-unique! (util queue) - Queue
enqueue/wait! (util queue) - Queue
enum-set->list Enumerations
enum-set-complement Enumerations
enum-set-constructor Enumerations
enum-set-difference Enumerations
enum-set-indexer Enumerations
enum-set-intersection Enumerations
enum-set-member Enumerations
enum-set-projection Enumerations
enum-set-subst? Enumerations
enum-set-union Enumerations
enum-set-universe Enumerations
enum-set=? Enumerations
environment eval
eof-object End-of-file object
eof-object? End-of-file object
eol-style Transcoders
eq? Equivalence predicates
equal-hash Hash functions
equal? Differ from R6RS
equal? Equivalence predicates
eqv? Equivalence predicates
er-macro-transformer Macro transformer
error Errors and violations
error-handling-mode Transcoders
error-log Loggers
error-object-irritants Error objects
error-object-message Error objects
error-object? Error objects
error? Standard condition types
eval eval
even? Arithmetic operations
every-in-deque (util deque) - Deque
every-in-queue (util queue) - Queue
exact Generic conversion
exact->inexect R5RS compatibility
exact-integer? Numerical operations
exact? Numerical type predicates
execute! (odbc) - ODBC binding
execute-future! Generic Executor APIs
executor-available? Generic Executor APIs
executor-future? Executor future
executor-state Generic Executor APIs
executor-submit! Generic Executor APIs
executor? Generic Executor APIs
exists List utilities
exit Command-line access and exit values
exp Arithmetic operations
expand-uri-template (rfc uri-template) - URI template
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-private-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
export-public-key Asymmetric key operations
expt Arithmetic operations
extract-all-entries Archive input
extract-entry Archive input

fatal-log Loggers
fdset-ref FD sets
fdset-set! FD sets
fdset? FD sets
features System interface
fetch! (odbc) - ODBC binding
fields Records syntactic layer
file->bytevector File to Scheme object operations
file->list File to Scheme object operations
file->sexp-list File to Scheme object operations
file->string File to Scheme object operations
file->string-list File to Scheme object operations
file-appender-filename Appenders
file-appender-filename Appenders
file-appender? Appenders
file-directory? File system operations
file-error? I/O
file-executable? File system operations
file-exists? File system
file-options File options
file-readable? File system operations
file-regular? File system operations
file-size-in-bytes File system operations
file-stat-atime File system operations
file-stat-ctime File system operations
file-stat-mtime File system operations
file-symbolic-link? File system operations
file-writable? File system operations
filesystem-watcher-add-path! (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
filesystem-watcher-remove-path! (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
filesystem-watcher-start-monitoring! (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
filesystem-watcher-stop-monitoring! (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
filesystem-watcher? (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
filter List utilities
find List utilities
find-files Path operations
find-in-deque (util deque) - Deque
find-in-queue (util queue) - Queue
find-string-from-port? (text parse) - Parsing input stream
finish! Implementing archive implementation library
finish! Archive output
finish! Archive input
finite? Arithmetic operations
fixnum->flonum Flonums
fixnum-width Fixnums
fixnum? Fixnums
fl* Flonums
fl+ Flonums
fl<=? Flonums
fl<? Flonums
fl=? Flonums
fl>=? Flonums
fl>? Flonums
flabs Flonums
flacos Flonums
flasin Flonums
flatan Flonums
flceiling Flonums
flcos Flonums
fldenominator Flonums
fldiv Flonums
fldiv-and-mod Flonums
fldiv0 Flonums
fldiv0-and-mod0 Flonums
fleven? Flonums
flexp Flonums
flexpt Flonums
flfinite? Flonums
flfloor Flonums
flinfinite? Flonums
flinteger? Flonums
fllog Flonums
flmax Flonums
flmin Flonums
flmod Flonums
flmod0 Flonums
flnan? Flonums
flnegative? Flonums
flnumerator Flonums
flodd? Flonums
flonum? Flonums
floor Arithmetic operations
floor-quotient Numerical operations
floor-remainder Numerical operations
floor/ Numerical operations
flpositive? Flonums
flround Flonums
flsin Flonums
flsqrt Flonums
fltan Flonums
fltruncate Flonums
flush Custom ports
flush-output-port Output ports
flzero? Flonums
fold-left List utilities
fold-right List utilities
foo Notations
for-all List utilities
for-each Pairs and lists
for-each-with-index (util list) - Extra list utility library
force R5RS compatibility
fork-join-executor-available? Fork join executor
fork-join-executor-execute-future! Fork join executor
fork-join-executor-shutdown! Fork join executor
fork-join-executor? Fork join executor
fork-join-pool-available? Thread pool
fork-join-pool-max-threads Thread pool
fork-join-pool-push-task! Thread pool
fork-join-pool-shutdown! Thread pool
fork-join-pool-thread-count Thread pool
fork-join-pool-wait-all! Thread pool
fork-join-pool? Thread pool
format I/O
format I/O
format-log Creating appenders
format-size (binary pack) - Packing binary data
format-size (binary pack) - Packing binary data
Fortuna Random number operations
free-c-callback Creating C functions
free-handle (odbc) - ODBC binding
free-identifier=? Syntax-case
future Future
future Future
future-cancel Future
future-cancelled? Future
future-done? Future
future-flatmap Actor
future-flatmap/executor Actor
future-get Future
future-guard Actor
future-map Actor
future-map/executor Actor
future-state Future
future-terminated? Future
future? Future
fx* Fixnums
fx*/carry Fixnums
fx+ Fixnums
fx+/carry Fixnums
fx- Fixnums
fx-/carry Fixnums
fx<=? Fixnums
fx<? Fixnums
fx=? Fixnums
fx>=? Fixnums
fx>? Fixnums
fxand Fixnums
fxarithmetic-shift Fixnums
fxarithmetic-shift-left Fixnums
fxarithmetic-shift-right Fixnums
fxbit-count Fixnums
fxbit-field Fixnums
fxbit-set? Fixnums
fxcopy-bit Fixnums
fxcopy-bit-field Fixnums
fxdiv Fixnums
fxdiv-and-mod Fixnums
fxdiv0 Fixnums
fxdiv0-and-mod0 Fixnums
fxeven? Fixnums
fxfirst-bit-set Fixnums
fxif Fixnums
fxior Fixnums
fxlength Fixnums
fxmax Fixnums
fxmin Fixnums
fxmod Fixnums
fxmod0 Fixnums
fxnegative? Fixnums
fxnot Fixnums
fxodd? Fixnums
fxpositive? Fixnums
fxreverse-bit-field Fixnums
fxrotate-bit-field Fixnums
fxxor Fixnums
fxzero? Fixnums

gappend Generator operations
gc System and platform
gcd Arithmetic operations
gcombine Generator operations
gconcatenate Generator operations
gcons* Generator operations
gdelete Generator operations
gdelete-neighbor-dups Generator operations
gdrop Generator operations
gdrop-while Generator operations
generate Generator operations
generate-hmac-based-one-time-password (rfc hotp) - HMAC-based One-Time Password library
generate-key-pair Key operations
generate-key-pair Asymmetric key operations
generate-mac Algorithms
generate-mac! Algorithms
generate-password Password policy operations
generate-private-key Key operations
generate-private-key Asymmetric key operations
generate-public-key Key operations
generate-public-key Asymmetric key operations
generate-secret-key User level APIs
generate-secret-key Key operations
generate-symmetric-key Symmetric key operations
generate-symmetric-key Symmetric key operations
generate-symmetric-key Symmetric key operations
generate-temporaries Syntax-case
generate-time-based-one-time-password (rfc totp) - Time-based One-Time Password library
get-addrinfo Addrinfo
get-bytevector-all Binary input
get-bytevector-n Binary input
get-bytevector-n! Binary input
get-bytevector-some Binary input
get-char Textual input
get-data! (odbc) - ODBC binding
get-datum Textual input
get-dispatch-macro-character (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
get-enviromnent-variable Process-Context library
get-enviromnent-variables Process-Context library
get-f32 Binary I/O
get-f64 Binary I/O
get-keyword Keywords
get-line Binary I/O
get-line Textual input
get-mac-address System and platform
get-macro-character (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
get-optionals (sagittarius control) - control library
get-optionals (sagittarius control) - control library
get-output-bytevector I/O
get-output-string I/O
get-process-times System and platform
get-s16 Binary I/O
get-s16 I/O
get-s32 Binary I/O
get-s32 I/O
get-s64 Binary I/O
get-string-all Textual input
get-string-n Textual input
get-string-n! Textual input
get-thread-times System and platform
get-u16 Binary I/O
get-u16 I/O
get-u32 Binary I/O
get-u32 I/O
get-u64 Binary I/O
get-u8 Binary input
get-unpack (binary pack) - Packing binary data
getpid Low level APIs
gfilter Generator operations
gfilter-map Generator operations
gflatten Generator operations
giota Generator constructors
glet* Generator operations
glet1 Generator operations
gmap Generator operations
gmerge Generator operations
grange Generator constructors
greatest-fixnum Fixnums
gremove Generator operations
gselect Generator operations
gselect Generator operations
gtake Generator operations
gtake-while Generator operations
guard Exceptions
gunfold Generator constructors

hash User level APIs of hash operations
hash-algorithm Hash operations
hash-algorithm? Hash operations
hash-block-size User level APIs of hash operations
hash-done! Low level APIs of hash operations
hash-init! Low level APIs of hash operations
hash-oid Hash operations
hash-process! Low level APIs of hash operations
hash-size User level APIs of hash operations
hashtable->alist (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
hashtable-clear Procedures
hashtable-contains? Procedures
hashtable-copy Procedures
hashtable-delete! Procedures
hashtable-entries Procedures
hashtable-equivalence-function Inspection
hashtable-fold (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
hashtable-for-each (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
hashtable-hash-function Inspection
hashtable-keys Procedures
hashtable-keys-list Hashtables
hashtable-map (util hashtables) - Hashtable utilities
hashtable-mutable? Inspection
hashtable-ref Procedures
hashtable-set! Procedures
hashtable-size Procedures
hashtable-type Hashtables
hashtable-update! Procedures
hashtable-values Hashtables
hashtable-values-list Hashtables
hashtable-weakness Hashtables
hashtable? Procedures
heap-clear! Heap operations
heap-compare Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-delete! Heap operations
heap-delete! Heap operations
heap-empty? Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-entry-key Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-entry-value Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-entry-value-set! Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-entry? Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-extract-min! Heap operations
heap-merge! Heap operations
heap-min Heap operations
heap-ref Heap operations
heap-search Heap operations
heap-set! Heap operations
heap-size Constructors, predicates and accessors
heap-update! Heap operations
heap? Constructors, predicates and accessors
hex-string->bytevector (util bytevector) - Bytevector utility library
hkdf KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
HMAC (rfc hmac) - HMAC library
host-not-found-error-node Socket conditions
host-not-found-error-service Socket conditions
host-not-found-error? Socket conditions
hostname Socket information
hotp (rfc hotp) - HMAC-based One-Time Password library
html->shtml High level APIs
html->sxml High level APIs
html->sxml-0nf High level APIs
html->sxml-1nf High level APIs
html->sxml-2nf High level APIs
html-doctype (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
html-escape (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
html-escape-string (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
html: (text html-lite) - Simple HTML document builder library
http-binary-receiver Senders and receivers
http-blob-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-blob-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-blob-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-blob-sender Senders and receivers
http-compose-form-data Utilities
http-compose-query Utilities
http-connection-config-builder Ephemeral Connection Manager
http-connection-config? Ephemeral Connection Manager
http-connection-secure? (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-connection-server (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-connection-server&port (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-connection? (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-delete Request APIs
http-ephemeral-connection-manager? Ephemeral Connection Manager
http-error? (rfc http) - HTTP client
http-file-receiver Senders and receivers
http-get Request APIs
http-gzip-receiver Senders and receivers
http-head Request APIs
http-multipart-sender Senders and receivers
http-null-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-receiver Senders and receivers
http-null-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-null-sender Senders and receivers
http-oport-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-oport-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-oport-receiver (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-oport-receiver Senders and receivers
http-pooling-connection-config-builder Pooling Connection Manager
http-pooling-connection-config? Pooling Connection Manager
http-pooling-connection-manager? Pooling Connection Manager
http-post Request APIs
http-put Request APIs
http-request (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-request Request APIs
http-request-context-builder HTTP request context
http-request-context? HTTP request context
http-request-payload? HTTP request payload
http-string-receiver Senders and receivers
http-string-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-string-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-string-sender (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http-string-sender Senders and receivers
http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
http-{bodied-methods} HTTP request procedures
http-{nobody-methods} HTTP request procedures
http-{nobody-methods} HTTP request procedures
http1-connection? (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http2-binary-receiver HTTP/2 receiver
http2-client-connection? (rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client
http2-composite-sender HTTP/2 sender
http2-connection? (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
http2-data-receiver HTTP/2 receiver
http2-data-sender HTTP/2 sender
http2-get High level APIs
http2-gzip-receiver HTTP/2 receiver
http2-head High level APIs
http2-headers-sender HTTP/2 sender
http2-null-receiver HTTP/2 receiver
http2-post High level APIs
http2-request High level APIs
http:client-builder HTTP client
http:client? HTTP client
http:headers-add! HTTP request and response
http:headers-names HTTP request and response
http:headers-ref HTTP request and response
http:headers-ref* HTTP request and response
http:headers-set! HTTP request and response
http:headers? HTTP request and response
http:make-headers HTTP request and response
http:redirect HTTP client
http:request-basic-auth Authorization header value providers
http:request-basic-bearer Authorization header value providers
http:request-builder HTTP request and response
http:request? HTTP request and response
http:response-body HTTP request and response
http:response-cookies HTTP request and response
http:response-headers HTTP request and response
http:response-status HTTP request and response
http:response? HTTP request and response
http:version HTTP client

i/o-decoding-error? Transcoders
i/o-encoding-error? Transcoders
i/o-error-filename I/O condition types
i/o-error-port I/O condition types
i/o-error-position I/O condition types
i/o-error? I/O condition types
i/o-file-already-exists-error? I/O condition types
i/o-file-does-not-exist-error? I/O condition types
i/o-file-is-read-only-error? I/O condition types
i/o-file-protection-error? I/O condition types
i/o-filename-error? I/O condition types
i/o-invalid-position-error? I/O condition types
i/o-port-error? I/O condition types
i/o-read-error? I/O condition types
i/o-write-error? I/O condition types
id Custom ports
identifier-syntax Macro transformers
identifier-syntax Macro transformers
identifier? Syntax-case
if Conditionals
if Conditionals
if-car-sxpath Wrappers
if-sxpath Wrappers
imag-part Arithmetic operations
implementation-restriction-violation? Standard condition types
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-private-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
import-public-key Asymmetric key operations
include Inclusion
include-ci Inclusion
inexact Generic conversion
inexact->exect R5RS compatibility
inexact? Numerical type predicates
infinite? Arithmetic operations
inflate-bytevector (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
info-log Loggers
input-port->chunked-binary-input-port Chunk buffered port
input-port-open? I/O
input-port? Input ports
input-receiver Actor
inspect-object (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
integer->bytevector Bytevector operations
integer->char Characters
integer->pointer Pointer operations
integer-valued? Numerical type predicates
integer? Numerical type predicates
integrity-error? Cryptographic conditions
interaction-environment Repl library
intersperse (util list) - Extra list utility library
invalid-pem-format? Conditions
ip-address Socket information
ip-address->bytevector IP address operations
ip-address->string IP address operations
irritants-condition? Standard condition types
is-a? (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
is-prime? Prime number operations
is_even Extra functions
is_odd Extra functions
istring? String operations
iv-parameter? Ciphers parameters

jiffies-per-second Time library
jmespath Scheme APIs
jmespath-compile-error? Conditions
jmespath-error-arguments Conditions
jmespath-error-expression Conditions
jmespath-error? Conditions
jmespath-parse-error? Conditions
jmespath-runtime-error? Conditions
json->jwe-header JWE Header
json->jwk JWK
json->jwk-set JWK Set
json->jws-header JWS Header
json->jwt-claims JWT Claims
json->mutable-json (text json mutable) - Mutable JSON
json->object JSON object builder
json-diff (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-object-builder JSON object builder
json-object-serializer JSON object serializer
json-patch-compile-error? (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-error-patch (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-error-path (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-error? (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-error? (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-path-illegal-type-error? (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patch-path-not-found-error? (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-patcher (text json patch) - JSON Patch
json-payload HTTP request payload
json-pointer (text json pointer) - JSON Pointer
json-read (json) -- JSON parser library
json-read (text json) -- JSON parser
json-read-error? (text json) -- JSON parser
json-request->json-string Converters
json-request-id Accessors
json-request-method Accessors
json-request-params Accessors
json-request-payload? HTTP request payload
json-request? Predicates
json-response->json-string Converters
json-response-id Accessors
json-response-result Accessors
json-response? Predicates
json-schema->json-validator JSON Schema validator
json-string->json-request Constructors
json-string->json-response Constructors
json-string->jwe-header JWE Header
json-string->jwk JWK
json-string->jwk-set JWK Set
json-string->jws-header JWS Header
json-string->jwt-claims JWT Claims
json-string->object JSON object builder
json-validator-validator (text json validator) - JSON validator
json-validator? (text json validator) - JSON validator
json-write (json) -- JSON parser library
json-write (text json) -- JSON parser
json-write-error? (text json) -- JSON parser
json-write/normalized (text json) -- JSON parser
json:builder? JSON object builder
json:serializer? JSON object serializer
jwe-header->json JWE Header
jwe-header->json-string JWE Header
jwe-header-builder JWE Header
jwe-header? JWE Header
jwe-object-authentication-tag JWE Object
jwe-object-cipher-text JWE Object
jwe-object-encrypted-key JWE Object
jwe-object-header JWE Object
jwe-object-iv JWE Object
jwe-object? JWE Object
jwe:encrypt JWE Operations
jwe:encrypt JWE Operations
jwe:encrypt JWE Operations
jwe:parse JWE Operations
jwe:serialize JWE Operations
jwk->json JWK
jwk->json-string JWK
jwk->jwk-config To JWK Conversion
jwk->octet-key From JWK Conversion
jwk->private-key From JWK Conversion
jwk->public-jwk From JWK Conversion
jwk->public-key From JWK Conversion
jwk-alg JWK
jwk-config-builder To JWK Conversion
jwk-key-ops JWK
jwk-kid JWK
jwk-kty JWK
jwk-matcher:alg JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:crv JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:ec JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:key-ops JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:kid JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:kty JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:oct JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:okp JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:rsa JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:use JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:x5t JWK Matcher
jwk-matcher:x5t-s256 JWK Matcher
jwk-set->json JWK Set
jwk-set->json-string JWK Set
jwk-set-keys JWK Set
jwk-set:find-key JWK Set
jwk-set? JWK Set
jwk-use JWK
jwk-x5c JWK
jwk-x5t JWK
jwk-x5t-s256 JWK
jwk-x5u JWK
jwk:config? To JWK Conversion
jwk? JWK
jws-header->json JWS Header
jws-header->json-string JWS Header
jws-header-builder JWS Header
jws-header? JWS Header
jws-object-header JWS Object
jws-object-payload JWS Object
jws-object? JWS Object
jws-signed-object-signature JWS Object
jws-signed-object? JWS Object
jws:parse JWS Operations
jws:serialize JWS Operations
jws:serialize JWS Operations
jws:sign JWS Operations
jws:verify JWS Operations
jws:verify JWS Operations
jwt-claims->json JWT Claims
jwt-claims->json-string JWT Claims
jwt-claims-aud JWT Claims
jwt-claims-builder JWT Claims
jwt-claims-custom-claims JWT Claims
jwt-claims-exp JWT Claims
jwt-claims-iat JWT Claims
jwt-claims-iss JWT Claims
jwt-claims-jti JWT Claims
jwt-claims-nbf JWT Claims
jwt-claims-sub JWT Claims
jwt-claims? JWT Claims
jwt-consumer-builder JWT Consumer
jwt-consumer? JWT Consumer
jwt:aud-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:aud-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:consume JWT
jwt:exp-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:exp-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:exp-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:exp-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:iat-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:iat-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:iat-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:iss-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:iss-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:jti-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:nbf-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:nbf-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:nbf-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:sub-required-validator JWT Consumer
jwt:sub-validator JWT Consumer

KASUMI Cipher operations
key->jwk To JWK Conversion
key->jwk To JWK Conversion
key->oid Asymmetric key operations
key-manager? Key Manager
key-pair-private Asymmetric key operations
key-pair-public Asymmetric key operations
key-pair? Asymmetric key operations
key-provider-key-retrievers Key Provider
key-provider? Key Provider
key? Key operations
keypair-private Key operations
keypair-public Key operations
keypair? Key operations
keystore-contains-alias? Generic APIs
keystore-delete-entry! Generic APIs
keystore-get-certificate Generic APIs
keystore-get-certificate-chain Generic APIs
keystore-get-creation-date Generic APIs
keystore-get-key Generic APIs
keystore-key-provider-add-key-retriever! Key Provider
keystore-key-provider? Key Provider
keystore-set-certificate! Generic APIs
keystore-set-key! Generic APIs
keystore? Generic APIs
keyword->string Keywords
keyword->symbol Keywords
keyword? Keywords
Khazad Cipher operations

lambda Procedures
latin-1-codec Transcoders
lcm Arithmetic operations
least-fixnum Fixnums
length Pairs and lists
length-policy? Password policy operations
let Iteration
let Binding constructs
let* Binding constructs
let*-values Binding constructs
let-keywords (sagittarius control) - control library
let-keywords (sagittarius control) - control library
let-keywords* (sagittarius control) - control library
let-keywords* (sagittarius control) - control library
let-optionals* (sagittarius control) - control library
let-optionals* (sagittarius control) - control library
let-syntax Differ from R6RS
let-syntax Binding constructs for syntactic keywords
let-values Binding constructs
let1 (sagittarius control) - control library
letrec Binding constructs
letrec* Binding constructs
letrec-syntax Differ from R6RS
letrec-syntax Binding constructs for syntactic keywords
lexical-violation? Standard condition types
library Library form
list Pairs and lists
list->deque (util deque) - Deque
list->generator Generator constructors
list->queue (util queue) - Queue
list->string Strings
list->vector Vectors
list->x509-name Distinguished name (DN)
list-copy Lists
list-ref Pairs and lists
list-set! Lists
list-sort Sorting
list-tail Pairs and lists
list? Pairs and lists
load Load library
load-keystore Generic APIs
load-keystore-file Generic APIs
load-path Load path
load-path Load path
load-pkcs12-keystore Keystore APIs
load-pkcs12-keystore-file Keystore APIs
log Arithmetic operations
log Arithmetic operations
log-arguments Creating appenders
log-level Creating appenders
log-message Creating appenders
log-when Creating appenders
log? Creating appenders
logger-debug? Loggers
logger-error? Loggers
logger-fatal? Loggers
logger-info? Loggers
logger-trace? Loggers
logger-warn? Loggers
logger? Loggers
lookahead-char Textual input
lookahead-u8 Binary input
looking-at User level APIs for regular expression

mac->prf-provider KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
mac-done! Algorithms
mac-init! Algorithms
mac-mac-size Algorithms
mac-oid Algorithms
mac-process! Algorithms
mac-type Algorithms
mac? Algorithms
macroexpand (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
macroexpand-1 (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
macroexpand-n (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
magnitude Arithmetic operations
make (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
make-aad-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-access-token (net oauth) - OAuth library
make-addrinfo Addrinfo
make-aes-key-unwrap Key wrapping
make-aes-key-unwrap Symmetric key operations
make-aes-key-wrap Key wrapping
make-aes-key-wrap Symmetric key operations
make-aeskw-jwe-decryptor JWE Decryptors
make-aeskw-jwe-encryptor JWE Encryptors
make-appender Appenders
make-archive-input Implementing archive implementation library
make-archive-output Implementing archive implementation library
make-assertion-violation Standard condition types
make-asymmetric-cipher Asymmetric ciphers
make-async-logger Loggers
make-authorization-uri (net oauth) - OAuth library
make-base64-decoder Low level APIs
make-base64-encoder Low level APIs
make-ber-application-specific Middle level user APIs
make-ber-constructed-octet-string Middle level user APIs
make-ber-constructed-octet-string Middle level user APIs
make-ber-null Middle level user APIs
make-ber-sequence Middle level user APIs
make-ber-set Middle level user APIs
make-ber-tagged-object Middle level user APIs
make-binary-pre-allocated-buffer Binary pre-allocated buffer
make-block-cipher Symmetric ciphers
make-bytevector General operations
make-c-callback Creating C functions
make-c-function Creating C functions
make-camellia-key-unwrap Symmetric key operations
make-camellia-key-wrap Symmetric key operations
make-character-policy Password policy operations
make-cipher Cipher operations
make-cipher-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-client-sftp-connection Mid level APIs
make-client-socket (net socket) - Modern Socket library
make-client-socket (sagittarius socket) - socket library
make-client-tls-socket Implementation notes:
make-client-tls-socket (net socket) - Modern Socket library
make-codec I/O
make-composite-parameter Mode parameters
make-condition-variable Condition variable APIs
make-consumer-token (net oauth) - OAuth library
make-counter-mode-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-ctr-paramater Mode parameters
make-custom-binary-input-port Input ports
make-custom-binary-input/output-port Input/output ports
make-custom-binary-output-port Output ports
make-custom-random-generator Custom random generator
make-custom-string-output-port Output ports
make-custom-textual-input-port Input ports
make-custom-textual-input/output-port Input/output ports
make-daily-rolling-file-appender Appenders
make-dbi-error Conditions
make-dbi-sql-error Conditions
make-dbi-unsupported Conditions
make-deque (util deque) - Deque
make-der-application-specific Middle level user APIs
make-der-application-specific Middle level user APIs
make-der-application-specific Middle level user APIs
make-der-application-specific Middle level user APIs
make-der-bit-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-bit-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-bmp-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-bmp-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-boolean Middle level user APIs
make-der-boolean Middle level user APIs
make-der-enumerated Middle level user APIs
make-der-enumerated Middle level user APIs
make-der-external Middle level user APIs
make-der-external Middle level user APIs
make-der-general-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-general-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-generalized-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-generalized-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-generalized-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-ia5-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-ia5-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-ia5-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-integer Middle level user APIs
make-der-integer Middle level user APIs
make-der-null Middle level user APIs
make-der-numeric-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-numeric-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-numeric-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-object-identifier Middle level user APIs
make-der-object-identifier Middle level user APIs
make-der-octet-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-octet-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-printable-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-printable-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-printable-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-sequence Middle level user APIs
make-der-sequence Middle level user APIs
make-der-sequence Middle level user APIs
make-der-set Middle level user APIs
make-der-set Middle level user APIs
make-der-set Middle level user APIs
make-der-t61-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-t61-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-tagged-object Middle level user APIs
make-der-tagged-object Middle level user APIs
make-der-tagged-object Middle level user APIs
make-der-universal-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-utc-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-utc-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-utc-time Middle level user APIs
make-der-utf8-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-utf8-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-visible-string Middle level user APIs
make-der-visible-string Middle level user APIs
make-digit-policy Password policy operations
make-direct-jwe-decryptor JWE Decryptors
make-direct-jwe-encryptor JWE Encryptors
make-dispatch-macro-character (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
make-ecdh-jwe-decryptor JWE Decryptors
make-ecdh-jwe-encryptor JWE Encryptors
make-ecdsa-jws-signer JWS Signers
make-ecdsa-jws-verifier JWS Verifiers
make-eddsa-jws-signer JWS Signers
make-eddsa-jws-verifier JWS Verifiers
make-empty-attlist Low-level parsing code
make-emv-tlv-parser High level APIs
make-enumeration Enumerations
make-eq-hashtable Constructors
make-equal-hashtable Hashtables
make-eqv-hashtable Constructors
make-error Standard condition types
make-error-expected parse-error
make-error-message parse-error
make-executor-future Executor future
make-expected-result parse-result
make-fdset FD sets
make-file-appender Appenders
make-filesystem-watcher (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
make-fork-join-executor Fork join executor
make-fork-join-executor Fork join executor
make-fork-join-executor Fork join executor
make-fork-join-pool Thread pool
make-gzip-receiver HTTP/2 receiver
make-hashtable Constructors
make-heap Constructors, predicates and accessors
make-hint-addrinfo Addrinfo
make-hmac-k-generator DSA and ECDSA signature specific
make-host-not-found-error Socket conditions
make-http-default-connection-manager Connection Manager
make-http-ephemeral-connection-manager Ephemeral Connection Manager
make-http-pooling-connection-manager Pooling Connection Manager
make-http1-connection (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
make-http2-client-connection (rfc http2) - HTTP/2 client
make-http2-connection (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
make-i/o-decoding-error Transcoders
make-i/o-encoding-error Transcoders
make-i/o-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-file-already-exists-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-file-protection-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-filename-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-invalid-position-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-port-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-read-error I/O condition types
make-i/o-write-error I/O condition types
make-implementation-restriction-violation Standard condition types
make-input-archive Archive input
make-irritants-condition Standard condition types
make-iv-paramater Mode parameters
make-iv-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-json-request Constructors
make-json-validator (text json validator) - JSON validator
make-jwk-set JWK Set
make-jws-object JWS Object
make-jws-object JWE Object
make-key-manager Key Manager
make-keystore Generic APIs
make-keystore-key-provider Key Provider
make-keyword Keywords
make-length-policy Password policy operations
make-lexical-violation Standard condition types
make-list Lists
make-log Creating appenders
make-logger Loggers
make-lower-case-policy Password policy operations
make-mac Algorithms
make-mac-jws-signer JWS Signers
make-mac-jws-verifier JWS Verifiers
make-message-condition Standard condition types
make-message-digest Message Digest
make-message-result parse-result
make-mqtt-broker MQTT broker
make-mqtt-broker-config MQTT broker
make-mtdeque (util deque) - Deque
make-mtqueue (util queue) - Queue
make-mutex Mutex APIs
make-no-infinities-violation Flonums
make-no-nans-violation Flonums
make-non-continuable-violation Standard condition types
make-nonce-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-null-uuid Constructors
make-output-archive Archive output
make-padding-paramater Mode parameters
make-parameter Parameters
make-parse-position parse-position
make-pbe-parameter User level APIs
make-pbes2-jwe-decryptor JWE Decryptors
make-pbes2-jwe-encryptor JWE Encryptors
make-pkcs12-keystore Keystore APIs
make-pkcs12-keystore Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
make-polar Arithmetic operations
make-process Low level APIs
make-queue (util queue) - Queue
make-random-k-generator DSA and ECDSA signature specific
make-rb-treemap Predicate and constructurs
make-record-builder (record builder) - Record builder
make-record-constructor-descriptor Records procedural layer
make-record-type (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
make-record-type-descriptor Records procedural layer
make-rectangular Arithmetic operations
make-remote-debugger (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
make-result parse-result
make-rfc3394-key-unwrap Symmetric key operations
make-rfc3394-key-wrap Symmetric key operations
make-rfc3686-paramater Mode parameters
make-rolling-file-appender Appenders
make-round-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-rsa-jwe-decryptor JWE Decryptors
make-rsa-jwe-encryptor JWE Encryptors
make-rsa-jws-signer JWS Signers
make-rsa-jws-verifier JWS Verifiers
make-salt-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-semaphore Semaphore APIs
make-serious-condition Standard condition types
make-server-config Configuration
make-server-socket (net socket) - Modern Socket library
make-server-socket (sagittarius socket) - socket library
make-server-tls-socket Implementation notes:
make-server-tls-socket (net socket) - Modern Socket library
make-shared-priority-queue-channel-actor Actor
make-shared-queue Shared queues
make-shared-queue-channel-actor Actor
make-shtml-entity Low level APIs
make-signer Signer
make-simple-future Simple future
make-simple-server Server
make-smtp-alternative Middle level APIs
make-smtp-alternative-component Middle level APIs
make-smtp-attachment Middle level APIs
make-smtp-bcc Middle level APIs
make-smtp-bcc Middle level APIs
make-smtp-cc Middle level APIs
make-smtp-cc Middle level APIs
make-smtp-connection High level APIs
make-smtp-from Middle level APIs
make-smtp-from Middle level APIs
make-smtp-mail Middle level APIs
make-smtp-to Middle level APIs
make-smtp-to Middle level APIs
make-socket Socket
make-socket-closed-error Socket conditions
make-socket-closed-error Socket conditions
make-socket-connection-error Socket conditions
make-socket-error Socket conditions
make-socket-port-error Socket conditions
make-stream-cipher Symmetric ciphers
make-string Strings
make-string-hashtable Hashtables
make-symbol-policy Password policy operations
make-symmetric-key Symmetric key operations
make-syntax-violation Standard condition types
make-tag-length-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-temporary-file Temporary directory operations
make-thread Thread APIs
make-thread-pool Thread pool
make-thread-pool-executor Thread pool executor
make-timer (util timer) - Timer
make-transcoder Transcoders
make-tweak-parameter Ciphers parameters
make-undefined-violation Standard condition types
make-upper-case-policy Password policy operations
make-v1-uuid Constructors
make-v3-uuid Constructors
make-v4-uuid Constructors
make-v5-uuid Constructors
make-vector Vectors
make-verifier Verifier
make-violation Standard condition types
make-warning Standard condition types
make-weak-box Weak box
make-weak-eq-hashtable Weak hashtable
make-weak-eqv-hashtable Weak hashtable
make-weak-vector Weak vector
make-websocket User level APIs
make-websocket-connection WebSocket Connection
make-who-condition Standard condition types
make-x509-algorithm-identifier X.509 algorithm identifier
make-x509-certificate (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
make-x509-certificate (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
make-x509-challenge-password-attribute X.509 attribute
make-x509-extension-request-attribute X.509 attribute
make-x509-revoked-certificate X.509 CRL
make-x509-validity X.509 validity
make-xml-object XML object
make-xml-token Data Types
map Pairs and lists
map-union Basic converters and applicators
map-with-index (util list) - Extra list utility library
markdown->html-converter Markdown converter APIs
markdown->sxml-converter Markdown converter APIs
markdown-conversion-options-builder Markdown converter APIs
markdown-conversion-options? Markdown converter APIs
markdown-converter:convert Markdown converter APIs
markdown-converter:convert Markdown converter APIs
markdown-converter:merge Markdown converter APIs
markdown-converter? Markdown converter APIs
markdown-node? Markdown parser APIs
markdown-parser Markdown parser APIs
markdown-parser-builder Markdown extensions
markdown-parser-builder:build Markdown extensions
markdown-parser-builder? Markdown extensions
markdown-parser-error? Deprecated APIs
markdown-parser-expected Deprecated APIs
markdown-parser-position Deprecated APIs
markdown-parser:parse Markdown parser APIs
markdown-parser:parse Markdown parser APIs
markdown-parser? Markdown parser APIs
markdown-read Deprecated APIs
markdown-sexp->string Deprecated APIs
markdown-sexp->sxml Deprecated APIs
match Syntax
match Syntax
match-lambda Syntax
match-lambda* Syntax
match-let Syntax
match-let Syntax
match-let* Syntax
match-letrec Syntax
max Arithmetic operations
MD2 Hash operations
MD4 Hash operations
MD5 Hash operations
member List utilities
memp List utilities
memq List utilities
memv List utilities
merge-heaps Heap operations
merge-heaps! Heap operations
merge-result-errors parse-error
merge-result-errors parse-result
message-condition? Standard condition types
message-digest-descriptor Message Digest
message-digest-digest-size Message Digest
message-digest-done Message Digest
message-digest-done! Message Digest
message-digest-init! Message Digest
message-digest-process! Message Digest
message-digest? Message Digest
mgf-1 PKCS operations
mgf-1 RSA signature specific
mgf-1 Asymmetric ciphers
min Arithmetic operations
mod Arithmetic operations
mod-expt Misc arithmetic operations
mod-expt Arithmetic operations
mod-inverse Misc arithmetic operations
mod-inverse Arithmetic operations
mod0 Arithmetic operations
mode-descriptor-name Symmetric ciphers
mode-descriptor? Symmetric ciphers
mode-parameter? Mode parameters
mode-pos Basic converters and applicators
MODE_CBC Cipher operations
MODE_CFB Cipher operations
MODE_CTR Cipher operations
MODE_ECB Cipher operations
MODE_GCM Cipher operations
MODE_OFB Cipher operations
modulo R5RS compatibility
mqtt-broker-start! MQTT broker
mqtt-broker-stop! MQTT broker
mqtt-connection? (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mqtt-ping (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mqtt-publish (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mqtt-receive-message (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mqtt-subscribe (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mqtt-unsubscribe (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
mtdeque-max-length (util deque) - Deque
mtdeque-room (util deque) - Deque
mtqueue-max-length (util queue) - Queue
mtqueue-room (util queue) - Queue
mtqueue? (util queue) - Queue
mutable-json->json (text json mutable) - Mutable JSON
mutable-json-array-delete! Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-array-insert! Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-array-ref Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-array-set! Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-array-size Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-array? Mutable JSON array
mutable-json-not-found? Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object-contains? Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object-delete! Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object-merge! Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object-ref Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object-set! Mutable JSON object
mutable-json-object? Mutable JSON object
mutable-json? (text json mutable) - Mutable JSON
mutex-lock! Mutex APIs
mutex-name Mutex APIs
mutex-specific Mutex APIs
mutex-specific-set! Mutex APIs
mutex-state Mutex APIs
mutex-unlock! Mutex APIs
mutex? Mutex APIs

name-compare Low-level parsing code
nan? Arithmetic operations
native-endianness General operations
native-eol-style Transcoders
native-transcoder Transcoders
negative? Arithmetic operations
newline Simple I/O
next-addrinfo Addrinfo
next-entry! Archive input
next-token (text parse) - Parsing input stream
next-token-of (text parse) - Parsing input stream
no-invinities-violation? Flonums
no-nans-violation? Flonums
node-closure Converter combinators
node-eq? Basic converters and applicators
node-equal? Basic converters and applicators
node-join Converter combinators
node-or Converter combinators
node-reduce Converter combinators
node-reverse Basic converters and applicators
node-self Converter combinators
node-trace Basic converters and applicators
nodeset? Basic converters and applicators
Noekeon Cipher operations
non-continuable-violation? Standard condition types
nonce-parameter? Ciphers parameters
nongenerative Records syntactic layer
not Booleans
ntype-names?? Basic converters and applicators
ntype-names?? Basic converters and applicators
ntype-namespace-id?? Basic converters and applicators
null-environment R5RS compatibility
null-generator Generator constructors
null-pointer Pointer operations
null-pointer? Pointer operations
null? Pairs and lists
num-prams (odbc) - ODBC binding
number->string Numerical input and output
number->string Numerical input and output
number? Numerical type predicates
numerator Arithmetic operations

oaep-encoding Asymmetric ciphers
oauth-compose-query (net oauth) - OAuth library
oauth-uri-encode (net oauth) - OAuth library
object->json JSON object serializer
object->json-string JSON object serializer
object->pointer Pointer operations
object-equal? (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
obtain-access-token (net oauth) - OAuth library
obtain-request-token (net oauth) - OAuth library
octet-stream-payload HTTP request payload
octet-stream-request-payload? HTTP request payload
odbc-connection? (odbc) - ODBC binding
odbc-env? (odbc) - ODBC binding
odbc-statement? (odbc) - ODBC binding
odd? Arithmetic operations
oid->key-operation Asymmetric key operations
on-server-start! Server
on-server-stop! Server
opaque Records syntactic layer
open-amqp-connection High level APIs
open-base64-decode-input-port Decoding procedures
open-base64-decode-output-port Decoding procedures
open-base64-encode-input-port Encoding procedures
open-base64-encode-output-port Encoding procedures
open-base64url-decode-input-port Decoding procedures
open-base64url-decode-output-port Decoding procedures
open-base64url-encode-input-port Encoding procedures
open-base64url-encode-output-port Encoding procedures
open-binary-input-file File library
open-binary-output-file File library
open-bytevector-input-port Input ports
open-bytevector-output-port Output ports
open-client-sftp-connection! Mid level APIs
open-deflating-output-port (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
open-file-input-port Input ports
open-file-input/output-port Input/output ports
open-file-output-port Output ports
open-http-connection! (rfc http-connections) - HTTP client utilities
open-inflating-input-port (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
open-input-bytevector I/O
open-input-file Simple I/O
open-input-string I/O
open-mqtt-connection (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
open-output-bytevector I/O
open-output-file Simple I/O
open-output-string I/O
open-semaphore Semaphore APIs
open-shared-library Shared library operations
open-shared-memory Inter-process communication (IPC)
open-string-input-port Input ports
open-string-output-port Output ports
or Derived conditionals
output-port-buffer-mode Output ports
output-port-open? I/O
output-port? Output ports
output-sender Actor

pack (binary pack) - Packing binary data
pack! (binary pack) - Packing binary data
packrat-check Parsing Combinators
packrat-check-base Parsing Combinators
packrat-or Parsing Combinators
packrat-parser The parckrat-parser macro
packrat-unless Parsing Combinators
pair? Pairs and lists
parameterize Parameters
parent Extra functions
parent Records syntactic layer
parent-rtd Records syntactic layer
parse-error-empty parse-error
parse-error-expected parse-error
parse-error-message parse-error
parse-error-position parse-error
parse-error? parse-error
parse-markdown Deprecated APIs
parse-markdown Markdown parser APIs
parse-markdown Markdown parser APIs
parse-pem Operations
parse-pem-file Operations
parse-pem-string Operations
parse-position->string parse-position
parse-position-column parse-position
parse-position-file parse-position
parse-position-line parse-position
parse-position>? parse-position
parse-position? parse-position
parse-result-error parse-result
parse-result-next parse-result
parse-result-semantic-value parse-result
parse-result-successful? parse-result
parse-result? parse-result
parse-results-base parse-results
parse-results-next parse-results
parse-results-position parse-results
parse-results-token-kind parse-results
parse-results-token-kind parse-results
parse-results-token-value parse-results
parse-results? parse-results
parse-uri-template (rfc uri-template) - URI template
partition List utilities
password-policies Password policy operations
password-policy->generator Generator integration
password-policy->predicate Password policy operations
password-policy-char-set Password policy operations
password-policy-compliant? Password policy operations
password-policy-entropy Password policy operations
password-policy-length Password policy operations
password-policy? Password policy operations
path-basename Path operations
path-extension Path operations
path-for-each Path operations
path-map Path operations
path-sans-extension Path operations
pbe-with-md5-and-des User level APIs
pbe-with-md5-and-rc2 User level APIs
pbe-with-sha1-and-des User level APIs
pbe-with-sha1-and-rc2 User level APIs
pbkdf-1 Low level APIs
pbkdf-1 KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
pbkdf-2 Low level APIs
pbkdf-2 KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
peak-char Simple I/O
peek-next-char (text parse) - Parsing input stream
peek-u8 I/O
pid->process Low level APIs
pkcf12-kdf KDF library - (sagittarius crypto kdfs)
PKCS-1-EME PKCS operations
PKCS-1-EMSA PKCS operations
pkcs-v1.5-padding PKCS operations
pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode PKCS operations
pkcs1-emsa-pss-encode RSA signature specific
pkcs1-emsa-pss-verify PKCS operations
pkcs1-emsa-pss-verify RSA signature specific
pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-encode PKCS operations
pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-encode RSA signature specific
pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-verify PKCS operations
pkcs1-emsa-v1.5-verify RSA signature specific
pkcs1-v1.5-encoding Asymmetric ciphers
pkcs12-keystore->bytevector Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-aliases Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-certificate-chain-ref Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-certificate-ref Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-certificate-set! Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-contains-alias? Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-delete-all-entries! Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-delete-entry! Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-delete-entry! Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-get-certificate Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-get-certificate-chain Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-get-key Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-private-key-ref Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-private-key-set! Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs12-keystore-set-certificate! Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore-set-key! Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore? Keystore APIs
pkcs12-keystore? Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
pkcs5-padder PKCS operations
pointer->bytevector Pointer operations
pointer->integer Pointer operations
pointer->object Pointer operations
pointer->string Pointer operations
pointer->uinteger Pointer operations
pointer-address Pointer operations
pointer-ref-c- Pointer operations
pointer-set-c- Pointer operations
pointer? Pointer operations
pop! (sagittarius control) - control library
port Socket information
port->byte-generator Generator constructors
port->char-generator Generator constructors
port->mqtt-connection (net mq mqtt) - MQTT library
port-closed? I/O
port-eof? Input ports
port-has-port-position? Input and output ports
port-has-set-port-position!? Input and output ports
port-position Input and output ports
port-ready? I/O
port-transcoder Input and output ports
port? Input and output ports
position Custom ports
positive? Arithmetic operations
pre-allocated-buffer-buffer Pre-allocated buffer
pre-allocated-buffer-overflow-data Conditions
pre-allocated-buffer-overflow? Conditions
pre-allocated-buffer-reset! Pre-allocated buffer
pre-allocated-buffer-size Pre-allocated buffer
pre-allocated-buffer? Pre-allocated buffer
pre-eb-as-boundary? Conditions
prepare (odbc) - ODBC binding
prepend-base parse-results
prepend-semantic-value parse-results
prime? Prime number operations
print (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
print/ss (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
private-key-format Asymmetric key operations
private-key-format? Asymmetric key operations
private-key? Key operations
private-key? Key type
prng-descriptor-name PRNG descriptor
prng-descriptor? PRNG descriptor
prng-state Random number operations
prng? Random number operations
procedure? Procedure predicate
process-active? Low level APIs
process-call Low level APIs
process-error-port Low level APIs
process-input-port Low level APIs
process-kill Low level APIs
process-output-port Low level APIs
process-run Low level APIs
process-wait Low level APIs
process? Low level APIs
protocol Records syntactic layer
pseudo-random Random number operations
pseudo-random-generator Random generator
pseudo-random? Random number operations
public-key->subject-public-key-info X.509 subject public key info
public-key-format Asymmetric key operations
public-key-format? Asymmetric key operations
public-key? Key operations
public-key? Key type
push! (sagittarius control) - control library
push-future-handler Thread pool executor
push-log Creating appenders
put-bytevector Binary output
put-char Textual output
put-datum Textual output
put-f32 Binary I/O
put-f64 Binary I/O
put-s16 Binary I/O
put-s16 I/O
put-s32 Binary I/O
put-s32 I/O
put-s64 Binary I/O
put-string Textual output
put-u16 Binary I/O
put-u16 I/O
put-u32 Binary I/O
put-u32 I/O
put-u64 Binary I/O
put-u8 Binary output

quasiquote Quasiquote
quasisyntax Syntax-case
queue->list (util queue) - Queue
queue-empty? (util queue) - Queue
queue-front (util queue) - Queue
queue-length (util queue) - Queue
queue-pop! (util queue) - Queue
queue-pop/wait! (util queue) - Queue
queue-push! (util queue) - Queue
queue-push-unique! (util queue) - Queue
queue-push/wait! (util queue) - Queue
queue-rear (util queue) - Queue
queue? (util queue) - Queue
quote Quotation
quoted-printable-decode Decoding procedures
quoted-printable-decode-string Decoding procedures
quoted-printable-encode Encoding procedures
quoted-printable-encode-string string Encoding procedures
quotient R5RS compatibility

raise Exceptions
raise-continuable Exceptions
raise-decode-error Cryptographic conditions
raise-decrypt-error Cryptographic conditions
raise-encode-error Cryptographic conditions
raise-encrypt-error Cryptographic conditions
random Random number operations
random Random number operations
random-generator-random-integer Random generator
random-generator-randomize! Random generator
random-generator-read-random-bytes Random generator
random-generator-read-random-bytes! Random generator
random-generator-state Random generator
random-generator-state Random generator
random-generator? Random generator
random-prime Prime number operations
random-seed-set! Random number operations
rational-valued? Numerical type predicates
rational? Numerical type predicates
rationalize Arithmetic operations
RC2 Cipher operations
RC4 Random number operations
RC5-32/12/b Cipher operations
RC6-32/20/b Cipher operations
read Custom ports
read Read library
read Simple I/O
read-asn.1-object High level user APIs
read-bytevector I/O
read-bytevector! I/O
read-char Simple I/O
read-delimited-list (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
read-directory File system operations
read-error? I/O
read-jwe-header JWE Header
read-jwe-header JWE Header
read-jwk JWK
read-jwk JWK
read-jwk-set JWK Set
read-jwk-set JWK Set
read-jws-header JWS Header
read-jws-header JWS Header
read-jwt-claims JWT Claims
read-jwt-claims JWT Claims
read-line I/O
read-object-from-json JSON object builder
read-pkcs12-keystore Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
read-random-bytes Random number operations
read-random-bytes! Random number operations
read-string (text parse) - Parsing input stream
read-string I/O
read-sys-random Random number operations
read-sys-random! Random number operations
read-sys-random! Random number operations
read-sys-random! Random number operations
read-u8 I/O
read-x509-certificate X.509 certificate
read-x509-certificate-revocation-list X.509 CRL
read-x509-certification-request X.509 CSR
read/ss I/O
real-part Arithmetic operations
real-valued? Numerical type predicates
real? Numerical type predicates
receive Builtin Syntax
receive-amqp-message High level APIs
record-accessor Records procedural layer
record-constructor Records procedural layer
record-constructor-descriptor Records syntactic layer
record-mutator Records procedural layer
record-predicate Records procedural layer
record-rtd Records inspection
record-type-descriptor Records syntactic layer
record-type-descriptor? Records procedural layer
record-type-field-names Records inspection
record-type-generative? Records inspection
record-type-mutable? Records inspection
record-type-name Records inspection
record-type-opaque? Records inspection
record-type-parent Records inspection
record-type-rtd (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
record-type-rtd (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
record-type-sealed? Records inspection
record-type-uid Records inspection
record-type? (sagittarius record) - Extra record inspection library
record? Records inspection
ref (sagittarius object) - Convenient refs and coercion procedures
regex User level APIs for regular expression
regex-capture-count Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-find Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-group Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-looking-at Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-matcher Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-matcher? Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-matches Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-pattern? Low level APIs for regular expression
regex-replace-all User level APIs for regular expression
regex-replace-all User level APIs for regular expression
regex-replace-first User level APIs for regular expression
regex-replace-first User level APIs for regular expression
register-cipher-spi Creating own cipher
register-ffi-finalizer Finalizer operations
rejected-execution-error? Thread pool executor
rejected-executor Thread pool executor
rejected-future Thread pool executor
release-filesystem-watcher! (sagittarius filewatch) - Monitoring filesystem
remainder R5RS compatibility
remote-debugger-port (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
remote-debugger-terminate! (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
remote-debugger? (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
remove Extra functions
remove List utilities
remove-from-deque! (util deque) - Deque
remove-from-queue! (util queue) - Queue
remove_entry Extra functions
remp List utilities
remq List utilities
remv List utilities
rename-file File system operations
result-columns (odbc) - ODBC binding
results->result parse-results
reverse Pairs and lists
reverse! List operations
reverse-vector->generator Generator constructors
rfc sftp (rfc sftp) - SFTP library
rfc5322-dot-atom Basic field parsers
rfc5322-field->tokens Basic field parsers
rfc5322-header-ref Parsing message headers
rfc5322-header-ref* Parsing message headers
rfc5322-line-reader Parsing message headers
rfc5322-next-token Basic field parsers
rfc5322-parse-date Specific field parsers
rfc5322-quoted-string Basic field parsers
rfc5322-read-headers Parsing message headers
rfc5322-skip-cfws Basic field parsers
rfc5322-write-headers Message constructors
RIPEMD-128 Hash operations
RIPEMD-160 Hash operations
RIPEMD-256 Hash operations
RIPEMD-320 Hash operations
rlet1 (sagittarius control) - control library
rollback! (odbc) - ODBC binding
rolling-file-appender? Appenders
round Arithmetic operations
round-parameter? Ciphers parameters
row-count (odbc) - ODBC binding
rpc-http-content-type Transport methods
rpc-http-content-type Http transport hook
rpc-http-method Http transport hook
rpc-http-receiver Http transport hook
rpc-http-request Http transport
rpc-http-response-type Transport methods
rpc-http-response-type Http transport hook
rpc-http-sender Http transport hook
rpc-http-unmarshall-message Http transport hook
rpc-marshall-message Message methods
rpc-marshall-message Message framework
rpc-unmarshall-message Message methods
rpc-unmarshall-message Message framework
RSA Cipher operations
rsa pkcs :12 (rsa pkcs :12) - PKCS#12
run High level APIs

SAFER+ Cipher operations
SAFER-K128 Cipher operations
SAFER-K64 Cipher operations
SAFER-SK128 Cipher operations
SAFER-SK64 Cipher operations
sagittarius Invoking Sagittarius
salt-parameter? Ciphers parameters
scheme-report-environment R5RS compatibility
sealed Records syntactic layer
secure-random Random number operations
secure-random-generator Random generator
secure-random-generator? Random generator
secure-random? Random number operations
SEED Cipher operations
select-kids Converter combinators
semaphore-close! Semaphore APIs
semaphore-destroy! Semaphore APIs
semaphore-name Semaphore APIs
semaphore-post! Semaphore APIs
semaphore-wait! Semaphore APIs
semaphore? Semaphore APIs
send-amqp-message High level APIs
serious-condition? Standard condition types
server-config Server
server-config? Configuration
server-detach-socket! Socket detaching
server-start! Server
server-stop! Server
server-stopped? Server
server-tls-socket-options-builder (net socket) - Modern Socket library
server-tls-socket-options? (net socket) - Modern Socket library
server? Server
set! Assignment
set-car! Mutable pairs
set-cdr! Mutable pairs
set-current-directory File system operations
set-dispatch-macro-character (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
set-header! Low level APIs
set-header! Low level APIs
set-macro-character (sagittarius reader) - reader macro library
set-pointer-value! Pointer operations
set-port-position! Input and output ports
set-position Custom ports
sftp-binary-receiver High level APIs
sftp-close High level APIs
sftp-exists? High level APIs
sftp-file-receiver High level APIs
sftp-mkdir! High level APIs
sftp-open High level APIs
sftp-opendir High level APIs
sftp-oport-receiver High level APIs
sftp-read High level APIs
sftp-readdir High level APIs
sftp-readdir-as-filenames High level APIs
sftp-readdir-as-longnames High level APIs
sftp-remove! High level APIs
sftp-rename! High level APIs
sftp-rmdir! High level APIs
sftp-write! High level APIs
SHA-1 Hash operations
SHA-224 Hash operations
SHA-256 Hash operations
SHA-3-224 Hash operations
SHA-3-256 Hash operations
SHA-3-384 Hash operations
SHA-3-512 Hash operations
SHA-384 Hash operations
SHA-512 Hash operations
SHA-512/224 Hash operations
SHA-512/256 Hash operations
shared-memory->bytevector Inter-process communication (IPC)
shared-memory? Inter-process communication (IPC)
shared-object-suffix Shared library operations
shared-queue-clear! Shared queues
shared-queue-empty? Shared queues
shared-queue-find Shared queues
shared-queue-get! Shared queues
shared-queue-locked? Shared queues
shared-queue-max-length Shared queues
shared-queue-overflows? Shared queues
shared-queue-put! Shared queues
shared-queue-remove! Shared queues
shared-queue-size Shared queues
shared-queue? Shared queues
shtml->html High level APIs
shtml-comment-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-decl-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-empty-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-end-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-entity-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-entity-value Low level APIs
shtml-named-char-id Low level APIs
shtml-numeric-char-id Low level APIs
shtml-pi-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-start-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-text-symbol Low level APIs
shtml-top-symbol Low level APIs
shutdown-executor! Generic Executor APIs
shutdown-input-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
shutdown-output-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
shutdown-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
sign-x509-certificate-revocation-list-template X.509 CRL
sign-x509-certificate-template X.509 certificate
sign-x509-certification-request-template X.509 CSR
signer-init! Signer
signer-process! Signer
signer-sign! Signer
signer-sign-message Signer
signer? Signer
simple-condition Conditions
simple-future? Simple future
simple-json-schema-error-reporter JSON Schema validator
sin Arithmetic operations
sint-list->bytevector Operations on integers of arbitary size
sinteger->bytevector Bytevector operations
size-of- Sizes and aligns
size-of-c-struct C struct operations
skip-until (text parse) - Parsing input stream
skip-while (text parse) - Parsing input stream
Skipjack Cipher operations
sleeping-threads (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
slices (util list) - Extra list utility library
slot-bound-using-class? (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-bound? (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-definition-name (clos core) - CLOS core library
slot-definition-option (clos core) - CLOS core library
slot-definition-options (clos core) - CLOS core library
slot-ref (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
slot-ref (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-ref-using-accessor (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-ref-using-class (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-set! (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-set-using-accessor! (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
slot-set-using-accessor! (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
smtp-authenticate! High level APIs
smtp-authentication-required? High level APIs
smtp-bcc? Middle level APIs
smtp-cc? Middle level APIs
smtp-connect! High level APIs
smtp-connect! High level APIs
smtp-connection-authentication-methods High level APIs
smtp-connection? High level APIs
smtp-from? Middle level APIs
smtp-login-authentication High level APIs
smtp-mail->string High level APIs
smtp-mail-add-attachment! Middle level APIs
smtp-mail-add-header! Middle level APIs
smtp-mail-add-recipent! Middle level APIs
smtp-mail? Middle level APIs
smtp-plain-authentication High level APIs
smtp-recipient? Middle level APIs
smtp-send! High level APIs
smtp-to? Middle level APIs
smtp:attachment High level APIs
smtp:bcc High level APIs
smtp:cc High level APIs
smtp:from High level APIs
smtp:header High level APIs
smtp:mail High level APIs
smtp:subject High level APIs
smtp:to High level APIs
SOBER-128 Random number operations
sockaddr? Addrinfo
socket-accept Integration methods
socket-accept Integration methods
socket-accept (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-bind! Socket
socket-blocking! Socket
socket-close Integration methods
socket-close (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-closed-error? Socket conditions
socket-closed-error? Socket conditions
socket-connect! Socket
socket-connect! Socket
socket-connection-error? Socket conditions
socket-error-port Socket conditions
socket-error-select Socket
socket-error-socket Socket conditions
socket-error? Socket conditions
socket-getsockopt Socket
socket-info Socket information
socket-info-values Integration methods
socket-info-values Socket information
socket-input-port Integration methods
socket-input-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-listen! Socket
socket-name Integration methods
socket-name Socket information
socket-node Socket information
socket-nonblocking! Socket
socket-options->client-socket (net socket) - Modern Socket library
socket-options-builder (net socket) - Modern Socket library
socket-options? (net socket) - Modern Socket library
socket-output-port Integration methods
socket-output-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-peer Integration methods
socket-peer Socket information
socket-port Integration methods
socket-port (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-port-error? Socket conditions
socket-read-select Socket
socket-recv Integration methods
socket-recv (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-recvfrom Socket
socket-select Socket
socket-select! Socket
socket-send Integration methods
socket-send (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-sendto Socket
socket-service Socket information
socket-set-read-timeout! Socket
socket-setsockopt! Socket
socket-shutdown (sagittarius socket) - socket library
socket-write-select Socket
socket? (sagittarius socket) - socket library
sockets->fdset FD sets
split-at* (util list) - Extra list utility library
split-key Key operations
sqrt Arithmetic operations
square Numerical operations
ssax:assert-token Higher-level parsers and scanners
ssax:complete-start-tag Low-level parsing code
ssax:handle-parsed-entity Low-level parsing code
ssax:largest-unres-name Low-level parsing code
ssax:make-elem-parser Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
ssax:make-parser Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
ssax:make-pi-parser Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
ssax:ncname-starting-char? Low-level parsing code
ssax:Prefix-XML Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-attributes Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-cdata-body Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-char-data Higher-level parsers and scanners
ssax:read-char-ref Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-external-id Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-markup-token Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-NCName Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-pi-body-as-string Low-level parsing code
ssax:read-QName Low-level parsing code
ssax:resolve-name Low-level parsing code
ssax:reverse-collect-str Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
ssax:scan-Misc Higher-level parsers and scanners
ssax:skip-internal-dtd Low-level parsing code
ssax:skip-pi Low-level parsing code
ssax:skip-S Low-level parsing code
ssax:uri-string->symbol Low-level parsing code
ssax:xml->sxml Highest-level parsers: XML to SXML
standard-error-port Output ports
standard-input-port Input ports
standard-output-port Output ports
statement-open? (odbc) - ODBC binding
store-keystore Generic APIs
store-keystore-to-file Generic APIs
store-pkcs12-keystore Keystore APIs
store-pkcs12-keystore-to-file Keystore APIs
stream-cipher-descriptor-aead? Symmetric ciphers
stream-cipher-descriptor? Symmetric ciphers
stream-cipher? Symmetric ciphers
string Strings
string->bytevector Transcoders
string->generator Generator constructors
string->istring String operations
string->keyword Keywords
string->list Strings
string->markdown Deprecated APIs
string->symbol Symbols
string->u8-set U8 sets
string->utf16 Operation on strings
string->utf32 Operation on strings
string->utf8 Operation on strings
string->uuid Converters
string->vector Vectors
string-append Strings
string-ci-hash Hash functions
string-ci<=? Strings
string-ci<? Strings
string-ci=? Strings
string-ci>=? Strings
string-ci>? Strings
string-concatenate String operations
string-copy Strings
string-copy! Strings
string-downcase Strings
string-fill! Mutable strings
string-foldcase Strings
string-for-each Strings
string-hash Hash functions
string-length Strings
string-map Strings
string-nfc Strings
string-nfd Strings
string-nfkc Strings
string-nfkd Strings
string-prefix? (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
string-ref Strings
string-scan String operations
string-set! Mutable strings
string-split User level APIs for regular expression
string-suffix? (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
string-titlecase Strings
string-upcase Strings
string<=? Strings
string<? Strings
string=? Strings
string>=? Strings
string>? Strings
string? Strings
subject-public-key-info->bytevector X.509 subject public key info
subject-public-key-info->public-key X.509 subject public key info
subject-public-key-info? X.509 subject public key info
substring Strings
subtype? (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
sxml->object High level APIs
sxml->xml-object XML object
sxml-object-builder High level APIs
sxml:ancestor XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:ancestor-or-self XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:attr-list Extensions
sxml:attribute Extensions
sxml:boolean SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions
sxml:child Extensions
sxml:child-elements Popular short cuts
sxml:child-nodes Popular short cuts
sxml:complement Basic converters and applicators
sxml:descendant XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:descendant-or-self XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:element? Basic converters and applicators
sxml:equal? Equality comparison
sxml:equality-cmp Equality comparison
sxml:filter Basic converters and applicators
sxml:following XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:following-sibling XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:id SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions
sxml:id-alist lookup by a value of ID type attribute
sxml:namespace XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:node? node Extensions
sxml:not-equal? Equality comparison
sxml:number SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions
sxml:parent Extensions
sxml:preceding XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:preceding-sibling XPath axes. An order in resulting nodeset is preserved
sxml:relational-cmp Relational comparison
sxml:string SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions
sxml:string-value SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions
sxpath Abbreviated SXPath
symbol->keyword Keywords
symbol->string Symbols
symbol-hash Hash functions
symbol<=? Symbols
symbol<? Symbols
symbol=? Symbols
symbol>=? Symbols
symbol>? Symbols
symbol? Symbols
symmetric-cipher-descriptor-max-key-length Symmetric ciphers
symmetric-cipher-descriptor-min-key-length Symmetric ciphers
symmetric-cipher-descriptor? Symmetric ciphers
symmetric-cipher? Symmetric ciphers
symmetric-key-value Symmetric key operations
symmetric-key? Key type
sync-process-read Middle level APIs
syntax Syntax-case
syntax->datum Syntax-case
syntax-case Syntax-case
syntax-error Error objects
syntax-rules Macro transformers
syntax-violation Syntax-case
syntax-violation-form Standard condition types
syntax-violation-subform Standard condition types
syntax-violation? Standard condition types
System Random number operations

tag-length-parameter? Ciphers parameters
take* (util list) - Extra list utility library
take-after Basic converters and applicators
take-until Basic converters and applicators
tan Arithmetic operations
temporary-directory Temporary directory operations
terminate-logger Loggers
terminate-logger Loggers
terminate-logger! Loggers
terminate-oldest-handler Thread pool executor
terminated-future Future
textual-port? Input and output ports
thread->pretty-backtrace-string (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace->pretty-string (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-arguments (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-free-variables (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-local-variables (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-procedure (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-source (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-backtrace-type (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-current-procedure (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-interrupt! Thread APIs
thread-join! Thread APIs
thread-name (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-name Thread APIs
thread-pool-executor-available? Thread pool executor
thread-pool-executor-execute-future! Thread pool executor
thread-pool-executor-max-pool-size Thread pool executor
thread-pool-executor-pool-size Thread pool executor
thread-pool-executor-shutdown! Thread pool executor
thread-pool-executor? Thread pool executor
thread-pool-push-task! Thread pool
thread-pool-release! Thread pool
thread-pool-size Thread pool
thread-pool-thread Thread pool
thread-pool-thread-id Thread pool
thread-pool-thread-task-running? Thread pool
thread-pool-thread-terminate! Thread pool
thread-pool-wait-all! Thread pool
thread-pool? Thread pool
thread-resume! Thread APIs
thread-sleep! Thread APIs
thread-specific (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread-specific Thread APIs
thread-specific-set! Thread APIs
thread-start! Thread APIs
thread-state Thread APIs
thread-suspend! Thread APIs
thread-terminate! Thread APIs
thread-yield! Thread APIs
thread? (sagittarius debug) - Debugging support
thread? Thread APIs
thunk->future Actor
thunk->future Actor
Tiger-192 Hash operations
time Debugging aid
timer-cancel! (util timer) - Timer
timer-exists? (util timer) - Timer
timer-remove! (util timer) - Timer
timer-reschedule! (util timer) - Timer
timer-schedule! (util timer) - Timer
timer-start! (util timer) - Timer
timer-state (util timer) - Timer
timer-stop! (util timer) - Timer
timer? (util timer) - Timer
timezone (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-dst? (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-name (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-name-list (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-offset (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-raw-offset (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone-short-name (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
timezone? (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
tls-client-handshake Implementation notes:
tls-server-handshake Implementation notes:
tls-socket-accept Implementation notes:
tls-socket-close Implementation notes:
tls-socket-closed? Implementation notes:
tls-socket-info-values Implementation notes:
tls-socket-input-port Implementation notes:
tls-socket-name Implementation notes:
tls-socket-options-builder (net socket) - Modern Socket library
tls-socket-options? (net socket) - Modern Socket library
tls-socket-output-port Implementation notes:
tls-socket-peer Implementation notes:
tls-socket-peer Implementation notes:
tls-socket-port Implementation notes:
tls-socket-recv Implementation notes:
tls-socket-send Implementation notes:
tlv->bytevector High level APIs
tlv-builder Custom object builder
tlv-components High level APIs
tlv-data High level APIs
tlv-object? High level APIs
tlv-tag High level APIs
token-consumer (net oauth) - OAuth library
top-parse-position parse-position
totp (rfc totp) - Time-based One-Time Password library
trace-log Loggers
transcoded-port (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
transcoded-port Input and output ports
transcoder-codec Transcoders
transcoder-eol-style Transcoders
transcoder-error-handlingmode Transcoders
tree->string (text tree) - Lightweight text generation
treemap->alist Conversions
treemap-clear! Basic operations
treemap-contains? Basic operations
treemap-copy Basic operations
treemap-delete! Basic operations
treemap-entries Keys and values
treemap-entries-list Keys and values
treemap-fold Iterations
treemap-for-each Iterations
treemap-keys Keys and values
treemap-keys-list Keys and values
treemap-map Iterations
treemap-ref Basic operations
treemap-set! Basic operations
treemap-size Basic operations
treemap-update! Basic operations
treemap-values Keys and values
treemap-values-list Keys and values
treemap? Predicate and constructurs
truncate Arithmetic operations
truncate-quotient Numerical operations
truncate-remainder Numerical operations
truncate/ Numerical operations
tweak-parameter? Ciphers parameters
Twofish Cipher operations

u8-list->bytevector Operation on bytes and octets
u8-ready? I/O
u8-set-contains? U8 sets
u8-set? U8 sets
u8? U8 sets
uint-list->bytevector Operations on integers of arbitary size
uinteger->bytevector Bytevector operations
uname System and platform
undefined-violation? Standard condition types
unique Extra functions
unless Control structures
unpack (binary pack) - Packing binary data
unpack (binary pack) - Packing binary data
unquote Quasiquote
unquote-splicing Quasiquote
unregister-ffi-finalizer Finalizer operations
unsyntax Syntax-case
unsyntax-splicing Syntax-case
unwind-protect (sagittarius control) - control library
update-parse-position parse-position
uri-compose (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-decode (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-decode-string (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-decompose-authority (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-decompose-hierarchical (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-encode (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-encode-string (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-merge (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-parse (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
uri-scheme&specific (rfc uri) - Parse and construct URIs
url-server&path Utilities
utf-16-codec Transcoders
utf-8-codec Transcoders
utf16->string Operation on strings
utf32->string Operation on strings
utf8->string Operation on strings
uuid->bytevector Converters
uuid->string Converters
uuid->urn-format Converters
uuid=? Predicates
uuid? Predicates

validate-json (text json validator) - JSON validator
validate-x509-certificate X.509 certificate
validate-x509-certificate-revocation-list X.509 CRL
validate-x509-certification-request X.509 CSR
validation-report-object Custom error reporter
validation-report-path Custom error reporter
validation-report-schema-path Custom error reporter
values Control features
vector Vectors
vector->generator Generator constructors
vector->list Vectors
vector->string Vectors
vector-append Vector operations
vector-append Vectors
vector-concatenate Vector operations
vector-copy Vector operations
vector-copy Vectors
vector-copy! Vectors
vector-fill! Vectors
vector-filter (util vector) - Extra vector utility library
vector-find (util vector) - Extra vector utility library
vector-for-each Vectors
vector-length Vectors
vector-map Vectors
vector-ref Vectors
vector-ref Vectors
vector-remove (util vector) - Extra vector utility library
vector-reverse Vector operations
vector-reverse! Vector operations
vector-sort Sorting
vector-sort! Sorting
vector? Vectors
verifier-init! Verifier
verifier-process! Verifier
verifier-verify! Verifier
verifier-verify-signature Verifier
verifier? Verifier
verify (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
verify-mac Algorithms
violation? Standard condition types

wait-finishing-handler Thread pool executor
wait-server-stop! Server
warn-log Loggers
warning? Standard condition types
weak-box-empty? Weak box
weak-box-ref Weak box
weak-box-set! Weak box
weak-box? Weak box
weak-hashtable-copy Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-delete! Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-keys-list Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-ref Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-set! Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-shrink Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable-values-list Weak hashtable
weak-hashtable? Weak hashtable
weak-vector-length Weak vector
weak-vector-ref Weak vector
weak-vector-set! Weak vector
weak-vector? Weak vector
websocket-close User level APIs
websocket-compose-close-status WebSocket Messages
websocket-connection-close! WebSocket Connection
websocket-connection-closed? WebSocket Connection
websocket-connection-handshake! WebSocket Connection
websocket-connection-pong-queue WebSocket Connection
websocket-connection? WebSocket Connection
websocket-error? Conditions
websocket-on-binary-message Event handling
websocket-on-close Event handling
websocket-on-error Event handling
websocket-on-open Event handling
websocket-on-text-message Event handling
websocket-open User level APIs
websocket-parse-close-status WebSocket Messages
websocket-ping User level APIs
websocket-receive WebSocket Messages
websocket-receive-fragments WebSocket Messages
websocket-send User level APIs
websocket-send-binary WebSocket Messages
websocket-send-close WebSocket Messages
websocket-send-ping WebSocket Messages
websocket-send-pong WebSocket Messages
websocket-send-text WebSocket Messages
websocket? User level APIs
when Control structures
WHIRLPOOL Hash operations
who-condition? Standard condition types
with-args (getopt) - Parsing command-line options
with-error-to-port (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
with-exception-handler Exceptions
with-input-from-file Simple I/O
with-input-from-port (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
with-input-from-string (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
with-library (sagittarius control) - control library
with-output-to-file Simple I/O
with-output-to-port (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
with-output-to-string (sagittarius io) - Extra IO library
with-syntax Syntax-case
with-syntax* (sagittarius control) - control library
write Custom ports
write Write library
write Simple I/O
write-bytevector I/O
write-char Simple I/O
write-jwe-header JWE Header
write-jwe-header JWE Header
write-jwk JWK
write-jwk JWK
write-jwk-set JWK Set
write-jwk-set JWK Set
write-jws-header JWS Header
write-jws-header JWS Header
write-jwt-claims JWT Claims
write-jwt-claims JWT Claims
write-object (clos user) -CLOS user APIs
write-object-as-json JSON object serializer
write-pkcs12-keystore Keystore library - (sagittarius crypto keystores)
write-shared Write library
write-shtml-as-html High level APIs
write-simple Write library
write-string I/O
write-tlv High level APIs
write-tree (text tree) - Lightweight text generation
write-u8 I/O
write-x509-certificate X.509 certificate
write-x509-certificate-revocation-list X.509 CRL
write-x509-certification-request X.509 CSR
write/ss I/O

X-Tea Cipher operations
x-www-form-urlencoded-payload HTTP request payload
x-www-form-urlencoded-request-payload? HTTP request payload
x509-algorithm-identifier-oid X.509 algorithm identifier
x509-algorithm-identifier-parameters X.509 algorithm identifier
x509-algorithm-identifier? X.509 algorithm identifier
x509-attribute->x509-extension-list X.509 attribute
x509-attribute-of X.509 attribute
x509-attribute-type X.509 attribute
x509-attribute-values X.509 attribute
x509-attribute? X.509 attribute
x509-certificate->bytevector X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-expired? X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-extensions X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-get-issuer-dn (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-not-after (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-not-before (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-public-key (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-serial-number (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-signature (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-signature-algorithm (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-subject-dn (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-get-version (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate-issuer-dn X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-public-key X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-revocation-list->bytevector X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-crl-extensions X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-issuer X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-issuer-validator X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-next-update X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-revoked-certificates X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-signature X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-signature-algorithm X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-signature-validator X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-template-builder X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-template? X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list-this-update X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revocation-list? X.509 CRL
x509-certificate-revoked? X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-serial-number X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-signature X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-signature-algorithm X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-signature-validator X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-signed-by? X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-subject-dn X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-template-builder X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-template? X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-validity X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-validity-validator X.509 certificate
x509-certificate-version X.509 certificate
x509-certificate? (rfc x.509) - X.509 certificate utility library
x509-certificate? X.509 certificate
x509-certification-request->bytevector X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-attributes X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-public-key X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-signature X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-signature-algorithm X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-signature-validator X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-subject X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-template-builder X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-template? X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request-version X.509 CSR
x509-certification-request? X.509 CSR
x509-extension-critical? X.509 extension
x509-extension-id X.509 extension
x509-extension-of X.509 extension
x509-extension-value X.509 extension
x509-extension? X.509 extension
x509-name Distinguished name (DN)
x509-name->string Distinguished name (DN)
x509-name? Distinguished name (DN)
x509-revoked-certificate-crl-entry-extensions X.509 CRL
x509-revoked-certificate-revocation-date X.509 CRL
x509-revoked-certificate-serial-number X.509 CRL
x509-revoked-certificate? X.509 CRL
x509-validity-not-after X.509 validity
x509-validity-not-before X.509 validity
x509-validity? X.509 validity
xml-object XML object
xml-object-attributes XML object
xml-object-contents XML object
xml-object-name XML object
xml-object? XML object
xml-token-head Data Types
xml-token-kind Data Types
xml-token? Data Types

yaml-read (text yaml) -- YAML parser
yaml-write (text yaml) -- YAML parser
yaml-write (text yaml) -- YAML parser
Yarrow Random number operations

Z_BEST_COMPRESSION (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_BEST_SPEED (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_FILTERED (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_FIXED (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_NO_COMPRESSION (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
Z_RLE (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
zero? Arithmetic operations
zlib-error-message (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
zlib-error? (rfc zlib) - zlib compression library
zone-offset->timezones (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone
zone-offset->timezones* (sagittarius timezone) - Timezone